(L, T"li"l I i i ii MiiI'mi'Kyif $$4$$4t$tititii3'ilitim DAILY EVFM'"i EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Number copies printed of yesterday'! Dully l 1 1 Ion 2,608 Tlila paper I a member of and audited bjr the Audit Bureau of Circulation. WEA , '-cast $ rl.lay fain A -7: R'ln- Maximum fall. .If; U..-1-, clowd CITY COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TIH.'IiSDAY, DECE.MBEIl G, 1917 VOL. 29 , v-- . -y-- ,J --rr,v i-.""." -x-rz:r.:jrrz tWlHY IB) " ; wru- rly. -- V'A . 9208 STEAMER HITS U. S. WAR AGAINST BULGARIA AND TURKSURGED Opening Debate in Congress Shows Strong Sentiment Favoring Declaration. DELAY MAY BE ONLY A PLAY FOR TIME Many American Lives En-i dangered if Proclama tion Came Noav. ! WASHINGTON, IH-C. Tin- w li ft te forflmi relation committee IIiIn ' ateniooit virted iimutiiuoiiKly tf rc IKirt to the wenuite loiimrnm- tlie reso liltlon deelarimr war amlliiKt Anslrlu. An errort will bo miule to urlnjr the i resolution up for tllwiimilon In I ho Nonnm tomorrow. . WAHHIXOTON. Dee. . The for elgn relation committee today favor nhly reported the resolution declaring war UKiiliiBt Aumriu. The opening detmte showed clearly j that Bentlment favored declaring war! nxalnst BulKaria and Turkey, deniite 1 the President's recommendations. , Representative Miller derlared the presence of Turkish and Utilitarian representatives In WashliiKton was u menace. He Biild information dally was reachiliK Berlin thrntiKh them. Illuiiun I". . Hir llali M IX-fial. .Miller charned the failure of. the fnlled Slalen to et supplies, funds and war materials to Italy for months resulted from the fact thut this coun try was not fliihtlnK Austria. He de clared much responsibility for the Italian disaster rested with the Unit ed Htates. Milter declared his willinRness to accept the President's recommenda tion and postpone uciuaI ar decla ration axalnst the German allies. The possible Intimation the admin istrations counsel against an imme illate declaration against liuluarla and Turkey Is in reality playlne for time to aet American out those countries v. as made by Chairman Flood of the house foreiun relations committee. He declared a great number of Americans would be endangered If war was de clared against Turkey now. A. Phillips Named To Succeed Van Rappard NO IIFAKOV ASSIXK1 ltH f'IIAX;l-: IN DI'Tt'll IINIS ti:hs TO I', s. A MSTl'ltPA M. I'"C August I llllllps today was named minister to v(lu- railed Slates, succeeding rhcval ler W. I.. K. '. Van Itappard. The n-iison for the change is unannoiinc eil. It Is assumed to be due to Van Knppnrd s handling of the 1 Hitch American export negotiations. BREWER Al WORK ON FARM LABOR PROBLEM rOltli:iI Sl-X ltlTAKY AT TIIK DAl.l.l.S S riTATKWIItl'. Olt riAMZKIt. .1. W. Ilrewer, well known uregon resident nnd until recently secretary nf the ('omniercliil I'lub at The lalles, Is now serving In a slate-wide capacity as farm help specialist In the bureau of farm management, depart ment of agriculture. Mr. Ilrewer Is here today in attendance upon the I'iirmers' I'nlon meeting. The chief work of Mr. lirewer will; be in connection with the farm llabor situation. In this work he will be in , reoperation with the state council of i.efense, the 1 1. A. extension organ ization, the federal employment bu reau nnd the county organizations in different parts o the state. A series of executive meetings are already ar l tinged for in different counties and Mr. Ilrewer believes he will be able to accomplish much good in connection with arranging or farm labor nix: - pring and summer. Previous to going to The Dulles Mr. Prewcr was with the I'ortland cham ber of commerce and he Is regarde 1 in- a very energetic and successful nr lianlzer. hence his selection tor the impiirtant work he Is now engaged In. imsloyaltyTrobe againpostponed WASHINGTON. 1VC. . The l.a KoHotlP (!lwlnylt.v Invest iitut Ion wn MK"1n pnnlponMl bccmiHe tiht nf tnr IT. nipmhrr nf the senate prlvlleKff nnd elections rnmnilttee were nbnent. ! I n Follette nmlfled the rnmnilttee hl lawyern wntilrt he bnny next week. l.rcimMY fonltiK the niipenrnnr ' I'ryun hefnre the romniKteo next Tuesday. AUSTRO-GERMANS RENEW PUSH AGAINST ITALIANS CAPTURING 11,000; BRITISH FORCED BACK IlKltl.lN. Dec. II. Tin- Aulro (icrmaiiH today renewed the Ital ian drive and captured ll.lMMk Italians and H einis. it is Maliil. Si'VlMl ('omimilicK In till Meiirt tu mountains wore sloimeil anil strong iMisilions there liiiiliiinlo til. Tlie 4'rinaiis aduiiuisl two ami a hair mill's against 'the ltrlll-li oer a i4t mlU-s front. 4'UIHlil'ing' tirailliiMirt Alllielix. 4aiitalng, Noyi'lle and wooded lieiglits norlli of Mareoifig. Tlio (Germans raptured in t'anibraf Bitor imiimi prlioi r-. I IS gun anil Till inai-hine guns. ItOMF. tut: II. After unpre cedented iolent fighting tlio Italians ri'tlnil sllshlly la-fore a rencweil ilrive. it Is vtaliil. WEST END TOWNS WANT ROAD WORK Ask Court to Start Grading Work at Once Between Umatilla and Ek-ho. Another section of tin- county was heard from today at lb'- meeting of the county court. This time it wan the wM end Iiiwiih who s-nt iii tin it delegates lii strong to la-k f a- r".i-. work. They asked tin court to Mar' grading work at once lirlwi-i-n I'ma tllla and Kcho rather than t- wait until- the settlement of tin- emit roverr-v over the locution of th-- road henv-i n Pendleton and l-a'hii. The conn expressed Its intent i-o. of making a slart as sunn as Kimlm ' llennett has made a report, and ill" start will probably be made in tin west eml. West end towns lia.l ih Impression that the court would ii -lay a beginning uiitl! the eont ro r-- Over the location of (his eml of I ' i '-' road is settled. As tor that' coiilr-i- versy Itself, they are taking part In it as either the river route will satisfy them. Anions those in the i dav were I. i". ami !. hih legation t--llriiwni'll '. and lie. r-i Holte. W. Umatilla. J. I. Watson a Cressy of Hermiston. It. A. T. It'-eve's. .1. At. Kyle of and Fred CeoiKe anl Asa son of Kcho. Pilot Knck's eontinsetit aufo-ld Thi.ni- derday afternoon was disappoint-'! In not so nrinK promises of what it wa after. Hesldents of th:il sect tun i-hrt f secure fnlMlie road hoiween I Joint le! t and I'ilol Koek the sanio Uind of treatment as the Mate highway com mission and the county court li.ivt provided for the r west end. namely a and gravel mirface. v.ay t.'tmi mission it them that the state appropriated all of 1'tiS and could not for the road to the 1 P 1 j). The t oitmy pronilseil to do soiuo pail thloiiizh pernnmcitt a id( However, lliiih Thoinpsu iol-l eiitnmb siou h::s Us funds for make provisions sout h t lld inn 11 court . hove er, work on the hills between hi-de and Pilt liocU. When Hiinr is craved, buy fruits in stead of candy, cream ami soft di inks. It will be better for the body as well as belli a patriotic act. PART OF THE RAINBOW ..-a-T' . ",'T y ;7 v I. a l''a l Jut I'.-irt of the Kiiliil'nw liisii.n nf have wifely atrlved in Fniin-r. 'ti it.' M ; 'at i yiPTIIWfP OFF' ! fla' I'l-cssnre ItKI'ii.H HI-. A 1 iii'o, Ii.- Kuppr- i h' i ' sti':i(!y I'lrxii'' ;r.'.i. ' sulO'lit. Ioi"oj. i V.aS li-IMiIli-d on (t.Mh : T -r i T isll tullw-- in t " I ' lin-s. Tin- v.Killnr b I all: tli-ar iinn i -ilil. ItritMi AiImhui- I.O.NIXJ.V. 1 '- ''' pulleij l.-oai th'- ii mmii! h wi'SI if 1 -a '. 'a-', ii sligliil;.. Near J!o. i-lli Har lloiirlou W ! tn.. I' tln-w Mil;'!! : V 1! H"1' iln'i- I'll: 1 fi" 'la In v iiuiil Ian- : ,-t i 1 1 re i.ii.i .ii.- ' ' ' I . willsdl.i.-...!. I nine . in i.i: -, 1 1 1. Ins i II' r. v. ., li.ilil a.;-- glitly. I-UK - !l Ii wmm ii mml m .I' ll. la-. r-a W. ' il-.i -;- I i- ' lull, s I; .. ill ,i.i,- t-.a " was i-..i;i-.-lv .1. -i .1 t. r.lay . ea.a:- 'I I-.- i :' - A in : !).- ;.li. l-i : .1, I, .-liie H-a- ..,-1 . mid l.i.--.- ia- "-' ' - ceeiivil ill :aii.i .m I t ill e t liat ' : . a a f!d.Simi 1 he !l l-ern. .1 -In-only pal I ai mt mm m M DOUBLE SHIFTS I.OWIN-.. HVi Vl Mi. Ill' Kl ri M-ii 1 1 1 1 1 v r.i i t r i : i "i n I v i lli i: t i: i s. tmr that a : . i r - ' t In- ji oj" I ' ' i o :i r' Vi l ;" . i;iy an. : i ; : ; i ' i i ' ' I - I In h- w..i !. it.-- !.!..! i : - -; t"'C( I1H i 0 W 't . I " ..!! . - ' ; ' I t her vi.Tlv.. i : ii-- .:.- ' : . 1 'caterpillar tractors tb- av k-'cp at their t a u - ' 1 : i ' ? , , ainiist i 1 1 1 1 m -" a da' . A itn !!;: 1 ! ..' 1 a i . - . . . ; , iuu' 1 hi'ir Li a ' . 1 i Sa m K. Thomp- -a, af. i 1 . i ' : - Th.. ihy sp-11 in .:...;;. :.-: . ' her held i ii the -. i : . ; , hut If: th- 1 n-- i - :;;:!.--. A a i . sun f.,r , ;,-!.-. j.,- ! la- ; r-.v. i -I, i . of IjSb,.r. W'"tb Hi. . .. ! n-.i fh iii. iii.-iiiv ii! i a i; f will he called hit-, th ' r'niiii' nr.' evrii i:ow " r i 't ' ' t ! ' "' ! t .'l'l!-t ' i'li1 ; ! ' .! i ! L' ' - ,- .ricM w i;i im i; iii.ov. p. ' t'ni'KMi i ; ' ' N . I ..-. v i .. tM-rman a-v;!;.,, v , ; ... , the larce Ijiinn ...... r- J ..' I. . ' Whicji tie- I i- ,.., id :, - ! . (it! t he ii i i" u! .; i' i la- a .i '- blown u DIVJSI0M ON ITS FAREWELL ,'i -TR, . ; ." I Im. 1 w n pi n i " 3 25 AIRPLANES ATTACK KENT AND LONDON Two (icrman i iiir.es I'orc c! (o L;ir.(5; titvs Arc RAIDS COM'; Si. i: FOR nearly Til.:r:i: iiortw Fi'ilUli's iv. 1 F.iii.-.U? ( i. c'.-.i.'i.i.-- I "I L.'i'i.-..-i ! Typi? (tdt'i:. I";ui'.; I I IN in l. !.. I-. I a I 1 n : .i Ii an in ii I III i 1 1 I II it a a i i a i a I i M i I. l,i -an i ii ; a il. vni'r'5n !o finnan luutib -lb mob 0 h.', f. Mi Hi! LI I S V t if k U k Ami hi I lau'lC' A A.'-. i;i I ; ! i i. i i.i 1 .i i ii; ' ii- -l. ili :il- . ,,. I H I, i-n.l. Hie, . ! - I . I .if. 1.1 ,1 - .11. M-'iib: mi- im mi K a b inn i wrnori o i'J VloolLo ARE INSTANTLY RAILWAY FR011E8T SPEAKERS :i !U;ay ia At.tcndunco at! l-'aa at-ra l.'iiitin Tii:ie i. 'li-.o aii'iri fur Ail. I Sill Z V HANDLING OF GRAIN IN BULK TO BE NECESSITY -TlwliT IN Wht SAYS HEGARDT GERMANY SOUGHT i - ' PEACE THROUGH -W;M SPAIN IN AUGUST ; Trutsky l'u!ili-liesSeei-t't Di- '" j-luinatk Papers Keveal i ,. iiiv; Teuton Kffort. a m n n 3 r 10 PIECES; CREWS ni mm DLUVvl - KILLED; CORPSES ARE CHOKING STATIONS; PROPERTY LOSS HEAVY LAWYERS PREPARE TO A ccct uriPt' .-. r , r. , j-. r-r A r--r PREPARING DRAFT " M i ti .,n of all the 1 al fo,c . (,! f;, W' r liieasnrer, ., -t v. iiing :.t a meet- !a ,1 1,-ltlee appollllea .,, nil ..,.t the The committee r. (n i ia-'--. Will Al. id . U'y i: ii v. i'l.'i k t . the r.-uiity ejcernj fid. lict-n recitrett to act b-.-ial I! 1 o id-.is.iry board v, rt on and nt'i'-r 1 i l r." b '-:i 1 i rt;" s , ;nu' a-- I ' fie I .. n '" 'w h as possible the ie.-t ionnaire.-s. u 'ri en hi ..r Hi 11. nihop u ll I. -tM at. At hi-na. f. i i, ;.t I'll i i'.oek n.nd lliukle i , ii , t I,, ah other . -! t. r .v.nuy tune to-o ,. ...... n!.-r.-e rr- '.f the h'-ar-l J1U ViKlK lutaicu III llic :Thc tan-c r-.--rM to mn jr. noi"th Street StatiOII. vlli a lr'.:!o. r r ' ' " Four hospital trains with nurses, surgeons and sup- CITY OFFICIALS plies were rushed to Halifax. Uri tv-rr rcTFn Another train is carrying a ir nreWiilRS etiuipnsenh The .entire city is reported afire. . t ; r.;"' , V'-'T-"T. Tt!'.-' e'.ty eu-e-!A large section of the city is : i , - ,..v. i . . .. i i i.. u. smith completely demolished. The "::;:ZZ.u:Th. fire is spreading rapidly.; , :.r ,a. y,-:..r. I rani: Knffviabl. , , 'irll-a'iU"r' TRURO, Nova Scotia, V, 9-T FRONT TEUTON Oec. 6. Twenty five corps TROOPS NOT TO AID es of railway employees i T SAYS TROTSKY were found between Deep ' Water and Richmond, fol- AYill In.ast There be no lowing the Halifax explosi Tr.msft r il Armistice on. It is reported the dead Willi (termany is Signed, will reach three hundred. 7' a, !,"';..,- i7TMJ.-e. ST. JOHNS, New Bruns v -i, ,',., ;. ,.r tn-- Ten- wick. Dec. 6. Half of the -:i-t li'-ni l-e !l-e'U. Iteilillst -.! that ile.i- ;i-l i.lt.lChc i h. I'fiiar- l-rei-'i-' n - Ni; n-i er-i,-. .li.ltr- Itit. r-;l CITY AFIRE AMHERST, Nova Scotia. Wee. G. Scores are dead in nam a , iiuitutcus ui uuau- ings we're destroyed and, a section of the city is afire lo(Jay as a result Of Z. COlUS- lOIl between an American mna:ons shin and another ' . . sieamer near iticnmonu. TnU vcefl U'prA instanilv blown to pieces and the crews killed instantly. Near by vessels and docks were damaged. latest reports say me death toll will be more than -w , J 400. One report said a Brit ish cruiser struck an Ameri- can munitions vessel. A mpssaffe from the tirand Trunk railroad asserted the kopjes cf 200 railroad em- 1 1 1 1 A I suburbs of Richmond in Halifax where the munitions shop exploded is razed, and the fire was still sweeping (lie city when communica tion was reestablished this afternoon. The bodies clut ter the streets. Hundreds of injured wander about, moaning and hunting their dead. I - - V, I .-n:li i. ..I iv i- . !. h.-.l ,f 1 1 1 -. . - -. . iii.n: Hut e 1 ,, . e ..-ir.. V' , . .. I el -. 'l-i.'- . . e f I H .ilill I-, i. I.. ;. . ; I I Aii n i i-i i urn 1 ru- r I ,ii ..ii ille.l a ' . -i --.-.a- .i i-.r-i :n. 11-.- I'nltO'i i - . -1 n .! I h:!" rrii tli-'ii in.ie i t - i i-i- ni 1'i-r- i; . 1 l-i Sl I . eltll. t