EIGHT PAGES PAGE FIVE DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, FERHUA UY 7, 1013. COMEDIES OF CAMP LEWIS IRRIGATION OF ECHO LAND IS UNDER WAY Et ODAY - IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S KEEP THAT SMILE ON YOUR BANK BOOK BY TRADING AT CONROY'S CONROY'S S &25 Alain St. Free Delivery. TJione 640 PotaWes, Weston Dry Land, Cwt... $1,25 Corn''. . .'. 2 cans 25c; case $2.75 Tomatoes. 2 cans 25c; case $2.90 Monnt Vornoji Milk, i-iiii I lo YM.M F. r.VIt 1'ltriT, So. I puns 2 runs 2.V Hiiroii Pouches, (,'rii, Aricol, I'ouclic. Illol lll.nso l.olluoi'. pouiiil, . . . ." :.-, lleii, kVltiif'. :l fur , 2.V I'llI'MlMWt,' R pounds ':. Onion. toiuiil 'llhluiC. ihmiiuI Ic fucitiiiil, Kimuhcitl, Noodle, .fuickuuo IOe, t'Htmf, iHltllO . iIU' Kastrrn Coin l-al, ft pouurt sin k Hominy, O imniiil wick nor Itollctl Outs, 1) hii ti I Mirk "TOr till rlry lion r, 1 kiiiiiI mirk ll."c OlymnTc I"tlrl Cuke I lour, uokii".cs . .Mntr-hP. (hit r,o Toilet. l'itMr. l mllN :.". IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S DEPUTY POLICE CHIEF IN NEW YORK Mrs. KMen A. O'Onidl. long a police matron in N(w Yrk 'iiy, has been n p pointed t If i h (In (tut ' police com missioner if the rity. under the new innyos wh took office Jnn. I, She will draw ti salary of tpn:n a year. Never beforo has a mayor named a woman- for this place. Hut the vic tory for omnn suffrage .In the 'No vember election moved Mayor Hylan to recoRniste women. Mrs, oVrradv will Rive her time largely to cases in which women and girls arc concern ed. Sho paid she had gained her ex perience in "the School of hard work. r The woman who iloesn't care what Flm ilne usually marrlfs a man who doosfi'l earn what hi' i I "A Confection Which is All Food; A Food Which is All Confection" Sold and Guaranteed by Thompsons' Drug Store iiHir 1 CJA FFFI I1ilbl1l WWII 1 LIKE LUMPS OF LEAD Wlipn yoil wake up Willi liarkarhf nnil liH mlw.v I" "" lil't"' V region II (Tonorally wraw yon lm'o Iicimi 'al , iK ,in inurh inoat. wiy a wi ll linown lilllhorlty. Meal f.irn)- urlr arl.l which ovi-rwoiku the kii'iii'vs In lln ir offorl to flllor It fr.mi tin- l.hiod anil Ihoy lipoouio fort of paralyse". ' anil loRKy. Whin youi- kl.lneys net .luc Rjh anil floe yrai must relieve them, like you relieve your lumili: reniov IliK all the hoik's urinous waste, else yoil have bai kaehe. slek lieailaelie lll"tv Bpell. your noinaeh s.uirs tonkiie Is coated, anil when the wrath ft la laul you have rheumatic twlnitn The nrlno la cloinly, full of neillment cliunneU iftji gtt ore, water calJf and ou an' oliliueil to seek relief uvfl "it three tirr.i's ilnrinu the nl-lit. l-:ither consult a kooiI. rell.tl'le phy iorian at ooce nr ;et fiom onr phar macist almtit four ounces ol" .lail Sails; take a tal'leipoonful In a :l:iss of wa ter before IneaUtast t'oi- a lei flay.i anil your klilnes will then act fine This famous salts Is ni.-ole from the aciil of crapes anil lemon :tiee. f"'le hlneil lth lilhla. ami has ln-i n use.l lor seneiatiiins to clean anil stimulate sli'irKish kiilncys. also til niMiliali.i aculs in the mine so it no Iniatrr irri tates, thus cmliu' hlaililer weakness. Jail .-alts Is a life saver for leuular meat eatern. It Is Inexpensive, can not Injure anil makes a ilelli;htful, ef furvotevnt llitiut-wuu-r drink. :o.i-: i )!: ni.r n i:t rty vvi:n ti:k.:i mux . t, TU-I1'. "Now walch yourself, Miiks, when he uiven yn th' rommnnd lo jab!-' "V Till: KHil fiAMI!l.i:i!S." M AY I I! I Wti i: LAY ii.to the melodrama that niatthes the nature of the offering. -"or-v t-dav. FroI)ahly ihe iim'Ii- tiniMy kcipcm . day of the moment Ik "The Food t liini hlern." iti'oduced under the super vision of Allan P;in at the Tiianslt st iidio.i, which will he nhown at the Tastime Theatre today. Klda Millar, who appeared in -'Her Kxrelieney the ('inventor. " has the role of th'e youriK N'eWspn er onifi w ho exposes fi rlnft of proinlnen- men pit ' gaped. In "food gmtihlinK." Wilfred Lnrarf has the role of Henry Havens. food comm istdoncr. Thin Triangle picture is faid tt he 'alive with dramatic action, a. w-n the ounK reporter hrea ks into t he food unmhler'H office xnd declares nhe will Imprison them as traitor to .their country. She Is aided by the food i commissioner in carrying out her plan." ; but not until the i inn of snifters have managed to convict her on i he trumped-up charge of- selling "dope." Aha Thrill n Oflerimr i:'tioMal IVoerain Today.' The manaement of the Alta thea tre announce a program of merit to day direct from two -... n the blfi time one year with the rpheunr cir cuit and one with Pantaes comes th l-jichtann Sisters Trio in ft- calssy shuiin. dancing change act. The.e ph'lw are jumping thrniiih from i'hi rno to Seattle to open there on l.'nntaes southern time and it w:s impossible for the Alta mamitremenjt to secure tlielr service for but one day (in the same hill is the Thompson Duo a clever emncdy uinging' and talk, inp team. i'athe Xews with all (he latest war news and the world picture "The Ctuner Croeery' en to make up this excellent proi-rarn. i Kftst retronian Special.) r:rfo, Feb. '7. Th Western ftnd a il d Irrigation ('a. h a h a 1 rea d y be k i i n 1 he irrifat ion of their la nd in their .district. ( ne and one half feet of Water wan turned into their niain ca 'nal on Tuesday of thi week. Howard 'Aaron is employed a ditch rider. The lulteM Aid gave another one of their pleasant "hl t er Te;us at the M. K. pnr.sonaKe yesterday. MesdanieHf. P. Cnok and Win. Kselstyn acted, as hostes. a pjnasinff ptfisram was ren ; ile red. A larwe niuu her u as in a I - tendance. Kcho was visited AV'ednesday morn imc by a er severe ra in storm but 'that was only ne of numerous, rains. V Kail rain of all kinds have made a wonderful kiowiIi and i looking exceptionally well. Mifts Ilessie A ndrews returned to Walla Walla today to resume her stn dieB at Whitnan col lege, aftei spend 'iny the semester vacation at tlie home ,'o'f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. AV. Andrews of the Meailows. Mrs. W. A. Jones spent Monday in tTTorrniston. ' f Mrs. H. H. Oaskill and Miss Fern ' I-oni;, if this place, were the lucky j ones who drew the two beautiful sold 'bracelet watches given away at the , (jeorffe & Miller to.'s store on Sat urday last. Mrs. (laskill received the i watch (?iven away in the morninK1 and Miss Lonff the one in the afternoon. Mrs. W. If. I'rary and daughter Xan visited in iVndleton the first of the week. Attorney "ItuK" JIailey of J'endleton . 'was here Tuesday attending; the di " rectors meet ing; i(. the Teel Irriga tion District. rieorge Melville of Toppenish. Wti., was rfmons lhe out rf town visitors ihero on-Tues'lay. He returned home the same evening" by the way of Pen ( diet on. Mrs Marl hit Kimball of Nolin spent 'Saturday m Kcho. Jrtrs. R. ii.' Stanfield and son .lack were in i-vndlet n i;st .Monufiv unn ret virned hunu ( ii ijie motor in t he evening". " ,;-. T. D. Matthews of Pendleton is a business visitor here. Misses Kuth and Lois Cnbbcll were in Pen diet mi on Sat urday having 'some denial work done, ' , Frank Spike is lying- danger ill at her home on Bridge TRIANGLE PRESENTS WIL1FRED LUCAS and ELDA MILLAR -IN- THE FOOD Newspaper Woman Exposes Food Gamblers ia Sensational Trial. In Addition Triangle Comedy TODAY COSY TODAY ' '. - 1 '" "' z I Graxe Gunard fELL 'S i M r; ousb' ; street Satur ! Kilter H. McCorniiek returned home , ay ffim a visit with her dau MiSs Adtlaine. Mccormick who is nursing at thel.a irande diospital. M i s. Jos. ( ' u n 1 1 a , Jr., Mp'e n t Sa t u r -day in J 'endleton. - ' ' P.ll I IAPH ( IIAMI'lON Wll.b ItlSK TITIJi IN JIVAV mii j.is -rti:ip W. T:. Pearson's mnianiic narrative, dealing- with events in "the days of "If," lias been "produced and direet 1 ed by the author with lirace lunard the star, and will he released a Tni versal's five-reel offering to exhibitors for the week starting Jan. 14, Direc tor Pearson took his company ns far into Death Valley as prudence war ranted to make the scenes of desola t ion and barren ness tha t a re necess ary to many incidents in the story. Support hip the star. Jenrtte M c Daniel will play the leading role with Pay ifanford and Kileen Seduwick prominently in vol v ed in t lie ml inn. Dance hull and gambling scenes, meth ods employed In wlnniuu' gold from earth, an several sensational "fight" episodes nre promised to put a "punch' l.evv Fields In "TheM 'nrncr Cmcer the latest World-Pict u re Brady-Madi1 demonstrates that he is not only great comedian lint a wonderful char acter actor. In the rob- of Wendel. the corner grocer, in the production. Mr. Fields has a nde that grips the "Mnpat hies of the audiences at once and holds them enthralled to the very end. o-s tarred wiih Fields In this picture is dear, delightful little Madge Fvaus. the Wti rids kiddie sta r. She appears as Mary, the little orphan, who grows up lo live ITalph. Wendel' son. The story of the comer grocer, his r ise a n d fa II w h en h is o n g oes ha d . and the final redemption of the son. is one of the most thoroughly enjoyable dramas ever filmed. in the stag" veision "The orner (irorer" ran f-r I. en; nights U New York 'ity. N'nw iu the amplified screen version, wil h Pen 'Fields m a nieuioralite character ization. "The orner tirocer" will lie seen at the Aha theatre today only. a ' 'ft'?'- ' - A t V 4 I .,j....JJi f.Vua - 1 ,7iir. ..-nJ. Jibuti ..-. CRATER A RAW FLESH DESERT DRAMA OF A WOMAN'S WICKEDNESS AND EXPIA- TION; THE RUGGED WEST IN ITS OLD TIME, WITH STRONG MEN, WILD 2 WOMEN, WESTERN JUSTICE. SHE I PLAYED WITH FIRE AND SHE PAID A HOT PRICE FOR IIERFUN. SEE THIS ROUGH AND TUMBLE REAL WILD E WEST PLAY. IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIMMIt: ALTA TODAY f . The House of Quality LEW FIELDS! MADGE EVANS I IX I I ''Clll;i iia" P1 vi 1.1 1 -ii . wants i ill;. little pea I It p u -w )' til U tool; f '! til. kins. Mr. il. I.e. : I IS " Alfreil re oro. the three-cushion to teach some halliard champion, will play Charles : eating poi-llo Otis in Hunna a championship match oJirins khe miilille of January. FRENCH BUYING WOOD BY THE POUND vWv i If ' c. JJ 3 ;r r" ' ' j ?,- 'V i f Yt' r'' ' . 'rf"; ' . - . ! t rvt I r ,i .r 4 y jt I . . -. til A -,k,u ..jr n,i. Lf,'J - - . - . - . .v - " ' .s. - - 7 f If! 1 f ' TA Carnerlfrixir 9" s.". is; ' - -'"."i. V f'' v : v I the conrjER onocEn I ri;oi i in pi.w wiih ii i; t i i: n,irb in r i w okk i i ia . E l!II! TI l ItY . I OH4.I: fowl, E The old foiKs at home who .ue ui,,pp,.d up m ihe f it iif ..f then X son. the v-', n-; 111. 111 who is Pu.d .(. t t u 1011 m ,i. , . ihi. the S oi;nu uni w i:o l..,-s h;f;i.;ii' ! h- -i . -s tn hli", - Hd m- ,r.- 'hi- piiiid S 3 pa 1 lil.ll.l'I'lS lil MliS -I e.it -Il ., -i;. "The ' 1 U I I ;i . . ' s ,1 hne 3 s'li'.'i ,ei ihe !.ift it lie a lnor s:--i-,- 1 - 1 fro IN IHI I M N V VI III-: N I W s . I II I I. I I n N I W Thin photogr;h L believed to diow pie In the streets of Taris actually art. Such a condition in Paris, it is uov.gni. in a ue it imp. rtan? for ship why Fuel Administrator Oarfi- ld de- huyimt wood by the pound. The (U-niiT tins several sman sticks 01 m-jims m co.u m leave .merica at nine rroed f h p coalless dfivs and ten.mnl- ftn,i on hl scales, while men nnd Iv cutting off the American supplv Icm M on liny It vhow? French puo womuii luiyvitf pdt:t ta pieces ilie niny -hip cleared tor fureisn pcri-". VAUDEVILLE I. 1 N ssl I k I ;i V CI.ISS , l.,.,l, .!, .. .... , I. llinilMiv in i 1'i.iiicI. SmoiK T.K-111- r 11 11 in: 1 n in.- n( i.ts :tm- 5 -IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIillllllllllMllllllllMIIIIIIIIMIIIIilMllllllllllinuilllHlllllllllllllillllllllll.' 1 t