TAGE SIX f DAILY F.AST ORIT.ONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20,-1917. 'wu:ht pack? DAUGHTER-IN-LAW Of COLONEL IN PARIS t UGURK mmm SALE AT 5Vo 3 0 J yr. .1 1.. ntbson mis :i deliRhtful host for the Inspiration Oluh en tcrrta v at her hnmr at Til t'oshie street. Ah pint of the proRram several cicctionx on the Victiola were en Joyd Mini likewise r reading1 by Mrs. J. K, Sharp. 0'iefs other than the inb members were Mrs. Callahan, Mrs. J. K. Smdm and, Mrs. C. A. iNl. Soclctv will turn out in larKo mnn UrN thU evening for the annual Klk's ItnH. always one of the moA brilliant win I fumiioiis of inc year. The, Lnll will be -riven In the KnEte-Wood- nun hall which has been In the i hands of the decniatins committee for fru I days. Only members of t ho nide find their ladies will be in at- ' tendance. P.- O. U down from Weston. I-ce Snvely Is up from his homo at 1 ii ho. Uhnmn Ieinins ff Adams is here; today. o. I. Teel was tip yesterday front j his home t Echo. Mis. E. E. Cleaver has returned from a visit In llaker. John Hothrock and W. (1. Estes came down fntm Athena last even In . Mr and Mrs William p. Phillips of Stanfield are registered at the Pen dleton. X. lienullen and I.loyd M Pherrin of Athena were overnight visitors in t he city. lr. It. E. Farnsworth went down tr ; the (iuy Wyriek ranch this morning , tiller ducks. 1 Smn I. T'mompson left last nisht for Seattle to join his wife and o.aitRjiter .for Thanksgiving. M. E. Ilartholomew. Powell Plant. H. S. Denison. William -Hirst and ;orne Hersi compiled a party of M iltop residents stopping at the St. tieorse last evening. , ; k h, : Vr; ?i I " ' ' t' t - 1 ft -x ? - .1; TTIIUTI- XIF r i;oats SVXK XEW YORK. Nov. -J$. T. B. Hoh ler. cotinsellor to the British embas sador in A merica. anon need Tuesday nitiht nt a war chaiity bazaar that be tween November 1 and .November 1-"., 3! German submarinea had been sunk -hy the allies ' M. i. A. Vorkers In France with the srap was taken on a Paris street Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, here shown in the uniform Jr., of a is American army. She is talking to a y. nnrs e of the organization. The photo VISITING WOUNDED AMERICAN J yrw-, - ----- f -f A) IrP'A J.' ' f tMW.W!M II V, r ' r y ' Mi--, .sr jj 4, - i 4 If . -t ' r o) kin " " fol ir P. H- Van Orsdall WILL SKLL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER AT PUBUC AUCTION AT HIS PLACE 7 'j MILES SOUTH i OF PENDLETON, ON RESERVATION LAND iiS)Ui; U III LS UP IS uvu at 10:00 o'clock a. m. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO-WIT: U UtillDh o)fc? a; 27 MULES 7 HORSES, BROKE 16 YOUNG HORSES, UNBROKEN 7 HORSES, UNBROKEN 2 MARES AND COLTS 16 SETS WORK HARNESS 6 FARM WAGONS AND RACKS 1 IRON WHEEL WAGON 2 HAY RAKES 3 GRAIN DRILLS 1 HARVESTER 1 BINDER, MOWER AND RAKE ONE 1 Vi II. P. GAS ENGINE AND PUMP JACK. 1 TWO-BOTTOM GANG PLOWS 1 WALKING PLOW 1 MANURE SPREADER 1 WEED BLADES ' 1 TWENTY FOOT HARROWS ONE 3'2 FOOT FRESNO SCRAPER 1 HACK AND HARNESS 1 BLACKSMITH OUTFIT 1 COOK HOUSE AND TANK 2 THREE SECTION SPRING TOOTH HARROW. FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS All sums under $30.00, cash. On sums over $50.00 i time will be Riven until Oct. 1, 191S, on approved notes bearing: 8 per cent interest. Cash discount of 2 per cent on all sums over $50.00. MRS. P. H. VAN ORSDALL, Oivrier 'HHif COL, W.F.YOHNKA, Auctioneer. , V , E. I SMITH, Clerk P.TII-:XT NOT CllAZT: K.VfKK "liKAr.l.Y Til Kit I-: i. r s ti .1.7 C-Vs-?-'l . j J . ,.v,--. ,4.v.v.,. , ii Yi t i "A KEVnslfA. "Wis., Nov. S! Physl ciiiiiH and friends of Oeorge Ilorton, 4 5 years old, of Itrislol, thought him Vrnsty heeanse he inslHted that tie had :t knife sticking in, his riKhl HhmIi. He said he hart heeii waylaid and his assailanlH had buried the knife in his flesh. No mark was visible and he was sent to nn asylum three months apo suffering, it was said, from hal lucinations. Now efforts are beiutt made to re ft torn him to citizenship. Th X-ray has revealed the knife deep in his flesh. Hut it may be too late, as phy sicians say he probably will die.. AMERICAN HOSP1-TAI JJT PARI? Madame Poinrare. wife of the cheer wounded s xvm-4i rir-etoriem jrWtdj- a zr-a r denl cruvYi shows hr f her time visiting the hospitals to wounded American nne of the mnny d.Mers. The photi at the bfttsidV Vif 'Sam mil's" who could not wa it his country's entry in the war to at the lUn-hes." 'Ki-t 2iir. I'liovisio.vAr, oitickrs assu;nfd WASHINGTON', Nov. 2!). The war rlepartmPllt tml.iy l8HUnd orders as signing 20r,0 proxiwional second limi f'niinls 10 th cavalry, infantry, coast rtillery and field artillery. This is the Wildest assinrmient of officers ever issued by the department. erwor. i must learn not to neglect their liealtli 4 How Vomczi re Restored lo Health 8iart.j:Uorp. P.J. "for nine yean 1 suf feri frviu b k-n be, '-uknti. aud irreii'i-luiiit-Sbu i cu-d hard i t ou iuy woik.. I Ineu lu-hf rtuii-a hut fuud nop-! ma ll tut ilirf. Aitr taking Lyoim E. Pmk lim a trpeWiitt t oiupt-uii'l 1 ffclt t fr-.a t U Ut tbe bcltet mti ui bow wll .m i irtrtj o X i4vjuuirou0l) m tiuii.i- hit wmi k. 1 bopo viy uwr t-1 ltoiiA J.. I'nikliBiii VensUii)I3 t onipuiinii Will jrt w gremt rrliel &4 i ;ii lioiu it uso." Mn. 8. 1. Mi;Ati, Licpo, 111. "Fur ftlxmt two yearn I stf fertd liuia a tuOthie tioubie so 1 w i uuui.Io lu wfc or Xu iLuy of my ovra wotk. 1 r-J tLmul l.ydm j inkljtu'a Vej;etibl tVmi IoulJ ui Lit lo-wfi'upcra Brxl ilfctei inio-'-l t It it. jt bio jkUi iueMt iininxiit rutuf. jYv neLit liMt ttiilirely -JiMtppenrt-d un-i I Xic'rbrhl better lieJlii. I vifh l-& puun.!i awl uj HttMHic u 0i a. J thiuk Uiou-y u. well at tout wbit'li pan 1-ydm K fiuk.- lll'a tcr-C ItaClW Ct-MIIM-ULd." Mil. J'-H. ( hvik, lti5 .wport Av., Cbico, ill. YOU CAN RELY UPON LYDIA .VEGETABI 3 - S 1 icea women, i EfFiMCo AM Sfi I COBIFOOMOJ gsyyfi -'yyy ff.wgfly l-Vjr a Weak Stomach As a general rule nil you need to do is to adopt a diet suited to your use and occupation unci to keep your bowels rBiilr. When you feel that yon have eaten too much and hen constipated, take; one of Chamber lain's Tablets. Adv. XFW CIIAVCFXMIK IS rcxpFATKD to iis rss ni ssi.v A MSTF'RDA M, Nov 2 It is Ren era II v he lie vert Chancellor licit lin will discuss ierm:inys attitude on the Tlussian peace proposals when h makes his maiden npech before the UrichMtag Saturday, tireat interest is manifested. XFW ITM rOMMWPFIt 9 2& i f ? .-. 'LNL.HAL UI sZ. It-h'-i at Im:iz. iiw comma nd.-r in lii.-f of Ho- It ili.in .ii inics. w toi 1 1 k k t b' pht'-.- t.f i ;-ur:il ndprn:i. Is fi.lifum i.'t.rnn. i rvt-ry ln li .( th :ay in the retreat from the Germans. 6 6 TROY Will be a bywoi'd on the tongue of evei-y Pendletonian, for Modern igiigv in Laundering n We are now opei-ating in our own modern firc proof building built for a laundry. Every machine is new and up-to-date, driven by individual electric motor and heated by steam. No more pas, dirt, dust, grease and smell. Our new plant is light, sanitary and well ventilated. The most modern laundry in all eastern Oregon. Telephone 179 Cardcn Sired, KHueen Alia and WM SI reel a. I ulHh fti ft