fc-njiM4HUWiN : .. TAflK TWELVE DAILY EAST PRECOMA?. PENDLETON. OREGON. r- . : : : : f SATURDAY, DECEMBER t!, 1917. TWELVE PAGES HAVE YOU CmSEIl THE COFFEE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS OlfiriEU?'' OVER THE NORTHWEST ' Every oiRanizat Inn In the IiIk rami I'rtrtliMimtml in the review, anil will ink p. a i nit in the ih'iiiimxiruilimH to fulliiw. A special halt nillo mrim has heon lnciaiiMl for the show, anil a sininiKitanil lo hold 16.011 peoplo wan crowded lonp- before today's pro Biani started with the rendition ol -Vine ilea"1 fliy Went ireK'iinental hands massed as one and the specta tors. : I Cowboys who haye won fame in j the I'endleton Homil-l'p. tho Walla, I Will la l'lontler Days. The Dalles l-1 Kodeo and other wild west classics of J trom , the Northwest are tiikiiiK a prominent j J : Part in the hi;- horsemanship show j to be given both days by the Remount Ills: Military Krvlcw depot, under Oipt. J. W. Jackson. ! I ("AMI- I. ICW IS, TACO.MA. Wash., ! The wilileA horses available have!! Dec. 15 With thousands of visitors been secured for the occasion, and the ! arriving from all parts of the North- I rough riders of the remount depot' nest on special trains, and the quart- will show the public all the thrills of . lilt-Urn lo Supplant TnrUey l'i 'itTI.A.M). Ore., Dec. 1 .". I'hlo Iten and roasts will supplant turkey on may a family table in the North west t'hristmns and New Veals un less there Is n decided increase In tho receipts of turkeys here. As Port land Is the chief center for clearing the Northwest's holiday birds. The mar ket is showing as stroiwr a tone to ward the close ns it did during the Thanksgiving period. l.ucky Indeed is the turkey raiser who still has birds of good puality. ince the Thanksgiving rush, the con dition of offerings has been mediocre to poor. 8 SZ 7i 7-0 m, XT- -ST; ?7i r J 8 Low prices and is waging relentless warfare on the "Slackers" the "Mid dleman's Profits." It is not the cost of living well, it is the cost of high priced Jiving that is wrong. We figure the middlemen out. nt Cotton Hats :il-ini'lt .KMUoUnos, yard outing! l'liinncl, yard 70-lm-h Swan White Table I.liieu, yui-il Table Oil Cloth, yard l!k 2Ro 12 1-So 11 I -2c . . . $I.'J5 , . . . !! There'll be more Christmas cheer more of the holiday spirit about the table if 'you finish your dinner with CHASE & SANBORN'S "SEAL BRAND' USED BY THREE GENERATIONS. e-s of every company ami battery in tuuhless shape, the military forces be I inff transt'ered in to lighting nnitrf the outlaws Into war i good fellowship - more :ZeX :nMrZ GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. i i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHI War -Savings St 45,0d0 men who came here art civi lians a few weeks apo are in review before Major lieneral H. A. tireen. camp commander, ami the gover nors of the Western states as real sol diers, acquainted throughly with the tactics on their particular arm, and imbued with an esprie.de corps that gives the lie to any rumors that the men did not take any too kindly to military lite. In startling contrast to the youth who sped northward from their peace time pursuits, these men presented an Imposing spectacle in today's Pi re- iew. In various mass formations, Oiey swung by t he reviewing" stand with the smartness only real soldiers can acquire. Their bodies" showing the splendid effect of the physicial and military drill they have undergone and the result of eating plain food and setting sufficient sleep. transforming horses. ! All proeeds from the stupendous I affair will be used for night schools, j ' athltcic welfare and other things to j j benefit the Ninety-Klrst Division of 1 .1 the army. j f British and French officers detail-!.! ed to the camp as Instructors will hp- j pear in the line of parade, which wiUj i Include every branch of the service I J 'and every unit of each branch, each j doing its part to entertain the public;' ;and show what Americans, under! i good officers, can accomplish in a ' short period of training. i - Infant Cashmere Host hi Ik toes ami heels , . . i5ti Children's How, all nIaoh 1J I -2c, 10c, 2."o Ijinib Sole, dillilron'H 25c, ladles ;te, n.ei.'K 5tto Toyn, Hooks, JolLs, Wiikoiim, etc 5o, H Ifto, 25c, llc. o Holiday Handkerchiefs In Hoses 10 15c, 19c, 25i 39c. 19c, Hc, 8kJ InlajiCh Hath Kobe Kc. $1.-19, SI.UO SCIIOl.IS FOOT A1'1H4AX( I0S V SHOP Men's and IjmIIch Ilutli ltol- 91.9M, 93.9H, $1.99 Mcirn. llutlj HoIm-h . S2.9H, $.9N, 1.H, 5.90 Men's Mackinaw. ' $5.90. $11.90, $7.90, $9.90 Men's Raincoats , . .$1.98, $0.90, $9.90, $12.50 Men's NniU . 1.00, $12.50. $11.75, 10.50 Mens J ive Hackle Overshoes $2.25, $2.9 Men's one Huckle OverslioeM $1.23, $1,19 Men s RnblicrH 8 We, 9 Ho Mcn'H IVIt HoiiHti SlipperM . it. 49, $!. Men' ln-ess Sheet $2.9H, $5.50, $.9ft, $-1.50 TTIvD BY AX KXPKJtT. EARLY IN THE DAY jy THE GOLDEN PULE Gr J THE GOLDEN PULE EMILY IS TITO WEEK It Municipal Fisherman POUTDAND, ore., Dee. I Fish 1 ermau are the latest addition to the . municipal payroll. With the munici pal fish market doing a brisk busi ness, the city council has authorized the rental of a fishing boat and the engagament of a skipper ami crew to aperate it of the Oregon coast to sup- uly the fish market . amps are the answer .of a great democracy to the demand for a democratic form of govern ment security. They afford a splendid op portunity for bringing into every home the lesson of saving and thrift as a national ne cessity. The habit of saving once formed is seldom dropped. Savers soon become in vestors. Start saving today by purchasing War-Saving Stamps from us. L ; ..-41 YOU can do your part OVER THERE" BY JOINING THE RED CROSS "OVER HERE" All You Need A HEART and A DOLLAR C3 men ts a. severe epidemic of pcarlet lever was raging in Stockholm. Hlood was taken from convalescent patients who were otherwise healthy and was allowed to stand until serum had separated from the ot her blood con st it u en ts. This was administered in travenously by the use of twenty cu bic com iliters for small children and up to fifty or sixty for adults. Dr. Kling said he treated a total of I'll 7 cases, ail of which were of a vio lent nature. The total mortality was 1. The mortality among 01 equally severe cases not receiving the serum treatment, he said, was 64. The serum treatment had no ef fect on nephritis. I Pendleton, Oregon THi: HKAL AVOHI.D'S SEK1I M may mi:i:i a win: -tIIIIIilllllIJ!lJIlIIIi;illIIIIlllfllljllHlIIIiIIIIllIIIJIIIll!llllllllIIIIIIIIIlItllIIIIIlf IXH SALK AM) EXCHANGE. 3000 acres, 1000 ready to sec-d, good buildings, plenty of water, close to railroad. Price 130 Per acre. "Will take part exchange. Good paying business on Main street, in Pendleton. Good location for Garage. Plenty of ground for largest Garage in city of Pendleton. House and 3 lots in Athena, enly JSOO. Half section fine wheal, land, good improvements. $38 per acre. North side new Bungalow, full basement, furnace, gas, all modern, $3000. Good Xotes and Mortgages bought and sold. E. T. WAD; Temple nidg. Telephone -170 Pendleton, Ore. It opened In 1 Heed in of nehnum with the Kaiser at the bat. He won the game at Ue??e an thought he bad the series .at. Then Johnny Hull went in to pitch and stopped the foe's advance. WhiTL a iVature of the game became the fielding work of France. Russia went in to pinch-hit .along t he Kastern Front. While Italy and Knumania each laid down a perfect bunt. They trimmed old Hill at Vimy Hill with woe they filled his cup; While out along the foul line 1'ncle Ham is warming up. up t Vei'e cases which with tin- st-ruio. When Dr. Kling were not treated began his experf- I Save OJic. By Buying Ever Reliable CASCARAjg quinine No advance in price for this 20-yer old remedy -25c for 24 tublets Some cold tiibicta Oow 30c for 21 tablets Figurrd on proportionate coat per tablet, you sive 9'?c when you buy Hill's Curet Cold in 4 hours gnp in 3 days Money back if it faila. 24 Tablet for 25c. At any Drug Stora VM CANADIAN CAMPAIGN IS NKAItl.Y Election day, next Monday, Ib look- .D1'D fnrivurri tn liv tho nnnniilnir mi r i(,c j. with lics UB lernnPB tne in out momentous ! in tho history of Canada. The one great Isxim ruined during the carrt- ! lllilt'M luif u'onii Hm Iflmrulu fi n I tltM speech-making in behalf of the liber- j l,xnnni,nlM llf nnl(m in den. premier, finishing his campaign , In the east the stormiest political j '' campaign ever waged In Canada Is j What haH come about In RubbIo" 19 earing the end, In the extreme geo- also a poor advertlwement of bureau grapnical point.s of the Ihtminion. cracy. . CANCOCVKR, It. Sir Wilfrid Laurier due here tomor row morning for a day devoted t a I cause and with Sir Robert Por- i I A Pendleton Homes for Sale A NOIITI1 SIDK KNAI 3 rooms with bath; kitchen ranse. window shades and curtains po with the (lace. An attractive home at a mod erate price. Terms if dt-sired. 5 Room Modern House, 4 blocks from Main street. Hot water heat, gas range, coke heater. Window shades and curtains go with the house. Price less than it would cost to build. Terms ar ranged. 5 lEoom Molem IIousp, West Side, cornrr lot. new lionse, very rea sonable iriee. Term arranged. CHAS. E. HEARD, INC. G35 Main St. See Me Before the Fire. Phone 477 cu rves Kaiser Your Uncle Sam is warming mount the pitching hill And hhow such speed and that he will strike out Dill. That war machine to conquer worhU will know the very worst When we hit one flown to TlindenberK and beat h is throw to first. When .Sims goes up to bat and sweeps the subs from off the sea. And T'ershing". sliding Into third, spikes the Crown Prince on the knee. Yes. I'ncle Sam is warming up, and after he goes in We'll be building baseball diamonds- in the city of Derlin. The Dost on Jou rnal." ' etnber C. 1917. Issued by dark . c.riffith Dall and Rat Fund. Ovens V.K- iiiiiiv iiiiiun CAMP MILLS BIGAMY FOR PROFIT, HE SAYS A )ICSi'SETS THE PACE OVER THE TOP. The even and continuous flow of power instills a confidence, and a fechnjr of security in the car's ability to go anywhere, anytime, regardless of roads and wc; ther. Elegance of finish, and completeness of ap pointments are perhaps minor details, but they round out the joy of owning an Oldsmobile. A phone call will bring it to your door. Pendleton Auto Co. "Established Since 1907" Hempctead Minister Says Wo men Become Brides of Sev eral to Share Pay. CAMP MIM-S, Doc. 1 1. The- increase- in soldier weddiims horn -aid by a Hempstead minister todav lo be (Pie t'i th1 f.'wt that some wom en had ben marrying several soldier. each and yetting each tn w "husband" to mnko over half bis pay lo them. This minister, who says t.fhcr cler-s-.;!m'n of Hemp.--.ieft d have planned to do li kewfe, bas aunoii need t hat he will not marry women to siddiei it. luture until lo- investigates tbor ooKhly bow lontf the couple has been a'-.(ii;i inted and t !) condition... which lei them to the altar. it Is reported here that men I ft ;i (Mvi-ioii now abroad have left "vviV'' of i h is sort at Ilcmpstcd. some of whom it is ha Id. -bad themselves rtiae beneficiaries under the soldiers' il).- n t a nee j .olioics. i i and W AUTOMOBILES LIGHT FOUR, 5-passenger $ 890.00 BIG FOUR, 5-passenger $1050.00 WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-passenger $1650.00 The Overland lirht Four is liht in weight and bis in power. It meets every touring demand. It satisfies in performance, Pi ap pearanee. in comfort and iit a price you can afford to pay. The Overland Tiitf Four is the world's most powerful low-priced car. It is fundamentally the same ear which year after year for many years has enabled overland to lead by a wide margin, all cars of such comfortable size. The Willy.s-Knitiht Sleeve-value motor holds every world's record for length of run, power produced, absence of wear, and luck of carbon deposits. It outlasts any and all other types of Automo bile motors. For thousands of miles beyond the useful life of any other type the Willys-Kninht motor continues to deliver at Its high est efficiency. This season's Willys-Knights are the best and most beautiful the factory has ever built. .See these cars und be convinced. JAMES L. ELAM OVKItf.AM) IIKAI.KK. Stone Garage Tendleton Phone 74 M anc her Get Our Prices on Carload Shipments of WOOD Lay in your supply now, as the indica tions are that wood will be high for several years "gSft. Phone 178 SMYTHE-LONERGAN CO. Quality Quantity Service S MONEY TO LOAN On the installment plun. Oregon Building & Loan Ass'n. 121 K. Court PENDLETON. OKE. dale nonrwKrj, Optomeu-lit and OpUut'D Oloxsea Krounrl and fitted. Twelve yean experience. American National Bank Pendleton. Building. 3WC in:. Ti l l s ' ll's s i ; i.i ,t i I- I i: si:i:ni S;is II Knliicf-il fnrlalit.v 111 yi' i-M'-t ai- frnill To I'it t rill In 17 :.-.-. .-T' H KIH iI.M. I-. II -It. Call Klitit:. a l :i. I' l iolo-'.i-t ar.il mi asist anl i.liv.if'jan in fliar.- t th- Slo.U lflni f.iiita-i..!iK hohl'ilnl, who an il, iimm-.i t til- S-.v.-.lisli M ili.nl cty t lie (ii-c'jvt ry if a friun inr arlft i't-vi'V in .-ji.-r-i ti ml; Ihis licn-riK-nt an! it r-s'ilif (. lh- rnil.-'t I ' i r - cirri-; oiai'-lit. said Ihc s.-rur.i laJ rfluf.-'l ll:- I'nir-talitv in Hi- - v. ivm -as s I.i IT I"T ri nt against nuiry than Ta J.-r Cf-jit In filially lit-- WE SELL AND RECOMMEND prra acme jng A complt'te line carried in stock. ' ARE YOU GOING TO PAPER OR PAINT? . We are in a position to give you PP.OMPT SERVICE COMPETENT MECHANICS An all new stock to select from in the latest designs of wall paper and fresh full strength best quality paints. line Front Paint Store HALE & HASCALL Main Street, Corner of Court. Telephone 660 Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Dlaeanea ami Discuses of Women. X-ray Electro Therapeutics. Phone 623 Moliu Sclunlilt) Melts Hldg. DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL Room 1 Judd Bid?. Is The Time To Buy Your SUPER-SIX while we can make immediate delivery. This is the car of power, pep and endurance that saved the day for the six. Deliveries may be uncertain later don't run the risk buy now. Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated. 7. 119. 121. 121 Wett Court St. Telephone