"JWaa.rVmW''ilyaii0iV f I rwwp'fn mt't"iiw'i 'arii''''a)ii..iri' . - . . . v 4 t 4 ; ' ' '-fl " ' ' !' ' .,. ; 1 ' ' , ' ' V 1 . . - ' ' ' '1 I ; (' i ! ? f -' V ;' 4 " 4 ; PAGE SIX 1' EIGHT PAGES DAILY KAKT OUI 'CONl AN. l'WMH.UTON. .OKUUOJN, I't'KSDAY, 1- KliRTT A RV 12, I!) IS, r . - OCIAL AND Net ComcpfsiSIl PERSONAL i ' t. - Mothers Know That ';ia . , - - 1 A Z $ ws-fr? v $ i For Infants and Cli ild: iC Announoonifiits nrf hclio? rorolvotl ' :ntl tliimhli-s lo mIm in lioiiuniim today hy I 'i mllct . m friii!.!:- tollini; ol towd for i h- -ohlois ai I'.-itoi- l. thn mnrrl.-iw of Miss Kllz.ihoth Airs- is. njulrcn Kins' M.i, :tnhirr of .Mr. ami Mm. IVtor Ki'nsollii. I,. Mr. .lns.-j.li l. Mrs. v , T,-l alal linto son. Kfllcy of 'hh'ltli. which was K'.lollli.- .Ti.lin 1 hist in.. s. I .1 i: ITU-.! 1" S..iKiU!i i7od on Jnnu.n'J' 3 it h In lh;it city, today nftor i-fora'ant; t li wimor with, lr. Kelly w:i! formerly well know n . Mrs. Tti'l's t.aiai.ts. !r. :wi,l Mrs. 1n IVntilctnn ninsir;il citoU'.i nml lias s.nli l'.ioliaiilMii. Tinny friends ln'iv. -- - The-" Ftrsl Ail .-ltis ..f lh Hills' Mr. Mis. Henry W. Collins ar- Naiton.nl ll..n..r linanl will imvl .it l!,'V. l. K, Taker of Athena was in i he . it ever iiiah'. , '. II. Veil.- of Holio was nninnu tin' Monthly isitor.s here. Mrs. Ihi.kiiian ot" Athena was an oci'itiMht visit,, r here. II. I(. Viokors or C.irvallis is rrais ti'l'i.l at tlie IVii.ililoh. Miss Nelo Hair el' A.lams was down I't'eni h, r liome yesterday. Mr. iill, I Mrs. K. c l. Maliin of .1.)- r : t o'eloeU jirker's offi it. i:. ' Mveil home this morning from Tort- , Ifinriri Mrs. t'olliits recently ninler Wfnt nn xnoration for iiiieinlieitts in Portland hm hns nlinost entirely re-' The AYest titnl Kasl t'oltrt street covered ;nittinir rluhs will tneit at two o'eloeU . ' tornorrow atternoon in 1ho lihrary Marctts May, who is farming rxten- rlttl room anil :til holies who knit art no.ii- ll.-.l.li,in c,,nt lUa M-iwil. - ' nnl ia 1 1 v invite. 1. There Will he l , .1... r'..',,. ., ,j..i" ,. her with letters Melxner of Hetltliston ar, Bush street. from soldier.. soldi are miests of the .St. Coerce. ; V. S. ilihson and faiuil.v of I'ilot l'.oek were in the city last evening. Jiidiio and Mrs. T. V. (lillilaitd of l'ilot lloek were in l'ron their heme veslerday. Mrs. V. Uhedes and Airs. .lames I'endletoll visitors todav'. llarr r.artholotnevv. Stanfieh! lrs. Stanley Dull of Vancouver. TS. -Mr- and Mrs. Kan Makes and little sheepman, is up from the west end of C, accompanied by. Miss .vita Smith son John are quests today at tho home ihe county today. of I'ilot Itock, are guests of Miss Win-. of Dr. and Mrs. . 1. .McNary en Jmlse and Mrs. Stephen A. T.owell file Smith for a few days. Mrs. Dull ! route to their home at .lamelson aft- ,.,-, ,, - today for Portland lo ' Is en route to Iloise. or spendhe,- the wint.r in rortlaiul. hoar l larry Lander sins. ' ' They are ...nsiiis of Mrs. MeXary. , ,.:lt,J. s,dke of IStllll. Idaho, who The Ited Cross SttrKic.il dresslnB . Was called to his homo at la ho hy tin Mass umler the supervision of Mrs. : Tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock death ,.C his mother, is in the city to- T. D. Taylor, will meet at 1' o'clock to-'the Hmal Neichhors will sew ;it the ,-.,v 1.. I . l.ynde. who has a homestead ! IT.tuall ill Malheur county, il;e : . 1 . , leuirned lliere after spending several' The Research Club will meet on IVarin? baskets laden with siood uteie Thursday with Mrs. It. "N". Flers. 13U1 things to eat a parte of conseni.il v' K. Court street, with Mrs Flyers and friends dolUht.i.Hv surprised Mr. and Ka.lnrine Human el Tlaines. who Mrs. Henry Thompson brim: h.w-!Mrs frahtre,- la-t evenll.ff :u thei. -attended the laneral of -Mrs. .-pike ol tesses. home on l.illeth street. T evenins l-ll". came to 1'emlleloi, on the mo- - was .plcasantlv spent with rom and at '"' """'" Mrs. T. .1. Tweedy will entertain i. !., .a., i..i.-.mj ..oeoed ami li. I . While, a prominent sheepman th members of the Soizzcriiiktum n,n .i..i;..i..,,o ,,iom,i. siu-ernl. Those "f loiosevelt. Wash, has flub Thursdav afternoon at her home nntnvt,,.. ti... -,fr-, ie v.eve Mr. and Mrs home. His wife nn Iteanrecard street. l'arl ( '.Mlanders. Mr. and Mis. m. K. no nt here, will remain for some time, i 1 1 ii ft". Mr. ami Mrs. Charles flriimn. I'. Aveiill an.) Stanley J-w.MI of The Inspiration Club will meet to- Mr. ami Mrs. Jake M ;irin, 1 is. I;ivi! i lie 1 u i-ii ;i I snr'c ret " riu.d tlii? mhrrnw aftorrmmi at Iho homo nf Johnson ami son, .l n. Mi-s K;h'l iimniini? 1'nim Walln wlnTf lti'y Mrs. "XVlIlfritii noosrli. J 1 S Vinoont Xowitiif-i :'ui tho !;.!. rrts. ait.-n.h.l ;i c"in iiti"n ol" umim.- wur- f trrot. c lions ami commissioners n ml users . WillUim Frifn.l (' rm;iii!la c:rno tho V. ikiIi.i 1'iMrst. Tho I-adies' AU of the rrshvtori- up on tho motor ;ir this morning. Mr. .1. H. ChcTrv. oim of rmnf ilia's 1 : :?u :il).'t ' , n'wny nri'i"" i.;i- morrow aftcrnnon in tin- Krdoral (Toss rooms in iho i"olor;il MtiUl- ins. A siooil nttemlaiioo is iK-sircil. i'tnniol who is taking ti;it- :rTF$vmmmiVttiltf e,;., .w av ..-1 v. ., ?... si :' 'kk.'a'-.i 'A , , V V v ' t 1 ' I . v V ' t . n . . - - r . . x t '' if " v ' 2 14 .r-v; i-ijf - . . - k i t . V f 1 1 si ' 4 t ! M it - - . y I cV V ' ll i:, u i. 3 :5s ".3 ''J 3 r.h-s-: c-cc,; .. - OLNK i" AW-OcldtilolVvparatiotibr; '' I Mllllioooi; u .' -i ! ti,n':!!icStMr..KhsMiu IMivInJ i I ItoroHv lVomotinv: Di-slton ! Ciiccrl'uliu-ssanilHaonuiw I cillwrpi.ni.Mhiwij i Miiitfrnl.NoTNAwr.oTic I Jhmplin . 1 M. , AtkUt SuUl I yl.ori. ' Itlirrvrr.i Mai' i i.!..(.d kVmcih'fof ConMip.ilion"'" Uiarrluwa. ami IVvci'iM""-: -', Loss of Sli j ! rcs.i 1 1 in fioemj l"f.nc '! facsimile Sn2Lof ' Genuine Castoria T Always J Bears tlie Signature Xij k In Use r Over Thirty Years N!;5i Biim""? 1 VIRG.IN Uy TP E A JiO JM, Al.TA TODAY. WORK HORSES FOR SALE''- an Church will inert tomorrow nf tor- noon nt 2:30 at flip church. Kach la- lady offici spotnlitiir tin ty Is asketl to bring ncprllcs, t hrerul t ne tn .tlii Judso J;im s .. I'i i- roi;n-no.l thi: in fit. s 1 1 V! Ston (KM W . That Vi Cold At Once CASCARA M QUININt The olJ family remedy n tsNWrt fim cafe, uie. eay to tuke. No ; opjie tio unjj!eaaont after effectj". Currs cn!d in 24 hur K.rio in 3 tfya. Mn?y bckitf rtaiU. Grt the . (priunie box wnn Hrrl Top ar.J Mr. At AnrUrui Stof niornini from of tho ii hi n t s . ilan.'.' Kiv on ol T'liint ilia loM l.y tho la.li.'-' of 111" !- ;-i-l.-it ll" l:i.a,i!H-l'H ol' itlo -ln-I ( lis;,J .-is ii iloci.liMl ii..v MTV.-.I Hi'- lll'lWHf. til", lll.ii ilO.lt--. I. r ill. a r- N.r Wo .nil- llanl aim. Iri, in I ll.-il- OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE WOMEN ARE EAGER TO DO FARM 'BIT' . ai 1 J.ott'l .li'ill I'tiiil. ol A. ot l it. I .111 i ll. 't'l lor Main 11 Caril of Tlmtil.-. i-ii la ; a-.-.--;- -air iia.s' sinoro aial a : a .lo.ia i i. ,ri I" th" inanv al-.r Iho 1 . ii. i . K. Imlrto. lor la . : 1 1 h- a Mil !. iiala. nh.ovll is Oarin ; la av.aiiont an, I .1 nor ...-iov.'.l hnsharol an. I faih.-r, H. . Monlz.i. Al-o I'.n the many honii ! : n t floral olt'.'rin.'-i ror-pivpd. m r:. m i: mtati'i: ,sr rvMii v. All Wciglits and -Ages -120 to select from v To I.t'ain Scniinunl ti' ( ouiily licl)!;ir(iiiiii Compulsory Training SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS I s FROM THF VFR I muiti ill- Everyone should drink hot water ;i: with phosphate in It, before DreaKiasu To fet'l fine ast the provprbiyl flri- 1U e must kt-et th livr WMshctl cltan, almost every morning. t" vent its H onsre-lik? i. res from ch' ins with Imlisrefftihle material, sour Vile and ioisonous toxins, says a not ed physician If yoti Ret header h'. it's your liv er. If you catch cold easily. It's your liver. If you wake up with a taste, furred tnue, nasty breath or ftynach ln'Comrs rnncM. It's your liver. Sallow skin, muddy complex ion, watery eyes all denote liver un rleanllness. Vour liver is the most Important, also the most nbused and Deflected (i8(an of the hody. Few know Its function or how to release the danimod-up body waste, hile and tojtinrt. Most folks resort to vIMent crlomel, which Im a (laiiKf-nnis. snli vatinff chemical which enn only he used occasionally because it .'iccuniu laies in the tissues, also attacks the tone, Kvrfy ?nnn ynd woman, sick or well should drink each mornintr hefro breakfast, a lass of Imt water with a tea spoonful of limesioiie phosphate in it. to wash from the liver and how ls t h !! -f-vif his day's ind i' st ilde material, the p.ii.-n- sour Idle and toxins; thus eleansiii. sweet. -iiiiivr and freshing iho entire alimentary eamil before pulling lio'ie food into the HoMl.'H'll. , l.imeMfUir ph"Lphate d'-cp not l''-ritilt-t (Ik diel l!k- cal.nn'l. i.ctn.e 1- ran twi saVvate. f r M Js hat ml-s and you can eat n V t h i 1 1 '4 a ft r : r d - It is inevpofi: i v.. anil :.looi--i la-"!'-.-iMut any din nii:i eii v il Js II 'ut i quarter po.unl. w h i- Ii i. .- i ; ! I i- i'-m I ! H ilftm li-a ral i-iti 'f li'i'V h-.i v 't i Ond limotoijf plov di..t efean--, ' nn nlji.or atol fre livrn ti;e llvei. i,r- in-.' on ti t Hut' t ' ,; ' ' ,,,T fi , , A SJk Ml.: no a. ,1 i ' A.aiaa -- 'V.''V ' i7"' ' " ' ,' 1 '' "' v"'' . rf,!''"-",,!,:,'X" W' - VXV V II r,:,:::;,;::: 'i::::;r::::::!;:; "'J I ' ,'i',VrtT :.- . VX !''l;.,a , .l ...'..!. . .! r- I.. !. l.J 'o.'iiii: m 5 ? ' .' - V VI I,,, .111. Ml- .. ...,, t i U. TI I- 7 ) V " IS ' ' ' I V ll.al..,.. a., ,an: r a S . I i -a a .S , a I 1 ro I AjfJV --j -C"...--. f'f' I IM NVofil Ll I.V M:M.i:. ,,, , a! .a, ,, ti,,. i no iTi.il I S. i'k'''- ' ' 0 ' J i:.r-t ( ..tnl;!ll.-- I " irmor I n t l . - y, ,, , i,.,. .,,i3m. uhi.h ala.l that Iho X Suppose YOU'RE CCCK1NQ. FOR. A TIP FROM u v s a i : : i'. ' X I v .. i : n.ai . n.-.i. . UJF .MSI TllL. -.a. ... . I . ' ! ' 1 'Hi-1 11 t I I'lliliaas lli.' "LaaOV lloL- A MAM, JUST CC6AKI UP THIS MESS, I MO " w, u t:'H:t ll'iaVrSaial Sua- " , n -ia no aro " ' WASTe A COT OF TIM& PUI1BUMG- AMD TOYING. tulTH. f ,u ,..;,..,. " ' , , , . , Hli m--.. ... .' - 1 .ia , , I a. a oi.l i.l...r, una J. urn , , .mniittoc. I HeOUTOF HRE!'.l . -r!l , . vani- 'o- I Ha ia a , ar ...' Tha,,, .,..,, i ,C V KW ,,m,: i,: ki. vm, ,: J. Sk2- if-lW jr yjj-. .vr 1 1 w ,j ..,, o . .on. ..I ,oo , ,,,.,, , . fcwuf 'ttow ' .. I II r trl ! o. i:(oii. i'aitni lif T- -, ,yy I ,! J '--l' IN' IT. in. I: :. Tho .aVl. ? - III ' oi,1,.t,,I a laoralil.. ,all nil ..aia Address ' r " f T T f ST TT TV 7 T v ' -it jf . - 1 1 cli x, Oregon or-d I y S'li.'ili'r ' h;i 1 1 1 l-rl 'i i -i:tn il tio- loilit'iM it 1 1 m i i 1 r.'.mu,. ev,-rv :'!. -h ti;tu niiin to inter ;i tnilitury trnin- c.inni fir a period f six tnoiUh-s rin-;' the 1' " 1 1 1 y ar or liN lite, ll h n t I hi w mill net on ly ZZ ::ie the nation a reserve army of intl- tui Minis hut would j:ive eaph lioy diseip- linary training that would be of val-, u (n t lie de a h 'i inent of Ids morui slTTI.I'ltS nature. " ZZ luiiiUHHiiummiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiim lililin ht "T ZZ . - , M I his t - Thousands of Men J Will be Needed in Hit' Ti-aetiir, Automo'liile and Electric indus- trie s in our country. Consult E. E. GEISS J WILL BE IN ATHENA, FEB. 1 1 MONDAY. ' f ADAMS, FEB. 12 TUESDAY. I WESTON, FEB. l:! WEDNESDAY. MILTON, FEB. 11 THURSDAV. . PENDLETON, FEB. 15 & hi FRIDAY and SATURDAY. 1 mi-nhni'v tntll- wil !,e eln-u- oiinty soon ly ZZ i e. u hieh is fa- ZZ "Who Will win . . This Battle?"! AT A. L. DUN LAI & CO., MAIN ST. n i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 : o i i i o 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 m i o 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 1 u. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 o i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 rr THE POILU AND THE LADY IN THE WINTER lloovM'izo mi Poultry Food, Don't Fool Wlioaf. m '.i.-iot. Ratal, h I ,Mit nWo I ,1 , V M l Ii nn.l . ,- 1 r i ' aOI. I:. a..-, I , I, BLYDENSTELN & CO. i-hoiio a.-.i. V.. .1 I .- ' .' 'M.;J ,.,t Vaar 1 :.ln. ;i If liia, I.., -..m . hiaa: fliato tho "..'Of... dial t ii n ov lie v la!a in, , iri a ; (Ml', oi' ol'.i. !'. I h'O ao ; p CiMlin ai ta ai 'la' -' -I a III a ti ill. II. -1 I "- i.r !, haily. ;a.. Iml 1.1 olim I f i ' v a 'a apt to ;-iii of iho ho.lv ran ;ic M . I. Hilly ni-ai'-i of .14 I ti'a. I.'s . .Hour- i!a- laaa i- ;u;i .iti ai. M-i.-lt, i. iiorhaja aail l,.u l laa..!".'' .1' I, a- I.!. III. 'is i. a,l, lo I MI'i !ll':',' ....liaa iil-":o,a -tloll i. . or -am.' in : h" hi.oai.'i' I i.a 1, ,,f la a' ini-nia f ' 1 a a 1 1 i-i.l. r an. I i lilt.oj iiirl .ail.-' 1 1 at - if la- aiaa t i a'l w a Ti An-10 1 ia a v. in la. La I ; !' . ' lif '. i.' ". a lil'-l liaaili'l'al hy I If. I'i.'.tvo, l'ali' lill',1 I i.oll-atlll- of r iiliarars ' ' ' ii '" 'I mi' I ' I ll.itial.'.l tli.l .1 I U ' 'a' .1'.' M'li'.lH I, lllh'-Y Ui'-' N.i' a't ,.' a '., I . u: ;iiiy.-,,o, ,ini ' i ,' I , 111. V i'."a, V. V. la.. I,! , In' ti I.,! ji.O'l.aaa. U.i , . ( . Ki.lt oa'-: " ','lian I roni- Z I tr, ii. ::i a a-i!t ,,1 , inn ,e 1 m ii? in ,- i l.ii i -li:i!.i Mv hack 5 . . a, 'i.-.l nil tiif liino mi.! S ' - o, ! h.a.v ra v l,n I; w. nl.i n.-ha ;,t r.it'hl. a! no'. I I v. I liltvo to X yt ii .. I o. .iti. I i a "V. 'f ' l-loi, nil nielli. lil'.l. lliao I lillW- lalil'II til.' r on it '1 alrlolK m V 2 I. aiai-'ia. i- all pui,' aial I , an lio ,.,ivii S , A , no I i ...I an. I r . ".lii'l ail I a '.' I , I , X Empire Meat Co. Inc. Old Reliable Finn Established 1890 WANTED . . DressecUVt. Psimo Li-ht IIoo,?; .$m.2r ' I'riinc Jlcavv l!i;s 18.00 llonuli Heavy Hotj.s 17.50 Hoavv lldus : 17.50 1IK.III si M i:m riioncis i-i:i i: r mi rot: iiiiiissiiii m:i:i', vr. AT, ami iik Ki;s. f.07 Main St. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiinr PYORRHEA The Ift'fieari'h lnstitnt. f tho E3 Nn.t loit-a 1 ' rental AHKorhtt ion S3 ;fai'-; tlii). l".on ln'a ea n.'e.t a Jo.Vl.r o.-r i'MtV ie' i-elit of fill 1 ' f 1 1 ;:.-o rirh'o.l from it rnimo't. l-int not oniv that, many ho.hty (Ic.ensfN moio or Inr-.s periou.'i in l'v'it. loiVo, l.eea trnee,! lo l'ollie,lt i . 1. il. -i. ' r.t' I" at faiin l:.-.o B ' Newton Painless Dentists ' I ll 0. 'la, J', ta, I Tl', , ' ' 111'.'.. ' hill IO', l. S Ai'. a.i.aa to ill ii . t I .if k-iuiy r inoie Lr-nihi - i to I'm .iii:in' jt triiii nmi s li'. v v. .ii Ji u'.l Kliti irom ii.'.-ir trouble, " . iiiuiiuilllilillllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllinillHIIlllliiniiii'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilimvi' rurnrr Mnln and Welib Ktraaj l'lionn 12 OfM'n Kvoiilnfft suow l4 Lttiu dvvv wild Uittouria-jtlieie ia a jicar-troptwi uu in tb v jUid u loaie i.m iut fii;ht,ii(, i