"I (, rAf.r. two DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1917. It THIS STORE PRIDES ITSELF OX HAVING Plenty of GoodClothes for all ages and sizes Being young i a (rreat thingr; but it's the sort of things that doesn't last longr; mn get over it quickly. v J" . , ; , ,jrftt to binjr young, Iff fine to look young and feel young-; and that's some thing wome men neverdo get over. 1 '' The right clothes help the looks and the feeling, too; you can dress in smart style always, and the fact that your clothes are stylish and fit you, helps a lot toward the youthful spirit. Even when a man adds weight as he adds, years, there are clothes-styles that are de signed to' keep up the idea of youthfulness. We have them here for you. 'yl , IN SPECIAL MODELS FOR ALL MEN We'll show the younk men the nmart, snappy, fashionable, t y-n helt style military effect prominently featured ; We'll h'w dder irin who feel youriK and want to look as they feel t, tho modem they need tylih nd dinity; We'll how Mtout men. :iort men. tall men, extra Iar$o meii lot he specially deMimed for their Individual needs; $20 TO $35 THIS WEEK Exceptional showing of fine Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats $20, $25, $35 mm flu mian , . . ... The glove situation is now beginning to be quite a problem to the stores, but the manufac turers that make OUR GLOVES have promised and are filling our orders complete. You'll find, satisfaction in our gloves, because they have "tyle.and fit and quality. WEAR OUR GLOVES, CHILDREN. for WOMEN and Do You Know WHY This Store is Called the Overcoat Store of Pendleton? Copyright Han Schaflner Ic Marx fkpHniiiiinni ii i- hlTiirriTilr-w lToul- alh'fiictlon guar antied:' mon-j.' criwfull' rfunJf1. VK"K. You'll know what we mean oon an you atcp into thin icroat store. Overcoat of everv kind from $15 TO $65 ' Smart, I-liiht 'Topern" for early wear, $13 to S33. Warm Winter OoatH, all Die up tn 33. Kur Coat, fur-collared, fur-lined and fur-trimmed coati up to BUY YOUR LIBERTY BOND THROUGH THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE AND YOU'LL NOT HAVE TO PAY ANY IN TEREST ON DEFERRED PAYMENTS. ALL YOU'LL HAVE TO PAY WILL BE THE FACE VALUE. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK. WOMEN'S KID GLOVES A great big stock on hand and a full run of sizes in each style. Fancy stitching in contrast ing colors. The pair $1.50 to $2.75 CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES Offered in grey suede, white suede and tan kid. The pair $1.25 to $2.00 WOMEN'S DRIVING GLOVES Comes in tan, black, grey and thlike.in soft and stiff cuffs. The pair $1.50 to $3.50 WOMEN'S SILK GLOVES We have more styles and more colors in silk glove" than we have ever shown before. Two special numbers are new lined ones in plain and colored stitfjiing. Pai....65c to $1.50 WOMEN'S WOOL GLOVES Offered in several styles and well made and colors of red, bluck, brown and navy. The pair 50c to 85c. CHILDREN'S GOLF GLOVES and MITENS. Comes in colors of black, navy and red; all sizes; keep the little hands warm. The pair 35c to 75c WOMEN'S CASHMERETTS A fitibric glove, fleeced lined. Comes in all sizes. The pair 85c WOMEN'S LIN, ED MOCHA A glove for out door wear and one that will keep you warm, wool lined; all sizes; fur cuff. The pair $1.50 More Beautiful Georgette Waists Have just unpacked. been - "LT fern' The makers of blouse are fair ly out doing themselves this year,. Each new arrival is . more exquisite than the last. m i . ... l ii e a e new -i.f.- t c r e a 1 1 ons are 1 1 - white, flesh pink, maize, yellow and bisque. Most of them have large collars with medallion inerts of dainty lace. The fronts have motifs of silk embroidery, or steel cut beads and the unusual sleeves and cuffs are an attractive fea ture. Our waist department is by fur the larg est in town and the prices are the most reason able. PLAID SKIRTS ARE ALL THE RAGE .. We are showing a new and varied assortment of these fashionable skirts in both, woolen and silk materials that are Intended for both street and dress wear. The colorings are beautiful and will have to ne seen to be appreciated., Come in and let us show them, to you. Econo mically Priced. , i. .'; yf"r'L'--I'M BROAD CLOTHS For a one piece dress or a very stylish suit you can choose nothing better than one from our BROAD CLOTH. Finest quality texture, hort nap finish and in a good assortment of the new est shades. A few colors at $1.50 yard. Other colors up to $4.00 yard. FRENCH FLANNEL We have just received a shipment of this fine wool flannel, soft as chamois; 27 in. wide. Most desirable for dre'ses, Norfolk suits and chil dren's coats. Comes in colors of scarlet, royal blue and white. The yard $1.75 i IULWrnt 3 Itioneit All 15. -Knnom jr Srrv Ivn JO.ATIA.V AI'I-I.KH Kxlrm fm-y ttnuii-: pl'iMlil for ratlinr and -ook-ln. tnr Sl.TS -rfO.XKS KAlltV FAItM K.fNA.I-V ItMitM four oroV-rH. KTItHTI.V FKI-MI Kfi;s. CAXXOV RAM. V.UlH.UiV. IVr ! S2.23 1IOMK fKII HIUT ift. Jar. KM- l!M'K Ol.fVKS (aim I He to 7.V; XKW !! WI,M"TS iv.uiid. . . 3SC CIKX.KKRV IH-riT. 4i !) . Iliin-ar- SS.o (ooklnic M'arf -lU-Hn lot. urtunl "PURE FOOD SHOP" ClraiUliirM llKlirn and Itakimc JHhif. 'Tlilx i tlio tlmo ut th n-ar to iiok ami wn- In llM! Hame flinli. 1IOTHOI.VT IIKAOIJTK KI-KCTKIC IIKATKHS, (Wh 7.S HAWAIIAN" SIJCKI) I'lSK.ilPl.f Parked In pure Husar ) rii. . SM-'lally irl--l. V f-aim SMMI TflASTKI. MAIlSIHI.l,I.Wi l.h. I.Vr .VTVM lIN'M:it. .MIXTK I'nfll dlli A.SST. .MINTH In l-kBRM 3.V-. mrnt, pound i"K' SI 1 1 :l -I.I :i M I'S, ImiiIi plain and i-ulll l. SPECIAL NOTICE Watch tomorrow evening's ad for Saturday Evening Spe cials. Every item will be a bar gain cf merit. Don't overlook them. ; , t , THE BARGAIN BASEMENT lliuw Winter Wear Is the tinier of the Iay for Your Saturilay'M Shopping:, anil with cold weather HkIU at lianil. and with prlivi Kllll rl-lns in the wholesale market we are MAItKIXf. IK)V IHMltKIs !' IIOU AHS WOK I II r SK S X Alll.i: HKUVIt'KAnl.K MKItt llAMHSI". To clear out Odd and enl front our Ills firt las i Ktiilr utoek. sl'i: I l, SM.l:s roll s vrri!iAV. ' ' ' IKNS fil'ITS AM) OYKIK'OATS at Kuruuin HuKement I'rieej. MKVS IIKAVV l'M)i:ilW:lt at llaruain ISax-nient I'ricef. WOAIi:'S SI ITS MI CHATS at Itarualll IIhm iih lit ITle'. WdMKN'H WIXTKIt l'lllt l-'AU ut llarmihl Hax ni. nt lri'?. , THK Hltit.KST AM) HKST KIM IK KAI.KS AltK IIKI.K IN THIS III SV DirPAItTAIK.NT KVKI1V SAil l!DAV HAIttiAI.N IJASi:IKNT ITS SI UK A IIAH;.1. IK SI ItK AN II ATI'I I THIS SAI.K TOAHIKItOW. Ol t)I TI; FIAN.NK1, SAI.K I'Olt STI ItllAV WII.I, TKKKST VOI'. IlemelillM'r. we are leailliiu it II Kastrrn Orezoii with our lV I'ltlt'KS. SUKATHSS I'Olt KVKm itOIIA" at liannilll Itn'llieilt l'rle. sti('Ki;s loi: Tin: wiioi.i: rMii.A" t iiai-uahi I'.ili'llienl Pri-e. r its in tiik PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE The Model "Four-Ninety" my 5 T' T From a mechanical standixiint, this model has reached a standard of excellence that is not surpass ed in any motor car. Vanadium steel is used for every part that requires unusual strenffth. It has ample power, proper spring suspension, correct I weight, smart in appearance, well finished. It ha.s unusual records in pasoline economy. The fact that there are nearly 130,000 Model Four-Ninety ' cars in uw is ample proof that this model is doing the work demanded of it in a most satisfactory man ner. We can fill your order at once. THE C. & F. MOTOR CO., Inc. Exclusive Chevrolet Representatives, Johnson Street, I let ween Water and Court GIRLS! DRAW Jl HOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY FAMINE THREATENS ITALIAN WAR POWER THY TIIIK! HUH ;!CTK THICK, ;MtSKV. WAVY AXI IIKAL'-TII-TI, AT NTL Immefllntfly ? Yw' CVrlain ? thut th Joy ut. It. Your huir lie- cornfH UkhI, wavy, fluffy, abiimlftnt fiui tippi urn tin mft, tiiHtroim And beau tiful ilm u youriff Rlrl'M uttrr a. Ihinler Imp hair cl'iinH. JtiMt try thlH fni'lHicn a cloth with a Utile Inn(lfr ln and 'ar'fully draw It throuxh ynr hair takrnfc onp wmnll ntrand nt a tfru. ThlK will clan the hair of lunt. dirt or cxcfHHiw nil. and In Junt ft f-w inomtiiti you havM dmildf-d th beauty t your hair. . A dWinhtfu I nurprlH awaitM th whofu1 hair haw li-n ne (rlct'i r In HraKcv. faded, dry. hrft f ! or t ti in. HrilfM hratit fy IrifC t he hair. J nUrfn dtfiv H every par-tt(-lf of dandruff: cleariHji, purlflen and Inv lft nt"i t he tvu fon-ver "tripulriK ItfhlnK and faltlnK hair, nut what will jl-nMe yfiu moKt will he after a f-w Wfkn' ue. whn yu see tit w hair fine and downy at find yrf hut really n-w hair Krowlne all ovr th Hralp. If you rare for pretty fftft hair, and lotM of It. Hiir-ly Kt a rirmill hot 1 1" i f K no wit on h I a nd-rln fnmi hiiv rlriiK tnr or tolht ronnicr for a few rentM. If ni"n wer compelled to practlc v hat Hny preitch. rnoni of thent would kv up iraflifiiif.---'"hlaici America Likely to Take Step to Relieve Serious Shortage in Food Supplies. j WAXIMN'OTON, Ort. 1 9. -Of flclal reporta from Italy received hero to- ; iday Mtatf that unlena meanw are pro-; . vJdnd to relieve the food Hhortuse the f situation In that country threaiena to' fcpeorne nlormlnsr. The neceBMlty of providing food for the civilian popula- , tlon and for the, army. It wan declared, t may rrmult In Home diminution f ' Italy'H war activities. j The Tialluit 'lovernmept nun-ey of: the food Kittiatlon and asFernent of th Ik yfixr'n crops reveal a Hhortane In every commodity and the only resource j I aHMlwtnnre from the Inltd Ftaten. ; In order to inopt the difference he ; I tween Iflfd year'H crorm and the crops ; thlK year, it waa wihl on hlKh author- t Ily to-day. It will he necemwiry to dl- ; vert to Italy 1 4 Tj.'MtO torn more of nhlpplriK pr month. 1 It l believed that BfepM will ho taken Immediately to provide for1 Italy ticej-dtlH durinn t tw winter and to make It poHtdnle for her to re-r-w her m Hilary opera tlona. aualpHt AuHtrla-IIunpary next H'liric. ,otm.mM , ItK Tl in:it I f .Ms. i:I-K li Wm-H VflNt NnilMr of Vic tim of While IMaiciM. MAITIMoHi:, ct. :. Nr. fha. 1. Hatfield of New York. -xt -etillvn eeriiHrv tif the Natlonul Anioci:it Ion for th I'reventltui and ftudv uf Tu b niihiHlH hi hl add rex today l.f.re the convention of the North A t t;i nt 1 Tnt'erciil'ir 1h ('onrMH. Kuld In pnrt: "'Die of tubei!ilo1. ar far (renter thn nt flrnt uppoed. It h- been reeet.tly discovered t h;it in"e;ui of .1,000,00(1 active caes, thero ar nearly a.ooo.ooo caw. "This doe not mean that thero has befn any Increane In the disease, hitt moro cawu have been dlncoverud by modern methodM lined In Its detection. Therefore, the natlo'nal program mut corniirifte primary education In the prevention of the dixeaMe not only for the K"neral public, hut to reach Admire Babies? Erery fiormkl Woman's heart thrills with ths thousht of pos- sBinK a baby. What man can fully percelvs ths sympathst I o understand in g and ths lovellirht that s glows in a woman's eyes at the sight of her flenh and blood rerreiiented in tho tny Infant. Rvery woman In the Joy of Bi coming motherhood should prepare her pj system for the crlU and the unusual Hi rain. Three freneratlnnji have found the S-j tried and reliable external appJlcntlon. 7 "Mothfr'n Frlend" of tho greatest help at rs ftuch a time. T3y I tin dally use throughout 5 the period, thA skin of the abdomen is made noft and elastic, tho expanding; muflclen relax naturally n nd with esse, jH whon baby arriveH, and the Inllainmatton of breast K'anda 1m uoothed. ExH By no chance ncRlect to obtain this great prerwi ration wl.lch science has of- gj fercd for ro many years to expectant i-IrS: mot hern. Write the Brad field Ueru- 3 later Co., I'pt. I,, i'OO Lamar ituilUiniC. AUanta,ja., for their helpful and lnteret- g Ir.R book, "'f'lthr rhood and the Baby". -5 It in free ust In v.-H worth writlrur for. No woman should fiifl to help nature In Srp the nevrrewt atrln ever put upon hr. r: "Mother's Friend" ts procurable from any "Ej druKpifit and In a rMt help to nuturo In 5 her glorious work. "Mother's JrYieml" is li.fl sbtoiuitly end entirely safe. hililiiil the army cantonmenla and the mcll-' cal profcHHion. All caaen of men who i'.re reject oil In the Natlona! Arnn1 nniHt ho followed up mid cared tur. T' provide funds for thiw work, tho mtlo of Ited CroHs PhrlMtmas eal.s thla yea muHt be trebled." HI I II WOHKKItK -j ASK lllllin; YfiKS j mn'HToS. Tex.(J (rt. 26. Th .i.niston labor couiu ll unnotinced that between eight ant) t'n thousand oil field worker wotilf mrike November flrnt. following the refunal ot opera I .uti to Krant hinder wiikos. We Give You Exclusive 3 ; . REPAIRS SERVICE SALES AGENCY ' SATISFACTION ' i 'Authorized by, factory and with factory mechanics. ' ', . . t Dealers in Practical Ford Acceaaoriet. Every Ford part in stock. SIMPSON AUTO COMPANY Johnson and Water Sta. !lin!!ll!!!!l!HII!!l!!!'H!H I lii Ll III Uli aill 1 11 III I III II M Phone 408 liillllllilllO 3 : 3 -"'3 13 a E S 11 I 3 II 3