to -w EIGHT PAGES PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. TENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1917. NEW FRENCH CAVALRY ENTERS THE WAR AFTER THREE YEAR? EastilQreontari) STOP! L AV IMHI'KMIKVT NKVVM-AI'RR """" 1 - '.... I I. - . Ij.l l iii'lll in It'll ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIWI l J I III UI (101(1 LISTEN! You don't wait until the house catches fire be fore you insure it DO YOU? You can get your life insured after you're taken ill CAN YOU? Wliiy wait until it snows to order fuel GET THE IDEA? DO IT TODAY ' I PIIONE J I' Hull; i.d Srial w is'MJ l riLion, toes-si. tij Ho ff.AKT (III :- IMA II III IMll.Mi OrilMCIUITION RATKS j (IN AHVANOBi lll. tinr Jt-ar, hy mall $5 00 I 'ally, alx months ly mail 2.50 l'al:y. tlire month, by mail 1.23 ially. n month. Iy mall .so liallj. utie yt-ar hy carrier . liaiiy. six tuonttiK. hy canier R.75 ! inilv. Hire ntnntltn. by carrier... I'ally. one month. Iy earlier .J6 Semi V-is-My, one year. Iiy mall i.5ti Ninil Weekly, aif m.mihft. by mail Neml Weekly, ftnir moniha. hy mall .50 Kiitered at tin" tmt Ota., aa a-i-MtuI i Saw prri-e at !Vml!elB. mall Billlrt. aUifcoax ........ ON SAI.K IN IITIIKI! r IT IKS Imixtlal ll-'irl Nr Mntul. I'orllaod. Ilcawas Sri '.'. I'-ti Intnl. tirif"- IIN KM .K AT l'kl.n I'.IM. !e.'irllj nullllln nahlnirton. I . t', Ittiri-au ftt'l 4'otir ler-ilti tr-t. V 'V lliisil. ami cannot afford to have its strength sapped by monopolis tic leeches. SUGAR OR VICTORY? 1-. It . My Iitothe were father and Irlt-h And I am lrih. loo; I I'lpe tin my ba i.f whistles, And it 1 Irish, too. 'Twill pirtff with uu in morning And itlay with you at noon. And dance with you in the even- Ins To a little Irish tune. For my father and mother were Irish And I am Irish, too, And here is my has of whistles, For It is Irish, too. Kdward J. O'Brien. zyi N the personal side of the 3y sugar controversy, of which so much was made by Senator Reed and his asso ciates, Mr. Hoover contents himself with a reference to the ( This phoiograpn ts the first indica- along the Aisne. Nut since the first Dody, and tno Germans Bent forth numerous trade jealousies With tion of a radical change in the method months of the war when the French the" Vhlans. has cavalry operated intorocta vtx Ur, nnncnlfn l . " , oponi ana CttUiry w... wuiHu - u 1 1 ii 1, rencn. cavalry starting out on patrol armor over the upner part tiieit Jicniiy an ui tilt: ill nave of the , to use. the enterea voluntarily into war i BPri'ii'O anrl Thar tho roan f- Hoc? c f Otto K. Bergman to Anna K. Mc- hpon Tnn i rVionnor cncrai- Vior. ! ahan J'.OO. lt 6 and W 1-2 lot i j , '5 block 2 Hermiston. otherwise could have been; Alma Mvricli et vir to Alla Kleld had. considering the shortage, j ts. lot 12. block 3 uvermore Add. This Shortage Of Course, is s- J- Moore et us to Wm. ltugers due to war. Supplies from ene- m,!- actional sv 1-4 sy 1-4 my countries are cut off. The t,on 6' u,w,lshl 4 "'"'h- r'"'BC tast ana w est inaies ana me , Karl v. Tuiioch to United States must meet thei'i-"". i-ot 1. - wock ; requirements of the allies, ' tio" Pdieton. which means that in a restrict- Hoimes Tu"'.''!.'! ea way me west inaies ana ,14. township 1 north, ran Be 32. the United States must do it. j Moses Investment Co. to M. S. Win- We have diverted sugar from:,,cr- 10' block -8 Hazel mention Cuba to England and France, : Pendlelon mane 10 ine ieaerai c ucocmictj j trade commission by the;neeaea, out 11 our consump ' IS THERE A LEATHER f CORNER? Heryl Tulloch, , Haley's Addi- to 11. Joseph S. I 2, section FAIRY STORK BOOK WINS HIGH PRAISE CI,F. Kit TALKS 1!V K. iKlt.l,l 1XK IH:15KKI,F.V l'ltOMDU TIUiSl ISK llOl'SK tF JtO.M.Wt li were British soiuiers wearinK itiu t'nlform of the American army and that the allies were trylnp In this manner to deceive the Germans Into I lielievintr that the American army , had arrived." I 5 B. L. Burroughs, WOOD COAL Inc. commissioner of agriculture in the state of Washington to the effect western cattlegrowers tion is to remain at fifty-five pounds a person each year, we must for our own uses import are not receiving a square deal (from Javaand pay a shameful in inarKeung wieir niues. 11 is asserted that while eastern prices of leather are high west ern store houses are filled with NIGHT FIRING HELPS MEN OF GRAND FLEET price in snips ana money Great Britain s sugar ration is; twenty-four pounds a year; ;coNTixroi s imsactick kkkps France's thirteen pounds.! .mi;hty ltitnisii x.wv hides for which there are no (There is no alternative for usj buyers. The commissioner but economy, economy of ship AVITH THE GliANI) FLEET, Nov. 24. Ensconced in the captain's guest chamber, lolling in an arm' chair, warmed by an electric heater, flood- A question more vital, there- step lnto a errecUv api)inted ,)uth. re, than the animosities Of room, one is likelv to think himself call for action by the federal the sugar trade or the mean- settled in a huge floating hotel r, says the price for hides is lower than at any previous time dur ing the last five years. If such statements are true then indeed does the situation ping as well as economy of su gar, and Mr. Hoover finds few signs of economy in sugar. nesS Of Senator Reed's Commit- , rather. when he makes his way to the tee in its attack upon Mr.!club wnere cnmtl)Trt u the rime con. Hoover is this: Do we, the su-1 sideration. Fortunately, In the in- gar glutonS Of the World, pre- terest of right per.spective, an invfta- fer sweets at home to soldiers tion caJlie earI' k m-v first evening , , j.- io T- i to witnesy a little of the ships real on the firing-line? If not, then 1 k There WIia to be alH't an we must reduce our reckless hour's practice in nisht 'firing frtim Consumption Of SUgar. Every the small caliber guns with reduced ,.,, v, lootko. t,V ia'cVit'r, wo spnH fnr Rlicar de- charges, and the gun decks were to y . iT 1 j V ?.V - ; r ' t fncnnrtoit'ni, tn "Jer command of midHhi,men. as being boosted by profiteering ;pnves men of transportation to mlBh easIy 1e the caw some (lark methods it is time for the coun-ithe front. We can have sweets . nieht when a German submarine or try to know it and to get to the1 in cake and in candy or we can! other lurking craft must be summar seat of the trouble. The na- jhave the sweets of victory. y disposed of trades commission, l he con sumer and the merchant are called upon to pay increased prices for shoes on the alleged jrround that leather is scarce. Most people have been accept ing that explanation as true be cause it is plausible. If on the i Of more than passing interest to ' Pendletonians la a clever child's j story book which has been on the j market for a number nf weeks, en I titled "Fiin With the Fairies." The j author, K. Geraldine Berkeley, was , j born in Pendleton and raised here, j The old IeSpain home where she v as born stood at the corner of Court , and Thompson streets. Her father, i Jeremiah (Jerry) leSpain, was one! of the early pioneers of this section and was one of the first if not the very first man to d em o n st rat e the great productiveness of the "dry" land north of Pendleton. Me was a contemporary In farming apd stocii raising with it. G. Thompson, Jacob Frazier, the Swltzlers and others well known to the early days of this country. Mrs. Berkeley now lives at Hay Creek in Jefferson county whore her husband, C C Uerkeley, is man- ager of the Ha Id win Sheep Cn. Shn Is a sister of Mrs. Nor borne I'.prkeley I of this city. Her book, published by Sherman. French & Co., of Hoston. has receiv ed very hlch praise fro nttho review ers, and found a ready sale during the Christmasc season. It is a de lightful story of the exjerienres of Emily and Johnny with their fairy friends, describes their trip to fairy land, their adventures with fairy , princes and princesses and a trip with a fairy escort to the home of Santa Clans, It ts a wholesome bonk for children and a treasurehmiso of romance for the child mind. tion has serious work ahead ma m II : Which shall York World. 0 im: iiihi vi.ii 1 l.l..m.trt-l A ilan Atiifttcn N'Htl. liitnk Bl'l' I J'h.'O- " for an ai'i'i'itttiiicrit. The best way to start 191 S its to have your even examined by Bn experienc ed Optometrist if you have arty reason to think they are defective. l'uttine off the wearing of glasfea till you can no longer net aloriif without thetn is alwas a mistake as that can only make matters worse. If ou come here you are tture of the riKl't kind of an examination and con fettuenlly the riaht glass's. Twelve year ex'lince at your service. lieasttnaltlfc ehiirKea. Many In borrowing sealtottts I left the warmth and chatter of t'ae ward- i . i room and climbed to the chilly sun Jane AddamS is talking Of a,ciec;c where the dimmest r.f dim liKhts new internationalism tO rise here and there showed every one si- after the war but the question ! !ent.'-v at nis 1 ell,',,,ed fl"'th"r' i it. -i. v.ll !, ii. 10 lne upper oriuse pussmg mote men ,is whether it shall be in inter- ,,osted ... . ...vsterious stations. nationalism of the Prussian ; There I found another set of men brand or an internationalism ofjeach at his appointed station, and it a variety that will make demo- stuch me that r;ta? , number " , . 'of coks were required for this com- cracy safe and insure the peo-, arat)velv Mmpie operation. what rile Of the WOrlCl tne DieSSingS Impressed me were the silence and 'of life liberty and the pursuit the senildarkness; no' one spoke tin- of happiness. Pacifists who ; "Warily, and then m f'f talk about internationalism in- mo; but ;;i((?r ,t shom; f;t a)(Ilns stead of helping with the war;greaUy to the difficulty or accurate are OH a Par with the hen Who! aim. The hip was stcumine Imper- rounts her DrOSPective Chicks ceptibly down the spacious harbor. before she has laid enough eggs for a setting. V. CAITI KKI). GKItMAXS AICU TOM) I'ristHicrs Say Tliey M'erp InforiiK'd ' Kaiser's Army Was Mart hilts " A asliintttll. J'hn A. 00 1 e w Suddenly a starboard searehlUht flashed its blinding beam far across tho whiteeapped waves. It sroped a few seconds, and then rested on a small tarset, holding it as in a vise. Almost immediately a sharp com mand rank out In a treble voice, and three euns spoke almost in unison Some eastern newspapers 9ri dreadfully worried over that nrohibition amendment; ' after the amendment nas Deen then three more, and mote, and more iadODted and the saloon driven as the atterguns bean to bear, and " , : V, ooet u-ill finH the salvos became practically eontln- : from business the east will una u The water pU al)iit (he (ar. people have more money with get was ia.she,i into neysers of spray which to purchase food and by the bursting shells. Then with lnthinc t'ltial suddenness the searchlight was , C.1UHU11B- ' cxtlr.Kulshed, darkness and silence ' McAdoo is going at his rail- si(i(. Tr! flir ,,,,. road management task witn The Khlp wt.nt ai,t .,n(l ti,e pPr- the energy Of a man Who knOWS f..tmarire repeated from the port and knows that he knows; he side, it wa axre.d that this side 1 t ftict anfl was somewhat titicker on the trmct-r is the sort of man to trust na the Ht;irhoiird 1((t and a M; follow 111 times like tnese. ,.lon; -Hmirate In aim. but that the men wre decidedly Mower in open While the east is in the grip nff aft. r the searchlight picked hp the of the HtJrm kin the north- target, the id-al being i fir almost 01 tne feWJiiii ft .Imulianeoimly with that event. Criti- , west is enjoinfir all trie piea cij4fn h(tWe,e,. was couched m terms SUre.S Of Spring thump, mump ( ( HondM anfJ to a i;iyman the whole On WOOd. affair was remarkable lr its rapid- , ;ty. ft was intrmsU'Jly so; six shots 1 i T.ft our first resolve oe 10 inintu -k"i-""" mstttpr hfiW nn even ny no- V HALTIMom;. Mec. 29. Clarke, son fif Air. and Mrs. T. cjarke ttf Baltimore, now with the A merica n troops in France, "in a let ter dated Nov. 27, writes "The other day a crowd of us were talking to some of the Herman pris oners, (me of the boys who could Krifiii 1,- f '. o r m : i n ta-mh t:i! k i nz to several ( of the Herman sfddiers. ne ex- Iressed great surprise on bring told that the American arms were meet ing with success. The poor fellow had been told that the Herman army had invaded the I'nited States, cap tured New York and were marching victoriously on to Washington. "Another one nf the Herman pris oners said that the soldiers had been led to believe that the American boya ANSCO EX FILM CAMERAS &SPEEP V-iT-piv-kf 8 PROMPT AUTO and TAXI SERVICE C1TT t'H COL'NTRT, Look for O In new director. Telephone 464 1I Main Street. U m. Uordtx'ke, Kra. I'hone JKSM lick- the long or how hard the job may be. t hese i trifle the 'idsllipttien loanatsed better than' that. This Is the Sort of thina that l con inuously K'dns on anionK these ships REALTY TRANSFERS Jack 1 kle I to ti-w nhi Thi,. I i tetlH. :. K't fe et ux to J. T. Ilin N 1-2 NK 1-4 section 2, 3 iffth. ranue K. Williamson to Win. K. n Itl SMAXS SOON I-ItKrAMl:itlC.X , tan SI ton. K 1-4 NW 1-4 se.-tn Ittwnsbip north, range 28. Smith of St. liiiis lirlewl After lew llMiri' IHtcnlioii. j I'KTIIo'niAP, Hit. 29 Charles Smith of St. l.onls. a member of thi American railway commission In, l.nsla, who was arrestf'l recently at ; 1 Chita. Siberia, was rel ased alter a j lew hiitirs of detention, neeorrllnsr tn a Hlspat'h r-acliitiK the Ametlc.inJ embassy here. j 'T'HE Ansco Vest Pocicet Speedex catches swiftly moving figures without a blur. It gets into action quickly when every second counts. You can change the focus, the speed and opening of the shutter instantly and accurately whil viewing the image in the finder. Let us show you this camera. Other Anscos $2 to TALLMAN & CO. Leading Drujgiiti J) -JJ) aisket Ball TONIGHT P. H. S. Class of '16 The Old Favorites VS. Pendleton High School The Fast Intcrscholastic Team HIGH SCHOOL GYM. GAME CALLED AT 8:00 Preliminary' at 7:.10 o'clock T 7. r JUNIOR BOYS VS. FRESHMAN BOYS. JTW ADMISSION 25c FOR BOTH GAMES Special New Dinner Y ears New Years Day Hours 12 to 8:30 P.M. BAKED DUCK TURKEY AND GOOSE With all the good things that go with it. REAL HOME-LIKE NEW YEAR'S DINNER 4F Jf Dappy ww "wow 4 THE DELTA E. J. Morris, Prop.