'"" EIGHT PAGES DATLY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1917. PAGE FIVE Three big "CY That always please Are these: Christmas Conroy Cash We wish you a good old Yule-Tide greeting in the good old fashioned way. See you Wednesday g?iuiiiiiiiiminiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 BUY ONE TOR CHRISTMAS 1 B3 11 2 5s II ss S3 si Emm Plays wl nuniinnnAMin m L I IIU 1UUIIHI III) p f Economy Drug Co. j f Hotel St. George Building 55 Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 raihininilinilMniMMIIinillHMIIIIIIIIIMnflllH(IIMIMIIH1IIMMIIIItlHIIII!lirihir pcriifitiiifiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiittiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiir AIUIKST 31 WOMKY NKAR A IC3IY CAM I Will He Intcrnofl at l.owton. Ok la., and rHt for hy the V. W. V. A. CAMP DONIPHAN. Okla., Dec. 22. Women who have frequented Ijiw ton and associated with soldiers of the 35th Division and those of Fort 8111 will be Interned in u detention "camp" which is being prepared. Thlrty-ono of them have been ar- rcHted, ana as the city jail could not hold all some are in the county Jail. TO THE FINEST COMMUN ITY ON EARTH WE EXPRESS OUR SEASON'S GOOD WISH ES FOR YOUR HEALTH, COMFORT, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY. -Royal M. Savvtclle CHRISTMAS 11)17. The HALLMARK Store riOODl.ES, CHOP SUEY, CHIfIA DISHES GOEY'S 116 ! JES ALL IN ONE any make of records. $30 TO $175 Also Complete Line of Columbia Records $1.00 down and terms to suit ! This step was taken on the udvfce of Major General P. W'hitesett, Judge Ad jvocate of the 31th Division, and Ma jor V. S. Lawrence of the Marine corps, attached to division head- , quarters. A laiKO house in the city's suburbs is being prepared to receive them, j There a matron and social workers of the V. W. A. will be in charge, but 1 'military police will guard the house j constantly to muku sure no inmates ' , escape. I KWONG HONG LOW Weil All SI., UptUurl. Phon. 431 MONDAY, MUlht Win Hi Stripe Tliero. "I'm goifitf to one of these govern- iiient training camPH and try for a corpulency." hhIcI John Montgomery, "The only government camp you're I (iuallfied for la the one at McNeil a iKlund, ' Bald hl friend, Itoland Ol- lver. Jta.WcI Transit, Hoy Riahop, Red Cross campaign ; manager, got in such a hurry to come down town from the woolen mlllH which he Tuna that he forgot all about speed ordinances Result: pinched by Hilly Scheer and fined $10 by Judge Fita Gerald, Now Hoy didn't figure that ten spot ought to come out of liin personal account hut he couldn't figure out under what expense head he could book the Item at the mill. "Ah. 1 have it." he said at last. "I'll charge it to transpor tation. " Not A in In. John Mill drew a pucka go In the mail that came to the Golden Hule Hotel. "Opened by mistake." he tead aloud as he picked up the pack oge. "Who Ik this Miss Take?" Mart FergUHon asked, "one of the govern ment censor?' We DcHare a Tru for a Week, This being Christ mas week we have so much charity in our soul that we will lay off of Kernel Wood in this ls,sue and can even find it in our heart to wish the old foswll a merry Christinas and to express the hope that Santa C'laus will pass up his stockings and Instead fill the empty void which Gd intended as a 1 house for his brain but which un fortunately has been unoccupied these many years. I It Will Will lie ;okI to Ixxk At ; Sam-Thompson says he is obsessed FIGURES GERMANS 3,130,000 ON tiaoiu Tinn .t .'ar...... pninhul. ant forces on all front.; art estlmat- ed at 1.130.0DH by the military critic manner. Without counting recent of Li Kcho de Paris. His estimate of levies made on the 77 German dlvl the present total strength of the slons, there remain on th eastern German armv is S.TioO.onn. Non- front l.non.noo Germans. combatant units, which he says to tal 2,370.0(10 men, are needed by Germany for miardinjj the frontier, occupying invaded territories and maintaining the long lines of com munication. "There are now exactly 13 4 divi sions on the Anglo-French front," he write. "Kurh division has only three regiment n of infantry, to each of which there are only two or three battalions. These huttalions count only upon a maximum effective of 650 combatants. Thus for the in- iantry there are only a maximum of .850 rifles to a division. If special troous. artillerv. engineers. ceneral staffs and other services are added a German division possesses scarce ly 12.000 men all told. "The general total combatant forces on the western front, in clod ing army corrs and army organiza tions, amount to about 2.000.000 men, a figure considerably lower than that of the Franco-British Ar mies. The 115 divisions, of which are German, oppose l to the Russians the American playwright or ash and Roumanians on the eastern front ' ington, who has been serving as a have been reduced thus far only to volunteer ambulance driver on the 113.1. but ' each division has been French front, has just been awarded greatly diminished by withdrawals of 1 a divisional citation. FLYER WHO MADE ESCAPE FROM GERMANY ! m-"w fmmamu ll) ill Jg jjig.wiCT.ro ranawnwa IIL ll Vr ' III iv YV ' Arr ft II Lieutenant Patrick CV Prion. an American member of the British Royal Flying Corps, who was brought down in a one-sided battle by the Germans, and who had been takn into Germain on his way to a prison camp, jumped from the tmin, which was Ktnng thirty nub-s an hour, and by makiiiK heroic and maneged to got back into Holland satVly, and t hrii baack to Kngland. Itltrt'lMI NTKAMKIl SI NK. MIXIHW, IHt: !. Tlif nclinlrallv llliiillmfil Hint I hi" Iti-llKli houiilhi SlfNIIllCr Stl"tll4ll -iirinksM hum suh- niiitiniH vllli ri'lii'rs mill . iiwii lo-l. IMXKMIlim 21. 'wllh the notion that his wife In going ! to buy liiin un xpi'HHive ornamental i unh Ktund for C'ftritiiut ihut tie will not be uble to afford the -lijarn with ! i which to teat it utility. , i Study the l-x untl Ik; ftiiinliu;. ; "I see that Lnio WcNubb ha start- ' ed a fox farm,'' Huld Hill. "I always suld he was foxy," said i Jim. lUmny showed Niwed Anyway, Karl Sawyer and Pete Johl have gone and nipped genius in the hud, , have spoiled an artiHt. Itenny Hick man, well known colored porter at the Recta, shop, prided himself upon being one of the most accomplished and daring thicken thieves in the whole wide country. He boasted ol his achievements in this sly art. though declaring he had not practic ed it for years. So loud became his boasts that Sawyer and Pohl called upon him for . showdown or a shut up. Henny was willing and so they planned it to go to a little ranch Just east of the city w in-re Henny was to raid the roost. The owner of this ranch was a friend' of Sawyer and Pohl and they tipped him off to the plan. The three plotters drove out the other ni:;ht in a Ford and stop ped in the road alongside the ranch. The white men staid with the car and Henny. with an unerring nose, went straight to the chicken roost and wan just about to grab off a nice frier when the door of the house opened and a voice bellowed, '"What In the blankety blank are you doinft out there " Before Henny could answer, "Hank, bnnK,'' roared a double-barreled shot gun. Henny got away to a good start and those I?. B. shot never had a chance to catch him. Out through the field he tore a no up i lie rouu umaru i iv n. i v - yer and Pohl cranked their Ford and ,' declared it took the flivver two miles with thethrottle clear open to over- i tu ke Renny. HAVE ONLY ALL WAR FRONTS itul I 'i (1 1 im I milts. The AuHtrians have v.eak-ned their diisions in the same "To Italy, Germany has sent in suppurt of forty-five Austrian divi sions only seven divisions, or about 1 no.ooo combatants. on the lial kan front, held chiefly by the Bul bars with '244 battalions, the Ger mans have only 3n.000 fighting men, but certain indications point, to rein i orcein en ts having been sent thither recently from the Russian front." l.SOO.Oflfl IS ntKN'CH FNTIMATK AISTK1AS FOHCK IV FIK1.I) An estimate of Austria-Hungary's army strength, given in a United Press dispatch from French army headquarters, places it at 1.200.000. The total war strength of the dual empire before the war was 3.600.000. The strength o? the Anstro-Ger- i man forces in Italy, according to of- j ciaI dispatches from Rome to j Washington, is 840,000 men. AMFKIC'AX ATTHOH CITKI FOR HHA VERY PARIS. Dec. 22. Preston Gibson k . v- , --. --4-- . I itfj I t tel uu. 1$, J aiti uki TinrtTY f;i:a.iAXH ftl.XGIE HANDED. 'A f' try J j ! t iCHARD' ALLAfiBLOUbJT ( While fighting with the Foreign rl I1 : Legion at Verdun. Richard Allan ! star of this noted beauty, actress and i Rlount, son of It. E. Blount, of North ! dramatist who created the famous Carolina, captured single handed 30 1 roles of Mary Turner and Kllen Neal. ; Germans. He was awarded th "The spreading Pawn" is a plctu 1 'roix de Guerre, with palm, for his 1 rization of a remarkable story by heroic deed. CANNERS HOARDING GOODS, IS CHARGE 1 1 Federal Trade Commissioner I Murdock Threatens to Pros- ecute "Bloodsuckers." WASHINGTON". Dec. 20. Kvl-! i dence that certain canners of the j j country have joined the "procession j of food profiteers" was laid before the federal trade commission today. reports receivea hy the commission , marrie(i her soldier lover at the out- Indicate that canned goods are being j break of the Civil War. In the midst stored with some meat packers, who I or her happiness, her husband, back are not in the canned goods business i on a furiough, meets with death under and that these goods are'belng hoard- circumstances that apparently reVeal-ed- red his faithless, and the proud girl. We are discovering." said Com-: never relenting, lives on Into old age I missioner Murdock, today, -that cer-l.i,h ,h firm rnnvirrtinn that love Is! tain canners of this country are turn- "K into a t Of Unadlllaterated ! Mood suckers on the public. Their j method of gouging out-Kaier's the Kaiser himself in unprincipled break ing of formal agreements. These canners are not living up to their contracts with the wholesalers and jobbers and they are seizing upon the present situation to soak the trade. Where they have contracted to furnish a wholesaler or jobber a certain amount of canned goods they are furnishing only a percent age of the amount and telling the trade that the remainder has had to be turned over for government use. However, they have bungled in over looking or forgetting the fact that the federal trade commission has on file ccpies of all the contracts they made with the wholesalers la.st spring. "These practices on the part of th ctnners are absolutely unjustifiable. Every canner caught with the goods will have to deal with me.'' Carrying out its determination tc jreVeiit food waste by punishing pro- ! duce dealers w ho continue the prac j tice of unjustifiably rejecting ship ments of perishables. the federal food administrator today ordered the I firm of Lester Brothers. produce ) merchants, of Newport News, Va. to j appear for a hearing. This company is cnargea witn reiusing six carload of potatoes, and a carload of onions, from shippers in the middle west be cause of a decline in prices. Instructions will shortly be issued by the food administration adding to the wheatiess and meatless days a pork less day a-s well. The consu m er will be urged to use sugar on the pasis of three pound month. per person per ; "As a nation we eat and waste SO ; per cent more protein than we rc otifiv to maintain health." the direc tions declare. "Therefore.; we can reduce the amount of meat we eat without harm. We eat and waste 24 0 per cent more fat than is necessary " Gl.KM AX ARMOR IS HIIlLKJ. -i Tests Slum 11 Will Nt Withstand A uteri oa n Bullet s. WITH TH K AMKRUWN ARMV IN F 1 1 A NX' K. lXc 2 1 . T he tlcvm a n Soldier's armor will not withstand the hard hitting American bullet, it has been show n. A heavy breastplate removed from a German prisoner for a test was lit erally chewed to pieces by machine gun fire after a rit'le bullet fired at, a Rnul range had torn a hole in the armor as bip as a silver dollar. F.ven the bullets from an automat ic pistol did the work it was expected t hey would in this respect. Coughs Worse at Night i he simplest and qmckeit war to Ret rid of a wearing, racking night cough, tickling throat, bourse, wheezy breath ing ii to take Foley's Honey and Tar. In it, you get the curative influence of the pine tar and other healing ingredi ents, together with the mollitying and laxative action of honey. Editor C. T. Miller. Cannrlton Ind. (En quirer: writes : "1 a iroubird with bron chial affection andconshrit cnnatantly duv and n't H. 1 uok Foley's Monev nJ 1 r nd nt re lief It it tfreat tttr bronchi! rold and cough. ll Ir-prf and bronciiul fttiah, . rrxip, hoar near, ncLIiua throat, are all quickly relieved. TAI.IAI N A t o. r MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. Coxy Sunday and Monday "The Lady of the Photograph, an Kdlnond five reel feature releane through Klelne-F.dIon-Sellg-Esanay. h a red-blooded romance revolving around an American heiress. tf abound with entertainment from etart to flnlnh. Hhlplnv Uawn WllKOn'M nptite ataT. Is featured In the feminine lead and intemretH dellrhtfullv the character , of Marjorle Van Dam. Raymond I McKee, in the leading macculine role, j portrays the mannerlsma and effecta- tlons of Count 8oho wllh nuch ec- 1 curacy and precision that one would j almost believe he In the descendant ' of a peer. An all-star supporting cat . assists considerably to make this pic- ; ture an offering of rare slgnlfiance. .; This feature will be exhibited Sun- ; day and Monday at the Cosy Theatre STAIt FINDS l"KRFKT FIT IX 'SFILEAIING DAWN" KOI.E Jane Cowl, the heroine of "Within the Law" and "Common Clay,'' and I 'one of the foremost of American dra- ma tic astresses, comes to the Alta ! Thentr Sundav and Monday as the i star of the Goldwin production of ..Th yrjreiwjing Dawn." This is the I first creen appearance as a Goldwin Basil Kink, which when la was pub lished In the Saturday Evening PoJt attracted country-wide attention. Georgina "Vanderpyl wishes to marry her soldier lover before he ' leaves for France and is prevented f from doing so by her aged aunt who I dominates the family and is a dls- j believer In live. Challenged as to . her right to disavow the existence 01 love the aunt reveals to her niece the story ot her own romance In years before. Thrniiirh h.r diarv she relates how ! u..t,.ii, raa. 'anrin-nvi itan. Cowi , belle of N-ew York society. a mockery. There Is a letter which Rhrt hurl novor nnpnorl nH r.fnri'lnna ' insists that it should be read. It 1st the last word from Patricia's dead husband and reveals the truth about his death. Convinced that she had misjudged him. the aged Patricia sanctions the marriage of her niece and then goes to meet Anthony in The Spreading Dawn. I" as time Sunday-Monday The Nar row Trail. Ice Harding William S. Hart j Betty Werdin Sylvia Bremerj "Admiral" Bates ....... Milton Rosa ; "Moodse" Holloran Robert Kortman The King Fritz THE STORY. Never on the screen, stage or can vas has there been recorded a west ern character of such powerful ap- j peal as the portrait of Ice Harding, a typical "bsd man" of the plains, painted by William S. Hart in his newest photoplay. "The Narrow Trail." Popular "Bill" Hart has pre- sented many stirring portrayals de picting famous types of the great ! west In its palmv days, but in his j latest picture he easily outshines j even his own splendid pieturizations j of the past which have resulted in j making hirrt one of the very foremost i actors in the hearts of the motion picture public. I BAKKIt TKAMCTKK KIXJLHI. I Lumber Load I'psrtN When Wheels j of Wagon Slip on Snow. BAKER. Or.. Dec. 2 4. rtlle I Smith, a teamster. was Instantly killed today when a load of lumber , ho was driving slid off and crushed Ms life out. Mr. Smith was driving the load along a road on the side of Oooley mountain. about 20 miles from Raker, and snow in the road ; caused the wheels to slip, overturn- , ing the lumber which fell on him. ; The coroner was notified and the body wa.s brought to Baker. Mr. Smith, who lived near the 1 point where the accident occurred. v was 4 0 years old. and Is survived by j his widow, but had no child ren. Willys - Knight I'erformance has proven the Knight sliding sleeve valve motor superior to all other types. Superior in power, in flexi bility, in quietness, in simplicity, in freedom from carbon troubles. And the only motor that Im proves, instead of deteriorates with use. That is why it is important that you should know the ad vantages of the Knight Motor. James L. Elam - OVERLAND DEALER Stone Garage I'bone 14 IVmllctou, Ore. PASTIME TODAY THOS. INCE PRESENTS The Silent m ; WITH- .8. HAPPY HOOLIGAN CARTOON Adults 25c Children 10 COSY TODAY SHIRLEY MASON and RAYMOND MGKEE in Photograph CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 20c Jane Cowl -IN- Dawn" Man Will Hart if., i i xi. 1 w Laov oi mo A IT A' TODAY & "Spreading BRAY CARTOON PICTOGRAPH VAUDEVILLE LEWIS & MILES Comedy Gymnasts. h. s. Mcdonald Whistling Comedian. ADULTS 30c CHILDREN 10c a.