EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OltEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1018. PAGE THRO NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON t 'nKlIn 4-p. Thort,re (f. fc!ck 2-c, Dnn- KVAV M V M ''i:F.I WflJiARD. aid A. MeAuHto:.- 1-c, Wllllo K. Kolck 4-c, i.'ili My rick 'lnr- i eiico A. HuundiiK Klnll Von AM-, v.iin j-o, i-n, 1 ' ii j'i in in p. Hill, j-l; 1 llfilvey MliHt.H'il l-ii, .(., M ito A. ' iru'fn 1-ft, I iv i nil l.i-t'uy ' ' in ii h ii li II. ! II. A1m a Junior nulnbow. An unintentional omlwilon wits made Saturday Jn publishing the, lint of l'ondlctou school children who qualified for tho Junior Kalnbow Dl vOUon In the nals of thrift BtnmpB. 1'rancls Circullch succeeded In selllnK 3 worth of stamps nnd in entitled to a placo on the roll of honor. i roHtnff Ir.n ttiilldluir. Seattle, WnshlnB- ton,. 1'a ltnllil Cinrneo. C, K. Kudo him taken out apermlt to build a itarngo at 723 Calvin street at n cost of 1 1 2 .", . I terment win made' at the city romp- -l''l'' Mmilu. tery. Many friends of tho family of i tho deceased wero presnt. William -Win In r Mny lirtnur Game Mcturai Hero. W. U Klnloy, state bloigist, pnss Pd through Pendleton this morning enouto to counties cast of hero with fcls moving pictures of wild life. He has shown some of tho pictures hero but during tho paHt yeur has made many now and wonderful pictures. An effort Is being marie hero to bo .mire, a dute with him In the near future. Move In I 'ret-water. m L. A. Kelneman, who resigned an county wutertnoHter recently, moved his household u-oods to hif ranch near Kreewater today. His successor in of flco has not yet 'been appointed. Daughter Is Horn. A daughter wns born this morning at St. Anthony's hospilal to lir. and Mrs. W. H. J-ricn'of Pilot liocli. bf'iri;; ( xiimhU'il lie is Willi to In cldul niuniii. of j'rei'wn1or, 1 ' ly fi r ills sanity. affllcled Willi IJcetuwd l Wed. A murrla;e lli-i-nse hro-. 'icn Issued to James 10 H id, a. i'cndlctnn engi neer, 41, and KmIiit HI ler, Ii, also Twin limn Arrive. Twin sons arrived at St. Anthony's r I'cnriieton. hospital this mornlnjr to Mr. find, Mrs. William Airreil Jeppe of 1014 Ailir.lnlslrnlHx .iliilcil. West Itnllrond street. j Alary K. Meiu.i-r was toila'y up-; - 'r.l."d ndmlnti- tutrix ..f Uto estate , t'lilin-ll Forum To Mn-t. ut 1"tc Sani.nd A. Mentzir. 'J'lifl ' Tho Men s Forum of tho rresby- ."slai e ,is vnlu.'il In tho petition - at terian church will meet tomorrow eve. ! ?7f.ou. (I. M. Ki i-, iio' iti klrkpnl- llarry 1 1'leli and ?. S. .Icrard wen- n pjioiiile l No uill was I t Civil Scn1c Ivxams. The United States civil service com mission announces that an examina tion will be held in fifty-four cities t In the states of Idaho, OreRon, Mon tana, .Washington and Wyoming for the purposo of filling vacancies In tho reclamation service and other hmnch- e requiring similar nuallf lent ions In ' the position of bookkeeper. Hoih f maa nd women will be admitted. Ap pointing salaries range from $900 to . 1200 per annum. Iato of examlna- I tion Is March 0, 1918. Information and application hlntflts may be secur ed by addressing Iho Serretary, Kiev To Addi-psH Students on J.lneoln. Tomorrow lieing IJnooln's 'birth day, an address on the life of I. In coin will he made to tho high school I nine at the buiuiiiet hoard. students by Harry M. CTIiamhers. Suit- iChamhers will be the principal speak- as appraisers. able exercises will also bo held at tho jor. . other schools. Inspect Th-uI i:I'valr. I'"red V.. fox, J. .1. Wiley, Kngineor Itcslgns ut High School. 5uy Cook, for several years engi neer at the rendlelon high school, has retailed his position, to accept a sim ilar one at tho county court house, Mx. Cook has been a popular member of tho high school force. His place valor in their home territory, will be taken by Alex Jlcrt, a local 1 W. C. knlulils of PytliiiK Kiili-rl.iin. tin the evening of Ftirim ry is, a voek from toni'hi, Ui i members of iJiinion Lodge "m Tmld and lWTt i: linker of (ir.oss 'J'"""" iviugnts or Valley and I- S. Hlnes of I'rlnevllle. ', ''" " "ill observe tMe 54th annl firn li Hie ,-liv eoofi.rih.L- will, loen 1 1 1,11 rv "r "ling "' " order. offieinls here, 1o sepiire Ideas on the best manlier of constructing an ele- l'reident John l. Hyan of Uto An aconda f.'opper t'o., and a prominent figure in the country's financial af fair, is . ini'iil ioni'il as the man who will siii-eei'd I!inlrl Willard as head of the win in.il iihi ries board. l:yan i i now director Ki-ni-ral of military re- plumber. Funeral lif Mm. Ialng. The funeral of Mrs Effie I.alng of Seattle, who died there lost week, was held yesterdny afternoon at tho Christian church with Itev. If. H. enth IT, S. Civil Service Ilstrlct. :tu3 Hubbell in charge of tho services. In- For the occasion ilra.i.l Cllirucelloi' Iislle K. fromli ot J' inland and , rniid Keeper of lieeords t .Seal W. i lif r"r '- d ''loss. (ileaNyn will hi- pri-went. Siiecinl i aiinounoetiieiits or tho ifiming event ;tiou of :j l-'J cenls for caeh jiound of The tax-collecting wason for Uma-! "'"'-f w-m " ' 1 ' ;P"'" r iiniiiui.i. nir.-... .v ioi.,or lllln. eonnlv onenert formnllv this I "cipatioa of a nve:t III local I bonus will be paid for a reduction in mnenlnn- .nH llenutv Sl.Vrlff V.n. k 1 1 i 1,1 1:1 " tin les. t imn ted production costx Jinn mmiTt iifi'inr itiii ni'i'i TllK 'ollfMlii,H hiiny nil day niakinff oiit lax ri'mlpts. Tux,nyn havo until Aorll 4 to py tho first half of tholr tnxes. U. S. PAYS DU PONTS I $2,000,000 FOR WORK C ard of Thanks. We wish to express our most sin cere thanks to the many friends who t(tee((ittitit The Dean Tatom Co. GROCERY PHONE 688 MEAT DEPT. PHONE 86 Sun Maid Raisins in 2." 11). Iiox. ; 12'ic Home Canned Fruits and Vcpetafiles. Bulk Pickles, Dill, Sweet and Sour. Everything for Those Wheatless and Meat less Meals. For Quality Meat Phone 86 ('niliiUui)'s IXp'rts SuiH-rviMtt Itliild- , generously contributed their as Dr. Hattery's CoinniiHsiou .Arrived. , hur of fJoveriunenfs Na-livIHe, Dr. II. II. Hattery is now faptoiti Powd.-r IMnnr. II. II. Hattery. In fact he has been ' since Jan. 18 though it has only been ! WASHINGTON. Feb. II. For su- few days since he has known it. P'rvising tho predion and orgnniza Spring' Dresses For Women and Misses. These fascinating garments strike the keynote of Spring fashions iu ap parel for Misses' and Youthful Women. "They have been envolved by the foremost New York makers. Their individuality and youthful ness make strong appeal to the women who follow closely tho fashions. Among the garments are a dain ty dress of rose taffeta draped buf tie sides, $27..r0. A girlish model in black and white check trimmed in cardinal, .$27.50. Another ' becoming model in Hague blue, white satin shawl col lar, $27.50. One beautiful rose taupe of char meuse, beaded embroidered, design trimming, $45.00. ALEXANDERS mrm M.M't sistance during bur sad bereavement j mmmmm mmmmamm and demise of our loving daughter; ; and sister. JSffie. Also to thank - retnry of war to provide distinctive Ills commission from the president as tion of tho government ponder plant' a captain in the medical section of tho at Nashville, Tenn.. the du font Kngi army arrived this morning and was neerlng Company, a subsidiary of the dated Jan. 16. Captain Hattery has du Pont Powder Company, will re not received his orders yet and will.eeive a fee of, approximately 12,000,. remain here until ordered to report h'i. .Secretary linker announced to at some post. Inipht that a flat payment of sr.00,- .ion) will bo made the company for 1?. Vnrp f lufi fled. - i preliminaary encineering OATS JttOP 8If KPM". them for tlie many beautiful floral of- badtrea to men of draft agw who have CHICAUO.x Feb. 11. The belie ferinss. .MRS. JANET DAND i been exempted or rejected, was pass-What rrarwportatlon grain will lm- AND FAMILY. ed today by the senate. J prove soon caused February oats to i The senate also passed Senator i dop to 2 5-8 cents bushel. May oata v l'Ki RAISIYO FOB PVPTLS. Chamberlain's bill making a felony ar unchanged at 80 cents. ' the purchase from soldiers or sailors' ' m r. --, tiittmv Kr i. or any military pqmiimnuu ami Produce Fifty. i Chamberlain's Tablets. AIDANT, Feb. II. "Piss is pigs, There Tablets are Intended espee- services. and they'll help win the war," said lallv for disorders of the stomach. ! Ti.i...n ,ijii;.i efuuirini..na I iinrl an additional :i per cent of the .Calvin .1. Huston, director of the hu- ; ilver and bowels. If you are troubled of I'matilla coiirty registrants by the construction cost will be paid. reau of production of tho food control i with heartburn, Indigestion or con ili'irict board it i.a (Jrauoe were re-! The plant will he operated by tho ommi3nn. in announcing that a pig ; stlpatlon theywlll do you good. Adv celve.l yesterdav on fiilows: C'arl du Pont Compons fr the government raising .lass will be organized in: . v...m.If(,r about six: months at a coin nensi--every school, in c.-i miiiiko urn A.'ton L'-e, .lolin II. Dei 1 .ARMLtSS SOLDIERS AT BILLIARDS &MIIIIIIIIIIIUIilMllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' I EXCLUSIVE Stationery ) At conservative cost. ...... ' I Cranes Linen in all sizes, colors and finish. Bulk , stationery I sold by the pound. Fancy boxe(? stationeiy of every description. . Economy Drug Co. " Hotel St Gorio Buildlm Day Telephone 711 Niht Telephone 718 jr.iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicJ L-jV , . - i ' - Jt' i vtn :rf X'.V- , te- FOR WAR BREAD USE Weston Best, Ilye Flour narley. Meal, Wholo 'vrheat, Graham Flour, Buhr Ground. All Umatflla Troducts Guaranteed, ask your . Grocer. ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii! 1 RED CROSS I j DANCE J Umatilla, Oregon I I MONDAY FEB. Ill i GOOD EATS i S Served hy the Ijwtics. . I GOOD MUSIC I S By I'LKTCIIOVS '-J ZZF.RS." i Tickets Otto Each Person. ;iiiiiiimiimiiiiimm.iiiiniiiiiiiii!iiiiiu ('!;) mm ynu'vo lirnrd persons sav thev wouldn't trmlo their "store trelh for a lr.'inl new set ' all their own," haven't yon ? Well, lon't he surpria if you hear the same- sort of rem nrU about "store limb." This war is robbing ft lot of soldiers of firms find letft, but th' arm makers and leir makers are busy. Ht-re, for instance, are two soldiers with artificial arms at a pa me of billiard! in the .Artificial .Manual Training Center, recently opened neur London. Knuland. Daily Chats With the Housewife M VKI'C WAHTIMK I'M: Ol' 11YF. i"lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllll POWER Not onl' dors the DODflK nUOTURMS MOTOTl TAR S surpass nil others in its price class for (jnalily and work- ? S manship, luit it is also an unchallenged fact that, it is the niost powerful car in I'matilla County, and will navigate S steor hills that no other four or six cylinder enr can climb. Owing to its remarkable power In hitih and intermedi- s S ntt gears, it Is siddoin necessary to shift to low. Itut when S one comes to thc.st'einlnnly imi'assable road or Uill tho s S extraordinary power on low gear is appreciated. 2 I 3DDGEBR0tHBR5 I MOTOR. CAR v I PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. I 1 Cor. Cottonwood and .Water Streets P! ::atuiuinuiiinMiitinHnti!iiiininiMiutiiMiiMiirinnt:iMiTimiiiiiinMiryiiiiTii By Americans rye has heen looked upon' rather ns fodder than as hu m:in fond. Jiut in northern Kurope . rye bread has been almost the foun dallon of their diet, whilo rye por J ridfif has tak.'ii the place of our oat- meal as a breakfafit di-lu Tlie well ! known pumpernickel of I-ermatiy Is roadu of rye. ! In the matter of nutrition, rye Is 'equal to tho other cerealp. while in bread making its plnten value is next ! to lhat of wheat . j It makes flrsh ami wives strength ! and endurance. In bread making, i ryo floor is genorally mixed with some wheat flour as alone it is mt only lark in gluten but apt to bo loo. soft ami soggy. A giiod proportion for 'bre.TI dough Is ii pounds of rye to poumS; of wheal to yeast cakes. Such ii n adniiMiire of rye in the , use of wheat will save many pounds of wheat flour for iho urgent needs ; of Iho .-illies. Tlie growing1 of ryo lifts been until recently limited to. the eastern and 'northern half of lur cminlry. tho prhieiplo product ion helng in -M inne sot:i and the stales cast of Iho -Mississippi and north of the hio aid ; T'otoman rivers. Now. however. It is being cultivated in Nebraska, lite Ho koi;i,s. anil Kuisas while Indiana find Ohio a re also beginning to sow It. The Increasing demand boih at home and abroad for oil cereals ha Increase! (he price of ry enoiiuh to ma ke increased aoreae adva nlage ous. llerelofore. the average acreau for ry' has been from j.immi.ihmi to L "lOd.OtM); but in 1 ! 1 7 nearly 4.000, o 0 a a crvs w e re si w ed in r e . It is not only easily grown but il en n he grown In b round too poor for wheat, higll nnd .sandy soil being better ad apted to Its cultivation tUuu tlia heav ier clay. Roth the appeal of patriotism and 'its greatly increased market price aro prompting The farmers of this coun try to put more of their land to rye. Millers are being urged to grind it and now the housewives of the coun try can do their part by learning how to use it as a wartime substitute. The following recipes for the bread, muf fins and drop enkes will give varia tion to "wheutless" days Ryo Bread. I 1 cup scalded milk. j i i cup boiling water. 1 1-2 teaspoons salt. 1 years rake dissolved in 1-1 cup of lukewarm water. :t cups flour, llye meal. To milk an.1 water add cake and flour, beat thoroughly, cover, and let rise unt d light. A fid ryo meal until Ubugh Is st iff enough to knead; knead t horounhly, let rise, sha pe In loaes, lei rise again and bake, ltye Muffin. 1 cup rye meal. ;i--t cup flour. 1-4 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon salt. Mrt teaspoons baking powder. 1 cup milk. 1 eg. :: tablespoons mcltet fat. Mix a nil siit. dry inured ients: add milk ura dually, ecg well neat en. and , inched fat; bake in hoi oven in greas ed iu uf I'iu pans, twvniy five minutes. IIe ln fake. '2-: cup ryo meal L-;l rim i-ve meal. U-;i cup flour. 2 1 - t ea spoons la king pon di r. t-i: teaspoon salt. 1-1' cup milk. 2 lablBspoit us molasses, I rgg. -MK and sitt dry Ingredients; add milk gru.duu.lh'. inoLu?aca and euir well hamlet of l.fu'iil population or less in the state. Kach class wilt raise fifty pigs1, a nd as t here are 1 ibui villager, in lite slate, r.roi.rinu pigs will add to the food supply. "I have, communicated with every village in the stale," explained Mr. Flu son, "asking t be officials if they will suspend, during the war, ordi nances they havoauainst raising pigs. All but three have replied and prom ised to comply. The state educational department is to co-operate, Tvux.rs rois rtr.Mi-TFi mi:n VASM.IXOTiN. lVb. 11. The ad min ist rat ion hill aut hori.lng t ho sec- aiIllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl' I Anroal Show I I audi Sale f I REGISTERfD SHORTHORN CATTLE 1 . s 60 Bulls Spokane, Wash., Feb. 23rd 37 Heifers 40 Bulls Portland, Ore., Feb. 25th 30 Heifers ' The Xotthwest PHORTHORX Breeders again offer to the range- '2 nan, dairyman, farmer and breeder, choicely bred bulls and heif- 2 S !"! tliroiiRh their annual sales at the Union Stock Tards. Spokano s S and Portland. All entries tuberculin tested and breeding qualities ' siiaranteed. Pale cattle exhibited and judged days previous to sale. S Spokane sale held during session of Xorthwest livestock Con- '5 ference Kebriiarj 21-2.1. in instructive convention having: to do !"H with timely problems ot vital Importance. 2 I - REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS For information and catalogues address: I I I F. M. Rothrock, Spokane, or x I 1 Frank Brown, Carlton, Oregon I inilllllllllMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllif OVERLAND AND WILLYS KNIGHT AUTOMOBILES TIIK Y I I.I.VS-IvNKdlT You will concede the ln?nri onsnes and btanty of this ear wit Iiohi jinniint'iil, Its i-raefcifjil advanlatfos- fin a 1 1' deterni irie its pureh.e. The nititor has' no efputl --no near approach in an Similar cars si'lluic for s, mo,l.rate a price or for biip.lr. Os uf ihdtars more. Ii is a ViHys-Kniuht slcve- ,i c iiH'd - r 1 L"."ini pro.incett laM ear and iin:r the inot ivmai'Li blc sa t i-:fa i t in. lcrbotv knows that iiotli iu.; lias - .r seriously challemr til the iii 'i Icsnt's of this tpe ..!' n.ol.-r. h ha- the softi t "p'.iri" coru bined it It urea test- power for m-c. It- v ). t sinn,,tbnt-ss puts ail ot ht. r motors of like pu i-r to shanio. James L. Elatn w 1 1 I . it,;, i ioroi: i: ii i .1 i :. 729 lolui4n su l'liono 71 IVitdlcion, lr If MONDAY ECONOMIZE By trading: at a market that sells better Meat for Less. Buy Vure Lard before the raise . " ? No. r $1.10 ;; You furnish your iw n ail. . 1 DMNP'S HARKET , The Home of Pure Eats " TWO PHONES IS" AND 1S8, fct'tiVj'ii j.r.ii nij i v . '. . ut,.. '', Vi'i'nii, Vi