nrr-ir'"",'""'',",' DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATHER FORECAST ToniKlit and Friday rain and warmer. DAILY EVENIHG EDITION Number coplin printed or yesterday's imlly KrillloiL. 2,696 ' litis iaiir In a member of and audited by the Audit llureuu of Circulations. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAFfcR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY ' v$f3v NO. 9328 VOL. 29 J l CL- AMERICA HOLDS WORLD'S RECORD FOR SPEED IN RAISING, EQUIPPING AND TRAINING ARMY SA YS BAKER FREEDOM SEAS AIMS PUZZLE ; In Nine Months U. S. Fight ing Force Has Grown From 212,000 to 1,539,000. ANSWERS CRITICISMS ; OF MILITARY PROBERS I U.S. MUSI PUT T! i MILLION FRANC E WILL FIGHT TO END MEN ABROAD Ennd Seek, Mo.e DeUHsjHi""T' d Mctanl-r of Deputies I. on That Point; Wilson's! Speech Warmly Regarded. tails Has Obscured Big ness of Task. clares "Glory to Allies and Glory Especially to U. S." Senator Kcnyon, Hack From Battlefront, Wants Mil lion in Reserve Also. BOLSi ' VfrC MINISTER DOUBTS IF PRESIDENT'S SPEECH CAN AID PEACE Declares Wilson Shows More Sympathy to Russia Than Any Other Statesman But Says Aims Instead of Em bracing All Nations Are Put in "Only One Group, the Belligerents. Can't Insist on Application of "For mula in Such a Way as to Satisfy Only One Side. fWKJiJJ MlIAKrt ) LONDON, Jan. ID. l'rcsliluiil Wil- i son a ri'lercnccs lo liussia snow mui. WASHINGTON Jan. ii. Hocritary i:akt-r told the m-nate military prob ers today that no army slmilur In size In the world's hlntory has bnen rallied, s ii mi nimniiHiv rui, . . . 1 n,...v,v., . - of the direct outlines i rjl7r?, '':'e " " 'i i n'su"taln ,he "rmv to th" 'nd- (Jlory to the allies, and glory e- lON'D()N Jan. 10. Kngland fteeks more detailH concerning1 President Wilson's "freedom of the seas" tiling. J Tho morning press ununiinouHly edl- lor.aiiy approves or me uin-ci outlines preHont American army. In nine of the peace terms, but a clear note of ! mnntll(I hll(t ttrown vi2.OO0 PAULS, Jan. 10. Addressing the chamber of deputies, Deputy Lseha r.el pledged the chain be:- to support the i-eHtltutlon of Alsace-Lorraine and anxiety on this one ludnt is heard. Tho , officers and men to 1, peclrtlly to the United males, which Kenyon. PRAISES WORK OF U. S. DESTROYERS !-'Wih' mat. i,ow "r "ny u.'fr i talesman, nut us a mo-mion i ir the speech will help toward acllicv Ul'geS America to CoilCGIl-i general and just peace." accord . . ,,, . . . jinx to I'olKlioviki Arribast-aitor Lilviti tratC On blllpS, All' Cl'ait I off. ' Both the AiuitIchh and Iiiit J Ai.fillnvir i Ish aims are in the sarno direction. ailU AlUllCI. 'instead fct putting forth a certain principle for universal application to WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 0. Senator ! set a peace satisfactory to ail na.- PUTS SWING ROPE AROUND NECK; DIES PASSAGE OF THE SUFFRAGE TACOMA. Jan. 10. Antonc .Stepanek. aged ID, was sent to the woodshed for wood and later was found hanging, dead, from a swinp. It Is believed he play- fully placed it around his neck and then lost his balance, swung out from tho woodpilo and was strangled. INOMENT IS ASSURED Jeanette Rankin Opens De bate on Clause, Pleading: it as War Measure. PRESIDENT PUTS IN HIS INFLUENCE without an effective International i league with the widest police powers, j However, the fant Is generally recog nized that the whole question in for a , posthellliiin solution, and all realized that Wilson's statement is a shrewd . move to strengthen the (icrinan lib-1 era Is. WELL KNOWN FARMER HELD FOR VIOLATING CITY'S MORAL LAWS! i r ii ,. r lfi i annwor the criticisms in cciall. lie- Myrtle Bell 01 Montana Kro)1)(J orunanoe. h pointed to ti ni.u- lieht in thi universal morale 1 iti ill inn mn Ih.. frnni mum Thpn-in thf-v differ from the KUSfeian , . i. ! . I , ...,.ti, ..unii.., in nil the ,.,n..tnin, iu ir,..., thmiaH sne n uuueu new main iu mw xm i nave a minion m -eser'e. unu m usi t pi oimbai vmh-h ,wr"- ---- tlie inonailiy is low er in. in , ... r.- h, o r ... i ,. I...... ii r.,....-,.ur.rl nfillnnalities efiual- j j , iiu.. ijiuvv im-ium; m llli ICIlIlitll eilUI 19 IU jmiUII i nuinil v ui'l''"" ,of a vanquished people. She won't , up a peace until Prussianism and mi- ly. whether ihcy belong to the cen- (iccede and will oppose the invaders j litarism are crushed. He uritcd the.tial powers or the silica. with un Inflexible heart." United States to concentrate on ships,' lliissian l'ormula Sicst. The Kcho-De-Paris announces the aircrart and artillery. Me praised tne Th , .,. to a eneral peace collective list of war aim will be Is- i work of the American sued shortly, probably, at a date tn "Everyone wants peace be decided by the entente premiers at ,make it with a mad dog." their meeting. J destroyers. but men. lie ' - dominant British feeling still oppose ....i.h w.J ran. 1 froI Washington to Wilson has added told the senate Amc l, . Bill,,, nmrn mm i..,- .. . ; 1(Uy clllnB B,1()rtagc is practl ! tally me ! Ip civil life and further Increments ! w 111 be adequately equipped and train ed as rapidly as those in training can be transported. He said there wa? ; no serious Industrial dislocation, the army was well ted. Irlts high nnd nil kinds of guns were available for every man going to France this j year. t;reat programs re- new war weapons have been formulated. He wild the war council was to add army : men and civilians later. German Jloralp IH-prcwrd. ! He said the America.-! accompllsh- : ments were such as to depress the rjennan morale. "When the Hermans closing of the Oerman-Hoilund rron I realize that the American democracy ' tiers for a month is believe to pres- i has neither blundered nor hesitated ago extensive troop movements, ivo ! tut actually urougnt tne tun power .mmnmimx uoo.-i-o .o t.o. tho sense of making trcal-.i-s bv peace I 1 ,o: Its men and resources into com. 'border. Presumably they mean to , but ((jt wUh Uu. JI((lleIlzo,R.ril8... , . .. . 1 Pletcly organized strength against 'switch men from Italy to tho west. j I John MCl hail and 'MI'S, jthclr military machine."-. He didn't I i answer the criticisms in ceiaii. lie- Itl.Ql .l I'lT AT 1I1.1U. WAKHINtiTON", Jan. 10. Mark back from the battlefront ! tlons. the demands arc ocing pui " rica must nut tw-r. :onlv one group, the .iclligcrcnts. ; ; lien in the acceptance of tho Russian can l ! formula of no annexations and no in- ' , ,inmniiii self determination of' Ten thousand airplanes on the way I Bovernment. We can't Insist on the SlfAKKUP IS DUE. I-O.N'DO.V, Jan. 10. The long expected admiral shakeup Is due. Preliminary statements say tho general staff divided into the hoinewaters, overseas and trade protection divisions, will hereaf ter administer the whole naval police. Each department will be under a proven competent offi cer. The change is revolutionary. Women Pack Galleries, Cheering Wildly; Vote Expected by Night. COSSACK REVOLT IS to IJerlin would help mightily in nail- , n ,ion of thls formula In such i r it trio uturu o rwl vfrliidu t tlif Lulunr'ti : 1 . . , . , t-.... GERMAN-HOLLAND i f.agpo.e. It has been suggested that i alned for sometime by FRONTIER CLOSED ! ,ht' JiL?:r,. ,,C, tu, n,t'd ovtr to fU? the .Soviet that the allies were pre- i oi the civilizcHl world under an indict- sacrifice P.ussia to Germany 'nient for millions of mumeis and ra- I ... ,,,,,. , ., mrUms rre.m Ger- IIK, JUii. IV. ino uviomu , ,, ,h .rl, (,... ,, . ,,, '" '" .. .. .... , , . ,, . :.' . manv In the west in conjunction the case before tallung place. What German reactionaries design to would be the use of tlit llaKllc con- i . . .. i ,...,i ..ou f.rence in the future, what would bo ! crusm ttt . lt. L..-Z sack revolt is dwindlin l.h.vd George's speech. Russia en tered negotiations-nvUll a view to ob WASSin.VGTOV, Jan. 10. Congress nonuiil Jeannctte HAnWlis opened tho delta tc ou the suffrage, amendment, nlilch lit expected to pass before night. She pleaded equal rights for women as a war measure, holding die women's right to vote in needed to make this, a true democracy. Women packed the galleries and cheered. Miss Ran kin led the republican snrrraglsts. Ba ker the democrats. Meeker led tlie republican and Congressman Clark the j democratic opposition. Gordon at- RFPORTED DWINDLING I tackcd th wyimt H was 1VH.1 Jl.kjkJ V l.tuiiuiu (treawn to the representartve eovcni- l'l-nitOGItAU, Jan. Arrested at St. George. Suit was liroiiglit this nrieriKsiii hy William 1K-II Hgalnnt John Mo I'luU for Slio.mio for the alicnai ion of Ills wife's arfivtiims and sedui-Uon. Itnliilitf ailes-s .". K.. fxndant pns-iircd niilroad tl-Wel for Myrtle IM-lt. his wire, and w ducrd her to IVndlcton finm tho llcll's homo lit AiMH-otHla, Mon tana. J. A. l-'re nnd Haley A Haley are allorm-js for Ilie plaintiff. John Mul'ltall, proiiiiii.-nt rctiri"! Pemlb-toii farmer, und .Mrs. Myrtle Hell of Anaconda, Mont., were arrest ed last night by Officer Myers on a rhurgo of violating the Humoral nets j und priu-liccs ordinance. i ne arresi was made at the Ht. Georgu hotel where (he act Is alleged to have be-ii committed. Mr. McIMiall put up $r.O ball cai li for himself and Mrs. l.ell lo uppear before Judge Thomas KIU grald this mornliiH but f"i felled it lack of available experts and tho tre- tc,iuu of California, now a member . nurndoiis expansion required at tti'0f the food administration has been ! start of tho war. He said rcorgan- juppolnled head of the new oil depart I lijillon of the ordnance branch had mem of the food administration, jsturtrd, while Ihe qnarlerinater ' J brunch Is r?'.V,;,:,",,0,LWl!l?N AKTOXEKY IS AOTTVK. uiii.j iii.-ii ..... i.........; Wuji,.iim.-,i niOlM.V i,. in-li.,hi I.OKlIln is all , Ilalg reported. MAY SELL THRIFT Tli-.-IJ . l. ....1 ... .... ...... Mi J"" r n'.f a ne - ls board arllllerylng around Oonnoiieu had filled the Important places Ask Cooperation. lie asked the cooperation and ad vl.'e of the probers, but with an topol ogy for Its shortcomings, concluded with: "We cannot how see the entire situation. International Hearts ar substantially supplied. The lechnlciit corps have been expanded and reor ganized on Industrial and efficient 4'oordinalion of all tho inter- Newspapers Declare Wilson Program Is No Peace Formula laining a general peace. forced by the allio-i to peace. fine is being a separate 10. The Cos :, according to the Bolshevik!. Government armies arc pursuing the Generals IJutoff and Kaledines armies. Workmen-Holdiera say the cossacks are unanimously against Kaledines. AMSTERDAM. Jan. Id. Tho Co logne Volktzeitutii; declares Presi dent 3ytwn's pT.-sram is as unac ceptablo to Germany as Lloyd Geor ge's. Tho North German Gazette de clares Wilson's fourteen points do not form a peace program, holding he presumes to interfere with internal affairs in Austria-Ilungarv. ST AN FIELD GIVES PLATFORM i - xtt-I I r r PfllS 1 MM FOR HIS SENATORIAL RAW xr'C STAMPS AT P. H.S.i Declares That Russians , Have Made Separate I STAXFIEI.P Jan. 10 (Special. , ergy in the speedy ana vigorous At Urn annua community meeting of prosecution of the war to a peace sat 'fhVricu.tura. and dalryimr Inter- i factory to the ecraey o f the jests of Umatilla county Ti.-.d here to-j world and compatible w tne high ! .Jav 11 X Ptanfield, repuolican can-1 est Ideals of our civilization, clldatc for the nomination for United 2. To a selective draft in practice ! States senator, w as tho principal as well as theory, which shall Insure by failure lo appear. Willi:. 111 llell, husband of Ihe wom-jiiim, any. me dared believe possible, an. made thu charmi against the iilg Work OIm ui-csI. couple. iJist night Mr. llell who hud ,. hinted that the eonunilti e folloned his wife hire from .M.niliiiia ,,n details which II II ght im- summoned Officer Myers and the men . portanl und obscured Ihe bigness ot went to Mrs. Hell's room where, they ; the great task. II demanded admittance. After some ; waiting Mrs. Hell came to the door in j her night dress und it is said Mr. Mc-j Phall was discovered In her room. The j couple were arrested. It Is understood that Mr. Uell will ; take further proceeding In the mat,- ! ter. Divorce proceedings with Mr. AiePhall 11s co-respondent In Ihe case. 11 heavy damage suit against the Pen- 1 dleton man and other charges are ru- 1 inored. Mr. unil .Mrs. Hell ale former I'ma tlllu county residents, having lived on 11 tarm near l'emlletou about ten years ago. They have been living in Mon tana Tor the past few years where Mr. Hell has been working in a foundry lit AliHcbmla. Mrs. Hell came to the last ltound-1'p, It is said, and since re-, turning to her home has seemed to be dissatisfied with her life. Several duys ago she left Anncomta and Mr. Hell located her here- They have two children. Thrift ctampj may be sold at the high school building If plans outlined ! at the last faculty meeting material- BtHM', Jan. 10.-The newspaper , national needs with our purchases has , Ize. The suggestion was mado thatjer Bund declared a separate peai-e been affected.1 An agency exists to j efforts to induce purchase of war sav- between Russia, ami liidgnria, had prevent conflicts and adhist those 1111-I lug certificates will bo fiitllc unless hcen formally signed. j nu..l....l,U 11., , ...(.. r.f ;tlt 1. :M.n KtlilllOS H TO Witlllll Teach Of t hC 1 ... , ..11 in tl.n ..tifa.i 1. KII1H1...IM e.icll llav. now organized and set to its task w ith j It Is very probable that the high 11 unanimity of spirit and confidence i school war committee will be In, In Us powers. More has been done 1 charge of the sale under the direction of some faculty uicmoer. tne stamps being on sale before 8..tio1 In thv ; morning and at noon. j J-eon Cohen, state eastern 1 iregon i manugcr of the campaign, has Indurs- ; said the dcalbr.itc cd the movement, declaring that ef-I of forces In America from September forts should be made to Instill a thrltl to January averaged T:5 per thousand .habit among tin' stiidi nls. I Is i.eliev- Aside from the deaths due lo that the slumps will oe piaeeu 01 nnil Its compile ailons. the niio Is aboul : sale Immedlaely after thu examina lo per thousand annually. t.cns next week. J iuaae iepaiaie ! speaker in the course or his address organization of the national army ano Peace With Bui ears he stated the principles upon which at the same tune reserve the neces "u'eala h(. woulf, s(aml ln his campaign, which ! sary labor and supplies for the con- are as follows. 1. To support tlwi national admin istration and the heads of the gov ernment Willi all iny ability and en- tlnuatton of our and commerce. Industrial pursuits (Continued on Page 6.) BRITANNIA NEARLY OVERTURNED IN PRACTICE AT UPTON f ntent, Dr. SI taw and Mrs. Catl occupied the speakers' gallery. Miss Kankin said-. "How can we explain lo the world if tlie congress that voted to make the world safe for demon: acy refused to give this small measure to tlie women or tlie country. Today as never be fore the nation needs hrs women's hands, hearts and minds. Their en ergy must be utilized in the most ef ficient service they can give. Are. wo going to refuse these women to serve pleas in tue faca grwU need?" Republicans and suffras advocate appealed to the olld south antis to swing to the women's column, insist iruj; it was no party questlo , while the democrat likewise appealed to tha republican antis. t WASHINGTON, Jan. IU. Presi dent Wilson yesterday afternoon threw his influence back of the suffrage amendment pending in the house by urglne twelve anti-suffragist congress men at the conference to "get a line.' Practically all a eed. Tlie passage today is practically assured. PARISH HOUSE AS MEMORIAL TO THE LATE REV. POTWINE IS PLANNED BY CHURCH FOLK GERMAN DYE SECRETS HAVE BEEN CAPTURED I.OXDO.V. Jan. in. It Is announc ed that 2117 secret (icn-.utn dye re -,.s-h have lieen cuimirt -rt rrom the (i-niann ami offered to the govern inent. The iwlly lall calls It Ihe "most hnis.rtaut event In the cismoniic war. The formulae will shutter the German dye nionoiMily, Tn;ritiirinn Would Serve ' ll""cn chooi and many oi wiiom insiuuiion v ouiu oct t .crc liit( . on C111l u.,m,(, ., Louk uloull( Community Need Also So- this room tonight ami s. n you can- . . , . T . not count all such on tm- fingers of Cial and LlUO LineS. one hand. We ought to have a place Inhere these young men i-ould conn: of an evening tu pla' a game of bil liards if they i wished, find a gymna sium properly equipped and an oppor tunity to mingle with their conipan- and pleasures ted young ment of the Christian eriurch. The American. It ought to in- a place suggestion for a parish house 'to an- i where the young men and women of swer social und club needs of thelhiKh school age who want to dance ihurch and to serve th viniimnnll)' 'um have so often now to seek the in much the same way us a Y. M C. public dances to satisfy tnts desire can A. building was mudc by tho Itev. Al-ironic and under proper chaperonagc fred church. In this point: "The church needs a I'lans for a palish house for the Church of the Itedeeiliet, to be Known l.s the I'otwlne Memorial House, were launched In .1 tenatlve way last even ing at the annual parish meeting held ions In those games following a dinner given ln tne wise- that appeal to BOY OF TWELVE IS AMERICAN SOLDIER l.ockwood. new rector of the .enjoy this Innocent atveislon and his report he said upon ( pleusure. A tonuiiiinlly Jfeed. "Then the parish . lions could meet parish house WACO, Texas. Jan. I ft. Carl M. ralmer, aged 1 J is believed to bo the youngest American soldier. He enlisted last fall, claiming he was 18. The boy's sister spilled tho beans when she visited the camp and heard the captain praise her brother. She excljinl. "Just lo think ho Is only twelve years old." The youth is afraid he will be discharged now before he reaches France. His home is In Sunfield, Michigan. ' ' , for tho development of Its social life. ,u community need. Pendleton de Why should we huvo to rent a room niunds something along the line of n for h meeting like this? A parish y ji, c a. building but organized on house would multc It possible to hold ! broader lines and that something the all such meetings under our ow n roof. ; parish house could ho. Here there aillul you Know us I Know mui 0110 01 could be found cum rooms mr me I tho charges most frequently brought imm perhaps a swimming pool In th. a against the Kpiscopal cnoich Is that basement and other acc norles that It is a cold storage plunt and if you i would minister to the needs of the only stay with It long enough you will community.'' be completely frozen. The charge un- ti,o suggestion by tho rector was fortunately In ninny cases is true. Now j warmly received by the parishioners if there was a place where there could ; Mnd It developed during the mectim; ibe held the monthly social, bringing that the church already has two en- Uhe new comer and the old timer to- 'downicnts uimiuntlng to sul that will 4 I nether. It would make the parish a i i)c devoted to the move. There Is no j crucible In which all tho various clc- 1 intention of trying to erect a building to go on a long recruiting tour ments would be fused into oneness Immediately but the plun Is to keep tuough the south and later through , 1 I h$ : :. ' ' ' 1 i 1 l - . - ...b.A' ..v..v.. I -sv. v , - v, , v ii vy-.,., . v . - . " s -i s x . "l, i J-J iCVvV Vx w;N x.Vsv- ... Ouu., 8 PORTLAND COY IS DEAD 111 FRANCE WASHINGTON. Jan. . Priralo TlHinias Scott of the infantry, resid ing in Portland, w asphyriuted In lYance, Sccrctury Baker amiounced. Private Slianw of the aviation section killed in an airplane accident, and Aaron Crook was also asphyxiated. Six deaths were foom natural causes. SCHOOLS KOOVERIZE IK USING OF COAL fendleton' public schools, especial ly the high school, are Htmverlnic on their coal supply. Not because thy have not a plentiful supply, but rathor on account of the warm weather, ac cording to Guy Cook, head engineer of the hlsh school, today. The High School has used loss than half of the fuel consumed hy up t' this time last year, and now has about fne hundred tons which it will ii"t need tliit year Thin cnt has lwn stored in a lurjze hm nutido the whir coal bin iu tho tuiKemcnt of tho 1 uildlnK. Weather Mripplng plaro'1 on the windows of tho tuiild(nr ar u Id ins; materia Ily in t he con nor vat ton of t he coal. M r. t 'nok drelarrd The grade schools arc also not be hind in the coal consumption, dim ul so to the warm w cat he-. SLAVS JOIN HANDS IN DEMAND! VH TDK PARLEY TRANSFER Uiitaiinia is the Uritlsh tanK which and unity. Then above alt no we neea tno subject alive with a view to carry- It for our young people. here are , n- out lnc enterprise when condl- lt for our young people. Where are j ug out ihe enterprise when 'the young men, suy over 1; or mi. jyeura of age, who attended this (Continued on Pnse 3 ) the middle west is here shown when it almost overturned in action at Camp Vpton. Thcrj It has been used to I'eiiuustiatc to Amcriran yolilicrs the us.s of Mich iustrur.ientrt of war. The t!ricr here shot I he trench before him at the wrom? anle and the tank lipped on one corner. Hut it was a pood demonstration of the trial nnd ri;TUO,KAI. Jan. -I'kMinw and Kufr-la have joined tiitii'ls In Slavic demand f'r tho traimffr of " peaeo negotiations to a tieutrHl point. 1 1 ibiilat ions of opera ting a tank OQ It is tclieved it can bo foro-d it pi mi the latile line. The tank U to go the liermanx. Ituaatmi drleguTf aid through Kichmond. AueuMa, Atlanta, tho soldiers in tho trenehon l-ld thrill Hit in in ; ham. Mobile. New Orleans, they wanted peaco but not pean at Memphis and Louisville during the any Cost. They said thev wru ready winter and in the wet season it will to support the peace efforts at ad ivnve north. ! COtH. (