EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1018. PAGE TJTRT2I Ijhb pes or mm i OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE , Addttloo to 1wWIIiij. ( .Hurry Dobbins huH takrn out a. per mit to bullit an addition to his dwell ing on Ash street ut a cost of $175. l. -.I Til , Uuyd Srw Ilu kiml. I i Krank Clirl. prominent farmer, is i noma; nuoiic in a new model- Paoknrrt . which he him Juki rsosntly purchased. i im n.w railcard has a rhaniro In uiifB rrom the old moilol. . IkilM CVtmn Dwn.1' Rlt tons of.imltn Ml with n Ire mendous crash this morning about 9 o'clock at the noer hnrdwnre store ivhen the shaving In the rear end of tbn -sloro iipert whl. U liry li.-irt been : placed gave way. beneath the. wolirht. Chester AJartln. ons of iho salesmen of th storo,.. wuk sUndlni; Just: """H lh" bollJ ond narrowly oHoaped belnn struck.. - Th shipment of holla fiadfjiiKt arrived, yrsicrdny. tut are at work tuilldlnp: shelving for the hnlt sort Ion." und tlm county precincts now have iho same boundaries, oxnept that the county's preolhcts In several esses, Ian over to take in Homo outside tor ritorv. However, In reKlstored for tho city election, the Pendleton voter lined only remember the unrulier, of Iho precinct In which lio Ih registered 'for tho county election, ltegixlration will begin on Feb. 17 and, In cane any "voter has forroltefi his precinct num ber, ho may secure tho Information from the relntration clerk who will have. a- jimp with . the boundaries marked,. tlie norlhweut as a result of the ne cessity of handling' "grain in the bulk. Son In Rom. A son was born last nlirht to Mr. and Mrs. Itobcrl Thomson of this city. Klittlon llourdH Nnnu'd. Tho county court has completed Itt list of election judges and clerks for the yearn J91S-191!!. Girls IJmlt Cost of Dromes. UlKli school senior airls wjll JToo- verlzo on their graduation dresses, nc- cording to action taken this morning. ! Their commencement frocks wll Ibe j limited In cost to $10 and will oon.ilst of some liffhl mnLeriul, as organdie IYtK Kills lran-H. A kllllnR frost on Itrr. ?,l did Brent coimiy. Florida. occordlnB to a letter 1 1,,elr flowers will be pink sweet ,,ul received by M. A. Fcnruson from A. ' ' ' ' ' I! 1.-oII,.l- f.,r,rl iv,.ll U nown i " """I"" eJrtCWCr AM I CiOIHO. WITH THI 3rMte I'MlAKIrJRL ITttclNe. J SAW If IN OfR IMHPLiY IIUIMVCIU) HAfrKH-ly "Ffyee'J ivflL, AMCr-f. IT'S FRCe tf- oOAP- ,T : in n tllln counly resident who Is llv- Alany pupils of tho schools ore making house rn mpn-llni, lltArn rw.u, l f 1'nllr.i' nrta ..n. slronKcr lot iho members of the volunteers who i fi"V'f'''ssf8 ' h '? Trlbnl to Alexander. Clarke loiter, editor of Orand Observer, paid n. Alexander. . local merchant who has announced his retirement, tho following tribute in his paper: ' "K. Alexander has sold his business In l'endletoo. He must reitrct to sell the business that his own energy, foresight and determination built up. It 13 probably a dear to him as a son. Hr, Alexander Is a good man. Ho was tn active buslnoss In Pendleton for forty years. He Ik one of the men fought the I 1S7H. Hat tie of Willow Springs In tho l a I 'lues I.at Month 310. Pendleton to house along the sale of ' thrift , stamps and o. number have al-' j ready m"t with marked success. Any! , child selling $.",() worth of the stnnipj ' gets a place on Uio honor roll. Thorn were only 1 cases In pollen ; Uant District IHvided. court lust month and of these nlno resulted in fines or forfeited bail, ac cording to Hecorder Fltz Gerald'i KikI June Jilslrlcls Nn. X and 113 on Huttcr Creek were consolidated by vote of the people and now some of who mads Pendleton what It Is. raw I Issued fffid 20 building permits for of tho famous cIUcb of the United ! Improvements valued nt $4290. Fire BtaXea. The Observer believes In say-'Chief Kingold's report showed , no lug these words about Mr. Alexander ft Ire lorai Jast month, while he Is still with ns. A few more I . . nowers for the living, a few more monthly report. Tho fines amount- the residents In old Iilstrlct S aro pe ed to $310. Three offenders served thinning to ho cut off nsain from the! out their sentences, two cases were new district, hilng dissatisfied with ! continued, one dismissed and ono re- the present arrangement. The dls-1 ferrcd to the juvenllo court. J.lceinio J trlct boundary board has the matter' fees last month amounted to SOS. undor advisement todny. i The expenses of tho office totaled 1 ' $112. There wero 12 burial permits I Ydornl Officers Take U Cnt. jiisirict Attorney Keator lia.s recolv- I Und words, more smiles, would make the world lots brighter " . City and County PmHnels Same. By an ordinance passed by the city council last evening, tho city precincts ft maM Wash far Hita Disease We 1ns wllfMsia turti rrmarksMe esrrs ltii Una saetliimr mull of olla that re oavr Torn a tattle ea tlie ruanutre tliat ouItm it tlMS lbs snsw ss it costs ysa as s .. TAtJ.SIAJf PRC3 CO. Uct Ilkls f"? Ucvators. V. W, H'ru-rah and Henry Rosen berg arrived fiome this morning from Spokane where they attended the opening of bids for the construction of three new Farmers' Union elevators In this county. A good many bids were received but no contracts were let. they report. . Among the bidders were Porter liros., who have a number of ship building contracts, Hurley-Mason, builders of the American Lake cantonment and the Burrell Construc tion Co.. which .built tho elevator here. The plans are for elevators In Pilot Rock, Pendleton and Fulton. Mr. Harrah declares elevators are springing up like mushrooms all over Quality Groceries There is hardly any thing you buy but what you are very particular as to quality. Quality is the one element that should re ceive the first consideration. f We pride ourselves on the QUALITY OF OUR MERCHANDISE Every thing1 clean and sanitary and the best hioney can buy. We want you to al ways associate this store with the word quality. . . A TRIAL CONVINCES The Dean JatomXo. PHONE 688 ed Inl met Ions from the V. S district attorney nt Portland to file an action In tho ffdrrnl court nualnst floorer Virhns. tho Rlrth JrooTc who c harped with making falsn statements In his quest lonnairo. Ho was pre viously held In the state courts under $3000 UN :k K i : -zm s i 'BE A 5. n j v7 npj 7-7 ; Standard Patterns Ladies' Mimslmfwear - ...... v .. V(f" ABSOLUTELY NEW: is. the proper term to apply to the shipment of Ladies' Neckwear received by ua this morning. Every new Spring creation in the Neckwear line will be found in this ample assortment of large lace trimmed organdy collars, filet trim med Georgette crepe numbers, crepe de chine, satin and satin combinations. . The price range of 75c up, speaks for itself. LADIES' HAND BAGS . We have also received a nice assortment oi new style leather hand bags, ranging in price from $1.75 to $8.00 each. We would be glad to show you at any time. ' ' Fownes Gloves Modart Corsets ALEXANDERS 1IO.U AS A fiERMAN SPY. Eleven More- Classified. Charles H. March, who pre pre vfousty classified In 1-c, has been re-j classified in 4-c, his case having been ' reopened. . Other decisions from the llstrict 'board received today are as follows: John . H. Lorenzen 2-c Marshal Kllensberffer 4-c, Carl J. Hheard 2-c, Itoy.il Barker, 2-c, Olto C Waeman 2-c. Dean T. Wlllaby 1-e Vlrftil K. Willnby 1-1. William o. Wal lace 1-e, WHUani D. Miller 1-f and 2-b, Clarence M. lUxhy 1-a and 2-c. Sheeloy to CJot Tryout. Karl Sheeley, former -first baseman ror Walla Walla In the Trl-State liasue. who has been playing for Salt I lAke in the Const league for the past ! few seasons, is to be given a tryout by ! the Cleveland American league team ' it the New Orleans training camp ,fhls spring,. Sheely was recently married to a Walla Walla girl and has many friends and admirers here who will watch his career in the big i leagues with interest. The only thing ;thnt will keep hi mout of the big 'leagues Is the slight limp In bis log, 'the result of an old Injury. Walla Walla fnlon. MADE-iN-GERMANV LIES CIRCULATED IN CANADA Canada Is nlso having trout' ! with Made-in-liermuny Ilea nlculat'd to hinder Canadian food conservation af cording to tin officl.-il statfiuciit re ceived from tlm i'anndiim food coh BRITISH GOVERNMENT ' KELPS PAY FOR BREAD There has been mnch ( misunder standing about the bread program in lOngland. It Is true that the K'ngllsh mun buys a loaf of bread for less than un American can, but It Is poorer troller by the I'nltod Stales food ad- i bread, and the British government is ministration. i paying SliiXI.OUtM.MW a year toward the The Mories bothering C'nmida are ! cost of It. of the same general cluiracler ns those the United .States fiod ailmiiilstra tor recently denounced in tliis coun try, such ns the ridiculous salt and blueing famine fnkis and tlie rejsirt that the government would seize housewives' stocks of home canned goods. The Canadian food controlliT esti mates that when tin. people listen and pass on such stories, each one has the power of destruction Hint lies In a battalion of soldiers. All the grain grown in (irent Brit ain is taken over by the government al an arbitrary price and the imported wheat purchased on the markets at the prevailing market price. This Is turned over lo tlie mills by the govern ment nt a price that allows the adul terated war head loaf of four pounds to sell ut,18 cents, the two pound loaf at 9 cents and the one pound loaf at 5 cents. In Franco, under conditions some what similar, but. with a larger ex- Stories without even a vestige of i traction, the four pound loof e1!s for Roasts Chamberlain foundation hnve -been scattered broad cast," said the Cauailian statement. "Nor have they come to life casually. They have started simultaneously in different parts of the country and In ach Instance have been calculated to 16 cents. k r-.f-r: 0 J WALTESt.SPOtRMNiit I BACKACHE IS W30TH7B.1GINO. j But Xot go Bod Jf Ton Know How to Reach the Cause. Nothing more discoaraginc than a constant backache. Lame when yo'j awaken, pains pierca yon when yon bend or lift. It's bard to work or ta rest. Backache often indicates bad kidneys. Pendleton, people recom mend Doan'a Kidney Fills. Read this case: . , -w , h . J. Jt. Stover, 50 West St, Pendle ton, says: "Doan'a Kidney Pilla are all right and I couldn't recommend any thing better for backache. When, ever my back gets tame and sore. I take Doan's Kidney Pills for few days and they never fall to do rood work, a few dosee stop that aefeins across my kidneys and make my back feel as strong as ever." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Stover had. FoMer-Mllburn Co., i Mfgrs., Buffalo, X. T. Fop ITnnrpnnrprlnpea 1 arouse public indignation. "They are Insidious, subtle, pcrsist- Walter fpoermann, arrested near Norfolk as a German spy, was taken to Baltimore, where he is being de tained. 'It was charged he tried to They Have fiot tn Cut That Out." GLASGOW, Feb. 7. American of ficers among I lie survivors say there j was no panic. Tlie British destroyers I Wf-rfi tilnricsiilp pvti before the men ! aboard realised IhcvVere tomedoed. I blow lip a powder magazine at Camp WAPIIINr,T-iV, rvh. 7 nop. lent. Kit by bit they difslpale public . rcrfoct order whs maintained. The ! Harrison. Va. He is said to he a llcu f!lass. of Virginia in the house sting- ! trust, the great essential In the work vessel floiue.l for three hours. The 1 tenant in the Qermany navy. Ingly attacked Chamberlain saying he ' of food control. steering gears were fouled and smash- "suppressr.l achievements and cvag- ! It lies with every Individual to for- 1 ed some lifeboats. In the dark It was genitcd defects. "lie said the war: bear from criticism: to refrain from machine's progress here is amazing f passing on the vagrant and liiuinful nurone. Thero are nearly ten times'.. i ,.... ,i. oB.,..nv.,lr as many troops abroad as the allied , 00'.operate ln ork which is going .missions believed pyslbln within lhis (han t,Je m8lori,y of time. He placed a lot of blame for , . ., 'the unpropnrodnei's of the nation nt ; PI,,e y"r rou",e- 'tho door of Chamberlain as head of " A Hint to I lie Aged. almost Impossible to find the ir, occu- i " people P-i. miy years oi sirs rants or swlininers who df-mied life 'Could bo persuaded to go to bed as ' holts an jumped overboard. Soldiers j ,oon 83 theJ' take 001,1 and remain in in the life boats sang "They have got I bpd as soon aa ,he cmfwy emfwypat ' t,i cut that out." i be nr nne or two rta'f, the would , i recover5 much more qutckl. especial- , T'txns the military coniniittoe. He sought to show the expert testimony contra- , dieted every ono of Chamberlain's' charges. IIOMFS fOli ci.i'.ieKSi iv PW WASHINGTON War Duty Launched; Third Chicag;o Vessel J CHICAno. Feb. 7. The third ves 'sel biillt by tho Chicnco Shipbuilding 'Company for the Kcderal .Shipping 'Rosrrl was launched today. The raft is named the War Duty. Her predecessors were the Warhoiind and j "tho War I'annor. The boats have n! tonnage of S.r.on, nro Sr.fi feet long 'and have a beam of t'2 feet inches! 'and a depth of ::t feet. The War; Duty was slipped into the water with out previous announcement. THE UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINfSTRATlON SAYS: There Is ns royal road to food conservation. We an only ac complish this by the voluntary action S our whole people, each element in proportion to its means. It is a matter of equality of bur den; a matter of minute saving and substitution at evry point in the 20 000,000 kitchens, on the 20, 000 000 dinner tables, and In the 2,000,000 manufacturing, whole sale and retail establishments o the country. BILLION- TO HllillKVIKI J'HOM WIKItK'VV MILLION" AIK1. The Eight-Cylinder Cadillac enjoys a larger ownership than anv other high grade model in the world. Each year has seen the Cadillac become more and more the car which is bought, not because its price is what it is, but because the car is what it is. It is the choice of the buyer who can easily "afford any car, no matter what its price, but who recognizes the advantage of Cadillac own ership and who realizes that he cannot obtain the same advantages in any other car, no mat ter what price he pays. It is likewise the choice of the buyer who would prefer to pay less for a car, but who also realizes ' that only in highest quality can com plete satisfaction be obtained. ; - WE ItAVK THE LATEST VfOrEI,R yoW ON IIrr.iT. "A Shino tn fQ Evory Drop" t Ct a can today from h.f, 'JH ili'l pear hardware er aro- lllll'i JJl HE eery dealer. f"&sWTr PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. Cor. Cottonwood and Water Streets PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. If your nostrils are clngxed and j your head Is stuffed nnd you can't , breathe, freely because of o cold or j catarrh, just get a small bottle of Kly's I Cream I'.alni nt any drug store. An- ! I j ''SSu J l .." JftV i f-vtr-: 111 1(5 t v fteni f i i i I V'lssMaj y if Ihey ako Cliamberla-ln's Cough Remedy. There wouhl bei also des '. danper of the cold being followed by ' any of the more serious diseases. i Artv. i VILLYS-KIIIGIIT Bomehow a man never discovers that ! he is a fool limit long after his neigh- ' bors have found It out. When Itching Stops i There is one safe, dependable treatment imuicucvca uwuiiig itAiuie aiHj akin nil- i and sf.-tr.ed the ih.n. Ask any tu ui'tU ivt a 2Zc or SI toiile of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, rimpies, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little zemo, the penetrating; satisfy inir liouid. is all ' that is needed, for it I banishes most skin eruptions and makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. The E. W. Rose Co. Cleveland. O. The Winys-Knlghta ara'ialae prp-vninent bemuise thegr aha propartionately tn Uw m omlcs ff or vsms peodaetiaa of a oumplete Htm of east. It will servo yo4 yewrs, tomm er thousand.i of snliea fi than any other type of And it la tho only known that does its bKS in its old awe, after pultiac U rivals to route, hi Ma youth. .See ns now about ysssr. new U'UlTs-Knlcht aad sfsM the possibility of delayed deUmry during tlte fall rash. j&mes L. Elam W I LLYS.OTCHM D 3f OTOK CAIt lH-lVLtR. PpwUpCoo, Orw ''aMMaJ rt!5 rT.otNCTTC ORCCLIi Vhon war netivitif heiynn In Washington tlirro was an influx of thousands on thousands of rlerks. who wnkel fr mndon salaries. Hut i imhm wont up nnd li Iiur became a SfTious ).n"l'h,iii. Miss Antoinette Irecly s.nv the situation Wfore any unit t-lsv-. sho wnto lo nM Washing ton residrnis ttt find if they had spare rooms for the new clerks, and In that way sho sa ved hundreds of t hem iinii'h money and t imo. Rhe npenod up htune's in V:shinmon which had ' not been in tlie habit of renting fir nished room p. ! it HOW ANY GIRL CAN HAVE rRETTY EYES ; No cirl is pretty if her eves are red. Rtrainwl or hav dart rlnc:t. or ' William 11. Thompon, millionaire copper man, who has extensive in- nly a Utile nf this fragrant, antiseptic t frost in the wfsr. has r.Mit ribut",d cream into your nostrils and let it I tl.Oflrt.orol to the bol-hev!UI in Knia penetrate throush every air passage ; for the spread of their doctrines of your head, soothing nnd healing- the through Ccrmany and Atttria. Mr inflamed, swollen ijiucoiir membrane - Thompson was in Kti'pTa. roveral v ASH with pur-11 lAVoptik eye wash anil you pet Instrtnt relief. , months last year In connection wuh wilt bnj;htn the eves sn.l a week's All! how jrood ft feels. Your nop-jrd trops aeiiviiicR and there he had nc, will snrpri.-e j.m with tt TV- trllur aro open, your hratl 1 clear. iu an opponuniiy ti see tlusm w ptditi- r'KKPlHld: resiiH.T, . small hottlo more haw king, snuffing. MowIiir; no ral rn"er at first hand. He formed lavoptik m guaranteed to make eyea more headnche, ilrynesa or s runiilinq 1 conclusions different from those . n- healthy, sparkling and vivacious. The for breath. Kly's 'ream Halm la Jitsl ! orally held In the T'niied States and ijuiek chanue will ploaen yon. Ahiuii- what pufferem from hcud colds aaU lco his return he has defonded tho num eye cup FKKi:. Tullman & Co., catarrh need U' a dcllghu i present governiftCB (X Ru&sia. dntirgisis, i HAM , ALL THE LEADING BRANDS SAY1FTS.TREMIUM," pound 37c ARMOUR'S "STAR" pound 36c CUDHAY'S "PURITAN," pound 36c MORRIS & CO. "SUPERIOR," pound 31c TWO PHONES 1SS1S7