. .X. . - - - - ... .-I L.m.alBalM.MH.MMMM - RIGHT PACKS IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S THERE IS NO CAMOUFLAGE ABOUT CONROY'S PRICES. GQNROTS 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone fi40 Get your corn products now, so you will be ready for Wheatless Day. 1 Corn Meal, White and Yellow Eastern, 9 pound sack '. 65c Cracked Hominy, 9 pound sack (0c Rolled Oats, 9 pound sack 70c (ruiiiim, 0 pound Suck OOo live, iioniid snok one lliiekuhrat, II hiiii sack , . inter Wo have received it new supply of I-'unry WraptMil Apple, box . 1 .(Id limit l-rllm-c, oiiikI is.Vi Celery Hunch i i mc .Mount Vernon .Milk, 2 rans 2,'w Nnvy, I Inyo unci IMnk llonns, pound M . .' I'.o I'nltfiTrt linking Soda, 1 mcknit-s. 2.1o I'llllctTH linking Powder I l. run Hie: S'i Hn. IKK- lull Cabin Syrup ipinrls ISe, liirae slw !Hc Crlsow small .Vie, medium .", liuac SU.H5 Toilet Piux'r. I rolls 2."c .V It. Soap, -t bars ,; 2.ie lloli While Simp, a illicit a.v Cltrus Powder, paekn'40 . . '. . . 2."o IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S 1 NEWS AND PERSONAL NOTES FROM ADAMS ( I'ast Oresonlan Special.) AI1AMS, Jan. 12. Mrs. T. A. I.leu nllen was a visitor at I'n.- .oilnly sejit U'ednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunch, Mrs. Charles Hunch, and Mr. Vlll Iliineb Most Old People Are Constipated The wear of- yer vnpairs the action of the bowels. As people trow older they reatrict their tictivityv neglect to take sufficient exercise, and indulge a natural disposition to take things easy. The digestive ' organs become more sensitive to the demands made upon them and rebel more quickly. It is of special importance to the health of elderly people that the bowels be kept normally active. A mild, yet enecuve. remedy for ' constipation, and one that ta especially suited to the needs of old (oiks, women and children, is 'the combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It costs only fifty cents a bottle, and should be in every family meciicine chest. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to . Dr. W. B. Ca'.dwell, 45!i Wa'h inton St., Monticello, Illinois. , HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NWlOltV W XI l-l' WIIKN YOf IIMIKKN tiltAV. I All:i IIAIIt itii s;i: ti:a. l liiandmolheiikkept her hair beanti Inlty darkened, Kbissy unit attractive lth a brew of Sane Tea und Sulphur Whenever her hair look on that dull, tailed or streaked appearance. thU sintpln mixture was applied with won derful effect. Hy nsklnir at any druK wore for "Wycth's Sa'e and Sulphur Compound." you will net n inrae bottle of this old-time recipe. Improved by the nddltloii of other hmred ients, all irmly to use. for about r.o rents. This; simple mixture can be depended up- ' en to restore natural color anil Ksiu ly to the hair. A well known downtown druaalsi kivk everybody uses Wyeth's Saae and Sulphur i.Viniliound now because II darkens so naturally and evenly thai nobody can tell it ha been npplied lis so easy to use. too. You simply J dampen a comb or soft finish and draw It through Jour hair, lakins on.., Miand at a lime. Hy mornlliK the, crap hair disappears: .iifter another implication or two. II Is restored to lis latural color and looks Klossy. soft and beautiful. This prepnral ion Is 11 (lellnbtfiil toilet reipilslle. tt Is not In tended for the cure, nililitnilon or pre-v-iitlon of disease. STOP PAIN! RUB NEURALGIA AWAY INSTANT IU.I.IM' I IIOM M.llVl: TOUT! ISIC AMI MlsritV W ITH OI.H ST. .1 M'OHS 1 I.IM.MI'AT." l!uh this soothlna-. penetrntlmt Ihil mciil rlahl Into the sor.. Inflamed iierven. and like maalc neuialala dls ii pears. "St. Jacob's l.lninient" con 'Piers pain. II Is a harmless "neural , Kla relief" which doesn't burn r dls- ' "lor I ho. sk In. I lou t suffer! It's sir needless. net a small 1 rial bottle flolii any drua s ,....1 u-nilv rub the "acltlua nerves" and 111 just a moment ou will will I slif- h,. ,. 1,,0. ,t..le fi-.-e from toiln 11ml b i lna. No difference whether oiir pain or tienralalil Is in the face. n-ad or an Mi it of the body, you aer insi.uu lief with this old-time, honest l Mroyer It can not Injure. :iln de- CASH GROCERY liiotored to the county sc 1'bursilay. L'ave their The Knlulus of I'yllna supper Wednesday nlKht A ood 'crowd was present and short pro- wrnm was Riven eil a reudiiiK by The program iuelud- Mrs. Itoe KKersof duet. "i;oVnlhye, lood l,nr: Kle.-s Vim.'' by Miss .Tes- and Mrs., Chits. Ituneh: Italldl Walliin. Dan Melntyn mid Hnllivan lllelner. All enjoyeit a pnu 11 nl evenlnu. The evening was spsilt in playing liiimes and curds. Itefresh imentswere served at a late hour, con sisting of saildwlelles, ivilii'. piclilei and coffee. .Mr. and Mis. .1. C. chesinil were vis itors at Ihe county seat Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Sejinlz v.- 11 vlsllor at the county sont Thursday. Mr. and Mrs J. W. 8pc'iu er artil Miss lltoiilah Spencer returnee ;ome Tues day from Portland where they werr vlsltlnu relatives fur a fe -v. -ays. , Mr. and Mis. !. M. Morrison mil 'tored to the county sear Saturday, rtnlph Wallan and M:s- Oora clies nllt motored to Athena Thursnny rv enlntc. ".Mr. and Mrs. .less Males and sor .Ijilin inolelel 10 Hie county seat Sat urday. ' Mrs. Anna Haker and ilanithter Al pia of I'orllnnd. are visilliiK Mrs. Taker's patents, Mr. nun -Mrs. Coffee, for a few days ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tnhbs and little dniiliatcr. I lei 1 y Itidle, were In Adams Wednesday rvenv-. Mr. and Mrs. S. It, Hunter and I'auKhter liollie motored 10 the coiin- ly seat Saturday. Italph Wnllan motored in the f-onil- ty seat i'"rida. Karl'1)' Itolhroek Tuesday . Adam.' AltlOVA IHIOI Til IS ' IHSOKS'.N. 'ITCSIIN'. Ariz.. .Ian. 11. A iccord hri'.i kins' drouth for Tucson mi l southern Arizona was broken this aft ernoon when'raln besan falllna. This Is the first rainfall sine.- September IK and cattle ranaes have been badly burned. ATTRA TIV E TtTDTNTr' ' COSTUME, TUTS i' ' hi I f 1 j V j Vif- Tart cf the. tvif.P woman's war work 1 to lioop herself physically lit In onlcr to perform lite duties which war brings.. Exorcise, iherol'oro is us popular und ns; neot'sftiry ns cvir, -and with Ihe r-niart set, horseback riding Is tlio chosen form lor winter mornings in the park. This attractive habit is designed for, the young woman rider It is constructed of oxford whipcord in hunters' Rrcen and hai o wom!i.rful vest of bright red. The riding hat Is a trlcorn of hnt ters' plush. . DAILY EAST OHECONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 101 3. NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE ATHENA FARMERS TO SOON BUILD ELEVATOR KKTAIIMSII.MUNT WH.Ii HAVE CAPACITY OP 125,000 JUSHKI.S. I'limii-i-M ut Alliens to Build Klevs-I ,ln ,uoui i.i.uiiiiicML nbout poundB each. So clnw or their worn In connertion ivnn me m- Alhfna are about to let the contract o"f thj thjof nr ,hleveH huvt. u lectlve Kervlco law has.Jimt been .1 - for a wheat elevator to be constructed he(1 found Vl.rn fiKr,. ihat ho dered by the nrovoxi inarslwl Kenei In Athenaion one of acveral siteg, nenrjiM out about 100, fiirurlnR I he ,n e,,t al at, Washington. the rnrtVoad that has been offered. . ,lreHapd r,rk. j In.xteart of helim paid for tbeli w..rli This elevator fwlll huve a capacity of I' jt the rate of $1 per hour. n has beei, 12A.00Q. bimhelK. It Ih to be built en-, Coim,,el(. ' slau"lilcr lliiile. Ed Ul.e case, they are to be paid on a uni-(Irely-of concrete, and eaull'Ped with' e ' proprietor of the Kcho I ranlH. That l. at a certain npeclfiert all the modern IniirovementB. Inc,ud- me'at ma,'Met has Just completed the Irate for every man to whom a s- Inir a cleaner and smutter. The en-b ldl of a'new sluunhter house out ! tionnaire has been sent ny the board Ure plant when completed will cost In of lown Th(1 hl,,1(llnK island whose final classlfic-illoi has the neiBhborhood of J35,00. j ,0x.,4 wilh a Kii room, hide room, been made. The men who are Interested will or-renjerlng room, besides several smal-1 Thirty cents per man mmslfiei) for Kanizo a stock company. 'With each 1 (.r bnudinss. Also a concrete reser- each board has been fixed as rhe rate farmer suhstrlblntr stock In proportion j vojr nas ))f.,.n built near the building: or compensation. to his estimated crop, which will be;to contu water for scalenus and ir- In ordering this change in Ihe nieih about 32c per bushel for each stock- r,at(in purpose. .Mr. Ueseaaim- has od of compensation, the provost iriar- holder who subscribes. This will en- uoie lliesf? iitiuiein 10 ."'" own. whent In bulk ana to ao ineir own clennliiK und Kradlnir beforeshlp- pliiK. The plunl is assured ns prac- I'lfvt liobins AiMwar Sopie say tlcally all the stock Is now subscribed, j th(t rohns are the hiirbinjrrrH of Woflt on the structure will' be nturtorl 'uprlnir. If that is the en we may ex at a. very early date. , 'pert sprimr early this year, as tbey are appearing in laiye iiilmbeis ar- .Miikcs Hens Tay. 1. C". lcl'nlilcn ound Weston and Atl.ena, livinK in Ihe While IjOKhnrn poultry breeder otithe orchards and sulylstiiiK on apples Athena Is deriviiiK a Rood revenue this that were left hiiiiulnc In the trees winter from his flock of hens in spite from the previous fall, of the hiKh cost of feed. Mr. McKad-, den has nolhlnu but White Uhorns. ' Hn Ix-Z Aimiiitalml. Lawson all from the best Inyini; strains in America. This flock of hens are, and have for the last four months set a record of 3'i per record of 3'i per cent eK production that Is. n llitie better than one-thlr l his hens have been Inylnif each day and !od throiiKhout the winter, lie states bone nr bis ior leceimy m. I'lutsnut that one day In neceniher he received cay which made amputation neces rendlnss. 21111 ckkm from the tafl ithat c.imprise sary. Uiwson wnuKBof (jrailualed this tin- flock. Ills eisas have 11 vera (ted , "Tirt: womav (ion ron;oT-' Piistiiiie Siiiiitny anil londuy When the Aztecs in the tipie of Mon tezuma decided that woven feather cloaks were to be the slan of the no Mlily. they ilirl not reckon for the ti-ouhb they were to cause future aeneralions who wish to iiiimnrt.'ilir.e ihe i-arly days of North America on the never failiiisT film. tlenitdine l-'arrrir. who so wonder fully and vividly Immortalized Joan l Are in Ihe vrenl produclton of "Joan the .Woman." was selected by Cecil dcMllle to perpeimite tne career of Te.ea. Montezuma's daughter, who for love sold her city to ih coiuiuerinK S a 11 lards under Cortex. . fi Is upon Ibis Hint Jennie MmM'herson's story the Aruraft spectacle. "The Woman lod I'oritot." at ihe Pastime theatre Sunday and Monday was founded. For three months before the actual filming of the picture. Idrector de Mille's research department was al work In libraries and museums and even Invaded Mexico Itseir, to photo Krnph Ihe ruins of the ancient Aztec pa laces. sri'Kitit cast ciiosi:n I'Olt PVntlOTIC PI.AV I Sillily Slovens Has Powerful Miiorl ' In Miiwi's The slacker. "The Slacker." Metro's areat spe cial patriotic pre-.:ctlon lie luxe. In which the alfled star. Kinily Stev ens. appears, has been a?ven a cast of unusual distinction hy Its author-director. William Christy Cabanne. The part of "The Slacker" has been ('-trusted to that sterling actor. Wall- 1 er Miller. Mr. Miller Was associated: vith Mr. Cabanne on the Pacific coast i under the ilrifflth banner. He has j hail valuable experience in both staac -t and screen work. Ills motion picture, experience has Included feature pro- : ductlnns with the lllosrnrn. Fox and I '11 1 versa I companies. l.co Ielaney has the Important rob ot John Uai-dlmr. Mr. Iielaney is om ul the most valuable players known 1 I to the screen world. Amona his re cent picture arc "Susie Pnow-flalie." end "The Vital Question." Heforc aobiB Into the stork work which com prised his first st.-iRc experience. Mr. rvinncy was a successful lawyer, lie Is 11 unlive of Vermont. F.uaene Porden who plays the pan 01 the sailor lad ln "The Slacker." i. also a. aradnate of stock work on the ;. oalilnu staae. "Ilaiiiitiiia- Shadows' a World production. Is one of his lies, known pictures. ' SKF.lCs WOltST l!()V IX C K- bleaao Urol hci'liooil sny He lie t.isid In Six Moillhs. Will cmcA:. -'an. li. The box In Ihe I'niled Slates Is si Hie 1 Mi Ira un Hoys' Hrotnerh public lo be used ns an ex per prove that had boys me the of society and environment meanest souaht bv ood lle- Iment to prodiu-ti1 A ronimlttcc plans 10 leave nerc Febi uarv I on a tour of twelve of 'the laraesl cities in search of the 1 ' per lent bad boy, w hen he will be hromtht t . chlcnao to live wlt:i members 01 the oi-afinlzation. " "Iu six nioi-.ths we ll turn him lute a lea pel- cent aood boy," said one., meinier , v Itesolut Ions adopted last nlaht, an thnrlzlna ih plan, described Ihe boy 11s Joll W - "He must be Ihe mrsncst. the rt.urhest. th- most n,...rriiiinl. 'tin most dishonest, the most evil, vicious , jwlcked In fact the worl hoy morally that a human belnff-can be." I hlm throtiKhmit the winter about r.tn: iirMinvn, althouah they arc somewhat .cheaper now. Vera mnnlHtw Tun Imnnnl Ilutv A few days ano.Vvni Itnnnlste butchered H fat hoas n't his ho- yanJ , ! about a mile, west of Atncna anil an ; has been hid usual custom left them AhunKinft over ninht, planning- to take; them away th next rrtonilnis., lliifon I .returning to haul tliiiii away the next miirnlnL' hp found IWO WP missing. o ,.... .lurhii lhi nluht fl rciicVed him of two thai w.-lKhfd ! (hePI ln K(.ho the liast three years Knd I iu one of i ineH mpn. Hnoher. son or ham nooner 01 .1 iw. had one of his leas amputated in a Portland hospital a rew wi .in. Younif Hnoher, Who was a nisri " ' student, received his injuries pi.iw i, basketball about a year 11 ao. Tile year. WISES MfillT MOTOtiliAI'llY KKFX IN JII.TRO 'LAY Rxcellcnt examples of nlaht motion picture photoarai'hy nr shown in "The Outsider." a Metro wonderplay adapted from I.ouis Joseph Unce s novel. ''Nobody." starrlns exotilslte Kmaiy -Wehlen which will be shown at the Alta theatre, Sunday and Monday. Included In these scenes which were photoariiphed at nlMht are a handsome residence under, ill hint Ion are the excltina experiences of Sally l Km toy ; Wehlen 1 on tenement roofs iu a heavy 1 1 hunderst 01111 . wilii Hashes of HhIiih- , ; ina- pl.-iyinii vr("iui'i her. I For the residence scenes Klieael, : spot, aoose-neck and duplex liahts. as well as innumerable liiao-wai: ! bulbs were liaiisported to C.len Cove l.. I. Scores of coosc-neck and dll- : i rdex liahts were used lor the tone iment'roof scenes. The Idaze of these l liahts was auanii'tiied by baby spnl j liahts. All the liahts were installed : by Metro's electrical force from the I New York studio. ' BAND IN FRONT OF THEATRE CHILDREN 10c THE VVLUHLOUHI DRAFT BOARDS WILL BE PAID 30C A MAN :sVKKI'IX(i 4IIA;i: IAI)K IN tlMI't.JiH.1 I I. Mi M h. II IH . 11 I.M'I, ISOAItllN. fm-triiil of llolnir Tiilil l An Hour. Mfnibrnt Will llrroaltw tii-l 30 Colli s for Kvrry lan CIhhhII'Ii-iI. milTLAXD. Jan. It. A w-iins ctuinue in the melhiid of compeiwil- Injr mt-mberx of Iwal tin: ft bonrrlh for y sbal general has emphasiwu p.utn 11- Inrlv Ihe tact .that many .naml llieni I ers. and in many eases enure hoards are KiviriK their services to the aov ernment without any compensation whatsoever. To these patriotic officials the gov ernment has expressed its deep ap I'reciiilion of their s-rviees. Hut unfortunately, it is expiaineu. , other hoard members have turned in , claims that arij felt to be ext ra vaaani. So hitEh are these claims Tn the in-'ure-ate that they total more money I hall conmcss could be expected to appro priate, or the people to approve, for that purpose. The decision to elm use .1 he mellioO. of compensation by plarm-; it on a flat unit basis of 3n cents per man classified for each board was laraely Influenced, the provost ninrshal aen eral explains, by the. uiKcnt suaaes i;ins of many board mem hers them selves who felt keenly the erroneous f ' ' 1 Mt i M 1'$ ' '"'' ' ' ''- r.' s-.. S : 7. ? . .-.v.v,. ,.i .sL.f ..... i --i 1.---.; , . J M!M I "EMILY STEVENS in'THE SLACKER AIM ADF i:i)M'.S AIR.CA EMILY STEVENS STAR SPANGLED BANNER WILL MEAN MORE TO YOU AFTER YOU SEE -V! .rue wiih 'HMILY STItVF.NS A Mighty Drama of the Day and Hour An Article PflSTIMEALTA TODAY -IN An Artistic Triumph Ini-hhUd in thf iill-Htar :ist nro; WALLACE REII) IIOI5ART IiOSWORTH THEODORE KOSL01T In Addition CARTOON COMEDY BULLETS and BULL' CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 2oc !''.-it 1 n in which th t ho hen ' CrlailliH uf ' I CI S. y wtp jilact'il by ithcr lf'iirtl rnein- IIAV AM) Tlll l!Sl)VV. m'THE SLACKER U I hn 1 nmAn 1 II lrv rca I IIG WUIildll 2i Uli Cod Forgot-' ; Slacker PAGE FIVB TODAY o 99 sutler PICTOGRAPH MAGAZINE SECTION. . BRAY CARTOON. VAUDEVILLE HOUENDALES ANIMALS Novelty Animal Offering. MACK & McCREE ; The Boy and Girl Who Keep the World Smiling. CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 30c Any board member; who desires to aive his services to the government may still do so tinder the new regula tion. Furthermore. It is' provided that .-ny board may. by unanimous vote, nrranft-e that one member. or two members or the hoard, may receive the compensation, though in such case no two members may receive more than 25 cents per man classi fied, or If only one member is to be compensated, he shall not receive noire than 1.". cents per man classl ti. d. ' . , War time cooks are now sinjjlns the praises of oruntre pool as food. Dr. Cray wrote about it in The Daily News lona" aso. , .. , CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3D Years Always bears the Sienature of T SPECIAL ORCHESTHA SPECIAL LOBBY ADULTS 30c I'riuniph. HURSDAV 1