PAGE FIVE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OftEGON, MONDAY, DECEMnER 10, 1317. 15 t IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S CONROY'S CASH PRICES Are the Anti-Aircraft - Guns That Bring the Iligh-Cost-of-Living Enemy Down. CONROY'S CASH GROCERY 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 Strictly Fresh Eggs, guaranteed, doz.. 55c Meadow Gold Butter, pound 55c Bulk Mince Meat, pound 20c Bulk Peanut Butter, pound 20c Squash, pound 2c 4'i-aulM-rii-M, quart fnrM'ror (raM'H, ,miiii, 10c CTlMxt Kinull 15c; im-llium (; lume $1.7.1 Mount Vcrimn Milk, J cuiih j,m; Macaroni, Kpuchriil, NimhIIch, uic kutti- lllu Macaroni, Kjalittl. box 5.V- llayo. Navy and I'lnk IK hiih, iiutuul 15c ' Crackrd Hominy, xmil sack 1100 Itolhtl OuU, 9 pound hack 7(, A. II, Koi (nlhtt) I bars 2,-ic llol W hile Soap, 5 barn aso Citrus Powtltsr, iwckoKc a.-,c light HoiiHO t'lcajiwr, can 5c MatehrH. box 5c Ttillct rii'r, I rolls 25c IT PAYS TOPAY CASH ATCONROY'S I'UHllmo Nunday and .Monday than In luyn of readliiB. Ifx A novelty that ia unique In Its In-1 your time and money several tlrne i 3 lerext Is the Paramount photoplay j over. I p "Hau'H Diary" fro mthffamouH story To Childrmi: I by Mary Roberta Kinchart which ap- I No photo-drama ever filmed con- j S3 peared In the Saturday Evening I'ost. I Utlrm more of Interest and real val- ' SB Hall, the pretty hoardlnx-Hchool Rlrl ; ue than does this thrilling picture I S5 heroine tells of her experiences with 1 for the children.' It lives before tliein a family which persists In treating the wonderful, courageous and hon- 5 her as a little girl and which she pret- i orable lives of their forefathers and ty thoroughly frightens 1y pretend-j makes them come Into a fuller real- lug to be engaged to someone they i izatlon of life and honor. It's of un- have never seen. The titles are tak- told value to the children, en from the original book and their j xo Old Feonln. charm lies In tho droll spelling and I it takes you Dacs to "The Iays of ! naive charm of Uab's own script. This ! Oldd, the Days of frolii, the Days ot is probably the first time that the '49, when the young life pulsed Idea of filming a diary, page by page. ! throughout your system and the etcr has been adopted. "Ilab's Diary" nal hope of the future blossomed starring Marguerite Clark, will be : brightly In your pathway. You win shown Sunday at the I'astlme. weep, you will laugh and you will I live again. It honors and teaches Cosy Sunday-Monday. : honor for old age. A picture of more than ordinary Arcade theater Wednesday and interest Is ''Courage of the Common- ; Thursday. place," a six act Perfection picture, : . featuring Mildred Havens and (joVXS lie Austin which will be screened at j the Cosy .Sunday-Monday. The ! scones shift from the ballroom audi A striking feature of the CioIdwynjSS Yale college life to the rough and ; production of "Fighting Odds," which I uncouth life of the miner. Kensa-1 1 presented at the Alta Theatre i tional fires, hand to hand combats, j Sunday, H the number of wonderful ! a beautiful and faithful love all go to , gOWns worn by Maxine Klllott. the I add Interest to a delightful and en- j noted beauty and star, who Is mak terlainlng story. In adddltlon a n(f ner ,rst appearance on the screen, clever comedy will also be shown. I -ne fitting, the time and the ia- IN MONTH , FOK MAX INK Kl.l.IOTT ! " jtience required In getting gowns ; Ef A1MJO.VAITS OF ClAIJFOIVX'IA. ! was an ordeal Miss Elliott encoun- jpj To Young Icoplc: ! tered at the very outset of her motion 2 You want excitement, adventure j p ftp re creer. On her first vhrU to ! and sensations that fairly "throb , the Goldwyn studios she was Infor- 5 and thrill." The "warm blood of : med by Allan Dwan, director of the;r-.1 youth" wants romance. It loves the production, that she would have t . ; "illlll glamor of the past and craves action , have thirty-one gowns and that she in the present: all of this Is found in had JUBt twenty-seven days In which Big' Shipment of FORM now here The last boat load up the Columbia river to Umatilla has just been received. Included in this shipment are TOURING CARS " ROADSTERS , ' CHASSIS Deliveries made in rotation on signed orders. Come in and sign up. Remember the Ford factory will continue the making of cars to 60 per cent of its present capacity don't let anyone tell you different. SIMPSON AUTO COMPANY PASTIME TODAY Johnson and Water Sti. Phono 408 1 1 Marguerite (1 Clarke -IN- 1 1 "Bab's li niaru" I1U1J LMIIIllllllllllllllHIH'llllllllll "IIIIMIIIIMmillimimillllllllllllimilllllllNIIIIIIIf "The Argonauts." Just as you love I get therr. Ullllim"""""""""""" i iiiiiiiiMiiiiii ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 clcnti sport, you will love this pic-I Accordingly Miss Klllott took an 2 ' ;2 turc. We do not want your money apartment in a downtown hotel to be I 2 Mpk Hpk Jk mm tmm mm atStfr H f m M fl JmV at ,he Price of your character. We near her cortumers. and for days and ! Kmc KP H I ElT SfOf B az r.X 1 ri!Lbulld ou ui,-not tvar you nrr ! S tjg&P U m WmW H J Mir WV H U T Active Men and Women. ! was. also - making visits to the j ' ; ;& . liVf 9 v ALL PHONOGRAPHS IN ONE Plays any make of records. Sold on the easy payment plan $30 TO $175 Buy one for Christinas. Pay $1.00 down and we will hold it for you. Also Complete Line of Columbia 'Records. Economy Drug Co. Hotel St. George Building Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 Hooted In life. you. demand Its . studio, so that by the time she had. profitable recompense. Blood and j fitted and seen completed the last of i thunder has been replaced by the the gowns she was tired out. realities of life. Satisfaction Is now Some of the most beautiful crea- j found in something gained. Poor en- ions of the modiste's art are seen In terlainment Is thrice paid for mon- the many changes required by her j ey, time, opportunity. There's mor ' role as the wife of a millionaire i in two hours of "The Argonauts" manufacturer. I Che TOeaklp jBulUTOggeri pi ml j ADULTS 25c J CHILDREN 10c MONDAY. DKCKMHEH 10. 191 O. A. C. He was pretty much down in the mouth until a passage of ' words reminded him that all mem : bers of Oregon's great team of last ' year left college to enlist. He heard a bunch of Aggie co-eds poking fun at a group of Oregon girl rooters. 1 "Thought you had a team," yelled ! an O. A. C girl. "We have," came -- i back a loyal Oregon maid. "Whstt H The Kernel Would Have Him 1-cavo'dlri yon do with It " said ). A. C. S a-Oird. "Sent it to France." said Oregon, and s Kernel Wood of the Weston Leader Clarence says the Oregon girls were Against llic War. 5oiigrcss and Other Thing's. "Who is Ijv Kollette and what has j been his attitude toward the war" was one of the questions asked In the recent high school test oil current events. "I-a. Kollette Is a member of con gress and he Ib against It." was the , terse answer of one student. afte chronicling a report that an S r'llMIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIMMIMIIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIMIIIMMMIIIirilllllllllll"lll"MI aeroplane has been seen flying over Flllllll!IIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIiMIIIIIIIIIIHIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU- Weston at night extends an Invlta- tlon to the man "higher up" to drop down and pay him a call while pass- , lug. We assume that the kernel credits those stories tbout this air-' 1 ship that passes In the night being a booze carrier. Christmas Suggestions AM NOTHING OVER $1.00 A tfUtu e at our window will rcvral a tew KvsiivnH ot KiftH that iniim- in price frum 25c TO $1.00 SmokitiK Sets, I'ic-ture Kraines, Cisar Cases, Needles, Pencils for Wuldeiuears, etc Out Ilolidiiy StiK'U or .Icclr.v is oinplcl. WM. E. HANSCOM THK Jeweler timely hub- t motiflaKP. The recent test in current events at the hiKh school having shown that there is a wide variety of Interpreta tion! of the term "camouflage," we have been moved to indite a little HulldoKRcrel In elucidation. Hear Ye, Hear Ye When a lady pinks her pallid cheeks with little dabs of paint. When a yninifr dude pads his shoul , ders so they look like what they aint, Wh'H a money -ft rabbins dollarvut wears the halo of a saint. That's Camouflage. not guyed any more. ljy On MacUnff. President Wilson havins said that peace is Impossible under present conditions, it will continue to be "war to the knife and the knife i the hilt" between the 1-eader niai and the Hulldg:ser ed. Weston Leader. JUST THE THING FOR OLD FLOORS You can get attract ive effects on old kitchen floors and HIGH STANDARD bedroom floors with LIQUID PAINT This paint is made es pecially for inside floors where an eco nomical finish is de sired. Easy to use dries hard and firm. Many attractive colors. Ask for color card. L. J. McATEE The Practical Paint Man 513 Main Street. Telephone 158 I QUICK HARD DRYING I Iii!l!iiiiO Low Brot Hf ftS C0HPrff KftlDN Mil YORK CHICAGO K"""; When a thing that sold for twu-blts Is "marked down to 30 cents. ' When a corporation enters slush as i executive expense." When thn OrmiinH hhv tho allies made them fight in self-do- j lense, Thai's Camouflage. When a llipior-lapplnff guzzler eats a clove to kill the smell, EES When a man who seeks an office EES says lie loves the people well. : When the kaiser claims divinity for a soul that's born of Hell, i That's Camouflage. What's In a Name. jpl There were some pretty smart 5 farmers present at the Farmers' . l.'n Ion convention and then as;n there were some who came from re- timte sections and are not up on city things. One of the latter, seckins a chanRe from the convention oratory. wandered up town and was attracteA EES by the posters In front of the Pa- time theater. He evidently liked the 55 looks of the advertising pictures but S hesitated about Roing in. Finally he approached the girl in the window Sj and said. "How much of the program ; can I see If I go In now?" "Why. all J of It." who said, "the show just start- ed." "Then why do you say. It Is past time?" he asked. The girl ; didnt comprehend until he pointed EEr to the slsn "Pastime' on the ticket SEE window. (Mid he was In deaddil EEEr earnest. EES tlilon OuRht to Wear a Heard. HH We have It upon reliable authority that a younjr lady clerk the other day refused to sell U K. Chloupek g clBarettes on the ground that he s I wasn't of legal age. Ami he is the father of two. CHOPPED ALFALFA Our new hay chopper install ed. We cxn furnish better and more chop than before. Also baled hay in carlota or less. Blydcnstein & Co. l'cndleUm. 1300 W. Alia. Phone 351 Give JEWELRY for Christmas Of all Gifts none are so eloquently expressive of the Christinas spirit as jewelry and precious stones. (lifts that outlast a lifetime must be regarded as economical. Their inherent va lues take them out of the cla.s of mere purchases and place them on a par with stable investments. I n Sa wtelle jewel ry is reflected the certainty of value. l.i bcrty Ljoiidi? accepted in payment fur ' merchandise. ROYAL M. SA WTELLE i largest Diamond I 'caier I pj in Eastern Oregon. flf ll.l.l4.MAKK ' ALTA TODAY MAXINE Eiuon IN HGH1G ODDS" VAUDEVILLE TIIKKK MISFITS t'omrdy. SiiiKing, Dancing. KAXE McDVITOK Whistling and Bird Imitations. It CHETOQLET 1 7 i Has Permanent Garage The C. & F. Motor Co.. Inc. ANNOUNCES That they have purchased all the stock and goodwill of Mr. Win. C. Nay of the City Auto Co., and have moved from their former location on John son Street to the new quarters 72- Cottonwood Street. We will give CHEVROLET owners better service than ever, and will also take care of Saxon service. C. & T. Motor Co., Inc. Tlii-ir lUM-kx mi Hip FYonl. Clarence Ilishop. ho used to be a lialfhnck on the I'nlverslty of Ore gon foolbull tenni. paw his alma ma- rj tor ro down to rteleat (n inanKssn jjlliu; Oay I'l'l'uri' (kt hisl..i- fii.-niv. H Telephone 4( 722 Cottonwood St. TODAY AND Leslie Austin -IN The Courage of the Common Pace ADULTS 20c CHILDREN "c