?- v -tj- -- PAGE SKVm HSTGIIT PAGES DAILY EAST OREG ONI AN, rENftLETdN. OREG'ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1917. LATE ARRIVALS 'Cut Star Tumblers, 2 for ". . .; . . . . Uy. . 25c Cut .Star Water Jugs, to watch , 75c Clear Glass Water Pitchers 25c, 80c, 80c $L20 Handled Custards, 2 for 25c Footed Sherbets '. 15c Shipment just received of BUSTER BROWN MEN'S HOSIERY v Come in black, white, tanj navy, gray and Palm Beach. Opposite g Pastime GENERALLY STEADY SWINE TONE I'tmrn.Avn lieo. 2 Eastern ! Calves 7.00 'u 10. UU 1 S swine .market wen under pressure ; Klocker ond feeder steers .l)U4f .0 ; Idiirimr the duv with liberal Josses in1 bliccp Market .Quiet; itH quotations. North Portland hud 1 With a small run In from Mouth-1 fair run .overnight and the trnd of western Washington, there was a j 3 the market wuk steudy.wllh former miet tune. In trie niiwp trade. v hue . prices continued. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES Oenerul hog murket range: ... Prime light $ I r,.3S ( 15.r. Prime heuvy . . , -. 1 3.45 if. 1 5.611 i Plus I3.nn4pl4.ri0 j Hulk lS.S&tyl&.Gu I t attle Trade Mendy. ! Truile In the cattle market con tinues to reflect a Hteudy tone with no changes Indicated In values. Over rilKllt ihere was a small run of odds and -ends with 110 real topinvrs avail able. . 1 rfleneral .cattle market range: Medium to choice steers . 7 S H lO.f.O Oood JO medium steel's. . X. ! Ctinjiion ifood MteerH. , Choice cowh and helfern. Cfimrmin to Kood .cuw and helfern - Cannerw IjSullH . 7.oa 6.7!- 3. DII fw 4. Cil .S 8.40 7.K5 7.8T. S.fill 7.0(1, the market displays no Knap for ur- rivalH, ntlll valuen are practically un changed. Ueneral Mheep und luntli ranKe: Western lambM U.u-(t 13.50 Valley lamus ia.50 13.00 YearlltiKM 13.00 'n 12. 1 T.o VVether 11.(1011.76, Twea fS.UOHv 10.01) Khorn nheep 2 ,1-2 to 3c under iuo tatlonK. - - . Friday JJiwikK'k SldpiM'rx. -Hogj K. l.ticke. Monitor, 2 liUilB. iliiuillu, I load; ('. V. Hemhrec, Monmouth, 1 load; F. B. Decker, Hil- verton. 1 load. - , Cattle and , calve Davis & JJi.zuit, 1 Woodland. I load. . Mixed stuff J. D. Dinamore, Went Sclo, 1 load cattle and hoM. Hheep K. C. lirujsbell, Centralia, 1 had. Ex E3 M-i LOCALS & Advertising in Brief ltATh'8. IVr line first InMcrtioD 10c I'er line, tditltloual iuautlua. ....... 5c 1'er line, per munth Il.uu No 1(ksIb tnlifti for ItM tbaa 20c i'oimt 41 ordinary wonla to line. Ix-alii will not bfl taken over the Itlepuone eiretit from but OrefOB Uq paid up utmcriben. Pultllt; Dance llultcr tYct-k Hull. Saturday, Dec., ,2Hth, Vendletuu or-I Ohentra. 12-3 ! " va ::';f::F:!;f.:.,.:' :-i'-;,y-v,v-v-T---r-; HURCHES 4liriNtiuii. I The annual election of officerH of Holland Ilullw. the Christian church Sunday u. 111., Imported direct from the land of 'to be followed by the "Get-together" dlkca ond ditches a wonderful as- dinner. In the evenlnpr Pastor Hub sortmcnt of these bulbs arrived to-1 bell will preach a Xew year s ser- now. day. Make your selections Prices arc.inost reasonable. T. 1'. W. at 6 Pure Food Shop, Peoples Warehouse. 1 K'-lStf K. "tJhrlst'a Severity the Outlook." It will be to some degree a "New Year" niessu&e. .. .. The Kpworth League nivets at 6:30. Preparations are in process tor the series of lectures to be de livered by Dr.jM. H. Marvin of Port land, beginning January 6th and con tinuing for eight , nighlx. . .Every youth In Pendleton .ought to hear thes lectures. Kvenlng praise and wirship at 7:30 The choir und ladies' quartet will render Mpecial music. The ptistor's theme -will be. "Oonflietins Philoso phies of Ufe." To the -community at mon. Bible school at la a. m. 30. The public Is invited. C. K. 1 large the Methodist church (wishes : the season's greetings. 1Hlnir 'lrele o. 2 Attention. All officers-elect und guards are reuuestcd to ;muet at Moose hall Sun day atternuun ut 2:30. o'clock to prac tice. . By order if inslallinir .officer. Ida A. Olsen. 12-31 IllfC Duik-cs hi Liberty Hall. "Bis; public dance in liberty hull, Monday apd Tuesday nights. Saw yer's orchestra. Admission night. Maskers cordially Monday night and prize awurded. Good time assured everybody. 1-1 Notice. You have tried the other kinds. Now try "Peacock" the best coal for the money on the market.. Smytlie-I-onergan Co. Phone 17s. 1-1 jleruiLtloii Ubrnry Jiall. .Monday Dec 31, iPendlelon orches tra, 1-2 ' Wunted Woman lo wait pn table, Apply Huston Ilestaurant. Wanted Good, clean rags, at Ths East Oregonlan office. AV11I rent small plnce close in. Ad tliewi' 413 Mntlock street. ' 1-J " hattr your garbage and trash. Phone 053M. 1403 W. Railroad street. Furnished Apart. amlltQn Court l-18tf Houiskoeplpg rooms, SOI Clay 10-30tf For rent furnished 1 -housekeeping room. Phone 0H4J. 1-1" Nicely furnished rooms 723 Aura, Phono 324J. ll-30tf 'Wanted Two good painters. In quire Halo & Hoscall. " ll-23tf "Fluff rugs from all carpets. M. A. Itleby. local agent for W. Fluff Rug CO., of Portland. Phone CO. 3-11 I-itst Un Main street, novelty phi of' Hollnnd boj's. Please return to this office. 1-1'; For sale New and second hand Sewing Machines. Singer. White, New Home and The Free Machine. McCllntock & Simpson, 400 E. Court. Call Pcnland Bros, van to move your household goods. Xolephone 339. Also baggage transferring and heavy hauling. ' For rent Sowing machines of all makes, tl.OO per week. 33.00 per month. McCllntock & Simpson, 400 . Court. Do you know that Estes & Frledly "Sell, rent or Insure Anything?" 614 Muin street. Phono 604. Hlydenstein's Poultry Mash, liest egg producer, teed wet or dry. Phone Ml. 10-20U ,l'"or sale 0 acros, 4R under ditch, j suitable for alfuifu. Will sell cheap. ' 1 mi 11 ire of W. E. liurnup, Tom-hot, 1 Wash. - 12-ltf! For Salt .Mod,: 11 S room house j close In. Terms. Apply this office. 12-11 If , For runt or sale 4 room house, gurdim and orchard on Eddy street. llKliilru 720 Coshlu slleot 12-i!0tf Knr ale 'all blondod J'lypionth Hock roosters. Phone 116. 12-6tf -Kinder of yellow leuther willet with ton dollars and check book keep .111011 ey and Jvnve'-wiillut at this office. 1-1 Rooming Jiotise for sale. Mala slleet. In confer of business district. Doing good business. Inquiro of Pen-) Krnd Bros, ".If you uro looking lor ono of the ,h'iiit wIipkI ranches, in ,te .best soc .tlon of -Oregon at the right price, .dftal with the owner. correspond with Box P01 1 lUaiHlc. Clio. 12-12tf AJUost. strayed or. stolen, In North Cold S.i;liiga. 2 wo year old heifers; ujm red aaU tho ether bktck and white. 26 reward for tho return t.) jny place.' Glen H'. ' Scott, Helix. Oregon.' 13-17tf . ' JloliiostQuuH Jocatcd. ltellnq.uish- nient sales, atuncn lana, iu 10 6U FltEDKltlCK STEIWliH. ATTOKMEi n acre. W. Hoylo, 103 State St , i t Law. Office in Suiitb-Crawford Helena. Montana. , 1-6.;. Building. ' ' 'Haled alfalfa, timothy, steam roll ed barlcv. oals. corn and all kinds of .J-X'ouoinlzo Ey using 'Peacock' coal. More . Sundav school, in a heat units, less ash, no soot or clink- j evening meeting X p. m. Subject of era. .Smyttie-Lunergau Co. I'hone , lesson sermon. "Christian Science." ' 17. 1-1 i The reading room ut the church Is '.open-.dally from 1 until o i. m. We Want Sacks. Blvdensteln & Co.. 1300 West Alta, ! flmwlj of the I Uf teenier. Pendleton. Ore. ll-23tf ltKV- Alfred Ixickwnod, rector. . 1 a. m.. Holy ..Communion; 10 a. ;hrt-llun Si-Ii-iii-c. J'resbytcriaii. .Webb and Johnson streets. Ser-: You are cordially invited to wor- vlces Sunday 11 a. in. und s p. m. j ship at the Presbyterian church to rn.; Wednesday morrow. Mr. Snyder, the pastwr. will be in the pulpit sermons. At 11 a. open the subject. Steps Are Ordered with two helpful 111. .he -will preach "The Man Whose of the Lord." At churoh school; 1 1 a. prayer and sermon; evening prayer and Christma music will the morning service, cordially invited. m., m., morning 7:30 p. 111, sermon. Tils be repeated ut The public Is 7:30 his subject .will be "The flight , of Time." The .Sunday school meets at-10 a. m. and the young people's meeting at (f:30 p. m. The Children's Endeavor meeting- at 3 p. 111. with Mrs. Dr. Hill in chamie. "This is the last Sunday of the old year. You should spend the day a you will hope to spend the last iabbath of your life. Cutliolli'. Sunday within the Octave of Xniiis. Muss at .6, it und 10 o'clock. ioc each i Monday acnooi ai z -p.. 111.; "ciunn weli-ome I services at 7:3M. Tuesday is the feast of the Circumcision, Masses as Sunday ut 6. s and 10. on I . Ikiptlsl. Bible. school meets at 9. Preaching 11 o'clock. Subject, "Another Year Also." 11. Y. P. :i'.-i6 ..I": preachliur. 7:30. Subject. "Poor Hendrix." Amusements What the press agents say; about Pendleton s pres ent and coming ; attractions. -m 1 VrrnlsMoii runt4Ml tll4IUili lirvwen liy l"oHl oiiirlKr. Dec. Tho food eon tmllcr has IsMuefl an ortiVr pernttt ting lrewrM lo InfreiiMB their preH ent oiitimt hy UO pur cent In the firt Miiarter of the new yar. The order Iso vrmltK nn Hddttlonul hipreuwc of 13 1-2 1-er cent for brewer siit ly ing "nocesitloUH munition areas." MptlioilL-it. A (f!lin? culmination to 1H17 ,ivouMle to attend some church to morrow. Whoever or -whatever you are We welcome you to our wervlceK. We recognize no artificial class riiw tlnctlonf anl have no class message. The needs of men. limited only ly the human race and the love .f (iod lire tthe elemenU which prompt our efforts. Our "Increajslngly vigorous Sunday richod commences at 10 a, m. Just try it. At the mornlnpr worship hour Miss Rsther South will sing. The pastor will pjak ypun the subject of THK 1I ! V IAIILIISI;.' Some uf the Hawaiian words used In Itichard Walton Tully's exotic drama, "The Uird of Paradise." which comes to the Oregon theater en Monday. January 7th, 'and their t ra n s la t io n a re : ' Po w . " - it is fin ished; "wike wike." hurry up; "liana hana."' wttrk ; "aloha."' j?reetinga; "nui." love to you; "pilikea' trouble. The name of the five Hawaiian boys who appear in thl.s pretty ro mance are Kupili. Koa, l'oiihale. jxlokolilanl and Kia. one instru ment resembling a guitar. Is know as the ukulele. ; i The play is beautiful amj. Intense- M TIRES. TUBES, SPARK PLUGS, TIRE REPAIRS. - PUMPS, TOOL- J BOXES, GREASES, BODY POLISHES. CARBURETORS, -jf jjfm All Kinds of 1 Automojbile Accessories H Will Be Sdd at a Great Reduction During the Week Ending Jan. 5, 1918. From Saturday, Dec. 29th to Saturday, Jan. 5th t We propose to clean up all mix overstock f accessories' to make f t ioom for new goods nowon the way. , 3$ .fi,$LI. EVERY ARTICLE A BARGAIN AND PLAINLY HARKED C.&F. MOTOR GO:, Inc.. s I H .lllSSr'MSIIKOId City, Auto Co. Bid.). 322 Cottonwood .SC v 2 i 1 t .'3 E .5 e S . ttllllllll iiluiUill iill!ili!ililliliiHliilillhllliamllium,matl ly atmospheric with its shores on languorous with its native It shows ILawali, ;irdled by lazy waves moonlight; Hawaii homes;, their . side doors open for flame colored 1 lowers and blue sea and Kky; Hawaii with its laughing and dancing maidens crowned and garlanded with brilliant flowers, maidens casting eyes of witchery at white strangers. "The Bird of Paradise"' is geography made easy and ioetry realized in the ev ery day. Against this background of unique beauty is lived, rather than acted, a powerful stry of two women and two men upon the lives of the men who; love them, tine, with the CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY DOINGS OF THE DUFFS ATTORNEYS. ntANK DAVIS. ATTOHNKY AT LAW Ot'fico Smith-Crawford Huildiug. P V(. KAIUEY. ATTOlt.NlfiY AT LAW. 4tooma 7, S, 0, DcsPBln Wild. UKGHGE . COl'TTS. ATTOItNKY A7 Law. 4tQom 17, 4Schniidt block. CAItTEH SMYTHK, ATTOHNEY8 AI Law. Office In rear of Americas i National illank Hullding. i FEU & EKE. ATTORNEYS AT LA.W Office in Despaiu building. R. I. KEATOlt. ATTfUiNEf AT UW. ; tou.iu ,H. Sinitli-Crawford KuilUing Law. NEWHEKllT, ATTOlt.VDY Al Sniitli-Crawford Building. PETE K.HON BISHOP. ATTORNEYS at Mw. ltooins 3 -and 4, Smitb-. Crawfurd building. IAM10S II. WSKKY. ATTORNEY Low. Office over Taylor Hardware ' company. HALEY & HALEY, Law. Office In Bank Building-. ATTORNEYS A V American National; .SO TWI3 ISTM6TREA3UR.W PDU-OlftS - OH, VJHERB. 19 Tom GOING ? HE VMAHT ToooM AHD MECT Me- MCADOO- WU WAIT HERE t-on HIM j-j-i , J I IH WUICH you VAJT ciVEei - the ti6et?rS ioai isaoeS- xud viirce AGceAr feed. .Co. SUI". Carloads 1300' V. or, less. Blydensieln Alia. Phone 351. 11-23K ' room modern house ror rent or sule. Hot water neat. ,o uuo ou Address S. S. Jlutlcr. 111! W. ln- dlanu Ave. Spokane -Wash. no Chevrolet touring our, like now, to be sold at a uarguln. - One Overland roustabout. Just overhaul ed at a barsaiii.. W. C. Nay. Tele- pllolie 46. A. LOWELU. ( Counsellor at ,Li ; spain lluilding. ATTORNBi' AND if ... nr....- in i 12-26tf 'Mnsiiuernde Hull, (iernuin Hull. , J'cw Yeivr'8 night. Tuesday. Jan. 1st. 310 In csh prizes.' You are cordially invited and assured a good thuo. Pendleton Orchestra. 1-2 SKCO.I'U llSl JXKAI.KJiS. V. BTROHI.K. ilEALKIt IN IfclJW and second .baud ,goo(ls. Cash paid for -seoond limid . Koods. Cheapest place to buy housr-bold goods. 8L0 .& Court. Phone I71W. 1HCUITKCT. RAYMOND V. HATCH. ARCHITECT. Despaln building. Phone' 168, Pen dleton, Oregon. Pt'NfiHAL DIBBtTOBI. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNKHAb D1REC .tor and licensed mnbalmer. op: posite postoft'ice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. J-hone 75. IlNSt RANCH AMD LAMD BUIMLU. ' Wanted. ! :vcry -family In town to know-the aoperlor merits of "Peacock" coal, lunin und not. now on hand. Smythe- iHinergan Co.. J'hone 17S. 1-1 BENTLEY & I estate, fire, i snce agents. 404. MONTGOMERY. KliAt life nnd accident insur tli Main street. Phone AVCTIOKF.KR9. AHenlion .IVndletou :trelc. Members of Pendleton Circle No. r.57, will pay their dues to Lillian Cannon, '((XT-West -Webb. 12-31 COU W. K. YOHNKA. AtICTlOsi;.;u I makes a specialty of farmers' stocli ind .mnobinery sales. "The -man ht i gets you the money. v Leave, ordcre ' at East Oregonlan office, f- T : 1 1. -urr V 1 sege ftm mil tiPegrS Loam lS.,Zt i "Sfcrk f - ii sim:ce.ss . " trme-r ij 1 II . -f Tk. II .-II I ik ), -7- : : .. , " f ' . I... ' MIT-. 1 i... - -o i CS0fesT.OMTMATMItfrlT JfiJL r1 PeTORNS WOUtO Be LABGER. I WCIrEAse THS TAX. MlWie tU- ' I IF CoHGKCSi HAD TAXet Ot-j 1 T VERS URo-blV- teTji see- ,y ooTtfo Instsad of our. VOU'BB A M4RI?ieD 4AaI - J 4 WCOME . 1 TTfL-sl f ' " j , 4 . charm jf the young Kanaka, vows . that she will woo her husband and heep him "by the charm of lips and arms." The other, a snow maiden says: "I will keep him and hold him by the power of the mind." The girls live and kve and pay the price of live and love. Then each seek the other and say: "I wa w rong. My way ha failed. Teach me your way to win and keep a man's love." Kvery woman knows, and every honest wfman will admit, that this is the knowledge he deaines beyond oil earthly things. She will learn U it she sees The Kird of Paradise." j sensuous (VOUver Morosco under whose direc- j tion the production is offered, has , assembled a. lengthy cast of capable players, which includes Miss Celete Scudder as l.iuina, the Hawaiian I Princess; John Warner as lr. Wil- : (son; Helen Carew as Diana; John ' JCribner as Hoheno and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll as the missionaries. One of the interesting spectacles of this compelling performance is the final scene of the play, showing. Mt. Kii aueu In violent erupt if m. and Lua i na's leap to death into this burning crater. Seats go on sale next Wed nesday at Delta Candy Store. $100 Reward, $100 Tlie render of this paper will be pleaae4 to loiru that there in at iv&xt one dreaded ' disease that science bas beea Able to our iu alt its stat-a and tbat Is catarrh. tutioiml conooioru requtres consritutlotMl ' treatment. liall's Carnrrh Medicine ii takes intepitallv and acts thru the Klood on tfca M urous Surface (if the System llioreby d utroyint: the foundation of the dlseaae, fji , ing the patient stnmytli by building up tb constitution and awlMing nature in dolmf ; Pa work. The proprietrs hare so much t : faith in the curative powers of Hall'i , ratarrh Medicine that they offer One Hua- ' dred loilnrs fr any case that it falla t cure. Semi for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHKNKY & Co., Toledo, : . Jbio. Sold by all Drutlsta, 75c. ! Jump from Bed in Mornmg'and Drink Hot,Water Tall why everyone should drink hot water ch mornlnfi befor breakfauit , Why is man and woman half thw I time, feeling nervous. dettpomlent. worried; some days headachy, dull und unstrung; some dajg really incapaci tated by illness. - If we all wouJd practice inside bath ing, what a gratifying change would, take place. Instead of thousandth f hair-sick, anaemic-looking: souls wit it pasty, muddy complexion -we should see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy cheeked people everywhere. The rea- son it that the human My. stem dues not rid itself each day of all the wushi which it accumulaieK under our pres ent mode of living. For evory ounco ot food and drink taken into the sys tem nearly an ounce of waste mater-' ial must be carried uut. else it fer ments and forms ptoniaine-like poison which are absorbed into the blood. . t Just as necessary as It is to cleat I the ashes from the furnace each day. be tore he fire will burn bright and so we must ewch morning ot OUCH! LAME BACK. RUB LUMBAGO OR BACKACHE AWAY urn I'Aix nu.irr nn S.MAI I. tri-vi. Werri.i: OU. l'K"0'K.TIXtj "ST. .IAt Hl'S 4ll.." ine immie organs or tne jireviuus day HtcuimilatSwi of Indigestible waste aiid body ftoxins. Men and women, whether sick tn Well, are advisetl to drink 1 each mornin.. before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful ' ot limestone phosphate in it. ns u harmless means of washing out of tho i stomach, liver, kidneys and bowel j the indigestible ipaterial, waste, sour j bile and -toxins:' thus cleansing sweet- I ening and pin if iiig the entire altmen 1 tary canal befirS putting more foot! ' into the stomachi MilliiMis of people who had their 1 turn at coiistipatitm. . bilious uttack, f acid stomach, nervous days and sleep less nights have ltecom real cranis : about tlie niorning inside-bath. A quarter punul of limestone phosphtato ; will not cost mtu-h at the drug store. WITH ' but Is sufficient to demonstrate to OK unviint'. Its cleaufln. sweetening and freshening- flnei ptn the ystNii Kilnes cause liackache? NoJ They have no nerves, therefore can not cause pain. Listen! Your buck ache is caused by lumttttKO. scuittcu r a strain, and the quickest relitf I.- soothinir, penetrating. "St. Jat4bs oi!." Unit it right tn your pa into I back, and instantly the soreness, stitf i.ess ami lameness d isa ppears. ln't si ay crippled ! Uet a small trial bot tle or" "St. Jaeobs from ur drug Kist and limber up. A moment after i! is applied you'll wonder what le oiiif of the backache ir luni hug.) pain. liub old. h4nest. ' St. Jacobs i Ml" whenever yon hae sciatica, iwnral gia. rheumatism or sprains, as it i- a ttsoliitely bariiiitss and doesn't bum the skin. THEOID RELUBm- REMEDYFORMEIi. AT YOUR ORuceisr. CHICHESTER S PILLQ 'n. 1H, III iB.f jT" I eB n-tt mt tmmr HraararlaU. A l-t 4 II i I afar . -oar ltU4M KM.r,.i au.L. i , T p m.,i.f.ii ij 41.1, fc-.t.-i