East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 08, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    K1CJ11T. PAGES
..IbV-llnH," Kliilen
Mi'ic Thliil Kant
S fl 1 j II I II I r. II III H U VI I ' eT'l V .. H 1 L vl r- R !
! HMJMmM las
lluil lln'i"1 . Inr.urahlii
lllllllllK'H ""V "K"'1' "liOllia I'lllll
Tiis Great Sale Offers , to You a Phenomenal Underprlcing of the Best,
l . Newest, Mqst Desirable Wearables:
Though this word "phenominal" has been sometimes overused, in 'this case it fits to precision. , Loomsl and markets and all distributors, at their wits end to
maintain quality, even at increased price, do not talk value-giving:. Supply is their problem. In the face of all this we present what is without question, the most
remarkable Clearance Sale in our history. JVevev has our foresightedness and buying power resulted in such attractive values as in this instance. Thousands ? and
thousands. f dollars worth of merchandise awaits you here AT PRICES ACTUALLY LOWER THAN EQUAL QUALITIES ARE SELLING FOR in the WHOLE
SALE MARKET TODAY. , i - : ' , . m ; , .
sale: OF
Here's the greatest opportunity to "stock up" on your shoe supply, and save
money, that youTl have this year. We suggest that you buy several pairs at
these extremely low prices.
No. 431X ladles' champagne kid. i
welt sole, law, sttora, with French t
covered heel, regular t IS; sale
price ..... .....u... $7.T I
X"o. USX tadiea; grey uuok welt J
oI. lac. boot. . with French j
covered heel, regular HO, sale i
prion .................. $7.45 t
No. 433X Ladies' pearl grey kid,;
wait sole, lace shoe with French !
heel, regular (12. sale prlne$7.45
No. 421X Ladiea light gre-y kid, 1
turn solo, lac shoe, with French
covered heel,, regular 9, sale
price,. ..?.... . $6.45:
Nj. 41iX Ladies ivory kid top j
and brown kid-.. ..vamp., button
'shoe, with leather French heel,
; regular 410. Mia price. . . $7.45
No. 423X Ladles' white buck Welti
aol bw shoe, whit covered ; Xo 405 Ladies' cloth top patent
French heel, regular i 7. 50, sale kld vamo- cioti, tor, aee Rh0e.
. is . .. 9l.i)
No. 471 Ladle' patent kid elolh
top welt sole Louie. Cuban heel
button boot, regular . ?i.. wile
price . "' $2.5
' . :':
No. 445X Todies' whito cloth tops
with black kid vamp, lace shoe,
regular V5, sale- price .... $1.45
No. 439X T-adieV ivory clolh top
with patent colt vamp, ami lea
ther French heel, button shoe,
regular JO. sale pric,. . . . . $(.45
No. 416X Ladies light grey kid
top with patent cult vninp, but
ton shoe, regulnr $H, sale
price, $5.95
No. 4 4 2X Ladies' whito silk top
. with black kid vamp,- bay Frenr-li
heel, lace shoe, regular (I, salo
price 94.45
vamp .with cloth top short vamp, ;
leather French heel, lac shoe, i
regular 14.60, sale price :. . $2.(5
No. 404 Ladfes' patent kid vamp i
; with oloto top, welt sole, leather 1
Cuban heel, lace shoe, regular i
I . ti, sale price ............ 2.65 j
j No. 634 Ladies' gun imetal calf,
No. 404X Ladies' white kid Welti we" sole' cal' loe'
sole lace boot with white overy , ""ton. regular 5.00, sale,
leather soles and heels, regular j " Pr,ce - $2.. ,
tl., sale price $.4S iNo 429 Ladies' gun metal calf.
No. 40SX Ladies' Ivory kid top 1 wel. TOle cap t medium round
an Wack kid vamp lace shoes,! ,..',,h,n ,,,-, .hn. '
regular J5.C0, sale rpice. . $2.05
No. 443X ladies' ivory silk top
and black kid vamp, baby
"French heel lace shoe, regular
$6, sale price $4.45
No. 430X Ladies' (lark erey kid
with long vamp, a very nifty vamp and white kid top lac
shoe, regular $4.50, sale boot with covered French heein,
price 2.95 1 regular $9.50, sale price.. $11.95
Xn . .105 flrnwlne clrls' low heel
gun metal calf , patent colt button shoes, regular
$3.50, sale price . $2.45
No. 409 Ladiea'
regular-$7. M, -sale-price. . $3.3
, No. 476X Ladies' patent vamp
kid toe, . leather French heel,
(vhito welting, lace boot, regular
17.50, sale price . $3.5
No 40X Orowlng girls' dark
brown calf English last,' low rub
ber heel, a great school shoe,
lace, regular 6, .sale price $3.05
No. 485X Orowing girls' gun met
al calf English last with low rub
ber heel., lace. Just the shoe for.
the girls, regular $6, sale pr. $3.46
No. 303 Ladies' gun metal calf,
button with low Cuban heel,
regular $4.00, sale price. . $2,415
No. 427 )4 Ladiea Nap-a-tan calf,
welt sole, lace shoe, with low
heel. Just the shoe for the girl
in ttie country, to stand the hard
wear, reg. $3, sale price. .. $t.A5
No. 4 4 4X Ladles' dark grey top
with black kid vamp, lace shoe,
regular $6. sale price . . . $1.45
No. 489X Growing fciiis low heel
gun metal cloth top lace shoes,
regular $4, sae price i . . . . $2.05
No. 485 Ladies' Kid welt sole,
plain toe button shoe, with the
low French heeel, regular $6,
sale price $4.85
A reduction of" 10 per ent on all
hoys' and children's shoes in our
stock. Do not fall to come to
our salo as we have some great
bargains to show you, and there
is such a variety we can not de
scribe them all in this 411I.
New Overcoats have been put into our stock in the
last few days making our showing very complete. '
Now is your best time to buy. If you wait till next
fall you'll pay at least 50 per cent more than we now
offer them to you for.
All Overcoats not listed are reduced 10 per cent. :
$12.50 Overcoat, Clearance Price
$15.00Overcoats, Clearance Trice
$17.50 Overcoats, Clearance Price
$20.00 Overcoats, Clearance Price. .
$22.50 Overcoats, Clearance Price
$25.00 Overcoats' Clearance Price . . . . .
$27.50 Overcoats, Clearance Price
$30.00 Overcoats, Clearance Price
Our Men's
Tell a Story
of Real Value
Tlnal vol no is tlio key note nf this wJioJ11 salo, but i
dopa it show up .plainer than iii tho hat department.
and now and exceptionally complete. si
last two weeks. Tf we can fit you we ran save
$3.00 Hats, Clearance Sale Price .
$3.50 Hats, Clearance 3ale Price .
$4.00 Hats, Clearance Sale Price .
$4.50 Hats, Clearance Sale Price .
$5.00 Hats, Clearance Sale Price $3.90
i nn (i"i(ai I mwi t;
Our tiek is larsi
les have arrived within the
you Vnonev. ;
Kvcrr jard of Silk to be reduced during tids sale.
We must clean out the shelve In order to suite '
room for our big stork of Spring goods that are ton
ran i ....
Tou will find pot ouly excellent quality but style.
Patterns and colorings that win pe in vogue tho
coining season.
$1.25 TO $2.50 PURSES
Envelope purses and leather hand
boKs, special lot ranging in price
from $1.25 to $2.50, , Clearance
Price Hc
50c, 65c AND 75c TRIM
These nn fhrt trimmings most in
demand for trimming the collarn,
poskets and IxMts of your wool or
Hilk frock. Clearance price; en. 3tt
Olln-r trimminjL; ; reIiireI 20 per
oxe ixt fancy silks $i.ir.
We ham a big assortment of these In exclusive
ruts and longer. In all colors, worth l.f9 to 12. 00
yard. January Meo.ranf-e Hole Sl.l-'i
Offered In waist anil skirt lengths, also lots: for
trimming, collars and the like. Plain colors, plslds
and stripes. KII.K. RBI V NTS PRMCtX. .
according to' lirt below This tncHnles plain colors,
'Jeorgette. Velvet, ftetlns, elc. - :
00c Quality, January Clearance Sole ......
65c Quality, January Clearance Sa4 ......
$1.00 Quality, January Clearance Kilo ...
fl.25 uajiiv. January Clearance Sale
$l.r,0 Quality, January Clearance twilo
11.73 Quality, January Clearance Hole . . . .
$.0 Qualiiy. January Clearance Sale ....
I2.T.0 uality. January Clearance Hale ....
3.il0 Quality, January Clearance Sale . . . .
. 3HO
. IU;
. 7H!
. U7t:
Women' $t!.R0 .Silk Hose,
Clearance iule $2.25
Women's J00 Silk Ho.e,'
Clearance Hale $1.80
Women's $1.50 Silk Hosf
Clearance Rale SI.1S5
Women's $1-25 Silk ilose,
ClearanoA Sal.i $1.13
Women's !0e Silk Hose, ,
Clearnnrn Sal' Sir,
Women's Gfn Silk Hose,
Clearance Snie !&c. !
Women's 50c How-,
Clearance Salt- . . . 4-
Women's 'i5e, lirj.io,
"U-araneo Saks .SI
Women's 25c llu.so.
Clearance Ralr- 2S
Fur iimniin were never bet
ter Ht than nrw nnd wit , have
many varict;-t anil v.'ifltha frMri
T.'.c. to $r.'fo the yird. Clr-ar.'tnce
I'rice .i:-ll l.l'. ,
.oo sii.k iM)i:ivr;Ait
T'ink jersey Hilk envelope che
mise Ince trimmed. Clcaranc
price . l.l)8
$1.30 .WO $1.75 JKRSKV SII.K.
Vink and Rrtmo white. Clearance
prico , $1.1'!
' s:i.im I'l.vic ,ir:usr,Y siiiK
Clearance Prico : $I.0.H
tllhcr iindcnvar rciliiccd 20 cr
Wofnen's ;.5c and 75c linen hnnd-k'-rrhiefs.
Clearance- 3Jrice., I!
Women's 25c plain linrn handker
fJfearanee pri'1, ea:h :
Clnldren's f finny st!k handltereht'-fM,
- eliii'f. V'p.ftra nee prleo
Women's $.1
.no niove
Price . .
'omcn's-42.!iO r;ovcs.
Clearance I'ricc . . . .
Vomcn'a $2.00 r;iovea;
Clearance J'tieo ....
Wmncn'H Jl.Tr, f;ptvr-s.
CIcuranco Price ....
v,men'f! $1.r.O f:iovcn.
Clearance Price
Women's t.
3 5 Cloves,
Women's $1.2 Gloves,
Clearance Price ....
SI. ."8
Wn men's $1.00 Clove
Clearance Price . .
Women's Sfie cilnvcp,
clearance. Prico ...
Women's TTiC fllnves.
t 'I. ara ticc -Price . . . .
H'r cent.
Mittens r.cdueid 10
viii:hi.: it pays to
Tit Mil :.
itt i MM. .J i iiiy. .n. '! news or
Hie expiiHliinu In Merlin of art, oh-
leii fnnii i no invaiicu itaiiaa
h nroViilicH sorrow nnil derl-
slun: Mtar
tl'.ey were imi a""' rntiirmn toi'm
selveH, anil ileerlsl.ill llef.ni-ie wy are
'no poor lii ail piiKlnolH aiul.iiimr.la
1 Hum lhal I li' v' i'iini'1-ler -ft r u ij"i"ire
Ciillel'lloll" II"' f''W llilnl rate olljects
left l.ehlml when Die priitiisluii im
, ma: ti'rileeea was cai'i li'il lo n.'it'ely.
i ;i pi,ini m' pHychoUiry of iiHtiotci
(el us nl.ilii' a. ci,iii.arl..ii. in. May,
liilM. DW ,.HalUlliS' uovlifid AMlMlehi.
lanil 'fintiui II'" chiiri.'h and museum
hilreailv ilespulleil l.y ,t lie. aml rln ns of
!tlm flnesl woikw. Ncverlhclosi '"'Hi
Hit. ctiiireli. Mini ,Hi" ' miisfiini v were
ralal"Kniil anew, utul Hie .olJflH ur.
raiKjcil In the, he-it - piissiniu, pruer.
iWhen Austrian avlaliirs lioiuharileil
l tli elllirell Ihu IlillIanM lopllli ed the
Ulamiiue. When the lmmlinrdments
! cont linieil upeclal ciises. were hullt for
the iiinsl pied"", lns 8oh mid
earthenware ohjects. - which were
wrapped In cotton Polling nnil eare
fully .stored awny
i Tlii- same In nrllx.
It was the wmie lu ijorlls, jvhere the
j ltallaijs only took way preclmiH oh.
lerts from Imildinns In which they
jjwere found when the, Austrian show.
5 eii u ileterminiitlon to destroy the city
hy their continued . fire.- Hut all oh
Jfcts, incliiding thtae In private col.
eciions. were i.'a ta hieiieil. . and cun
therefore he letlil neil .intsot to their
owners. The aine treatment Mas irlv
en the few objects I'-'mid iu''uutliue
and eli.nfalculie.
Alier Ivm; .'.'ars inol a half the Ital
ians had to leae Aonileta. The re
turning Austrian-, loiir.d the niscutn
ii. uctp'r orilei than I.eroni com
plete to the last I.vicl:. for the Hallann
truly hue and respect int. What did
the Auslrians and the flerman do?
Chiefly the Hermans, jdnce tho expo,
sitlon Is held not In "Vienna, but In
I'-erlln'.' '1'hi' answer ijlven not only
it; I he account of the cxhlhlt In. Jler
lin, hut in acciilinls yicn Uy prison,
'is. A Herman taKen on .Motifoncra
V. dies;
"You can liniiKlne how we s?tck ai.
.'"eon as w e reach a town or-a village.
I ht vi- is itii'i Ii inoie stuff to take
than in Kussia. It is not mi much
food as ohjecls of t.rt. IT breaks your
l.eari to m i. all thi stuff lying 'alNHII.
"Villasc Was Na ked Ti'rrllrtjr."
Allot liel l-l'SiUO-! Wl lles n lil' ,lj.
sty ;
' Uo reuehi il a plueo whleli had
'ecu hoioti.iliied o - , a I I illery. fc 'I'lol
villa: was laci.c.l lerrllilv "
Tie- diary of an A usl ro-t.liinu.'iriuii
staai -a i-d liean i' ile.- eriyed I lie march
dm. i Val Pice. I.i to ivitre, ami artded
n.iiv. iv .
' I' I w :u .1 to Tai ill Cailero, where
we v.ere taiii.e.l. IP-re von see war's
foofpi mrr.. - The - f'rcct-m ?HU'il Willi
ill kii il- of olijeits. eat aidentllil-
ly. We have leaclie.l Kelltiw. Wn
Hud p.rfumery. tiif(nv sIiimik and
thousand: of valual.lu ohjecia, aft of
which ill Lr itist royed.' '
VP. ir. aim. tit id the hihithltnntd Is
at: d. . ril ed m i,i prclotm eal.le ills,
ralelu -. .v. ,v,; ,,! ouiniKC.-i Inflicted
on the p,.iui.iiioii l.y the Inmdern Is
ltrad....ll I,, iuu ...Ih.ue.l to reach the
Hall: h . up Me. Mu.wi.i a Tinnier re,,
treat- ever he necessa t y, , not a.AlnKle
Inliai.llam v. ill n'm.iin (.. Jiind u illlnK-
Manufacturing and Re
Guaranteed Springs
Neagle Building.
fijtTUMt,- - Jan. i. Weakness
wim shown In the general livestock
trade at North Portland at the week
opninff. -There was a more lim-ral
run In all lines with the exception of
mutton and none came In that divi
sion. Hop mark was ujil-r prr-nse at
practically all leading livestock cen-
4 iters In the country during the week.;
In the eastern trade values ftt-iwrnlly
Hhowed bharp loes as tx rpult of the
talk of the tfovernnifnt taking over
the hie pack Ins plants.
locally ther was practically nn
narly trading in the in division f-r
the rame reason and values Phowd
a wa ker tono
tieneral hog ranK"
1 Prime1 heavy . v1i.R" Tr,:..
Ii;;.s i :.. M.Eo
Uoueh and lm,'iv , 14.4 5 vi '14.00
attlo Situation Ficr.
! Tf wan al.o an easipr situaiion that
creeled cimie bhlppr at lh openinR
f the v.PHk's activities at North Ir-rt-Inftd.
Fir 1 all. thf-re wns a rather
lllral run, totals over Sunday hcln
14r,o head, compared with 117 last
wpek for the wimi1 period, while a
yar ajo th showing? was 1 7 n hfad.
In iffnoral the early trading in the
cattle dii'fhlon Khfiffol a priro
clos lo ;.','.
U-nt?ra! cattle market raniio
X'rime light
. . J 15.4: ''j , iledluja to choice steers $9.75 10 25
3imxJ i iti-illiiio .(eert .. HA'.Uf.r :,uU
t'oininon to j.od teeifi . 7.,1"'"'
:htdee c(.vk and lteifr ".uwj V.UH
t-Vminon to r.uml cows nod
, hfif. rs :..7:r
fanueiH 3.W0i
l-ull.i 4 r,l',r
Calves '. . . . 7 .itt'fi 10. 0.
fitockers und f-eler Kteern. fi.'j.'i ftt H.W)
While there Wfr no arrivals in the
mutton alleys at North fori la ml ovr
Sunday, t lie t rml ff t he i r.tde indi
cated a weaker niitKuion in Hvniathy
uitli tin lovu-r irirci tpjoti-d in oTiut
There in little call fur Ureraed mut-
on Rom-rally tnr.iitjjhoitf ttih rnttnti
ami thir. has r.'ferted the flcniand for
lives! ork, .
Oenral Rhrep ,tnd lamlf rnnlif:
U:auta,.r. la.r.o til ....... f, r
Jl'lXalley lam In 2. Ml if 1 ...!
1 cnrlinKTi 1 :?.iM)ii l.r.a
Wethers ; 11 751 i:?.r.
Kwes 8.00 frf la.iiil
1 ii I
i I:., J
I Hi '
1 x
.lohn Onlawnrthv ileclinew fn he
rnme a. knight. nonhtleRfl he not lees
"thfil the tillep worn hy .Inme M.
I!:irrle,. Poiuin Io le nnd Hlder ll.'lK
Kar.l are not so friKlittully ornamental.
Hie Irnmer eft t'of thl, eoi- '
tnmo la not . the designer's only
cttmouHaBe. Th, wnl(.,lt aoa
not eonslnt nf a very light kjPt
below a full roat. but It U la Itself
u complete roaldresn.
It la built of amethyst velvet '
and besidea it, UI.Ungm.hlnK
skirt, II boaahi a high tlnUt choker
collar of moleskin.
Thtt hat Ik nottitilo an oaa of tho
lule season umdels, . uUowliur
crowo oQeBafkblelfij .,