l'W't'O l' 4T' n yny nj'ijt t ' KIGHT'PAGES PACK K1C1IT DAILY EAST OREC.ON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1918. Ml i !::!!. illn. ill EAT APRLES MAKE FINE SAUCE, PIES DUMPLINGS We have them by the car load and the price is right, quality is right; let us show vou. - Rome Beauty Apples, box $1.50 to S2.00 Bulk Macaroni, pound 10c French Frunes, pound 10c Catsup, bottle 13c Tan Shoe Polish, 3 boxes 25c Soy Beans, 3 pounds for 25c Red Beans, pound 10c GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones, 28. "QUALITY" 823 Main St. OVER THE NORTHWEST 2 SHIPS IN HISTRESS OFF COOS BAY BAR sTK.v.Mi-'its siuiri t:i. i: tow- Tin: OTIII.l!: rt ;s t'.WT AITliO Afll. a liUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHHIIIII.H; FARMERS AND THE NEW BANKING SYSTEM The Federal Reserve Banking System with its thousand million dollars of resources stands back of its member banks and assists them in taking care of the needs of their depositors. , Our. membership in this system gives us spe cial facilities for enabling farmers to plant, .gather and store their crops. The next time you come to town stop in and let us tell you how this new system enables us to help you. Ttie AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon illllllllllltlllHIIIIIIIItlllllMIMIIItlllllltltllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllHtlllUIIIIIIIIIIHIIII iff' 1 1 i gssggas v FEED YOUR HENS I BALANCED RATION ; BLYDENSTEIN'S POULTRY MASH Also other Feed. r?- DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL Htoom 1 Judd Bldff. QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L INGRAM DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4. Belta tildg. Telephone 52S. fi 1 1 1 i f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii'j " CC me the fire." THE 1918 REO HAS RAISED IN PRICE $100. We have a few at the old price, and will give the purchaser the benefit of the saving. ! They will last but a few days; if you are to be one of the fortunate ones YOU HAD BETTER HURRY! Pendleton Auto Co. Established since 1007 t:lM six holy rollers, I I 14 Mormons, tour .MubmmiiedaiiM, Mx. ijuti kcrs, one Kusslaii church moiiilvr, cue Yoki 1 11(1 Jli hi tlon-v'CCta riu us uiiiniiK' tin mis at citiiii, accord Ink to u M$ Uni.-i ecu him just com Ofted by aunt I taynuMnl, n ide ilo camp. Then are V;.!" Item an Oat holies, 4 4 S 3 Methodist, those churches hav ing the laruest number. A eompKdo Hsi Is Ailven. Iti'li Wind and Heavy sea Make Hold hh lieuH ; Mariners Tldnk Itotli Will lit Aide to i;'de Sale I. v. .la M.vusiiFi i-:n. : siamiinir otf Coo t!ay si t'Tt-noon awaiting a. tun' her hi a steam schooner I led ermines, an nnUnov s.heoner fs ha tt lint; with storm of wind and rain t 1 . r hold . n tlie distressed I il n id a u reach I hem. 'I he iiiht eloped down bef. al li. v- in the vicinity, hut one ; laiheii at'oi.t ti oVlock. supt'e: . .".. Aft rice II thi N relieve w it h l n steam a heavy maintain vessel tuj- tny al- he the I.iniiaiier, hound from :i Fi aiu'lsro, l Cuos I la v. Signals were heard ; assin' heiween the era ft ami the Arn:- lighthouse. The dis abled craft is ndieved to lie the steam schooner Santa Monica, since she bar the appearame of that craft. She has nr on run The name on the ' schooner which has her in tow ran ' not he made cut la full, hut the first name in ' John." Vessels I'rotn Southwest. The vessels came up to tho bar from the southwest this morn in v shortly before 11 o'clock, and it was concluded hy the coast uard and the. 'liuht house crews, that the leading vessel commander was afraid to vea t n re a pnssa ko n nd was proha hly n stranger to this port. The har va. : smooth ami r :issa hie eve n with a tew. Captain O. P. liritt f the coast OS nn rd at Charleston llay. made mil t ho signal on the vessels after a cou ple of hours ami essayed to obtain tho nil? Gleanor from the I'mpqua. river, hti t was informed i he har could m 't ho passed. The 1 'ort of I :.i ndoi; t ua K'lUhyam was then soimlH. and word en mo hack she would k out toid.ht i ami assist. (,'aptnin J. Onnson of the Araio li'iht house, was tie a rest to t ho vessels, hut owlnsr to rn in and ' aiEst, the name of the disahled sohoo per could md he discerned, altlioimh ihey were neirly up to the har at i one t itiie. l.ninlH! I Muni I'urchused. SIM .KAXK, S ash.. Jan. Jt. The Kuse Luke Lnmtier t'onipuny, one ol the largest independent lunjher op-: orators of the Inland Kmplre, Is pur chasing the plant and mlilsite of tip? defunct Stack-OSlhhs lamilK-r Cone lM.ny at Cue n r d Alone, Idaho. Property and business interests, v, hich total sl.'.tm.HiHt. ju-e lnvidved in il;e transfer. The deal was practical ly closed after u. week of negotiations. Kinal details are bein settled today. The Stack -t ii'ilis property is belntf ttansi'orred to the Kose Lake Inter-t.-'ts by the KxehaiiKe National Uank of Spi'kaiu. IUn.( It ue to Kplosioii, SKATTl.i;. Wash.. Jan. .'!. An ex p!i ision in the eimine-room caused t he fire which dost royed thtT A meri i;ti motor schooner (-Hirttand off the ' Sont h American const recent ly, nc eorditur to advices reaching hero to ' ('ay. The cause of the explosion was not stated. Captain A. Markusson. master of the Portland, and his crew took to the boats when the fire broke out nnd reached Cnllao safely Jatiu- nry Irt The Portland evidently went 'to the bottom, the advices said, as a ' search failed to locate her burned hulk. The boat was valued at $:t00, 0 1 1 0 and carried a lumber earjio worth ' $ l r..oiiu. The Most Gorgeous Silks Are here. You can now make your selection, knowing that you are getting absolutely the newest and latest creations that can be found by our efficient corps of New York buyers, who do nothing else but select the most appropri ate and popular designs and ideas best suited for our trade. Quite a saving can be made here, when you are designing that Spring dress. THE NIFTIEST SPRING SHOES ARE ARRIVING DAILY. v HO HKTTKrt Sj THE GOLDEN RULE S J WB I.P.AI. OTiircrts roiiiiow ALL CHILDREN LOVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS r.ivi". it wnr.N I'Kvr.isisii. ntoss llll.MM s. I OII llliirTII Ol! SOI'lt STOMACH. "'iRST RUMANIAN .ENVOY RECEIVED Park Hoard to TAC( tMA. Jan. :. zoological exhibit at Park will be abolishi the oily 'park hoard helping in t he I loov Ironram At to.hiy's soj-'sitni sir neted Si-ei elai y ( 1 nicat e wit li eastern ( toal dealers and soi liK lions a ml ot her mals at the park. Meat Mils tor the park amount to $ 1 : tho park also has to the canes in which housed". Hooeri - Part of the hi--" Point Defiance d this winter by as a means of or conservation the beard in nwer to eommu irciis s and aid- it ol'U I'm iwi earnivf rolls ani- anima Is a t t lie .i a moiifii ami furnish heal for I he animals are up ZZ - ' - : I x V- M vt4U'ions' Tube I on ad. liOSKMPKi i. Jan. 2y. A thor ough invest tuat ion is l.einir mafic lij the district Mtnrnoy and other offi cers Into what is hH loved to liav? l-en an attempt to blow ii a passen ger trajn near Myrtle ('reek. 14 mile.' sou tti of tins city, some time last niht. A fcjlass tube oinlit inches I'oii; ami about an inch and a quarter in di ameter, with a small inner tube ex it tiding from one end of the ghiss to the other, one tube filled wi;h what ir supposed to lr nit riwlyi'erine and th" other with some other explosive, wa picked up near the end of the ra il road hridge liy two hoys t his mom i i i 'n. having rolled down tlie embank ment a di.-ianfc of a few feet. ItcJiglous Census Taken. CA MP J.KWIS. Taeoma. ':ih.. J a n. 2 !. A Imot every erved under the sun Is .represented, at Camp Lewis. There are ;p; infidels, six agnostic, nine Ittuhlhists, athc-iists. one fa- Rumnnia'ii 'iirst diplomatic repf resontative ifo titer I'nited States iiis been officially received at Washington by President Wilson. Kutnania wat formerly represented tiere by an envoy accredited from ail the Balkan states.. ' T.ook at tho tongue. Mother! If ! ennted. it is a sure sign that your lil ! t le one's stoma oh, liver and bowels need a gentle, I horounh cleansing at t onee. . When peevish, cross, listless, pale, . doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act nat -i urally, or Is feverish, stomach Four, broat )i bad ; hits has stoaiaeh-ache, soie throat, diarrhoea, full of cold. '. Rive n. teaspoonfitl of '"California. Sy ; rup of KIhs." and lit a few hours all the foul., constipated waste, undigest ed food ami sour bile gently moves out. of Its little howols without gripping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious taste, and It til ways tnakoM them feel Kplendid. Ask you r druggist for a bott le ot '. "California Syrup of Figs," which hi is directions for babies, children of ail ases ami for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. I So ware of counterfeits gold here. To lie sure vou get tho genuine, ask to see that it is made by "Califor nia Fig Syrup Company," Ilefnse any , other kind with contempt. !. n;- lda mi a nd extends norl hwa rd itoiii Howkan liulian village for a bout t hroe miles. Long Island lius ju.-t off the west coast of Prince of W'a tes Isla ml. The vpruce, which is of exceptionally fine ijuality for Alas ka, will yield a good percent aye id ) lit m her si i Ita hie for a ir plane - coa st ruction. The Cra ig Lum her com pa ny has recently enlarged Its , it1 ill and Is -ireim red to tnanufneturo the I in i her ra jiidly. The com pan v wdl com inence looping opor at ions on a large scale in the nuuf futuro. st'iitjieastein Alaska, awarded to iho t'nii'g p:-ny of 'ralg, Alaska highest bidder for tin prices were ft:t.s.r. per tor spruce, ami l.'in for hcTiiloek. The area Involved in thi- s.tle em braces six hundred iicros located OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE f': This is not only a pood slogan, but , likewise a wise suprpeslion. 5 HAVE YOU DONE IT? E I I write every kind of insurance except bad insurance Ch&s. E. Heard, Inc. JifAlMainSt Sec Mc Before the Fire. Phone 477 luilllllllllllllllllllllilillliilllllilllllliilllllllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllll lllllliDllllr; .11... I J I CAN'T TCl UH4T STRT COMES NSJfT IT'S SO D4RK OUTSIDO AMD THC CONDUCTOV 1 f "-i mm Forest Survey Makes Larpe "Sale of Spruce InTSoutheast Alaska LADY "READTXtV C'OM !: TO. U. S. TO l' (UTI.A.VD, Jan. -x. Idst riot Forester Ceo. II. Cecil. Cortland, an nounce that the sale of twenty-four million feel of Sitka sprucn and one million fcft of western hemlock on the T'Hiuiws National Forest. in been has Lumber (.'oni who w:i s t h( limber. Tin t hnu.a nd feet ttumsand on I i - r f 'if Washington la awaiting with in terpst the coming of Lady Read iiiR. wire of Lord Heading, the new British ambassador to America. Lndv Heading has always boon .M)iular In England and ia ex pected to entertain extensively M WatihiiiKton. No Raise In Price "Of This Great Remedy - t . CASCARA K QUININE TlV m '.f I C'lld curt for SOyenrs -inijteri tr.n -..ttr, nuir, no npiwlrn -furr ; t in i-t hnutt- gfip in it day-. M n'-v ii ii I: if il fmt. Ot ttie (rim iic hit vi i i Ifrfi t"p nnrl Mi. H-t' ' pi ufc n it. V. ivfi K H At Aity true Htora mii: itfrt'iiwr.i.i, Opiotiic-irl-l ami opUHKn frniind and fdteil. Twelve yrnn x pr-rii-ncB. " 1 mertenn Nutlonnl Hunk X'endletou. WOOD YOUR CHOICE WILLAMETTE VALLEY OAK WOOD M EACH AM FIR AND TAMARACK CASCADE ALDER AND MAPLE MEACIIAM PINE CASCADE FIR SLAR WOOD Phone 178 SMYTHE-LONERGAN CO. Quality Quantity Service Dr. Lrnn K. Blakcsloe Chronic, nnd Nervous ri.MnPi and IlHeasen of Women. X -ray Klectro Therapenllcj. Phnn 62j (.lohn M bnildt) lleltw Itldg. MONEY TO LOAN i in I tin liiHlnllnicnt plun. Oregon Building & Loan Ass'n. 121 K. t'nurt PEXDI.KTON, OltK. FOR SALE rfl Acre Wheat Ranch in Stage Gulch, nearly all tillable, plenty water, outbuildings fair, lays good, 185 acres now in wheat the plowing of which goes free to purchaser. Crop can be purchased from renter, possession in :?') days. $29.00 per acre buys this ranch. This is a bargain. ESTES & FRIEDLY "Who sell, relit or insure anything." fill Main St. Phone (0 1 llillld-na. We arc agents for Goodyear Goodrich Goodrich Silvertown Cord rut v. b. r.t. oiiict TIKES Big Stock of all Sizes. , OILS, ACCESSORIES,, STORAGE, .. . REPAIRS. We Rive reliable service.' Oregon Motor Garge ' incorporated. 117. IH. 121. 12:1 WM l onrl St. 1 Telephono 48