...J, ....... ...!, l,IIV.ltlHll '!' TWELVE PAGES PAGE EIGHT 1AILY FAST Q REG ONI AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917. mmsm I CSS 1531 J U L Famous 6000 Mile WfREGRIP TIR E8 INDEPENDENT GARAGE Pendleton, Oregon I THRILLING EXPLOIT OF CIVIL WAR TOLD miss. m. m. niKr ii s iti:i;-! kntim; i!I ((H.i.i:(tioxs op j ;iii"t itkie.j stih;gi.k j rtic la tighter of a Colonel. She Is the j lilow nf a Veteran a,nd llii.s Son in , Oregon National Guard, j IMS "Fair List Prices' Efflft Fair nnreatment , r ;i x uw When! the Astors Traded I in Oregon NO MORE TIRE TROUBLE WHEN YOU USE THE UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER GUARANTEED 100,000 MILES Just as resilient as air and Absolutely Puncture Proof. Will not flatten or harden under any condition, not af fected by heat or cold. We install and make all adjustments. AH sizes carried iiy stock. , PENDLETON TIRE FILLER CO. 416 E. COURT ST. Mrs. Mary Hurnap of this city has; wrirten the follow ins very interest- ing recollections of a former day ' when the flair was under fire and her i husband 'yas one f the heroic sol- , i : rs : "In these troublesome times, when every loyal heart is filled with patrio tism it may be interesting to give a few war sketches of the old days when 'imilar scenes were stirring military hero's to do i heir "bit" if the editor can spare the space. .As daughter of a colonel In the old en time: wife and widow of a veter an in t he late rebellion ; and mother of an Oregon National Guard a quar ter of a cent ury a no a lo al lad sea roe turne I Is. who became a mem ber of Cu. 1. commanded by Captain nui.-i Me paruonou lor a nine pruie m my patriot ic line. Our revered parent was commission ed c.iptuin nt the early aye of 19 in he Ohio ttate M ilitia by Governor Allen Trimble, and three years later, in his L'liid year was "elected and commissioned" colonel of t he 1st I 'eminent, l r-t l Irigade. '2 ml Division, by Governor Duncan McArthur of the tate of Ohio in the fifty seventh year f the I n dependence of t he I'nited Staates of America," as the (plaint old ioeunieiu reads w hich is carefully preserved by the writer with the most sacred Jove and loyalty, and is accom panied by t he white plush Barters ii. .-.v tanned by litre fastened by the silver buckle tarnished a little by time, that were worn with the knee pan is. a la 'Washington. Hut the most sacred relic of the priceless old uniform is a pair of mangii'leent epu lis worn by th HEY had an eye for the varied wealth of Oregon's fertile valleys and hillsides. The East - has always sought the Oregon market with the best it has. That is why Goodrich was quick to reach Oregon with Goodrich Tires. QUACK 9 SKEEXV TR EADS iAre tires in which millions of miles of strength of the Goodrich Unit-Mold- mauling against the roads of the nation Xfnbroken-Cure body of these match, have brought forth proved, tested cer- less fabric tires. tainty of service. For Goodrich Test Car Fleets have tried them out, and established the lasting III Buy service in the tires which have won the right to the title "America's Tested Tires." THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY THE CITY OF GOODRICH. AKRON. OHIO Makers also of the Famous Silvertown Cord Tires il'M . . iiiimii mn mmm i- m I 2 Bost in the Long Run called for 75.0dO men, which in a few Ik regarded as grave and the Kovern- ureH in the recent expose reKurdtni? . The charge brouRht against lon youthful colonel, the 1 nhort mbnths viih duplicated fir 3"U,. ment will be Interpellated on this mo-German nronaicanda, aKainst Puudet of IActlon Franclae . and hwavy .silver frinue ctf which hunif low j "no more "to serve for three years, or subject as soon as the premier re- Senator Humbert, owner of the Jour- Churlen ManreM of the same newpa to almost cover the point of the 'during the war." the little city of turns from Italy. nnl. in which an Interest was acquir- per were dismissed yesterday by fthe shoulder. AVftite deprived of his love ' Warsaw, Hancock Go., ill., less than a charge oj misappropriation of ed by Bolo. Hla attorneys today ap- judge w ho was investigating; the al and care in early childhood, memory (one thousand in nonulatiun. wuh over- .. jik rr v,ti hv nll.l t.. th mit for uuthoritv to leged loyalist Plot. He found r no "st itl gives a distinct picture of his straight t ft. form, and Kray eagle eve, with the commanding voice thai 'always gave obedience and respect. wneimtngiy crowded with willing vol- Hole Pasha, one unteers. Then came the news, "there were more men than means," horses ! could not be obtained for all who ; f the principal fig- Institute prosecution. evidence to substantiate the charge. W hen President Lincoln in j3t W Ym Sim An Object Lesson The plates are the first parts of your battery to be affected by abuse or negligence. Starving and lack of water hardens them, overheating buckles them. In either case, the battery is ultimately made inefficient, or even useless ruined. Of course any battery will wear out in time, but 90r'o of all battery troubles might have been avoided by regular care, or prompt attention when the first symptoms of trouble appeared. Keep in touch with us and you'll be dollars ahead the good monty you're spending on avoidable repairs,' the price of a new battery even for regular care means Ipneer battery life. ELECTRIC SERVICE STATION (Corner Main and Water Streets 1X61 j wanted to go in the cavalry service.! t The boys said, "we will furnish our1 I own horses," and a regiment calling) themselves "The Black Hawk Cavalry" j j was organized, Colonel Arthur Marsh! i commanding. Then Governor Yates ! ; proclaimed the ipiota was filled, they i could not be accepted and protected; 'but the governor of M issouri was 1 found to be short of the nuuiber of , ; nien in that turbelent state to fill his ; quota and to avoid being disbanded four companies. A, C, K and F cross- ! 1 ed the Mississippi river, identified ! j with that body of troops and were ' ; afterwards known as the 7th Mo. Vol. . ; Cav. ; j There is perhaps no more strenu- 1 ous duty in military service than that , of cavalry; it Is always in the face of : the enemy, scouting in the most dan- Kerb us places, opening the pathway . for the marching infantry, protecting ; the wings right and left from counter- I attacks of the enemy, and even gruard- ' ing the rear of the batteries, wheel- 1 ing, charging, dashing, daring, the ' noble horse brave and dutiful as his daring master meets his death suf ' fering acutely and silently and falls n n k n e 1 1 e d and unknown. ; Major McClanghry in a recent ad- , j dress eulogized the rgiment In their . many battles and especially those of I.one Jack. Pea Ridge. Wilson' ('reek ami Prairie Grove. It was in the last i -named bloody scrimmage where Ma ; jor Pnrdett was killed, that Wm. Hur , nap. my hero, won his promotion to ' 3rd sergeant when his Co. K was : nearly surrounded by the enemy and ' the thrilling; command was given, , "Oraw sabres; fire at will," which al- ; ways brings out the best a soldier has j ' to give. His comrades say, he never i said "Go,"' but always. "Come on boys, i I follow me." H sered four yearn and I two months and came home with but one slight wound and lived to enjoy ' many years of peaceful happiness and , now sleeps beside his mother and dau- J ghter at Touchet, Wiuthington. ''No more the bugle calls the weary' I Hill', ' i Ui-sl noble spirit all in thy grave I t alone." ; i ' f. xn. u 1(3 ii e( i. OFFICIAL CHARGED WITH GIVING OUT STATE DOCUMENTS Subordinate of French Pre- j mier is Accused by Judge Advocate. PARIS. Nov. f'apt . Mangin . P.ocpit. judge advocate attached to . the second Pari.- court martial, dis- iitilied with the explanation made "by M. Pafs-Seailles. on- of Premier Pa brieve's fii Lord ina t ' has charged him f urn i ally w it h having com m imi tated conf :denl tal .taie documents to an ii na 'it hoi ized person. M. Paiv-SeailleM- name wa nien ( Ii ned lat. week In connection with a necn-t ilociuuent concerning the sit uation of th Saloniki army, which , : was found In the af- of the lionnel Ktiugp, hiie editor. Miguel Almer- eyd.i. libMi in prison a t'ter being ar i : ted ,n t he charge of sedition. In view of the position occupied by M. Pa it. Seal lies m one of the pre mier's principal assistants, the case CHANDLER SIX Asking' You To PAY More Wouldn't GIVE You More A THREAT to add two or three hundred dollars to the price of the Chandler wouldn't make the car better. And actually adding to the price wouldn't make it better. The definite Chandler policy, consistently followed throughout the history of the Chandler Company, keeps Chandler value highest and Chandler price lowest. No other car selling for less than $2000 offers you so many distinctively high-grade features of design and con struction: Bosch High-Tension Magneto. x Solid cast-aluminum motor base extending from frame to frame. Annular ball-bearings in transmission, differential and rear wheels. Silent chain drive for motor shafts. . , And the famousChandler motor, in its fifth year now, refined from time to time in the past but without radical changes, continues as the greatest of all sixes. The Chandler has passed and left behind a long line of other makes of sixes because it does give so much more for so much less. . even-Passenger Touring Car, 11595 1 Four-Passenger Roadster, SI 595 Seven-Passenger Convertible Sedan, $2295 . Four-Passenger Convertible Coupe, S219S Limousine, $2895 All prices f. o. b. Cleveland, Ohio Come Choose Your Chandler Now PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. Water & Johnson Sts. Thone 630 CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Cleveland, O. :'.t 'W -O. r-v i tt . , .