PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDT.ETON. OUSGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1917. EIGHT PAGE3 JUST ALL THE GOOD OLD FASHIONED CHRIST MAS HAPPINESS YOU CAN STAND, IS WHAT WE WISH FOR YOU. XMAS THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St. FOnTLAXD, Ore., Doc. 24. Two raids on the Martin Hotel, Second and Burnsiile streets, by Deputy Uni ted States Marshals Tiohenor and Mann yesterday resulted in the arrest of 12 alien enemies. The first visit of the officers was in the forenoon, when they took out'of this house nine men, grouped in one big room, and the other three were found in the after noon in the same place. These alien enemies were within the prohibited zone around the arm ory, having no permits so to be. They save their names as follows: Kohert Hucher, Alfred Bethoff, Emll Klein, Herman Brown, Fred Pecker, John Vogel, Q. Hofer, R. Thicl, O. Price. Julius Harazin, Chris tian Nllson and Harry Sharp. . Deputies Tichenor and Mann also SMIIIIIIItlllllllllllll Illllimilllllimilllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII'.DW M 'second 5 E and Burnside streets and B, H. Ma- haffey in the watlug room of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company at First and Alder streets. The first two made no special com ment on their cases,, but Mahnffey, whan arrested, was defiant and told Deputy Marshal Mann he "could see no reason for registering." All were locked in the county Jail and will be given a hearing before the I'nited States Commissioner today. OVER THE NORTHWEST ALIEN ENEMIES TAKEN TO JAIL IN PORTLAND IXHlKHiNKHS 1X1'M IX TIIK PltOIUlUTKn ZONK AHOIT TIIK CITY. Twelve Found at Hotel and Arc Held to Await Action for Having- Trans irresHod Jtulcs Sot Down lor Tliini. For Women A special feature of our service is the careful and paainstaking attention which we devote to the business entrusted to our care by our women customers. No trouble is too great for us to take and no detail too small to receive prompt and careful attention. For the accommodation of women custo mers we have a retiring room fitted up es pecially for their comfort and convenience. articles and dainties from the com munities they left to go u soldiering. Many organisations will hold Christ mns trees in their barracks, und the Y. M. C A., Knights of Columbus and other relief workers have arranged to cheer the men who spend ih day far from loved ones. Hurry Spruce Work. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 24. Spruce production throughout the entire Northwest is expected to be speeded up to an unprecedented extent as a result of the statement today by Col. Disque, aircraft production board head, 17. S. Army, Signal Corps that the government will pay bonuses and higher prices for stumpage and rived spruce. The statement of former Governor West, just back from Wash ington, that Northwest, mills will be given an opportunity to do planing mill work on spruce is another fa vorable sign, as this wil.l occupy many small mills made idle by decreased demand for doors, etc., owing to war. Farmers, loggers and all owners and workers of spruce timber are affect ed by the new price. The bonus Is $40 per thousand for all rived spruce accepted by the government by Jan uary 31, and $30 per thousand for all accepted by Feb. 2S. In addition to the bonuR, the government will pay $7.50 instead of $5 per thousand for spruce stumpage and $90 instead of $80 per thousand for rived spruce. After Venoral DLseiise. ASTORIA, Ore., Dec. 24. Follow ing" the plan recently adopted in Portland, Astoria will soon open and maaintain a prphylexis center, where men and women suspected of venereal diseases will be required to undergo examination, and if found to be in fected, will have to undergo treatment I in an isolation hospital. ! Rifles By Santu. J EUGENE, Ore.. Dec. 24. Santa's tgifto the University of Oregon will ! be the lonog expected rifles for the J military battalion. Col. W. II. C. Bowen, U. S. A., commandant, today lecelved word from the adjutant gen eral's office that rifles and bayonets twill be loaned by the Oregon Nation ;al (luard within a week if the War I Iepartment does not object. I We extend the season's greetings to our many friends and customers, and wish them all a most suc cessful and prosperous New Year. J. C. PENNEY CO. 'MEMBtHB Tile AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Soldiers Get Iave. i CAMP LEWIS, American Lake, Wash., Dec. 24. There is a notice able shrinkage In the number of men .at the camp today as a result of the departure for their homes of men who live in nearby sections who were fortunate enough to get furloughs. .Today still more men are leaving, as ' they finish their details on guard or Chehnlls Has Tree. special duties that held them over CHEHAL1S, Wash.. Iec. 24. A Sunday. community Christmas tree w ill be held For the men who are unable to go (here tonight, the Citizen s Club hav- home. or w ho have no homes, there ; ing it in charge. A prominent corner , will be special exercises all day to has been selected, and today, com ; cheer them i4. Tons of Christmas I mittees of men and women are at ! boxes are here from Oalifonia, Mon-iwork trimming the huge tree and ar ! tana. Idaho and the. home states of (ranging for elaborate illumination. T other National Army men and be-j band concei t and a program will be ' sides these are gift boxes of useful given. LAD IS KILLED BY AUTO IN THE DALLES THE DAIXES, Ore., Dec. 24. The first automobile fatality to occur on the streets of The Dalles for several years happened last evening at 6.30 p. m.. when Andrew, the young 4-yenr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Keller, stepped in front of a moving automobile and was instantly killed. The accident occurred In the busi ness section of the city at the lunch hour rush. The lad had left the Ore gon Bakery, where his father works, arid was crossing the street when a car came nlong and the lad, stopping to let that one go by, stepped direct ly in front of a car driven by Phillip t'harp. The boy was Knocked down and killed instnntly either by the compact with the pavement or by the car crushing him, as the wheels passed over his body. When taken to the office of Dr. Lowe, life was extinct, and the body was removed to the Crandall undertaking parlors. The child was a little inclined to be disobedient and his mother" had kept him in his home for a week and this was the first day he had left the house, only to meet his trugic death. Those who witnessed the accident say the driver of the car. Phillip Shnrp was not to blame for the fatality. IM'AXT JOINS HKD CROSS. ' One j. Pendleton, Oregon ;illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii I! HELIX HIGH SCHOOL PLAY BIG SUCCESS GETS SIX MONTHS FOR HISSING WAR FILMS FOR SALE AVD EXCIUXGE, 8000 acrea. 1000 ready to seed, good buildings, plenty of water. close to railroad. Price $30 per acre. Will take part exchange Good paying business on Main street. In Pendleton. Good location for Garage. Plenty of ground for largest Garage in city of Pendleton. House and 3 lota in Athena, only $800. . 1 Half section fine wheat land, food improvements. $38 per acre. North side new Bungalow, full basement, furnace, gas, all modern, $3000. Good Notes and Mortgages bought and sold. E. T. WADE Temple BIdg- Telephone 479 Pendleton, Ore. RECEIPTS ARE S88: P.VRTICI PANTS ENTERTAINED BY MltS. O. J. PIPER. W. C. T. V. Sends Out More Tlian 300 Bandages; Other News of Interest to tlio Community gaud Nclghborin Vicinity. Pendleton Homes for Sale A NORTH RIDE SNAP 5 rooms with bath; kitchen range, window shades and curtains go with the place. An attractive home at a mod erate price. Terms if desired. 5 Room Modern House, 4 blocks from Main street. Hot water heat, gas range, coke heater. Window shades and curtains go with the house. Price less than it would cost to build. Terms ar ranged. ft Room Modern House, West Side, corner lot, now house, Tory rea sonable price. Terms arranged. 635 Main St. CHAS. E. HEARD, INC. See Me Before the Fire. Phone 477 to bring you the Compli ments of the Season, and to wish you a Merry Christmas and Good For tune for the Coming Year. ft a 8 8 Pendleton Auto Co. 'Established Since 1907" (East Oregonian Special.) HELIX, Dec. Tl. There are 501 Red Cross members at this writing and more to hear from, i The play given by the high school Thursday evening was an all around success, receipts $88. Mrs. O.' J. Pi per entertained the H. S. after the play. The A. F. and A. M. installation Tuesday evening was much enjoyed over 100 attending. Several guests from neighboring towns were pres ent. i The I-idies of Maccabees gave their usual interesting annual entertain ment and fair Friday evening, Dec. 14th, clearing $42. ns. I Mrs. Drew s pupils. 4th. uth and 6th grades gave their Christmas treat of candy, $3 to the W. C. T. U. to buy material for bandages in Ited Cross work. The local W. C. T. U. has sent out over 300 bandages and has enough donated to buy 2 bolts of muslin to make more. They are sent as soon as finished to headquarters in Pcnd&tnn and from there to France. r Mrs. Wm. Piper and son Wm. left Wednesday for Don Iieach, Cal., to spend the winter months. Miss Ruby Wilde left Saturday for her home in Spokane. Raymond, her brother accompanied her to Pasco on his way to California cities for the holidays. Miss Detha Albee and Daisy Mor rison are expected home Saturday from their schools in Monmouth and Halem. Wm. Nickols and Mannie Ilryon are fiome from Hot Lake improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Anderson. Mr. i nnd Mrs. H. W. Drew and Miss Violet Craw left Friday afternoon for Wil lamette valley points. Miss Craw go ing to Roseburg to visit her home. Misses Vesta Morrison and Eunice Smith leave Saturday to spend their vacation with friends at Iw iston, lrlaho. ' liaymond Wilkes and Roy David- 'son are expected Saturday from their schools at Corvailis and Eugene. The Masons are home Irum Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Vlspaeh, Mrs. L. D. Smith and Mrs. D. Kendall at tended the Huson funeral in Walla Walla Sunday. Miss Kdilh Maison has gone home to Portland for the Holidays. Mrs. Catherine Stanton is visiting her children in and near Walla Wal la. It. M. Achilles of Ring Station was I in town ThursdJty. F. B. King and family nnd W. II. j Dale und family of Pendleton attend- j ed the Maccabees social last Friday. Kulikoff Cheered Scenes That Favored Germany I l',k m,t membership Until Dragged From Theatre. ; Williams Claims Honor of Ilavin of YcMintst MemlMT. t fi RANTS I'ASS, Ore., Iec. 24. j Williams, Ore., claims tho distinction : of having one of the yminffest mem- J tiers of the American RM Cross In J Oregon. I Iceland Forest I-orrels, three eeks old, was enrolled today when his pur in his ( name. XEW YORK, Dec. 22. "There is only one place for you," Magistrate Ten Kyck said to Paul Kulikoff in the Men's NU?ht Court Inst night, and then sentenced him to the work house for six months for having hiss ed the Russian war film pictures in l the Strand theater Saturday night. Kulikoff. thirty years old, lived at f No. 208 Kast 12th street. He was am early arrival at the Strand, and when j scenes filmed on the Russian front j appeared on the screen, he became noisy. Whenever there was anything exhibited that was in Germany's fa vor he would cheer loudly, and any thing otherwise, hiss, to the great discomfiture of those about him. A man sitting a few feet away finally dragged Kulikoff to the street and turned him over to a policeman. His sentence followed a report made by Probation Officer Louis Bergman, who reported that Kuli koff had lived at the 12th street ad dress for two months; thnt his room was barred of the most ordinary wearing apparel but that it contain ed much anarchistic propaganda. The prisoner told him he had beer a student in Odessa. Russia, and had come to this country nine years ago Bergman failed to find a registra tion card which he sa id v. as in his, trunk. DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL Room 1 Judd Elds:. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-ray Electro Therapeutics. Phone 623 (John Schmidt) Delta Bldf. Farmers and washerwomen their living out of the soil. get MONEY TO LOAN On the Installment plan. Oregon Building & Loan Ass'n. 121 E. Court PENDLETON", OKE. DALE nOTHWFJ.Ii Optometrist and optician Glasses ground and fitted. Twelve years experience. American National Bank Pendleton. Building. ens at Liberty DANCE Hall Tuesday Evening, December 25 Sawyer's Augmented Orchestra Admission 50c The best music, fiie best floor, and the test time. f DA N C TONIGHT Given by UOODDEIMVORLD EAGLE-WOODMEN HALL The Public Cordially Invited Important to Motorists WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF A Mi U THE ELECTRIC TROUBLE SHOOTER The Only One in Pendleton. This remarkable instrument will save Motor ists time and money in locating and correcting electrical troubles and insure them better sat isfaction of their equipment. "OBEY THAT IMPULSE" An.d make it a point to have the Electrical Equipment on your car tested out at least once a month ! The cost is trifling, but the saying is great! It will prevent expensive re pair bills and protect you against a break down of your Starting and Lighting System ! Better be Safe than Sorry ! If the Battery Refuses to Y k "STARTLE YOUR STARTER" the trouble may be in that black box, but it may also be some other place. With the aid of the "AMBU" we can tell you exactly Wrhere the trouble is and correct it quickly ! Realiz ing that You Motorists want Standard Ser vice, we have not spared the expense of secur ing for you AMBU SERVICE and we are enabled to give you the BEST SERVICE AT LOW COST. Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated. 7. 119. 121. 123 Wert Court St. Telephone M ll!l!!lii!li!ll!lllilll!il!!l!l!!iiy tillltKiilltiillijliilliiiiM II iJUIUUHaaUIll