Tt jyijMli)lf DAILY EVENING EDITION Number cobles printed of rcHtenlny'H DuUy Edition 2,796. This paper Is a muratxir or nnd audited liy tlio Audit Ihirenu of Clroulnllons. DAILY EVENING EDITION "weather forecast Tonicht ami Friday fair. Maximum, 31; Minimum, 30; Rain fall, 0; Wind, west, llRht; cloudy. reftoniaiii COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB CITY OFFICIAL PAPEB VOL. 2& DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1918. ;. NO. 9364 WW''""- llMinir III I II lMUtBt-iirr ililw jjg XHrMniiiiii nil FINANC E BILL HEADS CLASS FOR "REJUVENATION" REPORTED WITH HUNS STEADILY ADVANCING WOMEN'S W'frVjM BUYS HOME WORK Pr V BUILT BY BRIGHAM 1 JUAREZ AGAIN MANYCHANGES . ...JSP L.. ! Chief Feature, Formation of ; Federal Finance Corpora- tion Remains. AGAINST UNRESISTING SLAVS; TURKS REACH TREBIZOND COMIN r Attempt Made to Cut Libau Romen Railroad; Russi ' ans Abandon Supplies. BILL TO SLASH RED TAPE ALSO REPORTED i Slight Amendment Made to Measure Giving Prcsi- ( dent Power. GERMANS CLAIM. 400 .MILE FRONT IS CLEAR 4 fly WAslIIVOTOX, Teh. 21. Tho wn ato rin.mco committee reporlod the half 1)11 linn finance corporation illl with many chanros, tho formation of a federal finance corporation, ro rnalnc. It has supervision of the floating of alt private securities over one impaired thousand. Tlio senate Judiciaries sub-committee voted to report favorably on tlio Mil empow ering tlio President to slash war gov ernment red tape. There was a Flight amendment. I k ill mu ' MBS HE.NSV T RADtfHJf" I Preparations Made for the Occupation of Pet-rograd. i rr.TnOCIt.VD. rel. SI. The. ficr- 'nians in nttemptlne to cut the Llbau , Komen railroad. The Jtiissiuns ' rotroatinic without resisilmr and nllnilJn. In.ortll'M, TI... Til l-l j !,,-., 1 ,,.i., ill,. Ko Preat Is jlm povernmeJnt's need ,rU tPoops xe appeared at Trebtvmil. j November eleetion. in Mrs. Richards Den .nces' Indiscriminate Rush Into Heavy Industry. WA.SHIXOTON, Feb. 21. Mrs. Hilda Richards, chief of the women' division of the labor department do ciared the coining generations of American, in endangered by the In discriminate rush of women into in diiKtry. Kho nays, "Women should enter only those lines of work not Injurious to their health and morals ' There are plenty of men to take care ; of the manual labor job when the; ' Minply Uiil the men now in office.- ard. lit;ht work positions should bfc School ' rf'Iaco(l h" " omen. ont try to be : f OnductresKes or munition makers be cause you think it romantic. There . t are plenty of floorwalkers, ribbon I, A G n .VPK J'eli. 11. A meeting ' counter and office-jobs which run he; of nnuuml Importance was held at handl-d over by their patent leath- ihn c-iiv hall vrterd:u- afternoon; ; ero' rnen possearorK. There i Jmvin ..r 5i r.nrnofie M.r inii tat ion I Pressing need for women in t ftf fin r.fiYirt i.v thi iiennle fif thlsi c.itV I rsr--) LA GRANDE TRIES TO USD NORMAL Organization Perfected to Gain Prospective for That City. for typists and other office workers Thc . oocpj, Hapsal. a I ln- w.i j. luiiuiviiim , .1 V V. nls' "aPoit and arrested all offitl Is no heavy rk riow. Only ihiee per cent of are to secure the normal schnr.l which will ,1" mn'" lahor Mipply has been nf nrelcome to eastern OroKon If the mux- . fwted by the draft thus far. ballot for the unci ; MY SERVICE FLAG ale. has been opened In Washington by thn Woman's Cooperative Council r, nvinri- ,IICiKL whom former office workers may Bc Germans are. ooneentmtlns on Ihe and "brush up on work at which they isomhnest front while the rkrwinlnim bavo "rnyty " Mrs. Henry T. ,. ..nneentrai ln, t. nreH(.I.Itv.k Tlio bill before the people provides for a sehool in souUiein Oregon and I got ;n f ribbon. J IS THREATENED BY VILLISTAS j Strengthened by 1000 Re ! cruits Villa and 5000 Men are Marching Northward. 400 FEDERALS KILLED IN THREE DAY FIGHT Murguia Prepares for a Strong Stand at Chi huahua Ciity. Tbo Germans arc npproaehjnij one In eastern Oregon. Thc parlic- I wear a star on my breast; fcttiOQD ADELE BLOOD Hainoy, wife of Congressman Ilainey of Illinois, is )iuirman of tiie voca tional ,'viildanee work. under Germau Kenerals. COMMITTEE NAMED loanacalmpa1gn SALE OT CANNED '.chord will lie determined by Mat bourd of normal school re-At-nt It lias lveconie known that the individual members r.t that hoard , j have strondy expressed themselves r.FTttlV. T'eh. "I. Tlio ficniians as b ins; alisolutely neii l nil as between are prrwsiiur east from Dvlnsk, J'lnskithe several eommmiiii. .. and Jlovmi." A four hundred ular location for 11. e i u rn Oregon ror I've piven my bo to his coimtn mile I lion of the state the f this sec- wlii'-'lt may be pros- To fiht for the nations oppressed. .Vo jewels of dazzling beauty Would fill mo with half the pride; With a smile I sent him to batttlc . actress. Adel Where thdusandfl have bled and'Ulah palace, died. in. r.SO. Feb. I.-T-Vfier l.xiUnc .limine-, aiul Ijiluz and inTrasing UL-i liimes by 'a tlKmaivl men recruit I thereabout. 'Ilia .anil .VtOA follow. ers arc rloMly iMirsulrup Ihe rrtnnant of MurEiila's constitutionalists, fW. Ins touard MpxSro CHy. Tiiriji tlio tlircc days of fighting rocellnj the- capture of Ihe two trmn. warty 1(H) federals mm kill exl, iiichuUiuc -nenU Juan famweo. IV,rh Juarez and Oilliuahnn "lt Ameliji. Palace, built by Drishani VomiK. Mormon, for his yomiffest and lrr-t,l,.et tl'ifn x.-Hl ,nrm n mistress Adele Wood, a wtaIlhv , ro threatened with atwek by VUla'n has purchased the In preparation for tlio intensive rampalgn which Is to bo carried on for Ihe Third liberty Ian in Ihe near future, a committee has been nr.niod by tho state committee in SALMON STOPPED front has been cleared in the count ry iOf the enemy. A funeral and a ditisi ional ramtuandant of eicht thousand troos liarc been prlsonTcd. rortland to have charKo of the Pen- j All Varieties to 1)C Used foi Army and Navy Use Ad ministrator States. dleton district campaiKn. Cet rffe A. Jlartmnn, casliler of tho First National flank, was appointed ' chairman for rendleton with Ihe fol- j lowiner as the other members of his, lVffltT.XI, leb. eonimltlee: J. B. SlcCook. cashier of : Administrator ix-mlnc of Helliimbani powers avo guaranteed. the American National itank, fieorse ordered camicrs throiichont the liner, president of the Commercial ' u,,rtlmest in hot, I all' varieties or! ifci n..v I-,.!, t.ii. Says nesistaiKv Is Futile, LONDON", Feb. 21. Tlio ",rmans who are '?0 miles east of Yitobecsk distributed proclamations that resist ance to (iertiinny was futile. The Germans are preparing to occupy l'etrofrrad. Holland says fiermnny ileclines to mako -jiraee witli Russia ; until tho independence of the Ilusslaii 21. Salmon Joles and itussian del, is to the central iPectivo candidates for tlio institution. I They have made it plain that any one city has an equal chance with eacli other city; the ' determination of the : quei lion to depend upon the relative merits of the several propositions pre sented to the board by en.-tern Ore- CHICAGO. Ml YORK : TRAIN SERVICE CUT forces today. . Muntnia ia prepared ; to nmke a determined tand at CtU hualuia City., lie sent TMiranco for reinforcements. njvociatl. 11, J. Jtoy Italey. attorney, nnd Kred W. I-ampkln. Intsiness nian oKtir of tho Kost OrcKonian. W. L.. Thompnon, president of the American National, had been pre viously appointed chairman for t'ma- llla county and It is assumed that comniilteea will bo appolnte each banking district in 111 canned wiliuon for Ihe army and na- AMfiTKIlOAM. l"i b. il Herman y anil tease sales. This Mas prceod- 'civil and military authorities are hack ed by a request lor he amount on of General Hoffman's demand that bond. Tlio Rovernment is to flv thc tho Russian afireemcnt to German lrlre. I smiled, thouch my heart was break Insr, For oh, to mo he is dear! And tho thought of what fate may await him Grips my heart wtlh a terrible fear My mini! E"oos back o'er his boyhood To the ilav God e-svo him to me . 1 iron communities nit, r tho people : oh. ihe Joy of that little pretence! '- i n r j. rn T" U shall have approved t!" mrasurc. 1 Purely nothins more precious ould IVjniy Une X' aSl 113m 1'jaCn Tiie people of La Gr.mdo under- no rtand IlKtt several otiier t-ablrn Ore- l""K nr'' ' 11,'K' '"' """ lor,'Then tho days when ho learned tliis lust itnt em. iliey i.eht ve, how-) love me ever, that this city ran present ren-j An(1 ,rst m mV tender care s-,ii3 why wieh a school w ould proa-1 wuh dear, chubby arms he'd enfold per 'and serve the interests of thr ' mo , eajslern section of Ihe Hialo to excel- . Ihn thomrhlu of hie hanrt be In Id b bare. Must Ihe. shot and trie shell of battle Lend that form so precious lo me "Dear God!" 1 cry in my anguish, "Why dost thou permit this to be?" 000 FELLOW LODGES GREET GRAND VASTER ArtRESTCO AS t. W. W. : Soalilc, V&h, 21. K, IUbr1in, a!- j le HM-rctary of tlio lumberman I. ; V. W wiw nrtvitei on Wasliliifttmi ordtTH lotlay. Kolzod MiNro iiHltm ; tho oreaiiization linM plnmuMl attempt , n Uwi north wct industry May first. tho grandmaster of (nj;in w tabl. ono for local "dd K.-ll peace, sipned l.y I.enine Mid Trotsky must be delivered into German hands !at I'tvlnsk U'foro tiie Ilussiati invasion 'will hnlt. Kuehlniann made tlio same iassertion before the JioieliKtn t;- t-ster-day. ( lent ndvnntairo if located here. And 1 1 hoy Know I h?.! irv.-- n- -t woine: to t1 1 oj) in( n t heir laps without Jet( ing tiioso reasons he made known' At the ineetincr yesterday the fol lowing I . .a ! r a n d e X o r m a I School c o ni n i i ( t e o w a s a p P o i n t e d ; G o o r g o T. Cochran. .At. fv. Hall. L. Larisnn, T. -f. Serosin, Wm. Miller. Fred J. IKjIius and Fred I'.. C'urrey, to Way, Day and Night ; Other Cities Affected. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Tha railroad administration annoHnc otl that through passenger ser vice from New York to Chicago will soon be limiiod to ono fa-it t rai 11 ea e h way, day nnd n 1 t . Service in other cities will be similarly affected. 30 GERMAN PLANES DOWNED IN PAST 3 DAYS BY BRITISH Fine Weather Causes .Ex treme Activity Among Aviators on West Front. TIT IX YOC11 II AT. D, Tim occasion of the annual viMt 'rt no-last nl'ht, when a. joint meet ins of Kureka and Integrity va. h ld. There wns a l.'iruo attendance of mem hern. Initiatory work was put on ynl Int er tho tioors were t hmwn open to tho JlebekahK who mingled with t ho Odd Fellow.H in n social pension J Grand Master Gwn-o W. Trefren jand rnher.s'made :-hoit talks nint the ealthy j rvohig: wan concluded with a light 'finquot nt wnicn l . men arm wo- l men Kat down. Grand Master Trefren went to Weston today to is'it the lodfco there Donald Mnnn, prominent and weal- j ::nd tomorrow will vluit (he Adams thv fthfcmnn whoo home Ik in thi:i ' h'djro. Kalurd.-ty he will attend i Ir ony. ('i01 vnr stiddrnly yeterdny . district convention .-i i f,ft'..'iM,Gnn nhniit. 4 o'clock 'at his which quite a number DONALD ROSS TAKEN SUDDENLY BY DEATH! Prominent and Sheepman Expires After Illness of t ew Moments. 127 FNIDFATII 1I'I IFr. WASHINOTOV. I'eK 21. The war deimrinieni announced tho total of unidentified soldiers dead ns the result of Ihe Tuscania dis aster is 12" includiiiK' three offi cers. Eighty one arc -(III uure-IHuicd. J. Kirk Seeks Place As County Commissioner Tlien thTo scorns to hover o'er me Tho spirit of infinite lovo And there comes to mo a. whisper From tho Heavenly Father above "I. too, nave my son to suffer Fr,r a world that w-as lost in sin. But the life that is lost in vice AH eternity shall win. (WILLIAM -PHILIP SIMMS HUITISH FROXT. Feb." 1. A via. tors have been extremely busy tho Past few splendid days. . The Ger mans continue to lstitle the. British flyers daily observirttr Oormany'B preparations for the offensive. Thir- around assuming to teil every me ty Gorman aeroplanes have tiecn de- what they knew, as to what numbers stroyed durimr tho past three days, constitute certain divisions of our ar- and ten. driven earthward, nncontroll- n:y, remove your hat and ihen read d. The Hritish so far have only srr-I tlio following to him; ,Pn missinB. despite continuous day An army corps is (,,). noa men. and nisht work Tho Ijritlsii dropped An infantry division is men ,' b"se quantities: of bombs- on' billets. "When chaps setting sr CIS-S CAI.I.I I OIIOTESQI-E riinrh at Vinson on Uutter ( reek, , whlthrr he had ffono yostentay morn ln& Tho newa of Ills unexpected , death came an a profound shock to his family and many friends. Mr. Loss wan In His usual health when he li ft on his 30, mile trip yes terday nvnrninff. He Mas chilled by , the rhle, und, on arrival at his ranch, at t o'clock, remained in doors, Ml- tine: by the stovo nftnr eatins dinner, j Ho" complained of a pain in hi clie.-t , and took eomo medicine. Soon there- I after he becamn sick at the stomach, and In a few minutes fell ever dead, iinn of the men on the ranch was In Ihe house at tho time. Tho body was broiiKht to Pendleton last nUht and, i now at the ltrown undertaklm; parlor. I Mr. Hosn would have been fi . yen! si old had he lived until March 0. lie! was born In fcolland, the son ot John Loss and Kltabeth Isabel (.M,iire-i port Hnss. Ho came to this county .11 years ao nnd took a job hcrdlnx, sheep for William Loss. After four j Mars he ond John Frazier formed a, partnership nnd bought a small band, of sheep which they ran for three1 rears when an exceptionally hard j "winter wiped out their business. Aft-, ri. uiat experience Mr. Iloss piirchas-: ed another uniall flock bv himself and had been In the sheep business1 ever shire, gradually lncr. asim; his holdlnus until ho was. counted am oni; the prominent sheepin. n of the tounty. In 1SS9 he was married to F-slella Krinier. Ho is survived by his whi-, ow nnd seven children, as follows: , Miss lloso Hoss, who Is stuilylnK mu-1 sic in New York; Miss Myrtle L-osa, who Is intending Ihe I'niversity oi Oregon; John lfoss, who Is In lb" av iation section of tho army nt Waco. Toa. and Water, Isabel. Marlarr and lorot.hy His, all of whom are nt home. " Tclesrams lytvo been receiv ed from (ho .throo absent children ,iaitoir (hat they nre on their way. Funeral -nrrauifemenls "ill not be made until they arrive. Slanfielii ,1' local i l-'ellows will po. Zrincir. Feb. :i. Comment ins on 1 the German move acainst liussia, a copy 'of the M.-ilinelieiiii Volke Tlllime. , received, says: "Gerniany's suf'cess es in the east aKainst non-existant enemies and a demobilised :,rniy are grotesque and unwtirt li- of tieroic trooj,,.'' pullic entorprises in lie has liberally is ported the Led Cross. V. M. C. A Lit, city loan. II AMnl'.LLMV lMPLOYIVG. lo V.suiV;TOX. n-b. 21. Physic! id,! nils report SiMiator cliaiiilHrlain steadily iuiproiin. (Last Orog-onian Ppecial.) : I'MAl'IXK, Ore., Feb. 21. General "As a drop within the ocean satisfaction is beiup; expressed in (he1 n ihy life on earth must be Hudson Lay country and the entire : Mid the countless waves and billows cast end of I'matdla county over thc Of the great eternity, announcement of iian J. , JCirk for i All my sons of earth I'll gather county commissioner on (he republi-' From the east and from tho w-est. n ticket, at (he next election. And their mothers shall be with them Mr.-Kirk is well known throughout' With a star upon each breast fthe entire county havinc been a resi-, ident for more (hah thirty foin- years. : "Then throtiKhout the counties" ; has been an extensive tax payer dur-: asos, llnp; this entire period and has been; Phchored in my tendorest love a staunch republican all his life. He ' They shall serve me in all icladii'ess. has been a member of thc Odd Fel-, Honored by the courts above." .lows Inrice for more than twenty five ' Then I answer in contrition .years and is a member of the I!, r. O. "F.Kher. dear, thou luioweth best ' K. lodee and has always been willing And I t.ltv evei v moiber to aid in tho advancement i Who's no star unon her h,-cnt the Mrs. t. w. Ingram, formerly of :Hi- ren.lloton. and and rea,ly of wortii.v coiiimunily. HOW PARIS RECEIVED FIRST AMERICANS BACK FROM THE TRENCHES '-.: . '-'a-a. ', -i,--- '1 " ', ' iv ifs S, 8; .... t 1 War. V W ALLEN BY IS WITHIN 'Y FOUR MILES JERICHO 1 I CVXPON. Ih. The New Zcn- ji) landers snceessfnlly raided near poly ( gon wood today. Knemy artillery ic laciivf in Klesqnierc. Oeneral Allen 'by Js within font miles of Jencho, despite rains. An infantry brigade is 7000 men. A regiment of Infantry is 3000 men. A battalion is 10 On men. A company is 2ni men. A platoon is tin men. A corporal's squad is 1 1 men. A field hatury has 1lr. men. , A firing squad is 20 men. A supply train has men. A ma eh ine gun rati a lion has ?!6 men. A n en k Sneer's rec; im en t ha s I c 0 $ men. An ambulance company has fif men. A field hop-pita 1 has r men. A medicine attachment has 1 T, rn e n. A major general heads thc field n : m - and a Iso each a r my corps. A bricadier ger.eral heads each hi fantry brigade A colonel bands t.:u'h rc.-imcnt. A lieiil -nant cdonel is noM in rank elow a colonel. munition dumps, stations and aero dromes behind the German lines. They're attacked the enemy quarters frum just above the roofs, machine gunned marehinx troops, disrupted transport trains and wrecked bin rriiuidts. Meantime tho Hrjiish troops are busy raiding and repelling raids. Shr-rt rharp cktshert nre rnnstan-t in the- frozen no-manV land. A ni'ijor A r.tpt;.i A lielli heads a a nam he. is a i taiion. c..iui":iny. s a I'datoon. low u lieuten- b. rp.-ril -quad - ft .5 r 4 i v ; -i- .-y-v 4V' v L f- -4 t - .A;., .- Mi . ,k -1 IW METHOD IS ADOPTED FOR EQUIPPING MEN FOR FRANCE BLEWETT HARVES1 ER CO. IS SUED TWICE Tin- LUwott Harvester Co., which recently anm-imced the removal of its plant lo Portland in the near fji ture. was this afternoon made defend ant in two suits. Mrs. Ann Matlock brought suit to foreclose a mortsauo against the plant for $IH principal and interest on a note executed lit March, 1:K, when thc company pur chased its present tito from the Mat lock estate. Attorneys fees of nan is asked also. Jones A Hilling-ham of Spokane brought sun to collect $llf,i for materials furnished during 1917. W. M. Peterson is attorney for both 1-1 aim iffs. .WASHINGTON-. Feb. i 1 . i n. rai vio,; Gooihais has reorganized the method "u" ' for orpiip-pinpr and supplying- men j' J'.'.'j', eiiibarking- fur France. The men en- ,U111. route overseas uoine; to Cntnp Mevrilt tii:it near New Vork, were outfitted to tiie eiiaim-. t:il button and seta l,i tli,' ships, l'r, - icrut 1 th s ami int lit. i :ll-!-e,I .it t In ir direct to , li. har .iter car" v. ill I see the solder has e ti -e.ied iw:h clothes and shoi s G,ietll:iis is IllilkllU' furlher in l lie" tti;,rt.i uiasier i,o,;lr- 't I le ,ne SPY PLOT I Xf O KIIEII. PALIS, Feb. lL a spy orieuniza tiou i., i-reate insurrections in Krrinei during the German offensive was ilis c.iv,.ri d. An .ill, -ed German bar keeper dir.-ete.t it. Mtiny arrv'siH u ere m:eU . iut iu.iin.- i! Mftsnn,i ,-tT the inns' f.o toi- . TO I Mi: l:(. AI. MIIPMI'NTs. wasii1.'i; f.-p. i-,iei .,- r iiarfi.d.1 Is prepanni: t,. Illll .H t., l:lK-- .:lllll. nl3 Of l Olll (. Ill rib ;ui soutil l'.,,,!:! i xeepl foi pabli.- utilities, l e.ii. irmu them to dmv. from an. I Wyonuiur field.--, rele.isii.i.- th,. ,,!h, r fr Illinois and tiie eir. ADMINISTRATION WINS FIRST SKIRMISH ON RAILROAD BILL I'Mii vis or ti-:i: n,i h.-r d fed and f.tree Anuriea to dm fmhttn pr.wi r. He sai.l we ti eralifd r.itlr.ii!s to pedite tro..p moveiiu n: ;uid pi -t'lliet.j ownership an i--sue iu th-1 itet i am end b: Tills photi.:t;ijdl :dv. f b.- Ihe troupH to nnlve in 1'aris on have u: dier by ihe urnt, prii, to march wl: pciide i-f li t is p.i n ieiti i ! ! ttr their bit in the I ret:eln, h him t lii tuth the iri-ets. the . ii The cir N Mimed mi bed ,1 i a n s-d- WASlUXiToX, Teb. 21. The ad ministration won the first skirmish in (he senate, where the railroad control lull is up for passage by defeat inc the 'mumirs :r mend men t r diu-in-: rail- p.uun. road The final vole Is 1'. nu r.-rshi expected tnniuht. S n:ilor lcwis oi n nloin" th-ir iU Illinois, demanded federal ow nership the pemhm; bill n -f the railroads as a preparciine-s limit to .r.;i uiea i','. ir.'.lii'im:: .Vnu riea i up Pi hin.i ib soon ! c j t. iiht lor AlasUa ar.d pit - aim- the Hawaii. He said tb rniaii hriKie bnar! 4:' five t would incite liasia lo eixe Alnska !'.' ra-b-iaiN a! advocates are n I be mm iin'i of o'v'o iik; ti.- d futile ontn-l. and have bn- 'mmuf s ;ift ,n, f r'-.'.'.ei:t .t; piitnt a i'l'it. -i! mni tu tiue.'t Mild lb.- t , dr. i !io bee i ;.P,siruMra!i..,'l i ' ' i i , r t 1 1 j i ei.iii. The ,a misled b the i a ! et a I t. y I h r. port, d tu it toXin tWel.'y ti i:e child v b the bb.od J-.l-l.,!, of ib.. r.etit pi erippb b !l sl'K CIT V.. Feb. I - n rj.-uni1- for . 'i; - -eecr,,! hundrvd have b. ell filed a rent of ehif -. re P.- ill afti r tet f(, . p- n cp pli i i rm s' li, iln. 'I" ..f j ut-h - f fi-. r had droji.i-t. r d "11. f :i h II ti h Id i - too Jm.i. n. w a . ireii.d ti.ia died i i rdo-t, a tutoont inx : t Me i :t'hc. S. rn ! mi.v lt.-r.rn.- f-rrii.-. li'.MOiin I not h'.rlMr