EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 18, 1918 NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Tnki-x ItiiHlwiMl to llooplliil. lr, I.orettu, Htarlia loft lust nlglil Willi Iut husband, i, Wtiiruu, for l'uil. lifcild whoro ho will uitdcrtfu un oper ation. L L Mi 4,-h lMilcnt Well. 'to l10 great scarcity of college gradu- Clyi'o Phillips of Klrst National ate capable of handling this work. Hank Is out on the street again uflei ! 1 ImvliiR been confined to Ma bed wltlijBf'.V 1h Born. incasle.i for several dn.VH tolion to 1'fll. i Abraham Cohen who wum found guilty of attempted burglary nan boon sentenced to a term in tlio penitenti ary of from one o wo and a half yearn.. To llnlld ('urate''. C W. TulliM ban taken out a per mit to havo u parage constructed on Webb street. Tho structure which U to cost 15 will bo built by (J. 1. La Dow. A boy wa born to Mr. urid Mm. A. I j. Tower, 610 Cosbio street, at Kt. Anthony'B hospital yesterday. C'hiKH Meets at 8 o'clock. Tho evening shorthand class will meet at eight o'clock this evening in stead of 7:15 as usual. To Kohl Meeting. Tho directors of tho Farmers' Mu tual warehouse at Ilollx will hold u meeting tomorrow n.ftomoou In the! office of Kstcs & Krledley. Bulk gruln handling will bo discussed. Will J.-f t- Game. Ajiih-Iu to King-. l.'ianil. Unllitr forward on the local l J'0'' "u first tinio the bell of the high school basketball team will re- Aged India Jli'. ' j Tintlnmeclsu, an uged I'mnlilluj Indian, died yestcrduy morning. Tln tlnmoetsa was between 80 und Hj years old and was one of tho bom j Known Indians on the reservation. Hoi is an undo of Joo Craig, prominent local Indian. fervo a game of busketball tonight ut Hcrmiston between the Hurmlston and Echo high schools. Catholic church will ring tho Angc lus tonight at 6 o'clock. Tho bell was taken down this morning from tho old ohurch by Mr. Cornfield. Tho old church. Is being dismantled by L. Dun-jlap. From l'orli'ts Monroe. li. C'.iii'.iljerlaln of this city,, wr.o Is In ihd aviation rvlce and , To Make (oinliy Trip. Kt.inied at Fortress Monroe, Virgin-! JI's. K. A. Kchifflcr Will make la, arrived this morning over tho j Northern Pacific, lie Is on a furlough) to visit relatives. ! CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Sill nature of .May ;-t New Instructor. A niessugo received yesterday morn ing by Principal Drill ;from Stuto School Superintendent Churchill slated that any man whom tho local school board could get for the high school manual training department would be certified by the state de partment of education. This letting down of the oducutlonal qualification bars, Mr. Churchill explained, was due trip of the cccpty to meet tho ladles : of :'ie auxiliary chapters of the lied i Cros and invlruct thorn In garment j making fee tin Ited Crow,. Her Itln-' eraiy is Umatilla, Monday; Jfermk ton, Tuesu.iy; sumfleld, Wednesday. i and Echo, Thursday. I A CLEAR COMPLEXION Rud-ly CheeksSparkling Eyes r-Most Women Can Have Says Dr, Edwards, a Well Known Ohio Ph7yiaa Dr. F. M. Edwirfls for '17 year treated scores ot women for liver and bowel ailments. During Owf yeari he gave to his patient" a prscription made of a few well-known reliable inKrenients i mixed with olive oil, namirstf them Dr. Edward Olive Tableto. You will know them by their olive color. Theae tablets are wonder-workeri on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off tho waste and poison ous matter in one'icystem. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimple3, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowel, you ta!te one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. . Thousands of women as well 33 men take Dr. Edwards'Olivc Tablet the suc cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep in the pink of condition. 0c and 25c per box. Ail druggist. WORKERS ARE HEEDED ORDNANCE DEPT. - i .-r-"r-a ILIlllllWIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI II - ' r : : 'X I Women's New Novelty j $6.50 f Get your Meat and Groceries at The Dean Tatom .Co. " PHONE 688 V;- ; , IjLJ- 'Tli x ' and get all your ' s change hack ' eten to the cent. ''' We Serve You and We Save You fjiltcr for llio Komid-I'p. H. C. Snow, publislu-r of tho Mc uttdMVlHo Kcho, MoundsvlJle. W est Virginia, writes tho Kust orcgnuliiii that he liaa so many JiKiuirlcis from i his f r loiid; concerning the rtound-iv and i't'tidlcton, and lie doaiitH copies tf the Kast OioKoniau for the pur i 1'uso of liiformhiK tliciu on the sub Ji-ct. ixxniAL of jvnts. ,x uit.vky iifj vi:ixri.v krom m. ic iiuu ir. 3laot-aie Lodge (hcs aa-e; OUicr News and NoWal .Noti it luicrcst as (iatlifrcd by Succli L'orvc HjMiilrut. Wtklrrt -.s. Morlamcr IXacc. The caso of Peter Veldnrt agalnut 'Anua Jlortamer, adiniuiatratrix of tho J. Alorlaini-r estate is beintf tried in I the circuit court today. The plaintiff j lis suing for money alleged to bo due i for hay and stubble to which tho de- ' fciidant puts in a counter claim of a) iliasturu bill. J. W. Ziroola of Walla Wnila is reprcHuntinff the plaintiff and ' J. A. Foe the defendant. Al Found a "Dead Man' "(tood Uiwd,1' said Al Kichai daon, Janitor of the Kast Oregoiiian build ing: when ho arrived tw tart a fire in tlm furnaco at an early hour this nioriiiiiK- Hs found lodged - against tiiu outer door of tlio business office a stuffed dnnimy bearing an inscrip tion directed against the Tribune con icbt manager. Chief of Police Rob erts who was called later hastened , to the Hcenc but declared tho Job was one fur the coroner, not the police. ray On Net Incomes. Callers at the office of Income Tax Deputy Kennedy at the court houwo often havo the impression they are re iuired to turn In a report of the tross ; earnings of their business instead of , tho net earnings. L'ndcr the law a man or a corporation may deduct the ' operating fxpenses of tlio luudnesta : from the gross earnings, thua making : a report merely on neat eaininKs. No ; deduction, however, may be made for a ma n.s personal expenses or for the i personal expenses of his family. fIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllilllllllllU Rubber Goods I That Give Service. jf 1 Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles With a written guarantee for two years. 1 ALSO RUBBER GLOV ES, ETC. 1 1 If it's in the rubBer line we have it. 2 I Economy Drug Co. Hotel St. George Building 5 Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 -1 r.HiininnnitiniiiiupiiiiiiiiniiMMniiiiniiMniiiiiniMMiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiniiiHMP I'cnlaud 18 0nsiiHcd. Claude i'cnland (f Penland broth ers bus returned from Walla Walla "V her he v. as culled in consnltatioti Willi the retail Krucers of that city li tiL.,.ird to a delivery system. Tho 'rUla Walla mi renal. ts luv'c. accord Ir.w i'- Mr. - e.i'und. divided their city into i K'ht. zones and wilt make ono de-livery a day to "ach .one or out M'iKTal delivti throuKhont the city i da, until u cout'eraiive syhlein car. o e t s tabHhhcd such as is operates In lcndlcto:.-. This in In accordant with the governments sugKvtion to cut d iwn man power. In this connec tion J'enlanJ Uros. have cut down the b force since l!tuG from Z'Z tc jievett men by the cooperatue system. NAOX HUM OS i itti; POST. JtrK.t S A I (cr:S. Jan. 10. Roniulo S. Naon refused to reconsid er his resisiiatlon frim tno post of ambassador to the t'nited .States, not withstanding the fact that Furein Minister llonurit I'uej'rrednn has been umIiik his utmost cfroiis to pre vent Dr. Xaon's retlremenr. It Is en erally believed, however, that hia ef forts will be in vain, and the presi dent is said to be considerinj Dr. Na irn's successor. RUSSIAN WOMAN IS HOSPITAL HEAD r l ATTENTION FARMERS! A Mi; ; tlw. time of vcar to have your tractor and 5 , combine engines overhauled. We have the best equipped shop in Eastern Oregon to handle this S " class of work. B .... 1 11 41.. r Our exiiei't niaenmists can namuu ' most difficult jobs of re-turning tractor engine crank-shafts, grinding cylinders , and making pistons and rings. 2 2 Give us an opportunity of proving it to you. PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. Cor. Cottonwood and.Water Streets . M i i i liast Oresonlnii Sj.:ci;il WHO, Oil'., J.iii. IS. Hobckah Latino NV. 36, I. O. o. IV ht-1'1 thoir installiitiun tin Wmlitt-s'Jjiy rvt-nliig at tlicir rcfruiar ine;l;nt;. Tlio elective officers fur tho cli-suins: term are. N. i.. Mrs. lcll;i Honirncirs: V. G., Jliss Annie L. Suling; - sect Hary, Mrs. Anna M. Vouny; treasui-'.-r, Airs. .Mi nerva Scholl Tlio appointive officers are: War Oeii. Mrs. Gladis JIoIiikk; Con., Mrs. Kucliel Woodard; cliaplain, Mrs. Flora MMeolm: It. S. -V. t!.. Mrs. Garrctta Wilder;, L. S3. X. O.. Mrs. Kate tlulll )ind: 11 V. I... T. G. SinillK L. G., K. li Sollimcr.5; (. cj.. K. Ji. Holmes; O. A. 'Millard liev.llt. The laat mortal rciuain:; of Mrs. Eliza J. liltney, who died at fcattle. last Monday, were Iain to rest here Wednesday mornine from the M. E. rliurch. Tho Interment was made in tlio I O. O. V. cemetery where the de ceased's husband was buried elxteen years aso. Mrs. Eitney was well known by the older residents of Echo and a hott c' friends sympathize with the boreavea family. Mitcx-abexs Ciie Hanif, Tho Maccabef lodqc of thi place suvo a dance on Tuesday tiisht, tin--proceeds to go towards paying the 'ii es of the local nienibTtj of t!.ic lod;;o who arc now with tho army. There was a good attendance, and, a Pleasajit time. Miss Mettle, who taurht in the Echo school durlnff the rjrrt semester . lias resigned her work and retiirnei. i to her home at Ukiali. Prof. Green , and Mrs. Haninioii havo taken up the j teaching of those hlsh school branch- ; en formerly tausht by Mifs Mettie, hi addition to their previous iimruc- tionH. 1 Mrs. Win. Ksselstyu returned homo; Monday evening from a short visit to ; Walla Walla. i New Ke.sidi'lit Arrives. , Grover Hollonion. a brother uf Mrs, l-Jrnest Sommers. arrived here Tues ,!v from Kervilie. Texas. Mr. Hollo nion expects to make lli!s Ills home fur some time. i Clifford Uss-elslyit. w altended .... i ;., w-iii ':illa dtiriniT the fir:-; rriucttcr. has returiied t. 1-ere and entered the school. Kit Snlke is hero from HuM. Idah... visiting Vis mother. Mrs. Frank tpik who is very ill. ' Mrs. Clyde Koss returned homo I Tuesdav from a several days' visit , wiih her sister, Mrs. George Course of Herjiliston. Mr. Cert Tetft left Wednesday ev ening for Walla Wall.l where she ex pects to stay tho remainder of tn winter with her son, J. H Council, and family. Gcorec Tonkin, deputy fame war den, was here yesterday. Wm Oliver spent Wednesday In Pendleton vlsilins Ills brother, Jeft Oliver, whvi has been qle 111. Gavle-rd Madison, Ills mother. JIrs Uma." Mather... and Mrs. Frank SpfciniiiH. spent Monday in Pendleton. Hon Snyder 01 "..- '-- l.usiness Msitor In licit? on Wednesday. riis home Echo public 8 1-2 inch Tops Exceptional Values ' Women's & inch Boots of gray kid with gray buck top, solid Louis heel, smart toe last, lace. Regular $8.50 boot for $6.50 Women's 8'2 inch lace Boot of white kid with cream buck top, cover ed Louis heel. Regular $8.50 boot , for $.5Q FLORSIIEIM SHOES FOR MEN $7, $7.50, ,$8.50, $, $10. Growing Girls' Lace Boot of black, light weight Maceo calf with gray cravenettc , top, half military heel $6.00 MB EES i CHAMPION WILL ! DEFEND CROWN j fEW HOURS-TRY IT!i 3t ir a 7 ! i rn;iyr dosk or f.ype's com rOMPOTXD RELIEVES ALL IUPPE MISERY. I Don't stay stuffed up doit blowing and sniiflinc! A dosa i J of "Papc s Cold Compound" taKen ev i cry two hours until thrco doses are i taken will end grippe mtscry and I break up a, severe cold either in the. head, chest, body or limbs, i It promptly opens clogscd-up nos- I trLJs and air passages; slops nasty die- I w.j i cnare 01 nu- junwina, .... , I headache, ilullnes. feverishncss, sore j throat, sneezins. soreness ana sun- i ncss. j "Pape's Cold Compound" is the nuickesi. surest relief known and j costs only a lew cents at flrus .stores. . ill acts without asistauce. tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Don't j accept a. substitute. 11 ALFREDO DLORD , - r. cm lhr-r.uahion ! ! Abtom " Let Entente billiard champion of the world, j , ii.500.ooo Tons. will defend his title in tiamnn ....... Claries. Oti Jan. 10. II IU-ENOS and it- Do Oro'n iflzardy at tho three cushlon game has made blm al most a cortal favorlte inth match, j. A ROEVTIXA TO SELL WHEAT. Alllesi Have More tliiiu;s are happeiiins In Kus-M.-i than weri' dreamed of ill anyliody's l'lillosophy. IRES, Jan. IB. The i foreign minister today signed an agree inent with the Hritish and French j ministers, to sell 500,000 tons of ! wheat to the cntento allies. Arffen i Uic is to open a credit at tho Bank ot the Nation in favor of tho allies, or ; which is to bo liquidated in two years, i i Thin agreement is virtually a huge j loan to tho allies and is njado in or- order to stabilize the rates of ex- ; johanKO. ' , OVERLAND and Willys-Knight . ; Automobiles THE Vtl LIyi S-KMGHT ; You will concede the luxuri ousness and beauty of this car without argument. .. . v Iu practical advantage'' fin ally determiae lta purcliaas. Tho motor has no equal .no, near approach In any similar cars selling for so moderate, . prico or for hundreds of dollars more. . , y ' It is a Willys-Knight sleeve valve motor 12,000 t produced last year and gtvin? the , most remarkable satisfaction. , . . . ' C Everybody knows that nothing ha3 ever seriously challenged tho noisclcssness of this type, of motor. It has the softest "purr com bined with greatest power for ls size. Its velvet smoothness puts all other motors of liko power to shame. i j; J J James L. Elam OVERLAVD DEALER 729 Johnson St. Phcpa ;14 Pendleton, Ore. '' " " ' HOOKER'S MESSENGER SERVICE Phone 522 Calls loo and up. x; s wiSIU mm. ve sloeckl. :. , Madame Do Sleckl. Husslan sooietv leader in London. Is lu (liargi- of the hospital at Marrow gate. Ennland. which was founded hv the Grand Duchess George ot England, and Is promlnentln nther wnr relief work, ."" - l 18 a r e ia iw s in 1 Saturday Come in if you cant come telephone 187 NETS MA 2 TELEPHONES 187 KEf