East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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i - i - . 1 i i !
to eliminate a clasn ullcged to exist
principally on the earning of curd
and, dice games.
Itotin-iet to JVndlif on.
Chris Ilrulllur, fiu-morly a resident
of thlM city but who has been fann
ing In Iowa for thn past five years,
Iioh rcturnod wllh his family to this
city and expects to mulio his home
here. JIo Iiuh secured Hib Kldon
Vrag residence at 64 5 Hush Mtreet.
Nolo (nuncs Kult.
The First National iiunk of thin
city nun brought suit ugnlnst Iiw-
rence Sharp to collect on a note for (
"a. Carter 6c Sinythe are auornoys
Mrt'vt u fur. us tho llound-llp und expects to got to France within ' tor the hank.
grounds, executing Borne of the. two months. There aro 60, 000 sol-!
movement of the school of the com-idlers ut tho now camp ut Waco, he iSurglcuI C'b-ss to Meet
lJ"ny. writes, una trulnlouds coming and go
lug dally.
Attended J.uinlH'rnu'ii'M t'omnitluii.
Xr M. S. Kern, local dentist nnu
lumberman, has returned to 1'endle
ton from Great Foils. Mont., where
he attended a convention of Lumber
men. lie wus ucconipanlea by Hurry
M. Straw, Herinlstoii lumbt'i-niun.
Tomorrow Valentino Day. '
Tomorrow Is St. Valentino's Day ! Jewelry liiisinoH.
and the siiuill boy and e'rl. not to: S, (Jack) Vincent, "son of Dr.
mention many elders, are preparing j and Mrs. F. W. Vincent of this city,
their Vulciitiue curds, und packages ! "f disposed of his Jewelry business
Tho surgical dressing class of the
Rod Cross will meet tomorrow after-1
Fnoon ut the federal building under tho
supervision of Mrs. II. E. Bickers.
In Athena to If. II. Hill. Tho latter
i took possession the first of tho week,
I'ofreiiroih lu Army.
John If. Poffonroih, formerly pop
ular bartender ut the Hotel I'cndle
tun bar, lu now wearing the olive,
ilrat) of Uncle Ham and hopes soon to
(iuui-U Drills On streets. be chusing hlghbulls through the ulr
, Tho Umatilla County tluanl lust jln un autoiuoblle. . He Is in the mil
evening drilled on tho streets for the (Aero Kiuudron at Waco, Texas, hav
fuvit time since tho arrival of the ' lug enlisted on Dec. 14. He writes to
guns. They marched on West Court ' a friend that he likes army life flue
Horn in Wallu Wullu.
Mr. and -Mrs. Leslie W. Adams of
Herinlston. Oregon, yesterday became
the parents of a boy, born in St.
Mary's hospital. Walla Walla. Bul
letin. .
Two Minor OlMtwtluns.
John Mitchell this morning under
went a minor operation and tho lit
tlo son of Earl Dudley of Weston un
derwent an operation for the remov
al of tonslle.
The Dean Tatom Co.
Sun Maid Kaisins in 25 lb. box 12
Home Canned Fruits and Vegetables.
Bulk Pickles, Dill, Sweet and Sour.
'Everything for Those Wheatless and Meat
, less Meals. j
For Quality Meat Phone 86 r
Mitllcul 1 Sou i-d To -Meet.
it was uunounced thlts morning
that the medical udvisory bourd will
meet in tho offices of Drs. Hoyden
'this evening ut 7 o'clock to examine
local nu n of Class 1 as well as those
I 'our More Classified.
The following classification of men
ill Class 1 were received from the j
district board today: Walter fi. Car-;
son 1-a, 1-1; Uelva Jewel Cochran
3-J; Olln F". McFeron l-u; and George
11. Woodward 4-c
(llrls Want a Slogan.
The girls composing the high school ior JSGuO and
Mrs. Kllgoro Sued.
Mrs, Frankie F- Klleore. who re
cently secured a divorce from her
husband, was today sued by the Cen
tral Montana Kanehes Co.. for pay
ment of an alleged promissory note
a.0 attorney fees.
Fee is attorney for
surgical dressing class have appealed Judge James A.
to the students for a slogan or motto the plaintiff,
for their class. It is understood that
a number havo been suggested by j Iluslimau ts. Itiit-limnn.
members of the student body. I Paul llushman has brought suit for
divorce ugalnst Irene Bushman, al-
You will concede the luxurl
ousness and beauty of this car
without argument.
Its practical advantages fin
ally determine its purchase.
The motor lias no equal no
near approach in any similar
cars selling for so moderute a
price or for hundreds of dollars
It is a Willys-Knight sleevt
valve motor 12,000 produced
last year and giving tho most
remarkable satisfaction.
KverybodV knows that nothing
has ever seriously challenged
the noiselessness of this typo of
It has tho softest "purr" com
bined with greatest power for Its
Its velvet smoothness puts all
other motors of like power to
James L. Elam
iviuvs-ovi:if-Ax d motoj:
720 Johnson fit. I'liono 71
, 1'endletoB, Ore.
would hi for every subject who has
. .... .Ho rri.n.j of this land, or
Cull l(i-Nrters Meet. Itging that she deserted him In April i I,, , ,1 ,h ..rotectiort of this gov-
Theadore Ileyden. managing editor i 1915. Hoth are mixed blonds of ihet . i ... Ani,Aitx of the
of the high school paper. The Dantcrn I L'matllla reservation They were ! , J!t and stand unltexl as one
called a meeting of the cub reporters married in November. 1S10. and have i , , fihtln for the flag which
nMi. ui w iiuiii 1'iuiiiiii i
J. li. Perry is at-
,of that sheet yesterday afternoon for one child
the purpose of instructing them in the! asked the custody.
rmnments i f reporting, news writing ! torney for the plaintiff.
nd editing of their copy. There are
a dozen active reporters of the paper
not members of ih,s journalism class.
In the Infants
On the Second Floor.
We are showing a beautiful line of In
fants' and Children's Hand Made .Dresses
and Lingerie. ' '
Charming little dresses, slips, petticoats
and night gowns, both for-infants' and chil- .
dren. These garments are of fine nainsook,
batiste and lingerie cloth, prettily trimmed
with embroidered spray, tucks, French
knots and feather stitching.
Infants' sizes 6 months to 2 years. J
t Children's sizes 2 to 6 years.
l'resliiiiuii lims l arin.
' . KdwarO Knbysk, until this week a
freshi'.,nn at the Pendleton high
school, has left school to manage a
,s4o acre farm which he has rented
jfroni his father, 1'eter Enbysk, four
miles from Athena. KnbyBk has also
purchased his father's outfit consist
ing of horses and farming machinery
and will be in active charge of the Husband u Wife IH-ater.
'Place. Alleging that she had
stlnds for peace and honor.
I "In view of the sacrifice our l.rave
AJnerlcan boys are making for the
same Ideals Tor which Lincoln stands,
let us here and now highly resolve
I that they shall not die In vain, that
i their standard of patriotism shall be
Hear of. Niece's Death.
Mrs. John 1a Vaughan this morn
ing received a message from Helena,
Montana .telling of the sudden death our stHn(1;iril of patriotism, for thus
We Will Open for Business
When? S
733 Main Street
last evening of her niece. Mrs. Geo. am, thuM only can America demon
L. Ramsey, wife of a prominent bank- ; Klrat(. her ,0wer to visualize an he
er and speaker of the Montana house . roc m ami show to the world
of representatives. Mrs. Ramsey was (hat Khe na!J ,ecome the muster of
In Spokane only last week and ap- i hp'r t.r3t hle gods of gold."
parently in good health. She had Tlose present last evening were:
finite a number of friends here. 0 j Hllff Gfro. Kdmunds. Carl
Carlson. J. I.. FranKum. n.
Thompson. J. T. Richardson. Dr. Da
vid B. Hill. I K. Vouns. Thos.
Thompson. Ceo. D. Peelder. J. O.
Hales. C. P. Bishop, P. T. Hales. E.
J. C. Woodworth. L,. l itog-
A. C. Funk. S. K.
., i n,i...M I'vm i m x.
ing to require cigar stores to close at! They were married in Walla Walla 1 '., r TJnvil Mci'ae. Dr. F. tU Boy-
ii or u o ciock ai nigni anu omer- i ji.. i r. mis ix-hen ninlniiff ,. n.iv - . r
: regulate their business. Some of, ,5. She alleges her husband had ' ' l V ioLeaii A 1- McCuIIv,
cigar dealers are reported to favor been divorced by a former wife five ! i "' "', ,, M ' M-'ivburv C.
closing Idea. Some of the coun- ,,,.. mrr,. h., , ! Geo- " Jackson I.. M. Mas Oul . -
I. Bonnev. C. ti . penianu. i- '
nt been
i f married a year before she learned to
Council .May Regulate Cigar Stores. her sorrow that her husband, Everet
! It is reported todav that there is a I l-v,,ii,a .irA c-i.u
'strong probability that the council : Foulks has brought suit for divorce ! E' G'.!,!' ,,J'
will introduce an ordinance this even-I through her attorney, o. W. Coutts. i irs.', VrZ r
1 1 1
, wisi
' the
Free Safe Keeping for Liberty Bonds and
War Savings Certifiates.
Tlie ix-ople of Pendleton, old and young, axe invited to
make free use or the fire and, burglar proof vaults of the
American National Bank for the safe-keeping of their
lnlted states liberty bondn and war savings stamps and
certificates. "
We offer thin service KRKU and shaU be glad to have
onr people avail themselves of our excellent facilities in
tills regard.
The American National Bank
Mho closing lua. Some or the coun
'c.ilnicn (ire said to lie in favor of li
censing: the cifcar stores in an effort
monthes after marriage because of
cruel and inhuman treatment. She
cites several alleged instances of her
husband beating her in the presence
of others.
I Stationery
At conservative cost. ,
Cranes Linen
in all sizes, colors and finish. Bulk stationery
sold by the pound. Funcy boxed stationery of
every description. . , .
1 Economy Drug Co. 1
Hotel St. George Building
Day Telephone 711 Niffht Telephone 718
Lydia . Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Her
Personal Experience.
fWouuui and ClilUI lu Accident.
j .Saturday at noon Mrs. George Me-
iCIure and four year old Dorothy lleb- i
I ham had a narrow escape from seri-!
foils injury when the horse Mrs. M"c
oiure was driving bached the buggy
off into a 10-foot ditch on the Mc
Woman Recommends Clure place. According to report, the
woman and the child were pinned
under the buggy and the horse fell on
top of the buggy, badly smashing and
breaking it. Mrs. McClure suffered i
some bad bruises and a nervous shock I
land the child was not hurt at all.
McLean, Neb. " I want to recom-jThe former succeeded in extracting
mend Lydia E. Tinkham' Vegetable herself and was assisted by Mrs. A. H.
compound to all ! lsuom in rescuing ine cnua ana get
women who suffer fting the horse out. Mrs. McClure was
from any functional driving to the field with lunch for the
disturbance, as it men folks, who, because of the short
has done me more Idays. have not been coining to the
good than all the house at noon, i
doctor's medicine.
Since taking it I :
have a fine healthy I
baby eirl and have
pained in health and
strength. My hus- !
band and I both
praise your med- '
icine to all suffering:
women." Mrs. John KoppbXMANN, R. J
No. 1, McLean, Nebraska.
This famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, has been restoring women of
America to health for more than forty
years and it will well pay any woman ;
who suffers from displacements, in- j
ftammation, ulceration, irregularities, !
backache, headaches, nervousness or
Tweedy. J. li. Met'ook. F. li. nays.
J. U TellbHiim. IS. H. Home. J. C.
Marin, If. J. Mann. Fred Raymond,
('has. Norris, John Q. Peegler. Chan.
J Kuch. 1) B. Snyder, l.eon Cohen.
K. M. Chambers, J. M. Oornellson.
L. H. Haniley. K. T. Avison. C. M.
liriliok. I). A. Herman. P. I Idleman.
Paul IJ. Kllis. F J. Meadows. C. O.
Anderson. Victor II. Slang. Fred S.
Sandoz. V. il. Tilvey, J. K. .Snyder,
J. W. Maloney.
xi ; i i
o i :r. o at
l- Lincoln's Birthday was made lh
occasion of one of the best meetings
yet held by the Men's Forum of the
Presbyterian church. An even 60
n,n -AntnH armynA tho VtifT hnil.
the blues" to give this successful I quet table which had been well la-
remedy a trial.
For special suggestions in regard to
vour ailment write Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result
of its long experience is at your service.
den by the women of the church with
good thlnjfs to t'at.
The feature of the program which
marked the meeting: was the address
of Harry M. Chambers on "Unculn.
An Inspiration." It was at once a
eulogy of a Kreat man and an appeal
to the patriotic impulses of the men
behind the army of today. Music
and other entertinment was contrib
uted by the Anderson family, consist
ins of the father and five daughters.
C.T l.KSS MKAT AlKO TARK and Mrs. Raymond V. Hatch, accom
t.l.VSs OK SALTS HKIXHIK I panled by Miss Jean Jacobs, sann sev-l-IATlNti
Hi:K.VKFA-ST eral solos. JudRe. J. W. Maloney
presided as toast master and the fol-
lric aeid In meat excites the kid-j lowing- responded: Rev. J. M. 'or-j J
ne'8. they become overworked; get ! nelison. I. Hishop, V. It. Snyder.,
sluiiirisb nehe and feel like lumps ; J. V. Tallman, K. R. flelss and 15ov. -
LiveWt. Dressed WU
Prime light hogs $14.50 $19-25
Prime heavy hogs 13.50 18.00
Rough heavy hogs 13.00 17.50
Heavy hogs 13.00 , 17.50
Pigs and feeder hogs 12.00
Pendleton Meat Co.
Telephone 146 Hazel St., Pendleton, Ore.
When Women arc Wtalc
Women who feel weak, languid zEnd depressed
who look pale and dull-eyed, and have lost appe
tite and fresh looks need a tonic that will
purify the blood, help the organs of digestion,
regulate the liver and bowels, and strengthen
the system. It long has been known that
" 3eecpaflsPill&
are a blessing to weak women, for they quickly correct
womanly ailments, improve the appetite, purify the
blood and re-establish healthy conditions. They are
'safe to take as they are purely vegetable and without
any harmful drug. A few doses will bring better
spirits, improved health, a feeling of fitness and
Give, Renewed Strength
Directions of Special V1u to Women ere with Every Box
Sold by druggist throughout the world In boxee, 10e 25c-
N'.t only dues the DwlH.F. UKOTHKl.S MOTOU ('Alt
smrpuH.s all others in its price class for quality and work
manship, but it is also an unrhaHeiim-d fact that it is tho
most powerful car in L'tnutilla County, and will nuvinti
steep hills that no other four or six cylinder ear can climb.
OwhiK to its remarkable power In hiwh and Intermedi
ate years, it is seldom necessary to shift to low. l!ut when
one comes to the seemingly impassable, ruud or hill tho
extraordinary '"power on -low near is appreciated.
motor: car
Cor. Cottonwoo,d and .Water Streets '
S of IpiiiI. Thp Mi-lnp liecomt'B cloudy: J. I.. hnyuer.
llu" liliuluVr is lirllaled. iunl you may The iroKi"a committee consisted
j lie olilineil to seek relief two or Ihieftof J. V. Tallmim, H. G. Thompson and
l times UurillK the nlht. When the 1.. I UoKers The committee ap-
kidneys rlon yon must help them flush ' pointed to arrange the projrrnm for
: off.the Itody's urinous waste or you'll; March H consists of S. H. Thompson.
:le'a real sick person shortly. At J. (. Hales and J. B. Mofook.
first you feel a dull misery In the kid-: Speaking of Uncoln. Mr. .'iilcr
ney reKlon. you suffer from backache. ; hist evening said In part:
sick headache, dix.lness. stomach sets "Lincoln. An Insiriration."
sour, tonpue coated and you feel rheu- "What an inspiration he has been
E malic twiuKcs when the weather is to us we can never fully estimate. In
S i,lu 1 how- deep a sense his life has leen
E I'.at less meat, drink lots of water; ! educative to very human soul with
also net from any pharmacist four I which its influence hus been associa
S ounces of Jad Salts: take a tablespoon- j ted we can't say. we can only feel. The
E ful lu a glass of water before break- larger part of w hat we fori for him
S fast for a few days aivd your kidneys j must go unsaid, for it lies deeper
5 will then not fine. This famous salts' than words. He offers to Us t lie
5 : Is made from the acid of grapes and j shining example of a man w ho Ions
E lemon Juk-e. combined w ith lithia. and I stood square and firm before the
has been used for generations to clean ; world.
cl.iged kidneys and stimulate them "Ureadth. insight und practical
E to normul activity, also to neutralize ! JudKnient made his work possible.
Eithe acids in urine, so it no longer is a i We Jiivt loved him for his interest In
E source of Irritation thus ending blad- human welfare Never did anyone
der weakness, t ( find Lincoln too busy or too tired to
Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot In-' listen to the story of another In
SS'jnre; makes a delightful effervescent i trouble. He was always ready and
E lilhia-watrr drink which everyone willing to help In any way that lay
E should take now und then to keep the tin his power.
E kidneys clean and active llruggists I "We can best show our apprecia
: here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to 'tion of his life by living as he would
folks who believe in overcoming kid- have us live und doing the things ht
ney trouble while it Is only trouble. would hae us do. His appeal now
1'eopte report nuiek results from
pure la.optiU eye wash. A Rlii with
we a k, st rained eyvs w us helpotl by
O.VK applicatt'U. Her mother could
not sew or iv;id beeause of eye pains.
In one week her trouble was gone. A
small bottle of t-avoptik is Ruaranteed
to help KVKUY CASK weak, strained
or inflamed ccs. VSK WASH startles
with its uuiok results. Aluminum e
cup Kl.Kl. Tallman & Co., drug-
Corn Fed
Country Pig
V Choice Leg Roast, lb. . . . .10c
E". Wciners, pound 22c
"f Kraut, quart lc
Two Phones 187 and 1SS
. a '..i'i in i ui ,-. ,u m.nttti