PAGE SEVKtf . DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1918. :3 IS ' Closing Out All Our .m: Hu'iGertt Hose EIGHT PAGES 1 DOINGS QFg DEFES ii;iim, mw ... . , " 1 "" ' """"I WiWfMij' ' " KtW'Wf 1 I POB SPARKS WAS TME OMLV I '" Roth for Women and Children at,2 pairs or. 25c Columbia Crochet in 9 colors at .10c Coats Crochet .2, colors at .m. . . i. . ,.. ,u. f. . . JOc Palmolive Soap, for t . , , ; . 25c White Laundry Soap, (J.bais for iltie Toilet Paper, (i rolls for . . . . 25c Opposite - HOUSEHOLD Tim El? rolTXI- im01l,KltS AND ritVKHS IlKMT. m ; iWAKHINllTOX, Jan. 2 Itoumf- wheH who wlHh to help relieve-, the Ktnte nf Ohio, City of Toledo, . I.UCSS ClMIUtT, aft. Frank J. ( Mf-y nilmi fltl that he M f Dior partner f the firm ( I'. J. Cheuey l.Ca. ilf'uiii tiutdnesN In the Citr of Toledo, oiiiut od stum mViMwukl, and iltut said ! iirnt win I'tiy miiu w ui .ii'ukv I '(MX A ICS rr n b and - every case m ralftrrli (but ennm la cwwl by the use g liAI.I. H fATAHI.!!- MHIHCl.Ml . . t'l.ivi.- i ifi.Xl.V. .- !. Vil' . . ."" 'J IWP'1' MIU Ull HI J ill , Kil Niiury nihllr I1.,Mb rtirrh XIfl1.-lno lit liklfun itiicrn " ..," .u;.oi. tt, in...i m 1 ho Miirmm HrfnMH ut (lie Sjstein., Keiid for tttlmoialii, fr. ' Hnltl bv Mil itrnKNtH. :c, lltftl g Fauilly 1'itlM lor coftntlpitlon. NEW TODAY KOI 4 HKN'f - iis. cunil l.iinllnn. Nonli KlcJ4.' I'.(ii M, r lu-j iuir 40 (inrrinld. . I (iiior WHKAT l.AXD. l:u wr nirc. -.Smue lilKlily lmimvpl ranrhos l Just a lltilo inure .r un- on ey IffinH. AKo koiiiI Ip.ihIiik iinvpiwl llon nn1 M'k nim'lip. AMi-!i nwnr. Ixirk lri-r N. SO, lnlim--igh. ore. JXIKT Vrllow IVrtiluu eut. , FJnl .return lo a Jai kon or lionn t: .1 7. ' Kowaril. f KlIKXiyilKl llln lioiis'Uwi'lns or 'Hlrplnic roWnft on N'urth mIiIp. IA jjnly. I'honv jmil vrpinKn. AtK'lllloii M'HIKP. All mrniliciH of Hip l-oynl (inlir of Mniiso nro ruucnl to moi'l lit .M"o lall VpiliK'ily. .liiniiarx !'lh. I imrtnnt mutter to romp hpToro Uip mcellnif. jnllV l-AN!. iJlCTtiitor. sorn Star Xnikf. , rtimhPe hnptpr No. I!', O. K S.. will hold Inmallntlon or otflorH on Tuesday pvpnlnif, January ftth. All member rprinpstpil to attenil. 5IAI1V K. JOUXSOX. Sec. , ilio lliu-nliut guosilim. Peacock Cool la thp anwT. Lump and nut now on hnnd. Smythe-Lon-eigan t'k, Phon? J7H, , , Holland niil'w. 'imported direct from the lnnd of 4!ke and ditches a wonderful as aortmcnt of these hull's arrived to flay. Make yonr select ina now. PrScea are most reasonublu. T. P. W! Pure Food Sliop, peoples Wa.ruhou. 1 2-1 111 ' t i Nae 'oal. n.. ..i.... "I nikv Coal. More hun unitH. less ash. no soot ofdlnk ers. Ask your nlhhor. smythe-l.on-plKan Co., Phono ITS. , KV TOD A V. t rtlscnirnt 'HI 4 TTnl niiv nilVflt J ... liiMertlon only. lurlii(t" nllhNMIIelt liuTtlon of ' yt will Hpp".ir under il P'i claasil'ieH lion. (id r p MIST I1)HC. T1HMS .. . y ON . . , , kin; tie HiVAKM ; AMSTERDAM. Jan. S Klim Ieoimld, of Jiavaria, aml,re,HKliif i Mf lroop on his lilrl Inlay, iisw'n- -w ed "we in net linni unin enjy aecepta our conditions. May we defeat our latest enemy Hie Aniprlenns. The terms of . our enemy are exorlilinni. We'll not Kli'e. ip mi Inch of territory unit must 'al'enuaid our frontiers." Pasti ime !mrat situation will bm thrrp-imimd T j brollera'and fryers and refuse to "ush I I "aquab chickens" weifchfntr a podnd, j J j one-half or Ichh, Bay the drearted-piHil-try iwclalist of the .iCnited Statea ' Iartment of Agriculture. . ' Thaservm;: 'f underdeveloped ur i squab - chicken in hotels, restaurants and homes, they regard us unpatri otic " because. such chick-ens, if kept for four week longer, including two ; Weeks of crutn fletdijiiK. will wwnh ! u.hmit three pounds. .Moreover, under ! proper feeding, the chicken makes the extraflfHh largely from such by- M odu'W .not ordlnnrily used for hp- rijan food, a, buttermilk, sour mji.K, Hkim mitk, and Iow-Kr:td mains, i A; three pound broiler or fryer, of of the utility breeds, the speelal- bus bmv. reaeheH thiB wuluht with a idun the c hieken whfeh han been kpt . ... until it weishs four or live pouiV' Lp to three piumi. mureuv ehUk- en if utility luedti .make their flesh mnBi ..fft iv,.K- fprt, f,..,i Almi'A three pounds, every pound of ifu The Wants and Needs of Pendleton Are Wanted; i-- wAN-ri-.nv-coo.r.'Niati'iairri t tt- Km1 ircKoitl:j, flt'". . j A. IMill'ETF.NT, r(,ni 1 druirPS ixixltlnu In CU. Will j ! Kf-nm JionMVorK. Aililn ss llox lt. j i -uy.. v KKWINlf WANTKIV lll'lillt" yt 1212 W. It. R. St.. or plloiif 2Tt.V. W'AJiTRIi Kliit ifi offlep iIpkU anil tnair AiIiIiism X thin offirn. WANTKD -An pxpprlPilPP'l wmvi" for Imiiso work, !ooil imy, rhorit 30A.T. lipt ail l ait iirpironliin Wnnt Ail. iio tlm york for yon. Surp, oniric un.l rP:siin:i hp. 1 For Rent FiritMSHliU APT. Ilamllton "uiirl. Hoi'skkiskpinYj Jtoois. r.i ciuy- FOR 'UKN'f t.lKht " hmrpckpoplng . rooms. ZQ Johnnon strept. NICr.T.Y l-THNlSM K.I v Aura. lhrnp 3LMJ. Foil UK NT Spwlnir machlnps of. all makes. ll.liU per week. J3.00 per month. McC'llntock and Simpson, 400 K. Court. ' . v , ... FOK KKNT or sale. 4 room 1 house. Knrdpn and orchard on Kddy street. IniUlre72o i'osblo slrpct. S-ItooM MOIiKltN housp for rent or sale, hot. -water heal. 225 .Tano St. Address S.' S. llntliT. Ills W. Indi ana Ave.. Spokane. Wash. Insurance ItSKNTt.UV ft MIISTIK MKIIY. REAL ' estate, fire, lire end a:"Mrnt linur- mrg .tents. 81 5 llMir atreeL I'll on. 0. , rrT tr-T- ' ' j Fast oreso;.!.,!! ' Want Ads. t'sa e lijipo nild (tit resillls hp'canse thpy i roach Iho people. WAT All fill. I M M .. . tXAKNIMKU HIHi: TIIIIV. Counlinw- lx itrilinsry words l ' lli. litn- ahiI .rttmni'l ly ' . , . Inn liii". ' vy.nn "ds mid I". -lit''. tflnt.ll Per T.tne. Fii r-I ins. rll.-ii. im p Ilio' 1"' lla.-ii Inst Mi. .ii. r- n-r liltf 'e tin.. v.'.'k, eio ii i.-r line .. ie fne inonlli, ini li liii-rlltnt. per line '"" l?-nlonlh eontracl, lns.r- lion. per lilt.' 2c No ads tak.-u for li-ss llimi . ?:ic Ads tslti-n over Hie lel.-phone only from Ksst orrKoiimii sul-scribi-rs mid llmse lisli'.l in Hie T.'lplioio' Pir. rtory. i-".y niu.--t he in our niTh'fciiut lnl'-r than 1:(1 i.'i'l..-li il-iy of pulilii-iilion. ! of AU-TM6 BoS FRiexosj now CAtMyR- y Mcs.PoTTheBe is ohls owe l , N-HjJ I KWOW OF COURSE IT-- SEl-P GlRL- ; H our of plv,E HUMORCO TUOVSAHl - I f r'll v!; wr ""t; III AMD fXS THOSE kKETTt, VcTITE I I I f FIMT.Wtffl- I OiTi OF FWE. J I rpniCH 6IBtS THAT lM "THMtfW; J 1 IJ-LU ' ir ,f, t , II 1 II il a TT7 . . . I I remilret f its produeiu-in ah'tut 'twice i niueh ' feed. This'. ni;'iTes nUin' v,h tho thVce-pnuml 1- wuvs Iihh been the favored iird in Ku r.,n 4.jwr ni:iin :ind meat haVe been let plentiful than in the fnited m m L3 Iteal fjstale IK ! Al'ltl'S ..I' ri..i.l wli:il l:in1 wlrti .sli'i.Mii ..1 :il-r lliiniina lltroiiHll. .11 .-i K IiiIit.-mm ynu wrile Ktix lulu. t;i:tm1'. i int. i , Miscellaneous ' l;nAI'.l ANI li'Ki.M. T l"M'll'Hif AM, HKNI.ANfl liitilS'.' VAN ti lllovi) y.iUP hiiilsi-hohl koikIm. 'J"i'li.- pliotip :i:iii. Also lutKUK li-:insf.T. ' rlnfc ii ml In'.ivy "liaulinK. '.HTIAI. III.ANKS--All the standard j , fnrillH Pill l'li'il in storfc nl I IIP t'll pll'pgolilHI) olfli'P. i BAIXIi AI.KAI.FA, timothy, strum rollpil liarlry. i;ms, porn ani all j kinds of fpp.l. i'imIiiiiiIm or l.-ss. Itl rtflnsli iii .t o, 1200 W.. Aim. I'hmip "-221 j WKIMMMi .'.N.V'il.'NCr: M l". N T .s v t'lill Vmil ;; lln iii:;i rent sniolilr." 'of. pnitiovp'l u:i:iolinvriiii-nii. llivit:: i 'liWltl.i aril, ric, ill llH!.. Must I irco .' nlan ,uf(lc. 1'iintrd iirdor rnrnislu'd I If yon wlsh CAI.I.lNi; l-!:r)S F.n.sravrJ nalins anil hij.' inrss cards. Sec I lie lari:P line of ;uni'U.' at the Fast iinsonian office. .M4I0S. tnn roinins 3 and one coining 2 years old to trade for heavy brood nones. Ir. Lawncn. orSaltr Kou SAI.K Two 14N Old Trnsty In cubators, fall 1!'K2. Klllt SAl.K a 3-bottom. 16-inen Flying Iiit-hnian an I'lows, new style, with extra shares. Only used few days. has. Itetts. S 1-2 Miles southeast nf Adams. Ore. poll.. SALK or trade Ktur horses, two Wajimis ii f I two set harness. What l ave you A It. Turner, Kieth. ore. roll SAt.K-'rNKW and scconvl ha ml Sew Ins Machines. Sinser. While, Xew Home and The Free Machine. XlcCllntnck & Simpson. H"i K. Court Fi'R SAI.K so ai res. 4r, iindi r dildi. SMilaJde for alfalfa. V i 1 1 s. II cheap. Inquire or VV. V.. lhirnap. Tom net. Wash 12-Itf f oil S.M.l;- Modern .". room liou-e cIomi In. Terms.' Apply tliis of f.e,.., Ill I : T'il. SM.1-; Full Id led Plymouth Itoi U roosters. Plione I Hi. IJ-lil' Fill! S.M.K N'.-w pl.ino at .1 l iirnlii ' X this olfi.... l-'-.-tllt l)XH. CIlKVIti llKT tonriiiK car. like new. to he sold al a li:ii;ain. line OveikiTnl roui-Matioui just .iveihai.ied. at" a liarn.Hii. W. f. Nny. T. lephol." 4i. I :!i;t f I1A1I.:NSTF1N".S pupi.tky m apu HlMt t'Aii producer, feed wet 01 -irv. Ph. urn ;i..l. iii-jnif Li1 Villi KKnW that Ustes .V Flieiily "Sell, rent or Insure An.xlhiug?" 614 Main street. Plume 604. .tate. n tho iut, the tk-inaj.d In hiif led to a heavy' rprrt;i- three pound chk-ken?. Surh Kt;nMe. tion oi expyrts huviii cejised, thwe three- Pound chickens are now avaiianie ior home copKti!nptP.B; a matter on which La 0 Noted Under Proper Headings so You' Can Readily Find Them Ist l.i 1ST VhUtT.if;i.v.' v'iillfff -trout plnTI-- I. in 1o Pilot ltork.-4.liii' kwimIit Mini ntrhr-l r'.uilaiiilii wtHl'lng ri.imiei. r Kiioli r rv.llnu ihb. nl'lln... Kuwanl. LOST. STIJAVKH or ptolpn. In North t'oM S.rtitfr';.f-i! 2-yenr-olil lipffprs; 1 onp r.l :iit.l Hi.' olhPl- liljo-k .mil 'whlti. t." ri-w.iril I'or do, rr-tul-n I" my ,ln .'. il ii "K.. HnAt, I l.'lix. OrtKOH. ' ' -; V- I2-17H i M o Want Sarks. " " Blydn:'tPin i C. 13011 West Alta. Pendli-ion. -Or. Attorneys''-'''--..;-' . IfltANK 1I.VV1S, ATTimSEr AT IjAW. Ofi'ic. tiniith-i.-r.-ii'ford Jiulliiins. 1 W. P.AIl.KV. ATTIRNi:y AT LAW. IcouniM i, . 9, flHpam Jlldr. r JKiiltOli; W. COi'TTS, ATTDIiNEV A1 Ijiiw. Itoom 1 7, -Schmidt block. 2. I :TK 1 1 SMYTH i:. ATTOU.VKVS A'i L.111-. Ol'flw in rear of American National l;ulik lluildiilff. .. . .. If UK FKK. ATT'.lRNKYS AT LAW Ul'fice in Dctpain liuildinrr. t. I. K13ATOH, ATTOHNKV AT LAW. i Hoom 4. Smith-i'nwfrd li'iildinf 1 A. N i: W 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 V , A TTO It N K V AT i( LiRW. 8i:iith-trvir,fordt Uuiidlng'. iKTKIi.SOX At IJIJSHOlV ATTOnXRVS i nt l.;iv. Itooms 3 and ; 4, Smi-th-Crawioril building..) - ( IAMKS R I'KKKV, ATTOHNIjJV A'i' Lhw. Officw uverTylor mirdwar1 Crnmany. - ftALEY 11ALKV, ATTOHN'KYS A ' I.a v. Of ( ice iu Amof iyan Natioiai b.nK . f-tuildintr. rKKlEHIOK Tt:iWi;iU ATTUHNICY nt Uw. . Otiico in 4imitU-Crawfwr Uuildiat?. ... ' b . A. IAVKIU ATTOl wN iu V - AMJ puin iHiil'iinu:. o. - - - There Arc .Good Positions Open in-Thitt Town, Any Onh 4hf YOt'T COl'M) KILL! WI'M w.t II. . :.l ..'It , Hie "b..d,bvr: f,., ;, joiu" ,tn ;ite PI,, pa.-i li H half do., n .(nits .Ui ; "lUilliP K'OimI In." T'lll eel on litem wi,l he l'ilifil by want :nb. its, a 11.I a newel's d' w ant ad -. l:o't oiifjiu U mean souiethiii" to doesn't il the public is to cnKrai4lHted For stewing, of course,' th 'dd hens weihinff up to five or six pound.s are econom ical. As these chicken m-ve Deen lea nnu Kepi pnmarn in iay eKB. use of their meat, when their Architect If i IvAY.Mlt.Vl) W. MATflT. ARintTThXTTi' 1.-Kaln huildiiiL'. J'toono l(i8, lVn lton. OrpirnTi. ' oitiiorliiiilllfcs nnionar thp y.. t1 oyp th..m. pi'ppt. you' pvpry rlay Wanf Ails. ItPnil nnrt Legals .(H H i: ci hiis ixtit s i'iEi i rr miitt)'i-;MKT, Notice is lien'l.y iveii iluil sealed l ids will l .received atjiif pffUii .of The 4 'ii die.urd'i: in I'Viidlfton. i re tii. up to .' o'i Im-U i'. Al. .lauuary 1 Jl h, 1 ! Is, for 1 In iiu prove iticiii. italey, street front the end of th pres(iil. pavement on Short st i eet i th Kast line of s Lui J. Tovnhip 2 N.. Ii. K. W. M., at the wotern limiil of The City of J't-udleton, said bids to .specify as fulhiws: k ; ravel J'dtultthtc l'uvement. in- ... eluding surface finishing, course and hitiuninons foun dation, per so. yard $ Dirt madins per so,, yard $.... Wooden headers, per lineal- ft. $. . . Train ditch per lineal ft llock shoulder, per lineal ft. . . S . . . . Kmltan4;mcnt per cubic yard.. KxcavatiiiR of old macadam r road bed per cubic yard .... J . . . . For entire improvement com plete (Total) ............. $...'. Kach bid must be accoir.panicd by a certified check in. the sum f one hundred dollar.smade payable to the order of the AeUns. Alayor of The City of ' leTiileton to be returned to the bidder if nnsucct'ssfnl and l be fr tViied if the ladder is awarded the contract and fails to enter into a run n;n h in Hci'iinlancc with the tonus of l;is siiid bitl. The v 'oimnon , 'ouiu il reserves t he rteht t" reject any and ;rli birts nt Its pb-asnre. Pitted this :ird day of January. 1!Ui. . TIlos. VITA ii:i!AT.n. l ity Ttecrder. ... . . . : a Pozcn Wliwli 0) THE NEW SERIES "FOUR-NINETY" STURDIER C.SF. QT0n Co., lnc. GENERAL MOTOR CAR REPAIRING i5 CHEVROLET SERVICE i iitM AND PARTS ' ( 722 Cotton fcs-layipg' UBefulneps diminUhefj Is clear gnlh VthV nation. Haising the tfeijrht of The" softmeated" utility hirdK used for frying or broiling be ond three pounds. however. in volves uneconomical use of feedstuffs to produce an unnecessary luxury ofit:i: Triti:Kci iX)sis nosriTAi, XKW YOKK. Jan. S. The National Jewish hospital for consumptive at UAJ U :v ' Is:als imn i:- MI A T HO M.S. Notice ifi h-tfliy veii that .-:ibd bids will he rtreived i ilo- .ffu-i- of tu city P..corb-r of Tic city e( I'n d let Oil Up lO - J4ll)ll!LT', 1 tillt , , 1 ; 1 s. t r oiUmk i: M.. lor 4'i; Str-L l-os pi .iv. to nt i-.-Ofis isif -'l (! ilf on-prov-m-.iit ol Ash strt-. t fron th .uiJ Jn.e ol 'turl Ktr. tt t. the imrilt line in' AM rUtv'-t i" Th- '"it.v of 4i-toM, .r-foit. - l'aeli bid must be rieeoninnnb d by :i Crtil"id in ek liirob- Ii:i ;t Ub to ll;e order of th- AelinK Mayor of The t'ity of IVnntAMn . in tto mini ot Sl'Mi.on, to be r-1 ti riled t.. the hidd-r if un.-an-.-e-ssluJ, and to b.- furfeaefl if the hin der i.4 :iw;o!id th'- lonl and f-iils to t:'ke the :ilin in niotr.d:t nee With IliS swiid tod. - Tin 'tiiiiKn Jimeil r -serv.-s lio, I tuht rt jt-.:t any mid, all bids. i Ihu.a this ::ril day of January, J iH H. Xiios. KiTX ;t:nl.i( t'iiy il-aiftl'T. M KM IIOMIS. TVolieo is her. -by ipveii that sealed bids will be received at the oi'l'tee oi the t'ity It-nror.b r of The City of I'cn let,n n p if .litnuary tt'.th. i:ts. ut .r. o'clock I". M. for ? iTO.tii Street Im provement loiuis issued for the im provement or Corbie street rrom the somh line of Court stieet to the north line of Alta street, in The City of I'en oleton. ort-ffor, Kach bid must b. accompanied by a certified check mado payable to the ord v tC the Action .Mayor of The Oily ot Ienlieton in tne sum of Sl'HUHt, to he returned to the bidder if un.ut cestui, aiVl to be forfeited if the hiU- tier is awarded the bonds and fails to tnke tlo s.tme in accordance wiih bis siid ht The Coinnnn Coui-il re serves the riiiht to reject any and nil bids. Pa ted this 3rd d:iy itf January, lf!S- T m is. vi TV, ; I : k a t i. City Itecorder. OTiir. OK t.l OK IWPROVK MIAT HO UK. Xotb-t is h-rehy iven that sealed bids will be n-ceivrd at the officf of Th, city Ucorder of The city of JVn tile'tjn no to January ttith, 1;1S. at o'clock C. M . for J;;:T.T" Street Im pro cinent I lends issued for the ini-tinvci::-iii of MaMi street between th nor tli tine of Jackson street and the south line of Wilson street in The Oily it IVndh-toti, Oregon. Km eh bid must h Mceoinpanied by a certified cheek tliade p;ijibb to tho order of the. Aetinu- Mayor of The City 01 Pendleton in the strin of $luft.0rt. to In rcurm-d t.. the bidi--r if unsuc cessful, unri to l forfeited if the bid der is awarded the bonds and l:tile t;t 1; e the y.i nie- in .'H'CtriMine w i tit s.-iii) lid. The ("onunon t'ounci S. rves tile ttbt to reject II II V .llld (ill hids. Muted this :-rd iliiv of .lanii.'trv, 1tS. TIP S. KIT. i.KUAl.D. ' City Kecorder. Second-IIand Dealers V". IS TtTlUl.l'. I'KAbKR JN NKW nd jiecond hfid K,od. Cah paid Tor Mfi'tiinl bam K'X'd'- ('henpt-ai place to buy houeboia MOOda. ltf Ji Ctoirt. I-Ikiiih ilW. Auctioneer COU V. K. VOHNKA. Al'CTH M :Kl makes specialty of farmer." stock nd niHchmery i-.sle. "The man thi' Ket mi th nuniv." L.eave order C -o Ort'onmtt of f Funeral DireefoiN jtiHN s. iAkki;. KCM:t;AU diuki t-r hlld lie 'tonesit r-lllli.illii.'r. 'O pOSl 1 1 i.i -t.1 f o -. KlIIOTI I'MTlor, !. tuip i d 4-irs. rdll" riiiiuinii-J to du or lonu i tiony 1 Li Lu THAN EVER i r,MN EVER wood St. OILS -FREE it Denver w ill .lie? pfercd to -Ihe goni mcnt to care for the men ft thvVnit ed States aflicted with tubercu Inris, it wn annoslhced officially hre. In the realm of shades WUhelm, meetiif Xapoleotj. Alexander ' and t'aesax and responding to their "We told you foT"' will reply, ,"Yes, i - you were riRht - it cannot be done." : . I?als NOTM'K' OK , 'SAI.K OK 1 tf fUO VK KT IIOMIS. Noti. e in hereby civ-it tluftt peatefl bidA wiJI hf reppivi cl nt the office rdt the Oil,)- lorder of Th City of P4n 'dletr.n up to January lth, nt 5 o'clock f. m., for jrr7-;j.'a street in provitaf nt JlondW i.-iu.-'i lor th im- r. VeliO lit 4f AtMtbiOn Kl'eet frCll tllM north line of Jackson street to the .-out tt'line r Wilson street in The Cirj: oi I'cndb-toii. (rf(in. - . - Ivi'-ii tod must te ticeonipnni'Mt bt f Tfif ied clu ck made- pn. y. -i hie to iU order ihr Ac-tins Mayor of th ify of l'emiiti.n In tbe mm n( ?ltn.o, i If- n I nr io d t4 the ' fdddcr (f UIlSllc cesfui. nd ti b.- forieitedif flte blct o r i.i awtii'di ij the bitds nipl faib tribe I lie ,v:tln-1ll flp.l.filan.y With lit A bid. "tfe 4 'i.hiHuiti npi-tt Te- Kerve, th- ritfht i TcjviX.auy juid-nll brd-. 0 . iatcd tbi.H .trd day of JitnuAry. w TIIOS. KIT. iKIiVl.U. City UecortU-r. ! OTIt K OK Al.K OK 1 H I H O V Ui; I IIOMtS. Notice iat hereby Riven time " eald hi4in will tKr r-cleved at tho office of lb-. City U.H'orUe- of Tin City-o4' l'4n dletnn up tu January liitli, 191). at & o'ciock r. AU for , Street im provement Itond isu'd'or the tm, provement oT Cutlepre Street from thW north line of Court Street t-" th south line of Water Street in. Tht CitVcOf lniiletoit, Oreiron. Kaeli lid must be accompanied by ft certii iej fhev k made payable to tb order of the Actinir Mayof tf Th Citv of I'cndlcton in the sum bf JltMJ.OO, to be returned to the bidder if tinsuc lc ssliil, and- to be forteited if the ld dr is awarded the bonds and fails to take the, same, in Jieoerdanea with hia said Md. The Common Council re serves tb risht to reject any and iull bids. ., , , , .luted this .-.rd day of January. ,TIlOS FITX. ;kuai.i. City IttHordter. MITH'R OK WALK OK M1PROVK. MKT HOMH. Not i e e is h e j-e by k i v e n that aea 1 ed bids will he received at the oft'tc t Ttte t'ity Uccorder ttf l'einlleton tip to January tcth. lCi. at o'clock 1 M. for $Lti 1 -Vfi Street I niriVetti-n t llotids issued for the improx cment of W il low -Street between tke north lio of Webb iHtrt e nnd tli aouth 1iti- of Court atrVet in Thei t. iVndloton. fpin. j Kach bid must be accompanied- by n certified 'heck made-' fmyuhtu t th mm order of the Aettntc Mnyur ot Tins City of 1'endleton in the sum of $ UMt.Oa. tu be returned to the bidder if unsuc cessful, and to h f?ietf if the bid der ia a warded the litind-t and i til to tntce trif - tame in accordance- with bia said bid. The Common Council ra sefves tio ribt to rej.M-t anv and utl hiiU. . Hated thiflrd ':iy of l:inu:-rv, 1 fl 1 1. , tiios. kit t;i:u i.i. , City ICeciirder. o rtt: ok i i: ok i Mi'ito k- Mfr N'l UOMS. Nut ice is ,o reh tjivt-fi that seftld 1 Hld-4 tMf rccUcd ?! tlf 4.1 f 'ie.. of the C,v ti. forder Of The l,ly of . It Met,n .h i j:i nu ir li.ih. I'll, at oci ,.u . t . f,r $,!.)" Ut Iim Htovetneiit Ihitiil i i sti-d i or tr-.irp- l'li'"l!' t.l t I'erk in' V. till.- the e-:h hti- t:l.-. ti. t ;.i.d lh" 'i iitb l Hi - of t i b iIil ton 1 1 ct. lii The I'll- ... I . r.'tl t.-U, t M f,,U i:- i. I'CJ l.tU-'t .1' "opttO by !4 ' i tit o d .Ii'. t. mdi . . . .1.1. in ii..' "fil'T i'l tie. I'lllii M v ..I ol Th. 'it . of 'i nil!.'!.; .n if.- lie ..i il.'.tint. to le- li ii. I t.. Mi. tu 1 ( r il iin.'ii' c. til, ,i:. to It f.,n . tt. J r Hi. tid OT IK it, -Id - (1 tlO I... lid M lid I rM If. tO I II Uii' TiiP ft, ;. .r'.nc. life hl-4 rl.t.l k.l i'f'. I'oininH ('..tifieil .'r-- tli- ll.;.l I.. I j.'t ! Ulld r 1 1 tt. . rt ilo .-t I .1. i , f . 1 h. TMi .V KIT. .i f. ca rtt:v'Mdr,