East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 08, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    ....IW-.W.lrWiWaH.m , .... . .
V. l'
hiuulfur cojiltw printed or icr,lTdii'i
Holly Ixlttluu.
Tills impi-r It a luumticr of and nuUllcil
Ijr llio Audit liureuu of Circulation.
Tunis-lit and i?aturdiiy rum.
NO. 9333
VOL. 29
...... I -:.k ss.y y
' ... ggpig, ;
2J' """ " i iiiihiiiii mi. uii nn i.i ii iliiaaanmiin . . 1 1 mm a .nfd-f yfja3aiiliimit 'N
. ' . u -
Service is the Watchword
On the East Oregoiiian.
Statement Follows Signifi-i
cant Message Sen I hy I
Secretary McAdoo.
- V'-V--"!,-"'' .f
1 ' "
it1 i r
Nation Must Be Ready to:
Successfully Float Next
J' Liberty Loan.
"Economy of xn-ndUuru ami i
vreillt "
(This .inut lie' lliii waU-Iiworil ot ;
PWitllcl'on uniJ I ho wliok' nullon II I li 1
fliiaiireH nocpsdiiry for llio HwpiorL of !
tlio bo nt llio from arc' to l fur- ,
lilalicil llio UOVr rilllH III. TIiIm Is llio
BlgnlfloHiil riioswiKo M-nl I'y K.ci-1-tary
of llio Treasury William MrAiloo
tu tlio two b:inl or l'l ndl" Ion iiml
(j ull iiirihM of tin- viinliy. nml
in. llio iiu-smso uhli li llio luiiiliH of
rendit ion, in u forinul Muli-ioi nl Im- ;
ucd luduy. oinlhttplir.c to llo loininn- :
nlty liny Ktrvo.
Tlio third l.llu-lly loan Ii.ih Iki-ii
iloLiyi'U'iiiiill AitII win n llio i nlry
will lie In lipili r coiiilliiMii in miI-ktII-io
lo It. lluv. r. lo uni t llu
limiipy moilH niilll Hint thno. II"' m'
rHry of Dm treasury w ill Issmo IrcuK
ory cortlflontrs wlilrli lio will oxwiti I
lmiiliit. to laho op wi'cli I'S' w i l l.. To '
(Jo lllU I lie tlrllllkH imi.-l fllltli II llu Ii
loaiiK nnd piojilc must iuiiiiII Hull
cliiienuii lire.
Tlio lelearuin of llio woroiai'y "l
tlw treasury nml the stuieioeni niado
Vy lll I'einlhtoil hanks Should I"
oi'irefully read hy ull im i..le of th- I
loiuimiiilty n their wmiii are ri-aoKln
Willi u Kreal deal of Klxtilflcu ncc urn)
aro not In he Inken lightly.
The follow Ins Is .tho tnle.-i inn a-
lived by tin lanhn from MeAJoo:
, ilrAtloo'H UMISI'.
"liOIW'eeil linw Hlld tile lllue Im'
inuMiis the lu-xi l.itierly lian I sOiall
offer fur miiwerlpllon ireutuiry eertif
Scales of hid
fls'u hundred
overy two -
Pone the nest l.lherly Loan Isnie un
til notidltloim will Insure a wide ills
irlbuilnii or the lnnd throiiKlioni th -,
eouniry. In order imeoessfully to'
inrry thrnii,-li this i.r"t-rnin :iinl lo
provide for the eMiemlllures .fur th
lullllay oi'i-niilmis of the I niiei
HluK-s hml to that end 1 r.- I 'tt-s t tin
hoard of director.-- or trustees of i aeli
lmiiii and iriiht company lo rer-irvi
ea-ll weeK out of lis loiinahle finnls
for the line fit the KoverniiK-m of ihe
rnlted ."tatos aliout one per n ul oT
Iho. ross r?Ho,,rceH of .heir hiMllii- passlJS ,VaV t Col'Vallis
t un not to i'MTtd in the jin-al"
tfii inr cviit nnd lo lnvM th.it ,nn
m.nt In (rt-iimry ci'itifiraii m ct lu-ilf-btodiK'N.
tJu c'XJict iinioiiiit. Intcr
o.sL rut", ilutc tiitU liiiilnrily 'iml s
cccdlnj; ninety U'.' "f cim Ii i'm- t
it.rlifli'iit'h -uM l.c iiiniuuii-''l fiinn
tliiM. lu Hjiio by iiil' tlin-n-ii I he l' l
IT1 ri'M'PVC I'.'IIiKm. 'I'll'Tf 1 :i .tinl
Tnu-tli hi I !m mmi Oliii'ltt for I'd iii tn V.
liunliN shuulil bv libit by rnrlb-ii-a- rult .f Kl-huy trouble uiib uhbb
thif? "llio ciuitpulfe'ii for noiny. ?u hml bvi-n alTHrMl l"i s w i ;.l
. iiH'li inraii rt-ononiy or cmmim v.tn.-. ......v. Tusr:inut
unit mm of i-.oiMiilitlirc lo t-iti-b tbriT H'lil UN ry.M ;i miu'M'- '" - -.
(.ualuni'TM lu vuvi? n itU uf-i'ii n mi hit bis ib-.i t b i
Legislative I'owcr to
force Co-ordination
War Dept. Opposed.
Opponents Seek to Smother
H With Many Amend-inei'its.
l 0r-";o-
lo the
- 4 H i
AVA.SIII.N0TOX. I'eh. K. 1'residi lit I
U'llson may have lo ficlit to tfet legiii- ,
Iitlive. aothoriiy elnpov.riIl him lo J
enforce coordination in the war do-;
parimenl. which eimgrcs.-iunul fuc-:
lions hae il"lii.iiirle.l. Tiio measure !
in-, in him niij i.i-edenleil jiower to,
louli-ol iMsliiit: inm-hinii-v is ict
liked hy many in both houses, oppo
nents it. ,-i;. s'.f-k to smolher Ihe bill in '
'ouilnill'-cs o ri-ua.-c'ilate Willi am-
i i nil iiienl Wilson mny jiersimalt;-' ai-j
peal to coni.resu to p.iss it. ( 'llaln her- j
lain supporters insisting Wilson's, ar- I
lion ', inille.ih-s I'lialiilK-rlutirx position;
I In. I i-foryaiiiytioii is needed. The!
si.-nule jit'iieiar.- committee lo"ins
eonsidtl ution of On: '"II l-dltU-Jny
The report on th
Hory. inrried hy the Ivis
nian yo.-;terday was mpi-ri
report, hy any other paper in oust
ern uregon The story wiii 'ov
er, d from all angles ami Inelinleil
'ho InlercHtiifK list "of Oregon men
aboard tin; ship and the li t! of nir
Mvors landed at islay. .sfyt land.
Un the previous evenine; ihe pmp'T
led nccesH for bulletin purposes to
tin- excellent nltlit report of the
I. X. .S. out of rortlaud, llirough
tlmf. nporl. Kecurlne the lnteat
news on Ihe number of men saved
and the Identity of the unit.-, aboard
tlio ship.
In KivinK i(H 1-cadern the news
Ihis. paper spareH neillnr expense
nor work. Its rctrulur tcb sra-phlc
report is more than double tho re
port carried by any other paper
in II a field, lis consistently super-lot-
new:: service Is one reason, w hy
the paper has an unquestioned
lead in circulation and In advertis-In-:
palronat'e. As. fast as busint-Hfl
Increases so w ill its ' Hervicc be
sireiiKlhened. A boost for this pa
per is a boost for Pendleton and
for yourself.
; Passengers On Other Ves
sels Express Relief; Two
Torpedoes Fired at Vessel.
No Confirmation of Report
That One Submarine
Was Sunk. i.
No uuiirtei:" is the sh.e.m in Hit battle for Mm!'
know the poio.r of tin Smii. miis. The Ihillsh.-rs' table
cralcr. Von iniuhlu t believe ll, I'llUlir Tellimies an
l'lil.ea alun.ist.
p'l-IUIl-ll llere. The t-l-m i
s :i bit of 'trench t'iool'ine ihc
:.l!! to !;kC lll'-re t-Mllies US V
ca.im lew , Tommies ,
il in the- pit of a shell '
1 as e,,j; - over alter
ttfkc I dcslri- to pot- r V -.. wfc-w- ....
S. A. IV1ENTZER. WELL t'stimated this afternoon the
landimrs at (itliL-i- pointh on
tiio Iri.-h and Seotch coast.
More Losses I'rciliol'il.
A 'Xl.n.'.v, i eii. s. Sir Kric ili-iides
pn iiiete.1 Hiere uii! be more b.?--es
like the 'l'll.-ca ma. ai Alll'-rica Inllnl
i..ep u s..-,;. slii.im ol" Mil II Ileum-.-leioss.
II.- :-.ii,l liic l.iiiiien of niiiin-
1 : 1 1 T I ! ; u K"l opi s 111:1 11 pi.
lil sl i.v
NKV." YtlKK, I'Vli. X. The
Krupp works are bein-: JhiL iiii
dii -i-miinl for fear of American
air rnitis aeeordin- to p-assen"ers
I'l-iim fiotp-rdam. vhu say also
that Germany is planning a sub
marine cumpui-.il in the l'uclfic.
Unit l.iirinun arin.v lic.'Hrrtlons arc
incrcusin-. thai American vriso-Tli-r:-.-
ate trt-iliHl v otsc than otli
i i, ami that Holland has only two
months food nnd may enter the
ii-.U unless thu allies supply her
The- pas.-i uxors were on the
Xievve-AinsP. rdam. All the pas
sengers v. i re tcarchod and tlu ir
faci- powder, soap, it-., sciztil by
officials fearint,- Die shii) li-ou"ht
Herman fungus lu ruin American
Decision of Judge Marsh is
Upheld by Judge Biggs of ;ti corroborated
1 . " was found ufterw:.
Holding tout the preponderance of
proof favors the presumption that the
lute A. .1. Sturtevant of I'ilot Hock
did not have the mental capacity of
uiakin- a U-gul will at the lime he
made Hie will In ouestioii, Jud:
(oil lii;-s
LONDON". Feb. 8. Passengers on
other vessels believe that Germany
know of the Tuseanla. galling. One
said that three torpedoes were fired
at his boat Tuesday. Naval and flsh
ins craft continue the search for bod
ies. Hope of more survivors lias
been abandoned.
So far. the admiralty lias not devia
ted froni ils annotii em"ut that L'l'i
are mi ;sin-". inchtdln-: J 1 " soldiers.
The admiralty sas glories that ona
submarine was destroyed are so far.
unconfirmed. One destroyer droppe't
a. depth bomb at the spot where the
submarine was reported and loosed
a torpedo at another, destroyer. Offi
cers and passengers of tiio other
this. No trace
ward. All account
were that two torpedoes were fired
at the Tuscania. one passing near tho
stern, .v number of torpedoes, were
launched, and the directions from
which they came indicate that a fleet
of submarines attacked. Tho Tus
eanla medical officer said most of the
deaths were caused by the men
jumping overboard when first hit.
There w as no way of -checking tliein
until the lifeboats were lowered and "
many were tlead then.
Uutario, before whom
tiio Still tevant w ill contest w as: tried
-on appeal, upholds Jude O. H.
.Harsh in setlini; aside tho will. His
oeclslon is in favor of the contest
ants. Vivian I. Slurlevant Linger and
j Lowell L". Still tevant, and UBuilinl
I Mark A. Slurtevant, ills vile and
; daughter, rav. I searchiiib- all parts of the Scottish
'. tXuIrt ! Oiiiiii- Itiiiia' . opinion ! rt ira-h coa-its. li.io; JUl Jocat iu,
Ireacht d the attorner s in the contest , vivors Navy cableirrams say S0J8
I this moriiini?. It is assumed that an mv vvere landed. C'f these 120 are
; appeal w II lbo taken to the state su- j Londonderry hospitals. j&cretar;
; preme court. 1
snn-li for Surtiors.
AVAS11IM ;TON. Teh. S. This
' morning official figures of the Tu-
cuniu missin-; are still 210, while
i British ami American wireless is
.... .... 1'. 1 l-o. rt. ' ' ,
Last Night Alter Coin- .,-.,,,, wimllT. an- n.c h.cai
l.-ll-ltivclv 15ll'f lllnCSS. h,-pi!nls. snlicrinu Hon. iv
paiaUVUV l)l'l llin-.-s. . hiiin-ic- from llu- P .-. lo implo
sion. nierica il a.niv null are .-i.e. a.- ii
h.-j tin- names of llu-c surviMU- ami Am
Ihosc in the holds ami arc al-i. pi-.-- enll
purlin: .asiuillv I i t" he loi-viaril- Am
cd to Washington. 111 -
.11 An
in lie
i lliis ,
e,l liiu-
will (all
r. fillin;-.
I'.a.l lui.v for l.cniiiiiil.
S. A. MellUer. J.l i.ln 111' Hi l e! il l , I
local lariniT. died al -..rv ,i Ills at t'.l.'.
last evening, ari onlilii: I" word re
ceived here lodav. Ilisd-alll vv a
liKI.KAST, fit
their experiences
lo hi. lo
tho means to buy Mn- Koverunieiit-
(Continued on Pago 3 )
Ml friend-.
.Mr. .Menl.er
nml came, h-l
veins a-n T'or :
he fai'lneil on 111
v. - I ii'liiuul -d I
Abliers Iroin II
preparin-: lo v.reali xen- was on 111
e.ineo on lite linns. Two Irakis are is . nln teil
i : ri n t In a military camp in Mn-- S-verai
native of
.VI issouri
iinb er of
i-m ii a lion.
Ii ie
I t
land win-re Oiev will be-in truinir
soon as tile I-sl e-iuiplii-iit is ri pi;
umber lii ' Tm.--iiii.-i." will 1.
rtea's in si t.i efe battle erv and
p, color.-. .Ml s; inpatlin:- with
lie. alet il-.laii.'l - 1 1L 1 1 1 1 oil- laas-
lor sp',,il,; it.,mar:ni- fuiht-
inc. Th- C.-.pi s: "Subliiai int
:.-nikiii-- 111- ,-.- auia 1 c bad davs
work li.,r . 1 . -1 -1 1 1 : 1 1 1 . America's mind
l 1.1, le. H..IV her sijul
nisi Hie kaiser."
I vv.uncl Itiat other looses
ible but pieilicp-il the allies
.,1. v, ill e;,l,-!lel' ill,, '.: 1 ib i.l la II i. s.
liulk I.ufl to Sm Mark.
A. J. turtovant dii-d Jnly . I.
His l:i.t will flbd for probate cut off ;
Ills fc'raii'Jchililrt'M. Vivian and L,o--with
$.! fitch and b-ft ihv Milk
ul" bis larL.'e t-stat tu bi-s son M;iiU,
and tb1 lattf-r's wife. Tho two grand
children, who wvrv cbihlrrn of a d-.-eaHi-d
son, jMtiituiiod the court to,
oji t Jm fjronnds that 1
mentally inca.ia ble J
I bat t h will was!
and frandub-Tit ii
by Mark .VturK-vant
i . t r had bet.ii ud- i
tu be iueapable of
n bti. inefc and that 1
ul' a deluslun that
set onae t be will
tht- tesiatr.r was
f niaKin;; a Ml.
I obtained b tirniio
' ilUtife eeici.-ed
land wife, that tv;
ude'ed by rutins
! cundueliutc lbs
bo wai j. ucsevvt'd
Dunieis is;ued a f?tattinvnt. Maying:
" have no confirmation of the Brit
ish statement that the submarine was
also sunk. I hope it s true.' The
diver was nut t'een, accord imr to re
f'ort, hut owiny" to .tlia . .Wiirniittf of
ant i-fr.ibmarino i!itruinonls, a I!
aboard the transport were ordered ott
deck be f ore the shi uas mi ruck.
Secretary i:;iker j i-tlfied wiLlihHdii
t he new s of tlie turnodointr fur five
hours by saying he waited confirmation.
John Duane, Son of Mrs. J.
N. Doane is a Member ox t "
Co. l -Uth Engineers.
the father and mother of the contest
ants had
robbed h tin of
and buried it.
larire turn
I .ii iiilifkt inL u Uuwli.ll
tf.lVJUV.T ..HI'..!! ... I.I.I
, , has a larni al ai.l 'l aU'e. 1.1. ill", op.
- 1 To Enlist to Avenge ..,, t!.( p, bis .,i,i.ti m,. l,i .m. i,., ,-.
KillLillir f TllSCtllliil He is suiviv. y ills wile and five
ehlldren. .The
I inn- v-' '' 4 anibii-..
i-hihlreii are lal M nl
S.VK' li'. WCiSfU. l-VI.. S. 1 .11111- ' ""' ' :'
berjackn from ull Paris of . allfomlu Ko.k Pall i, k of I'end lei o, . .Mi- I .
are comln8 in to enlist to imiiw th, , ''','," ': Mem. e
TiKicunlu. Nciirlv evi ry liimberlnw 'orvallis. nn.1 Alia .Mcuzer. . , va
community Oh tho const has men ii, II. The la-l !.. naniert ate alt-iul
tho units. Seven nrrlvcd here today hi- t A. i . ami II was b, be win
10 enlist, after a ;:ul mile Hip. "'oni ami in Ihe hopes of huorov Im.-
-. . . MlS. .le,IZel'S lli.lltll H, HI 11,- I -1111-
ilv move, I P, I 'orvallis a few weeks
li;, '.
The funeral Is lo occur here Sntur
. Oiiy at :s o. lo-u from I he frovvn me
I'CHtTLANO. Feb. H. The .leparl- m-rla I i n t ehapel. Tin s-i ice wil:
uient of Justice has accepted the rcslw- be cmdiietcl h- lb" I I fellow- will,
untlull of f'larellco Keums as federal te.-: i:. liornall oli'i -ia I in .:.
district utlorncy so he may becumu
specinl aj-slsllllit to Atlori(.-y li.n-ral ,. , .,. ITS'
(ircKOiy. ltobcrt M. ltankin. f ii -t A I V4M1 A .N 1 11 1 1 I I- niliriTmn ill I H T
ASIIIMi'ltlV. I i'h. S I he r
lllw i.nilcr Ihe -hick of Mecca ilcieal
Cl I lll Talks "opclal ill'; si, nil. aiil
. U ASHI.NCITt'X. Kelt. i.;t.r
tnau' litis mustered a perl ion of
Ihe cbis.s of I bo s MMeni
j earn old. offlec.t repi.ris siato.
'I'lli-sC Lttjs are i: t et e:ii!--ti tip.
b.n t he niuslenii has b,--n 'in
l-fCLrrei.-. seme 'time. lb ret.. C- !'e.
lililltiir evilles n ll'-- ii lo lu llf .
;i-rm -nv : ealh.'U 1 lies- l-o .
s.. ...1., si't port i?- r. -.:nl J .1
Word as leeei
iuu of the death
I -.1 i 11 a of vallle. :
(hi. n.ciit.v .
niMht at the .!.
ed ll'.'le t Ills- morn
,.f .Mrs. KlTie K.
:ei-mer resident ot
died Wednesday
n:-r 'Mof-pital aft
, liii-v-a-o ielliii'-:
. - iv ed I lii- iiM'ru
i;.!!itli I'.d-i'Tii fr-'iu
an.-l Valid, of this
One lViulicUm hoy and two with
relalie-- 1IUii- here or neiir here nioy
Ikmc Imm ii anioiiir the American trou3
on Itvartl Ihe sulmiinincil trniaittrt
Tiicaniii, ucixmliny to hitevl ufhiift.
tlohn 1ohih sou iff Mrs. J. N. Uoune
who HmhI it ::t7 snih Muin s-lrei't
m til It her .sons fiiUle and hrothrr of
i;oeo iMunie. foininiy ul" the iru
d!' ton lru- lore and now hi Ihe
medical (lepartmentof the nuuy, in
lltMl in o. t1 ff flu j(Mh r.iuiliiivi-i
lat lMiniNr iu PortUimU mill thlt
tniiiny nils one ivcii a uhoaitl the
c.- L
In the same etMiiiau was ( laude
,rs, a hitdlier tol" Ii-s. Homer I.
Walt- of Aihona. lr. Watts did not
know her brother -, - ooinpant wu
aKard mil il she reati the -lat 4)re.
uoiijau la-l eeiiin.
The rortland pajiers state that
frank II. tl"es. a brother ol .Mr-.
WiMard Ito-id of this eif. wa tn one
of tho units aboard Ihe submarimd
'IVsliiiiony in -LoiUriiet.
Tlie principal tts-timony was
doctors and friends and had to du
nith his mental nnd physical condl
t'op and his abiht to '''nil tu his own
affairs. Much of thW testimony is b'
itrecoiici liable conflict, Jiidfc-e Hiygs
say-, in tils opinio 11. for instance.
Doctors Henderson, Gilliktud, Temple,
ypauhlinf,'. Garfield and Iieuallen tes
tified tiiat he wn' hieofiipetent to
make a w ill, hereas I Ketors Smith.
lUiifc-o and Parker testified to their
belief that he was competent. There
was- the same conflict In the testi
mony of friends and acquaintances.
Uowcmt. ,1m lu--- r."pc-s holds that tht,
preponderance of testimony iudi
cMes thai he was sufftrint: from se
nile dementia and. besides pbysi-
. e.t IN a t tent ion pa r-
Diverting Neutral Shipping
to Allied Use Arouses Ire
of Germany.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. 8. The Amer
ican regulation of neutral tonu.se en
tering Anieriean port, by which th"
mujority of these ships will be divert
ed to allied use will "dot! b-i It? proj
lone; the war." L nd- r foreign ije ere
tary Von Dem bausehe of Germany de
clared in an interview.
"Germany cannot quietly ae.p.nesce
iu America's new robbery of several
t housand tons of neutral shipping,
She's thus improved her military po
sition, doubtlessly pro Ion r.iri u . t he
v. a r.
will b.
i'i. Mi;Jllt l
1 t ri v in:; be
ton unU Llean-
STJci irrcAH sTiuki-: .si: ri
. 1
l-.i, Pa- i-m
1 1 .. n.-TIl -s. f -lei-s later in--Mii-il-i
ae ni;;,le 1 lie fiin-ral will
b, I, i sn lulu v a 1 :, ti-ooii al L' . ::
the I'hlistian ciuirch Willi inter-
ci in ihe l'au-l lot at the local
clans' lot:
Ih-til.iriy l
i limnl-oli,
Pearson. I,
.-. il.it:-! i
ow n ,-n.--iiH
showed lie
and liial I
stiiiu.ny of ". L.
fentaine an.! Mrs.
t thai Pc had been
cut to transact hi?
that his bttei-s
unrounded beliefs
an inveterate vviil
VV er,
I. fa
ems. .lu.i
le.i r III,
- and S-teph,
-e J unes A. f,
cenletl the re:
Ips was l!s.,u
Clarence Nor-;ren
tU-a ,Nll'l,Tftl. Weil
mnsu-inn, was i;l.
when it was toi-p-n,
I'has lar it is not
surv i v. s. A il
a brother of Misj
known Pendleton
I II t he Tlti' ill! v
ed Tuesday niiit
not I. no vv ii vv !i,( iier he
iniuiry of tlie war de-
a apj-cal. because h? al tuu
,1-tment t On- Kasl i.'r. ;ouian
rou-hl a repiv th-it Nor -ieii .v,i ,
louid the ship but that no addition-
vf si: rv i . ,.rs or ' f m I - : i
KT. I.OVIS I1!'!!. 8. 'I 'tnw thousllllll Miullivl. sl of the (hlul sell. I he hnltle
striking HLn'Ctcar nin this nftcrn.Min hcjtinniu- .lanuary -.oil. rc-aii'.l in
ratified Hie) aureoiiu-IH for n settle- Hie pcacthnl amiihifali I' "he
Uient of tlio mllwiiy slH?ii'.follovvhm Turkish forces Ibe .ai'lui-c .of Ihe:
nil all lllRlit tJOluVerentv Willi their em- commander unit his Mali, -nn olhcis
ployers.. It prtivMles rci-oirnltion of nml -m-l(l.-rnhlo .i.-'l.i.an.'e.
llic union pn an open shop hnsis. ur. -
nial sTviea wns resuineu s.hiii hh-iv-
wat n-ss
I iiiii;
;: I Jan
t i,
lb ,1 l i ,
after, the men luirryliiB to llio car
null- ,
- I'm.,
llll I ll .-I
anlcl .W". I.
Ms a n ,i t ' vv t i
r tin- mini
i'II I e , I .
; n in
of lb
,i nie and torwari
sw c.i I el s. 1 ;; ' M M !
all I lli-.ll approval
wolN llolll' lias jiim
l:l I llltiS 'III J;T l-eml,iiartei-s nl Seattle. There wer.,
I Kl.l', lllll.l'.ll l.o criticisms at all of Ihe w elk I'll n-
, 1 ..i.l hi ;;.
I'OII'li AM", la I,, v- Tlie el'- Tile i. 1 1 in tic a Sei'lle li m.i-l.t
.Vl'W VtlltK, IA-b. (t. Irii-sponsibh' forts of VVilhelm l,,lpb;n. spy w'li it llu- n.- .s thaj all of ihe s..l-
ruumra CUUsetl Ilie sllH'lilltcnlcnt of suspect to -alii his li.i. li'v v ia dins at t,innp Lewis have been sep-
tlie llilOhCTelt liospillll to HUlke the luilieas i pus were block, ,1 plied with knitted n.iiinriil.-- and Hint
follow 111-- unlellienl: 't'olonWs far when huitiivralion .fi'iclals I'd- U" more should be sen! illicit to s,.l-
froilL dead. llels lllipnlll(r. ll.iw. ,.,1 chal-es of p.r.iuiv I'e.ai'l- diets there, as it would result in du
vver. If another abcess forms II may i,1(r his nativiiy. i,ipiii.i. iier- plication. The i,.,-il clitii.t.-r i
bO a dirfprent story." man. was c, ,ik In 111,' Third "le- 4 r.-cted to send tile linlshed -iil'lnel,'.'
Xune lire ntlowol lo lMI lihu iv gun mid urri.-led as He- ti ps to Sei.fle ft..;i w he. o tin- v-.il b.
COpt Ills ImninllMtC family. MllllJ no. w,.e leaving. !,llli"d over to i:.e i. aarti i uiasiel s
tabloH lefl tirlv mill nies-iv:e al Ihe ,le: all ner.l w ai-h vv.il issue them fie
IranittML "anir n- utilirmc.
f acitill.i
is silll'V i'.
er. Mi--- 1-ailtil
fi-ir sistei-s, Mr-.
. !:. S. Jinid. .Mrs.
Hiss .Mai- 1 1.
r. .I-:. u M. i M!'.,l
Stewardess Discovers
She Rescued Corpse l, "'" l)"'h "
. vols at Isolated points.
UlStl 1','f.T. Feb. S A
ustrian mm
ivn :;n . I'. iv . fchiv-
.-.I rem a .!.- ii'i 'ii- fc:l.v Ihe Vu.--iiaa.i
cabin, i. le.-licmu ! r, mn-r
ou .'1.1,-r have ban, I'll their
i-e-i-nai. ui- lo I inperor t aii.
There will i-i- at has; thuiv si stars
in th- f, lulb u, n hiuh !nii,l sciwicu
tiau. Si'ii.i to be III. ole lliui'l' the .ll-
rcvtioil of Oh- siliiciit var C ul-
L , , l: Ill, s, llc,i asseiiiL-i.v lootii.
The ii-1 .l i. aii, is of form, r stu- icw unless in an o v , ren .vv d.-l -
dents now m their cciimn-v's service is 4 i...:,t. -.,a,l ihe hand of a
lei i omph tc but iiPl-roMiuatcfv ever: ,,,,,,, nlcrinjr In Ihe water
; -t.il i.l . Iv has .Mined a .rent has . ,.,, llt .,., i above vvate
ai. n ,.,.n.Kii. .N.i,. V 4i;i!i an !.,,:; m this manner.
anient; 111- sluili nl" lean tile tilluy a -'.a vv ben , !,. beat vv as rescued, she
a:u:lei branches. The marine culpa. discovered the man was -a
has attracted five. corpse. oily two women were
Anions; students who are commas- aboard ihe Tuscania. Loth
i-ioncd oOici rs are laptulii U man ,M,.-i-.rdesses slid down Ihe rope
flee, al American Lake. Lieutenant when the shit, was torpedoed.
-hi-t. i- I'.'-. v-ilti tic iu.'.miry at Oil T1... s,,,,j, ;.s commended tht-m 1I1T.1. f.
fi Ii' ;- t f :.. ,'ea'.., ,-. i:, ,,r . f;..t ! risen- the . . t i.i . -, I 1
in... ..i.nt. I'ual'es 1 ...;. scvo.ie ,, ... ,.. ,u..r a. id iiiauay wi.l.l ! . .
iieiiteiianl. MKiml calls, and Haloid J. . tlK, iv,,a. "ill., lir'n. ;
Wain, r M'fi'iiii iic.ticn.int. si-na, uionib . I',
had b. en received up t" that lime 1
p. m. li'tl.iv. The sarin ri poi r .-..i
that Helfm.t advices w ,-re that Hie e -tiiiuites
of tin- dead vvuul'l be ic,po;..d
of -i j r-. i
liarcne,. N..,r-r. n w a
pany I ., tn i i ne. i -
Oi i