EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1918. PAGE FIVE IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S .;. ' . , '" " " STOP LOOK LISTEN Conroy is on the Job to Save You Money CONROY'S 3K S&5 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 7 T ; : r- Potatoes, Weston Dry Land, cwt.. . .1 $1,25 Barley Flour, 9 pound sack . . . 63c Eastern Corn Meal, 9 pound sack. . , . , . 65c llOlKMl IHlId, t INMIIMI sack. Hominy, 9 pound nark lap Itloc, 3 pounds .lptH' Ilollcd Oais, iucLui (junker Corn llaUeft, 3 luukuire . . Ww-JitilKlon lwp, iwcliairo . . ,.: ! JVdiroru ItaUiiig Powder, I lb. ran, J't Hi. inn (!. li lb. t.75J . ' rVdirer'H Unking Koda, ruu-kagcw .' Monopolo Jelly l'omlor, 3 uu-kui'K Mount Vernon .Milk, ran . . . . Pniuos, pound Kruporaled Few-lien, pound ' Macaroni and Spaghetti, it luiiinil ho .'. . C'lirus Powder, inu-kago ' 'J Mlf ' I roiw i . .., it.V' Matches,, ho . llotllo nine in,- ; 7"'' ; '. : - IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S Li i : -Oc IKIo. a.vi 8.V I l(f I On and I Ac . . . ISC ,VC r-jrH DAKOTA MAN BUYS i LAND AT STANFIELD PAS IME TUESDAY WEDNESDAY r rorn f - 1'OriTAOKS AND WI-Mi-MOV f.vhu, Tin;iti: HI nil y ( ftlh Hold Mm Jlejfufar MM- L Miiys 1 90 Acre; Other Hjf oich. (Knt Oretronlan Kpcciat) I STANPIKI.D, Fob. II, A. W, f.ray a former ,reflident. of Htnnficld but now of Kcimiore, Xorth Dakota, ha. purchased four cottage of C. K. Web Htor. Gray 1h the owner of the Graycourt ranch a mile cat of town, i Mr. Gray 'land family wiLfc-he hero in ia few weeks to make Wtanfield their permanent home, . i Charles.. Janes and son Earl of Xa polian, I.'l),, aro the jruentH of Mr. and Mrs.' 'Frederick Heath, they are looking for a location. ' AlerrlllyE. Dobe of Irrlgon was among the stranpers seen here Mon day. ' I K. 8. &ule of The, Dalles and Nell X. Uorff of Seattle were in towp sev eral days' soiling piaru. ! James :'G. Kidwoll whs here look ing after?. his cattle that is betnir fed on the Himrise ranrh. It. X. Kdums-shipped a c.'ir load of fat caltl6 Saturday evening to the Portland (market. . The Htanfield lied Cross auxiliary is dotnfiT lot of good work under the. direction "of Mrs. Karl I.und who h:in charge of the work. The work room in crowded every meeting day. t Klhert C. IteeveH of Pcndloton Sun- '. s -.,1 1 11 1 Ill till! 111111111111111111111111111 llll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII II " 5 . I i a CAnnmilQlT Q1RPN, is . I Louise Glaum ! IN PASTIME TODAY HUE BURKE IN "J Golden Role ae tri i I m tano of Promise TAKE SALTS TO I M C1II IIIAV Tfl PtT IISH KIDNEYS JU" IIHUUUU 10 FTlT.'fl1W.T II' VOI- 1TT.I,' n RACiiv on HAvn iu.aii : ir:it ntomi.r. J. DISINFECTANT IS PROVED SUCCESS dayed here. T. O. Morrison , of Spokane hii.s been here for the. past week. Mr. Mor rison represents the Federal Itnnk of Spokane, i D. Ii. Snyder- of 1'end let on was in town this'week calling on his numer ous friends. Miss Mary Connelly entertained the Pollyann," 'Knitting C'lnl Saturday af ternoon on Furnish avenue, a I She is the ruler of a dance hall in Paradise, Nev., 1 during the mining days of the early west. She is . ,iuick with her gun and does not hesitate to use it, When the minister comes to cleanup the town she I has him roped and brought to the dance hall. Sec 1 one of the best westerners yet. ' tiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iiiiiiiin iT for e il,... n,.h (...lii'i.lii .l Iv.i n ltriv M-!v-p ix llialiinS a ti:imP 'Liinil' it l-i'i.itilw" in hlH nr hor own himself iik .in aoior of unusual versa hrinl nml lli.it hiinnlnoxM lii-s waHlna tilliy and kf and Shirley for nil n't riii r vorv. iloorsJ "The Ijind excellent foiU for each of T'romlKH" In oinitiK to 'he Pas- Play of modem times, (line thealer on Sunday and Mon- ' ' I,., j day. Alia : Sunday ami lnidy Mason are other In this liKhtfnl -flfternoon waa silent and a lot of -gtuod eata were nerved S.V.N FrtANVIPCO, Fch. 9. Pro- JamoH.Kyle spent the p.'iNt week In Portland.5 Mrs. I! 1 Miller of Hoston left Monday for Seattle to vinit wtalivea. Mrs. Miller "has spent the past two her daughter Mrs. fleo. i ihti:o Meat -forum nrle acid whleh exrile ovfrVOrk the kidneys In their fforts t , filler It from the rynrtA. K'dilnr eaVcrM of meat must flash the kidneys oecnMonaii. you re' fW, fnr ejttritctinn disinfectant of month with llv thern Jlkc ton relieve your how- nh,,nl rnn frnm rej,voort nulp Coe. (' tin; remoVlhit nil the odd, waste and , w-ore nP,.r(lr au-eessful today by tieorpe Ooe i visltinu his father Holnn. cIha yon feel a diiir misery In i ,nivpr(!j,v nt lifornl.-i after exhaus- Dr. II. V:Coe of Portland. tl)e kldnV rcBlnn. aharp pains In thejtjV(1 teKlf ltr w- n,,,,,! 0f Hons, Wm. Watten burner of Krho pnr li'ek or sck headache, ditzlpess, '"" j California, made the discovery after chtmed lrt.acreK of dry land from the sWmnrh Vours. tonmie Is coated and lwo onrH nl studyinB-. partly in Ber- Inland IrtlKation Co. . Me says a larne tiien tho -weather Is bad you have (n ' The process utilizes a hereto, portion will he' sown to wheat this tl)nimnilc IwlnRen. The , itrlne Is forc van0k jrod?n-t and is more direct 'sprlnit. 4 ' ', rloialy. lull' of sediment:' the channels (han tne ,,oal xnr proc(.MBPR and fills, The Stjidy; Club' held lis ret-'ular (iftm (jet .Irritated, obliging you to get :Il erioiis war shortaue. meelinB a-Hursdtiy-'afternoon in the. up two Of-threK times durlnir the - ited Crri(JU heatlquururs. Most in- nVht. ' f '. f. c A'i' r tereslinKt'papers .were read by Mrs. M. fTo neiitvalle these Irrltatinif acids KOOSevelt S V.OnOlllOn It sinarfon Kva Kniory lye's work; (in.h'ntf tM ftody'K urinous1 la RaDldlv Iltini'OVinZ' ! Mrs. W. 'T. ' liceves presented a par.er wacle nel, hlMiill rour ounces u j.io on .ina'iym. - Sells frnfci liny pharmacy; lake a ta- j yoitK, Feb. 9. Alarmlns ' Poems. V v liiesiioon Irk a Rlass ft witter beforo vm,ioms In the Internal ear. which '- - breakfast tor a r-"days nnu ol'rihad been noted In Theodore lloose- I'l.W' SHOWS IM.AM'VI'UiV St. Anne "From Somewhere In ........ on vaudeville liroCTanl'al ll.lll-: Alia- Sunday. ., . vaudeville mat win pm-.-imt i Over Hvo hundred flcorKia "dark- Ker Matlock's verdict of the acts that lea1' picking cotton-In I ho fields on a appear at the1 Alia Sunday and Mon- platil.illon w ill be. seen . In 'Tho Voice day. Helms and Evan, are a youiiK r- (-.ii.elLii. .. " sv Metro winderl da V. couple lately from Holland, and are her anil uracs her to altend church. She replies that be will spend Sun day at his "Joint" If he ll tend har for one hour each day at hers. This cu - rious compact proves the turning point in the life of Ihe 'sajtebrush sl-r.-n. Ileinald fiarker directed the pro duction. In ihe cast are Jack lillbert. ileiliudo I'laire, Mildred Harris. Wil liam i-onkliu. Jack Kichardson and By W. Somerset Manehani. Ilre1el br Joseph Kaufman. Would you marry for a home? What would you expect your life to be? Hades on earth? or would you fall in love with the man and "llv happy ever after?" In Ad.lllioiu ISl B-A-m il 1IPP lloollcan C'annnii. CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 2c j. Iicliney. His Life and His and your kidneys w ill theniact, line and bladder i , t)l., condition are dlsappearlnB. ac- dlsnrdersj dlsupin ar This famous ; ,.rdinK to bulletins from the hospital, salts Is mnne from the acid of crape ,vm hp r0nilned to the hospital ami Jemiln Julc, combined With liih- ' jttr al least three weeYs.'durlnir whlclj llT and U(u been used for (ronerntions i ,mp ,,,0t and rest are essential. Ills to clean shd .stimulate slupri;lsh kid-j pUKP and temperature are normal neys and! Ktnjvjjladder Irritation Jad . again. Suits is Inexpensive; harmless and ' . . matves a dellKhtful efiervescenr in n-lu-wjter drink which millions of men und women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. GERMANY TO OFFER RUMANIA SLICE 01 MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. RUB NEURALGIA AWAY! END PAIN INSTANT IllXIKP lllOM MltVC :?ToiiTntK axd Misiatv wnif " "fiT- J ,''0"s i 1 " .MKXT. I'asliino SunilayMonday. The Land of Promise" is the sec- ltF5ARAniA AS SOI oni Production slurring Itillie Iturke JiLNSAKADlA Ja Wl to e rPl-pased bv Paramount Pictures (.'orpnra Hon and discloses the piquant younrr star as whose IfTo has 'had all the. romanee and charm of a mimny'. That la until shcrnraches "The Imd of Prdm Ise" the'land he "lirtd dreamed a h o u t wti c re,r a her dreams would come tre' . 'W... 'Somerset MaiiKhan, the author.- ehose Cnnada to repre-1 ent this land, hut under the sparkling i'rf:ire n( th photnptjiy, nne is niadi 'o-.stai'inK Fr:tncis- X. Ilu.hnian and I lleverly l!;ine. which will le shown ut the Alia" Theatre Sunday. , Kd win 'are we. direct or, ("k his conin:Tiv of lviidins 'players to the vU'imiy of Savannah, 'leori; -stapiim: ff. these- iMantatitm With the exoci'tion of three prin cipal . ch:h act ers, - who were ohl'Iied t. lioW iiif'eil (IraiiiafiC (ihtlity, all.lhe : colored lu i'ple. stuiwu1 inthe "scenes were seen red in tlie. . imnieitia t e, - vl -'iuity. Tin- leadiHK eolnred players were Pauline Jieiiijtsey. who plays I Aunt Jenny. Wa Iter .Itrotis. ard. t 'razy ' 'oirt .and Anthony Ttyrd,, who plays L'ncle .Mosc. , .-' .(. r .' '."The Mennitatfe.v an old .historic i maniin.-wa.s used as the hinie of the iirroine-( M iss Itayne. . This old dwell !5Hk;yW4' j ta f llf n . i nt u;"d i wits ro, stu-e,d,to Iik former mo xnif icence ffir lire, purpo-e-of the rfwe; Hy-the I .Meir (echnieril staff.'1 This houw wx ! huilt he fore the .1 "ivil AVar by slave liihyr from hrk'ks made, on the plan- 11 at ion. and is surrounded by the old "rtiiwike houses'' and slave nuarters us-ed many years no. . as versatile a team as ever expounded dutch comedy. Their act brims with orlHUial humor, a- wealth'of on,r. rapid cross fire conversation and classy, dancinpr. T.ovors of yndelin in their for the yodelinEr number. Jean St. Anne is a scenes, talented youns poilus who brinps a breath of the trenches of the west ern front when he sariff a revue of sonns. He appears in uniform and , shows evidence of a wound received In battle. His Kreneh Nmis n well ;h those in i:n;lish tare beautifully rendered and w are sure all will like Jean St. Anne f.tr is an -entertainer he has few equals. , BEN F. WEST TODAY Shirley Mason fjoi.nrrx un.R rati-:-staus i.orisr f;i.rM T.oiMsc as a.' ruler of a dance, hall; in Paradise. Nev., during the mining days of' the early wed Is the star of "Ooldcn P.ulo Kate." a Triancle play which will be shown at the Pastime Ihealer Tuesday and Wednesday. I 4 F Fen West, assessor of Marioti announced his candidacy AMSTKRDAM. Feb. 11. It U learned today Germany is to t.tfer ttuinunla a slice of Hussla as part fettlement. The central empires ure anxlotiH of the effect In the llalknn Krupp newspapers say tne linmaniauy of J!(M 'ran eet the ftouthwest corner ' sarabia by renouncing all claims to ' westward extenslonH. Such art ar rangement would tflve Uumaiiia com nlete control of the, PnniiheV mnnt h. Otsy. Siyulay .and Monday The many admirer of 'Shirley Ma- younR: Knclish plrl j on. A'iola ' Tiana'sr yonhir'"t,yter. will hear with delitiUt , t hat she I again starred in a f ivei-recl feature Trom the Kdison ttus. - . ? "The Apple-Tree Girl la a story of more than ordinary .charm and ; In terest.. The .love ajmeal 1h curtained I 1 L- o mnlf iriinfiirhters of the count. na. screen Miss Glaum nroves onick on for the republican nomination for the draw unscrupulous in dealing state, treasurer. Mr. AVest Is with her fiiiemlex -hut on the level known to many I'endletonians well a nd hen it comes to the square-deal law: of the., land. Whenexer a dispute arises she brhms ryder by drawing a sun and mnkinsr a few well-chosen remarks. ' When a minister opens a church in the town, she feels tbut her, franchise is behs tnfrUitfed upon and tells him plainly that she will not permit any competition to her resort, i v as here last su miner in attendance at the state editorial convention. throughout and the plot cnlhntnates t even though competition may be sup Ir a climax of real dramatic" interest, 'plied only by a choir and wheezy or vlth a happy and unexpected ending. I pran. The minister finally conciliates Americans North of Tonl. PARIS. Feb. 11. A correspondent for the Matin says the American sec tor is northwest of Ton!. -He says it Is particularly favorable fnr war training and successive contlnsentK are beinj? trained in the duties of small attacks as lessons for. biff cam Tree Girl ! ii small tunl 1 ostie! Hub this snothlnjr. penctrn! in lii '. Hie'ni rlKht Into the sore. iufkipeil nerves, and like ma-dc neiiralRi din- IM'eani. "St. Jacohs Liniment ' enn 'iU'rs pain. It Is a harmless neuraj la relief whleh doesn't burn or.nl" cnlor the rMIii. .'..,. ' J'lion't suffer! It's so needles-;. 'let a -small trial bottle from any dri: slflre and gently rub the ".-.chins nerves' and InJust a moment .via: w-ill e absolutely free front pain, iche n-id mifferlng. but what will pJoasc atnre l.hnt thn misery will nut c-.imc.' i'N'o dlfferontr whether yottr pain or r-eoralKln 'miser' U In the face. , l;. .l or' any iJirt oft the body, you lt t In ant wiief and without Injury I ARM AND'S Th only NEW . th p4 SO yr Oh yes, there are many, many klnda of powileri o the markfct. but thin one ia abiolutely different from any you have ever naa. The price- in reaaonable. too - "-. 50 cents KOnPPEN'S U.wm If. TiKH srits or papi-.k ;i-:ii.ianvs STYI.F. , AMSTEHDAM. Feb. K. Paper trousers ore worn now by a laree proportion of the men in tier- many. Whole suits are belli? sold, which contain practically no fabric except paper, and the demand fnr exceeds the supply. Collars are selling In Herlln for ' nearly 5 cents each, and shoe laces of paper yarn are 15 cents a pair. Leather Is almost" unobtnln- able. Hunts with wooden soies w are w-orn even by the better l class, and fully t1 Per cent of . the soldiers at the front wear them. The standard shoes con- tnln only in per cent leather. In many eases the uppers are made out of old ship snils. tent nwn- lues and Impregnated burlap. Paper for ordinary purposes has become so scarce that some pro- vlnclal newspapers nre using low grade colored papers. RABBI READIHG BRITISH PROCLAMATION OF TAKING OF JERUSALEM STU MEZE ENDS SIX YEARS OF STOMACH MISERY "For six years I suffered with cn larrh of the stomach, indigestion, sourness, pnses, headache, and some-, times felt us though my stomach wa.s being enlen tip. 1 decided to try STl'MEKE. . 1" two nn'3 ' Kn!' tre' lug relieved of my buffering. I now have a good appetite and can eat any thing I. HRc without Buffering In the least. I aslt you who are suffering frnm stomach trouble to give this great remedy a trial and be made well, ns fhavo been." Howard I liolan. 71S N. Second St.. Tncoma. Washington. STL'MF.ZE Is for sale and gunrantee-d bv nil ilrusgisis. t NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINESE DISHES 5 l:r:nr.Y'S kvX?ng hong iow j j; & VV -.lw.mM! e nrttleh oaptur. bf IaciMWniniiwt'iWwiii Miwiiiwiinraia'TiaiiiiOTiaTirniT iiMiiiw n-aiwimitn-iurM n rum -iio'mnTffrr"-Tff u"T "-ULLWrT'"n ff . 1 ; . . - - . n c " i t- I I i 'l 'ii : . t , -v- - . x .ufr Urtfs, - " I -.'- s 'r . . WvfC-Xvi ".;V i te 'ivK- -5 f-'ifhs . rl f f : t - v. f , " ' ' - Mvl -: j . 'J J r h - j si v" j -.i A Story of More than Ordinary Charm and Interest i VAUDEVILLE HELMS & EVANS A Singing, Dancing, Yodeling. JEAN ST. ANNE -r From Somewhere in Franc COSY TODAY "THE DISCARD lu Aclclilion I'hls ;photogiHph, one of the first ti shmvs a scene which will he known at nna n thn rpnt pvri'ts nf httilorv Miliar mi .nr m.. w.- - - Tno jp-i,.!! ri,i!d (indicated hy un mntion of the takhiac of the holy city. Allenbj v.ir HA eirst iim in mnnv hundreds forces, if years Jernnnlem ha been formal conuiiamicr made quite ; ratthl standing Tt.s ' ceremotiy The he reads n lbj Weekley erusalem iirowl is readina the i-'ritUh proela- ly taken from the Turks. So OenerHtepa of the tower ot leiviu. Latest War News