rmrmi jlliii WMitwiiTii n i .jmm o re .' r .r sum ri . r i r'Hfiii-cn'-rnTi-r i -Tm -i""i","i'"i-t eAGK TWO DAIt.V KAST OKKGON1 AN. rKNDLETQN. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVRMRFR 2!)", 1017. EIGHT PAGES a. ' ! There never has been so much to be thankful for . It's when you have bis things o do ... that you are most deeply thankful for I he power and courage that help you to attain your -ends. . ' i ' , Our country has a big work to per form, and this Thursday we ought to be thankful that we have the power, cour age, and unity of purpose to make this world in President Wilson's undying: words safe for democracy. Mothers and fathers who have sons in the army or navy or daughters in the Red. Cross' service, should be proud and thankful that they can give so much to our great cause; the nation is proud to have such manhood and womanhood. Those who bought liberty bonds arc thankful that the opportunity has been given $hem to serve. ;;;j!'lThen - there's ' business Men ,cau I I- -hi ' chandise and by giving good values. iittuisimui I'.. 4.1 : tt. We're doing that. When all is said and done, this coun try never had more to be thankful for for this is a year when we can ap preciate our blessings in a greater mea sure than ever before. 7 PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SPECIAL ON ELECTR For Next Two Weeks IRONS Only With eveiy Electric Iron purchased in our store during the next two yveeks, or as long as they last, we will give a folding Ironing Board of standard make. The Irons will be sold at the regular prlet exctyt tho O. E. whlvh n account of a fortu nate purchase a offer dur ing thia sale" at If. GO. The Hotpoint 11 itu. MJ cord and thurabreMt we offer ai the regular price li.ou. With the Aim I lean Beau' y bfsldea the Iiooing Board thei wlll e Included m. detachabl' leewboard, all for IS the rg'i tar price of iho Iron rjoo. y? zTrJMM Wzm Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service'' Phone 40 UKIAH WEATHER IS . FAVORABLE TO SNOW t.riiriu;n kicom mu'thi-:hn TAUT )!' C'OI'XTV. t K.isl OrcKLHimn ipeeial. I'KIAII, Xiv. Ht. Tho Imwket Hucliti given ut Uie e.hun h Friday niKltt was a Kreat nihTtw, huih soeially and t'l twineiully, ' l'iife.s.ir lamd ami the Mues 'Ila amf Frnnkie .Stnrdivant de serve miifli credit fur the ftood pru grain that was given, in widen alt tho Si'lioot children did their parts well. Alter which the ha.ketM were sold and tir ti Unie .hiddinur was lively, and (here were nut haskcts enough to meet tho demand. Tin.' reeeipts tiC the evo- i nintr n i ro $70, 7 ."i. The u rai Iut h:i- letii rtl( a nil rhnitl;. lor the last tVu tlay and iinll eations are Knoil snow. Klo (I .Martin left Tuestiay morning ii'r fc'lhT, Idaho, wlien? ho will remain dnrtiiK (" winti-r. ! t". S. .smart, Itn. nian nf I'il.il Knek Has in I' k tah Sa Invaay rrpaiiiiiK t hu IHrphtUR linu.H in and armnul town. Mias Ila SMirdiva'i1.".Misi Atnts Mct tio and Pri'f'sstr Ijind ll't Salurday fur FVndh'ton u ;ttu-nd Hut teaelu-r.-i institute. 1 Mi tt. I'ftersun a mt Kens Virgil and l.Tiian and daiiKhti-r t.raer. h-fl Sal urday fur i Vntralia. Washlimhm, l viflii with Mi, and Mrs. V ill llintun 1 turned honie Monday at eompanivd hy jlier mother Mrs. William AlceiiKH. Mr. ami Mi,-.. Frank itilherl left Tn'sday fur Walla Wallu anil-will viw it wit ll M r. I 111 brl l h niut hrr M i s MirdHill till alter Thanksgiving wln-n (they will k 'tt nd will vinit in .Salt 1 l.aki t'ity fur a whlh and then on to J Illinois where Uuv will Mpt-nd the win ter with Mrs. UllherL'8 brut hrr Jn. wart a nd wife. W intering: In 1oh Aiinehv. In a letter to a friend from Mr. and Mrs. tieorwe Caldwell who are spend ; hip Hie winter in Lou AnKoleH, t'al.. they wril that they ure having summer weather there, ami that they ar eating mnv potatoes that wert; idantt'd Seplemher lt and .that thn'v ; imve new vegetables such as lojitueti, radishes, onions, turnips, melons anil new potatoes every day. Mrs. i'nld well have been very ill wincn arriving in California, hut is hnprolm; ! M. K. Slunlivant left fur l'ilot ltuek Tuesday for a load of seed uraln. '' Miss Hlanch Hulin is vIsitiiiK ut liia Holin raueb during vueatlun. Mr. ami Mrs. A. Kottmeler ul- Alba left Tuesday morninl; for lleppner to hi d Thanksgiving with Mr. JCuUmel- er's sister, Mrs. Coffee. Kloyd Martin who was interested In the draft- store with his father has soli) his interest to I'erry Simpson, and hen-after tho business will be run by Martin and Simpson. I'. i t son ami M rs. spending a ek with hi.-: tr;i iidint: and hk sermon iiminmt; b business ret urniiiK and family. Mr Hinton are sister Frank Ililborl dayy on lirldK' ' sear a rid the;' wpiinine thir ealvt-s. An excellent Tha n k way preached Sunday Rev. Herbert. 'la if Sturdtva nt made a t rip to Pendleton Sat urday Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Wright ami daimh ter Manila of Halfway came up Fri day to attend Hu basket social, re turniu; Saturday ami lakiui; back w i t li them Kd Hurns, uho lives on the sin limit, on t he Vol low Jacket road and who bus been ill fur some time, and Mrs. "W riff lit wilj take him to PI- ' lot Hock for medical treatment. Fd Ingram and family left Saturday for Freewater to remain during the winter when M r. I iiiKi am inirchased hay for his stock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Koltmer of Alba, o tte ndpd (tie bHsket socia i Frida mpht at Fkiah. j Saturday ;ifteruoui was clean up j day at the church and while the la- ' dies were busy cleaning inside of thul church, others w ?.ard anil the men splltiint; and cord-; iiiK wood. t Miss Clracy Hulm visited with her, mother, Mrs. A, L, lUdin Friday ' uight. Mrs. Chamberlin wlio has been ill j with typhoid fever and was moved to ( the home uC Mrs. S. J. Helmlck nearly four weeks afco, lias almost fully re- covered and was movud to her own home Sunday. iiobert Moore who workimr at Gnrdnno came ninne Sunday fur u few darn visit with hln wife. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Uibbs have taken rooms for thu winter at the home of Mr S. J. Helmlck. Mr. Lula. Selby and son Hobby of Ourdane art vlrltiim with Mrs. Sol hy'o mother, Mrs. Jennie Moure uf Vklah. There will In; n school during ThnnksgiviiiL wtek on account of the iiiNtttutc. Herbert Mngs who went east a short time arro wlfli beef cattle, re turned -home Saturday. Sturdlvant Bros, lost a valuable horse a few da3 afio. Arthur Ganger of rcndleton was a Uklah visitor Monday night. M.ri?. J. H. Mettle returned home Tuesday after a two weeks visit in 'ppdletou with Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Mossle. Tncre ill be no Kcd (Toss meet-inj-r Thankypivinff . week. There will be n Xinas tree with ex ercises in L'kiah and committees have bt"n appointed for Dm work. Miss Helen Meenpn. who is attend ing: high school in Pendleton hiiic home Monday for a vacation during the in:-Mfute. Mrs. "Walter Allison who has been Htaying- with her mother on Pride creek for tho last three weeks in. An old) Man s Stomach. As we griw older find less act h e, less I I less food is required lit meet demands of our bodies. If too mueh is habitually taken, t he stomach will icbel. When a man reaches the ad vanced age of s:( in 10, yuu will find that he is a light eater. Ho as care ful as you will, however, you will oc casion a lly eat more than you should and will feel Dm need of t 'Dumber Iain's Tablets to correct the disorder. These tablets do md cuida in pepsin. Iut st re list hen the stomach and en able it to perform H functions natur ally. They also cause a genllo move ment of tho bowols. Adv. l-ogwois Form Ltrgioit 1'OltTUNP. ore.. Nov. j:t The larval Fegon of Foyers and Funi1er men came into active aggressive ex ist anon today. Fathered by Colonel Price I'isu'ie, of the Fnlted States signal corps, and actively supported by Secretary of War Maker, the organization has the patriotic object of stimulating the pro il net Ion of airplane spruce- In Wash ington and ( regun. A membership campaign for the legion opened to day. Officers of the signal corps will leave Portland today and tomorrow for various logging camps in I li northwest to explain the purpose f the organization, pound home the nec essity for more spruce and secure busy cleaning the 111 i no organization may cxm-ioo-h to include other industries vital to Dm pi'osecut ion of t ho war. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PKNDLETON, OJUSGQN Condensed Statement At the close of business, NoyemLer 20, 1917, upon call of the Comptroller of the .' Currency. RESOURCES Txans and Discounts .' .$3,581,238.14 li. S. Bonds and Certificates. . 1,75(J,550.00 Other Bonds, Securities, etc... 13.92G.53 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 15.000.00 Banking House and other Real Estate 15,964.22 Cash and Exchange 674,083.84 Total .$6,056,762.73 LIABIUTIES Capital Stock $ 250,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 379,233.08 .Circulation 2 45,295.00 Rediscounts, etc 300,309.01 Due to Banks 45,161.41 Deposits 4,836,764.23 Total .....$6,056,762.73 I The above statement is by far the largest ever shown by this bank. The unusual deposits are largely due to tha money realized from the sale of crops by tha farmers; hI.--o Die government HUM has the proceeds of tho ticcond Jiberly Loan lion Us on deposit vith Us. - t tort a in i'urr fur Ooup. .Mrs. Itose Middlelon, of tireenvllte, IH . has had experience In t h treat ineiit tif this disease. Who says, When my children were fiuull my! sou had croup frequently. Chamber- ' i luiu's Cough Remedy always broko i 1 up tliese attacks hnmedlately .and I I" I was never without it In the house. I j have taketi It myself for coughs aid coJda witii gul results." Arff. AHIooi ;h this uiitisual comtiHon will only 6e tenitorary, i-l wo cannot resist, calling the? especial uttention of our customers and friends thereto.; ' THK I IItST NATIONAL IJAXK. ;'! III tilLl, TO HIHiN KliATTI.i:, Nov. '8. llPvs-nt;i-(ivrs of 1 Ti civic organizaUnn.s mot this ! meeting Friday whtm resolutions nk. lug Gill to resign will prolnljly bo in-itroUuccul, i-.mms KKITISJI IHMi. timer ; i - 'r ' I -v l- , -v Vi ! ' :. , f "' - ' ; ' j F S AT WAR WITH YOURSELF! HELP NATURE TO DEFEAT THE DISEASE IN YOUR BODY. Keep up Die f i k h 1 ; do not. give up, Nature f trvlui? Iomtvc you in conquer- 1DK the uroiigs thai niity exist. Ifed blood, vim, courage, vitality, all f-eem lackm. ISo wonder you are nerv ous and disi-out a'd. Why noi, call to your ;iid a Iffnisc. epeiidabir H '?' ir. rii l're'H (ioUlen M-tica I Di.-cover y lias for nearly tilt y yearn proven ii- tueril-" a- 11 uiwl ixiwr ful lmic iiij-l Mood builder to Die many thousand w ho have been returned to good health hv it n.--e t lear tte coated P.tujne. get. rid of miHghttv skin trouble. ti this remark able remedy rid umr body of th iru p'M iMe- of the blooil. if ." it. bu and streimt'ieit you. It ofien cup's th linaef hne ci-onie eonh. Or. I'lene tJokJeu ledifill UU-ivtt I.1 al.olutelv het bat, ft e from alcohol or dam:eiou- I nihil- fonniuir drugi. All dniftyi.-t. Liquid or 1 ablet. l'ot:i i, mi, nil u. I certainly can rer- omui"lld llo-'lor Pierce's oUb'll Meriieal lilnoVery. I had iiver Irouhln so bad $r'7&-3- . V-'Don- and li .d in- WK Al' hiol woman s j "Toipiie. it Tf ,1 weiik atid nervous. I decided to try fir. Piene'M Dolden leiiicitl lfeuV'rV and Id ' - uvoriM f'rei-eriptioii. I took !-ix Itoltle of each u nd wm a vcll woniaii. " ,M v tiiMhand htid ouhle with lii- (uiiK-i. iis tv weak. Ii i 111 ' IHseoverv ' and it, rurc'l lilin. I citunra mmm k too highly oi I r. Pierced Keineflle."-fH'. Vtlt.lt IA ITKKWJN, (VX Kit by .street. l'orti r.ANU, ortho. " l or biliousness and torpid liver 11 ltd to re$ruhit4 the IkiwpIs liaTo th nnlhinir Dint can emnti loettr I'ircn's Plfiianl- I VI ieU. 1 have ued them over twenty vear-i and have nlv.avu found them good." - A. W. 11 tteuiiKv.i, iijO r 7ath MreeL, N. SPRINGS Manufacturing and Kc pairLng. FLEUCKEN AUTO' SPRING WORIS Guaranteed Springs , Ncaglc Building, , , uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui 1 THERE IS NO TIME j 3 Tlurt- Ih tlnif to hav pic- 2 ture ntixli. una tliut is whnn i S S ' pou ni- iii mood for pictures. 1 s l hut In when tli Hon I looks ! H 5 out thru your eves, ho don't ! 2 S overlook the time when you r S S uro feolliiK tliiu and then cull j S THE W IIKKI.hat hTlDIO J S und nialco un aooplntment. j 5 aiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit? OLN Goiiuial K. ' .. Maude., who coni- inunded the Brit iah forces, which re cently recaptured Kut-KI-Amara, Is dead In Mesopotamia, where h was in command of the British expedition, lie had been in command since t he- summer of JaH year and had been able to retrl'-ve many British os-f in i CONSERVE WHITE FLOUR And at the name time your health, use BIydcnstcin's Prepared Dietary Flour It makes Hoovertzine' pleasant. Bettor Hotcafcos, Buns or Brown Bread. ASK YOUR GROCER. CONDENSED REPOPT at the Close of Business November 20th, 1917 Til. S ItCKS t'nli mid rchHiitti J'rHdr Acreitlniit'M V. M. Iti.nilH (nl I 'hi-i KoodH, St'CUI'il U'M. ftr ManlitnK LIoiihv . . Loitn.M and l'iM:ounl; l.l iii i.i ri i:.s Hhm.Hh I'al.ilal Sl.icl! Surplus I'nnd lnilMtl.:d fit.fil.s National Curri'licy . ... J7;l,Olil.7 . ... I. (Mil. !,-,. HO . ... 3!),6 1.61 . . . . Till. nail. nil . ... 2.m!ii.i;i.:-ii .-.U:lll.'J7U.0K .l.;iii7.iisii.:i.-. :in, nun. mi Inu.nno.nn l(ia.8l7.nj 2!U,!i!i7.r.n liis'-minlM at Kfili'ial Ui-si-rve Hank... 4 7.1, fid !.( s."..:l,-.'70 OH American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon that field of the war. 1 4