t i- MiwtTir r " ( ..,.....- r r ''' ' DAILY EVEHIHG EbrriO!! WEATHER FORECAST TonUht and Ttieday rain. Maxlmmn f.. minimum i, raln fnll .03 ; wind, mI, light; wathr, cloudy. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9319 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER .'J! , 1917. VOL. 29 DAILY EVENING EDITION I -S , TZTJCZ'fZi - r This pniwr Ih a member of and audited latiaWTInT ff , tr J rrtll MfrraflV fTiVi V8 IlJ by the Audit Bureau f Circulation J "fTf1. lI J 5SS3Sffl3SSffl I- fc.(aaW n n '"'''"METnT -"" COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER aJTjaJ ALLIES WILL SERIOUSLY RESPOND TO BREST-h'FOVSK PEACE EFFORTS - LLOYD-GEORGE LEAVES SO0K.' FOR FRANCE Kaiser Agrees That Von Hertling May Aid in , Choosing: Representatives for Conference. WASHINGTON DOUBTS , SINCERITY OF MOVE Amsterdam German-Russian Conference Adjourns Temporarily. IKNliAGKX, IK;. 31. Word lino boon received tliut llio Holnlievikl liavo rc-Ieawd 14 In terned Austrian merchantmen. The releatte liuUeateH Uio Iol ulievlkl are Immediately complying Willi tlie ieaoo iroMtlH, as this la one of tho iirovlHloiut. . LONDON, Dec. 31. Tho alllm In tend to aerlouply rrwiKHid li tho Teu li.nlc peace, term a announced at Brent-1hovnk, aeeordlnir to tho beat Information obtained liy Jln riiKed Pretw. It la lllldtl-Htood Lloyd tienrRO will go to FVanoo shortly, to confer with tho premier, apnamilljr on tho matter." Keretifky who WW a dolrirate at the interallied eonforem-o In Iarl. said the allies could lient help HiihkUv by reHtatiiw clearly and cmpluulcally the exact aspirations and alma or the al lien. Tlio belief la Rrowlnir that the allien could for ItUMla'n benefit Rive clear Interpretation of tho "no an nexation ami no Indemnities" phrase, which Germany la aliemptlinr to con vey tho biiiH-cBsloii lltcy've acci'plcd. llerUhiK To Participate. WASHINGTON. Dec. 31. Tho kiil aer has asrecd that Chancellor Von HertllnK shall participate ill the se lection of representatives for tho Brest-Lltovsk conferences uccnrdinR to a Copenhaiten dispatch to the state department. This, tho first step even remotely resembling a stronger demo cratic representation In the (ierman government, Is regarded here as In sincere. The liberal press regarded the kai ser's move Joyfully. It is generally agreed this step is in tho right direc tion hy at least nominally giving the Reichstag a chance to express tho people will. On the other hand the pan-(erman press denounced It as contrary to tiorman aims. Officials here place little stock In the sincerity of tho kaiBer. Conference. Adjourn AMSTERDAM. Dec. 31. After framing an agreement to he present ed to both governments, tho Oernian RusBlan conference adjourned tem porarily. It Is understood It stipu lates that RliBsIa is to evacuate, tho occupied portions of Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Persia. The Teutons aro to leave Poland, Llbuanla and other parts of Russia, granting the peoplo of the Teuton occupied sections a free opportunity to decido their own fu turo status. It also Jointly stipulated the resumption of free commercial In tereouse, the exchange of prisoners, etc., practically providing tho restor ation of the status quo ente. The Iluaslana ask for a more defi nite Interpretation of the Herman provision that the peoples of tho Ger man occupied territory be given thn right to announce their own choice ot government. Russia also usks imme diate fierman withdrawal. The Ger man counter proposal is for withdraw al after the Russians relliupilsh the occupied lands and the German occu pied states have announced their choice of government. It Is believed tho Germans decided In view of tho Bolshevik! lack of control to hold tho occupied Russian lands until the peo ple thereof acquiesce In the Hoishevl kl plana. (AV YOr UK AT TIIKSK FOIl YOVNt;iT MKMHKHK Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielson of 'pilot Rock claim the youngest Red Cross member in the coun ty If not In the state and Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Walker claim the voungest Pendleton memner. w Mr. and Mrs. Nellson took nut a membership for their baby when it wu 1ph than an hour old. Mr. and Mrs . Walker's son, Wel lington, was born on Christmas eve and joined the Red Cross before It was many days old. Mr. Walker Is employed at the Oregon Motor Garage. AND lM ALL U. S. TROOPS WA8HINGTON', Dec. 31. Kjig-.. land and France have agreed to Bupply the artillery for all the American troops went to Franco In 1918, or longer If necessary. Crozlcr told the senate military probers. He said they must fur nish them because America haa neither guns nor ships to trans port them. Croxier blamed the country as a whole for the fail ure to prepare, declaring be, and other officials have persistently urged larger appropriations for Brtlllery sfnee 1916. He said he had arranged with the head of the French mission ' for the French to manufacture enough guns for the Americans. He de nied Americans were taking ord nance that Kngland and France couldn't afford to give and pro duced a cable substantiating that this Is done to save the tonnage for other supplies. Will He. sworn, t'roxler was recalled to answer to Inefficiency charges. He will be sworn at his own request, Senator Frellnghuysen saying later "The at torney general may want to use some of this evidence." He said the deliv ery of artillery to Pershing since September was exceeding the prom ises of the manufacturers. He read i cablegram from General Ritas . that munition ministers in France and England stated It was possible to equip all American forces with all sorts of artillery owing to the ex pansion of their artillery manufac ture. He said tho Lewis gun never proved satisfactory until May ". , Plenty or ItlfloH. They had over 20n,ono machine AUTO THIEF BULLDOGGED BY MACHINE OWNER WHO LEAPS FROM SIDE OF SPEEDING CAR KutldogKiiiK a strer from an auto- ; mobile whh (be dream of Buffalo j Vernon, but biilldogglng the chauf-) feur of another car was something! more than a dream for SI Reetss, well j known barber. It whs an accom- j plishment. Tho chauffeur who was i biilldogged was driving Si's car with- j out permission and Hi. standing on the running board of another car., pursued, overtook and captured thej other. ' j When Hertz came out of the! Christian church last evening, he ! found his Saxon had been stolen. This; I was the second time it had disappear- od and he was quite wroth. Coming! (down town he encountered tins Hyers I and told his tale. livers invited him I : Into his car and together they started, j In search of tho Saxon. j i Just east of town near the Wild I Horse Cut they passed a car which' IN OREGON MEN ND YE Ms Field Artillery. 4 1 Dlvlsclon. Camp Merritt, Dec. J. 1917. ( East ( )regnnlan Special. The Oregon men of the MHtU Field Artillery from Pendleton send a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to their families, friends and citizons. We would like to nay "peace on earth" but don't know about that, so will be contented with saying "good cheer." A few of the men were able to take advantage of the dinners nnd Xmas parties given In New York for the sailors and soldiers, but tho majority of them spent their Xmas In camp, duo to quarantine. Xmas dinner and all Its trimmings was carried on just the same, quarantine or no quaran tine. Here is our menu: Turkey with lots of old fashioned dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, celery, cranberries, bread, milk, eoffey, su fcar and butter. Desert : Mince pie (all you could eat) apples and assort ed nuts. After dinner we sang play ed games and amused ourselves In general, waiting for the Christmas mall which had not yet been distrib uted. About 4 o'clock the mall ar rived at the battery where there was a grand scramble as each one tried to crowd In and get his package or Xmas greetings from the loved onei at "home. No supper was wanted at night as there were many packages of eats. We were entertained In the evening at the Y. M. C A. by vaude ville stunts nnd music. Thanks are sent to all friends for FRANCE WILL ARTILLERY FOR ABROAD IN 1918 guns under order from French man ufacturers and the deliveries of these will insure the perfect equipment ot the American troops. He declared the lack of rifles that three camp com manders testified to was due to rail roads Inability to move them. He said tho rifles were now available for every man in every camp. OREGON HAS MADE RED CROSS QUOTA PORTLAND, Dec. 31. Outside of Portland, Oregon has unquestionably made Its 140.000 Red Cross quota Whether Portland will make up Its 21,000 which It Is now Hhort of Its 100.000 depends on the result of the Elks' spectacular campaign tonight, t'oos, Jake and Tillamook counties are over the top and Grant has In ci eased her Quota to 1 25 per cent. At noon the total In Portland was I 78.H33 and in the utate outside 137, ; 3S8, a total of 216.171. Hy afternoon ithe state outside will have raised Itu I figure to 1 10.000. Indications point j to Oregon reaching1 two hundred for ty thousand In which event it will I probably head the entire country. PHOHIIllTS IU.SMAN BONDS. WAjSIi'iNGTON. Tec. 31. The j treasury department announced the i French government would prohibit jthe Importation of Russian govern ! ment bonds and bonds guaranteed by i Russia after tomorrow. proved to be Si s. They turned around and chased it Into tho city. Down east Court street the two cars came. The driver In front, realizing that he wa being chased, "stepped on her." Speed records were chat tered by the flyers car. Reels jump ed to the running board as Hyers, guided his racing machine alongside the other. At It came alongside lieelz leaped to the running hoard ol the other and threw both arms around the neck of the driver. The latter Mi tit off the power and surrendered Ho proved to be a well known 17 year old youth of the city. Reets took him a ride about the city while h lectured him upon the Improprie ty of taking a car without the own er's consent. Ho will make nr charges against him as long as the young fellow holds to his promise to "be good." 148TH F. A their kind remembrances to tin Red Cross and Honor Guard. Ret Cross packages were distributed t the men and officers containing shav Ii.g outfits, soap, tooth paste, towelt and various toilet art Icles, also to ' bacco. ' A let ter from our former captain Captain Ieo 'aid well, was received wishing the boys of old "Troop IV Christmas greet lugs tie- Is si III at i Newport Nws, Va. ' The Pendleton men are showlup themselves up. Listen to this: Sgl j Elmer G. Thomas is chief of bailer? commanders section and the Pendle ton men with him are Roland Thom as, licmuel Starr, Floyd Hall. Wit- Ham O Donel. Samuel Ortim and 'Corporal Hubert MoQuestion- Theli : work Is of most importance. The figure the firing data, estimate range do scouting, map draw ing, observing. ; wireless and telephone loinmunka j tion. Sgt "Jock" Coleman Is in charge of a gun section and has a 1 crack section of men. Sgl. Jainec j McNalr and Sgt- Gill are also in charge of gun sections. They are n I speedy "bunch" and will be heard from later. Sgt. McNair's men are i ery nearly all tdxfooters or ovel while he is about five feet three. Hp Is not afraid of 'em. though, when he throws out his chest. Somebody In Charlotte (Chi tip Green) likes "Windy" (Sgt. Winshlp) : pretty well. Ten packages of cigar iettes, a heavy knitted helmet nnd 'some silk handkerchiefs. A GREETINGS FRENCN GAIN NOTABLE ITALIAN FRONT T DIE IN QUAKE Foiiy Per Cent of Houses Demolished and Most of Others Are Untenable. INHABITANTS ARK ORDERED FROM CITY N FAV ORLEANS, I . 31. Private advices to fruit eomaiilei estimate the Guatemala dead at 1.0O. They say tho city Is almost completely de stroyed. WASHINGTON. Dec. 31, Cables to Lansing say 1000 are dead as a result of the Guatemala earthquake. Forty per cent of the houses arc demolished and most f tho others are untenable. The American consulate, legation, postoffice and churches are wrecked. Martial law prevails. Inhabitants are leaving the city at the presiilent's or ders. Terrific shocks are continung at five minute intervals. Most of the 75 mile strip between Guatemala City and San Jose is devastated GUARD MEMBERS ARE GIVEN THEIR FIRST WORKOUT Members of the old Pendleton Re serves, who with the signing of a quasi-official pledge of enlistment be come automatically members of the L'matlMa County Guard. yesterday morning sol (heir first porkout with arms. The workout consisted prtn ci pally of unpacking t he rifles a nd bayonets and wiping off the gun grease In which they are packed for protection against rust. About twenty showed up yester day and secured their guns and about .hat many more have sent word of their intention nf joining One man stnt word In from the country nine miles away that he would come In and drill regularly Another who lives at Rleth stated ho had made ad rangeinents to get of early from his work on drill nights. The rifles, while of an old model, are new rifles as far as use is con cerned. They are the same type of rifles used by the soldiers In the first part of the Spanish-American war. Regular drill and instruction will probably be held on Tuesday even ings, that nluht seemingly being the most popular. Recruiting up to full strength will begin at once. Only men of military ase can en Ist In the guard, but the .Silver -ays, composed of men above 4.r will 'ontinue their organization ami will have the use of the arms. OVERLAND WAR NE HOUSAND AT GUATEMALA , . til it t jy l ' ' fa " "I V vvv " : v'f- ?v 1 The above truck Is one or 30 irarennK iron. oUi-..t. ThroughoSf r Ul5eK?M broke and had to be replaced; machinery went wrong .nd truck, had u W trttff 'fu'to ooMtnf the possibility of owUDd shipment to relieve railroad congestion Assuming Offensive for First Time They Sweep Through German Lines Between Osteria and Demonfendra; 1390 Prison ers Captured Beside 60 Machine Guns and Quantities of Cannon and Supplies ' SB " ROME, Dec. 31. French for the first time assuming the offensive, gained a not able victory between Osteria and Demonfendra.- They prisoncred 1390, took fiO ma chine guns and many can non and supplies.' British and Italian airmen aided in the assault. BERLIN Dec. 31 French infantry attacked and pene trated parts of the German positions around Monte Tomba. This is the first official news of the French in action on the Italian front. LOWER CALIFORNIA WILL SECEDE FROM MEXICO IS REPORT SAN KRWnSCO, I (--. 31. tier Cfllifornl.i will wcrde from Mexli-o anil liorrriior Canlii will Torn, a wp arate itoverrtnient and ak Anierir's proterfloii, arxvn'Oing to l'ielflliiEr Stll son of Ixis Ansrlos ln says lio is pn route t WatihliDTtoii to confr-r with officials ahont tho plan.. Jnntil lias not ix.iifimipd the aiiiioiinrement. Stllsnn e.vpresM'd the belief that Iw er California eventually will seek to Leeonie American territory. MEXICALI. Lower California, Dec. 31.- No confirmalion of the reported plans for secession of this slate from Mexico with a view to seek American protectorate is obtainable from offi cials here, fiovernor Cantu and Sec retary of State left last night. It Is believed they have pone to los Ange les. Cnder officials profess to not know Stilton SAX PIEC.O. Her. 3l.-i-That Car ranza is planning to checkmate any Cantu plans for secession is indicated by the quiet preparations to have a strong military force from the main land stratoRically located along the peninsula. Fl.oolS AKF, UIXTOIN'i;. TACHMA. Per. 31. The cessation of rainfall Sunday Bieally Improved the I'liyallup valley flood conditions The .flood Is receriingV slowly. No further damaae is expected. Tho railroads are still demoralized. TRUCK TRIP-FACTORY TO SEABOARD " ' ' . . . ..o in VICTORY NEAR T UMATILLA COUNTY HOLDS RECORD FOR GENEROUS GIVING Umatilla county has subscribed nearly two and a half million dollars to war bonds since the war started and In addition ha3 contributed out right approximately 100.000 for war activities. Including the Red Cross, Y. M. c. A. and Armenian and Sy rian, relief. There is no county In the state that has given as generously or as quickly to all funds. In every drive that hHS been made T'matllla county has led from the outset. She has been outstripped now and then by another county but there Is no county whose average will compare at all with this. The county gave over $51,000 in the Red Cross war drive, over $15, oon In the two V. M. c. A. drives, about $3000 in the Ked Cross Santa Claus drive. Jio.niio in the Red Cross Christmas membership drive, over $5000 for the Armenian and Eyrlan relief not to mention funds donated to the war library fund, to various church relief organizations and other branches of war work. The following table of tlons to the two Liberty subscrlp loans In this county were compiled Chapman of Portland: llrst loan. Town. Athena 9 Kcho Freewater Helix 4 Hermlston -0 Milton 37 Pendleton 575 Tilot Rock 3 Stanfleld Weston ivy C C. Amount $ 42,150 15.000 5.300 5.300 IS, 750 573.500 ! 5.450 : 4.800 Tottals $69.050 Second Loan. Town No. Amount. Pet Athena 1 103.400 103 Kcno . 1 1. r. 3,05O 317 Freewater ;2.7"0 ... Helix M 52- 184 Hermiston 1?" 17.300 115 Milton I3 1 07.750 103 Pendleton i;3 1.20T.r50 11 Pilot Rock 145 40.650 123 Stanfleld U-" 13 Weston ?1 32,050 117 Totals 20S0 J1.U57.400 151 Fort Peter at Petrograd Destroyed Says Report FFTTHOC.R I. Bee. 31. The de struction of Tort Peter at Kronltadt by a ilolent explosion is reported. No details us to the loss of life are given. imerira" to 'an Atlantic port" in I nilf I! ON hie mm - B DIE SEVERE COLD Situation Extremely Serious With Coal Still Short; Hudson Partly Frozen. BLIZZARD STOPS ALL' TRAFFIC IN BOSTON - NEW YORK, Dec. 31. Nine death have been directly attributable to th cold within the past 24 hours. The situation Is still serious. Coal Is atllt ; short. It was four below this morn ! Ing. The continuation of the chll I dren's Christmas holidays another week to save the schools" fuel is con ! sidered. Scores are being- treated I in hospitals for frost bite. Fuel au ' thoritles are considering the advisa bility of seizing coal when necessary to relieve the acute suffering. The Hudson Is partly frozen. Many tugs are frozen In and others are endafl. gered by Ice floes. A record break' Ing number of fires Is reported. BOSTOV, Dec. 31. Seven below today with a biting wind, the district is In the grip of winter's worst bllz zard. Railway and city traffic Is de moralized. Lack of fuel Is causing suffering. Fifty below la reported fiom northern Maine. BRITISH DECEMBER CASUALTIES LOWEST SINCE LAST AUGUST LONDON', Dec. 31. British caa i ualities for December are the lowest j since August. Eighty thousand and j thirty four officers and men were killed, wounded and missing the last month. BRITISH COUNTERS RECAPTURE GROUND GERMANS STILI, HOIJ. IART OF TREXOHES TAKEX NEAR LAVAOQOERE SCJiDAY. I LOXDOV. Dec. 31. Halg announc. cd the Germans still hold Pert of the British trenches near LaVaoqoJer ; captured In Sunday s assault, though 1 the British counters recaptured ttw more Important sectors. At Ypres the British line advanced .on both sides of the Staden railroad. IRWIN BROOKS DIES AT FT. SAM HOUSTON ; Former Pendleton Boy Was I in Training- for Aviation Service There, 1 News reached Pendleton this mom lug of the death at Port Sam Hous- ton. Texas, of Sergeant Major Irwin i G. Brooks, formerly of this city and j Athena. He waA In training1 at that ; point for the aviation service and was I to have left early last month for j England with his company when n epidemic of measles swept the camp. ' He was one of them who contracted , the disease and It developed Intc pneumonia and an affection of the imidear from which he died yester day. His father. Fr. F. M. Brooks of . Fortland had hurried to hi bedside on receipt of the news of his Illness. Irwin Gordon Brooks was born at : SilverttMi. OreRon, years ago. He ; finished the hiKli nrhool there and whs graduated from the I'nlverslty of rpEon In 1313. While In the uni versity he distinguished himself an a I'nnls champion and base h II and basketball player. He came to Pen c; let on follow I iik his graduation and v. im fin ployed in the First National Hank. later he wrnt to Athena an ' left tin1 re to take the a.'Atlstant raah trship f a bank In Stevenson, Hon i tan,!. " Wyile at Athena h won th tennis championship of the county .tt a tournament held here. He enlisted on Sept em bcr 9 and went t i'amp Lwta. He applied for a tratv'fer into the aviution l I vision ji nd went to Fort Sam Hon -it on Nov ' it He had been promoted to eer keant major of tho battalion monm ' weeks ago. Serjeant Major HmoKii had many frit nds In V'rnatilla county and the i news ow hit untimely death In the Ntrvice will be a great shock to them. FROM IN NEW YORK M u 1 I I ft-