lj u u a u K) H) u u Mftti iwo ytf n(jiBiaj I,,,,... PAGE FIVK EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREOONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2, 1918. I!!!!!!!!1 una: liliillli: IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROX'S CONROY'S . 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 '- r Potatoes, dry land, med. size, cwt. . . . $1.65 ,'; Potatoes, large size- cwt $1.90 V Apples, Fancy Wrapped, box ; $1.60 '' Mount Vernon Milk, 2 cans .......... 455c Olympic Pun Cako Flour iaoko(i' 35r, 2 for II "u Aunt Jamluia I'an Cako Hour 2c, 2 for 3.1o Aunt Juinlina Ilucknlu-at Hour 20c, 2 for 85o Crtaco hiiiuII 43c, medium Sue, large $1.75 Miu-aronl, KpajtlirUI, Noodk'H, package JUc Macaroni, 8pauluHtl, 5 lb. box 53c llcmbry' Cocoa j lb ' can 20c, 1 lb. 85o Navy, Bayo and l'lnk luaiis, miui1 ISO Celery, liiincU 10c Allx-m Rolled Oatx, MU-kac ." ilUo Holj WlilU) Koa, 5 ban SSo A. II. Koap, 1 burH 25c Citrus I'oh dcr, puckaxu . 25c Star Nupiha Powder, pai-kago .'. 20c IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S MIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIillllllllllllllHIIIIlMlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU. UIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHi E2 SERVICE j; We claim is even more important i with a drug store where the ail- ' S. ments of PEOPLE are cared for ; than with a garage where the ma- i E2 3 K 11 ES if SB S chinery of your CAR is adjusted. ' USE OUR DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 Economy EE ii Hotel St. George Building E Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 ii B3 g.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIttlllllllllllllllllirillllllllllllllllllltl: piiiiliiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiii I Con Dung Low I i p'sT I I noodles' I S Chinese Stylo. 1 HOT TAMALES 1 CHILUCON CARNE S EPAMSII STILE. I LUNCHES I COFFEE Everything clean anil up-to- 2 date. FlUST CIWSS SEHV1CB I TEA 5c Package I ' UNDER STATE 1 HOTEL EE Cor. Webb and Cottonwood St. S Phone 667. Pendleton, Or. iiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ANSCO CAMERAS FILM TTHE Ansco Vest Pocitet Speedex catches swiftly moving figure without a blur. It get into action quickly when every second counts. You can change the focus, the speed and opening of the shutter instantly and accurately while viewing the image in the finder. Let us show ADM you tn'S camera. rzm Other Anscos $2 to V; fl 55. i .-l TALLMAN & CO. Leading- Dniftbtt 'fill ,;1 it M &.SPEEDEX CASH GROCERY Drug Co. If rrni priiTn nrpTDnvo im mm DANDRUFF AND ,W FfilllNfi HAIR WIVIW I nuiiiu 111111 ISAVK Yf)nt IIAIK! MAKK IT J THK K. WAVY AXI 11KAI'. TIKl Iy THY THIS! Thin, brittle, coUirlesn and sciHKi' hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp;' of dandruff that awful Hctirf. There Is nothing ho destructive tt the hair an dandruff. It robs the hair of Its lustre. Us strength and its very life; eventually producing a fe verlnhnens and Itching of the scalp, which If not remedied causes the hair roots to Hhrdlak, v loosen and die then the h.iir falls out fast. A little Dnmlerine tonight now any time t will surely nave your hair. ' Get a small bottle of Knowltun's Dander i ne from any drug More or toilet counter, and after the first ap plication your hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which Is so beaut if ul. It will become wavy ; and fluffy and have the appearance' of abundance, an Incomparable gloss ' and Koftncfis; but what will please j ou most will be after just a few weeks' use. when you' will actually see a lot of fine.- downy hair new hali growing nil ovej the scalp. DAKOTA OFFICIAL CI,KAIU:i. Jury Frees Secrtnry of State In 10 Jtlimito. THSMARK. X. 1., Deo. 2rt. Thom as Hall, secretary of state, was pre- j sen ted the most wonderful Christmas) gift In all Xorth Dakota at 12:25! yesterday morning when a Hurlelgh county district court Jury after de- , liberating JuVt 10 minutes found him t'ot guilty of embezzling from th j state $34 00 of its automobile regis- I tratlon funds. The verdict was 1 greeted with a rousing cheer and i prolonged hand-clapping from scores of friends of the serretary of state Including legislators and members of i the administration, who had linger- ; ec' until the early hour to await the j verdict. CASTOR l A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear the Surnatunt Attn Today The artistry In Qludys Brockwell's new "William Fox vehicle, 'A Hrunded Soul," stands out an one of the essen tial virtues of the photoiJluy. MInb jlrockwell has never given uh a ilay ao full of excellent acting. The story of 'A JJranded Hctul" con cerns the adventures of a Uttle Mexi can (jlrl who gradually comes under the domination of a millionaire of her own land. Though she Is piety ItKelf, she finds that she must obey his will or bring ruin to those she loves. At the very cllmav of the action, the millionaire is overcome by the girl's sweetness and purity and ho changes his philosophy of life. What Is more Important he also changes the manner of his living As the people of his village, In road against this man, threaten to kill him, the pleas of the girl he sought to harm save him from death. With her as a guide, he finds the way to forgiveness and to happiness. Alta Today. Cosy Today The ever popular Cosy Theatre Is presenting today a program of special .!?? ...V - . M wt 1 - , ; -tow- -r k m sjsA avJ h -.11 1 Scpno from Art I "The Hlrd of Puradisc," i Tlicatcr, 3lnnday. Juntiary 7. CHRISTMAS DAY AT MARE ISLAND LONG TO BE REMEMBERED Christmas day at Mare Island was something to be remembered by the sailor boys of Cncle Sam there, judg ing from the following letter from Hcdney Hoth, who formerly made his home with Mr. and Mrs George Meeker of this city. The letter reads in part: e Electrical School. ' Mare Island. Cal., Christmas Day, 1917. Dear Folks: Will endeavor to jot down a few lines, while the rain bents down on the roof and the radiator at my lett sings a melody all its own. It ha.sn'1 stopped raining all day and it is now after 6 o'clock. . At the last moment they decided to send 'us out on our furlough In batches of 10U a day as they thought that too many at one time would con gest the railroad and boat lines to the east, north and south from Fris co. Accordingly I am elated to leave tomorrow morning on- mine. I have 16 days which I plan on spending in southern California with the rest of the winter tourists. One of the interesting things 1 have seen in the last few weeks was the launching of a destroyer here In the yard. It wasn't a large ship (about 1MM tons) as ships go but when. she hit the water the spruy flew several feet. our government has been criminally slow in the past but It Is significant of better things in the future that as soon as nno had Wen launched the ktol of another was laid immediately. In fact, just a n.imite before the blocks were loos ened the. crune hMsted the keel of the new ship and it was poised in mid-air until the ways were cleared. On the way out I noticed a sign which stated K S. destroyer " ' krei laid Deec. 1917, ' which was that sam day Since then another destroyer ha.-f left fm the war zone, and hi 111 two others are on the ways in add it ion. They are certainly a high . speed craftV built almost like a yacht. I was on this last one a few days be fore she left. lfast night was a gala night on the Island for the enlisted men. About 200 of the weaker sex were shipped over to do the "Jazz" with us in the recreation hall. This builfllng prov ed too small to handle the cViish and another orchestra was Improvised, and the overflow transferred to one of the messhalls where we dipped and pivoted between the stanchions un til midnight and then slept the next morning until 8 o'clock, trying to re assure ourselves that our tired and wounded feet would eventually heal. Sleeping in until late hours Is some thing that little Wiilie-flrst-tlme-away-from-home doesn't often record Ii his diary. This Is the first time since I've been on the Island that the old reveille bugle hasn't bulged at 5:30 or 6 o'clk. according to the summer or winter schedule. Hefore the dance started the Hed Otim ht'bl frih and handed us enrh merit easily the feature utlractlon Is t the O'Henry picture "The Lonesome j g3 Itoad," and believe us it Is some pic- fF ture. . Helen Holmes the daring 1 daughter of the rails will also he seen I S in another sensational episode of the I Lost Kxpress and Keystone Bennett i S3 comedies present the mirthful farce i 5 c,omedy "Whose Jlaby'' don't fail to j e2 pay the Cosy a visit today you surejHES will be starting the New Years right. I si "HUH KXCFM.ENCY. TIIK WIVFII-i NOIf IS SEW Tltil.WCilj: I'lJVV "Her Kxcellency, the Governor," the new Triangle play starring Wilfred Lucas and Klda Millar, will be shown at the Pastime theatre today. It was written by Robert Shirley and pro duced under the supervision of Allan Dwan. Liucous appears as the governor of the stato who Is In the tolls of a crook ed politician. He Is In love with Klda Millar as Sylvia Marlowe, an attrac tive young lawyer who has known him since his college days.. She re fuses to marry him, as she thinks that his political aspirations are changing bis character. iJ .'lis, ' v:l I. nana and Diana, Oregon ..,.. a little package as we trudged by In columns of twos, much after the manner members In- good standing fand some who were not) in the U. I. Sunday school were wont to pas down by the rostrum on Christmas eve and get their mosquito netting basket of .indigestible mixed candy and assorted nuts. In years gone by I got a can of Prince Albert In mine which will be the making, of many "fags." Over 200 of the men In the elec trical school are already gone on fur loughs and the place is as lonesome as a graveyard. Today we dined sumptuously with the aid of a printed menu and table cloths. There was everything on the table from soup tn cigarettes. The entire feed was left on the table during the afrnoon and between squalls the sailors scurried Into the mess hall and respread their ribs to abnormal proportions.' Farmers May Now Learn To Grade Their Own Grain ! O. A. C. KXl'EKIMKXT STATION. ICorvallis, Jan. 1. With the end ot j mirk hiimllinK of grains In the north ' west comes a demand for a general i knowledge ' of Rratn standards and , grades by the grfowols, and this will i be provided in the four weeks course i in grain grading; to lie given dnrlnf : farmers' short course at the State 1 College. January 7 to Feb. 2. Farmers taking the course will work on samples from their fields THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is Prepared For Woman's Use. ! A visit to the laboratory where this auccrssful remedy is made impresses even the casual looker-on with the reli : ability, accuracy, ckill and cleanliness : which attends the making of this great 1 medicine for woman's ills, j Over vJoO.000 pounds of various herbs : are used unually and all have to be ' (rethered at the season of the year when their natural juices and medicinal sub- stances are at their best. The most successful solvents are used I to extract the medicinal properties from ! these herbs. ! Every utensil and tank that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilised cn as a final precaution in cleanliness the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination of roots and nerbs, together with the ' skill and care used in its preparation I which has made this famous medicine I no successful in the treatment of female ins.. I The letters from women who have been restored to health by the use of I.ydia E. Pinkham'n Vegetable Com pound which we are continually pub lishing attest to fts virtue. CHARGES FOR DELIVERY SERVICE After January 1st '18, we will charge 15c for all deliv eries made with in the city limits. THE DELTA E. J. Morris HOPPER KETTLE CM. Stype and from the markets of the state learning In what classes and grades their crops belong under the new state and federal grain standardiza tion laws It is believed that they will be forced to ship their grain In bulk because sacks will not be avail able at prices they can afford, and accurate grading Is the basis of the bulk method.. Cereal disease and Insect control, weed eradication, bean and potato growing and warehouse accounting will be taught in connection. Ware house and elevator men as well as farmers are planning to take the course. Courses are also offered In general farming, dairying, farm machinery care and use. war-time home-making and farm accounting. Low railway fares are offered on all railway lines. Hulk Wound Baffles. WALLA. WALLA. Iec. 28. Ber tha Cannn. 17-year-old daughter of Chaplain E. J. Cannon of the state penitentiary, was seriously but not fatally wounded by a bullet from a revolver this afternoon. The young woman claims that a man was the assailant but the officers have been unable to find trace of anyone. Thnksglving day the police were called to the Cannon home. 915 North Bighth. to investigate an alleged at tack on the girl, but no trace could be found then. Miss Cannon was home alone to day and claims that the man called and said: "We might as well settle our trou bles right away, for I am going away in a few hours." She said she ran in a, room, got her mother's pistol and pointed It at the man. In a struggle, which, she said, followed, the gun was turned on her and discharged", the bullet en tring her left breast. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! You don't wait until the house catches fire be fore you insure it DO YOU? You can't get your life insured after you're taken ill CAN YOU? Why wait until it snows to order fuel GET THE IDEA? DO IT TODAY ' THO.NE B.L. Burroughs, Inc. WOOD COAL 3 : BREAKS A GOLD IN FEW HOURS TRY 11! I1!ST 1KSB OF I'.M'K'S t)I.l WMI-OI XI) RKI.'IKVKS AIX (iltlPPK MI.SK1SV. ! Don't stay stuffed up! j Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose .of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken i every two hours until three doses are ' taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages: Mops nas ty discharge or nose running: relieves stck headache, dullness, feverishness sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Don't accept a substitute. Neighbors found the girl lying on a sofa, wounded, the pistol by her side containing only one cartridge that discharged, Xo man had been seen near. Whether the girl Is suferirig from a nervous ailment or was attacked of ficers have not yet decided. CoiivalescciH after pneumonia, ty phoid fever and the grip. Is some times merely apparent, not real. To make It real and rapid, there is no other tonic so highly to be recom mended as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thou sands so testify Take Hood's. L Today Wilifred Lucas and Elda Millar in ii f 01 ' Excolloncy flic ovornor Triangle Comedy ; "AIRED III COURT" Today GLADYS BROCKWELL IN 10c. Adults 30c Today Helen Holmes IN "THE LOST EXPRESS" Sensational Thrilling "THE LONESOME ROAD" An O'Henry Thriller. Some Picture. Keystone Comedy "WHOSE BABY" A Comedy Thriller .Children 3c Adults 20