il FAGR TWO EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY. DECEMRER 31.-1917. o!t. E SIX fMJIIIS SCHOOL STARTS NEAR HELIX ) Loofe "Hfippy Pure Food Sin HeMiliiiesO Economy ,1ioo4 bound frhnn stzo. stock. hut Cm $3.CM; 3 can. . . . 2rc ItOtXAM BIXBS Tulip-, do. . 2(X. .IHirrodtl, tloK. SAc) . HriwUiflBW (kn. Oo RIRXEY PANCAAVK- SoineUiliiie Mar mmI rraJlr tCOd, pB4KkV J5u f KElM Of BAKEJCV - )avtnd pHtae in tt &m.y onfrw pJt. -. . Sftc ftMad Kimc ........ r.Vr FW Ilf.l FlOfcl'ICft ncnl sum Kirux Hfl! ... M PEOPlfS WAREHCUSt - uiMra It lui u vvir QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F.t IB! DENTIST, Soontf 8 and 4, Be As Bldg. .Ttlephoaa E2S. . Up and Not Down Out and Nof In and Lend THIS MOTTO OF A FAMOUS SOCIETY WRIT TEN BY EDWARD EVERETT HALE. IS A GOOD ONE FOR US TODAY. , HAPPY MEW YEAR, with the world still burden cd with war, may seem hard to say. It will be, if we look backward. Rut if wc look forward, we caci think and plan a happy New Year; and "lend a hand' to make it so. WE EXTEND THIS WISH TO FRIENDS, AND EVERYBODY ELSE PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPT. STORE The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE j WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE f r ' : H IfJJB UJUlfrM fcliirii'i ii imh m IIf5TOOK BIO nPH. On a Voyage. Naval Man Thought ! It Mas a German Submarine. ' f SHELEyVILI-E, lad., Jee. L' - p rca Kadspmiier i a it mm. an en listed man in the United States navy. I who haw been here visiting with Mi land Mrs- Warren Nail, an nmli; and jaunt, related an interest hiK ta'e of a : voyag't across the Atlantic with a merchant vessel since the opening of the way. The ship on which he : assigned carried 0m tons . of gjao- , li, Tin vessel slipped away fi Ibis i country at night and wa gijardetl fT ;a time by an American patrol l-.iat. IRadppltmer :tays. Tbhtcn days aft er leaving1 this country the vessel f wa picked up by an Kniclish patrol I boat near the coast of Ireland. When Rearing Lands Knd the vet-sel was caught In a heavy foj? and vhen it Hfted the American ship found itself r f f The Hawaiian Mnkits anil -I'la vers. S and Not Back a Hand ALL A OUR surrounded hy fdtips from every na tion ei-ept dennany. Here It v. as thai, a real thrill was experienced. The watch Reported ;i submarine fallowing1. It was later found that the submarine was a larsu fish that bai -nssrd the bow of the vessel leaving in its wake a I ra il re sembling that of an underwater craft. The American vessel was finally steered behind the submarine wl at Kabnouht. Then t!ie voyage was if fumed to Portsmouth, and there was. convoyed by an Knt;lish destroyer to Fran w here tho cars' was unload- ed. WHAT BKfOMKK OF THAT t KM? A farmer com apples which ho cent. ettiit, of to town with tliirly ' sells throe lor a J i-ourse, 10 cents for . f bem. Another farmer, also with 1 birty a.pples, sells them two for a cent, get- - - ' Slew Year" - no fronr i-Tlio liiril of I'nrmlisc" O rcon' 1 lientcr, .Montlaj-. Jmmr Hi i M! irrnnmirritTi f -ij-'i -TrhitrinMli line J5 rr-nts for his. Tb"y t;et '27 cents in all. Tho next time they eume in. wbli thirty apples each, they meet at (lie edffe of town and put their apples to gether, inakiiu: sixty apples. tine man having old two Tor a. cent., the other three for a, cent, they decide lo sell I hem I i v for 2 cents. They do so, a ltd when t hey're tlirouKii find out they have received but L'4 cents. The problem is, w hy did t hv not net as much fr I heir apples sdliuK t th?iit five lor 2 cents as they did separalely or. when I hey sold I licm what beeoines f I he A liberal dosf f pritiior fpt many l' hiniscp ,111 frm iiiiikinj.; cond time. Never judtfe a painting of the artist s signature. by Hit' sle ( r A 5. ( Ah - v oni l-i j.i.ows ;m i;i iii KAii.s TO INSTALL Ol I 'M KKS O.Y JWIAIIV Til Id aiu. Oilirr lnrfrctlii NnvH aim! I'ursoiml Null" As i:illici-l'(l hy llio I jlsl OlVKuliijiii (.01 nsioinli'ill. ( llml t irotfoninn Special. IIKt.lX, ,lee. ;;. -A six months' school will boa. in in tho Molntyro dis trict, east or town. Pro. :tlst. to he taucht by Miis Kollettc of Pendleton, Helix lode, I. t . O. ami JCvun ffolino Kebelvahs, will install their of I ficerii January ;t, the usual banquet ! will bo omitted. ! Frank Davit of Astoria, Is visiting I bis parents tin riittf the holidays. M r. Iavis In in tho service, doing black visiting Jier son, K K. Khelor and family. I Mr. and Mrs. Victor JVIitson aro ex j pecttd homr Monday from ITosser i and other WashiiiKttn cities. 1 Carl Rupees In bavins bin residence i t'niuneit'u nori ii hi iubii. .a wimcunia j ana io:iuimii urn wing room wm no tho result. j M rs, 'M initio AVulUer entertained i her mot her, .M is. N. Iroer, her i brother. Km nk ( I root, and family, j and sisier. Mrs. VV". A. Harm, nnd j family, all of Weston, at Christmas dinner. Mrs. .Tence Peterson 1s visiting her ' parents at. Walla. Wall ft. .Mrs.. ,1. A. Policy is spend tng I be IK'lhf;iS jit iM'tm. ,T. T. t Ji isv.old oT Pendleton was home lor Christinas dinner w it U bis parents. Miss Sadie Yoiin.i,. former teacher in this vicinity,, is studying music in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. I. riwens of 1-Yec-water am put-ts at tho Quest homo. Mrs. Kn I her hie Timmerinan has pour Ii'. 'alti'onila. for a. fi-w weeks. Mr. anil Mrs. .1. W. K intr and .loss McKi'o an1 lioim- I'rom a visit lo Kreo v.'al.T. II. H. Ilirks returned from ihti Sonnd TliurMla'. T. Montgomery of I'.aker and J. I'. Montgomciy of Pendleton visit ed their mother. Mrs. Mary Eoniery, I 'hristiaaH. Murli Interest Is lieniK taken In llm.und on nmv for Hin past two years. Baptist weekly pi ayrr inert inns. Mrs. JJalsy Alliee will ! ader next Wed nesday eveninir. Mrs. Kill I h Snyder re I nrned (o her home at I'reprot t . Thu rsda y. rrank Stanton and family of W;tl- Ia Walla an- visit in relatives and friends here. Hymnnd Wilde Is viMHn;? in Jon; Beach. C;il. Mrs. M. c. AiHlerson returned from vveek'a visit in Tort laud Widnea- dav 1 ' Mitn t'liy His? Piper is vlsllinrat the ' v". F, pofls hoiim nast of town. . H 1 John Pet i- est m Is hero from Spo .1 ' kane. . . Rex Bledsoe of I-a Crosse Is W I ln,s- Ills parents. 3' Mrs. R. Jtuyiuond was out from i Pendleton Christinas. II ; Ira b'cott nd lainity nf l.a 'rodsK are visiting at the Kern innne, north 1 ; of town. ( liaiiiherla in's Tablets, Chamberlain's Tablets aro intended especially ror stomach troubles, bil iousness and consJipaMon. and have met with much success in thn irnat ITient of I IniKe d iseitses. Peonh nlin have suffered for years with stomach1 trotlblo Jioil l):Lr. Iifpn nn:ililn t r ..Ii. i3;tMiii any permanent relief, have been completely cured by tho use of these tablets. t 'ham heria Ill's Tablets are a iso of j!i'f;tt v a bio for liiinusnnss. Chi (nie const i pal Ion m:iy bo per niarifntly cured by taking: 'haitihrr lain's Ta.'dets and observing the plain printed direct bins witli euch bot tle. Adv. I'LSt OPAl, CIM KCU II AS Kit; wi;im. iXi'M: s.; The Kpi.foopat (hnrch report for i'MI, just published, shows an in crease of l.r.iifi m;i rrlaKe.s over 1 Ii 1 1. This is nssuined lo he due to the rush f C'iklb:!' men lo wed before fpwiiK I o canton meats. If the hii me ra t io holds fc-iMid in olber Christian Imdies fn A i n erica, wa r ma cringes have cx- ecdefl Mi. iiim it) number. ' ',i nrl iilatcs for I be- Kpiscopal mht i I i v have fallen .rr markedly, due to youn men oiny ft war. Three bund red ministers arc in I he serviee and more in e Koirjr. Coinplicrs of I ho figures predict that nc.t year will i I I. THE UNIVERSAL CAR A little extra attention to your Ford car, a little adjusting now and then, will help to keep it in prime condition and add to its ability to serve you. Bring your Ford car here. Why take any chances? Let those who know how, those who use genuine Ford parts, take care of your car. To be sure of 'getting the best service from your Ford car let skilled Ford men care for it. Prompt attention assured. SIMPSON AUTO Johnaon and Water Sts. rrj -mil, tiniulu'r of c-aililltlntcs. ljplsr.iiial Cliimh khiwIIi ifi a luiro l.r.iiu ns ciiininiri-il with U7.;i"il In Imi(, II is cxiTit liK.t ii now f Is-i-n I j Is ilrlrnniiu'il 1 1 1 . i i . iind that thu grnwtll lii 11)17 hits hiTii ii. inn. il. Till' -lianj;c In m-c-.iiint ini; dali's i fart if ii .lan In put iii.iiliTM ini'thmls hit" l.'l.isc..Kil C'liurch IhinIiicks anil linok krepin. yi as to know prcrlsoly what lui.ssinnai-y and .similar work rosts. i'ommnnlcaiils iiiniibcr l,0!M,r.rr., Tho rinaiiclal lncoilH' ill Just nndor S'JI.- DiMl.iHIll. or I ho lartffst in thr hlslory or tlu; -'ar $ I hiir.ll. Missions I'lnh'd I lifil rf,oiiO In di'bt. Sloniarll Trollhlr allfl rolistipallmi. Those Who are' atfeeted W illi slom ; aeh troul'l.i and roiistipul ion slionld j read the followiiiK: "I li.we never 1 found anlhlnir so nnod for sloniaeh Mont- (trout. le and eonstlpatinn ns I 'ha 1 Iain's Taldels. I havn used Iheni off jThey not only reRulato the orllon of tho bowels Ittit stimulate flic liver and koep one's body in a healthy eondl tion." writes Mrs. Henjantbis Ho"per. Auburn, N. Y. Adv. BOY'S PLIGHT BRINGS POLICE AND FIREMEN Drawn Up From Between Building, Goes Home Smil ing as 1,000 Watch. XKW VirliK, Ih-c. :i't. - C,f..rKe Wallers r;av lb" Mionx an exrelleiil imit;itiou of a throe-alarm lire es lerday aflenmon, with all Its thrilling drtaiis. Incit'enlilly he engaged lb' Kcrvlre of se ci al polieeiiH'u I rum I be JmipHon St reet Stat ion fur a bout an hour and caused rn a nilnititurp sti r ceoii from Lincoln Jispital to answer a hurry cull. Then he ipiietly walked t h rough a crowd of uhout l."00 that be had caused to Kather, after which he wound up a perfect Bronx Sunday al ternoon. by fTntn homo sinllinK. Jt was all because George went over thn tup He is 1" years obi and lives at Xo. 1131 M in ford place. He spent a part of yesterday on the roof of No. 7s!; JenniiiK-4 Street, where ho prac ticed being soldier. Tho structure is a one-story affair. Its roof surrounded by a coping a bout one foot hiwh, which overlooks No. 7 s 1, the adjoin ing huildim;. A space of a little more than a -loot divides the two. t ieori?o pluyed soldier da nuerounily l near the wall for no me time and then j ; toppled ovt-r. His or ion aroused ten- ants, who ca 111 I he police. When several f them went to the roof they found t Iconic wedged bet ween t hn I wo st met n res. They I brew ropes lo him. 1 iy t bis I hue I be hoy's erica hail ceased. Then the police sent in a call for firemen. Kor fully fifteen minutes ht fire- men threw ropes down, but fJeorgo did not take hold, Finally I he fire-! men tied a rope around one of their sma I lest comrads a nd lo were I b I re into the crevice. A moment later be and (leoi'Ko were drawn to the sur face. r Tlie boy was la Id out on the mm'. win re the sill wcoii lfmi liiuolti Mos- llfHl'l. Ihiiili !-;, U.---4- yon Inn.; t;ik rn ninny rrmr'ilifH in v;iin vonr f.i.-:r is ilM'iir.-liiU'. II. toil's Siirsiili.-ii--ilhi. Iins iMlfi-il m.-niy H-('iiiiii';ly hofip i.'ss i-si-s o'' s.rofti In. c:it:irrh. riicii nm lisin, kiilnoy rouiplainl. il-s.t.i::j;i ml scm-nil ili liilily. Tukm II. mil ;iiiililiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiHiunr lllllillllllllllIIIIIIIIIIllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIillllllllllllllli:illlllllllllllllllllMIK nnnni cc nnno ciicv nmriR pjciicc c llUVUbaiWi Ulltfl aWWI) WlilllM GOEY'S SZH P m Phone 408 Ihpro wan iiothlnn tlm m.ilU'r with Cii'orp, who t luri. went hointv SIii'.l a li'ar at all that tho ImiIhIii- 1 1.1 aro Koine t lnirn nhoiit dupli city. iHT.'ip.i of jiiipt-r untl ucncrul i.ioral nliliijiiily. SPRINGS Manufacturing and Re pairing. FLEUCKEN AUTO SPRING WORKS Guaranteed Springs Neagle Building. ARMANDO Th only NEW face powder in the pa;' 50 year Oh yps, there aro many," rtiMny kinds of powders on the market, tint this one is absolutely different from any you have ever nad. The price la reasonable, too 50 cents KOHPPEN'S HaT It. - iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiii' 1 Con Dung Low 1 CHOP SUEY, I 5 NOODLES S C'hinpse 8ty !. 1 HOT TAMALES 1 ; ' IT s H ( ZZ rSS 5 CHILLI CON CARNE SIMMSII .STVL.K. 5 H LUNCHES COFFEE I s S KvcrylliliiK nlc.Tn nml np-ti. ilnlo. KIKST CIjA.SS HKRVICtS ' TEAScTackago I UNDER STATE HOTEL l.'or. Wi:hh and Collonwimil .Sl. J'hono t.S7. l'omllelon, Or. 7iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiniiii: DO YOU KNOW? s A well kept mouth is as necessary as clean lin en and to those who have never realized this we suggest that you see the dentist. Don't al low the fear of great pain to deter you from coming. Newton Painless Denlisls t Corner Main and Wabb Slr- rtamn 3 Own Frnlnit 3 COMPANY KWONG HONG LOW 1 14 Wert Alia St., Uprtain, Phoaa 433 2