, " lM n . . . . i l PAGE TMKi.il DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WKDNESPA .V, .PlCEMBKR 5, 1917 EIGHT PAGES flEWS NOTES Of PENDLETON . . - ... 1 1 m tii-imnnmitT- -"1 W . ' ;" it h fS- ONLY 16 MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL XMAS. ,f .. -.. - si g ..feC.,: .b-v. ; ." ' l 'i - al'f 4.-i-4vr li Knit. Ih IHsiiiIhmiI. : I ctiHtninor for u liaclur. l-'riiiik Jn- The mill broiiKtit liy l-'ranli ISrlKKH , vis ii-incKc-iitca tliu j.lalnlifi: lit I ho KlttMl Ouy It. O'Mclvcny und jvlfit i siMI. , 1VU1 VuulliKil. UI.tlll.l M.I.I dlu.ll6.0d 1' ' ' ' ' I 'I , fi'um the docket. ( i Henry Vojit DIuHi Improved. ! .'-V- Henry W. VoKt. well litiiiwn rainier. " Willi I'roni llufrulo, N. Y.. wlicril' lio hHd Ih'cii in a mimical. Institute, lliAt lie hiiH been cured of un ailment mat j tliioatonod to shorten hlH llf und that ) hn will visit ut Stockton, Iowu, wljllu ; convuloMclng. ii.i InllsU In Nlivy. iJww lovl Jliihn WiiKh.. tMilltitiKl tmliiy riwarta uh a fireman, tins navy anil will Ic 1'oi'tlanU. 'of CentriillH, . wllh , orflcer lliii-d cltt.iH, ot ave Sunday fur churrheH have not. yet namni ricloKatcs. The buy will leave I-'iiday inornlnjr on No. t. Uuptim-41 A4'liriiY. Van KiininniiH underwent an opera,, lion thin mm nliil,' for tliu removal of a ruptured appendix. lli'l-l aniplu ll III. Jinn OiinpVell or ihlH.i'.lly. who -n-(lutcil wllh the Idaho Irnopu and who has been ut I'niiip MtllK lor Willis weeks, la confined in a IniHpllal In New York wllh Molutic i bnuinallmn, acciirillnir to work itiji-Ivi-i! by lila mother. Mm. I tow (.'uinpliell. Hnks 2.-11 It. Wi'll. l K. Lewis, ICchn woll tHniser, was In the city yesterday, having Just coniiilcteil dlRKlnir a well on the Aaron Coli- I'lact- near I'llot Kock. i - - He struck water at MH feet but went i n,,y militates Named, clown 2T.6 feet, lie Is dlKKlinf unnlh- riio Methodist church haH iiuined i-r on tnt- Henry Willi place near j juu Mortimorc. I.ow.-ll Stockman, Holdniuii und Ih down 4110 feet now. 1 1,1, well iiubkiiihI Ijiwreuw' Warnnr m 1 j 11 k iii'ieKiitcH to the Older Hoya' Cim- WIiih Ills CoininlsMloii. ference which Is to be held In 1 A Jury In the Justice, court yester-1 lande on l-'rlilay, Saturday. anil Hun liny returned a verdict Klvlnic JanicH i iliiv. From lint Presbyterian church Kirk Judgment for which ho al. will " Donald' WoodMorth. Lloyd ' leKed wi the coiiiinlKslon proinlKod M rllnu and Sieel I'ai leit. lifter him by n')r. '. H. ProeliBtel and H. ; Item will repiesent the IMulstlaii Uroug for puttlnir them In touch with i church. 'I'ho Ifciplbit and Kplacopal 'I'ho Murrlam- UceiiNes. A inurriaBo license wan issued yM- ! lerday to James Herbert JieniiiiKlon, ; 2K, of Kliuira, Wn., ami Pearl Holli- dm, 24, of Pendleton. A license was 1 nlMi issued to Gerald 1C. Hlunfield, 31 of .Stanfleld und (Jcrlrildc Jordan, le gal, of this city. Get Better Try Tatom's Tliia Month for MEATS AND GROCERIES You will liko the quality, f reshucss, proifiptuc&j aiicl value given. Phone 688 Hi-o lliilioii ltivvi?rlii(. Die Halton, 1eleifraplir for Ibo tVcstelll ITuloli. is hb lo be on Hie .4L Ktrecta after bciilM conrined to the bos- ; ffc pilal and hlH lionie lor over 11 niontliK with typhoid lever. lie will not be ahm to readme his duties for another month. her. AT .,Jj-i '"ln S' ' w w -rr ' - iw k mfgT: . u; very thins Asoes a 1 IMnLrQ1-iXiMA-j veitiii5 Jjieiileiiant 0"Harr Here. First L.ieulciiant Herman 1.. o Har ra. of Weston, who was commissioned at the recent Presidio camp, is visit ing in Pendleton today. -Now thHt bo is commissioned he intuit make pro vision for having IiIb name stricken from Hie list eliElblo for draft. Krncst nojlni Ijillnts. Ernest iioylen. a Htudent at the I'nlverslly of iiresoii, lias enlisted In Hi.. h,.ui,ul bt-i4iicb of the navy, ac- ri.iHit,- i.i word received here. 1. r, ivill toil be accented until Hie 1 riist of the year on account of enlist ment reBiilatioiia. Hi: baa been study lug medicine at the I nivcniliy. 8 8 TllK STOCK MUST BE REDUCED ONE HALF BY JAN. 1ST. EVERY ARTICLE JN OUR ENTIRE Stock has been grea in price, you take no chances as to quality TOR PflHS STORE'S REPUTATION HAS AWAYS BEEN FOR QUALITY' MERCHANDISE. Hoy- 1 A 1 tA ?5 Uaut Aiium 3 i. 111. rile ilile5alea lo Hie Farmera l.'nion convention are to be taken on a trip over the country close to Pendleton tomorrow afternoon , and President Tallinan or Hie Commercial Club re iUCta that local auloisls who can use their cars for the occasion be on hand aHio county library at 3 p. 111. shui p. Jic-r!cil Oil Houeinooii. Maria K. Wilson today filed for divorce aKailiHt lu-r lMisband, b.-rt II. Wilson. She. alleges were married in Vancouver in FUil liel Ihcy 1)..- ceinlirr. I'.'K'. arid that two weeks, la-l.-r whilo hi Plioeinx, Aiizona, 011 (heir honeymoon he deselte4. her. They have one child of which she aik the custody. The husband Is now a lieutenant in the army. W. ,M. I'l'lcmon ia attorney for the plaint if . 8 8 8 8 8 BOYS' MACKINAWS AH sizes, values lo $7.50. Incoipma tiuii Sa! Price $5.43 WOOL BLANKETS, SPECIAL LOT Sizes 72S4, worth $7.50. Incorpora tion Sale Price $5.45 Values up to Sale Price MEN'S SUITS $20.00. Incorporation $13.95 Get More ?8 K Clothes , That Hold Their Shape l are clothes that keep you looking well dressed. Every line is perfect heeause built to you, permanent, because built to stay. Our shop is style. Headquar ters in this town. Your best dressed neighbors will tell you so. Are you coming in soon? (lib !l'i, Work With 'innier-iMl tluh. I . At Hie l.'ouiliiei-eia I club meeting jbist evening Hn application for ineni ibershiti was made lT Hie Hv. Alfred HickwcwJ. new rector ol the uniirrn i "of the Redeemer. r. Ixckwood wan : Jpresent at the rneetinK and 1" re- I spouse lo u call for u talk declared lie jrj (wished to be rcsurded as an active member of the association, it being-' JS Ins ilesire lo cooperate In every way ' f MEN'S WOOL SOX (5c Values 50c Values ' 35c Values Heavy Canvas Gloves 5c 29c 29c 11c MEN'S HATS .Values to 53.50, all sizes, all shapes. Incorporation Sale Price. . . . $1.95 XMAS NECKWEAR FOR D3N 75c Values 59c J0c Values .. 43c BOYS' SUITS This season's best styles, all izes. In corporation Sale JPrice as low: as $3.45 to $9.45. . 0ki HEAVY BLUE BIB OVERALLS 7 Pockets $1.19 Pair. . WOOL SHIRTS t ; Jersic Sweaters, Heavy Sweaters. . Wool Underwear, Lined Gloves, all go at Incorporation Sale Prices. Lindgren & Franseen PROGRESSIVE TAILORS 7.ir, Main St. Phone 4BG for the welfare and aiivanieinent of Hie my. towards the (-out of a Breater j i'endlelon. bhoillflcr Is t'unulil. "hi"f of Tolicc Huberts ani't'eheniled a wnnian Mho Khopliriinc In the stores, stoltn i-onic artieles flom pl'.s W'.i relioiivv a few day ye.-.t.-iday ha'l been She bad The IT')- ; ; ago anfi dc- , clerks had izivcii the poliee scripllon of lu-r. Yeslerd.iv she w.ii : delecled eoniins out of Alexander's , and. npini beln l.iUen to the pidb-e station, admitted lier pnilt. She had , niBrehandlse with her she had taken llcnii Alexander's. Khe proved to be I a poor woman and Hi" ni"bei f two ehiblren. and upon iiialHlu; pood her j thefts, no proi-eeiiiiiKs were brought ana Inst her. 1 j EVERY GARMENT OF WOMEN'S WEAR and Infants' Wear goes at Incorporation Sale Prices. Dry Goods, Ladies and Children's Shoes all great ly reduced. Save money at Alexander's Incorporation Sale. It 1.1 .t !. ' I'nrK NOT AlfllMi KMISTIt K Ij HIIMI-:. IHM-. 5. The IWpc- Is not Asti-tiiie; flint diMs not illtciifl to nssIM neKOtlatloiis for an armistice or H-ace hetiveen rtnsl mid t.crniHjiy. Hie Va- 'j Ihltii ailtliorlcd lhe I Illicit Pre "S to , 1 talc. i 1 '.s-' .M' HO.J UtAltllll-H. (Continued from rage I.) mmmm 'f J 4 44f ITAOllI t, - ' -----fcfc ,. Motor Weave An leal Gift for the Motorist. 4. i ' J We have a fine stock of MOTOR WEAVE 0 p Auto Robes now is the time of year you need -one. See them today." .. W H IZ 'Non-freezing solution for cold weather. Pro- IK'l.lfr i III' V UOUJ Mill-! rA U 1 t 1 1 ' t n.s Komi cii'litiiMi jis Ms:4We til I ha imvinc jtoKntni ruuM he Tho Mit omi rinlrCHtion liifl llUrr Jt'.ivln tlio nmrt nnim am! orai ized permanpnlly with Gcoisr-MfKian pros I fir nt. nmi J. l. invt-r us ser rrttuy for Iho 'Xiross iurpos "f i iKlng1 Iho work on the road. Th sci mm i was i n strut-, rt t t o iutrr low t ho court oih-o a wrolt t wee what prnprrss irt bfius: inatU; unit tt report t tu t ho ot hrr ukmiiIhth. 1 ho follow hiu v4Mc tin itclosatos irosotit : 'J. II. Hishop. .! A. St'hinhlt. Frotl Kv- j a ns ami .1. K. Shiver (if r roc water: M'. K. l'uiiiani. Itrn ('shorn, I-mh Wil liiiniM. ami If. A. IVazi'r. o( Milt'n; f .'. l'iaViios, ( Joni go I 'OKfaw, John i m m Two Phones 525-526 A Fresh Shipment of Fancy Nuts of all Kinds, Salted Pecans (glass jar) 25c Salted Almonds (glass jar) 23c Salted Peanuts (glass jar) 15c Salted Peanuts (in cups) Ground Nuts (in cans) Fancy Walnut Pieces, per pooud , Chocolate- Dipped Peanuts, pound Help Build up Oregon and buy at least one Clir-t-mas Present that is a HOME PRODUCT. ..t4 . .23c U 25c U 75c il i( ?4&. it. tt : He Removed the Danger Signal ted your car from freezing -by Does not evaporate. : PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. j; ' Cor. Cottonwood and Water Streets K 'I fnliri-rct n time Ith n vtv wenk hack," wrllca I 'red Kmiih. 325 Main St.. ilrorn Bay. Wis. "A tfxv boxps of Folry Kliln.-y r.implrtoly rfiicved mo of all s'trrne.13 und pain in tho tia-k. and noiy 1 am un Kttttnjr and woll bn over." line caimcl holp hprnmitig nervous and Icrlinar lircd ami worn out ivhin th kidneys fail l filter and throw nnt of the system the ioiFonona w.-ia!o matter that closes kidney trouolea and Madder ailments. Raekai-he is one of Nature's dapper plsmils that the kidnejs are cK-Rged i-p and Inartice. It is often followed ly rlienlnatistn. annoying bladder or urinary disorders, puri'y swe'lincs under the eyep, pwollen ankles ana gainful joints. Foley Kidney ' ills jr-H r!nlit at lhe :oiiree of Ironbli- Th.-y inylKorat Ihe kidneys lo health1.- action antf v-hen tlte kidneys propsrly perforr ii.eif- funelions the poisonous wav matter is eliminated from the system TM.I.M iV f'O. , l!.-.nMfr ami J n.,. s Price nf We,don. ! I W. S. i'.-t cufo", T. I. Ki'-h irdi. I-'. Is' Irfilioiv a ml Kranlt I'oiiln Alliena. ;nd M"rris-n. -I- I 11.. 1 1 T 1 i--t::illon of Ad,UIW. I i 0'!...' l-.l... 1;,.. 1. it. -lot 'tiotl, aluoit 1. -ironir li -ldlnc the ft me at l.'iess lino-. 'Mi- resKtent-i of Hint ncctii.il ni" Line for Iho n"mJiii . r ,. m,oo, v ..11 Hi.- r-'iifh; in t Iip I sc. nil end Hi" coniily. j I I til l. I; ! VI T AUMIS1-I. j (Colitlnucl from Taj" 1 ) dTrn-r'i.p -",rf " ? i-1 "" Allirrlcu'" o-l.l "i"t ii'" ":' lend N'o --in 1" 1 1 M-...I .11 : l.:.ff--firt.i, .11 li..-r. J ! i- '" 111.- 1-.C1 t' 1! I-!""' I 'Iho Ktan.l ! "' ' tin- i'e-1 10 coipts l.-r II"- Il -1 o ir "1 l-,H ' , ti-v.-.Mi ; - I ' Kmm n.lin i -r Hi-' l, il cjlal" ll.- liim-nt t.-t.il ? . "War rlk m" '.-! '" n-.ucd at !l: while lhe ;-lul'- ping hoard f I'll-' - ni - the ccnncil nf ii.ii.-IKil ilelcliM- $.."' The war d' 1 &r-r -y-y - -rivll slalillshmril. !1 .'-'SI -1 -' -1" ijr departmeenl J '.'.! 4 ,6 3 ? t1"" I'.niinc " .'iM'U'i for war pnr- -o.os H.i-I 5 j 1 oon.non for rivets and ilor:s. ii.ivy department. J 1 3 .' n.- U"o. incln.liiiir fi 1 0.10 (.,r -nnr lui por.es. and L""i, H'i.'iOI lor navy InilldinR- propram. "Sliippliitt hoard cosls for are 1-lacert nl PV-t " "'Ul Oie coun- . il of national ilefensc. ut ;o.i0.tiOo." CASTOR I A on- For Iniants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the ?natuie ' tn blishuirnt ro- j 466.1 :0 IM'it i:u , for war purpoM , a n.vv bniluii:,; "Kor the ti. j totnl fstinunoil ' itiV4fin. w hilf 1 oluilo. ,1' t IIM ''Ml; v hilt- tl 1 fs ; It'l. ami $1 - Ml .Cllb Mi f.r i'ra mi. CHOrPKI) ALFALFA inn- new liay chopper Instsil eil. We C..11 furnish better an! more cliop than before. Also baled hay In caxlota or less. Blydenstein & Co, PrudlFton. 1300 V. Alta. Phon S51 TOMORROW IS SWEETLESS DAY. I. Don't Buy an Eastern Sugar Cured Ham on Sweetles3 Day, but call . , -j,: Friday and Sarurday I- And buy a whole ?$! SUGAR CURED HAN for 35c pound DOWNEY'S MARKET Phone 188 or 187 if if if if. n II If II II P 1 h H n u ?i il u it if II ii il if u il u it u it f J