fAGE 1 E35 DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN. PF.Nni.ETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECKMnrcn 20, 1917. TWELVE PAGES Daiy Cfiafs Wifi .1 It .r me nouscwite f 4 . f " J? -VfV.V. I ' ' 1 rri . . i ,.t .. V.1"KS.J. -11 k. ", Iff 3 t :! II ! ""iiiii Hi KUjjmJJ , The present you make "Tier" should express your esteem, be a compliment to her character and as lasting as your friendship. GIFTS OF REFINEMENT i;itiHinl Kings S 6 up- LHumoml N Incts to up. Diamond Ear Uins Jlu up 1 .Haimuid li root-hex. $7 tip. Diuimiml" -M n easy tt-rnis. iso our line of Rruofk-t Wnuhes that are different. l.tmuino Par isian Ivory at reasonable prices. Mvrtlo Wtnid Oift Suggestions. Krown and made in Oregon. Hawkos Cut Class pieces. Several new linos of Stiver Tableware and hollow, ware. IM.AVrKIMlO.XKN S.Mt.OO t 8irO.O0 flay mny rroonl. Ask for domtnisirnt.on. Mantel Olocks. VmnrelhiM. Jaianuse Pot tery. Candle Sticks, Fountain Pens, jMrelry of every description at moderate prices. Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler Pclt-pImm- :!2!.l SI" Main, Street War Hardeners, plan 1,1 plant pota toes ilm-iiiK I In- -.,m In j.- year lor t lit v form (m important part of a well bal anced "war ration" tliat contains rotuisites necessary for wholesome nutrition during- a period of twenty four hours, says a bulletin issued Kv the Xational Kinerweucy Food tlarden t'onimission f Washington. This in lormalion is supplied liy J'vof. Fred erick K. lireithui. the professor of food chemistry of the College of the City of New York, who is locturitiK this winter at various public schools en rood values. At these lectures he is distributing the food conservation Publications, issued by the Commis sion. This data will be sent to any one w ho will w rite the Commission I at Washington for it and enclose u I two cent stamp to pay postuse. j Prof. lireithut says it is possible to I maintain perfect health, both of body i und of mind, immunity to Indigestion I kidney unii liver diseases, as well as ibsoltito immunity to Rout by observ ing the following dietary: ' liraham bread 1 pound 1 otutoes ,- . pounds Hotter or other fat 1-3 pound Plles 1 i2 pound vlik 1 pint The potatoes, which are at the "basis of this diet, it has been shown recent -J l.v. contain protein of the blithest grade, ami they are available at pres- ent at comparatively low prices. Fur-! Ihtrmore. potatoes yield an alkaline ash. which has a hishly solvent power over urio acid, and therefore tfco re sults enumerated above with regard to kidney and liver disease's, prout, ets. Prof. Hreithut also announced that i the very latest results w hich have just been received from England, as re-1 ported by Prof. Halibut-tun. show that oleomargarine made from beef fat. j especially that part of it made as oleo oil. is a completely adequate substi- NO MORE TIRE TROUBLE WHEN YOU USE THE UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER GUARANTEED 100,000 MILES i Just as resilient as air and Absolutely Puncture Proof. Will not flatten or harden under any condition, not af fected by heat or Cold. We install and make all adjustments. All sizes carried in stock. ' r ' PENDLETON TIRE FILLER GO. i416 E. COURT ST. BUSY, HARD-WORKED. MEN AND WOMEN Will fiiul tlint tin; sarsnpitrilla, iep. Mn. mix andiron trfaimcnl; comprised in Hood's Sariaparilla and lYpliion will givp brain tind liorvo force, re lievo tlio nervous strain incident to '(oo milch to do in too littlo time,'' cliniHt-teristic of life today. Tlu se blood and nerve, medicines seem fo lift the nervous and over worked into new life, enabling (lieiu to accomplish easily the tliinjrs thai, have fretted them ami have seemed to briii"; thein to a HaudsHll. Hood's S.irsapnrill.i and IVptiron are very effectively supplemented In llood's lils, in cases w hero a laxa tive is needed. These three prepara tions are all sold by your ilrnjrjfist. Gel them toda . titles, .especially when t lowed from the standpoint of the chemistry ot erowih. ,1'rof. Uleilluit Klves the follow liiK ciwht rules for savins; ami safety 'which embody the rccoinmcndnt ions of Prof, (-ii-aham r.usk of (he Cornell I -Medical Institute of I'alholoKV: Let no family ol live pel'Hons ; euy meat until il has houuht three i Uliarts of milk, the' clleaveU inoteln food. Save the cream and bullet- and j eat eloemarKai ine and vegetable oils, j Olive oil or cottonseed oil taken with j cabbaite. lettuce or beet lops Is excel lent fund, in many ways imitating I milk. j 3. Kat more sparingly, rich ami i poor, laborer and indolent alike. Meat does iiot increase the muscular power. "nc it Person is exposed lo great cold meat may be recommended, for , it warms the body morf- than other I tood. Jn hot weather, for the same reason, it causes increased sweating and discomfort. In general, twice as much meat Is used as is riant. 4. liut corn bread. Jt saved our New Knglund ancestors from starva tion. If we eat it we can si nd wheat to France. Kat oatmeul. t. Drink no alchol. In many fam ilies Ul per cent of the income is spent lor drink, or a sum. which, if spent for other food, would preatly improve the welfare of the family. n- i'-al syrup on cercais ur on mm bread. It will spare the su.irar. Kat i raisins in rice puiMin;;. fur raisin contain sugar. 7. Kat fresh fish. K. Kat fruit and vegetables. Cheese is one of the very best con- ccntrated foods which is even rich- i er in meat value than porterhouse steak. Cheese c:-.i he used in manv ; combination..; and can be purchased j in many forms. i The bulletjn today deals with pea nuts aim cheese. l'eanut 1-oniiue. 1 cupful peanuts, shelled. 1 cupful bread crumbs, soft. 1 cupfuls milk. 1 CKK. 1 l-l' teuspoonfuls salt. 'epper Grind peanuts in a meat grimier. Mix all ingredients except the white ' egg. then beat tin- white stiff and fold it In. Turn into a buttered pud ding tlish and bake in a moderate oven 30 to or, minutes. l that has graphite vulcanized into the surface. Greatly length ens its life. Eliminates the use of soap-stone and absolutely prevents friction, sticking, and heating. Protects the tube from light. A laminated tube, built up layer upon layer of the finest rubber obtainable A generous, sturdy valve base that eliminates trouble here. A true round at the splice.and far stronger than the tube which is spHced flat. For long life and freedom from road troubles, use Savage Tirei and '! M M IE 3 R 0 Fl N ITE TUBES THE SAVAGE TIRE CORPORATION, San Dieo, CaL We have a distributor near you , PENDLETON CYCLE CO. !!!EaStCUrtSt- ' Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L. If! V DENTIST. Booms 3 and 4, Belts Wdg. Telephone. 523. Flowers Have the Joy of early winter In your homes. CHRYSANTHEMUMS Also Carnations, Violets, ote. GEO. HOOKER llorlst. rhotie 522. Free Delivery ! i . HOLIDAY DANCE 1 If there is inef in,. I and navy departments the euiniii v wants It known, not covered up. il could not be conceal, il from the en- How to Prevent Croup. !n tt child that Is subject to attacks of croup, the first Indication of the disease is hoarseness-. i;he Chamber Iain's Cough Itemedy as soon as the child beecoi.ies hoarse and the attack may be warded off and all danger and anxiety avoided. Adv. INTERESTING NEWS OF HERM1STON RESIDENTS FRIDAY, DEC. 21 MOOSE HALL Special Holiday Decor ations. Novel Unique Anderson Orchestra Admision 50c (.Special lo the Kast l M-egonia n ) I ri; KM 1ST. ..V. lire., Dec. IT Mrs. !'. S. Mc.Vaiicht. enlertuined for her mother. Mrs. F. J. Taylor, recently. Cards and knitting were the prin ' ip-il diversion, accompanied by a light luncheon. Among those resent ' were. .Masdnines Thomas Campbell. 1 .1. F. McNulUThl. II. T. Frascr. At i .lomision. K. C. Todd, r.ry.-'iit Horn ; hig F. .1. Taylor and c. s. MeNaught. '1'he lied Cross .X uxil ia ry will meet with Mrs. It. C'Todd tomorrow after- noon for the purpose, of coinpleting lour dozen comfort kits, and knitting. The auxiliary is busily engaged In completing the arrangements lor the drive for increase in membership which Is to begin the seventeenth of the month. Mrs. If. T. Fraser am! Mrs f. .?. Mc.Vaught. have returned from a visit of several days In Walla Walla. Mrs Klim r P. Todd was a. Pendleton visitor this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, k. Alexander. Mrs liert Ilieatt left this afternoon for Dayton, Washington, to remain during the absence of .Mr. Ilieatt, who has recently enlisted in the army aviation corps. J. J. Ifarnlcy of reutlleton was one of a number of sportsmen from the eounty sent duck hunting in this vt- HAVE TOUR-" CHRISTMAS PHOTOS TAKE? LIKE THIS LATEST THING IN FADS. g If its hard to 5-5?W?55S 35, 70S ?!& K 7 TT- m Vfr Vfo decide what to give, tBye ...inia "SHE" Would Like a Majestic or Round Oak Range A present that the wife would use three times a day. A lasting gift that would show true affection of the giver. A present that would be appreciated in EVERY home for the pleasure and convenience it would add to the kitchen. This is no time for rxtra vimumx' and iipcIchs frills or knick-knacks. Th-jy urc yoiio initl forgotten in ;t few tin:-, or. Just when tin rrcciver lnyins to A LtV KNJOY Til K I'SlJKI I, , 'KlrJNT THAT WAS I'l'IiCHASKb HEJtK. LOOK! Any of the following articles are ap propriate for presents and our stock is now complete in all of these lines: Silverware Carvers Razors Roasters Aluminum Ware I'crcolators Cuns Pocket Cutlery Chafing Dishes Majestic Ranges Hoys' Wagons Perfection Oil Heaters See Our Windows W. J. Clarke 211 E. Court Telephone 21 n s jr zx: -jy h '' A ; : k s . clnity Friday, lie had a splendid bag. as a testimony of a successful day. Henry llltt Is out auain. after be InK confirmed to his home lor several days by a badly lac rated mouth. Mrs F. J. Taylor of I'olo Alto Oil. Is the Kuest of Mrs. J. K. Me.Natlftht. liepairs on the Municipal water system ate in progress. A eonci-ete floor in the reservoir on the butte t.e Bltiler with tile r. litllllLT of the walls. It is hoped will end the scvi-rc leak age of water which has heretofore existed. Tile Kills lliKll school basketball team was defeated by the "Town' team with the sore stumllin at the close of the contest, elslit H Th" teams were listed, IIIrI' school. Cnsserly. Smith Waterman, Shotwell and tirahin. "Town" team. Fpperson, Morrill, Scott, Sullivan and Tcdd. The boys HlKh school team defeat ed the boys -town'- team by a acorn of thirty five to Seventeen. Thu htall school team were. Uryant. Durfey. "lamer, Weliihelmer. Morcble. Thn 'town" were. I'heh.H Ak..r. fl.ll Waterman ui;d Madden. Children Cry for Fletcher's T EnleY" ,Ha!.Always M ch has been v,vi inmy YC-aik. nas Dnrn th. c.'n-. . nd has been mado under his per- WUcJUi a t v lun hltco lts infancy. n t r t , lu occcive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Espcjlmente t.iat trifle with and endanger the health of c What isCASTORIA Csstona is a harmless substitute for CastoTon, PaVeeorJc Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It conS neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic Eubstance Irl rge ii its guarantee. For more than thirty years it fan hcen n i constant : i isc for the relief of Constipation, Flati, lency Vind Colic and Diarrhoea; ..Haying Feverishness arS herefrom and by regulating the Stomach and Bowel swf CTS GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bear3 the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bouahl '5 A 1 Hare it taken thi way glrl. If you flon't wih to appearoeyne Bad old-fashioned. . - . Thi Is the latest fad in th way of Christmas eift photographs. ) '' Gladys Brock well posed for this one. The lighting effect is slmBle llbt in a white bowl. Sure,' wash bowl will j,o 4 BETTER AND f SOFTER LIGHT I li i awmred by the uae of eom. K OI beautiful flitur.a of ours They Klve a light that illuminate. th room perfoctly. hut that doe, not tiro or .train the eyes. They are aot expen sive con.lderlnc their extra of riclency and ertra beauty. ,Wby not at least sm themt J. 1 VATTHTI (V . ......mmmmxxmm