f V h- y ? EIGHT' PAGES'- DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1917. PAGE TWO -4 Only 1 6 More Shopping Days Remain now till Xmas You haven's a single minute to waste if yturc going- to do anything worthwhile for Christmas, and you can save a lot of 'time hy shopping1 here in Pendleton's greatest department store, where it pays to trade. ... . Your ideas of style you'll find expressed in the Wnmpn'o OnntZ fit Rar 0(1111 PriCPS clothes at this store. We ttont hesitate s moment in VV UmCTl b OUlb UL UUfL.Ulll 1 fim guarantM-intr your satisfaction. Quality Overcoats for all men y 'Put v f It" J ' 1 If if H All men want good looking clothes; especially when they, arc as good as they look ; all wool ; jerfectly tailored, up to the min ute in style and pattern. You'll fjet these things at this store in cither a suit or an overcoat, without paying too much for it. FOR YOUNG MEN For a youthful, athletic figure there is nothing as smart and dressy as the new military sport suits and overcoats. They're the newest style in young men's clothes. You'll like the snug fit ting belts and the patch pockets. FOR OLDER MBN Some men ' like dignified clothes for business wear. Other men like to wear clothes with a touch of youth about them. Whatever your taste may be in this matter, you can gratify it at this store. FOR MEN WHO THINK THEY ARE HARD-TO-FIT You'll change your mind about vourself in ten minutes at this store. Hart Schaffner & Marx make special models, for. men a little heavier than usual, a little taller, or shorter any build at all. You'll save money buying your clothes ready made. They are to S3"..00. priced . front Copyright HartSchaffnet & Marx DRUG SUNDRIES Many popular kinds UNDERPPJCED. Have you seen our h I SUGGESTION; COUNTER I t i i vf Christmas gifts that are to be made up? It's high time you were "making up" as there are only 16 days left now. Our counter shows bags, underwear, scarfs, neckwear, Ixmdoir caps, pin cushions, neckwear and the like. Be sure to look them over. HANDKERCHIEFS Handkerchiefs of; all kinds . and ' sizes. Handkerchiefs for ba by, sister, wife and mother. Offered in the newest styles in plain and colored bor ders, extra quality. Handkerchiefs priced from 2 for 5c to $1.50 each. rohk t.ano nyrif Make a V-ulti liotw; up ffr a Christmas Kift, from inr JtobA Ioiifi Oloth. V-. are showing two ffh.'iU" now. Navy and brown in m-at pyt itiih. Tho yar-l li."; Look over this list of - CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS that can be sent away in tact. Women's umbrellas, Hand Bags and Purs es, Pendleton Bath Robes, Pendleton In dian Koles, Women's Gloves, Children's Gloves, Silk Under wear, Silk Hosiery, Table Cloths, Napkins Turkish Towels, Lin en Towels, etc., etc. PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT EVERY COAT IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS REDUCED. Don't delay, select your coat NOW, while there is still it good assortment. The models are all strictly up-to-date and made of fine quality seal plush, velvet, wool vclour, pompom, kersey, broadcloth and cheviot in black, navy blue, brown, green IVkin blue and taupe grey. The following worthwhile reductions are made from original prices that were lower than is usually placed on garments of this quality. Coats that were $lf.0O reduced to $10.98 Coats that were $19.75 reduced to $13.75 Coats that were S22.50 reduced to S14.9S Coats that were $25.00 reduced to $16.50 Coats that were $30.00 reduced to $22.73 Coats that were $35.00 reduced to $24.75 Coats that were $40.00 reduced to $29.98 All higher priced coats up to SG0.00 are now reduced to $34.75 fP) BOYS CLOTHES In the newest styles, make the verv best of Christmas gifts. W iy miirh rare arul intention h:ip ifn rivrn to tin sek--t ion f mir rys iippurc-l. The styles urn ;twi.V"h ti" :nl th vnri'-ty I'tr-'t -rnUL-ti i" i-i.'ifcf tin vint; it pln.-ir.'. ROYS' SUITS I toys' Ml U L.tl Norfolk Nil f'r ;i. m. boiil or rui di. -a r;isiiiis a Tiu-y : suits. Im 0 lf St. I st rottRiy :'Hd v-ull. Priced from $5.(10 to .SI I BOYS' MACKINAW S .Ua.-:ir.aw pn.u.ii.i: !!.. i.i.ui v.-antn1 lr.f-i.t in t, boys' .i.iint. l.v.i' Ix.y n;tij(s o:uk. nuti rielitK" . ior tli-y &iv ill inori u. v.-riil rn.'t i-r;if iicfil or worm r.'.iS4.i: fh-rl vx ih.it :t bov can i-.lav in it. smart looking (.. $4.75 to $15.00 BOYS' HATS AND CAPS stofk f hat: :ml r:i. I'nf bO". s nml litMt' tot:', in i tie vr-in- smartt n' Etyh-e. Priced from 50c lo $2.50 ROYS' WAISTS i'!f su tt U of In.; s' v. u is l;i vv mm ;ti'i-'l, mailv i-oloi'H hik! nil l ) Priced 50c, 00c, G5c to $1.50 THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Ottr Ch-hn I p 0'(armii-iH. hii,t we Hit nffrnit; Vl'.n-m inii-r Wfar hi Iiifc:-. ih.il liiirly liont "IUIOINm.' MESS lAItERBflll A hz l"t !' Ufuy wKil iiPtv. Hnit to . Ii.si- i.u: .it thii lUH'f. All yr.--. S-pt-cml !,K' Mi.VTh.ft si:n:us ih- r.lin-' ouf :i Pile; I'M ilf:iliH xw. -:it .- at Oii pri.. Aim- I. :itit y.li'i' :it Sl.liH. nun's :in'i wkiik-ii's :il SI. I!l In S:t. :!'.!. woof. cnivwTs in in i;o All ...; . I ! 'li: i V t.i rff.-. :i r-fiil si ip' iii viiiii' r iti '--'-s for tit'- winirii :n.l iliil'livn. iie-iv lul fif WVml Tli'iiinanl1!. .MI 'K.- ll'-l.'.n.i an- ('..iiKlnntl tn-n! is lh.- i"'.-l I'l.ic:- :.' t tn iru'I'- l"-.-;i HOIS' SIIOOI, .SMOIS I.HH ' iiii:. pi -ot- hi l'i iifil' t"h i.ff.-rlnu i I sil!'-.t.Mritia! mIi.mm hi this ri'i.. Sili.'i!! In.;. 3 Si. Nil HiB il'.is Sh'.'.s Stl.HM lir:'V MM hIVMVS K.t.ft.-. ( inlilfi n':: If.sl mini'. ,1 ink ilia ws in .''H ill 1 M J ('irii'i. Alsu nifn's l'i rlnsi .mi al SiT.llll unit ST. 1111 OITI; I'l.WVITIi V,v nr.- snll liiuliii-; nil l-inill.-t.in wli.-it it i i'ini-.T (.i M'-ilini- (hat itiui h iii-.-.l 1 1 . Our I'rirr art' I.iiwl. filllilr.f l'i 1 1 M Thru tin- llarcnin n.'t."f i :;r- if l'i - i ii ir lift tip K'iihIm ami a) a Wfi- l.ri'- Ihtill all 11..- sal.-:.' ami all ill" f . i-.'.i I I'-.l lK'.'il store-.. l in: hust inii Tin-: run i:. si 'i l r:is ii.t Tin: ckk i:. STORE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE n 8 ill 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 KELIX ODDFELLOWS NAME NEW OFFICERS i ' ' "T'tr- t' HJ-CTIOX HKliD SATl'RDAY F E. MX; JI'MOIt KXOKAVOtt ) 01tjAMZKO. HrU kalw to lLae lot I.iMk KocteJ liiiirxluy KvenhiiT; Xtwr Ncwhjt itus of Jntcrst to CtHninitnliy aiul eijeti bortiuod. (Fa-st Or'K'nlan Special.) IT.KIJX, Icc. f. Ilollx 1iUko I. O. F. tooted Saturday eveniiiK Jo Korlfy, N. G., JeMs McKeo, V. H,t li. H. Hick?, rpcnrdinrr wcretnry, Joe N. lsoii, flmmciul sorrtar5. W. If. Iu viJson, (roasnrer. KvnnBellno Kebok ah loilcfr officers elected are Mr Minnie Mcclranuhnn. N. O., Mrs. Icie Kinir V. n.. Mm. I'uri Alspach. secre. mry, T. M, Cook) treqsurer ami A. It. Oory. financtnl aecretary. A Junior ndeavur was organized Sunday afternoon with Mrs. K. J. SatiiidvrH Mitpt.. Guil Atsparh, treaM., Solomon Wildit, vie president, Wan da Alsparh, secretary, LKirothy Hied Hoe, treasurer. Lilllun Cramer, piuiiint, Kmmett Kerley reiorter". An or chestra, will be organized in the m-ur future composed ot the me in hern Meetlntis will be held each Sunday evening at the Christian church at The Rebfkahs are to have a pnt luck social Thursday eenin in tht ir 'ludtee rooui. Kaeh member is to take rtf rt'shmt ntK for one, not k ntw tiuf what another may brtn. 1-adits of the Maccabees will give their annual suciiil Friday ewniriK. Dec. li. tit I. . . F. hall No intnii ioJl will Ik charged. An uirn sali fisA pond, uitt auction will be some of the interesting ft-aturei. also a pie eattnt? contest between eij-'ht boys as"d from he veil to eifibt. A K""d jr't:ruin and luncliea oli. .'hurl'3 WilkeH l-tt his ear by fire Friday. K'tiitioii taking pltiee wh.-n t lie car w s cranked. Mrs. . J. I'tper and daughter M is-ses FhyllLs and ilad. p-nt Thanksgiving in 1'endletuii. Minn Violet Craw entertained the hih school clas Friday evening. M r. Fra n k Hro w n in v ul t i n h-r son I wis, who i attcudinie pi honl in the Hiud. Don Iawia of Va II u!a was a Satur day visitor. D. I!. Sowers of Athena was in town Saturday. Mrs. it. Tosier and sons of Arling ton, nre vis it ins at the tletst home. Ira Scot;, and family were over Sun day visitors at the J a in -ft Kern home. Si:liool in Monday after a week neatioii. PerforttiarK's has "proven " th4 KniKht ulldlnit ule.ve wTalv motor superior to--all' othr t.vii.. Superjor in power.. In, flexibil ity, In qolftnesn, in itimfillclty, in freedom from carbon', trouble. And th only - motor .ttiat iJm. prove. imtea of deteriorate with .us. .. i l . That ' In why it i . important that you. should know thav ad vantages f tlio Kiilsht Motor. For Sale t 2 Used Ovcrlanda "i James L. Elam OVK1U.AXD DE.tI.li3t Stone Crime Pliona It frudleton, Ore. 21 a.ra6-i IT PAYS TO TRADE Pi f a. FtCHTING 31EN TAKE MORE THAN HALF A B1LUON INSURANCE .. v. Asmi.s-irro.v. i. .. x..v. r. Tiie lf w hii:.1 irovnJf-H tor ( iovi-rnoi-;!. MINtE HW VITI.K 1-Ih ! - KIl!f PU3- j (THAMlf KRl Hi IS " F1I-. H fll S Home Made Miuce Meat Home of the Butter Kihsed Crust t Oregon Bakery 4 J. h. fil I. MIA VI J20 K. Court SU . Phon life insurance for Holdiern and sailors has f-tn in operation a little nore than a month. Th" jecrrary of tho Trf-fwrr nnnonn'rt on Novmbcr IT ihat ufj to that date ti4.1S applica tion lind the new Jhw had ltn rn eei w-d. r-prefceniiij insnranco in the miih of Ji.". J.OU3.M-0. Frora four to ; ix apjdicaiion.s are rT:eiv'd each day at r he Trfiivnrv J K-p.-mrtint. tho iiiiiotiui. ot insurance :twplied fr f-"in;t imf s rechin a total of fifty million dollar! in a nirurle day. The 1-tw provides that sohlier.-. sxilrs, in:irin- and nur-'-s In acfiv service may obtain front th Oovern-' n-ijt fif inFnnr. In anion r t.H nt ff. eedintr I '.'''' pr-iotti tn rat;t iiiiKii-tC lorm C- nft a month ;r tlio nf- ?M y-rr- to a month Jii- ti.e .'f or M -:.rF for aeli 1. ', "I inuurrtntf. One ,f M- primary -.f i his law is to fjK.-:en the trernendons bur-Ur-n of pensions which has followed a a con.-eiience of oil American v. .t . It is evident that th- adrninit r;i t i.'n of this new bra nee of Jovci rm work in bitf htitn'ss in H!-lf. int ihi . is only one oft the rn'iav ovi-rnni'-nt :tctiviries incident to t be war v. ( t- h aro adding ;rr-ai nurob'-rs o! -ri-: -U'nocrapi.ors, and ot ti'-r rvrinr t" I'neie Kim'H payroll. i.iter.tiiv ibon Fainls of stenographers and i p. v. rlt 'th have le-n appointctl in V.'a hiiiC ton during th'1 puj-t few month-. ;.nl ihoufiands more are to be rtpr.oinfwf .soon a-i th'ry are .i.vuil;ibl.-. Ti.e -d .Vta'-.- Civil f'oiuuii- i' li i- Ji obi! mat examiiiai )On f.tr i - ) : -ti,n;: wej-kiy tliioabout t tie '".imiu. Secret a ties f lo ; I o. i' i w il nr ice 1 1 1 iijf'i M ai ib" n'1' f ';i ie in all cJt ie.-i are f urni-hint' d-infornir'i'n. POPULAR COUPLE OF NOUN ARE " WEDDED SCtTO W. II WIS iM Miss l ftlf, IfOI.MI-'S m wikii :i St hV .MTI RNOON. Other e and I'l-rMinal oc o( I it I !.( - .alh'r'd bv ' I" I 'a rn-oniati orifviaoidcnt. ,fr. iXipiii-' t.tother. Kd. W., who . in the it a inin r am p. n t'nit Hi' if return they will (to to -Moinana. with a. vb-w of p.i t h.i sinj; a (arm. li. .M. "ati Iiiie, fine of our pros pcioiis l'.i i nii-iv, i. constructing an ttn to ti;it" i '.-il"i"'- upon his farm ne mib i.'.illi .f (nre. A .1. nou. t he well known con-, i t -act nr. who recently corn pic ted the, ( niti i I r thrt'ti church, is Mipervls- If II' tit tt riltv, ' luii lis .la.- ey. t"-r mei ly of Kcho. m-w lias f-harui of I In- o.-V. U. & S. ' " ' - : f ton bei c. H.-ii Now. Is a. Good Time To Treat Your Catarrh Mild weather tvld treatment. lion t be misled into thinking that your Catirra u go&c. The fcrit Uiucb of winter weather will bring U back with all it riiicojaiurts. But this i an excellent time to thoroiihly rle&se the blood of the -ermi of Catarrh, and be forever fid of the troublesome sprays and 4oache that ran never core you. b. S. S., the great blood purifier, carcbu out th gcim. of Catarrh which infest your blood, and rhasef them entirely out of your system. I'. is by far the most satisfactory treat nient for the disease, because it reaches down to its very roots and frets at the cauie. Write to-day fur full information, and expert medical advice regarding the treatment of your own case. Take advantage of this chasea to-day. Addus Swift Specinc Co, Ijept. G Aaou. ( t :i -I ' . e ; .nian Spfci.-il ( I 'I'd.- .-d.lii:. -r J-.- -'. (.. W. 1. U ;.nd Mi. ,. t Hu,i iv. v,.i.. ..P joni.'-d J ft Sondav ' !ii.- bolo- "I' the bride'- p;it-,jl . ) v i:-v. .i. (:. i-'.ank .i Hi- :-. tio- . rb..ii,,t!i t n.tf.I ili'-riil'-n fi j II. i,l. a 1.-v if ar I't-lai i' ' a 1 1 nde.J. A ti , a hm (i..(ie llio.ti tin- viin : ; j (, 1. 1, v jti f.-(.i" mooij ., ' . r. Te p. f ,rm e. bieh Mr. 1 i ba - Us r . :..r a n.. of two vo.-si. Mr. and Mi. K.J Miapp of Ibdir A Te in "in tin't.l .-MJfi'lit'. t-' atiticl' u..- inn rri.fi-- ' I h-ii ni c. M t ' it- b . C. Step .ffto it einpi. fd at f;i'lh t-v thf ' t W. I'.. V . '"i. tt.v n u tilt a t u trend t he '.. ' ddiiti,' : ot In pf;e. Mr. a-fiM Mr:. Tho inn.-' Kerr I'-lmn- d i:c t. w-k ai'.-r an etend'-d lrir. rij..tii l-Jrtti - ill I be .jLio-et! Ir, ai.d Mr 111:? lupoi.- b-n : t ;N( l:l M; bVCt.i s 1 iK IMAM) MMtS VAMI.;T'.S, H-e. 4. Imrnedl- : iit: s i (ution of I wwif y-four con- t. t.- I'ui,,- ;iiid m. tim's fr ti; oil tni. iji w ;tici w ,i ! relict railroad i i . -ni iti -mM"-' ion H planned by i he rhii'.ni;i If the cuiift'tt n- r u. t i. mi vi . t be r'ii!tx hoped for i-.t Ib-i Nrob.IHv Kill be built. S'.'ivi.ny I -.a kt?r ha ukerf the Jnpl it.tr Ixihi'iI lo fei n-lde ilboltt $4. . mo. of ir.--. appropriation for harsc - ' M-tl IICti.Mi. rhipphiK bon,d han before n a lo-.i.oMii i.i, .Sick Foiicner. a Norwe v.r.m bn ibif r. m cornet ruct as many . n' i et- t.H i ii-H as it cares lo have t ;iih .Mr. KHiKhnr wants to eslab I: ti a nia nt at SI j in lord , Conn., for l dnin;; t t-ncreie bu r r nlmllar to .t lypi- i hut has een built aucceaafui in Xorwa y. 'run niita iah ajoiv max." Camp Krenioni, ulif.. lc. 1. Kdimr Ka?. a rcxoiilhii : I have nttriceil in ymir lal plihll-t-itioji that. the ,Voinnters and drafted uie fMai to le hi'Vinif ft P"' ctical contro4Mfv and hi the hiUll. fora!ttiii thai ihere In a perui rail ed a r'Ktar. .So 11 me tibniitt this W:Ui. "Th Jixukir Army -Vliait.1' IV-i haps yon huvt nvr hmirtl of me lefoi-t, but I h.ivi made my home in Pendleton for the lal lour yenra until I eitllhted In tho army lat Fpilnif. I alMi have jioine relative.-, i her- which I hear from nulte often. It v-.u will publish This little poem I wj4bi lw very mueh nblJited to yon. : K. I. rUltK. j Med. lept., i:lit Inf. 'Thi Ifetrulur Army .Man 1 He ain't no .dd laced itehedere To sparkle in the mui; ' lie don't par4if- with gay cuckadu j Ami rosies in hltt kuiu Ian lie wears a rrinu ot tun and dust. ! The Kt-ifutar Army .Man The marching. parch hut; pleelay. ; MarehiiiK- llf 1 1 lax Army Man. j Me ain't at home at Sunday frhool 1 Xor yet ut u Noelal tea; i lint .... iltA .1.. t I... tu nni' I He's apt to spend It free. He ain't no temperance advocate. Hut like a, jolly pprc. He Im hind of rouh and unineiitnes toiish j The regit lur army man. i The rearln", tearln, Hoinetlme KWetir ln.. 1 lieirnlar Army Man. ; No state will call him "Noble Son," lie ain't no ladles' iet. He don't cut any ice at all In f.'tKhlon Hoclal ?set. Itut he KetH the Job t face the mib, Tht- IteKular Army Man. 'The mlllin'. urillln', made joy billln'. llesnlnr Army .Man. There ain't no tears shed over him When he marches ot f to war. He Kct no speech nr prayerful I-ieach From mayor or itovernor. He jiackw his little knapsack up A ml t rots off w It h the van. To start the ft'ht and start it rinht. Tlie lleuhtr Army Man. The rattlln'. uatlin. alwajw haltlin,' Hesttlar Army Man. He makes no fuss about the job. He don't talk biff nor brave; He. knows he's In to fiht to win. nr help fill tip a jrrnve. He filn'l no innnia's darling hoy. Hut Xie loes the be.-t he can. Ami he In th ehnp to win the scrap The tegular Army Man. The handy, dandy, cool and sandy, i I tegular Army Man. ' : ....1 i. .Canned uKpantKUH- used in -the salad is helieved t be the cause of the poi soning, as a number of chicken which alee part of the salad hay" died. i j ' BETTER THAN - CALOtVlEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are . a Harmless Substitute. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablet-the aubatl tete for calumH are a mild but aure laxative, and fheir eff-ct on tha liver ia almost iBMantaneous. Tliey are the mult of Dr. EdwardV deU-rminalion not to treat h-er aM bmrrl complaints with calomel. Hts efTcrta to banir-h it brought out the, ht'le olnt-colorcd tabl-ts. Thpirasnnt little tablets do the good that calomH does, but have no bad alter effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. The7 take hoW of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why i care the liver at the expense of the teeth? I Calomel sometimes pi aye havoc with the ! suras. So do strong Uquids. It is best Dot ! to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' OKve Tablets take its place. II t.AU AtMimt ttnJ that biy i iina come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Oiive Tablets when you leel "kt!jy" and "hcay." Note how they "clear clouded brain and how thty "perk up" the aptriia. tOc ta4 2 V. a bx. Ail drut)Ki&tii. Renew the Joy o living Don't let ill health any long er rob you of life's pleasure Get back. your appetite, strengthen your digestion, stimulate your liver, reguj late your bowels and im rvrove your blood by taking F2LI Their action is prompt and thorough, ana you soon feel their benefits. You , will eat more, work better, sleep sound er, and feel new strength after a short course of these depend able pills. They restore healthy conditions, and sour. Bring Health and . Energy Lr.- of A M-h1.. tn k WrlL So id terrKf. In seiet, 10.. 2Sc. ANSGO CAMERAS &SPFJPEX FILM 111 - - . ,r iitomvim-: CArsi-N two ii:vtiis SI" A TT I - K. Wh h ., I Mr. S.-Tn.i nornoriH nr drnd rnd iinoih-r in u-r'f 'r.iMly ill il thn rnintlt of itmnuin j IHtlfxmin aft. r th Thnnksttiv inn lhi jinT tit thn hiiip ut Anttitif lU'klun.l. i i f'cKlntiil ntnXnnp of thn dinner kih-hlh, Mrs. Kniily Trtsfly. of HkI.iikI, Jin tlfl. ami Svpn TrooJy, aimttnT nt i-ritically ill nl a local hoHttiiAl. ' Toa Nordo'f koop an felinic dls- I ire.-ni-d aftiT pattnK. nnr hrlrhlnfr. nor: KfPrtPnrlmc nflunra. hrtwMn menls. 1-1 oiid KarHupnrJIlB curftt tlysppia j It trirQriKthn th rtomarli and nihpv difgsm Ivn iffKan fur th proprr por . fiirmance of their functions. Take THE Ansco Vest- Pocket Speedex catches swiftly moving tiguret without a blur. It cets into action quickly when every second counts. You can change the focus, the s,ej and onemne of the shutter instantly nd accumtely while vievfing the image in the tinder. Let us show you this camera. J Other Ansros $2 to TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druffbts a I Tii..r.L N . . ...... A ( 1 1 . , ; , t,mml, ,., , a-- . '-