t Hh i PAGE FIVR EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON)- OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1917. ALTA TODAY NEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH AT MILTON 1 r We wish to extend to our pat rons, friends and the people of Pendleton, our best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year. STORE CLOSED TUESDAY, NEW YEARS DAY. CONMY'S 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S i ".. -"" ---- mil? Iiitt! i: Jh X - , , "-jy !-.-, N- - "m i?imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiis "((((((('' IISERVICE S3 E3 E3 83 S3 3 S3 ii We claim is even more important ' with a drug store where the ail ments of PEOPLE are cared for ' than with a garage where the ma chinery of your CAR is adjusted, f USE OUR DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Day Telephone 711 , ? ' , Night Telephone 718 & ' Rrnnomv Flnic o PaHtlmn Sunday mid Monday. "The Hlae tf Jennie t'UHhiiiB." the Artcraft production HlatririK lilste FergiiMon, and to ho shown at the PaaWmo theater Sunday and Monday In adapted from the hook hy Mary 8. Watts and Is a bl, grlpi'InK: story, modern In Its theniA and foarleKs in Its treatment, HlRnlficantiy coniMfiit ing on the tendencies of society to day. Those who have read the hook and have laughed and cried over tho trials of Jennie will weep copiously and shriek with laushter at the touching Hcenea and the flahes of comedy in this photoplay, which murks tho sec ond appearance of the noted star In the films. Notwithstanding the hlKh position In atardom attained hy Miss Kersu aon, she Is still yountf In years, and her beauty is famous on two conti nents. She makes uu ideal picture subject. and doiinda, now happily married, has become a woman to respect and admire.' "The Lifted Veil" is a power ful photodrama. i Hotel St. George Building . E 1 Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 f ?.mUIIIIIIIIIIIIMHHIIIIIItllHllllllltllllllllllllMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIM!llllllllllllllllllrill illlllliSllllilllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ( ' Sunday uml Moiuluy Devotees it the Hcreen will have flluelilrd to thank for another wholly sutlMfylnff cntertalnnient when "A Stormy Knight" Ih presented nt Die Cosy theatre Sunday and Monday with Franklyn Karnuin and Hrownl Ver non Htars of the occasion. To find Komethlng new In a ldiotoiilay out cines is. of itself, an aceom rdislimenl and It may well.be considered n fur ther achievement if the novelty Is presented In a manner to Klve every poHslhlc "punch" to the various situa tions. Bluebird asserts that In "A Stormy Knight" they have devised a novelty In plot and production and Mr. Farnuni and Miss Vernon's past performances Rive assurance tli.it In the matter of personal crort there will be nothing lacking In artistry or effectiveness In entertainment. MUNICIPAL TREE. AT ECHO BIG SUCCESS JKIKF. TIIAV SOU KX.IOV 'llHIST MAS KXKIK ISKS 1IKI.D AT TUB CITY HAM. Ieonard Garver in here this week from Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. flcorgo OoppinK?r ann son ll'ivt went to Seattle last week whero I hey arc visitins with rela tives. Ioe Ravely of Mutter Cree.k is visit ing in J'endleton. Miss Mabel Jlarnman who is at- ! tending school at '). A. C. is hero for j the. holidays. I Mrs. A. D. WriKht and daughter ; Ithisha are still in California. They spent Christmas in Los Angeles. ! Mrs. Francis Staata returned home Sunday from Zillah. Wash., where 'she has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Williams, i Guy Mann is at Dayton. Washing r ton, this week doing electric wiring, j Miss Myrtle Jtranstetter is hero from O. A. ('. to spend the holidays. Miss Rnell of Astoria. Ore., is hero visiting Willi her sister Mrs. K. W. Hamman. 1'II.LS OK PKAS? The worthy couple sat side by aide on the broad doorsteps, looking aa miserable as two lost geese in a hard hailstorm. We asked why they were so sad In view of the fact that the sun shone brilliantly and the birds swayed on tho adjacent boughs. "Alas!" they answered. "We have been making garden. Both of us are somewhat absent-minded, and after thinking It over we fear that 8am uella has planted the liver pilla and Horace has taken the sweet peas. However, we are not absolutely sure about It and It Is the uncertainty that hurts." p A .; ETHEL BARRVMORE (H THE LITTtO WCI'- Ethel Barrymore -IN i MfTI.It HAS TEMRK litXtmi) LoiiKPr in fiovertiorslilp Than Any tjllier chief Executive Here. Kller Thaw Hits City: Christmas Dance Well Attended: tther .News' and KocIhJ Noun of Interest. j V. S. IS DKVHH'IXii MIMSaL 1 1 ICSt H ' I ! F.S IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUIIII'l WANTED I I LiveVVt Dressed Wt. 1 Prime light hogs. . . .$15.00 per cwt. .$20.00 per cwt. Frime heavy hogs. . . 14.U0 per cwt. 18.5U per cwt. Rough light hogs . . . 13.50 per cwt. 18.00 per cwt. Pigs and feeders.... 12.50 Pendleton Meat Co. I I Telephone 14S Hazel St., Pendleton, Ore. IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIII? !tt()MIHil'I,AV HAS A I roWKitFi'Li mi:s.sa;i-: That service and loving lilmlness for others Is the great worker of mira cles In character, is the teaching con tained In Basil Kings great story. "The Mfted Veil," adapted for the screen as a Metro wonderplay for the use of the supreme slar. Ethel Hurry- more. This five- part feature produc- tlon will be seen at the Alia theatre; on Sunday ami Monday. j Clorlncla Clldersleeve. the part , Played by Miss Harrymore. is a woman who haa sinned against the laws of t society. She wanders idly into a , church one day. and is Impressed by j the sincerity of the young clergyman, who preaches a mastciTul sermon that j seems directed to her alone. She iiKs hllu for advice, and he tells her to aid others. (Kast tiregonian Special.) ICCHo, Jjoe. 1'7. The municipal ChrlstmaB tree and entertainment held at the city hall of this place on Christmas eve. was well attended, there being over five hundred pres ent. A very pleasing program was rendered. Kvery child uresent was remembered with a treat of nuts, candy and un orange. The ICcho teachers and pupils are enjoying the usual Christmas vaca tion. School work will not be re sumed until Jan. 2, 19 IS. Prof, and Mrs. W. V. Green anil .Mrs. K. W. llammon have remained in Kcho for (he holidays. Miss Mettie is at her parents home near t'ki'ih. Miss Cander is visiting relatives and friends at Baker, -Mrs. E. M. Mutton Is with a sister at Moscow, Idaho, while Miss Stebbens is in Portland. Kcho was treated to a silver lhaw yesterday, while the trees and vines glistened with ice it was rather slip pery underfoot. The Christmas dance given here by the. Commercial Club on Tuesday night was well attended there were one hundred ami thirty numbers sold. Klck-hcr's orchestra, of Pendle ton furnished the music. Miss Hessie Andrews who attends Whitman College. Walla Walla, is here spending die Xmas vacation with her Its rents. Frank Sloan and family of Tteud ro., are here spending the holidays with relatives and friends. Miss Lillie Wattenbnrger Is here from Pendleton spending the Christ mas vacation at her home. Frank Harrison of Hermiston was a business visttor in Kcho yesterday. Uislrict Attorney Keator and bride were visiting friends here last werk. Mrs, Tom Thomas and children visited ill I'endicton the first of the i Progrt-ss With I'ota-di, Nitrate and Pyrites May i5eleac Sliiw for Other Work. WASHINGTON'. lec. 20. Van II. I Manning, director of the bureau of ' mines, in his annual report, made j public tonight, says such ral Id strides are being made toward developing 'within the Cnited States sources of ! potash, nitrate. Iron pyrites for man I ufacturlng sulphuric acid and man ! gancse that it may soon be possible to reduce the Importation of these commodities and release ship tonnage for other war work. OKVMPIA, Iec. 29. When Gover nor leister today started In upon the duties of his office he established the record of having held the position of chief executive longer than any oth er governor. John K. Rogers was the only fit her governor elected to suc ceed himself and he died December 2ti. i:ml. So today Governor leister set a new mark for chief executive .since Washington was admitted to the union. At the time of the death of Governor Kogers Krnest Lister was secretary of the state boad of control and his opponent In the last election was Henry McBrlde. lieutenant gov ernor at the time Rogers died. In dealing with the Rusa the kal ser"s government has been wise as- a serpent and harmless as trlnltroluoU WHEN 1917 SAYS HELLO; TO 1918 will you' be there "The Lifted Veil" Vaudeville CiKOWiE ANI MARY !EGI-EE!f Comedy Singing. Talking. "Chans Act." "ACSTRAJJAN II"C" Singing, Dancing, Classy Act llilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIMIIIIUUIt PASTIf-1 TODAY Elsie Ferguson -IN- THEATRE MIDNIGHT MATINEE He IntrewtH her in home for i W(1' The United States Government Cooperates w-Hti thf 7. ton member hunk In mfllntalnln th FWI Itoervp H tin to rig RvHtem fur thn proirtlnn of the bulnPMs Intetests nf thw roiintry. Through lh KerierHl flcnTvp Hoard in Wiir-hinetim It mipnr vIh lh twelve Ken" mill reset v hjtnkp; It appoint nne-f hit rt 'f i heir ertnr; It di posits It fun flu lurcHy with them; il giiHinntees the currency thy lNe. Th'd eoniter.Hl'Mi grewtly Inrreivws t h vnlu nf m yte?ti to iii hid) our eoiniti'inlty. Are nu tinlte'l up with rrDCRAL IU.HI.Rvr J "r nepiwnnrsr ii KYSTrriH not, you untntlrl delay no longer. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON SECURITY ! Hrnd for fttHiLlet, "How Dora It Itcncflt MeT frlomlleKH girls, who hiive i-f t'eii'lrd hh nhe has otfeml (l. Willi a he;rt ; fit 1 1 of love unci m p;t I hy, she iuhmts, a hojuttiiu! nunff Klrl, nil in umU-j Ins f"r her reformation nntl hit ppines ; j achieves-her own. Service as a war nurse completes the hcaline influence.) Mrs. Kaiph SinKer and children ar-! rived here last week from Wait shun;. Wash., to join Mr. dinner who is em- i ployed at I ho Kcho Klour Mills. Clifford Ksselslyne is home from, Walla Walla spending the Holidays with his parents. ELSIE FERGUSON TICKLED. 1-1! "The Rise of Jennie 0 Cushin .skl. MIkh Frrftuson plays tlio title roln In "The Rise of Jennie Curlilns" In nf V. it brnrfnctti!;-, and niaka hl.n di sorsa. The picture play is s her latest photoplay for Artcraft. In I TMs s E,sle yorB.Jc: p Mils scene she traps ITarrlsli, the OIuJ photoplay .her dcbv.t having bean windier who lias taken the savi:i :..r.do in Barbary Fhcep." . . l'ASTl.MK SIXIIAV ,M .WIMl.lY, fjllllllllll b; ' STAY UP LATE AM) HE A DEVIL. f JOIN THE LIVE ONES. I PROGRAM STARTS I at 11:00 M There will be a comedy liiirli'Mine program, eon- S sislina: of piclures and vawvillo, terpentines, p whistles, tin piuis. Horns will be presented to 1 patrons. , M EVERY EOi)Y ILL MAKE LOTS OF NOISE ffl AND A MERRY TIME WILL BE HAD. p HEAR THE JAZZ ORCHESTRA. 1 COME YOU SURE WILL HE WELCOME. Is Katzenjamnier Kids, " . H The Tale of a Monkey, H Adults 23c Children 10c IIIMIIIItlllllllMllllllinilllllllllllllllMIIHII i OS V E TODAY 1 FRANKLYN FARNUM 1 and BROWNIE VERNON P m 1 "A Stormy CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 3()c !lTU,'H,!""M!!'M!U!n'H'T" il'I'lH'HHlf 'il!!1H!HI!"!!'11i Hi.- Itniolit'l Children 5c Adults 20c