4 T V 1 -FACE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1018. EIGHT PAGES Fresh R&nch Egg's Wc Always Have Them Guaranteed, per . Dozen 50c. Country Butter While We Have It In Stock, Roll $1.00. ROOT VEGETABLES, WE RECEIVE FRESH STOCK EVERY DAY. Iiutabago Turnips, fi pounds for .-. 2."c Carrots, 8 pounds for 25c Red Beets, (5 pounds for , 25c Parsnips, fi pounds for 25c Dry Onions, 5 pounds for 25c Rome Beauty Apples, box $1.45 Weston Mountain Totatoes, sack $2.00 Other Grades, per sack $1.00 and $1.50 GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones, 28. "QUALITY 823 Main St. OVER THE NORTHWEST J urffinj? the. men to work 10 hours, with (Inio nml a half extra for two hours over eight hours, wfis rend, but (lie men unanimously nrtrccii ap peal for nn. rlRht-hoiir working any nt the exist lnp wafie. i Wunuin Woulit It mi l.iiulne. lU:i.!CA, Mont., Feb. IS. Mrs. Frank Wilson, of Hhnwmiit. wife of n stationary engineer, )ia applied to tho Industrial accident hoard of Montana for a slate license as a stationary en gineer. Sho is salil to he the first woman in 1 luj state to sock stteh au thority , Her husband has explained to the board that on. account of hc iuroud.s inado by the war on the ranks of en gineers, it Is Impossible for him to get T,.h. a lieutenant in tho signal "y substitute other than his wife crps. Tniied States army was found durlnir his enforced absences from hla yesterday morning by City Orappler , Job as pump tender for a railroad. Trady with tip first attempt of the; BODY OF LIEUTENANT TWOHY IS RECOVERED MYSTFKY of iis.vriK.Yn-Ncr: or vo a oiikk.is is .SOI.VFl. rlpiciisl from Parly on Hohko IkwiI. Morn Than Week .a Vn slant scorch ll:i llooii ntado Sin rni:TI,.Xl), Feb. IS. After n stan-h continuing since one week ago ycsti rday, tin body of ( Kleiner All his valuables OtMHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIItMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlimillllllpg' ilr 1 Your Wife and family will be better cared for in case of your death if your estate is administered by this strong bank. Our experience and the ability and integrity of our officers as sure the efficient and faithful fulfillment of your wishes to the best interest of those dependent on your estate for comfort and sustenance. Consult us. Pendleton, Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" day In locate it. .VTO htlMCt. The late nontenant Twohy, wlio was :!. .cars uM, n ml a brilliant, scholar just starting out In life- after; receiving a fine edueation, disappear- ' ftl Sunday mornlnff, February 1 " ' from tho hoathouse of Klehard Mul len, in the upper river, when he stop port outside after holm? in attendance nt a party that was in progress in five' ! hmiscs nloni? tho anchorage. He was ! missed soon after and an alarm was J .sounded, hut to no avail. His over- cent and cap he had left within ' During the day following his dls- ! appearance the harbor police were notified, and immediately aptaln S Speier dispatched Hugh Jrndy, the S city grappler, to tho scene. From that time until yesterday, every day s' llsht hour saw Mr. rtrudy and others S; on the .scene endeavoring to locate tho 1 body, for from tho outset, it was be- 2 lioved that the younj? officer had slip Is ped into tlio river and had been tin jSablo to save his own life. 5 Car Tack Halls Shipment. 5 HOOD RIVER, Or., Feb. is. The 3 Applo it rowers' Association, for lack of cars, Is unable to comply with the S request of ihoir New York represen ts tat ive, DwiKht I AVoodruff, who yes S lerday telegraphed to rush fruit held LOCAL TRAPSHOOTERS LEADENS NORTHWEST Plenty of Cold Weather Togs . Wc knenv winter would lie hero licforo loiur, ko ko prepared ourselven for the cinsltiiifiht. Von will linvo plenty r time left to ulve them full hcrvlco ImI'oi'c. Sprint; lilts n. Vou can (my llu-m almost half lis ciicaii tiMlay n you wilt lx iihlc to do nevt winter. Wc know, lieciuiso wc Iiiivp our next full ttnil winter's supply jnirehuseil ulitiuly. IjiiIIcs'i Collou Villon Suits Clilldi-cn's ricntir I'nlim Sulls. . . . (lite, 70c, Sftii l.twllcs' "Mshiiicrc Jlose lJKlies' lllai-U C otton Hoo 2 . Idlilics' llliii-k l.lslc llnsc 25f, ItKl Ir. ncnton's sIih'pIiik linVmciitN title, ":u; H:tc, n:tc, . .So. Ijidli-s' Outina' I'lniiiicl (;min.. ,:"0c, KSf, SI.SS SI. 111. " riuiinelelto Kilnon.n 1.23, ft. 40, $1.08 Men's Mackiiinws len's Sins Slilrts Men's WimiI Socks. Men's .fcrsies Men's I 'lnnnel Shirts . . . Men's Jlenvy Pants Mimi's linluroy Pnit.s . . Men's necoeil I'nioir Suits . . Men's Itlntical I'nlon Suits . . . Ijwlies' Wmihn I nlon Suits. , Sii.no. :.oo ..-.. SI.HH . . 2 lor :i!)c: :l for SI. ml st.nit, a.25, sj.iii SI. lit. Xl.llll. IH2.IIK l.im. s;.j.-, j. ni, .S2.HH . . $2,111, :!. Ill SI. 25 81.25 . . $2-25, s;l. Ill TOO CAN DO BETTER AT tup nm rtPKi out r J MM WE I.IuVP, OTnEUS FOLLOW :sc. I Wallace, Ida., US; Orovlllo, Wash I back to lla position nt the hear ortm1 anions the lrnlvcr.lty's most trcastir I battalion as buKlcrs sound "to the cd symbols. : ITT DI TCTOX TI-'-VM HIU'AKS 122 OIT )!' J25 HlltllS AT SHOOT YKSTi;i!l.V. Two Make Perfect Scores and four Oihers Miss lint One Itlrtl; Weatb er Xot 4iond. in slornse to the east as fast as pos-!snnot yesterday and Homo Kood scores rendleton trapsliooters not only detachment of Colorado troops en defeated Spokane In the first match of .route to Vancouver sot off No. 17 to the Inland Empire championship ; doV nnl' fame up town to get a hlte tournament yesterday hut led all the to eat When Ihey returned to thfi clubs In the Inland Kmirtre and depot their train had pulled mil. Xorthwest leacues with a score of 1 JTwT0fu,e2pemnetn gunners, no-i University Battalion race Stillman and Ir. F. I IiiKrnm, ,To Receive Standard made perfect scores yesterdav. break- i ' ing 25 fltraldht. I'our others. Dean Shull, Charley Hamilton. Dan Ilow- man and John MrN'iirlen. misled hut I ono bird, breakliiff !i out of If' the Pendleton nun continue. this kind' oC shootiiiK. they will mako a bid for' hiKh honors, There was a biff turnout at the trap- ' - colors.' IMxxec Is filvcn. Tho banner, which Is being made by As F. Aruphast has been given tho Tnlvcrsity women and which was judgment against C. K. Hude nnd F designed by Professor A. II. Schroi'f, Nr. t;oe for Jl'DO, costs and ntlorncy is to be mounted on n staff bearing, a fees. golden eagle at tho tip. cftived from . wood by Mrs. A. H Schrolf. Heavily ' Soldiers Miss Train ninbroldered In Oregon grapo pnd ,.,, ';,. 1 r n , bearing the Oregon seal, tho flag Is . . . . ' ' I very rich In nppcaranj'o and will bo An honor roll of all the women who put a stitch In tho flag Is to bo deco rated by students of I'rofossor Sc. hroft's art classes and kept In tho campus archives. The banner Itself will he sort of a Ciilverslty grandfath er, present at all University functions of Importance and acting on general witness of all the great events I hat transpire in tho years toomo, 1 f Formal Ceremonies Set for Wednes day, February 20; Ilisliop Stunner to Attend. : sihle. Mr. Woodruff oauphasized in 'his telegram that the recent embargo in fruit shipments had been lifted. "I replied to Mr. Woodruff,' said sales Manager Met ullagh, "that we might just as well have an embargo, j since we are getting no cars. If we j tuum ki'i iuv imiiiig !iutK wu ivwuiu bert soon navo our siucks hi iiic nanus oi of the trade and consumers.' were made other than the ones which jfiguro in the team total. The follow ing are. the scores made yesterday: I Stillman and Ingram 25, Shull. How jnian, Hamilton and McN'urlen 24, (Finis Kirkpatriok 2:1, Hob Saunders, IA1 Despain Sind Uuy Wyriok 22. Al Iluniphuey, Henry innd sol jlaum 1M. l!oton and Krebs Fi'cd Karl, Harney Anderson , , , , ,.. 1 1 S, llay McCarroll. W. A. lthodes and Army Hank Given Women.- " . , , BEnKKLKV. rtl, Feb. IK.-Mn.. Ij'ar C?.U, 1,1 , '"J'. " '?' Inc? friitend.n, former confidential ! u- 1 ;"''orll. U. P.alph 'U-mpIc secretary in a large meh.n.ile estah-M S(,'"'s 1 r,r- h '" " n lishment in San Francisco, is to rank: A1 s,,,!i", r n,"''; wh". hot were Al iviiiRht, Jifrman Jiosonner, v . i filHiiltUIIIIIlllAltlilllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll-IIIIIIIIIIIIillilillll ; as a United -States army first lieuten- i ant when she leaves for Prance in charge of several hundred telephone tij-erators. Tho oKrntrrs are to be nUnrhed to the American cxpedttiimary forces An Franco. McKinney and Und T.anidiin. BLYDENSTEIN'S nietarj Mush and Prepared Dietary Hour. Conform with U. S. Food regula tions. They are sood to eat, they re good for your health. Ask Your Grocer Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Disease and Diseases of Women. X-ray Electro Therapeutics. Phone 633 (John Schmidt) ISelte Dldg. 'War Pig"- Sells for $.-.-). ..I'ASCu, Wash., Fel. is. A ' war pig." donated hy K. t. llonney Connell, to lie Pasco ited Cross, pporc.vyn, wash.. Fib. it. irun- orcds of trapshoritcrsi competed today ill the opening matches of the North west and Inland Fmpire champion ship tournaments. That they bad prepared tor the test was evidenced by the team scores, practically all of of' which arc far hetter than any of ihe was' totals turned in by the clubs during DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL " Room-1 Judd Bldg. auctioned here .Saturday for the bene- 'be earjy ran 01 lust c.ns lonm.i tit of the Ited I'ross. Tho auction- ment. e. r it-..u n I . milt nnrt (lie 1,'ulilliiu Weather conditions were f; was spirited. The pig, which weigh- Ideal In any ed about 40 pounds, brought $f.:.0, after being sold fir. times. The high- f ivuri f the 10 cilies of Wash- ington, Oregon, Montana ami Idaho. which are rep resented est price paid for the pig at any onn , Kalispell weather was 01 mo nu lime was $4.1. Two chickens which ; zard order,, necessitating postpone. were donated by Mr. firlnuell brought ment. $17 45, Mr. Orinnell bidding $ him aiiimiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i I I w self. It is planned to take the pig to Fl topia, where it will be sold again for the benefit of the Ited Cross at that Mi place. S s BEFORE the fire." i Men Am nUrht Hour Day. XOItTH l;KXI. Or., vl. IS. At a meeting1 of several hundred millwnrk- rs held here today, It was unani mously decided to petition Secretary of Labor WU.s-on f"r an elsht-hour day at the present waes. A Imlletln sent out hy olonel IVndletnn. with a Fcore of 122. led the field, easily taking the measure of the Snr.Kane N'o. 2 team. Several other Inland Kmpire clnhs hnv broke betlf r than 90 per cent o i ne tarjretn. Of the Northwest clubs. Portland and Spokane lioih made totals of 121, tho others hoinf? close behind. Oiher srorrs were: Suunvsichv Wash.. 3 20; Valouse- Colfax, Wash.. 1 16. Kellofr. Iii.i., 120; Yalilma, Wash. 1J0. "Wenatchef. TVaph., llf!; irpppner, T-NIVKHSITV Op OREGON T'u Pene, Feb. IS. Formal presentation of tho University regimental flaff to tho campus battalion is to take place Wednesday, February 20. r The event will be carried out in ceremonious'' military style, and sev eral prominent people of the state will participate in the program. Ulsh op Walter Taylor Sumner of Vortlaml, has accepted the invitation of Colonel nosenberL,Jonn leader, commandant, to come to dedicate t he odors and he, wit h Dr. (JeorKO If. Parkinson, who has been asked to serve as chaplain to the campus companies will conduct t hat part of th service, it Is hoped, too, that several I'niversliy regents will be here for that date, nlnce the board of regents will meet Saturday morn Intr. The day's program includes a pa rade and inspection of all the troops, with tho final maneuver forming thorn into n. hollow square where tho talks will be delivered Mrs. p. I.. I'umphi-l!, Mrs. ffeortTe Cerlintrer, Pntver-diy recent, and Mrs. A. C. Pixon will pres'-nt the colors to the companies, rtpresi-iited by their eemniander.s; Unbort .'ost:riff, of Portland: Henry Ktrhhoff, San Rnn eiseo; Kay ('ouch, Portland, and Charles Comfort, Stockton, Califor nia, with Corporal Karl W. Onthank,' wt ereta ry to President Com p bell. The revU'wInHf stand will he on the oa.st sido of the drill ground, marked by I'nited State flatis, and there will be stationed ttie president and review hiK party. In case of rainy weather the ceremonies will take place in thfi Kiffeii armory. Tho I'niversity military band will prominent part in the pro- Brain, anil a. color Kuard selected hy Colonel Leader will, escort the flas New Spring' Apparel Coats Suits Dresses FOR WOMEN AND MISSES' The new styles are interesting. Every day some new arrivals are received, so every day's displays in this shop are interesting especially so to those women who appreciate the personal prestige gained from being first to appear in the spring apparel. Drop in from day to day and see the new things as they are unpacked. Pendleton's Exclusive Women's Shop TlALR nOTmVKMj Optometrist and Optician mastics frround and fitted. Twelve ycari experience. American National Bank Pendleton. Building Automobiles and Gas En gines Repaired. STAR GARAGE Corner I.illcth and Alia StrMt. Prices IleiiKonolile, Phone, 3j.v .IVi; I S A TIUAIi S Price. I. rlPfine, rf the spruce hoard, Or., 111. This is not only a good slogan, but , likewise a wise suggestion. 3 HAVE YOU DONE IT? E I write every kind of insurance except bad insurance . 2 1 Ch&s. E. Heard, Inc. 1 635 Main St See Me Before the Fire, Phone 477 niimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiii; OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE The 1918 Reo four will si ll at an inerease of $24 over lust .I'cjir's i-rier. It has been changed in some particular, biit the motor re m:i ins t he s;i me sturdy, dependable one thy have used for several year?. Wo have one ear at the old price. The first party pets it at a Having of Pendleton Auto Company, Established since 1907. if You' re. s Too uzy To step ON A LlG-HTet) MATCH THAT Oi- THROW Ors THE FLOO p. f I I . ( IV T 1 I IMV I 1 , . r--.rz'l ffluei-tSSS use. on MrCntZ -yvf1 --si-sr riw sen. r-.r" This Year Choose a Car That Wont Require Repair Men The Best Mechanics Have Gone to War. Fifty Thousand Owners Know the Reliability of the Hudson Super-Six: When i ne emild turn hin ear over to an expert rep-Hi tiniii every timo it. fuilcd to operate just rit;it(, it WMHti't. so important t hit I 1 ho "ir itself should be one of proved reliability. I'ii this year it will not be ho cly to tret such effirii-nt sefviei. The bent men have been enlist ed to rep;i ir in rnpbine, t rurk and l.i n It motors. t ry i'ep.i rr b i haw lost nnu nr more rtf its; best merlin nli - This nui ken it more im portunt t han ever th;il r:ir-f mm they leave ihe faetory must be of rii )i( design ;md riht riinstrurtimi. There b. TMi fjitestion about the way the Hudson Super-Si.- i i . I i ( i cm in thiH part leu la r. There i, Iriclly a person who does not know the inliinatc historv of ; ome Mud.' on Super-Six as it has .served its iiwiht. Therenre fifty thousand Super-Sixes now in servier. They have proved Iheir reliability and enduranee in every kind of U'fd that cnuhl bo thought of in the way of Hpeed, Ioiir' nnd con stant operation in the hands nf every typo pt user. What it has lnne is the ris-nirane- tint malces H the ear on ran rely upon when you know ex pert service men are not always at hand. WjU must have observed how your -viKhlmr's Super Si has met every reipiiremeni ye )i-isj made nf it. with the same reliability with vhieh you depend upon a. tried and proved (ime-pieeo- With these farts in mind there th no need to eall attention to such details rf" de.onn and body detail as is usually referee l :.i in an autmnnhlln advertisement. There are ten different body types of Hudson Super-Si:: ear.. Kverusto vurx be satisfied. Oregon Motor Garage., Inc. 117. 119. 121, .3 Wchl Court St. Telephone 48S