PAGE FIVE EIGHT PAGES DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1917. NKW I'ltlvMIKIt )!' I'HAM'H Alta Theatre THANKSGIVING SPECIAL WM. A. BRADY PRESENTS IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROITS U-BOATS HAVEN'T ANYTHING ON ONROY, HE IS SINKING HIGH PRICES "Plow Deep While Sluggards Sleep1 GONROV'S CASH GROCERY itty Gordon 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 IN- iff 'A " f Mince Meat, bulk, pound . . .. , Celery, 3 bunches . . Cranberries, quart . . . . . Comb Honey, cake ............. Bulk Peanut Butter, pound Sweet Potatoes, 5 pounds Bulk Dates, pound OrniiKCK, lozrii . . , , , WmIiiiiIm, tHUiml .NiiIh, 2 jkhiihIh CrlM'o Hinufl 45c, rmlliim OOc, Jure Olympli- I'uiii'aku l'lour, u'ka 3.V, 3 for .' I Monopoly Jelly I'owdiT, uckaK' for MolMHMtlr I'rt'M'rvcw, 1H o.. jar IVunut lliillcr, pint jar nut: quart Mount Vi'rnoii .Milk, 2 cans Tollit 1'aiM-r, I rollH l-'olwcrH jiakitiK Sotlu, 4 uu-ku't 1:l-.itii Torn .Meal, I) iKiund ack 20c 25c 20c 20c 20c 25c 20c . 50c 25c . 45c VI.75 . (15c . 25c . :ic . 5(lc , 25c . 25C . 25c . 70c IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S HCrtlER GCORGC3. CLOIENCEALJ J Ht'tnsiti.r OeorKt-H Cienirinceuu, who : has ,bfcn the greatest critic of the ! war,' and the most feureri editor in ! Prance, has become premier. He is i the most interesting of the many rai to have held the position during the war, and the world ia anxious to learn If he can handle the French situation. . He is seventy-six years of ace, but as ' viKorous as most men of les 'than sixty. This is due to his care of him self, i MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. "We must have labor that won't striKe, slacK or quit to raise next year's crops. We must Have Iron Men For tRe Farm How tractors can tahe tHe place of men and horses is told hy Philip S. Pvose in the issue that is out today. JKe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN Thm Curtla Pubtlthlnw company c PHltarJtpHta . f the Cw i th r Sparv-lim subscription rpre- cnUlivsa for our periodical wrtd rvrywhr, lfyuntd i moncx, w nd you. MAP OF HAIG'S GREAT VICTORY MtiiinHiiinriiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii!: Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllll' 11 THE NEW II II COLUMBI A I Records for December if Have arrived and are now on sale. Areade Today. J hn limine of the Yellowstone i the title of the Untterfly picture lit ins; .shown today at the Arcade iheu- ' tre. It's a Kreat picture even If no more were Huid of it than "it's from ; the pen of the fcreju Frederick ; Komlmston." i A throlllrii? tale of the virile west i where men are judged hy worth. A picture abounding In uuu:nial scenew. startling climaxes during rescueM. j hairbreadth escapes. A picture you will like. A2:tS3 It's a Way to Herlin, but We'll i There. So Mother. A2SH7 tfver There( Medley). aternoii Hits (l,ate?t Uanres). A2:tfiH HlollesTll. ti Kleses. Xlawallan Kchoes. And many others, including Christmas . selections. , ' Order Your Columbia or Brunswick Today S3 and have it delivered Xmas. 1 f Economy Drug' Co. fj Hotel St. George Building t Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 MMIIIIIMIMIIIIilHMIHinilMIIIItltlllllll!MIMIillllllllllHIIIIIIIIITIIill(tltllllinitI r-Jiiiiitisiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiif iiiiijii iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitaiiiafiiiiiiiiiiiis-: 1imiimo Totlay. The rail of the primitlvf, (he hark- intf hack of savnsjery, and the result of a cotf HlippeiJ in the plan of civ- i , ilJzatlon will he u-v!okh in picture- j qtip photoplay "lll'M-liird Iay" at i ; the 1'astime theatre to.lay when Ruth i I Clifford arrives to present Itupert : Julian's production "Tho Kavase." There ih abuftdaiit eviijence in these five nets of tlrama that civilization . rr:ay not he absolutely depended upon ; to run true to its mission. There i !8 hfff iUfPtion advanced and solved ' in "The Suvai;'"- -and nti;hty yod I photoplay entertainment, as well. jei ss griT ij;iit V Al.l. rUOXTtf (Continued from Tatce l. 1'urloliMf Ovrr INwp. IKTIi h; It A 1, Nov !t. It is re ported the entire Kuwaiti fifth army ANSCO CX FILM ,(C7CAMERAS &.SPEET has decided to parley with the Ger mans on pea eft, Krylenko announced his envoys have returned from tho German lines bearing the German commander in chief's official consent jto negotiate an armistice over the en !tire frtmt. The envoys entered the jtierman lines on the fifth army front, immediately after the opening of ne Vtiations Krylenko ordered an im mediate cessation of alt fishtinK. He 'proclaimed General Inikhonln a peo ple's enemy. Dukhonin and all his supporters are ordered arrested. Alia TlK-atre. ! "Si mi e w h e re i n l'ra i ice " men and om-n are workiiiR out the'r tantjled destinies. Tliese men anil women with strange pasts, with strange kinks in their lives, are proving- true worth by the sacrifice they are making for humanity. There the heroine of "The I'eh.ved Adventuress" the latest World-Picture ilrady-Mude. v.-orks out her destiny after a remarkable life. Kitty Gonloii is the star in this picture and her acting- is brilliant and intense. ."-Ve "The Keluved Adven turess" at the Alta theatre today. It lfwouAS ',----iovi.LL ' ; ill I JARrtAStJ rlu"-v cgcylttt t- !-t 5arco.o V,aov ..,:,' '"horiuii. .Y --J!SMJ?fV' """tjy;S ''' ; it mm" ff f J sty $JT- tmNCOui Zl-.i t-.iD. T,liW WAUNCOUHI PiGUtUOCCOURT I w I.UUi tjJtMmm VvtNDELLE i y ' 'vErtMANO '" 3i tSDM K 13 'I , i - - . . r ' " ' - t : 9 e. y A WORIO- BICTWBI BRAOY MABS KITTV Yh&eloved Adventuress' (!" 1 Ji .. ! f I "The Beloved Adventuress" IIIIKCTKI BY fiFOIMiK COWT. KTOIiV IIV Hl.WttS MAISIOX A very remarkable display of the latest fashions in sown forms one nf the brilliant features in this production. Miss Gordon wears a dif ferent Kown for each scene. Kvery woman will want to see this pic ture for this reason in addition to the reason that it is a fascinatingly, interesting production. VAUDEVILLE CLIFFORD & WAYNE The Full Dress Indian and the Twentieth Century . fcqiUUV. , ' ; ! ' MT1"I! MHM5I." The Woiwierfiil 4 Veor Old Atmr. j' ; -i CONTINUOUS PROGRAM TODAY......... .... Adults 30c , ; iChildren 10c,. CIIAIUM.W NAMK1) IH)lt lti:i CHOSS WORK (Continued from Page 1.) npHE Ansco Vest- catches swiftly moving figures without a blur. It get into action quickly when every second counts. You can change the focus, the speed and opening of the shutter instantly and accurately while viewing the image in the finder. Let us show you this camera. Other Anscos $2 to TALLMAN & CO. Leading DrutfgUti I An Speda No Advance in Price Manufacturers Pay the War Tax and Protect Public For more than a quarter of a century the price of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has been 50c and $1.00 per bottle. In spite of the greatly in creased cost of manu facture, the formula, quality and price of this popular remedy for con stipation and stomach ills will be maintained. 50 M)$1.00 AU Druggists Iart of the burden, but it now plan ned to enlist the services of a great in any others. The auxiliaries over the county will he oi -iitni.i'd in the eanie way that the chapter is so that each branch of the work will have definite heads in ea eh co n i in u n i i y. Through l'ostmastor Tweedy a mes s.iR was sent to Federal Judge Wol verton last nijrht asking for the. use of the t federal court room during the winter as lied Cross headquarters, the present quarters in t he library being too cold.. Secretary R. V Kitner will have his headquarters in the front of fice of the A nu-rican National Hank. Plaiting with a surprise attack Hands of prisoners have already been Tuesday, Nov. 2't, the third British taken, with the British still pressing army, in a two day baitle.plungeed on. The insert map shows ( 1 the. forward toward fain bra i for the lug- Kritish drive at Cam bra i. (- scene of gesi gain of any single action on the pretentious French attack at Car western front. More than a dozen onne. and (3 the Verdun sector, towns and villages and many thou- where lively fighting is also reported. KITH 1,.V WANTS to riA' roii s. sks for Army rommissimi ami I lor Wl-U is to ho Sent to I raiico. WASHINGTON'. Now. LM 1 1 nth La w , the a v i a t r i x , is here se e k i n g a commission as a flyer in the American Army. She did not see Secretary I'aker to-day. and he would not say how he views the proposal to commis sion her. She is very much in earnest, and fter filing her application s-he said. : "If I am successful and am order ed to France. I will take my husband (Charles Oliver, i who is experienced in the construction and repair of air planes, and two expert mechanics. I was in France for eix months , and made numerous flights over the trenches and observation flights with British and French officers. I have teen fly in? since 1912. so there can e no doubt as to my jt ;erlence." She holds the American, nuii-nop nTK r XT . -Your Health CASCARAlg QUININE The standard cold cure for 20 years in tabltt form safe. sure, no opiate cures cold in 24 hours grip in 3 days- Money back if it fails. G;'- tl:e genuine tvx with Red top and Mr. H'lt's picture on it. Costs les, gives more, .aves money. 24 Tablet for 25c. At Any Drug Slor flight record andhas particfpalted in l iberty 1-" driVjtR r y propping "bomis in rriany 61tJe!4 She w,,r to-day- a regulation fficet unifofrn " under1 special fH-rmisiiOn sad to hve fceen granted by the War Department. I QUALiTY DENTISTRY! Dl F. L. INGRAM DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Belts Bldf . Telephone 523. riJF.M'll l'KIKST. ItlX'OI! TI-:i 1X)K IlKAVKKY, TO SI'KAK IIF.KK CMIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllll , HI The man who fortes his way to the top of the ladder religi ously considers the likes and dis likes of tho powers with whom he eomos in contact, with tho Idea of tnakiiiK th hest possible impression on every occasion. Newton Painless Dentists Corner Main and VYetib Birc.a Entrance on WVhh St i & ' ' ; ;3 t 'j C,!. J? (lon KvonlriK Father Simris, who has been jiven every deeoi at ion tho French govern ment cm nive for bravery has conn to tin 1'niti'd States to tell the Ameri can people about the war He said he would talk to American from tho 'relisious point of iew about the war. TODAY TODAY BUTTERFLY PICTURES PRESENT FRANCIS FORD IN THE VIVID WESTERN DRAMA John Ermine of the Yellowstone From the Novel by Frederick Remington. A real western, a Thanksgiving treat. Plenty of snap and peep. A thrilling tale of the virile west. Where men are judged by worth. A picture abound ing in unusual scenes, griping climaxes, daring res cues, hairbreadth escapes. OF COURSE THERE IS A COMEDY. Continuous Program 2 p. m.-ll p. m. Adults 20c Children 5c THEATRE TURKEY DAY SPECIAL Continuous Program Today. An Extra Special Feature THE CALL OF THE WILD BACK TO NATURE hi Ilia WITH RUTH CLIFFORD and MONROE SALISBURY A wild and wcoly photoplay made in the Canadian Northwest by dare devils who prefer the bark of a six shooter to grand opera. Where the howl of the wolf is music to the ear and men are judged by deeds. Grandeurs of forest and mountain alound, all the glories of the Sierras combine to make this the sea son's treat. ALSO A GOOD COMEDY Adults 20c Children 5c iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii