TWELVE PAGES PAGE TITREK DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1917. IWSJ lii r: . r.--. rUMOtcl. 0TE8 OF PE .Milton liny iHin j (John KujihlHter, fornyrly of M II ; ton, but now xtutioned In t'htirlotiv, , 4nuh Curnllnu, Uhh been promoted ; to the rank or neeond lleuteuunt In the l. H. ttrniy.-i-.M llion Kjw J T. WlilNtlfi Here. John T. WhUthr, builder of the : rmutllla liTlKallou project and well t lumwn In Pendleton becn-une of hi , work for the. Kovernmrnt . nt that time, wag here on hlM way to Kpo , Kane. Mr. Whlmler Ih at. present do- Inir Home work for th federal farm ,. Joan board ami haa been mIh! hmed . In Nevada of, late. al Leon SorltiKH Texat, han wrlllt'ii u very Intel I'MlliiK letter t bin mother HIk battery 1m Known at Galloping l Hull cry am! according to young Hw- I'h. htiM the repiitnt ion of belli t he I'UMt In the rt'Khiit'iit. ' There are . f-ewral iri'Kon buy In the 20th Ai'tll lery uiul they are longing for a rrhuiice at Kuro. At it motion jdctuie huw h how mme of the Indian juirade ai the Humid-l'p and the i fregoii buys. HiiiiK "i Want to ki I Jack to (ireieon." da y, 1 10. which was . viHit'-d t wire In one The t hh'I'H boot y consisted However, I lev. (Httnall feeln very thankful ImiMtmich an the visitor ; erloolted more than 1 10 which he. hail collected from 1 he pain ( lyccutii tlcketx. It. wa thin money he t hlii I; k the thief wuh after an lie can thin k of no oi her tension for having- put the home ttt a minister In a clasH with the homeH of iirmnl nent fat inerH, Interest rtti 1 1 bonds front the il.lt1 of their iHMiianre. It wll he iieceai'.V I j for them to be paid for In full on nr ! p before Nov. 1.'.. a nooii many people j jspS mtbHcrlbed, Intending to ptiy later, j SEE hut the hanks are required to turn j EES over th money on Nov. .". ff tin. ; mii hKcriM'rK do riot pay for theif 5 Iiim1k before that d;ile, the hanl: E3 'lll advance t he money h"f will ho ! enl it If d lo the Inters t on the km h- , EES Hc rlbera de ten I'd jpuymeita. Thin a-nnolineeinent Ik not intended for : t hoB who made ari a iigenieni w to j Pay on the Installment plan. SEE ; ,if'iim'l hi Vancouver. I ,M Ikk JeNle Perkins, x. of Ki te 'water,, and (JeorKe J. Voting, 21. of Vancouver, Heeored a, license to wed yesterday at Vancouver. - Hoys ,Iit lit New Vork, The i hfirle Co, Hum received n card from loii Haundei'H, formerly of thlH city and now a Kallor aboard the V, S. H. leviathan, tolling of en- ; countering Bert t'ainiibejl and I ton er jo Vaiijhau, I'endlelon hoyn wit h , the Idaho guard, and Klmer Thom- , iw tf iiattery (Troop j , on the XlreetR if New York. Will Ite Whh ItuiM-licH Co. John 11, Morrlmni who la now in t ho Honour Ki'ain office In HiIm city, hax resUned hlH posit Ion, the resit nation to ta Ite effect December 1 , and on that date lut will take a pod tlori with Hen K. iHipnin, dintrlet Ha lea agent for t he Central Montana Hunches toM which hatt wold many thou sands of dollars worth of land I n 1'n i a til la county farmers, recently. Mr. AIorrfMon Ik a 'brother of W. U, Morrison of Helix, one of the largest realty operatora In the county. Son Is lUti'ii. , A baby boy was born last ntht ta AlrM. A lice Kkeels of Moscow, Idaho, at the home of Mrs. William gg on West Hluff street. . J70O I HI iMedcs SlglUMl. j Already J7'a food piedwe cards JiavB been enl in. to f'onnty h'uierin I tendent I. K. Voung from over the courit.wand neveral districts have, not i et reported. Itiiy vw Oakland. It. A. HlssenKer haw purchased a new Oakland of the African Auto1 o., the third Oakland sold by the Im-al agency 1 his week. Suit Oil ACCVHIIIt. The M lit on Fruit rowers' I 'nfoii yesterday filed suit in the circuit court agalnnt 11. 1. Durrie for J4ii.lf and Interest alleged to be due for f i ult. S. 1. Peterscui Is attorney for the plaintiff. j from ItiiKH'll llowcrM : . , ItiiHHell liowerH, l(ndleton lad now i wli h Ilaltery J IMth Kleld Artillery Itev. ;ornall Vlellm of Thief. Among the number of homes rob bed In J 'end let on recently wan the home of Itev. and Mtn. H. K. (iornatl Will Move to Seattle. ilen Hiurdivanl has resigned his position as undertaker with Coroner j "" J. T. Hrown and expects to leave ; New Itet-tor Arrive-. soon for Seattle to take a position J Archdeacon 1-ock wood with a big undertaking firm of that j who has been called elty. PAY CASH AND GET MORE The Dean Tatom Co. Phone 688 NEW CROP KRAUT, RAISINS, NUTS, CATSUP, PEAS, TOMATOES Spinach, 3 pounds 2;c Cauliflower 15c Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, 3 lbs 23c Sweet Potatoes, 5 pounds 25c Head Lettuce 10c and 15c Apples, Jonathans, box $1.50 Apples Rome Beauty $1.33 Strictly Fresh Eggs ... (50c Sweet Cider, gallon 35c Cookies, 2 dozen 25c Cranberries, quart 20c OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Is complete. Swifts Lard, Bacon and Ham. Spring Chickens at all times. EVERY TH I N G TO E AT .Mum find Dairy. , K. M. KriwHrrls. formerly employer iy renltnl Uron., recently purehurted .the (l;iiry rniKlnesx or Waller Mum- ( l(;rl near .MlKr.lin iiml look jios-es- ' nlon Nov. 1. of Spokane, lake the rec torship of the Church of the Re deemer, arrived In Pendleton this mornlnjf and will occupy the pulpit at the reKUlur KervieeH tomorrow. - How Do Nemo Corsets Correct Figure Faults? By giving support where needed; freedom where health demands it; and by controlling flesh without undue pressure. The pHetch illustrates 1 Nemo triple-reduction feature, to re mould flesh on back n'i upper limbs with utmost comfort. 2 Lacing below front steels to insure . . smooth line and perfect adjustment to figure. 3 Nemo "bridjre" construction throws top of corset away from figure, (riv ing plenty of room for deep breathing. 2T There are Nemo Corsets scien tifically constructed to correct all figure faults and . many organic irregularities. Consult our expert . corsetieres for the Nemo that you need. . Nemo Corsets for all types of figures $3.50 up.1 4Dlf M Whilf hre he will un vhf-thor lo accept the ha lily I ted C'risH li l:lM't. i A iiKM-iintr; rf thf rmutllla rnnnty 'lui pi -r if i hi A liHTlf.'i n I ;-(l tks hits ln-i n cu lld fnr next Wt-diH'Hila.v I 'Vfiiiiift. Nov. 14. nt 7 :3 nt thn f'ninty llhr.'iry hiifldliiK lh pur ,Kisii ut chMMhiK ftfilcf-rH for the iif-xt nr .Hid hi-;irlii lh rrports nf thf r i irint; fl irrs. A full n-nunr-: 4lcsln-i. Surw On pjifn 4'outnu't. Having (ipmnit'ted, hnslir-ls of RuHKian liU Wheat to II. W. I'ollin.t last January for SLOT jr hn.-;h'l (Uliv'rpl at tt:t lait-r'K. warehouse Oils fall, ncconiinR to thn complaint. Ivoo Whlttotk did not want lo fulfill hit contrart wht n wheal v-nt u dol lar a hove that figure. "J licrefoi! Collins today brought .-oill lo i t-0o r 1 L'TT, danurK'M. Jtral'MNl n An IlMitjM'KvI. ' ("ranvilk- i'lant of li.iah nnrt ''hnrh'H foffi-nhcr'i-r of Helix arriv od hoi'in this morninK" from Camp I.t'U-iK, ha viiiK been riven honorablf dlsct)arteK from the nat lonal army lor phylsyslfal disability. They were two of the ll who left here recently a the lat Increment of the f IrMt draft. They rport that all other members of the 1 'mat ilia comity bunch panned the examinations and expect to be sent east very kmoii. fiM-k4 Iir fty IhindtifN, ! Keports of dticUs liyitif by the j hundreds on Baca Itke near li:t ! mond, Ore., was sent to K. F. Averill ; of the biological survey by li. F. : I'tiRsley of I tiamond. Last year ; t houandw riled on this Isolated la Ice. he fays, and he thinks a little scaly fish to be responsible. However, it ( is possible that the alkali In the mud , is reFpoiiMible. Mr. A v trill has re S ported the matter to Washington for i an investigation. c;ovfkxoi: will isksigx TO (. to Tin-: tz U-tut one revolver but may not have ammunition. , revolver was stolen at (reon City, presumably by the convicts, but no cartridges taken. Im ;iviiiiI( Is InU'ifvlcd. The city of La 'Irande is very much Interested Jti the recent ordinance adopt, -i by the I'endletou council as a, means of keeping sntfraKette speak ers off the streets. 'lty Manager F. li. Carrey has written for a eop stating thai sm-h an ordinance is very Important at these limes. La Crande aiso asks for copies of i'endlton license ordinances and wishes to know whet her I lie city contemplate laKinir eiripl".'"' ."-a lories n't yar ( 'iiiMists War soiifi-. Herbert W. Copeland of this city Is the composer of a war koiijt. "I nd i ! Yah. Der Kaiser. Too." copies of which have arrived at the Warren Music House. The music was ar ranged by Karl Culott, also of thus t city. The song is catchy and th - , sentim-nts popular, the chorus run; ring as follows: "To Davy .Jones with . the submarines. 1'nd Yah. I -r Kai.-ei" Too, We'll Sail the seas, ln Kaii Bill, in spite of your Cs and you." Farms Real Estate In wheat lands which It value: nk into. ndletoii at J;.rit per ace, unfield at JJ.' I have some Rood would pay you to lo .tl'O iicje.1 near- V Itiu arrt-M near Sta BHO in Morrow 'ouit clicap. House and lot in fvmlteton now rented at a rate that will pay you 17 per cent on your money. Ideal farm In Northern Idaho consist iiik of A 0 acres, tfift of which can be planted next spring and ithonld raise AO to so bushels per acre of prize wheat. I Jind fenced, house and outbuildings, good Hpring water piped to house. This Is a Rood thing, and 2 years' crops will pay for it, F.MtM LOAN.. 1 loan money on good farms at lowest rate of Interest. C:ill n nd see me. J. C. SNOW Pendleton. I 'honour, 117 E. Court. Real Estate Farm I-onns, Insurance Troop ! iimI- I'ilbms. Ninety-eU'ht b.ys of old Tno V of 1 'end let on are sleeping w it hout pillows, aeoording to a letter receiv ed from 1'rivate Herbert Calfee. and a move has been started among lo fai ladies to fintiish each with a reg ulation pillow. J'ersons who can furnish one or more pillows or the material lor pillows ate asked to send I hem to Mrs. C. K. Kude on Calvin st reel or M rs. Mac I "ai ney on Wil low. These ladles will see that the materials are made op into pillowy ; and will attend to the forwarding of them. Thief Meals ivm Suit. Spence Bentb-y has sworn off on ell formal social f unctions for t ne winter, not so much as a war saert t ice because he has no dress suit. H had one until Thursday niht . when someone else took a fancy to f 'MTy""T,"'r"'T' I i -, . f m S i ? 1 ? ft V -z t VrV and le it irom his homo while be was down town. This is the sec ond time his home has been entered in the past two weeks, the thief on i lie previous visit having taken all of the clot hes of a brot her-in-law ho Is enlisted. (iovernor Keith Neville of Nebraska has made up his mind to resign his place to jjo to t he war in Kit rope. He has been appoint el colonel of a Nebraska National iuard Tlegiment, and he is now wait ing to hear from the War Department. YOU ARE PARTLY MADE OF IRON That is iron i an essential con stituent of pure, healthy blxd. J'eptiron, the new iron tunic, com ! liines pe.psin, iron, jinx, celery am! I other blood and stoina li tonics that physirians rfcrihe. It is a Avomierlul coi revtlvn of ' nneiuia, paleness, laniruor, liervous nes whether caused hy haril work, worrie nvcr-nse if calts and other l!ood-icpl tinir oathnrtics that are Joine" miicli Imrm to many people ittst iiov--firany ofher cause. iept ( imn will restore tlic iron stnnrth that you must have tor cheerful per formance of daily duties IVptiroti is in convenient piil form, i chocolate-coated and pleasant to take. Oct it todav. Flowers Have the Jo In your Homes. C IIHYS-IXTIIEMI'MS v Also Carnations, Violets, etc- GEO. HOOKER Florb-t. ;. V I'h-.iie o-2. Free Djelivcry ANSCO Liberty Ilond l'aynicntH Due. The local banks call uttention tn the fact that, in order for Liberty I!oud subscribi rs to receive t lie full UN- E ITS HILL CLIMBING . POWER IS K(tUALKl) BY ANY CAR. Dodge Brothers MOTORCARS Compare the specifications and ' the car with all others in its price class. Then -you will see the reason of its superiority. The Price in Pendleton is $908.50 Including the War Tax. PENDLETON CADILLAC AUTO CO. Umatilla County Distributors ' liELIEFKNO BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard. It does all the work of the old-tashioned mustard faster does it better and does not blis tir. You do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply rub it on and usually , the pain is gone I Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it Cives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, trosted feet, colds of the chest (it oltea pre vents pneumonia). Sue and oOc jais; hospital size $2.50. l-'llrs CrusH 4'uniluint. fix Ihc divorce suit of Louis !!nu Ins vs. Serena Howlus. the defendiint .VvHterdJiy filed her answer Hint cros. coniidulnt. denyint: the lirtncip:ii tharKiw in ld.iiiulft'K cninjilnint. Sho asks that the e:nip!alnt ht" dismissed and that her husband he made lo hay her each month until f:ir thtr order of the court and JJftioi Miil money. She also secured a tem porary resti aliiins? order lo prevent him from nioMKaim; or encuinher in his properly. Ualey & Kaley are her attorneys. Zoe l!,niser Is up from Stanfield. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Queener and Mrs. M J. Queener of Lowton. W are isitin' friends here. STANFIELD RAISES ITS Y.M.C.A. QUOTA i'tunfirll is tho hitest town in the rounly tn rc-p'trt the Y. M. C. A. drive completed, jnininu iho towns of T'nia piiu", Mi!ttn Fret-water iind Wositiii, l''inll'ton is' rapidly nearinji her poal .f ?:.utpu ;md itli woikinti hard t"nUo the tho fmuniitters end appears sh. sahtouis. an wnsov or r. s. at.NT, si:i:vi:s wvnis ntv. wliieh tho the s. cinniiil tt k :-;Kv ,.' -'1 , r.'tarv in I -.S-f A :llthe,.,e Cj.- V . t pol'l Slli'VV ' t J t men usimI VIr,.. aM&m,,:: : -rf inu i.,f .- x - i in jiiKht. The tnher towns ettinir their wrk etininmniiy is ep n-aehinir its ipmta. Sutiu siat ist ies show ing f tho ocMintry : rfianized and ted lo fail tho wt M. were rk . A. is diiini anmni; si-nt to t he loea I t-iliiy hy n. lU-U. se.: hariie if the Y. .M. . A. idin, wht) wrote here at the of H. .1. AV.u rur. Tho re : for insiauee that H'li.sit.", (lie Y bnihliiii; there dnr- the month, that 4:1. ."mT, leu. rs w t ie written on free stationery, thai ti.s ;!. ai tended free entertainments. That punt's of eheekers w cif played, that v. 7 1 attended gospel iiieelinys, and mi tn. When You Sign a Bond As surety for a friend, yon in jure your credit. Bankers, Cred it Men and Commercial Agen cies, take this into consideration when determining your finan cial standing". Moreover, you JEOPARDIZE: Torn K STATE, and may delay its distribution in the event -of your death. The T'rovision that a man has made for his family during his entire lifetime, is of ten wijted out afu-r his death by a loss on a bond sicned by him. Matlock-Laalz Investment Co. Insurance Loans Real Estate 8:t Main Street. Phone 8.1. TTHE Ansco Vest Pocset Speedex catches swiftly moving figures ivithenjt a biur. It gets into action quickly when every second counts. .You can change the focus,' the speed and opening of the shutter instantly and accurately while viewing the im-ape in therinder. Letusshow- vou tnis camera. Other Ar.scos $2 to v? tSuan & CO. Leading Drutgiits QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Belts Bldg. Telephone G23. X A i 9 ; L 4 ' ISeap Art I aptnitMl. SAI.K.M. Nov, M. John I.. Majors .-no Taylor and Farley Hunt, three i.e.moes wli escaped from an honor uatiK of the state penitent iary last Tuesday, are bt-iieved to be sur rounded )i a I'ikm' on Heaver Creeii. seven iuile-5 from 'n'Snn City. in Clarkamas county. aerordim; lo u message received Py Yar deji 'h.trles .. M urphy last niuht. The t'ituii i es are brliexed to have at UIIIIHmJItllllllMlltllMlllllllllilllllllllK: e t. v' . I'HiCAiiO. Nov. , t ". . v , ,.s Korl w. ll. In a cal-leuram to a Cht e ; y.i pa per fi i.i I 'arts, relates t h;it Captain Algernon "ha I les .ai ti is i'lamlsoii ..f I'resideiu Crant. Irad in donl,t'-i and aetini; as water buy the Toreimi Lesion on the Kienel; it out. "The licclcr Stti lias those Soldier w Inch are sn appf.ip io ha e oir pieture i send to the box xln in the cot:ntr s serx ie riiimiiimiMiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiimmiir CALL 1 OR Monday for better meat DOWNEY'S MARKET Phones 18S and 187 ."3 -a g-3 53 of early winter '8 " - Vrti rk 1 7