EIGHT PAGES 4 . n't mt t il ,' 11 m'li 'jh' n li jjjiii! jl - . a '.. j P j f 1 E 0 BY REST OF ";..- 5 M STITF MRTI'MD TO e It i (ttHI. i HI. f l u (r: If ME NEW EFFORTS 22 - DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. rENPTETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, PECEMRER 27, 1017. 1 1 "iC"' SSL ! 1: 617) and Youns Men's ;i y iff . i TyM i .Vy. Vi THIS SALE OFFERS TO YOU THE NEWEST STYLE SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT "HE FORE THE WAR PRICES." HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX, II1RS1I WICKWIRE, CHIF FON, L-SYSTEM, FASHION PARK AND CLOTHCRAFT SUITS AT PRICES THAT ARE ACTUALLY FAR LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLSESALE COST. THIS SALE DOES NOT INCLUDE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUITS AND OVERCOATS, BUT IT DOES OFFER MOST REMARKABLE BARGAINS. FOR EXAMPLE: ' Kir Jgi lied Cross Campaign Mana y gers Take Brace and .Will 4A Start .Work Afresh. 44. FOHTLAND, Dec. 27. "Whit'i ddthe mutter with Portland?'' 44 Thut Is the tiuestkm that Is worry- ddtU.n cninpnlKiu-rs in the Ited Ciukx WA membership drive Jn thla city.' 5JS' It was all rlKht no long: lui It wan ! purely u local iiueHClon. Deplorable, 55iic H truc' bllt the l'ortlunl, Ro1 -roB" Rffiworkei'J had an excellent ullhl In the f4 wether which the proverblBl 'oldent i liihubttunt" UeclureH ix the worst Aa ever knpwn, 22 1 Hut Koineono Hoinewhele HUKite.ste.l 55 to county malinger ull over treBon 55 u,at they fl'e hy wlfr ' plean 5? Inquiries lather pertinently li- 44. ixcted to the Portland campulan. 44 They poured In yenterduy und to-44,'-w thoae subtle, eureaitlc, kindly mS ' hitiulrleH. $13.95 byys a, regular $25.00 cheviot suit, fancy mix ture, tailored by the celebrated L-Systeni. A i' perfect fitter. Very smart. $160 buys a regular $22.50 fancy Avorsted, all-wool, Z '. a suit that will give you lots of service. $17.85 buys a fine $25.00 blue serge suit, belted coat, made by L-System. This is a snap don't v (. overlook it. . -: $17.85 buys a $2-5.00 fancy striped cheviot, Griffon suit, right up to the minute in style. $13.85 buys a new belled $22.50 cheviot suit. A crackerjack business suit, all wool, and made by Fashion Park. $21.10 buys the smallest $30.00 overcoat you ever saw. A Hart Schaffner & Marx coat, craven etted, belted and up-to-the-minute. COll- THIS SALE WILL LAST ONLY A FEW DAYS. THE STOCK IS LIMITED SO DON'T WAIT. PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The Peomes ' t. . Wa WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE 4 44 44 19 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4'4 44 44 44 55 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 A V4 44 44 44 44 44 44 94 44 44 32 Some of them cunie clirixtnia Day Jjjiand Mayor lluker wan lven a lew 55 ' "f them to read. He proceeded to W : dictate ' to Portland what hun been liHcrlbed as the stronKest proclama $18.10 buys a fine dark ercy tweed overcoat, vertible collar, belted, all wool, very smart and good. $M.0 buys a $25.00 ulsterette, able, warm, a real snap. all wool, service- $1-1.85 buys a fancy tweed grey overcoat, craven ctted, convertible collar, slash pockets, belted. BE AMONG THE FIRST, GET WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. rehouse i CHOPPED ALFALFA . v . . . . -. - - . . i er-w kar chopper Install-4.- We ern tors.mh better aad smt9 Chep Uuuj before. V Alao baled bay In carlota or . tea. : '. Blydenstein & Co. Paodlctua. ftWt TvV Alt. Pttona 361 HOLD THAT MADE GOTCH. GREATEST AMERICAN VVRiSTLER, FAMOUS ; EVEN GDAND FLEET ! ENJOYS FUN ABROAD l PROMPT AUTO and TAXI - SERVICE enrr or cooNiar. lOk tor Q In new directory. .. telephone 464 11 Mahi Street. ' WflB." Goevlrckp, Rrs. Phone 2SU i 100,000 BUSHELS ' WHEAT w 7a1n ntlaed per season on this 4Kl- vr farm; 'orer 4(W urrv Hub)r. t70O cr rnw culM U4'. two tons per a3-e of wild proJrta hay, ft excellent quality M-fee rut m thtH farm. IrM tie vruedrally Irvel. , Ilaa rw eosipk-ta tmta of Uulld ' .frk4 K'woH water wyvtm, aeveni4 anall hukoa, rvvrytbuxr in exoal tcncTepair. 1 Mnrii-tl aquipmcnt of raeh. too la and machinery son with tho plaro. i'rirn tor all . t7,A00; 100,000 casta, taUuica awtymeut: c par cent in aeeaiat. If toa pi to taandle alona. tvt, j ouupta of auiiihuoJD to !, you. !. dlftrlit in Kiisfcachewan. 11 rlevatont within i ml lee. VAXJD WILSON lUd4atl Hotel Spokane, -Wasbinctou jL VCTr-V i - "Ma. - iiiV-fcis. ina Axo i:vi:n tiil- AAfVSHMKNT. WITH TUB OKA.VD KLKliT. Nov. 2'. It must kj hard ir wil h t he luuii inc';ij;ill' of a ho1bj. In thcisc !riiflly shurl winl ti days, when imy- I thlrif,' l hut crin he diRnifii'd ty t hu ' at'foi-fl : i .'iiiK! of duyJlrlht t'oincs only b"t wpcii ) j lines iim it i : : ;i. in. and :t p. in., tlio nw.n who h:ia ( vv Is f;i ora lik- and th j u't Ir-ariifd to liilmr and wait' would ! dry enough, then ai ! frlciuN. I vilii".:s-d I In t;iil nd of it : faiao irt' i-heK hutwuoa llic major ot iu;i i i i m-s ;iti'l 111'- Ktin lio'.iit'iuint. Knelt h;td his mm ii idcci'H on his own iiOJii t) 'laKkiiuiHs ik1 w;w ntil Kriiiit trd to Know mor- I'laisoji mail viri' ho ciMiui not movr. Ilu Ctduinbia "l.'jidrc'' arid unutht;r llfulvnanl, dn (,)H plhatiiiri I lie mo yum uf hut It ll a "i t,tdc I hird hoa rd, HUMdit'd 1 hi; mct'snr urr' In format ion and actd as nniplrcH. t lJe:u:hiitt'H Itutt u Mill on SliiiiHitt'u( Jividontly tin ship's work dues not furnish cinuitth outdoor oxerc-lsc. Vou will .set' in t-11 in running lustumr, do iiK a mill or su around tin' turrets Hoc ky tfanis art rnnsianllj' vitdns with um a notfrn'r. on such Mhips n I f lei cut ilfi'lii'Ouiii, at such Habit. Whfii wenth- clnyi-y foil is hare a nd Hun ever JtwueU hvre. It BlzzJcd and ! it burned Uh way Into those 1'ort 1 hinder uh they proceeded to reor- ; Kanize. So the real Portland campaign ouly began this inomlnR. course, Portliuid Huh won out do far with r.o.ouo inemlK'Ji,, but It ban ' nroro to go. And It means hurd work. i lots of it. yet th? cnmpftlrifrw havo vowed they will not U"it until thw vunti reKlntcrs und t,h aUUintf nm chinen total 10U.0U0. I toy Hisliop. of rendletoii, caai pitlKU inanaKcr of the leading county In. thu Mate could afford to be ilv ui ohm, Uut he. wasn't. Here was hi vv I rc : I'matilLi county over Irt.OoO, c'liiulliiitf nearly one-half povulutlyi. i What's the matter with I'ortland? And there wan .something vaauvly subllo in Ed Kiddle, of l"nion', tolo-' Krani: "Union county over lop. weather friKhtful but will keep mi till New Year to help Oregon. Tell Portland boys to cheer up.' "How Is Portland Rolnty? tolo Ktaphed ,.Fimmy" IonoRan. from liurns, "Harney county now 107 (! cent. May ro much hbjhcr.'' And If. Maid win, from Prlnevllle. had to add his little bit to thu cttp ot sorrow or the J'urtlundurfl, with Vrook county ocs ot'er top- 114 per cent. How Is Portland?" "Keep it up In Portland and Ori Kon wil make Rood."' was. Sam U. N an V actor's contrt but Ion, an noli ar ln Morrow county's 10a per cent. "We mo not (luitting," ho unkindly added. Util tho aitsolute 'liinlf' was fur--rlnhtd when Milton II. Kk-pper. well known Portland attorney, who hu lueu a prime mover in previous Ucd ' ' 'rts, Talierty Loan and V. M. C. A. '.'rives, ti-lc-raphcd from Tanoma: "Am cultlntf my Christmas vacation In 1 1 .uitl returninK t Portland to :iii;ht to assist Ited Tros nifmbcr - ltip drive. Portland Is nit rlftht -but has been asleep on the Job. Will r! i oi l for duty Thursday morning." Hence. Portland Hvrws formal no-' ilc( to th rest of the state. "Wa irv on the job. tint for heaven'M Hake 1 1 op making it tuit mi toiift"h lor Follow iiiK art complete returns ou eotintles up to 4 p- ni. Wednosday, December 'JCth. HM 7 : Ponnly. tuo. Haker 7. MOW l-Miton find reason totteritiK hounds, wulkliif; niatch s. and mara Howevor, I have nut j thou races on siior.-. p.ut I think the J ipost oni(Ml recreation was tht liulld- inys of the hamiais for sonie kite bal- loons, to which a party out oif from i my ship everv morning, and In which a lion t a dozen crowbars ha ve I Jest in the mud. Ira mat ics are perha s t he am use j ment par eKcellence of ih fleet. At 'least they arc the amusement dc luxe j for a cajiiun-d Turkish cruiser, now ' used as a froxen meat ship, has her permanently devoteil IoiiKlas UHlitim . . (irant . . . Harney . . Hood Itlvt -Jackson I", sephinc .Icff erson Klamath . Lake faiiL' . . . . . 1 2.MUV . r..r.oo I. MOO :.;.oo l.VtU I .ana , HHhi . a I.J'Ht -.''On 1...00 j.r. !i.ooa .t.naa i.uao 1.300 i.soo it.ooa lancoln 2him 7,0'MI H. DIMl I, ;, no H.KOO . I should thlnk ! on t he throne. ' foutifl him yet. The ship provides labor in plenty, , but ciYen after she lias done her best J there are periodtj of waiting In which i a man must provide .something for himsolf. And they all do it. The f coiuiiiundcr on my .ship whiles away 1 Ids odd hours in cabinet making. Mis cabin fs full of intricate little chests i of drawers and things that for deli cacy and finish excel anything to be s en iii the best Hhops. The leel main deck UM,lWL "HI "HUM. .... . ...r, 1-M III ' tMUVI I...IUM.-MI. t- O - . WalloWll 3 0U eyes a nearly completed rug he wan j a ship's company, or a ship's officers" Washington V3 000 ' weaving, of exquisite pattern a ml ii.ckh (and there is a fine distinction i p r.'nOo finish- He is n. young Scot and his ! o talent between the two cases. I iim ; r'nnn I told t, desires to spring upon the mi- Wheeler i imft suspecting fleet (he latest histrionic tn litll 7 no a Unn Malheur Marion Mnrmu- '"'t'" j Mullnomah . , (outside of Portland. , Vol It Sherman .... Tillamook . . . . L'matilla .... Mem, tiOIMt .1C0U 750 iOOO 3.1 !t 1 ISO soo 2U 00 75'0 :0i lliTH 1 C 1 o 14 oO 4K1.1 1 Oj" 2.".0 iM0O ir.no MM 1000 TiOOO wiroo 4 00 1A10 2-'tu 4,rai I. loo roo I'nion B.0W0 If Krabk otch, who was chain- he had several wajs of handling men piot of the wrewtling world, had not lfi whom he had got this hold, the Invented tho toe hold he might HtUI - photograph here shows it very well, have been famous. With that hold He took a man who was lyim; face however, he wait a terror in the rlnr; down and reaching for the opponent's ono worry seemed to be getting that precious rug ash fire before t lie ship in igbt by chance Ket into act hm. 1 gathered that if he cnuhl lie sure the rug were safe, he wouldn't mind at against most of his opponents. While right foot with his left hand twisted (e w:ts hmken. It so 1 he pain was excrii t hi t lug. 11 couhl easily break the ankle, and If jail being blown' up himself, the victim failed to roll over on his i One Is An Inventor, nacK ins ankle was broken. But al- t know at least one instant most every man on whom he secured tho hold turned over before his an- l know at least one instance (and there are not a few others) where a young lieutenant had devoted hb spa retime to perfect in if an invent Ion which will be a considerable surprise to the navv if it ever comes out to ii m .-.., miun inn me up at any j encou nter It. I may not say inure time. , about that. I observed that it brought Thi. riwi i : . the lie 'i term n a wee k's n nev nect ed Nearly Ono-HSUi of ronm-r students j ... .L .. ' ... ... . fc ar.d much -iivlcl Iwive to k l..-n t lq St-rrtoe Thrcn on Firing 1 """ r -.cai aim " .rom wan, witn tno ; th , , Unc; Thm; Majors. Klnwrlnn r.,rps. W-vw-al men who m-: American t.,r asiw. to nritish 1 Th'.-ra :n'-' .'.f corw- cum.-s kuIoi v UMVERS1TT UK KU- - ' ; ' inprjical siivico. anil i:ulih 9K, ?lAVJf KXJOKftXW ?1KX 'rorpn; and Condon MrCnrmack, JlAl,-K;AIOIV tOMMISMUXS.in ,ho me,lital col s. The majority f thoHO holding c:orn 'II. wilh British Oregon Kl.id.nUK not bwn heard from. An far as Is , rf.,,.mly wrote to hia l.rother nf mtlvnevv, which gom-mllv at.raru ivc comnilBSions. nown, no L nivorslty of (wipui man tn.u )lH hlll h(.ar(1 ot u drtur riuniod I lascinutt'd onlonkrx Ther,- -in- all owa that a total f '" '-t a commiKRIon at the y.-- ,dsoll Ptatione.l about tu o miles ' ?, , tH car,i s:m,K-.r,, ooker hav. , r.r .-it ond officer' training camij at the ., in,., h ! ..... , ., , .. .... lod.son, n orotrreHs of an eveninir. The i.av meUeal cortH. in ayter ttrcler an Intrleute -sirletv front lii.s anif. lie said that ho ! Intr been recently Htlmtilated hv tha visitH of Americiin naval officers. In tho gun room the ,itn;-l"MiK lalle is never idle as. it must he confessed. Hiirirlnc, inul her comiilete tlu-liter fiilnlshes sco,u alike for authorship. Hcenc iiaiiitiii. costuming, rehearsal and in-odiict ion. Vl-adlrs" Tally In Hiiwh. To rearh the ailditorium yon mii.st pas.4 l,enide the slaRe, close to the "ladles' " dressing rooms. At lea-st there were a number of deep voiced "ladles" look luff curiously at me as I passed. Some of them later Intro duced topical references to "the Am erican correspondent "In our rnidst." I can tcsllfy that there was not a dull moment In the entertirinment a fact to which the enthusiasm of the audience Kave amide proof. Total outside inland . . . IMIJ.OUO -L-Ull 1.12M Kill ll I nilljo 01DU J45I) 211 Oil :inoir :iniin 5(111 :i 1 5 0.2 SB I'. -'. hi 7 3 li J HI K SS III inn sr, HIT r, r, Bl l S1 m in 7 l lis :i i in, luti r.i l -.'ii 60 I 33 7 lin till 1S2.IIIII -. f. I HAI'.MA.V. State Chuinnan. Christinas Mem hen-hip Drl'o, TiM Moriian iiulldln-r. Ponlund. Drc-Kon. HOW ANY GIRL CAN HAVE PRETTY EYES Kt-ne. Dec. 22. Nearly one-fifth of tho Joineu tne army in tno cam n T.-irarv r.f fir,.t.,, ,il,.,,iK not Been heard from. An far as 'who have cnliuted hav 'An inrnmillA list flh nt over 5go ex-Oretfon students are at ond iifflcers preitent in the service. 1 retooio. crawlci out of his ilnpoui and slipped Three majors. 14 captains. Mi first ' Walter McClure, famous as a mile hack to where llodson wa located. IlUtel-tanu, anu jv seconu iiuieiiauts i ujioei uuiiiik his eiws ii . in- .niu nieie n iciunu ills 010 scnooi- iu-ver inie as. it must he confessed. American des are now cxnorte are anion? the list. Th majors are: .'vernlly, is a captain with Peishlng s mnte. liodson was an all-star end for j are some of the curious assortment of and we are at present cookhiK no an ouick chnnire will plon.se vim. Alllml- Uamri A. OalloKly. 'fl!, who is In Ha- forces In the first line trenches. Sic- three iws on the ores-on football , all conceivable modern Kann-s ilonat-, vspprlnlly excellent fine blaci,-,ind blue mini eye cup KlsKK. Tallnian & Co jwali; John Kelly, '11, enKineerinK JCItire writes that -he. expects to take team. j ej by well meaning relatives an. 1 1 for autm-i ae . IdrusRists. 1'lic sii-k Mail of I-'miok-. Tin- sultan is reported ill. The doctors must be ipilck. For Kuropc's famous invalid At last Is really slclt. I'irminuham Aae-1 lei a Id. N'o slrl in pretty If her eyes are red, strained or have dark rins-a. ONB WASH with pure I-avoptlk ye wash I will brighten Ihe eyes and a week's use will surprise you with Its 1N-"UKDIHI.I-: results. A small bottlo lavoptlk Is Hiianuiteed to make eyes healthy, siinrklluir and vivacious. Thu i : t k i. .