EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGQNIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY,' JANUARY 8, 1918, PAGE FIVE ' y IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S ; J ; - JOIN THE HAPPY CROWD AT CONROY'S CONROY'S SS HUESTIOHIIAIRES MAILED JANUARY Si 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 Eastern Corn Meal, white and yellow, . 9 pound sack 70c "Cracked Hominy, 9 pound sack .. 60c rotatoea, large alio, fine quality, cwt $1.75, tl.VO NwcotylNHaloes, 4 Kund 5o Celery, bunch , . Carrow, mhiiii1 ,. , ;U l'arsuips, pound , 3o llM, pound. So Orange-, lance lw, dozen 500 Navy, Pink and Hayo Beans, pound l5o Corn, 3 calls 25o Mount Vernon Milk, 2 can 23 Macaroni HpuKlirtlL Noodles, akae Oo Macaroni, Kahetll, 5 pound box .' 83o A. II. NartJia Noap, 1 liars . jSo llob Wlillo Noap, 5 bars '. aso Citrus Powder, package 25 Star Naptlia Iowdcr, package 20c Crlsco Nmall 30c, medium 3o, large (1.83 l-Xf Cabin Kjtiii quart 43c, largo aize 9o Meadow Gold Hotter, still, pound '. B5o IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S CLE.MENCKAIT SIIKI VlX , AiK-VOILN OEICKHS PARIS. Jan. 2. Premier Clemen ceau has sent a circular letter to nil CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tell How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Col do. It's Splendid I In one minute your clogged noHlriln mill open, the air passages of your head win clear and you can breathe free ly. No more hawking, snuffing, bl6w lig. headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or cat arrh will he gone. Get a small buttle of Ely's; Cream Dalm from your druggist now. Ap ply a little of thin f run rant, antiseptic, healing- cream In your nostrils. It penetrateH through every ulr pnssuge of the head, soot net the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comen instantly. 'It's Just fine. lmt stay stuffod-up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief comes bo quickly. . the army chiefs pointing out that the experience of 'three years of war has shown that the existing age limits ure too high an4 that with a few rare exception's commands are not effec lively exercised at over flxty-Kix years for a regiment, fifty-elgU for a bri gade, sixty for a division and. sixty two 'for an army corps. Under these conditions, he adds, general and field officers over those ages must be giv en command; hereafter in the rear or placed at the disposal of the min ister of war. The only exceptions to this rule will lie general officers recommended to retaiii their commands on the per sonal responsibility of generals com manding armies. In the future, the premier declare? no officer wll Ibe promoted to rank of general who has served but a short time In the IJno This policy will re sult In placing at the head of the fighting troops, he hopes, chiefs In T.hom th soldiers can have full con fidence from having- seen them at work. The nam eprlnclple wlll be used In promoting field and subordi nate officers. CIIIXI NOT IN ANY IMXrT . AGAINST V. H. 1'(,K"Y WILLYS-KNIGHT Performance hus proven the Knight sliding sleeve valve motor superior (o ull other types. Superior In power. In flexibil ity In quietness, in simplicity, in freedom from carbon troubles. Ami the only motor that Im proves, Instead of deteriorates with use." Thut is why .11 is Important that you should know the ad vantages of the Knight Motor. James L. Elam ,. OVKItLAND DKALEIt 72t Johnson St. Phone 74 Pendleton, Ore. (2 SANTIAGO. Ciiiii.. Jun, !, I'resl- dent Sanfuentes denied today that 1 there was any foundation for the statement of Count von Lux burg. ilbnrfsKod (rcrman Charge to Argen tina, In his dispatches to Berlin that -Chill was to be drawn into an alll- ! nitre with Argentina and Rolllvla for the purpose of forming a South Am i triri!ii political union opposed to the war policy of the United States. CUP THIS OUT MAY COME HANDY tKI.I.S HOW TO T.VKH SOItKMiSS HIO.M A t on A. i.irT IT ItKillT OCT. Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you Invite lock Jaw or blood poison, which is needless says a Cincinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug railed freezonc can be obtained at lit tle cost rrom any drug store but Is sufficient to rid one's feet of every hurri nr soft corn fir calhi.. You simply apply a few drops of this on a tender, aching corn and the I soreness is Instantly relieved. Short- ly the entire ajVn can be lifted out. root and all..-without pair,. ' This drug-Is sticky hut dries at diicq and is clahned to just shrivel up any I corn wlthJut Inflaming or even Irrl I tating.tho .surrounding tissue or skin. If .your wife wears lUgh heels she will he glud to know of this. 1D90 1 814 162 1862 1006 181 632 I 16 1483 5 119 1375 1782, 243 1206 86 170 1843 367 2140 6Cl 324 602 22D9 723 888 101 116 79S 186 63S 193 333 1812 8D3 1165 235' 1991 2248 1271 2079 971 1524 1944 330 149 39 653 274 670 510 917 35 1762 2316. 765 1 47 1840 936 111 1444 1623 364 2129 2166 125 1731 1555 466' 74 2377 626 591 503 295 2083 1244 1941 865 177 167 1532 1340 201 141 754 1825 (I8 2016 842 1019 2105 1646 227 7 1140 2162 708 992 495 68 1446 654 1475 see 1261 1664 2021 537 17S8 2357 Roy C. Barry 2161 Aled J. P. Plant 212 Waller Ml Slcdman 2163 Clair 19 SturiUvant. 2164 Thurman JI. 'Mortamore. .2165 Thomas R. ItleJ 2166 Eugene McCann 2167 Joseph Cunha, Jr. ...'...2168 Arthur U Purcelt 2169 Roy A. Kirk ... ....2170 Klchard D. Devlno 2171 Jets A. Mathes 2172 Ira C. Lawson 2173 Burd L. Tompkins 2174 Fred Urieshatjer ........217 Hobert L. Clark 2176 Clyde Miller 2177 John T. Borton 2178 Earl Jt B. Newqnlst 2179 Joseph M. Crowley 2180 Arthur's Walden 2181 Floyd - EX Payn 2182 Albert Kinnlsun 2183 Emll Tim merman ...2164 Clarence Thompson ..''...2185 Benn'le I. Brown 218 Henry A. Kooning 2187 Dalton O. Chapman 2188 William Kurtz . 2189 Max Kidder 2190 Burney H. Campoell 2191 Claud H. Harris 2192 Aaron B. Lee 2199 Wilfred Edmond 2194 John H. Wheeler 2196 William A. Doherty 2197 William H. Berisel .... ..2199 Arthur H. Uangler 2199 Hefhert E. Griffith 2200 Phillip U Lay 201 Bascome R. "Doane 2202 Linn Hi LIvermore 2203 Edward V. Canfield 2204 Charles Melvln Miner ...2206 Edward Olson 2206 Walter Lewis Powell ....2201 Cllford , Edward Ktone . . . 2208 Fred Buckley' Sypher ... 2209 Victor Edward Davis .... 2210 Fred Percy Osuorn 2211 Julius Dendeau . 2212 John Wlllard Sams 2213 Kniir Joseph Rivard ......2215 John R. Iickson ....2214 Fred R. Slocum 2216 Louis Gilbert Houion ... 2217 Hawley James Bean ....2218 Philip Hill 2119 Clifford" Albert Kinney ...2220 Walter Raymond Belts ...2221 Will Richard Jones 2222 Itome Kemp ...2223 'isadore Blamont . 2221 Albert Preston Kirk .....2225 Lloyd Anthony Huber ...2226 Edward Alfred Kelly .....2227 Ralph Perry 222a Harry Albert Beathe ....223c qeorge B. Smiley S231 Orton Klcs Mudge 2232 George D. Watson 2233 George Edward Pluckcr . 2234 Charles Luther Palmer.. 2235 Romeo Lee Hubbs 2'i6 Arthur C. Spinning 2237 Charles Edbcrt Bean .... 2238 Andrew Stork ...... Lee Elliott 2240 Allen Mathes 2241 John' Harbour Staiulage .2242 Earl Anderson Gregg ..'.. 2243 Edgar Poe Nolon .. .2244 James R RoseboVy ..... 2245 Waldo Merrill Records .. 2246 Orvlll. Lewis Reese 2247 Floyd Cully 2248 Andrew Jackson 2248 tfminle Ross McFalls 2250 Kmmett Jones Graham . . . 2250 66 1887 718 752 227 1869 . 290 399 132S George. Itowe IMrt 2272 ALTA today The House ofQuaiity4 Robert Ellis Thorn 2273 Charles D. Mollno ....... 274 Frank L. Merrick .......2275 Ernest Charles Schcll 22.78 Thomas E. Lrdgcrwood ..2277 Elmer Iee Johnson 2278 Claron(T"lthea . .... . . J . . ;297 Homer E. Davis .2280 T SAVED By ATHLETE JOIIKNV MACKSOX lt.Ti AUTO TWO BMK'KS AVI) DIUVKS ' INTO Sl.Ol'GH. , Car l'lun4 hUo WiiKr With W. If. Walters and Itoy; lail Swims to hhore But Kldcr is Helpless.' WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS THE PLAY BEAUTIFUL WITH Virginia Loo Gordon IN THE WOODS PRETTY SETTINGS BABES EN COSTLY" GOWNS SOUTH BBN'D, Waah.. Jan Johnny Mackson, ballplayer, city f Ire- . man and all-around atnicte, is av hero In Raymond today. Yesterday he raced two blocks from the clfy fire station to Silera Slough, plunged Into the icy waters and brought safely to shore W. H Walters, who, with 16 -year-old Ray mond Garrett, nearly, drowned when the automobile In which they werel riding skidded into the slough. f Mr. Walters, to avoid striking an other machine, did not turn the cor ner at Duryea and Third streets, but -drove hla car to the end of the plat- , form above the plough, where he plunged off Into the water. The Gar rett boy finally swam out. hut Mack- son, encumberci by his clothing, dlv- ' ed for Mr. Waiters as he was going Mutual nwn the ln t'nie K'ar. , with the Children 10c 11 Adults 30c VAUDEVILLE Dancing Kennedys Singing nd Dancing Eureka Wolk Comedienne Weeklv showina world wide 'and become acquainted at the nar- news is also one of the man)' feautres lowest point of the trail, where It was body to a plt'tv? nd held on. until a! crowd that liad hitherto stood help less on the wharf pulled noth men out j of the water f - , Mr. Walter? wni revived nml w;m at his business to?fi". He F.Md he Had given up after ndvif-Mne the - boy.to1 swim ashore. Ho conld. nftt'whn, ! The car has $t ber-n recoveredC of this program among other events this weekly shows our- hoys on the "other side" the vaudeville program consists of The Dancing- Kennedys a tt-am of clever dancers doing1 comedy talking and singing in connection with their dancing numbers, toureka Wolf a charming young comedian will keep you In gool humor with her talk and witty sayings. HOUON PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theater Have to Tell You. GIHL IS ltESCXKD FROM DEATH AS HEIt 1IOH.SK . FALLS OVER I'KI-X'IPlCIi impossible for two horses to pass. At the chosen point there was a sheer drop of 80 feet to a rocky can- yon. bed. When the two riders met, ' Miss Holloway's horse reared. th earth slipping from under his hind feet, and the girl was In danger of be ing carried to death with the animal ; over the edge of the cliff. Duncan . lealized her peril, leaped from his horse and snatched her from the sad dle just as her own horse tumbled , over backwards. WILLIAM DKtiMOM) STARS IX 'TIME IXK'KS AXl DIAMONDS" William Duncan and Carol Hollo- j way. who play the leading roles In 1 "Th Fighting Trail." Greater Vita graph's marvelous melodramatic se- 1 rial of the big outdoors, rixlted their i' lives many times during the making For Burning Eczema William Desmond will be seen In a i different type of role from, what he 1 Is accustomed to appear In when i U presented as a star at the Pastime I Robert Newton i Runner. .2252 Bernard A. Calilson 2253 Xois Oscar E. Erlkson 2254 Ouy Wilson 2255 Frank Albert Hall 2256 Lee Doherty 2 257 Henry Lewis Smith' 2258 Roy Tobln 2259 Walker Snow Oleisen 1260 James B Dixon 2261 Gilbert Ilalley Temple ..2262 Ouy Alexander Mayberry 2263 John William Parks 2264 Roy Howard Byron Barnes James Edward Harvey Robert Oideon Bunch Ace Jake Wagner 2269 Thomas Bornott Williams 22. u Theodore O 2265 2266 2267 2268 theater today and tomorrow in the Tri angle . play, "Time Locks and Dia monds " t This is a gentleman crook story with : many hold and dariiif situations, con- celved so aw to completely mystify the i spectator until the. final scene.' Wll-; liam Desmond appears us "Silver Jim" i Farrel, known as the world's.;master criminal. The police of many -coun-i tries are constantly on the alert fori him. but his well .considered, Imldness has been his greatest safeguard. The strong supporting cast includes Olorla Hope. Ilobert McKJm. "Roland j Ie, Mildred Harriss. George Beraoeor Thomas Guise and Milton Ross. The, ptoduclion was directed by Walter Ed- ' wards. Greasy salves and ointments should not oe aDDlied if eood clear skin is wanted. of the gigantic photoplay and one in- From any druggist for 35c, or $1.00 for cldent In particular they will long re- - extra large size, get a bottle of ceroo. member. It was during the making j When applied as directed it effectively of the first episode, which will be removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and shown at the Cosy theater on Tues- ' heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, dav and Wednesday. woundsand chafing. It penetrates, cleanses Carrying out the action of the dra- j'and soothes. Zemo is a clean, dependable ma Sir. Duncan and Miss Holoway . and inexpensive, penetrating, antiseptic were riding in opposite directions 'liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you along a narrow mountain trail It haveeverusedisaseffectiveandsatisfying. was intended that they should meet: The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O. 100,000 BUSHELS WHEAT Can be raised per season on thU 4761 acre farm; over 4000 acre tillable, 3700 acres now eultl vated; two tons per acre of wild prairie hay, of excellent quality can be cut on this farm. Land lies practically level. Has two complete sets of build ings, good water system, several small lakes, everything- in excel lent repair. A complete equipment of stock, tools and machinery goes with the place. Price for all 3250,000: SlOO.OOO-caaB. battnes) crop payments: er cent IhJ. terest. If too big to handle alone, get a couple of neighbors to Join you . . . . r Best district in Suskachewao. 11 elevators within 4 miles. - DAVID WILSON lUdpath Hotel ' " J ' Spokane, Washington - ' ooooooo CPSY Tl UESDAY oooo6 WEDNESDAY THE BEST SERIAL EVER Alta Today V:.a The management of the Alta anitoun ces for todaf an exceptionally pleasing program. William Fox presents the beautiful play. Babes in the Woods fea turing Virginia ILee Corbin the cele brated and versatile child actress. The production Is mot lavish in setting and costumes and is a picture that has scored huge successes wherever It has been presented. The story Is too fa- Xyok ..2271 niillarly known to need mention here. The FIGHT i nn uvu William Desmond in TITiUELOCKS and DIAMONDS THE STORY OF ."SILVER JIM FARREl AN INTERNATIONAl'CROQir TRIANGLE COMEDY "A TOY OF FATE Children 5c Adults 20c TODAY Ef f lr..i III III i'f 'rl-Mi Sill I : If frfm I 1 v , ' ' I ! 1 I ! : ' 1 i . ' ' " r I; ! I ' 'f x t If I i . I i x - k i . j I L . I s x O I I' SJ I I i - j.-v a -i-W-.' --. --ig!fcV,'wwii,vailini lfa,''ailt1S'tlll'M"lss'siWS j I ( I You Never Saw Such Marksmanship 1 V U ' II MIL i fl " Ja MKbHbi ani JLiS.-7 i 1 TRAIL" reveals. This is Greater Vitarjiph's marvelous serial melo drama. fca:i;rins William Duncan anil Holloway. ami ij a story of too rct out-doors. ten outlaws shoor. fey shoot well and t'.ie Uandils in thp re no exception. Indeed, they are ex- eplional "shot5." ami the photoplay rrords their tnrkmnn.ltir unerringly. OU rEEL LIKE DUCKING IN YOUtt 1A1R TO AVOID THE BULLBT5 1 is shooting sti'fT in tliis serial is on a r with the break-neck feats and stunti constantly shows, one more sensational than the o'.ocr. Children 5c Adults 20c THIS IS CHAPTER NO. 1 This Sammy should let eold winds and snow worry him. He has what every American soldier should possess this winter, woolen socks, scarf, helmet and wristlets, all knitted by volunteers of the great na tional knitting club which extends Into all cities, towns and farm houses all over this country. American Red Cross provides the distributing machinery by which these warm and comfy things are placed colour bori. bar) ,n4;'TJUjJ I r The Priceless Ingredient I Don't fail to see the starting of the most wonderful picture ever made. IN ADDITION HELEN HOLMES In "THE LOST EXPRESS" Daring COMEDY. "DANGERS OF A BRIDE" 0000006 Spectacular j KEYSTONE ooooooo 0