DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON,' OREGON, TUESDAY JANUARY 8, 1918. EIGHT FACES ummwRua NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON AMMillx Whh Hemmed. An operation for appendicitis. 1 performed at HI. Anthony's honpltu.1 yesterday on Ucnevlove l'etiiwUy, l'lincrul J Md TihIiiv. The funeral ot- Wllllum U. Mays wuh hold today lit llruwn'i chapel, Ituv. IT. It. Ckivongor officiating. In terment wtut made In Gluey cumulury. To Hoaotlf.v l.utvn. The Commercial aasoclation Inst i ulKht voted the sum of not mora than $50 for putting tho civic cluh lawn at the O-W. station in shape for tho winter. Wife. Reported Hotter. ' W. 1. Itnyborn or Weston left thla morning for home lifter passing hcv oral days here with hla wife who la convalescing In Ft. Anthony's hospital, lie reports his wile to tie much Im proved. '' Jluildlnic IWrnlts Issued. ,, i Itulidinjf permits liavo Ticen taken j out .by O. I. lsamlngcr to remodel a building on Urant street to the extent of I2BU: J. F. Temple Jr., to construct garage and blacksmith shop on IJI- loth su-eet and to K. V Kutste to Im prove a dwelling on Walnut street to Hie extent of $40(1. river In such largo chunks mat smaii all for MOKsonirer.. ' I ""' '"' "ot bo used Tlio men Manager Dalynnple of the Western 1 I'ud to go ashore aboard tus and all Union office has sent out an . S. . supplies were taken aboard In tlujt signal for messenger boys. At pros. ! manner. Whllo recoverlnif from his ent he Is without even one messenger. I Injury he Is Servian as ships teiy Aifred Heigh being III. Mr. Dnlyrmple 1 Phono operator mid has an easy Job. .'says he will use either Kills or boys ! He expects to bo transferred to un nnd points oat that Kugoiio and many 'other ship soon. I other cities are using nlii's. , T , . . ' Itiiianl tHtlmr IhiIbIU. jHnth ut Mute Hospital. C?lCJMril II lilrn, n". ........ Weston lawyer, died yesterday at the reserve company, now i-iu v. state hospital from bronrho-piieu.f.o- : anus and recognized by the state, will nla. Deceased was .born In Ohio and i "M Us regular drill at the Bynnia 11....1 ..r. I., l'noiiiiin !sium. In rem- of the commercial club countv. He van committed to the ; aihte hospital from Weston ' about j three months ago. Hels a brother I In law of Mrs Chnrlen llrownf leld. The remains were taken to Weston to day for burial. Fulls to Show i nontenant, und 1 A. Iteliymnn. sec- Heveral hundred people who gnth- ' ontl lieutenant; Joe. Iloyd fs tho first ered at the m-egon theatre last night j sergeant, to witness "The Klrd of. Paradise" wrrf dlsaVointed to find that owing ' Mini Well Known Here, to an engine break down the troop ' Conductor Furley. who was killed were delayed In getting here, until yeterday In a train wreck at Falls most 10 o'clock. When the company i lirldsre. Wash., was well known In did arrive they hustled to the theatrs i I'emllclor. Ho was for many years ami it was announced to the crowd ; conductor on the Washington division that the stage would lie set and the J of tho ti.-W. A peculiar incident In performance on at 12:1'.. Short lv j connect inn with t bo affair was the es after this announcement, owing to the ' cape of liiakcinan Fuller. This Ful weary rendition of the actors and the' lor who Is a different Fuller from the lateness'of tho Irour It was decided to i ,.oo v ho was killed in this wreck, not bold the show. A large number I wuh going to sleep with Conductor of out of town people were in the city for the "performance. ." ' More Improvements and Better Service MEAT DEPARTMENT PHONE 86 GROCERY DEPARTMENT PHONE 688 Have your order all come at one time and save "tracking in" mud. The Dean Tdtom Go PHONE 683 ..' r ATTENTION FARMERS! Now is the time of year to have your tractor and . combine engines overhauled. We have -the best equipped shop in Eastern Oregon to handle this 'class of work. ' Our expert machinists can handle the most difficult jobs of re-turning tractor engine crank-shafts, grinding cylinders and making pistons and rings. ' Give us an opportunity of proving it to you. PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. Cor. Cottonwood and Water Streets' In Itoviil I'lyhiB )inH. 'uiM loft tlio .train. Ho ha had hcv- . Word has been received from Will ! oral mlracnloUH etcapna from death KcuriiB by IT. W. CoIIIiim to the effect recently. Ho waa In a head-on collls lio has been admitted to the ICoyul n ond another tlmo wan on an en-, i'Tylng Corps at Toronto. Though ov- Khio whcn.it turned over. vr age unci height for the flying ser vice he novel tholeaH auccecdcd in get ting into the aci'Vlco. Dickson vs. Dickson. It will he Ulukion V8. Uickaon 'to neu who gets tho McNary Bllver cup this year. Tho low sore mado by jirooae Dlckuon lust week was tieu sunaay oy John IMok.son, hla brother. Tho bro thers Will play off tho tio Home tlmo in tho near future. To Hav Ie Amputated. Iaiwhou llooher, prominent Athenu hlsh school athlete, was taken to a I'orlland hospital this week to have his log amputated llooher, who Js only Is years old, sustained an Injured loir" lust year whllo playing basket ball. Thrvti. I'iiiwrs lYoww. J'aul lansnor, local boy In tho navy, nil. mi nl 'the South, Dakota, hurt three of his flhKers frozen December .29 whllo on duly In tho harbor of New York. In his letter to his mother, Mrs. I!. W. Klslier he tellti of tho In ml... i.... ... u fl.it.litiv rinwn the I Tlio t'lnntllla County (Juanl. the new official, name or tna t-enuieion .1. n.l,l. ! tonight. The drill starts at 7:3". I nc guard company Is composed of the I Pendleton reserves and a number of I new recruits. Tfierc are still severa. vacancies' and those Interested are ask ! oil to loin. The officer are, I,ec D. I Drake, captain; Harry chambers, first Farley. When he had taken off one sbeo he decided- to go to Vancouver 5 S School lloaml .Mcetliiif TonUclit. The inonlhly liinetiui; of tho school board will bo held tontiiht. ln llano lct'iiNO Issued. i A uiarriaRo license was Issued yes terday to Melvln J. Anderson of thl city and Harriet Xorby of Minnesota. 0N-rutloii Is Performed. 1 Tho eldest aon of Clarence Doiw underwent an operation today at the hospital for adenoids and tonsils. - Olieralloii at IOHiltal. . . An operation was performed Ihis 1 qiorniiiR at Ht, Anthony's hospital up- I on I'alse Finch. j Viidorgoca 0Mratlon. Mrs. J. F. Knutsi)ii, ' well known (Tmatilla woman, underwent a serious operation at St. Anthony's hospital this mornintr. Mrs. Knutson Is tho wife of tile U-W. yard master at Uma tilla. i:aniM Start' Holiday. HlKh school examliialions start ' next Monday mornini,-, and will con tinue until Wednesday noon of next week. Thin decision was mado this morning al meeting of tho hih school faguMy. Ijo-t tJucHlloiinalmt Out. 1 ho last iiuestionnalros of Cinatilla county will ha -nciit out tonight b the local draft board. Tne work ol classifying men' Is going on rapidly. Questionnaires must lie returned In seven days from the dale of mailing. Asks SuiHairt or Bill. I. K. Young, county school superin tendent, has received a letter from State Superintendent Churchill asking the support of the Owens congression al bill providing for a department of education and a secretary of educa tion In tho cabinet. Heeled to Hut to .ScIicmiI. Miss .Imioo o'Connell of the Lincoln school has been notified or her elec tion to a position in a Itutto school lot a substantial Increase of salary. .Mis.s o'Connell will ask the Pendleton school board to release her at the monthly meeting of the board tonight ;rlff tloiies Ix-avcs. Urirf. Jones, of Walla Walla, who has acted as high school football coach, ami later as basketball In structor, left last night for The Dalles. The inability of the student body to oav him made it impossible for him ,t rPn1ain here. The school board m- jdiculed that they wotil,d rather hire 'another manual training instructor. GERMAN FOOD CARDS SAID TO BE FAILING StH-ift selliiiir by I'tfrniprs t Iliuli ITl-s Miatttt-s organlxuUoti. STuTKiroi.M, Jan. S. Germany's nxporlcnce with the oniilta'lc distri bution of food has proved that card rationing nan fulled In Its aim even w hen inuiiaKed by the aMcst adminis trators and backed op by the sternest supervision. Thin Ik the conclusion reached hy it writer In the Social De mokraten whose article Is atractini; wide attention In the Scandinavian countries The evaslva fnrnier ob structionist Is tho roelt nguinst which the most loyal self-discipline anil the best orKaniwitlon are. s-hBtlerrd. "Th Crrinuii farmer." says the writer. "Is very patriotic when it doc? not cost him anything, hut tf his pock- : et Is afferted the Intcrrsts of the urcl latherland do not trouble the produc- er of meat, buffer and vecetaldes. Ig-! coring the administrative measures. ! the Tanners concentrate their efforts .niM-in selling as inui'lk nft possible sur reptitiously. This schloichhanilel" secret trading has nullified tho fond control and It Is easy to see that the maximum price regulations are evad ed to an enormous extent. Kvrry bndy has experience in tneso tuirvcp titlolis purchases. The card syslem Is a dead lettel among prosperous people who get what thc5" want with out them. "This bre:t1idoii of the card ra tioning system was recently admitted j officially In an Impressive report by 'the Neu Knell n hoard or magistrates to the 'kreigserimchunHsamt' tinill lary subsistence department.) U Is n document that must attract attention wherever It la necessary, as In tier many, to find means of economizing foods und lstrlbuting them equitably : among all cltixens." "That ivnr profiteers thrive on ev ery hand all know." says Vorwaerts. "but any real Cifmprcb.rTi.rton of the enormous extent of this crime against tho iwoplv Is not ucipilrert until one reads the Neu Koelln address. It had been considered that foods were, mainly rationed and sold in submis sion to maximum prices and that the hleichhSndel wa-s only a small pcr n mage, of the "whole, hut the Neu Koelln report shows on the conliary that huge iiuantllles of roods, fi.r the transportation of foods, ror the trans portation of which hundreds of lona freight trains were needed, totally es caped control and were sold at fan tastic prices In tho towns and indus trial districts." There is reason to believe that the schleichhandel system In these days is more perfectly organized than Is the statu food control In Germany. 1 have heard the opinion expressed that Sweden has better food control than tiermany. Vorwaert.i also declares that this surreptitious trade has forc ed the great governu.. ... .insistence department to the wall. Those old fashioned" cm rs used to advertise themselves as autocrats of "all ihc llussias " Under present eon dilion cerlalnly there Is ipiite a litter of Russia. SPECIAL DESIGN FOR WINTER SPORT 4 . For a rosc-chcekcd out-of-door (tirl la shown here a rose-colorod sporting coat tearf and cap of soft, blanket-warm wool, and with it in worn a dark wool skirt and ;ery blgh, heavy laced boots ot leather UMVKltSITV Ol-' VllttilNI V Tlil'VI'.NTS Al tTlOV SAI.i: Intervention Stops Sale if Tersonal lroH,rty ailH Home of John Arm strong; t'haloner. fllAHI.KTTKSVH.l.K. V:l Jan Inlci'wmioti by the ,1'niversiiy l I P. m i U. - 3 $3.50 to $5.00 met n fiat Department Special for One Week Clean up of odd numbers and broken lines of the season's best arid newest styles. Hals that arc good values at $3.50 to $5.00. You will save almost one half if we' have your size. ; ' : OVER 100 HATS, SIZES 6 3-4 to 7 3-4, YALlES $3.50 to $5.00. SPECIAL FOR ONE W EEK, YOUR CHOICE PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR INDIGESTION OS SOUR, ACID STOMACH I I f-; MIMTKS! " IVSPKP. MA. I IF IKTltntX nil ANY STOMAtH MISl'JtY .ur. g.iss-, upset stomach. Indi- ' gestiou, lieail'.mrn. dyspepsia; slie'i tho foi.'d on oat ferments into g.ises and upsets yiiu: your head aches mid yon reel sl-k and miserable. that's: when sou realize the wonderful acid neutralizing power in Tape's Pin pep-- i sin. It uiMics all sucn sinm;n-u mi:, i cry, due to acidity, vanish ill five; i five minutes. If your stomach is In oi.nllnmoi I i . ilt it ymi can't sot it regulated. I please, for your sake, try Tape's Dla : tiensio It's so needloess to have an ! acid stomach make your n'ex't nirfil j j favorite rood nieal. then take a Utile' I Piapepshi. There will not be anydis-, i ti ess rat without fear. It's because ' Tape's liiaoepsin "really dues" swect ! en out-of-order stomachs that give it' I its milhnns of sales annually. I 5ot a lai.v fifty-cent case of Tape's : niapepsln from any drug store. II is, lile ipilckest. surest antacid and stom !at li i"iif known. It acts almost like magic it is a scientific. IuuijiL's and ! pleasant stomach preparation winch ' truiy t..e"u:ns in every homo. , Virgirla. to whom John Aimsinoig ;i;,ojiei'. hi lT. ih'i'ilo'l bis personal property and h;s lionie. -Meray Mills" 'tod.iv resultfd in the postponement of ! tho auction sale of the property, (which was to have taken place here li morrow. The saio had been onler , ed to satisfy J idBments nnder Vir ginia "poor debtors' law." of Hugh iJordon Miller and William Puke ' T.erd. at:ori:c Who once represent : eri flmloner. Today in- uiiiver.div rave bond pending a hearii g in dis Mrict court to determine ow nersl.i p of liie !roi'ert'. I'bnloir is raled a iniIlioiia!re. brt ' ; tariy nil h! ireperty is in New 1 ,i, state w here the conn 1k e ; held hiu in-ane. and placed the '. propel ty in the hands of a guardian. As soon as the rat finds tba trapped he loses all interest ig 'Ho piece of cheese that cause ! ef 'downfall, t HATS FOR , i-ii ii i. -it Y-- -LiiMwitii"--r''V"" "i n iim' i rr-fi - - owers Have the. joy ol early winter In your homes. CHKY.SANTHEMr.MS Also Carnatiotw, Tloleta,' eta GEO. HOOKER Florist. Phone bit. Delivery j TlIE GOVERNMENT SAYS; ; On Thursday Save Sugar obey that request. A Sweet Will solve the DOMES Telephone 187 .1 3BV QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr: f: &iWk DENTIST. Eooms S and 4, Belts Bids. ' Telephone 62S. nice Ham problem, at. ilflliEI