East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 11, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Illalia4 Hallj aud Krnl weekly at !
Hln, Orea;in, Ijj lit.
KiiIotmI at Ibo p'i at Peudlaloat
Wagi.ii, u wouil-rlum uill matter.
IWapkona i
lnprial Hotel N'a sund, fnrtiaaft
l.WBiail New. t. , I'nrtlaud, Ori-go.
t'hleaao Bnreau, Wuto He.'tirlty Ratldtaff.
V aabluBidu. l. r,. Bureau 601 awr
rentii firm, N. W.
(IN riVN( B)
ratlj, one jear. h mall
f"f. an aiontha h mall
Oaliy, ihrea moutiia bj mall
OallV. DM m fill t tl li mall
Hall-, nua jear t.j earner..."
"ally, all mauth. .y carrier
HallV. tlirm. niiinlli. It. .......l..,.
llallV. ..a Dlmilh. I .irrl., ' it..
Nfoil Ww kly, ti, m ,y ma'ii" 1 f.n
MIHl-VWltl. aiS tin in i li u K mall
Bead weetlj, four monlh'a. or mli." .M
am inlet's mrciirrrass to
;sary legal work, the expenses
of persons or agencies consti
tuting associations of carriers,
junless such association is ap
proved in advance by the Di
rector General, and payments
for any political purpose or to
directly or indirectly influence
the election of any person or j
an election affecting any pub-i
ic measure, tree passes are
I - V Na. , .
,'ff ' Ml'".
Mjc W&eaklp jBulitiogget
O paliant hoys, ho bravely en.
Hnrinff ruiie sens to quell a foe,
f all that's noble on this earth.
Kull proudly we, of self-same
Apjiland your spirit in the strife
That Freedom wapes for her
Y nut' honor-ours through nil
our ifctys
The morning n in bannered
I J ic measure, rree nasses are This is the first photograph
'also forbidden except such as r"cn ,n,s country of the Hoisheviki
I arc exnrp5slv juithnrioH l-iv ! commander-in-chief, Abram Krylen-
re expressij autnoiizecl by Tarvarish Krylcnko, as his men
the interstate Commerce act. call himno that's not u mean name,
! lit mennfl pnmnidp. There's no "iren-
Says the Witless Wlseaoro.
Seeing us how the Commercial Club
1 lias elected a Baer president, there
will probably he something Hrnln be
fore lonir.
Our Advl.-o to Wrainn Is lo Hum Her
So long; as Weston has her Wood,
so Ions will she not be I'uello.-). a wng
renmrked to us. And by the same to
ken, say we, so long will she not be
fool less.
Ruhiuarlix-d .
Guy'Matloek wax explnlninir to us
how it happened that the Gorman V
Boat succeeded In penetrating the
convoy ships and send homo Its tor- i
pedo against i the sides of the Tuscan- (
j la. "You see." said he. "the Germans
jsubs are trina; with , all their might I
l-to sink our transports and once in a
I wnue they are bound to succeed, just
jas onee In a while the llullrtoKffer
' tnanaBes to print a good joke."
ly opened It. They found ojily a num
ber of haby diapers.
Oh, You Kldilers. v
Dear IlulldoKB'er:
I life on a certain block on Jackson -street
In which there ure U7 uhllilren ;
by actual count. We believe in chil
dren and plenty of them. I will not .
enumerate the families but might,
mention that Jack McQueown, Hob -Fletcher,
Emlmsk, Slmls. Horthel
Mclleynolds and Kudd live in the!
block. Georffe Uuslett doesn't count. .
There are a few desirable Ibis left In
the block. This Is not an advertise-'.
ment, '.ibut maybe Clark Nelson, or
Hans Collins or Fred Karl or F.il
Burke would he Interested.
GERMANY'S REASONS FOR oral" b'""'ss amo
T i IurkI re a I r nrcTDiip iKnsimi Krylcnko is
a - . . ivuMjntiE, ij t nuua
The symbol of your ''flag' that
Hope's ' guidon 'neafh those
blood-sta-ined skies.
inssevered from your child
hood's home
Ky -wnsie of water
Willi foam.
Vou know that, playing AVsper-
ntft parts,
You hold Ihe nomas of our
. 1 'rond crfiwn of manhood ever
While Virtue 'lives your fume
Claudius Thayer.
our the Bolshevflti. I gone dazed that we feel
another way ihu"' tonic.
use it.
b ; I 3Ilffht Mean Yonr Ca.sh Must Aid."
ro1i rf ifa ormir -will f olra cat- ! "Pnw " cairl iha uon f v.
E nil know the wave ofieraj generations. With re-V'wnot do they mean b' v. m. c.
over thft world fit iha ' i "11 iT j VI NT i the father to his son. -That T.
. , j , , case is uimui as uau. 111 muirii i m p a
,..c,v. cl,c"l-,lesstime would Germany be Across
I A Matter of Somo Wcltbl.
Said Mrs. J. "There's a bis strain
on tho south hill now." , j
Said her husband "Do yon refer
to Assessor' Strain as a hl mni'!"
i sald the Mrs "Not at all. I refer
Kilt We Don't Want Anything Ten- I to the fact that Georjie Uaer has mov- '
tonic. ,ed on the south hill. '
What wlih wliea,tless djiys and)
meatless days and sweetlcss days and : uuei Vatlior, I.Ike Son. :
""""a '. '" Retiinsr so dos- Homer-Welch, four vear .,1.1 son of
he need of a Jim Welch, was returning homo thiv;
other day after spending the after-;
Thousands of Men
Will be Needed
in the Ti-aotor, Automoliile and Electric indus
trios in our country.
Consult E. E. GEISS
stands for You Must Come '
noon with a little plrl playmate across
tne street. He was talking to himself
and shaking his head to emphasize
his words. A passerby overheard this
much, "By gee, she cerialnly Is a III
tie peach." .
LREADY a more
J.ing army in France; how rail-ready to strike again, and with!
$ oans were torn up, dirt roads Belgium no longer a thorn in
Jdvnamited. houses destroyed her side, and with the north-
truwncd and their contents either burn- eastern gateway to France
e or sent into Germany. Every wide open, the German hordes
work of art or or architecture 'could march without effective
i was leveled, every tree cut jopposition direct to Paris and
down, all Nature was syste-i Calais. J. B. W. Gardiner in
imatically ravished until all j The. World's Work for Febru
! that remained of populous, ary.
thriving country ivas a desert! 1
iwaste. The popular idea isl Oregon had a heavyiist ot ,
Ithat this was but'tfce outcrop- men aboard the Tuscania; let j QTDCA UC AT IllflJIU
iping of an innate lust for de-:"s hope there vill be but few Q (LfllllO HI UlilHIl
struction, that it was pure and; them in the final list of
jsimple vandalism. I thinjtv a , missing. ML AD f t QTAfiC
moments consideration "of! : ' 1LHI iLUUIJ OlfluL
offiVint r.prmnnv' nsifinn will rlianol 1 x e enemy alien icKimiiu 11
ilvn 'lni l be Iron Cross for Tills.
Tlie Pendleton police have a good
nose when it conies to scenting booze
shipments but occasionally their sense
of smell Is faulty. For Instance, the
other day Howard Dunn was return
ing from a shnrt trip and checked a Of him who emerged from his In I
handbag home. He forsot to call fori To mount to the president's chair,
it at the station for several days and We feel we should say
Ihe police felt so certain that there! In a pertinent way,
was booze In the bag that they final-I He's a Uaer, he's a Uaer, he's n liner
fl. Ilaor In l.linerick.
Having llmericked v. K. Hmck and
Joe Tallmnn when they were elected
president of the Commercial flub,
the Hulldogger feels obligated to Im
mortalize President-elect Ceoige
uaer In a similar way. Ko here
PARIS, Feb. 11. The French pen
etrated the enemy lines northwest of
Dioncourt nnd captured several pris- I
oners, patrols In the Cheinin-des-Dames
and Champagne took prisoners.
operation of the railways this illusion both in the case of
law will make some people j
lm- til . . .... : ... , !
tUn k..nP.onn A f Polm'nm A I. 'WISH nicy IIUU tancil OUt, III C 1 1 IS Tl TIIXOOK 111XD AXD K X PULSION" IS I
ilUiW. 11 U11UC1 LUIILIUI kJ V A. I UI1V.C aiu J M. UCJtUIlll. V.? ... 1 1 '
1h mvsnnnanf f... hoon .f'li,v. aM r.f.rmonv rpaliVorl !lf Xfllizensnip papers long ago. POITR1NO RUS C.W8ES I INDOX. Feb. 1 1. The
jeered, duplication ot service, .that time her own mammy toj necessity for California,
. , - i ----- . ... , I io iiKtewuv lur viiuiui nii
t-specialrj-of passenger service, win -rather she was seriously ,tri for eastern Oregon peo
has been eliminated, with threatened with defect. She g winter-
more freight traffic made pos- realized, too, that those acts of
sible as a consequence. The rapacity, more like the venting
common use of terminals has of rage on some savage beast
avoided much delay and Wiip-:than like the acts of a civilized,
merit by the most direct routes, ; organized state, unless there
instead of by longer "routes 'was some, carefully considered
embassy at Petrograd sent tclnm-ams
yesterday. This Is taken to refute
forest Ranger Find r,t Inches ol!,ho slo.ckholm rumor-the rtnlshevikl
Snow at oovernment. stake; Other j"pelpd allied "H'lomats. .
InK'restinic Xews. u. jj ... -
te i
(East Oregonian S'neclul i
I UKIAH, Feb. 11. A trong chinook
I wind began blowing Tuesday morning1
i which lasted all day and night and
Wednesday the wind reached almosl !
the Daily East Oregonian, j the velocity of a gale; and rain began '
Feb. 11, 1830. ) " mur ,n torrents ana ny night all!
Seth r.ichardson's team took a spin tne slr(amfl were running bank full i
down Main street today but was and the -rIrtfe across Owens creek.!
caught before any damage was done. ' ne mlle east of town s 'n danger of I
, j being washed away, as the water Is j
A buekine cavnse created some .'stir i washing the bank at the east end of
street, ! Jnis same nridge was
and scattering a croud
locted to witness the manouvers.
i A telegram has been received in
! Pendleton from T. F. Rourke who is
now in Portland, stating that the
comptroller of the currency has re
designated 4y shippers or die-ulterior motive, were calculat-!(FrIT,
tated bjt the respective rail-'ed to arouse among her ene-'
roads' interests or traffic agree-'mies a feeling of bitter resent- j
ments, has saved much time, ment which would find its re
in short, conflicting corporate iflection in the terms of peace
interests, have been all subor- j which Germany as a defeated;
dinated to the' one national nation could obtain. Germany 'yesterday afternoon on Main
niirn-i,L,r ,1 ,;, : -t ,.v,-...l,, l,,loi, getting rid of its saddle and
moving pf traffic, with the re-'and materialistic. She does
suit of a distinct speeding up of ; nothing from impulse but tem
freight UiaJement. ipers her acts to fit in with a
Government operation will 'carefully mapped out plan.
be more economical. Much ; Least of all would she close the
duplication required by com-.door to a generous peace in
netitive oDeration-of the rail- the case of nossible defeat un-
roads is rendered unnecessary ; less, as I have said, she were n,"ln a"d tna' se-
dii , mi i j i u . lected bv the stockhoUk-rs here,
other expenses, too, will umpelled by an ulterior mo-j After somc talk the tiUe the Xation.
be eliminated. jtive and the mptive here is ai Bank ot Pendleton was chosen.
Director General McAdoo: easy to divine. It is to so weak-j
has issued an order, General en France and Belgium, while) Thc cilv engineer is engaged in ac-
r-ji- t. .l.Li.. . s -.mi i. signing a complete system of sewer-
"-..'t, ..v.. ' age in readiness for its establishment ! Kuessing. All th snow in the valley
use of the railroad revenues j they cannot possibly recover
in Pendleton, there being some talk I and on the hills '.went before the
lor paying agents OT Other per-jtrom the detects Ot War in tne:among the city fathers of making meavy chinook wln and rain, leav
sons employed in any way to same time that Germany her-i"110" an improvement.
affect legislation, attorneys 'self can. To reconstitute the
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Secretary of the Treasury -
Advises tfiat strict ceonhniy must lie observed..
pay high prices for fir and pine conhvood when
you can economize by buying our Cascade Fir.
Slabwood, cut from sound body timber? .
We havrthe only dry slal)vood in town. - '
Phone 5
5)0 Main Street. E. O. Bldgr.
riditrl "recKea a year aga by the high wa-
that had col-Ver. was repaired last fall by John ,
.vinaerman and there Is a possibility ;
cnat it will have to he repulred again.
Thare Is no Ice in the creeks and they i
hav not been frozen over this win-,
ter, 1fut at this time last year there
was eighteen inches of Ice mi'in.
fused to allow the new national bank creeks.
to be named the Pendleton National I Ground hog day was a disappoint-,
ment to many as about nine o'clock
the sun came out bright for a short
time, and the rest of- the day was
very cloudy, und the superstitious are
determined to have their six weeks
more of winter. But the winter so
far has kept the weather nronhnis
who are not actually eft-gaged Belgian nation alone, with all
in the performance of neces-iits able-bodied men except the
All Weights and Ages
120 to select from
1 lelix, Oregon
Hint, to tho Aged.
If people past sixty years of aye
could be persuaded to go to bed as
soon as they take cold anil remain In
bed as soon as the cmfwy cmfwypat
bed for one or two days, the would
recover much mnffl quick, especial
ly if they take Chamberlain's Cough
Hemedy. There would ho also dess
dnngr of t lie Cold helng followed by
any of ihe more serious diseases.
Adv. -
; wiiitt: si.vr:it irr-:i.i.
' SAX f'FS WTISCO, I-Vh. 9. IfllRh
A. Jironhou-i. manager of a grocery
company wan arresict by the filers 1
asrenLs at his home charged with vio
lation of the; Mann art. It Is alleged I away Springs for the winter
he ramn lo San I Yanclsco from Port- I '"klih Tuesday on business.
Ing everything bare and stock out on
the hills grazing. "
'SI Inches In Mountains. '
Walter Allison, ranger, made a trip!
to Pearson meadows last Thursday
and found 51 inches of snow at the
government stake, which shows that
there Is more snow in the mountain!! !
than people thought for. I
Mrs. Frank Khip, who has been in
Pilot Rock for the last rfionth, came
home Thursday evening: with her In
fant daughter. .
I a tarewell party was given at the
j Chamberlain Oarage Tuesday night in
honor of .Miss P.nclrel Rowlands,
where about twenty of her friends
gathered together and danced till
John Doyle, who is staying at Hid-
was In
He re-
at the
lanil with .losle Holmes, lit years forts two feet of
old. of Marshfield. fregon. springs.
; ; M,M nachel Tiowlands of Portland,
i:llMY PATROI, AfTIVI-:. i 'ho haa hecn I'kiah since last
LONDON", Keb. 11. fienerRl. Haig ! ' f'plembr'r. 'eft Wednesday morning1
reported enemy patrols were some-j for h"r home While here she made
What adivo in the sector north of ' manV friends who regret her depart
lns lost night. , '"" .
. i '-"'ydo irehnick and Ed Thrasher
were in town Thursday night on their
When You1 Need a New. Batterf
The Willard trade-markbranded into the side of the battery
tells the whole story. For that mark is the sign of the Still Better
Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation. ' --
.w . .-,
r It is the outward and visible sign of the biggest storage battery '
. improvement m years. - r:-i
. 1 Bt- . . - i .ft It
, - ... . - . . . . iviniainijl - - , , . pa i
i MilnVVi ti-i. n..l :,ir.:i.i J- 'fM ,' tf i
5 ' r:
Live W(.
.. I3J10
Dressed Wt.
Prime light hogs
Prime heavy hogs
Hough heavy hogs 1 .''..))
Heavy hogs 1 .'5.00
Pigs and feeder hogs 12.00
Pendleton Meat Co.
Ttlrphon 146 Hazel St., Pendleton. Ore.
About f inMl!itloi.
mtit f'rmimhn nT l hse iiro rtifwp,
f"r. u ml tf.ipi m ifli. "n I tf ot hr
liniid r.'iw finite, i'.-jifi-ijiiiy jipf'lH nnd
ttstnh n:is, .'i yn r:hii in Itrr-ud and
whole ulifitt hrr-arl ftrnmnfA a rnovo
iii'Mit of l li bowiIs, Whffi tn bow-
Is nr1 tin illy nonsiiin tod, however,
rh urf wy Is't.t tu(: ono or two of
f'hu in twrln Ih'm 'i'.'t M'lM Itnmf di:ilftv
afrr snipi'r. "
jroturn from HinntU-lt whre thpy h.-rd
hL-nn tlii.t- .....ii.. . .
' " " ' " ii iij io leea.
Mn ml ford fhllson of riridgn cfeek
was In town Thursday on business '!
I.ou Cnsteel left Thursday morning '
Tor Pendleton to enlist in the navy. .
Albert Peterson received a letter '
from his brother Virgil, who Is III
with measles in Portland, staling that
he was able to go to his work again
Miss Grace liolin Is spending a few
days at the .Nlurdlvant ranch the
K"est of .Miss Krankie fiturdlvant.
I. . Alii AIMtir.Ni;i.. i., 'rH' :iw"-r Allison, re.
SACJtAMWI'O, r.Yb.- S.-Kederali;' J "'" creek Sunday, aft-:
officials announce thc r.5 I. W. w. in. ffv" WPr'k wlth Mr!' Allison s
dieted by the fedcr.-il'griind Jury on a : MpJ ' ' '""' Mrs. William
charuf1 ot Conspiracy to obstruct war' . .'
."inc. wno left
niontn ngo to enl
in which the need of re-insulatinis indefinitely nostooned.
1 . . . .
iMext time you're m, ask us for the booklet B-3, "A Mark with tt i
.ivieaningior xou n tens exactly wnat tne wuiaraMark stands for. v
Corner Alain uml VValcr Sheets
progress fcy siiliotago, would be nr-raign.-d
. next. ' Saturday. Apprehen
sion of the indicted members contin
ues throughout t.'alifornia.
rsRs t oM iM i: tuvuni
V.'ASIII.ViITfl.V. Feb. 11.-. The
Arabs opposing the Turks in Arabia
are continuing northward their ad
vance and captured a Turkish Dead
fcti.-a port.
I'kiah n
ti returned tan
' "img to pass the examination.
Hard Odds People who.t blood Is
Pure are not nearly so llkelv to take,
hard colds as are others. Hood's
.-iirsanarllla makes the blood pure
and this great medicine recovers the
system after a cold as no other medl.
cine does. Take Hnod'a.
tJ!J"flTrwmM '"'"" ' -mmmm"muum i , n aili..i..i ., ai.auiiTr
- H.
l Eii
3 VT
' ' ' : ' J ? ''' !