FIG TIT PAGES PAII.Y EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, PErEMTtF.B 5. 1917. PAGE FOUR , 1 -J - AN IMIFPENrKNT NEWSf-ATER rtMlaba rll aod Real WeeiiJ at l"a- dietoo. Oreaoo. ay tt KA PIT ORIXKIMA l'lBLIflllNQ CO. Katcnd at lb pnatoff at Pradlelos, Oaaaua.. aa aeconatstUaa all matter. OH BALE IN OTHKR CITIF laipvlai Hotel Near. Btaad. Hrltaa4. Stoataaaa Jara Co. Portlao4, Ortoa. O FII.K AT (lileajra Bareaa, arrlt RuINIIti Waaalmrlo. ( C. Bunaa SOI Taut aatata StrvX. V W. sib so mm on bates (IN AI'VANCB) Ially. one rear, )y mat) .. , Oally. X montha t y mall Pally, three nontha by mall.. fallf, oe lti"tith. be niall uallf, one r ry earner . XEVKR LONKLY. Ufa la never lonely, never dark. dissatisfied. needs and his merits. The pro ducer is a man of great value ti. society, entitled to liberal reward for his work. Rut the same is true of those enpaged in other lines of work. Trans-' portation and distribution are 'also very vital. In fact society is maintained not by the efforts .of any one group of men but by .r..;a division of labor. It is often " jf '!" not possible to say with accu " v, racy which is the most valuable - JiJ jwofk, just as it is difficult to Z i.-'-i say what materials used in the - 1 1,"'; i building of a house are the - -j'5 most essential. The nails used in building a house are the smallest material used yet they declaration that any peace have much to do with making America makes must include ,he ,oue substantial and storm the delivery of Ausiria-Hun- p,-00f. . gary and the Balkan peoples wijn the war bringing all as well as northern France and our peopie together in a corn Belgium from Prussian domi-imon cause it is a good time for nation. That means that the al, of us to t.on!?ider the inter kaiser's dream of a IMittel Lu- ests and t)le problems of those roppa must vanish. jn jnes 0f vvork different from Aside from motives of our own guch studv and con friendship for the subjected deration will bring about peoples referred to the presi- breafith of view and a cooper dent is probably not unmindful ation tnat the nation needs, of the fact that Germany con- . . . . . fined to her own borders will I The President's message seta be no such menace to the future forth the sort of an armistice r MODEL 490 ljT, it m I h. by carrier... Omliy. tbrw Rtontb, by arr.r Lkstly, fn B'iDlk, hy carrier . nl-r-kiy, mi y?r. tj mail K4-ml YVeofcijr, ts aintftt. by mail.. liawk.y, foor moom, by ?f?v1 "1J 1 i Your time is valuable. The starting Model l'.0 Chevrolet is greatest time and lalor saver of popular priced automobiles. Demonstration any time. THE C. X f . MOTOR CO., Inc. 814 Johnson St. self the the Aa long " there u. lov within !peace of the world as would a : Germany will get when they It la not Idle draamine. and the ""'""J " --""- , " . '""J "" "e. poet have not lied. string of smaller vassal states j., from the leader of a nation . There la happinew in love for ready to take orders from Ber-iakle to "deliver the goods." an and each. lin in the event of future need. !not through bolsheviki soap Th. .my w. tht auffer. i. .h. All in all the president's box orators but by virtue of life that makes ueif 1 message is a virile, masterly ; having the second finest navy The issue of exiMence. and statement in which the inten- ;n thp world and an armv that '""', e,n ??',, , , .u, tltions of America are set forth can be made greater if ncces- i kne chstmiier of No love In thinking only In this . , ,-., nH fnrcP The aJhin,r rho kipr - 1'eoember 10. Tl w world or greed and jeli "-- T "7 , message tui uici ocaia mc """"'inas ever musieieu xor stuitc of Prussianism but it carries a :ray of hope for the German i newspaperman's work is :people. We fight, as the presi- ! always an open book because BPULIC HEARING ON GRAIN STAN DARDS IN SPOKANE ON DEC. 10 Of other who have rights as well a we. - - - rVhen lire alta like a hermit by the firea of Ha own woe. , And fanclea everj'hody has a better time than it. Then the Joy. indeed, it coverts la a thine: It cannot know. And nnlesa there'a love to save 4 It. It la mighty sure to quit. WE HAVE A MASTERLY I for themselves. WAR PRESIDENT I The American people have treason to be proud of the man RESIDE NT WILSON'S ithey placed in the White JO message to congress was ; House. Great as a peace presi T . much more than , a re-! dent he is proving even nobler, quest for a war declaration istronger and more able as a against Austria. The presi- j war president, d.nt set forth also the war J atros of the United States and , HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF probably the war aims of the; THIS? Sl'uKANK. YVafcll.. It t- i Much, interest i manifested in the i.uljllt j hearing on grain staiuiards to t'e held ! in the ttHemlfly rooms of the Spo- ("i.innierce. Saturday comber Itf. This is ono of a tene, t 16 conferences arranged by the fed- j eral df-pm tment of acrlculturc in the j large grain growinK tlistricts at which proposed changes in the standards for shelled corn and all Blades of wheat J j. - normor, . ... j : UI..1. 1 , w in oe consiuereu. i ne i... ueill i u.c """'":it sianas IOIUI in uidin dim begins at 9 30 a. in., under the super- oeople from fear. If the peo-:wnjt.e; the record of John F.I vision, of the bureau of markets, is pie of Germany and of Aus- QarroJ js one t0 be proud of open t all grain grower and ull lines ti-io nan ho informed as to their v, ..nnmriah0A much "f business affected thereby. Secre- sentiments of our president ig0od and when he made mis- they will long tor peace, Know- takes they were of the head sizes the fact that any changes from ing tnat aeieai lor uieir iuicis and not the heart. I resent stanaaraa must ici eive i will De tne aay 01 aenverence tary of Agriculture Houston, who is sues the call for the meeting, empha- bahking firm of Uulenburg 1'liatmann & 'o . al No. 2 Tj Ilroad street. Francis P. ilarvan of New York i diret-..T of Investigation. He is a Partner of James v. tinhorn lu llie 1-r.iv firm of ts-borue, iuiiub At Gm la n. Acting chief of the division of j pledged property is Robert li. i Stearns of New York. He is a part ner In Stern Brothers and a son-in-law itf Marcus M. .Marks, president o( the Horoiili of .Manhattan. The manager of tlm. Busi ness department Is Joseph A. Bower, president of the Hale fc Kllburn Man ufacturing Company at No. on Church Street. New York. He lives in l'hlla-tielphia. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! You don't wait until the catches fire be fore you insure it DO YOU? you re You can't cet vour life insure! after taken ill , ... CAN YOU? Why wait until it snows to order fuel GET THE IDEA? DO IT TODAY I'JIONE r "X 5 B. L. Burroughs, Inc. WOOD COAL AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR The president's message car ries ammunition for a very formidable political offensive by the allies in central Europe. davs public notice before becoming effective. However rules and regula- su.. . :A A. SI I.I'HI Jt Tl l!S tlons may be changed without advance 1 . y I 1)1 l 1 1 1 1; 1 1 K K I ubllc notice. . " '.M ( INDIA PLOT WITNESS TURNS DEFENDANT ! allied nations as a whole. "Autocracy must be shown the futility of its claims o power of leadership in the mbdem wold. It is impossible 9 ATRIOTISM was a mark ed feature at the Farm ers Union state conven tion sessions yesterday. Ihe to apply any standard of jus- same spirit is manifest at near- tice as long as such forces are i ly every convention held, no unchecked and undefeated as j matter w ho the people may be the present masters of Ger- or what their calling. The many command." ! American people as a whole To show autocracy the futi-!are intensely loyal and wish to lity of its claims President Wil-; be of the best service possible son proposes that this country 'during the war. There is work and it allies win the war and for all to do because the whole to that end he proposes thatnation, not merely the army, is every resource be employed engaged in the war. The co and nothing be allowed to turn operation of all classes is them from their object. j needed and one good way to A very interesting feature of 'cooperate is to consider the the president's message is his 'other fellow, his problems, his ft 1 j 28 YEARS AGO j " ' - k Almost I'verjone km.uvs Sa T.i ami Sulphur, properly t''iiiiin(t hriiiKS buck Un natural cbr hm.I IaK.- cUnffk Rfiifuji In Testifv j o the hair when faft.-d. it r-k- ( From Iho Daily Kant r.'Sini;.m Ucc. i 1 S!i i A nicmbrr f t he whist cbih wlm has been exoee'tin(?ly unlucky ilu ririK this Heasnn'f inert in s has jerured enonsh toy trumpets. hay nittb's etc. as booby prizes to start a notion toy t-tore in time for t he holiday trade. Horn In peridb-ton reon. Wed nesday. Dec. 3 JKV, (o the wife of J. Sen oil erniuii, a, a'ii'l, "vvei'ht nine Ijournls. Hon. Thomas Paulson a member of the legislature from Washington count y and t houh a republican ne of the Htaurirhesl frlenH.s of the far mers and laborers is in town today. The paper that "you must take If yon get the news" printed the aston ishing information this morning that a coal bunker was fatally hot at l-'matilla. Care nhould be taken by the railroad eoini;ny lo protect Us coal bunkern from be ins; thus mill Hated. Against Thirty Four Persons, but Pleads Guilty. HAN FUAXtTSO . !.';. ".-Jodli Singh called as princii al government witness at the opening "f the trial of thirty-four persons charged with con tfpirii.f? to foment revolution ;i tfa lust firitisli rule in India, refused to ten- m( or Kfay. ear ayo the only I to i tills mixture was to make it til j home, which is in u spy and troiible ! some. j Now adays we simply ask at any ;riiil store for "W'yeth's Sae ami tSul j phur . oinpoiinr." Von will ct a la i e bo t tic of this old time r-cipe ! improved by the addition of other ht i Kredienis for about ;u f -nts. Kvery- body uses this preparation now, be cause no one can possiblv teil that oij 'larkened your hair, as it dries It mo naturally and evenly. You dampen a I Mill M'pe; by morn m c and at'l"! n. our ha it dark, thick and years younger. n , -o Ji Real . ?Wf?7rb . Uv T-Jyh GRAVELY S!TM K V V t Chewing Plug Si ' '" ' ' ' r V than erdinan plua tjt j !.''' aCVVI V'..' ' h. b.Le..prwelitoCHew. "V ' 1 ) ,1 tr A Littla Chaw ol Grai Iff I'A l'W-. - . " ' 5 Lam a Ln Whlla. i ''''' B i, Y e'f ''''" XS,'i Tha Good Graveln Taata F- ' tl -s ' ' "N'V 10c. POUCH IS PHOOr or IT i tV'. 1 1 1 - I olotop-you tooK JVrV' iff " I i I I J M ' I'-' I , s though yoyo Ts r i i S3 I Tii BUyAWHOLE TRUNK I, f I j II h (FULIOF1T IF YOUC0ULD Ctf fii-N. I , WITHOUT THIS SEAL Vj I 1 ' 'TEzznzgn&t '( v tifv t id ay. ideaded guilty to a . conHpiiiicy rhaiKc j t'nited States District Attorney 1 John W. WreHton, in a preamble tot the testimony, hart said Jodh Sirttfh I sponge or soft brush with it nnd dia would tell of a trip he had matte in Hi js i hroueh you r ha ir. ta kin if the interests of the alley. -d conspir acy from Itio Janeiro to Merlin. New York, e'hieaalo and i-'au Krancisco. of th operations of the alleged Berlin India committee, and of his close as soeiat ion with German consular oft I cers. Hut w hen Jodh Siimh wa called to the stand lie save JudKe Von Fleet this list of questions: "Is this a free country'.' Shall I be allowed to stay here? Am I allowed the right to have an attorney? Will my countrymen be pc-rm itt ed to hear my testimony ?' Judtre Van Fleet answered that this a free country; that Jodh Sirmh's preKenne in this country rest ed with the government and that he could have an attorney. The answers failed In satisfy the Hindu. tie Miiail strand tite gray hair dis: a not her applica t ion become beautifully t; b ssy a nd you look Wyeth'-. Sage and Sulphur 'omp,)"tid K a dellgluiul toilet requisite. It is not Intended for t he cure, mil igat ion or prevention of disease. Sunny Southern California invites you Outdoor aniUM'tnetitji golf, iug. boating, bathing and j recreation ;uait yo.i. cl Monte. Santa Hal-hat a, I'aKadena. I g Uracil. Monica. Diego and a lug resorts (iffe ( variety tions and attractions. tenuis, tnotor miiltitude of Vetib- Angelrfl. Santa charm - uumoda- 4 Trains a bay Portland to San I'lancisro i cwr ai loi iu'imre ti. U of miy (.'. and full infoi mat ton aip ut or addres-l J( iIN M. S t ("I T tieneral I'aHHeimcr Aaenl i oiilund, i 'ii-gon Southern Pacific Lines IMPORTS OF WHEAT FROM CANADA GROW Increase Is Largely Due lo Do minion's Removal of Tax That Barred Reciprocity. WASHINGTON', If . ,', Wln-,'1. ri'l wh-ril Hour havn Im-cii importril ' I'v IhlH fnuntry In if really Iiiito:isiI l'iHiilitirs from Canafla Hint-f l:i.l tribtilcd itrinf-ipally nil April I'l I'anafia n heat xho im iii aul'iinatlcally a'l- jam'a.'a' We Never Loose Our Grip when, we start to pull a tooth and the medicine ap plied to the Ruins relieves the pain. It's out before you know it. "We do the best work possible to do at prices that are right to charge for good work. Over the Hub DR. OHMART Phone ."07 April Th in Ik a In Ihr. fail that ; removed I lie dtjl I porfil whii-li a'-ti 'riiltlcd fanailian wheat frrn of duly into the I'nlU'fl S'ales under lite pro visions of the tariff law of 1 !i I S. AceordinK to ilatiftics of Ihe de. pailinenl of i;om nit-ree. M0.9S1 I.iimIi els of wheat were imported from ''anuria In .-'epiemher or lhl year. a eooiparefl V'jl h :;Jir..;o7 liullelK for the whole nine month ended with Heptf mber, 1 ',' 1 1. For the nine month ended with .-eptetnher t.f this year, we impotled wheat from Canada to the extent of 1M. l'J'l.Jrt:i hm-helx. over I I .loin 0 en Implicit) ofwhieh came In free after April 16. The imports of wheat rlnor during these nitii; mfintlin totaled harrelw of which 2II7,.'. har reln eame In fre of duty. Knr rhe rorrepondlii' nine monthH In 1 :i I R the total Imports were I ."7.2SJ lnt relt and In 111: only il,lS Imrrels. MITCHELL PALMER NAMES HIS STAFF Moritz Rosenthal Heads Legal Advisers to Custodian of Enemy Property. WASHINGTON. I'ec. .1. A. Milehell I'altner. rutitodlan of enemy properly In the 1'nlled State, an nounced today appointments In his organization which will handle Trilli on!! In money and property till Ihe end of the war. Morhz Koxent hal of N'"-w Woik I made rhlef of the h-ltal d..a rt ment Mr lt.F.-itlhal l a part tor In the " I f iinVliiir ---fc- -h Our Laundry Service a Real Pleasure The latest machinery and methods. Up-to-dato service. specially constructed fire-proof plant, clean,, light and sanitary. This witli our never ending efforts to please you, give you LAUNDRY WORK YOU WILL LIKE. Our telephone is 179 use it c wash every thing but the baby. 1r TROY LAUNDRY CO., Inc. Garden Street, He t ween Alta and Webb Streets. KakaaWaa!aMaaWa'a.m