Mtt-v winrw ?WfiHfr PAGE S1VK EIGHT PARES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OKEGON,' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ft, 1918. IT PAYS TO PAYCASH AT CONROY'S jv CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THAT i SATURDAY ORDER. t CASH GROCERY -Wii Main St. Free Delivery. Phone GjO ' -)Bananas, Special for Saturday, doz BXi.t nr j- r . T l ,,.. CON ROYS . 30c $1.25 ifiviittard's Ground Chocolate, 1 lb. can 30c v 3 pounds' ... 85c llershey's Cocoa, . . . 'o lb. can 20c; 1 lb. 35c V i'miii Oil .... . . . . snll Mii iinillnin hop finntiy ioll ni' uiul Corn Kvriip. 'j ttiil I,ic!'4'aliin Svrii qillirlH jar. luruc sl.r IMlr. JVirljolm- Bran Flnkiii Hour, urkHt, . , ;!' jlUl.kfl Colli I'lalU-M, :t 1)I1I'UhU4N VIoiiom1o Peanut Hnlli'i t r )'nla) 'r jil. Jars . III. f'HIIH .Mb, is lass MnnoiMilc CiKsiip, lionle .lll'l' KllUIM, IMIIIIIll . . i'orrt, i! tuns Tomato-, 2 runs loiliil Wnion .Milk, ran . . . . i'lllis . lowU-r. iiiirknao .... itautin. 2 MM-ka!ls ......... Viulmna Jtuisins, hulk, imiiiihi . I-'oUfiT Hotla. 1 imrkanii . . . i.artf ;m'Kiinil Mr, (lis. .Vic KI.IMI !. ....... 2.V' ':' 2.-- lie . , . , 2.H" 1.1c 2.1 Xo. .1. I.IO; -Nil. Hi, S2.7.1 iljPAYS TO JAY CASH AT CONROY'S "Tin.; i M)i ; vim,i;ics. -m:v Titi (;ii-; viY Probably the most timely Hereon Piny of the moment 1h "Tim Food G;tnibt'i-H," produced under the Huper vl.ston of Allan Twan lit the TrlanKl studios, which will li kIiowii at the Pastime Theatre today. Klda Millar, who appeared In "Her ICxeellenCy tho iovernor." Hum the role will glve.M-lsH Pennlitwton 'ipnortunf lien in iverii' Home HtiitniitiK Jcwns and especially chin (bathing:- costume In tho Kwimmlng; tceuew,'' . r?he will . also have a chain;- to display her prowesH "t high diving- u nd dancing. There 1h a. big- comedy element, and from what I have Been of hw woik ko far, r believe. MImh Penulnrton will niir prlse even those, who. hHV admired hr rvioiiH work on; ih r-roen. nf the yoiniK Xowspapfrwoman. Who Ann -nnlnRton( no"d dfliir of th x)okik a ihK of prominent. ion en ga'd In "food KainMiriK ." Wlirrnd LiKVtM haw thi1 rolf of Hf-nry HaVcns, 1'oorl romiiiixiiMit'r. 'I'll in Trla iml plr tn r Ih Kald to lr allv vh (Innnatic action, hh wlun thn youiiK ri'jM.rier lnfak inl tho food Sanill-r'N nfficeH and rlcflnivj nhe will imprison t It- hh tra itoi-.s to thoir count i y. Sh 1m aidctt y t ho fond ZicRffild KoIIIph. will npppr ln'The Antir-H of Ann at lh Alta Tlwalcr to day. " Paiini- Kntwtay and Monday. Front th busy HtretH and thron intt uveimPH of Xcw York City, whore nin and women Hv hy mllllonH with In narrow nroa un In deep, ran yon- r-onimiioncr In carry In w out her jdans Hl HtrodtK, to tho lrpadt, opn prafr- ih ffr a nana Ih tho Ion? . Jump ia Ut:n hy rtllllo PurKo rocenily. I'pon the completion of her flrnt Paramottnt lI',ture, "The AlyMeriouK IIIh.x Teri-y," dainty Pillie Tiurko pacHed her nu meroiiH t ravelin ff batrs and "bf.xps"' and hied herself to the field of Man itoba for the production of hor latent Paramount production The l-and o( ' Promlne.' : "The Ijind of Promlno.' wliirh wa-( written by the noted Ensiit-h author. W. Koineret Mauhfin.1 bids fair to ' hq one of Ulllie Burke's moi popular .plodiictionK. not- only froVw'ihe fact ' Jjint he had already appMiil in thfl Hamo piece on the lerrtiimnto stanc, 'but that the Hereon version has .been BAD COLD? HEADACHY . AND NOSE STUFFED ; will ani- tu qiieno tbroUKh " M ' , rouns and .ieippi: i ... !ri;v ikh r:s Tnlte "Papo st'old i'otnponnd" every tj hourn uiMil you have tflken three thttioj, theVi all Krlppo misery encs and your cold.wllj be broken, it 'prompt ly opens your cloKneri-up nostril! and the ur pa8ne if the head: stop nasty rtlsehnrKlo Ruse ruiiiilnu; relieves the tn-hdache? dull boss, feverish imiks. ore tbfiit. sneV1?!)!. soreii-,s ami st !f; uiy. ";Jnn't ,fiy 'stuff I'd up! tjuit bbv- , 1k nnd Hrfntjl'llim. J'umc your vhrolt Mhtf head -iothinR else.fu the. world rtlveK . jtiu'i" luompl reliff at ' "I'npe'h Cold t'onipoi(nd " xvhli h ros only a few cents-at any dnuj stoc-. Ii a-ts wilhmit aurfisianee. taster nice,,, and ca ijneH iwf; Im-onvenii'iU'e. Accept no woWtltute.i ,t iir ') :i ' U "Rough NetK" S)np:s Help ToLiRhten Drill Work vicnsiTy cm w s. r.u- Ki'iie, Feb; Urmi? -t be wood old nhovel. boy. We ll diK anotiier irench. IUs It will a ftpiiit that mate the Kronch, J x it aw we mean I dh;, the Kaiser's sreii'-h. While we ko marching rusHlit." , The Kmndstand on old Kincahl field ai d drill grounds re -i-rbet -a led w flh thcttf words fiinii " 'he tune ol "MarrhlnK Through . leorKla" ht Wednesday morning when the Inl versiiy buitallon made its first, trial of the mnrchinu soiiksI Colonel Leader, commandant tf the battaljon, believes tiat a Unow ledKc of the "roiiHh neck" souks Is very ne ct Hwiry lo the success of lb drill work. "Si one wa 11 Jackson w as t he first man lo use these marchlm; sons." -aid he. He -estimated that his men Could do. oiiefituarter bctler when 1hey were sliiSinp. 'i'lie fjermans real ized their value for a iom; time and een unod tbe hymn of hate until the Knlish imitated them. New words have been written the rooter's souk. 'M itht y ores on." -Vow Instead of roaring about football hemes, the boys .sing: "When the Hteel-tipped waves are ni'iviiiK, And our bus leu sound A I S'A X K. And our mettle ue ate provim; 'ii the crimsoned fields f France; When t heir I i- lie! m c iis And our shattered fianlis an ;;one. .S in!s the rhythm of our dun us. Ilnlly - MiKhty ' reon. " but not until the rlni? rtf grafters have manuKed to convict her on the trumped-up cTinrce of Kcllliitf "dope." iiia.iK iiTi:it . I!. Pearson's romanlic narrative, Jea liiitf wit h events In "t bo das nl 'A'.t," ha been prodtmed and direct ed by the author with J race tlunard the star, and will be released as I'ni versal'M five-reel offeriiiH to exhibitor for the week starting Jjm. H. Oirec tir Pearson took hi company as far into f leal h Va I ley as prudence wn r r tiled to make the hcciich of desola tion and barrennesM t hat ajo nocess "ary to many Incidents in the story. Support intf t he t-dar. Ccoi ko Me- runie will play the lending role w it lv, U rlI the author of the original. Pay llanloi d and Filei-n - Sedgwick thus Insuring no wenkeninK" of the prominently involved in the action, production through "too many cooka." Dance hall and KnmbllnK scenes, moth- "The Ijind of Promise" will be the ods employed - In winning Kold- from Kiltractlou ut the Pastime theater on ennh. and several sensational "fiKht' Sunday find Monday. episodes are promised to put a "punch" ' - Into the melodrama that matches the nature of the offering. 'osy today. v I,fw Fields In "The Corner C.rocer.' the latest World-Picture Prady-Made, 4limfnstrateH .that lie is not only a ureal comedian but a wonderful char acter n ctor. In the role of Wendl. the. corner grocer, in the production. Mr. Fields has a role that grips the sym pat hies of t he a udiences at once and holds them enthralled to the very end. Co-starred with Fields in this picture Ih dear, delightful little Madge iOVans. the Worlds kiddie f,tai. She appears as Mary, the little orphan, who grows tip to live Italp.h, Wendel' son. The story , of t lie corner grocer, his rise and fall when , his son g'oes bad, and the final redemption of the son. one of the most thoroughly enjoyable l'1 dramas ever filmed. In the stag" version "The Corner c.rocer"! ran for; nights In Now .York city. Now in the amplified screen version, with I.ew Fields in a memorable eharncter- I'an-Ccrman Policy Is Revealed in Full ' Hy Brand Whitlocki The tragedy of Polglurn has a wait- ' ened the world to the full significance 1 of Pan -German Ism tha,t over-aiubi- lions policy of territorial nnd econom i ic aggrandizement that reckons- ityt with treaty ohltgntlons .and hurnan ' considerations in Its accomplishment. Itelgium -was the quickest highway; to France. Therefore, VKelglnm must 1 be i-acrlficed repardlesk of (rer-' many's guarantee of Uelglan neutral-J it y for. declared the Prussian machine! h treaty Is only "a scrap of paper" and ( "necessity knows no law." ' 1 For more than four years the Tnit- ' ed Slates has been represented at the! seat of the fielglan government v I1 Prand Whit lock an . minister -Mr. I Whit lock became famous, in ; thisi1 PASTIME SUNDAY MONDAY ADOLPH ZUKOR PRESENTS BILLIE BURKE -IN "The Land of Promise?. By W. Somerset Maugham Directed by Joseph Kaufman poms-. : '"ii. . BILLIE BURoE ; - TheLndofPromice, Jff Cjhmmoiinlklure m.-r Q7i m . . g-'V" r-fw' " ''V f 'tv-m ( ' t W 'J . ' 111 ""A- - V x I I v, , f ... l,S M If A . .1 ' - ' ' M ,-lL - ( '-Vv . y r' ? k I i if . , V- ,yj t'4 A-l I Would vou marry-for. a home? What would you expect your life -to 'bfe? Hades o"n earth? Or would you' fall in love with the man and "live happy-ever after? ' " . ' . , ; - . ' In Addition RUB-A-DUB A Happy Hooligan Cartoon. . v CHILDREN 10c AI)ULTS25c . izatioH. "The Corner Grocer" will be runir nunng- the rour terms t hat seen a I l lie a ua i o.i ufiniiii) . - wt - a ui.-,,,,, vmo, M -rfhen his broad understanding of Alia TtMlay. civic problems was evidenced in his In a statement which he made late- writings, ly in regard to Ann Pennington's j -o more suitable mart could have newest Paramount picture. director occupied the Pelttiun lerhtion during Kduard Dillon said: The picture ' this critical period than TIrand , Whit- lock and-his account of Jielsrium'.s z- .... , . tragic experience wnicn win no pu u lished serially In The Crecon' Sunday Journal beginning February '17. the bigest story produced.. that the war has Saturday THESE ACTS ARE GOOD uimm mo the harmony f GIRLS Thb' Irln roiniirls llirw vr .vomiB.nnil UilriiKtl womon Iion' Uowiik; and Muuo iH'nrm an' IkxIi In kc Jilni; Willi tlii'ir m l whli ll hry hi( hut in i-li'Cttnl i"fylc.Thp ai'l ronslsis of liar niin -HlMk'Inir. wilos, iImcih anil Irlos ntfil will ili liuhl any nmli-i-iiit'. ,M Z1 iSli FRIDAY- 9 ' .mrnmrn ' - - . 1 o Vl tyr-1 4 V J e CARLO ' ALTA TODAY thf. iioi'.si-: fr Qr Ann Pennington ' . 1 ..... "The Antics ' of Ann" The Man of Mystery IS ME HUMAN? CAN HE DO IT? We guarantee there are no mechanical doors or traps used in this exhibition. Neither is it an Illusion! The Art Mysterious as done by "Carlo" is the only act of its kind in the world. Think of It! man 7 feet 2 indie in height in full Urum Major eo timie t foet two nnd I hrcc-iiinrtcrs inches hi stivci continue) lining a Ikiv 27v2Il Inches in si for n dnsinx room, making complte rlinm-c of cotiiTiie nnd make-no. O 9 O o 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 S 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 AMn Pennngtom in Tine Antics oh Ann" Para mount Picium If n- Funnymen rn rjx. T-iro-l-l hy nv.u:i ill niori' ways iium one In Uiin ifilllckmur loi-y or ;.iiiiuai- rniwii. Sln'"ll uti Mi-ilit Ihrourll lo lh- soal.NiMs of your hear!., li s a thai yon oun'l nfforl to ml". ANN SCORES' 4 TOUCHDOWN "boar of a story" In Addition Mack Scnnett-Paramount Comedy, r.xrr.ii that won.ii Si kk -it mi i. r;ir. "A BED ROOM BLUNDER" Ijiiiili- anil TIhii lnn Lanshs. lil)Hl l et I of I i n anl lVolir. VAUDEVILLE Onuraiili-rd Vaml vlll- for This Imr. We Kimiw l'las. Vim. I.IMllil llll TlilO Tho Harmony liirls. r.Mi vn Tin: i Nnjtiionui I'onliii-lioniNt. Th.'s,. ,-is Will Triangle presents )M WIL1FRED LUCAS and ELDA MILLAR ' IN FOOD LEE3S Newspaper Woman Exposes Food Gamhters in.; Sensational Trial. .. ....v-i In. Addition Triangle Comedy J flicOSY TODAY Grace Gunard IN HELL S CRA TER A RAW FLESH DESERT DRAMA OF A WOMAN'S WICKEDNESS AND EXPIA TION; THE RtTGGEl) WEST IN ITS OLD TIME. WITH STRONG MEN. WILD WOMEN, WESTERN JUSTICE. SHE PLAYED WITH FIRE AND SHE PAID A HOT PRICE FOR HER FUN. SEE THIS ROUGH AND TUMBLE REAL WILD W F.ST PLAY. I 1 Z i 9 'llliilllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllilllllillllillliillUlllilillilillllMHIIIIIIIIIIiUiiUiiill 1 J- ' . f