East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 11, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    try TyytTw rvyyp i 're w
. . I
y ..." " . ' . .. ... V
FAr.f. Rf.vrit '.-5
' ''"' Choice China 4 '
Havilahd, English 'Etc at
I Opposite
L-""- -
1H UAILVCM IIAIMCY IHKiS uniinulB Is tuken into consideration.
vuw uuuuv a mabm, Joki).I J. Pfau. the hosier. a i
limrEI'OKT. Conn., Few. . ll."'Uced u,lFr '""t and Is held In
To tho Indiscreet urfof a huntltT in-' 'le',v' ''al1 ihHk an Iwtuiry.
ployed by tho Ilurnuni ami Ilaili-y cir-1 Autlnc on hl own Initiative, It i
van today tho death or ulirlileen . of chawd ho went to what la known us i
America s most valuable p.-i foi inlns thu m stock Department, looked the i
dou which have Lean featured by ; doBs over Monday nleht and 8cldcd
tho oruUaUon for the pant threo ! they wrc acting aluealahly. -Without I
ncasona. Tho low In inestimable, the , consulting the trainers he Is raid to;
inonasetiient declared. when the have taken from his own quarters a
length of lluio required io train the j roiis medicine usually given the
-L.,'..: . i- horses and administered it to the j
1'ifffs. -I
Ten of the dogs died within no
ianiv ""ur J'.ibui more a lea aurine tn
nigm ana ten others are in a critical
end it Ion today.
The n'niinnls were owned Jointly by
Elinor K. Wells, the noted trainer:
Ilrnnnn TT-r,! lk..rricl ami nn
'"Lyr;- 1 llf. UIA MW1 "BAND. '
tWjr i I'm " ' ' .i.kiAV ''
Tk nb m Ra-Hi. :
M M IvJ Take Mwr. flwr r ,M,r V
I'! 'HrvnirTT ftviTY rrmr 1 ' ,l '3 -- Jl XJ A
HAVE OH S0)ftmL .-' ". ' a I i , , . f
, ' ' : ' iWinifiiifga fr-A -A
the vjoricof crooks! S'fW' FiRE vjar. perastmemt! VPf
, I've PAtcE WTa The. J . ''-"v mean) Police pe0AR.Tiet' oJ
C. & F, Motor, Co. I
lC'iI!POIlATKI ' v , r,
We hove a FOIID with full size tires and In first rlj condi
tion. Trice very reasonable. '
Also a late model "KouN'Inety" Touring Cor., Tliif e vr h
been properly overhauled Ui our shop aud ia prmctl. ali . Sou 1
as a new car. '.. .41, .v;', ,. ' ' '
... t t , - . i ' v " " - -
These cafi can be seen at- .' :..
ChcTroIet Sei- icc
" Phone 46
Tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllHIHfttHMHII.i
CHK.'AGO. Feb. 1 1. .Surface and
elevated lines will be compelled to
clean and heat their cars properly If
passengers wll make out 'complaints
against violations which come to
their attention. City Prosecutor irar
ry It. Miller said today that "he will
file suit and prosecute all cases when
evidence Is brought' "before him.
An ordinance Requires cars to b
heated to at least 50 dpgres. to be
pioperly ventilated, to be kept clean
and to run in sufficient numbers to
provide rcasonablo accommodations.
If a passenger will make a note of
the number of the car, the conductor'
number and the time of the offense
and will obtain the names of one or
two witnesses convictions may te ob
tained. If tho complaint Is for lack
of heat the thermometer in the mid
dle of the car should be consulted and
I note made of the Arerrc ft rrt loft
i The penalty Li frvfi ?S tO'lJ Jor
each offense. ' tacli tat h4 eiry
I day is considered a :ei ar.1 .uiicawU
Catarrhal Ttrafnw t wn .
fty kiMil applleatlKt- p- 1 1 Srfifc r1' f
tbehsead portluua - 'if1 '
only one wsy Ity it ... t-mtt
tbtj that Is br yniftti)-ti .
t Warrtial D U ti. . tn .
namM eomlltloD nt ih .p-.tJ -1.tltM vl
tne fvostat blan Tulir. l ki. .'.
utrisfad yon hivf uitif-(v j.i-- w
prieet bearing. simI Lw ft j -ii.tif
ckH. iJesfness la tie-- 'Ji .1 iv
in rii m ma i ion c a h ,-r. ,-1 ti-.ni
restored to Irs ur.sl,. --tMIKrfii 'tu1i2
win be dcMtroye.1 fur'-.'' l:u:,t iirVS
nWanms are cinwl ri ' ifir! ,t
n laaamed eoUl too ir mi4h
rsers. Itali a Culan t. . U--j- i,tc. " i4;i
the Mood 00 tue turn -t. 1 r
isjsfem. . 'r ' '.'.v'i
, We will glre o tti.i-. (... It
any r of Catarrhal lft...
ke eurrd by Ball arrl, t-U- Jt i v'WJ
1 cuius free. . Ail lanm.-t - J .
; r. a. eti kn 1 : -jr. " . J ".
The Wants and Needs of Pendleton Are Noted Under Proper Headings so You Can Readily Find Them
Used Cars
For Rent
Kail KAI.lv- Httiek of wheat hay. CALL. rE.NL.AND BltOS.' VAN to
About W tons; aUu stuck of l-.nii y
Hraw. . Mrs! I'eter Weii Hancli, Tu-tultln.
Volt 8AL.U Turkey
tTeedlng purposes.
IMnine 1 IF":
niuvo your hr.uschdld goods. Telo
Phono Z33. Also baKgaga transfer
ring and heavy hauling.
li.MI-lAVMIvNT Ki;iU:AL! For work
apply 40U W Alia or phone 3HIt.
WANTED Good, clean rags,
Kast Oregonian office.
at The I WILL TRACK my Chevrolet for FL'KNlsjlliiD AI'T. Hamilton Court.
your Ford. See Miller, 12'1 Cotton-
WANTKD Woman for housework
on ranch. Address It. Leislnger,
Houto 1, Ifulix, Oregon.
ATTKXTIiJN A. K. St A. M. Special
meeting tonixhi Work In K. A.
degree, lly order .if U. M.
WANTED Job In g.irai:e as a truck
driver. , Inquire "U" tills office.
TUB TKHKI.V.S" neatly furnished
rooniH. i'hone aoi, or apply C'Jl
WOMAN 1VANTKD tor gojieral
housework, t.'nll &ST.
L! A U GAINS Uno Jiuick 4. good con
dition, one Dodge. 5 passeiiRcr, good
shulie. N. 1'. McLean. 812 Main St.
DOWNSTAIRS Apt. 401 Aura.
Second-Hand Dealers
V. STKUUUi. atealcr In aw and sec
ond hand goods. Cash paid for ec
ond hand goods. Cheapest place to buy
household goods. 210 E. Court. I'hon
21 1W. .
rooms at 6u8 Willow street.
Real Estate
WHEREAS, thtt CoatfS.i '.vliu
incd such plana ami 'j..i.Jm
.estimates and found ;i. - -...',' u t Jf
factory and the e-.i'.ivt; jU-.-Tiirr-i
be in accordance - ;
! copt of such work, ajil v.,;
WHKREAS. the ' pivjti. ' iUjW
moniled by the CUy -&urvit to - uttj
eluded within tbo- biu'iv
district benefited i - . .14- ju.OM
of the Common Couin;..
l-'vll KI1E8T CT--.S.S cjienter worlt
ujiply to C. A. H wan son. on West
Webh. I'hone LM.1M. No jub too , WANTKD Position on ranch as.cuok
rtXB rUKVitOEKT tourine car. llk . .... r,.,vn o. 1.1 n
naw ti tin irf nt a iiiirirain. unw 1 .a 1. ihP,..ir.v. o t?e an nrrp iniersts yuu
" t " ' II : HM'N ll.UU HIT rVt'CK. eu.UU Ir ' vaia jxm a., . a v "".
largo or Hiualt.
try Jobs.
i;itUrr city or coun-
or houw'keepiT. AdilrcP 16J.
I SEWING by day or piece work.
or phonu 7S1 II. Kveninfis.
ti'nLna 1 ft fi nor n-nnlr t '! HA
overland rousiaooui just oernai..iu. munth. McClintock and Simpson, 400
at a bargain. W. C. Nay. telephone E C rt
IF 20t) ACltES of good Wheat land included within eucji ie.i'-rr. .i...4 1.'
n.i.i. tr-.m nt water runnlne trict and no nruo-rv V "
" 'Mr- "
wrlie Box 9. La Grande. Ora.
12-26tf I .
'i'lty IT A salosmanii position with
bur old, reliable firm. Soiling our
well tcruwn nlock will bring you good WANTED Chickens and ducks
returns. Send for particulars air, Phone Earl Coutts, or 240J. Top
oneo Alhany Nurseries,. First Na- priced.
tl.mal Hank i:ids.; Allany.rcgon.
Foil S,U.E Sunie eM-ellenl bar
gains in Ford cart., l'lioue 7i!LM.
nr call 402 W. Bluff.
. FOR KENT Furnished 3-room
apartment with heat and water.
31V W. Alta. I'hone 7S7J.
and fee the new weeder at the old ; Court.
Jay Itlucksmilll iihup. S32 Cotton
wood street.
' I WILL. TILVDE 15 or 20 horses for.
MAX ANIJ WIFE wish position on
sheep ranch. Woman No. 1 cook.
WE HAVE THREE K.idro linithers
tolirlns cars, .one Ford and one ISu- ( Vert
Ick for sale, reasonable. N. P. 51c
Foil KENT Nine room house on
Thompson. Modern. Apply John
Included therein: a.w.
B HKKKA9. tlx uinnr .ai-.li ..tii,
... , . . , . . '.hereinabove decritH'O .'."-;- ,'
JOB ntLNTINO at the East Orego-; gap Mrcct wlth BfJllW Jl,ll;i
nlan office. ; ntent ia at .thia tiui- M.;e.-. :
- i fore, be it
HESOLVED. by th .,,
of The City of rendltHon. t!)t tt ! e-j-
1NSTAI.L.HKXT PRIVILtMiKS. roiKaed t Improve. lrv.y
Notice is hereby given that Ve i ,,.;.. j'.r, 7, .J. ,ZZ
Common Council of The City of Pen- South' line of J.so ac H .V,
- dleton. on February B. 19U. did make;"ie same with UrtvH l,.lttkiWf
I'endletun property. Innulro 014 W. J anj man Ilol 0frad 0f w ork. Address
;til6 Cosby street.
Lean. Main street, opposite Pendleton j Foil JIKNT Furnished, house, with I an aasCimeDt for the improvement ofl"ent: such pavement I !-. r'.ia-v uit-.
Hotel. I'hono 222. or without garage. North side. I Lewis street from the east line of J land the surface u.e-..f. " J
Phone S'JSM. ! Lee street to the west line of Lleure- ished upon the eatai.l .1.. .. s.
Altl'ETS AND rag rugs woven. Mrs.
H. Francis, 10D0 B Wel)l. (
lASTIJri.wn muff on I'ilol llm-k
road.. Pleaxo ri'turu to this office.
J'ARCAI.Vsi One IMS Ford touring
car and one .Maxwell "23 " Enquire I
nt' Pendleton Cyclo Co.
1?aeh liw arlvrtlsernrnt will
be run under rVew Teaar" t.
tbe flrel ineertien onl-. During
aaheequent limt-rtiona of the ad
It will atipear und--ar its proper
. . ' lrtw.auikius.
Work guanuilocd. i'ricei reason
able. I'hone. 45SM
72S Cottonwood street. ' Uadlator
repairing exclusively.
Hides and Jfiivk
WIC IH'Y HIDES, pelts, furs, etc.. ut
top lulces. Enftorn Hide & Junk
Co., 121 U. II .St., Pendleton, Oregon.)
Phone r61. i
WAXTED-Heveral small rag rugs
woven. Mrs. C X. Johnston, Pilot
lck. Ore.
WANTED Experienced girl lor gen
eral housework. Phono o'JiJ or ap
ply 514 Lewis. t
nnt.s to
va'"es und
. ireKun.
tiMNVlXU L'AIHJAIX 11. Stude-
baker ,,4." Ask for -Mr. Templeton
at Pendleton Auto Co.
FOR SALE Velle in e.oml gondition.
5 passenger. Would make good
truck I'hollu 4i or 7 1.
Tho month in which you print and
i answer the most want ads will bv
your "good-fortune" mouth.
! VOCNti M.VP.ltlED man
farm on shares or for
shures. It.ix 201. Hstarsda
For Sale
l'Olt SALE l'JU Btilck. extra .-rd
tln-s, bumper, tire on rear, limitlie
Knlph Temple.
FOR SALIC Maxwell In good run
ning order InriuilO Overland of
fice. 72!t Johnson.
UESTLlir MONTilOJIKItV, real es
tate, fire, life and accident insurance, j sc
tgents. 815 Main street. I'houo 404.;
PLTMOVTir Kht"K roosters, hatched
from eggs obtained mini Oregon
Agricultural College. lr. C. W. I.as-
gard street, in The City of Pendleton, ".o ., " v-
an.l did assess tno coniraci iiouv ' - .
making said improvements against (Cordance with od u la t-
the lots, parts of lots and parcels of Plans and rBecUieattwu. tr (..
Und. especially benefited thereby. All ! provemeot of aaid wtivn lairv
persons affected by such improvement : street, prepared by : re V, '"irtlt
anil assessment desiring to take ad- , City Surveyor, file with Hi- Hne.reT.
vantage of the provisions of Chapter j of said city, on the SMI fl-.? l-f No' .
5 of Titlo 26 of Lord s Oregon Lawa 117. which plans a..1 t-v.i ctlit
nrovirfmir Hint rnioh assessments may 'are hereby partlcu'nrt. rx-rri-
HAYMOND W. HATCH. Architect. T-: be paid m ten annual installments are and be it : furth.r " '
Rtmtn building. J-hone US, Pendlo- 1 hereby notilled that application so to IlLSOL ED. that tl- .j.in.
ton. Oregon. do must be made to the City Hecorder. , timates of the probabt- f mi ew yT
L as In such Chapter 5 provided within ! such Improvement. hkn ? -J Cn f
. " ten dava from the date of this notice. : Engineer's estimate' ns.e ir.- 4i-.
LAiS&lS Forma for such applications may be prepared by IK-arv Kimlx- lt cr f".'
- - -Ll,-. -.f. secured frotu tho otfice of the City ite
1 coruer
lnted at Pendleton. Oregon
veyor -of said city.
1 1 and waa f J-d
r'KUD E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law.
ICootn 21. Smith-Crawford Ltldg. .
FOB SALE ('rood Jack, cheap. In
qulro It. L. Harp, lloldiuan. Ore
COL. W. F. 'I'UHNKil, Auctioneer.
makes a specialty of fsnners' stuck
and machinery an lea. "The man that
gets you the money. " Leu no orders at
Kast Or.'goniaii Office.
HST.tLI.)IKT I'HI Vll.ttiK!.. .... r v.hnm.r Ills
Notice is hereby ' given that the j TUOS. F1TZ GERALD,
i oiiuiioi. cui.ueii o. j lie v nv o( t tn j
dietou, on l-'ebru'iry l. 1'JIS. did makej
.in assessment lor the improvement of i uTIC"E tr BII FOR STRKET
Calvin street from the north line of; mpnotKMIAT.
Alta street to the south line of Court i v.;-.. I. iliv civen that sealed K., nri rl,w .lib
.!( of
this ' corder of said city on
; Nov.. IM7, ks bvreb- -im?hk1-:H airi
! hereby referred to pH i-ol- L . " I
City Hecorder. it further 1
- - i KESOLVED. that U- a.l
STecif icationa and pennwt... e.. ;Y
improvement aa prHr-' .- o
i n-ij., eer
FOR SALR NEW and second hand
k'nivK r.AVia. Attorney at Law. Of-! Sowing Machines. Singer. White,
Auto Hire.
fice Smltb-Crawford Hlilldlng.
1 D. W. PAILET. Attorney at Law,
Hooms 7, 8. a. Dcspaln llulldlng. ( yoyl SAL.I
New Homo and Tho l-'reo
MctTlintock & Simpson, 400
E. Court
IX I!. WatTIo, touring
Charles Co., phono 7.
:f 1 "sa
i y . : i rt
YkX I If I
f I N.I.' 'II
John K. IH'iistnoi'i has been nutn
. pU heuU of the new deimrtnient of
lor dvlnifni . wtilrh wIM li.iv.- cliiirsc
of the lahor problems involvcl In the
mohljlztttion of a.oon.ooit workers for
the. Bhip and munition plants of the the frnnt.
r"iitr'. The new fin'!-'"" "
Ol-XJUCii; W. COUTTS. Attorney at
I Liw. Itoom 17, Schmidt block.
i CAltTKU & SMTT1I13, Attorneys al
Law. Office io rear of American Na
tional UunK i;uirain.
I-'EIS fe Attorneys at Law. . Offic
In Ore pa in DuiiuiDt?. :
KKATOH. Attorney nt I-nw. Itoom
21. ismlth-Ci-awforu i.uiitnntr.
y A. NUWlKItltY. Attorney at Law.
Smitb-rawforil nuildins. , !
PETiaitSON & IllSilOP, Attorneyii at
Law. Hnoins i and 4, SinitU-Craw-'
ford Bullclinff.
JAri:S U. rKHUV, Attorney nt I.flW.
ufiiuo over Taylor H.irUworo Com
pany. It ALKY KALKY. Attorneys at Law. !
Offico in Aoierican National Hank .
S A. LGWKLL, Attorney and Counsel-,
lor mt law. Ifflea to 0j-nin IIIlr. !
Contractors and Builders. ;
C M. ;itlSYALn. Renernl BuildluR '
contraitor and Jobber. 7 -S Ctdtou- '
wood street. I'hone 744.
School of TVIeinnhy.
A course In telejnaphy in now be
ing conducted at the V M. C. A.
building, Orande, Oregon, undet
the munaffement of Western Vnion
Tel. Co. rositions heinff found In
railroad or commercial work aa room
aa a student qualifies for the work.
Thousand of operator needed to
fill vacancies made by those now At
Ho ynnr hit Ty prepsirlne
Full blooded Plymouth
Hock roosters. Thone 116. 12-GU
: DO YOU KNOW thnt Kstes & Ffttdly
"Sell, 'rent or luauro Anything?"
14 Main rtreet. Phone 604.
, Von SAL15 Wheat hay. W. U.
. Jtobcrla, Box &. Hioth. Oroson. s
; POR SAL-E-t-Good assorted potatoesf,
' f 0 it per wck. Phonn SKIM or llti.
KOll SALK 2 spans mules, wcigm
d'00 to loOO, 6 to 8 yrs old. 2 peld
lnns. 7 and K yra old. wt. 1400. II. J.
AnderKiii, Ifoilx, Ore. l'huno 14tio.
V1 SLK Ice box. oil stove and
other household furniture. 509
Pino street.
POIt SALK Apt. house, with lease,
$700 cash. Oood condition, rooinw
filled, liniuire 4U0 K. Alia, l'hono
.Many t.ootl PONltioiin
Can be had by any ambitious youns
man or youiijj woman In tho field of
railway or commercial teloprraimy.
Wo want n number of young men and
young women t prepare for the tele
graph service to fill vacancies cfuised
by unusual dvafluiff of yuniiR men .vm
lor the signal corps. I'ropnro to help copier.
,our country. Write today for full
particulars The Railway Tolcsrapli
Institute, Portland, Ore. 1.
"''L m 1 '" Pendleton. anU ( N(a wlu hc rrcoiV(i at the office ofof The City of I'wUJ-to'j o "i- fc-'h
iii'lVimtiiiu' ulBr- .the Citv Recorder in Pendleton. Ore- day of Nov.. 1?17. b an- t)- -v-.
ins said .mprovrnu nta nS.-iin.-t the Up to Kehruary 2th. 191S. at 5 ; bv adopted and ojiprv-L M ,
P7T IOtM pa"8;'1 iot:s ?n,dK Parcels oi Und oVlocU p. M , for thP improvement of further
City trlpa. especially hetietited thereby. All per- Wile r.t fmn. the wext line of uvT.wn th.t n.,. . n- UimVt
m'Hs uiiect.-d by nuch iinprovenient and .fj: . rt lin- of I i I - .t..-
rtush street. aiU propoaats 'to speciiy I and lien upon all lots. V tot a'-f;
'ssmcn . tbsirinH: to take nuv.i.iLage
tlie provision!) of Chapter o of Titli
ut Lord's Oregon Laws -i.tr. vidinK
.t sue1' usseMmmls may b paid in i
t". am v in.stAllim-nts on her- h, no-
t il ied tli at application so to do must 1
bo made to the i'Hy Recorder, as in
Mich CI aptei- .". provided within Ini i
d.i v.i i' oiii t ho tliite of t1;: m tiie. '
l''nir. itir such applications may b
om the oi't'ico ul me City llv-
exuavation, per
iil nt T'emlleton. O.vqon, fi is Stb
TUOS. I'lT'A (iriiAI.p.
City K.-Otirtler
folic wa:
Per solid rork
cubic yard
Tor cement cruvel excavation,
per cubic yard $ .
Per enrth excavation, per cubic
yard I -
Por entire improvement com
plete, total bid - $ .
Kacb bid must be accompanied
a certified ch
hundred dollnr
parcels of land to bo tv-n 'lcA s!"
iiprovement. and l)'- -r u4-
lAts, parts of lots aivl tM" in-fr
- eo peciaJly bencftt'l . ' e-i-h im-;
! provement shall he ThM- Cor ) pf
i ment of the costs if , ' .-tt"
j further . - - . ' f
RESOLVED, that an dtr
trict is hereby -creat'J to Ur .
by i Assessment Dirtricl Sj o'l " frm
k in the sum of one . ins: the property Vw-ium v t -wa
made payable to the , R.tsensed -for the payr"r'
LOST. HTllAYKO or stolen, in North
, Cold Springs. 2 2 -year-old heifers;
one red and the other black and
white. 2u reward for the return tn
my place. Glen K. Scott, HelW.
Orecon. 12-17t!
Weston-lViulletou Ato Si a SO
Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:45
a. nt. and 12:45 p. m.
Leaves Athena for Pendleton at S : QtO
a." in. And 1 :00 p. m. t
Lea es AdaJiis for Pendleton at 8:20
a. m. ami 1 :2i p. m.
' .- '-M.li. i,.!. f n,.,. iv'1.-'.t
r W
of a modern boarding houso
must be a good advertiser,
as well as a good cook and a
pleasant hostess. Thus do
the accomplishments of wo
men multiply.
,ordr of the acting Mayor of The City , provements, whieh -ntct ,u''
of IVndletnn. said chock to be return- trict shall Inclivd ill' i-f.' . - ?kv
ed to the hidfl-r if unucceastul and lots, and parcols of N.il !- 4-
to be forfeit, 1 if the bid is accepted ; ins within -the dlMi . Hi'iftf r
and the bidder fails tu enter into . described as loUovr,, L- -J
contract in accordance with the terms : lewrrtrtla ' f A-mi iweV-'.
of bis said bid The Common Council- h.s. ' , v -
reserves the ri.ubt to reject any and Commencing at th S t; r vt
all btd." at it nlessure. L,,t 7, i;Uck 4. KjiTP " v 1 1 -t ' U.
r;tted this 7th d.ty of p.brmry. Town now Oitv of V -e t' f' v'
TUOS. F1TZ (ilrllAl.n.
City Kecord
m i;t.
N'otiot is hereby given, that, at a
repular meeting of the Coninmn i'ouii
cil of Th.- I'tlv of JVndleton hebl on
the hth day of February. IMS. the fol
Unvinu i"oluti.ns were atopteil:
W II Pin: AS. the i'lty Surveyor of
The City uf IVmlleton did on the r,th
day ttf Nov t'mtxr, l'U7. ut.d'-r direc
tion and by ro.uirMneut of tU" t'om
nion Council tile m the office of tht
Hecorder f The A'lty of IVndb'ton.
plans jnd .pecii n ations for iu appro
priate iiiipioveineti t of the follow in t
nano-d tret-t in asaid city:
Louan sti t trom th north line of
Raley street to the i.Mitb hn of Jnck
iMni ntr et. in The i'lty of I-ndetn.
treatn. together with tlie eMtiniat- l
the win k t he done and the prohitld
(vt th-reof with a stat-nient of the
lot. )aM f lots und pared of lin-l
to he bennted h ftieh improv-m-nt
and the m rcnlun' of the tni c
. thpnt'f N" 1 dcj. Ci turn
the x. K. corner of f.-'. 1
I; thence ft. fcg Uc " -i
to the X. W. corner of T.
a.t Raley'a Addition: t
, min. K. 3t fe-t -
of Lot H of said Rl'tck "
, de. min. K t-l !
- bpginniiig.
aVnd b.- it further
t;KS)LVI-:D. that -
"In t in tgttu r it1 (1
the Surveyor's et irr " 1
lion ot tb" cost of -f
cbarjjed afain-t uili 1
and p:re.l of 1 '-
fiv.e of the t'ity 1..-. -
for a peritnl of t-n
Oi t'liftnisn, itb teh i - -
by dMts nt d ' '
cil for the tthlie(t..ei "
A n-l iiotic- 1 inrO"
iir " e nr rut 1 nm t f '
t the ...it of el
M i; in "t it lot, r ' '
l:.icrl of land IIJin -Di-tr.it
m i-tel',:'
i on fil in tt uift
t i-i
t Utl p.
.11 -
Ii'l p. 11 U !lntl
?. ha
;:-ii iMt.