w w w v w vw W i ' PAGE TITRK& EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 11)18. NEW 8 NOTES OF PENDLETO l'CIUlll-lllllrWlSldlll Alltll SIllKO. I). II.1 Mcl'lierrln of Athena bus decided to- operuto Ultuln his uutu Bkistu between Iornl)cton und Weaton mid expects to lunko his first trip to morrow. ' Strlwrr to l.CUVO KMOIt. First Lieutenant Frederick Ntel wer, who won hln commlHslon In ur tlllery und who hay been at homo on leave for the oust month. expects to leave durlntc t Ii next few days. HI. destination Is unknown to his friends u ho received sealed orders. I the testimony uxpoclod of Hlem and l hi cniiscMUelic.e, tho defendant was (lis 1 chaiKed. All that Hcnnett would admit wus that he Kave Jin to .Stru ! bin to net hlrn mitnu lil"or. He tie. i nled that the lliiuor hud been doliv i ereil go him. This was the first cusu 1 In police court In 1 I H. I I'olerson, Mis relary of the nuv L V. M. '.A. at Maru Isluml, unking fr u sinlancelii making a allowing for orcijon at the reception to Bailors aud marines to be held at Sun Francisco th)s morulas. He wants a display of j fruJIs, bruins and other (froisou pro j ducts for duo oh" that oocusloji. Witiuw-u Kali; Itootlt-Kltcr ICmupoh. Charley liciiuctt anil Joe llushnian. In (Hans, ware the witnesses UKuhmt O. 1). "llluckev" Struble. aliened bool leRKcr, yesterday afternoon In police court. However, they failed to give j I'ulloiil at llospllul lo. ! Alexander Kdolii, 4'J, died jester ; day ut the Eastern Oregon State Hun j pitul nd fuiterar service's were held at t.ho KmIsoiii chapel this mornliin at !) o'clock. He was a Iok scaler by , fcccupullon and had Uvea at Weston prior to his committment nearly throe years aao. , . Huiy t.lrl Is Horn. A baby duUKhler was born this mornitiK' at St, Anthony's hospital to Mr' and Mrs. Charles Milne. New Kimd is Ordered. The county fotifl today ordered a new county road known as the J. W. .vice :oriiuuucu laid out. road in liistrict 1j Would Put On-Koii 1 irsl. ' The Commercial association Is In receipt of an uppeal from Marcus H. TELEPHONE 688 and have all your groceries and meats come from one store and on one delivery. It will save labor and time. Our handling both departments under one overhead ex pense will save you money. Our cash sys tem is a saver. You are assured of receiv ing all your 'order at one time another convenience. , TRY tlT START FRIDAY MORNING The Dean Tatom Co. PHONE 688 4 1 ' i i a i 1 1 a .l ii al. . j l'ndcruiHH 0H-ratlon. I Airs. "Willlum Mclieath, a' teacher in itho I'eTldleton schools, this morning j underwent an operation for tho re 'inoval of her tonsils. NUX, IRON, PEPSIN AND SARSAPARILLA Till ctiiiiliiwiiiou of two frival incilicirK'S, Jlooit's Sar-upurilla ami J'eptirdn, hy takinir lln in in conjunc tion, one bcor' e.-itintf anil llu) oilier ' alter, brings into co-operation tlx: above-nameil Mili-fatnos Ijcnt lor tliu blooil, nerve au! iliclivy orrnri. TJiis coiubiiialioii in e-peeiully rorominciiileil in cum- (lint, arc Kcrofiilous, ov rlieiiiuatic, siiieiuie ami neiVons, or vlii-li' tho lilooil is liolli inimri; sjiii! m1e, ilcliciciil. in iron ouo of iIid 'jnovt common tlifiase coiulilious of the preneiil lnv. , In :isph wjifre a laxalivi: is iieeilcil, Hooil's l'ills'tttiouli! hi! (aki n. They work in ierlecl. harmony w illi IIoocI'h Sarsajiarilla ami 1 Vol iron, ami uru inild ami tllicicnl. ; onipetent. hi l made of hours necessary. sucli shortening Mrs. t'lM-Krt'll M'tinl liorce. AllcKiiof that In r husband. It. 'S, t'ockreil, UeSertcfl her in . February, IMM, Flbrcnco t'ocknll lias brouKht Local Coiiik T el. Klllt jn the Kin.ni ,url f,. a ,iv,m.. A lU'iriis license hUM been issued Hf;r fiUit ,hl, fjr!,t f iU.l this vt.a,. by Oiunty Merk Hrown to JVill.am ishe alKl ,.,. hs,,,,,, v,,.ri, marrie.l in Kupers. haal. and Kdllh Power, lefsal, i v,.bl t'ity, -Mo, in Ijcicuiber, inn;:, both of this. cjty; . and have no children. J. 15. I'ei ry in 1 1 iher attornc'. Itnaril la-ifvioK Iti-Klstraiils. , The county exemption board clusalfylnu the ' registrants almost fast us they file their ioestlonnulres. Is 1 the district bourd at clussif ieutii'ir. (Irantle for i l-'raiicis v F'rauci-'. AllcKinif cruel i,nd inhuman trcat- iiw.nl lo-tibtL Kr:iiK:is lias hriiucht suit Those nueslionna.re,s. wherein an In- jn ,m, clrc.,t ,.,, ,., for a. divorce from dustral claim is made will be sent to . hi,:1I1,i li-.y.-s ' Francis. Thcv were married ill Indianapolis in l'.Mil iand ha'e two i-hildn-n llji- cusl-AU' of , jwhom the mother asl;:v. Shi: yNmis Helmets Not llcr Vet. llhat during iho jfasl fotir ? cars he hys Inasmuch as the new police helmets Igrowi i indifferent to her aucf their ii.ivi! not yet arrived, Fat rolmen 'children and that bis Ircatment be iScheer and Turner liavev not rt lnme ao bad that in fear she li ft him don'ned their new uniforms. Theyi.iSt June. ti. V. .'outls is her atlor wish to burst forth in full blossom j'ney. and not by deurecs. The helmets are; " expected to arrive lu a day or two, ill USE NIAGARA POWER ONLY FOR THE WAR er ! Its Electric Force Will Be Used Only in U. S. Plants. In Icnilant (.i ts Soil .Money. Judue. I'lie.lps bus issued un in the case of i-wis iiowius vs. scrre- Canada Assured na llowlus retiuirm the plalntitr to j pay to the clerk for the use of the i defendant ).' suit costs, 250 attor-j uey fees. JIUO fur inn intainanee and j lllll a month durlns the iiendency of WASHINGTON. Jan. :!. Orders the suit. 'wore issued today that no new war ' ; contracts shall Ik" placed in liuffalo Draft leluM rroM'inition. I before the: war Industries board ccr-i District Attorney Keator is findiim' tifles there Is power suffficient for that the draft law and war conditions ; their manufacture. Formal assur are making it Incrcasiimiy difficult to : ances have becn.nivcu to tfie t'aini- prnsecuti- offenders liccause souie,dian authorities that approxuiileiv or ha-e loo. one electric horsc-poVer received inoed : from Canada will be used only for OREGON THEATRE IAN. 7 MONDAY NIGHT V, First Time Here of Orcjron s I avorite- Drama. LoooO LIVER MOROCCO fc0 3 Resents ' , roJHttlAWAIIAMvROPlANCt 51 M SV? C r Qi lj) Oi mMm tT ,-T, fe- 1-4 .L' Q O O 7 m o Q . r-s ( j) r t o Jlnc? QP-bAYE7Ms witnesses are either drafted enlisted while others have awny from the county to take ad tnntitue of hln'h wuqc oli-rs. This siiortalio of witnesses is delavinw the Kiand jury in its work and It is doubt ful whether any inilictinelitsv.lll bo reported before tomorrow rvchinK. SEE The Wonderful Volcano Scene. Luaiva's Leap Into the Burning Crater. Mail Vonr Order Now Mtikn i;e.-eriilions j:rly if Vim Want to !-ce This Attraction. skvts now sK.Di.iNf; at dfi,t tn:t TIOWKV .VI'OKl:. Tiices $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 50c. Curtain 8 3 Library To l!c Keiit Ooeli. The county court stated this after noon that the county .library would in all probability observe the same hours as in the past. Miss Sabra Lt. Xason, counly librarian. M-stcrduy re uucsled permission to keep the library dosed every morning and all evenniss except Wedncsdliy aud Saturday and muMliiK the afternoon hours from -uiilil She stated that u slioitaKe in. DIE AMJEADACHE Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples "A headache remedy without the dan gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once! Musterole s a clean, white ointment, made with oil of rr.ustard. Better than a mustard plaster and docs not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affect stomach and heart, as some in ternal medicines do, Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, con gestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of tlio chest 0' ol'en prevents pneumonia. SOc and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50 manuficturintt war products. I'lans are beint; worked out by the war industries ho.ird. some of which ialnady have been put into effect. In i 1 -ulalo. by which there wil I be a re disM'llmtlon of available power sc ihal industries regarded as of lesser I importance to the war program shali iceelvo their power at times when It is ivt needed by concerns working di lerily on war orders. TTie t'anailian ..in boritics were w7Ilin. that the juiw er con"punios on their side should sell current to American factories not c-n-ta.cd In war work when Canadian factories weee not receivcin.Er all th(. power they needwl. II is planned also to as!; industries in Itochester. Syracuse and otlicr cit ies which now rucd't? current from Xi.-tKara Falls to cut down on their use of currcnl so the liuffalo war in-diiL-lries will hae more. of Desirable Merchandise in Our Dry Goods Department , Many Patterns of Splendid AH-Wool Cloakings and Suiting, Especially Desir able for Separate Coats, Skirts and Two-Piece Suits. 56-in. All Wool Suiting, Reg. $2.25 yd., Clean-up Sale, yd.. , . . $1.58 54-in. All Wool Suiting, Ref. $2.50 yd.- Clean-up Sale, yd.'. . . , 51.79 54-in.' All Wool Cloaking, Regular $2.65 yd., Clean-up Sale, yd. $1.98 56-in. All Wool Cloaking, Regular1 $3.00 yd., Clean-up Sale, yd. $1.29 56-in. All Wool Cloaking, Regular , .$3.50 yd., Clean-up Sale, yd. $2.69 56-in. All Wool Cloaking,- Regular $4.00 yd., Clean-tip Sale, yd. $3.19 56-in. All Wool Cloaking, Regular $4.50 yd., Clean-up Sale, yd. $3.49 56-in. All Wool Cloaking, Regular $4.75 yd, Clean-up Sale- yd, $3.69 56-in. All Wool Cloaking, Regular $5.00 yd, Extra Special, yd $2.50 LADIES' NECKWEAR . v One lot of Collar and Cuff Sets, dainty, well made Neckwear, absolutely new, your choice, set v One lot of dainty designs in fine Swiss Embroidery, good patterns, all widths - -Thursday, Friday and Saturday they go at 33Va per cent discount-. REMNANTS ; A man v ho int the luibit cf ; never making miiahes is entirely loo ! perfect for llils world. OF WOOL GOODS Silks, Velvets,,etc, at great reduc tions. This is an opportunity to make an actual saving on all of these goods. Of domestics, ginghams, " percales, outing and all similar- materials. Some at half price, all others at sub stantial reductions. ,i Of laces- embroideries, ribbons and trimmings, all Y2 price. Unifurinly kn. rnurtcuiis po lity trrntment if nil mtso:is is tint mark of th true nititi or woman LADY DIANA AS A MODEL 'A Used Cars The inireliuMj of any of Hie folliiwlint ems Is an iii liml In- rstinent. for any of these l-lirs will lillilouhKilly Imj orlli tmm nt r'iit li r x'r mil morn Inshln u ! u His, ouluir In the iiinilnic sliormsc of now mrs. 11 eosls us 7.."0 u montli to Keei c-ueli of lliese curs, tlien'foic e fun ufrord to olTer lliem ut imr KUiu Iirlees. v 1 Dodge Brothers Roadster, like new. $600 1 2-rassenger Maxwell Roadster-, 5 almost new tires $200 1 Winton Six, a beautiful car $S50 1 Reo, 5 passenger; steady and reliable $130 1 Dodge Brother Touring Car, looks and runs . exceedingly well. The best buy in Pendle ton .' 1 Chandler Six Demonstrator; Chummy Road ster; in fine shape $1100 NOTHING CHEAP BUT THE PRICE - , . . PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. Cor. Cottonwood and Water Streets 5 f upper Part lor X t v Far Vision ) ' with correct ! jl A s? r " ,0T- Willi J ALowcr PartforN VNear Vision '1 ' 1 been ruuetieini; their atrocities ul'on c;i)ituret! Ainerieun olillers since their first ralU uion the Hellenes occu pied l.y nieir.liers (.C Gi n. Fcrshine" expeliiil'llal 1'nrces. ! T he Ainerieim sentry nnicially re purtecl in illspatches yestenl:iy as hav i lnK heen fomnl with his throat cut 'after capture was not the first vietiin ! of Teutonic savagery, n lcttch whicli will he puhll--hcj Saturday, says An erirjins were leuuil in their trenches villi their throats cut because they j v.euhl , uut surrender. The Inter . reails i "We are now riuhl in the nililst ol Ihe Annricans. hut 1 assure you we. vi ie in a ill seelion until the 1110- ! mi nt the r-ichcs hesrin t" wet across ami started to attack the Americans t.t make' liu'iu prisoiur,. inl at tile same time attacked us also. ' -They killed seme and e havi had the honor of huolnjr the first Anierieans who have fallen In France. you will ice this doubtless in the pa- i pers. It is the Division ami thcv have taken a photonraph of us. "I ti ll you they are very Rood sol diers. They do not surrender easily. j They defended themselves to the ! death. ' -We found them with their throat ! cut becau.se they would not be tutfen ! prisoners, and the lioches hilled ' them " j T.ev. Ir. llertrand M. Tipple. In I clturec f Ihe Methodist Kpiscolml : church in Home, who is now at the ( Hotel Chelsea. No. 222 West 23d I str eet, hiivim; come from Italy via 'Paris, said yesterday. ! "It is a current topic In Paris and is rehearsed he reliable people that twelve of our soldiers were captured ' and taken before a German officer, i who asked the first mini what he wa.i uoir.tf there and without waiting for nix answer, pluuged a kpifq into tho prisoner's throat. From what J have seen of the dreadful work of the Ger mans In Italy I believe the veport i true." , RESULTS WILL STARTLE PENDLETON j People report quick results from 1 pure Lavoptik ee wash. A girt with ! weak, strained eyes was helped ty jOXE application. Her mother could not sew or read becausA of eye pains, lln one week her trouble was Rone. A ; small bottle of Lav opt Ik is guaranteed to help EVERY CASK weak, strained or inflamed eyes. ONE WASH startles with, its quick results. Aluminum eye .cup FUCK. Tallmau & Co., druc 'ijists. - IV!KlM"n Anvpts tliir l-:videnot mid I;iiiy finllrl"n ri'iuHTs Will I'ntiU Itr It. XT RYPTOTT JA. GLASSES XV K r ptoU 7pr.-niMinc.')l t'l-iptorK t;l;isK'M nr n vin(ii-rf 1 onu-iiot' t tuitlillo nnvil iK'nple who fan nu( sot' hi Ihf (list.itiro with thrir r.vttUu With Krvptnfcn n e;m sv nvnv atul fiir .hjt-rts tvith t-mm 1 tlistnu-t-ih'ss. ft I hoy look iiUo siiiKh' isimi K-usfS. Thcv must hv ftitfii riuht. ' - S.KK- I) ALE ROTHWELL optomelrisl and Opllciau. Alueriean Natl. Punk Ittlildiuc. nohold, above. Lady Diana Manners of London aa a model. io Is exhlhitiiiK a new military turlian. fashioned after the Ital ian military cap with gold laco embroidery and a tassel as decora tions; also a rich sable neckpiece. This nil happened, you tituler stiiii'l. at 'Tetticont Lane" lair and fashion show for war relief. MORE EVIDENCeThEREX OF GERMAN ATROCITY Whirh Sm ih ttior t'.'W wiT'.Is from I'lLf , Wjllllll W'iMl-llI 1 kii'w inul i issiM-t. or inii- l i-otii s;ra uei s 1 :u .' 'l liei e can le otii distant lie rr y. Prisoner's Throat Wantonly Cut; Others Slain for Re fusal to Surrender. K Sliau'u. ;2'l 'lli.iiiipson .t.. :a-: "1, llevir liesil.ile to lirtiln ii, .-Mil Ponn"s Kidm-y I'llls to anveue I heir coinplaiiiii.i,' or their I nk. . .n.-e in a while. 1 't a dull aclie air..ss tin- Miiall !' my ba'-k and w lit u 1 stoop over, it is hard tor me Pi stiaillten. Whenever I feel that 11. .utile ei. min on. T t.iKe Ioau'. Kellii-e Pills-tor a few d.ivs and 'hey i;i.r t.tiieil to put my hack and kid neys in i;ood comlllion.' Pi i m:v ii:k. Jap. ::. i:.-p..iis from different sources., each bearing Ihe stiuop of aul horitaliv e inl'otma te u. indicate ttial ihe lielliians liae ,-. at all dealeis lu.n : .mp: ask for :t kidney remedy uet peao s Kidnev Pills The same tlla". Mr. Str.iuh had. Foster MiUmni t'e.. Mf:if.. Uu.i'ak'. X, Y. fresh tomorrow morning. , telephone S 8 7 mmm I v