PAGE TEZf DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1917. TEN PAGES 'A A FEW GOOD THINGS . Kippered Salmon Seal Shipt Oysters Little Pig Tork Sausage in Link and Bulk Fresh Ranch Eggs Cranberries Ground Cherries Quinces Pears Pomegranites Huckleberries c Casabas Ice Cream Melons Cucumbers Ripe Tomatoes Comb Honey Extracted Honey T -Brown Bread Raisin Bread GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St. L NEWS of farm and range FINE FARM REWARDS HOMESTEADER'S WORK ? per box. Other fruits yielded propor tionately, all bringing tfood prices. This farm Is strictly a diversified farm. Jersey cows, hogs, poultry und garden vegetables are here grown Ht profit. He Is now being repaid for he first few years of hard knocks. AKTKIt KKV YE.VHS W HARD K.VOCKO, HENRY SOM.MK1UCR WINS OVT AT HKRM1STOX. Tiuirru Snurobruslt Is Transformed Into One of the lttt INrersirtcd .. Farms In I'matllla County In Mno Years. Here youVill find a model for every need in the most 1 f Styliish and COATS Our showing of coats for fall is an ever changing array of the best in the world of fashion. e receive many new coats every week direct from the manufacturers, thus insuring to you the newest in authentic st3les. Too, these coats are as serviceable as they are stylish for they are of the best of materials. Finally, the prices are unu sually low for these exceptional times. Al ways pleased to show you. It was In 1908 that Henry Sommer er froto Missouri took a homestead of 160 acres in the Hermlston country which Is now embraced In the Her mlston project. That pluck and te nacity will win in the end haven't been fuller exemplified than In Henry's case. The first year Mr. Sommerer took up his abode on this 160 acres of sagebrush and sand, he broke and lev eled 75 acres, sowing: same to barley and alfalfa. After this crop was about an Inch high, giving every promise of a fine stand, a wind and sand storm completely destroyed the entire acreage. The following year Henry again seeded only to have a repetition of the year before. Undaunted by ! the preceding failures, he again seed ed this seemingly ever shifting piece cf land. But this time marked the beginning of what Is one of the fin est farms on the Hermiston project. ' The third sowing developed into a fine field of alfalfa, fully demonstrating what these great acres of Umatilla ; county will do under proper condi- . tions and development. In the course of the further devejopment of thi ffarm, Mr. Sommerer planted some 10 or IS acres to fruit, principally apples Peaches and grapes, which yielded far ' above his highest expectations. Thid year Mr. Somerer will sell in the i neighborhood of 600 boxes of apples ; alone. At an average price of $1.00 1 Kin-It Oerk Apples The fruit 1 S3 growers of the soith end of Umatilla ' -E5 ' county have demonstrated the fact I E53 j this year that they can produce good 3 j apples apples of oood mercantable I quality are in abundance on West ; 53 Hirch creek, south of lMlot ' Hock. I &s ' Very nearly every farmer from the j za Burgess ranch to ' Pine Grove have , ij j apples that will compare favorably j 5 ! with those grown In localities that I J ! are heralded as the apple growing ( sections. It is a sight well worth any one's time to take a car and ! make a drive to Pine drove. The roads are good that wind up through a canyon almost to the timber line. ; livery orchard along this beautiful road Is literally breaking down with I beautiful red apples. I ; The farmers in this particular ! callty havejilaced this end of the. farming as 'secondary. Consequently some of these are finding some trou ble In securing a market for their present crop. Among the larger ap ple growers in this locality are Cable. Herbert Boylen. Frank Uyrd, A. K. and C. D. Hascall, A. S. and A. B. Janes. llllillllUlllllilllUlllllllllllllllllllUllllllll.lllllilllllUIIIIIIIIHIIIlllllllllllliiUIIII p MEN H You, who are always buying on credit, and feel your greatness through jpj its results arc you saving money the same as your neighbor .who buys for 1 cash only? Look up the Golden Rule Store, examine our goods and its quality, H then ask the price. You'll be a money-saver through cash buying at this store Iff from that day on. E3 .Men's Canvas Gloves, 3 pairs 2Se Men's lUb Overalls MKo en's Work Mhlrts 4Hc Men's Flannel shirts I.IU Men's While or liuitdana Handkerchiefs So Men' Irosw SlilrtN use, 1.2S, fl.-tH Men's 811k Pour-In-Hand Ties 1 85e, I He laiis or ltostoii (.urtcrs, Mtlr lt Morris Mills shirts ami Drawers SI. ail Men's Dress Shoos $2.08. $3.M. $.9H, $l.0. $4.8 Hoys heavy winter School Shoes SI. Oil, SI. 711, $1.80 ! H YOU CAN DO BETTIilt While Table. Dlllnllsk 3o Women's Combination Shoes $'l.HO, $:I.II8 ladles' Heavy Winter Union Suits Silo Women's and (Jills', shoes !.l, $2.H I.lltlit and Dark l ust Color J'ereulo IDo Women's Milk Poplin and Sorgo llresses, 95.1M', td.UU. t'hlldreii's Hlack Hose, satisfaetion or a new pair. ii pairs , 2.10 Children's Play Hulls, blue denim, red trimmed 7 Ho ljulli-s' Outlnjr (iowiiH 700 WE IJ2AD, AT jy rHE GOLDEN RULE . J OTHERS FOIXOW lllllllllllllllllllillllllllll Builds IjtrtH' Barn Roy Horn and j his father who recently bought the 4S0 acres of wheat land formerly farmed by the late P. H. Van Orsdali, has constructed this season a $260lt I tarn. The barn is 100 feet long by 65 feet wide. Built 011 a substantial concrete foundation. The hay mow. which will hold 150 tons of chopped hay has a double floor. The top j floor Is of No. 1 flooring. A content- ' plated lighting system, built in grain- '. aries and many various conveniences , make this one of the finest barns In Umatilla county. Mr. Horn Is to erect a J5000 residence on this farm the coming season. DENTISTRY DR. DAVID B. HILL DR. HARRY N. MOORE Room 1 Judd Bldff. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-ray Klectro Therapeutics. Phone 52.1 (John Schmidt) Belts nirig. I OVER THE NORTHWEST CAMP LEWIS MEN TO PUT ON A ROUND-UP "LKT 'Kit BUCK" SI.CX; AX IS IIOI! HOVKI FROM I'EXIH-ETOX S FAMOUS SHOW. "Bulldozing- slated for Prominent Place oil Tentative Prosrnin: SIKtli Held Artillery Principal Actors. 3. Let 'er The Store of Quality EE!! FOR SALE 430 acres, 200 nice summerfallow, good house, and barn for 24 horses. Abundance of water, good fences, etc. Price $38 per acre. Hotel of 2( rooms, lot 80x120, out buildings and all equipment. Kooms all furnished. I'iano cash register, all for J3000. 60 acres, 300 in summerfallow in fine shape, and 50 acres al falfa, with good water right. 6 room house, barn holds 24 horses -on cement foundation, drilled well 90 feet deep has everlasting water, and pipes leading to house and barn, gas engine., pump. This land lie sood, and only : miles from town and railroad, and can be bought for only $4 5 per acre. ' I have some good stock ranches left, with or without stock. E. T- WADE, Pendleton, Ore. CAMP LEWIS, Nov buck. Horrowing their slogan from tHe famous Round-l"p of Pendleton. Ore.. ' cowboys in the 34Sth regiment of field artillery- composed principally of ! men from Montana. Idaho, Wyoming ; and L'tah today are completing plans for a rodeo. ! They say it will offer more thrills : than the Pendleton show. The affair s will be staged about November 10 j one week from today. j Bulldozing, fancy roping1, trick : riding, contest riding, wild horse' racing, steer riding and broncho bustng are on the tentative program. Major General Green is taking a per sonal interest in the affuir and re ordered that the men can use all of the horses in the remount station. Captain C. M. Breezer is responsible for the idea and J. L. Lingley Is man ager. The regiment Includes a num ber of men widely known in the cat tle country. -Wvcrnor to ix-ml March. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 3. Gover nor Withycombe is Mchedulod to lead the grand march of the Jitney Jazz dance to be given by the Travelers' Protective Association here today. Although the dance will Include such dances as the turkey trot, tht honk honk walk and the fuzzy wuzzy walk, it Is given in the name of pa triotism. Proceeds will buy Libertj bonds. course In gasoline engines at Colum bia university. They were enlisted in the navy here as machinists mates, second class. After several months at the big New York college, the men will prob ably be assigned to duty aboard At lantic coast patrol bojits. The party left Portland Thursday and will start their studies next week.' Farm Products Display. PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 3. Pro ducts show at the new municipal au ditorium . Programs and special features are planned for practically every day of the big exposition. The show ends November 24. fori Mirations Are iHxTeasiiis. SALEM, Ore., Nov. 3. The num ber of corporations in C Oregon is steadily decreasing, according to the annual report of H. J. Schulderman, corporation commissioner. 1 During the year ending June 30. j 1917, 682 companies were Incorporat ed. In the same period of time 825 j we erdissolved. At the close of the fiscal year, state records showed there were 9174 corporations in the state. ' j Fifteen shipbuilding corporations '. were organized during the year with j a total capital of $5.9."L'00U. j l iicle Ham Xet'ds Help. i PORTLAND. Nov. 3. our Uncle . , Sam wants help. Federal official here today said ; never before since the Inauguration of civil service has the government ( needed so many men and women. Ten thouFand workers In 24 differ ent lines are needed. Kxaminatlons will be held at prin cipal cities throughout this civil .er vire district today, November 17 and . December 1. Many government effices are saio to be working short handed because of the government's inability to girt qualified employes., i gv If you come her for fea glasses. Twelve yt-nrs' px- Bh jgf periobce in th grinding Lg nl n ml fttt i nir nf irt :t k.-k-s and illi j Oak . Wood. from the Willamette Valley i Cheapest 1 1 and Best 1 1 for If you come her glasses. Twelve yi-nr.V px periobce m th grinding and fitting of glis.-ica ami modern equipment for milking examinations- are at your service, and grt.'it curt- is exercised in every instance so that all who ned glas1vs may receive the utmost bent fit from their use. If you sre fitted by the methods used here, you do not have to go around with your vision blurred for several weeks or monthe. Neither do you have your ryes examined several times. Here you will find a complete line of chains. reeU, f rames, mountings, etc., all the lat est styles from which to make a selection. Iteaonnble ChnrKm. 1 A I, E ROTH V K 1. 1.. Optometrist and optician, American Nat", liank lihlg. J'honc COt). FIRE PLAGE life phne 178 meg VMVIHh-l llNhk AN V'.t .C? B I " I Ul II lllb LWIIiillWUII WW. Service Quality Quantity ll!llllilllilllii.ill!JiIH;;il!iilllllllllillill!!lll!;.iffl SM SOl.DIKISS AW'IOl'S to ski; reai, ritJirriNf, NO MORE TIRE TROUBLE WHEN YOU USE THE UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER GUARANTEED 100,000 MILES Just as resilient as air and Absolutely Puncture Proof. Will not flatten or harden under any condition, not af fected by heat or cold. We install and make all adjustments. ,AU sizes carried in stock. PENDLETON TIRE FILLER CO. 416 E. COURT ST. IPS GETTING COLDER, ISN'T IT Did you try driving against the wind yesterday? Better take yesterday's weather as a warning and come in and get a good ' warm robe. We have them made especially for the drivers with a patent foot protector and but tons with which to fasten them to the floor. A full stock of all kinds of acces sories. GLOVES WINDSHIELD CLEANERS WEED CHAINS OSGOOD LENSES GOODYEAR TIRES FISK TIRES AND TUBES TIRE ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS PENDLETON AUTO COMPANY "Established Since 1907" '-anada' Law Strict. NEW WESTMINISTER, ' C. Xuv. 3 Pity the Canadian bootlegger. Those who have seen the working. of the prohibition laws in Oregon. Washington and Idaho as compared with the new British Columbian dry , law say that the Canadians are much mere utrlct and convictions more oft en secured here than In the States. ! A recent cane here illustrates this point- Toy Wing-, a Chinaman, wa. convicted of telling lUpmr. He re ceived clx months of hard labor. The offender here, even on his first convictibn. get a jail sentence while in the Btatea he would probably re ceive only a fine or a (suspended sen tence t the most. New Train S-rhcdiilo. PO KTLA N D. Ore.. N ov. 3 . Changes In the Southern Pacific pas nenger schedule, including the addi tion of another Pcrtland-Kan Fran cisco train. The new train. Known as No. 5 3. will leave Portland at 1 a. tn. and will arrive at Kan Francisco 1 0: 5i p. ni the following day. Changed In th schedule of the hast a limited are al so made. The. removal of the big coast liner Great Northern and Northern Pacific ha no increased traffic over th Southern Pacific the new trains were I made necessary. Aiita Thieves Are llusy. POKTI-A.N'U. Ore.. Nov. 3. October has been a prosperous month for Portland automobM thieves accord ing to police statistics compiled today. Seventy machines w ere stolen during the month In Portland, exceeding by a wide margin any previous month. Will TaUe Kperlnl TrainJnjr. PORTIAN'D, Ore.. Nov. 3. A 'arge party of young m"n from the Pacific northwest are n their way , (.. New V.. tit ....iV to titl.e it f.pfft il WASHIGNTON. Nov. 3. After re ceiving their baptism of fire in the fights and campaigns incident to the establishment of good government in Haiti and Santo Domingo. I'niteo States Marine veterans, now nervinu in those countries, are straining at the leash In eagerness to take up arm" with their brothers overeas. Head quarters hero has received many let ters from Marines In Haiti requesting their transfer to the battle front in France. Peace is now thoroughly established In the West Indian republics, and the sea-soldiers are tiring of the com . parat Ive quiet of the various pontn where they are serving. Special JITNEY DANCE MOOSE HALL MIGHT re 'IMIIIIIIflllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllUHIIII" I WANTED I Live Wt. $15.00 per cwt. 14.00 per cwt. Drested Wl. $20.00 per cwt. 19.50 per cwt. 18.00 per cwt. Prime light hogs s Prime heavy hogs Rough heavy hogs 13.50 per cwt Pigs and feeders 1 3.00 1 Pendleton Meat Co. 1 Telephone 146 Hazel St., Pendleton, Ore. P .iiiiiiiiiiititfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitiiiitiiiiiniiiiitiiifftniifiiiiiifiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHtfiii fJ,i:.NI .ft'liV HWXIMKXI)S IMPKACIIMKNT MAVOIl K.MITI1 PHILAOELPHIA. NV'-. 3.. Thf grand Jury recomended the Impeach ment of Mayor Thomas Smith and the removal of Director of Pu bllc Safety Wilson. Smith Im charged with misconduct in office, conspiracy to . comm it murder, contempt of court, and connection with the primary elec tion rioting. Goes like hot-cakes says d3o6&y and besides r ,f SAVES THE WHEAT 1 ill Music by the Popular Anderson Sisters Or chestra of Salt Lake City. Miss. Lillis Anderson, f irstviolin ; Miss Olivia Anderson, c 1 a r inet ; Miss Rhea Anderson, pianist; Mr. C. A. An derson, cornetist and instructor. New Popular Music Played as it Should be. COMMITTEE till Hi So E asy Handled" that's why WOMEN Hke to drive UICK Beautiful and Best Free from mechanical troubles. Prompt and reliable garage service. Investigate the NEW 1918 MODELS Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated. 117. 119. 121. 123 Watt Court Si. Talephont 4t I Si! limn iiiiii il m si m - 3 L-3