PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST ORFGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1917. EIGHT PAGES V. Mix sn4MnfKiYV)B pre&oniari) AN INPFPENDKNT NKWSPAPER folllal4 Dally and Keml Werklj at Pen- dletoti, Oreffon, by the AM OBKUO.NIAN 1'UltLlSHINQ CO. ftnrarad at Otagua. a aecond tha noatofflra t Pendleton. -cliH mall matter. ON BALR IN OTHKR CITIK8 lapfrlal Hotel Neva stand, Portland. Bow ma a Kawa Co.. Portland, Oregoa. ON FII-H AT Co Ira an Rnreao, 008 hectirlty Building. ' Waablnatoa, D. C, Bureau 601 Foor- 'tceoUi Utrert, N. W. BUBSCBU'TION RATK8 (IN ADVANCE) Pally, one year, by mall .... Pally, a!x montlia by nmll.. Pally, three montua by mall ., Pally, one month, by mall PHy. ona year by carrier I'nuy, an monina. by earner... Pally, three montua. by carrier... I'auy. one month, by enrrler Heral-Weekly, one year, by mall ., Semi-Weekly, alx months, bv mall.... 8eml-Weekly, four months, by mall. included. The facts about Norway are interesting as showing the sad plight of neu tral countries, particularly those with considerable mara- time business. Neutrals as . well as belligerents will wel- ' come the day of peace and their ; interests as well as the inter i esta of the democracies of the world call for a peace that will Z 1.25 be lasting. .no i 1 5" ; Walla Walla merchants are i.w planning drastic reform with ..". reference to store credits and .75 .60 V - the scheme is not without mer it; if a 30 day credit system could be observed prices would be lowei'ed. The chief danger is that some stores may not ob serve the rule in good faith HERMfSTON COUNTRY LOYAL TO RED CROSS I!K1 t'ltONS MI.MIU Itsllll- WAS lM'URASKit )i:it III") 1'Kii i: r. AsktHl ftr -130 Mi'iuhcix I'oniiiiuiiMy KiUsihI nil .Members Dui'lni;' Drive: ARKIVKHiVO Silll ihlV ll C'ttllM's Town l'rldf. give peace or war and he chose ,var. "To Paris" was the Ger ' man cry and with it an , inso lent boast that the emperor i hoping to lure customers away ouiu xaKe nis unrisimas ain- from merchants who keep the ner in the French capital. He agreement. , was unaoie 10 Keep mat Doast . , but it should not be forgotten. It reflects the spirit of Pots-i have been claimin? that the a m and the hyPcrisy of tne . idea of conscription is not pop- !Berlin Peace manouvers now. uiar and that if the people had iv the dawn. The kaiser wants peace, notja chance to vote upon it they from sentiments of humanity, i would refect it; but the Cana- The can has come! ning work but because he knows the jig'dians have just voted strongly Tu ai.o;re me,, enlist to- i is up-" HavinS f ailed of victory for compulsory service and Ca- day ' against an unprepared foe helnada's fate in the event of a And thrilling with your nation's : faces a realization that the German victory would be pride. Thank God you do not have to stay! Enlist today! . Turn you from labor's vast de- mands And look not back, O strong and free! You who uphold Columbia's hands May rightly shout at liberty! Enlist today! We who must stay and watch beside Our homes bid you godspeed, so go! Oh, rob us not, dear lads, of this The only glory we may know Evelyn M. tfcrimger, ( Kust Orogonian Special. I Ulik.MISTON, Dec. I. llermls ttm's drive in the new Kcil t'ross membership campaiKn has been as successful us anticipated hy the cunt' Palgn managers, Thomas Campbell j unit Mrs. J. H. Mliihm. The twelve committees uppoiuted to canvass the various districts se lected Thursday us the tl.ay for the work, and if ever a territory was thoroughly combed in a short time the Umatilla, project received it on Pacifists and propogandists j Thursday. in spite, or the thorough prepara tion there were a .low inhabitants missed on the day of the drive, but they have since been given an oppor tunity to honor themselves by plac ing a dollar in the hands of the Keil Cross association ami their names on the rod of honor. Previous to the drive the member shjp of the ifermiston Auxiliary was che hundred and seventy six and us compared with the new membership it shows a gain of three hundred and fifty-five per cent. The Pendleton chapter In arrang ing the various uuotas for the outly- J ing auxiliaries fixed the iplota of thtsj community at four hundred and fit'- no i longer the. war continues the worse than that of the United worse it will be tor Germany, states. He wants peace because he j ........... thinks he could drive a better : Tomorrow being meatless bargain now than he could : day it will be perfectly in or- Bitei liic uiiilcu owica uoo uci w cat, a suuu ""Jt!ty and the community responded brought its forces into play and ; besides they destroy good with six hundred and twenty-one the German armies have been wheat which Hoover wants to newiy paid-up memberships.- or a thrown back Upon the Rhine. ' save. , , Pcrcentago of one hundred and thlr- mi ii- ij v rt t-eiBht. lour correspoiultfiit in The allies WOUld be aSSeS tO ! making no claims for llcmlston be- heed Berlin peace talk now. j congressional investigation ; i iK the Tii(st natrinltc community in The kaiser should have shown 1 of governmental departments tiu county hut we can and do claim a streak of humanity in 1914. 'may bring wholesome results ;to ''e proud t.f our achievement and the -same might be said of anl?" a" airrt,?1 thilt " is '"'A ;'n"nc mT-anwr . wc I nccrc ' , i . Lt, each and every nc f us to livo NORWAY'S LOSSES investigation of congressional n C()mniliriitv wh)1S(1 i,,,,,,,, ts A iff l Ai "-Vs)4 BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY XMAS i1 1 iriZAt.. Pendleton's Exclusive Ready-to-Wcar Shop " recapitulation from Nor way shows that since tne methods. It is necessary to save sugar V r,(-ol nf Slinn li. 1 K i observe the ener REMEMBER 1914 yWHE kaiser is making a Christmas peace offer for home consumption. Three years and a few months since he, had the peace of the world at his disposal. He could Norwegians have been lost sweet dispositions through sinkings by subma-j rines and mines. Many hun-j The eastern Oregon country dreds of Norse ships and milli- made the Red Cross hill on ons of dollars worth of proper- j high. ty have been sacrificed. The a. loss at sea is heavier than simi- The Russian whale may yet lar losses by some of the nati- dispose of the bolsheviki Jo- ons at war.'the United States nah. . ,V 1 4tiki fmfJm 'tffmrsf JMff H , hiKh and is beiiitf tlirectvd in the risht direction. To one who had the opportunity d isplayod by in tlirir work and the spirit which pervaded t lie commu nity In Its response to the appeal made to it. the effect was InspirinK i and the conclusion could only he that i the cause was one uppermost in the j minds of all. It is not Intended to cease the pood work until the end of j the allotted time and "even the above fiKuren will be swelled to some extent Oregon Cow Is Victor In World Butter Test JIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllfIIIIJIIllllllllllltlfft HI i The best Christmas gifts are llli. those that go where needed. Stomach IVoiihlo and t 'on!! pat Inn. Those who are affected with stom ach trouble and const ipat ton should read the following: T have never 13 S3 r S3 e a 3 "Strafe" Your FjORD Troubles buy I'our supplies here. Agency for Goodrich & Goodyear TIRES Ford Oils Ford Accessories Ford Repairs Ford Parts Ford Storage. SIMPSON AUTO COMPANY 28 YEARS AGO 8c Johnson and Water Sts. Phone 408 Jj Jfiy c extend to you the -' season's greetings and as- sure you of our earnest f'Wl ul1 desire for a continuance "iW Vj- A.L, .SCHAEFEK SfrfP j (From the Daity East Oregonian, h Dee. 24, 1881). A well to do farmer and a pronii- nent Pendleton business man had an altercation today and several blows : i were exchanged. The proboscis of ; I each was slightly damaged in the en i counter. Hon. and Mrs. YV. Matlork am I back from an extended visit to points of interest in Oregon and California. They visited their son "Wesley who is attending college at Santa Rosa, Cab, and found him in the best of health and spirits and studying assiduously. i George Ely has purchased J. XV. Flack's half interest in the property owned by them on the corner of Kail road and Cottonwood at reels, consid eration $S60. Tomorrow is Christmas as we pre- j sume everybody knows without. our telling them and wo hope all will be able to enjoy themselves. j The county clerk's office is being ' wired for electric lights. found anything so good for stomach trouble and constipation ns Chamber lain's Tablets. I have used I hem off and on now for t he past two years. They npt only regulate the action of the bowels hut stimulate the Hver and keep one's body In a heall hy condi tion," writes Mrs. Henjamins Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. Adv. UTAH BISHOP WAS TOO MUCH OF A PACIFIST SAUT T.AKIO C1TV, t'tah. I (. M. The RighJ. Uev. Paul Jones has re signed as bishop of I'tah. His resig nation vas sent December 2 0 to the presiding bishop of the Kplsropal church at St. houis, effective January 1, It became known here last night. Bishop Jones' resignation follows the action of the commission of bish- ; ops which met at St. Iotiis, Decern- her 12. and found that flishop Jones, i "by his attitude and utterances as a , pacifist, has so im paired among the loyal people of Utah his usefulness i aa a bishop that he ought to withdraw : from their midst and advice is given ; him to resign, ' KIOVV YOUIC. N. Y.. Dec. 24. Ac cording to an announcement just ! made by the American Jersey Cattle 2 t'hiit, the registered cow. Vive La J is France 1331 tflfl , owned by Pickard Brothers of Marion, Oregon, has 1 2 j broken the world's butter record f or j 2 j Jerseys of the junior :t3-year-old j H ; class, on this cow's official lest, j 2 wh U h was completed on tetober 2 0, j SS she produced 12.7-M.s pounds of milk, SltJ.rj:! putinds of butterfat and 5 rro. pounds of estimated butter SjJ (S."i per cent Cat ) thereby breaking j tho previous ri'Ciud of !7"i.l0 pounds n butter, held by Sophie's Jtertha; ( 'A 1 :l 2:: s 1 a eow bred at Hood t Farm, Lowell, Mass, and now owned by F. W. Ay or, of ilangor. Maine. Vive I ,a France was bred by Ovid I'iekard and K. .1. Farnnm of Marlon. 'regoti, and both her parents were l also Oregon bred. She. .was sired hy the croat bull, (.olden Glow's Chief 1 tfl4tl' and out of Sugar-ln-the- j I'arrel (22M74. Golden Glow's Chief 1 Is the sire of three cows with aver- : 2 age records of Hoot pounds and 14 ' Z. wit h 7uo pou nds. He has :C. da ugh- j 3 ters in the Klglster of .Merit the ! honor roll of production of the Am erican Jersey ( 'al t le Clu b. XMA5 M ERRY W .MIL OPKNS AT WAU'S AI,U The best policy s a paid Uf. one. A'T'iUIA, Ore., Dee. 2 1 I rlnier G. Stickler, who has; ben Ijelil in the cnunly ja il for several weeks In de fault of Si oon bonds to await the ac tion of the circuit court grand jury, on a charge of stealing a boat, was released today by Justice of t he Peace ( arney, on the recommenda tion of the district attorney. The reason t Ii is action was taken w as because SI Ickler has been called under the draft at Goldendale, Wash. The-an hoi it ies believed that the man would be of greater service In the ar my than serving a term In jail. I WISH TO THANK -THE ' I GOOD PEOPLE OF PEN- DLET0N FOR THE MERRY XMAS THEY HAVE BROUGHT THIS STORE. VM. HANSCOM THE Jeweler. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. I SEND QUESTIONNAIRE IN AS SOON AS FILLED Just as soon as you have filled it out, and you are sure you are right, bring it or mail It back to your local board. Although you have seven days to answer the questionnaire and return it. don't keep Jt the whole seven days if you can possibly return it earlier. This advice to draft registrants is given by Captain John -Z. Cullison, O. It. C., officer in charge of the exe cution of the draft law In Oregon, wit h headquarters in the office of Acting Adjutant General Williams. Captain Cullison says question naires are coming back rom the draft registrants so slowly that unless there is a decided speeding up, the local boards are in danger of becom ing swamped in the rush of ques tionnaires piling up at the last mo ment. Apparently, he says, the great ina j rity of draft registrants are taking advantage of the full seven days for filling out and returning the ques tionnaires. In order to avoid the resulting con gestion, which will cause confusion and delay the process of classifying draft registrants, he urges t hern es pecially to return their question naires as quickly as they can. 1 tF YOUR R6GULAR K5 - MlTTANCe HAS NOT T3N RCveT) To t)re, THIS IS NO VN OV5R5HT, AMT TrOST J that tou wci- y.ive it- youh tt&nt(ON. I a fl. ye ! 1 ! I v:ir, JMsc-IiiKUres In AV'asliinKtori f-xptain a. large part ttt (ic-rmany's ' c-m:e when th I'niu.-d Ktat'-s t-nn-rt-I tiie war. How to Irrvent Croup. In a child that Is smlij'-ot to attarlis 'if criiuii. the first lmlii-atli.n of the uifiiase l.s hoarsi-ni'SH, flive ('harnln-r-lain's Cough Kemedy an soon a thi child brjewmpa hoarnianij the attack may he warded off and all danger and anxiety avoided. Adv. NOUJ, LT ANYBODY SKS YOU (vHY VOUVS GoT THC DARK CYCvTEU. THCM IV.S BECIUSC YOU ( HAve THE HASIT" OP FORCTTINCC TO MU- OUT CHECKS TO Ouf? CReDiTOHS AND PUTTMS. US IN THE CCASS OF BANKRUPTS ME BLOW PY Yoi' Hve one soot eye. ccft, so cs-ct Busy AH2 aURt3C.Ce A CHECK BROWN C &,.,',' t I - jT 4F sT t'N STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! You don't wait until the house catches fire be fore you insure it DO YOU? You can't get your life insured after you're taken ill CAN YOU? Why wait until it snows to order fuel GET THE IDEA? DO IT TODAY PHONE B. L. Burroughs, Inc. WOOD COAL LAND BUYERS Instoiiil of bnylnir away from home ItnestiRate thla:. 10411 acrea of land In Umatilla County, North of Pendleton for Katie of xom ran atanil. Owner wanta to no into other hualneaa. Kage for Jtl)0 ran stand. Owner wanta to go Into other business. ThiH ounht to be a good thing for Horneone. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. 8:ie Main Street KKAL l-.'KTATK INSIUAXrK Phone 8.1 ' LOANS. i . - . t 1 , itiiMTii-.iiiiinn mi . .in..iiiLiiit...irt.ini.iii " i i-iirTrtBioiTT-iiTT.r--T 1TJTrrJr- r "ir-TTir ft-iri-jiifa ...ift iin.iiri.Mi.iti.rii ir. m jh..ih iilTthiimi iti laiiiHim 11 b fl fc inn Mm. tk0 a ffl if 1 atiiin jnftiiir nr iHminnni Aitmm mm wr iummitr m it rf-ffn-irinT muti iiii ft ft mitoiM.m hlmlM. hi..uib m .mri. an .mm. ii rii.fc.i...ii...a.-mjmj.iiiLjiLiTitr-'