PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGOXIAM. PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1917. EIGHT PAGES as ixrrrExiENT nfwspaper fubllahtd and Hml Weekly at I 'en iHton. r-E'n. by the East oukooman itblimiino oo. Knfwl at ttit p.j.tofnc at IVndleton. OrKob, aa aecond-claii. mall matter. ITwl.haDi N HALF. IN OTHKIi CITIKS Imperial Hotel Na htaod. Portland, atvwmao Nea. ".. Portland, Oregon.. 1X KII.K AT CMraro Ttnreau. S-cnrlty BrclMlnjr. Wantilng-ton, If. C, linreau SOI Four teenth rvu X. W. SLUSCMITIOX RATES (IX ADVANCE) ed in accord with the Pendle-i rd. I paper has the right of local sentiment j the school hoard will be safe in searching the high places for a ' new school superintendent. The best will be none too good j for Pendleton. 15.00 2 .80 1.25 THE PROSPERITY SIDE Dully, one year, by mall Dally, six months by oatl iMtllr, three months by mail I-n'.ly, one numth. by mall IHy, one ywr by t-nrrter l'ni.y. six raoaths.-by carrier I'ftiU, thrw mi-nihs. by rrritr. Itaiiy. one month, by carrier smi-Wwklr, one vi-ar. by mall SrSKSiR: FiurVS.ii:" iolthey cannot fail to appear in a a.'ib l.d.'. l..v HHUffl PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. Cosy Thnrsliiy-l-riilny. Butterfly plcturi.. present the .I'lmlie of Lire. ffuturlriK Hn Wil son and Neva Gerler. "The Spindlt I of I.tfe" la a stnry cf present (luy HE material benefits thatih'lI'enlnKs and from every angle Is V.?c risniy creuttaUI. h:ddle Lyons nnn areto accompany war hardly can be ex aggerated. In the long run Lee Morun are featured In a slde splitlins comedy. ".Minding the Ha-by." very practical way through se curities of the corporations which are so closely identified with our country's activities. We are to emerge from the struggle in a far more prosper- noHoniY rasa Sl'llilTKU MAM'AP IV HKlt OKI ItSAL FATIIFHIS' connection with the school su- penntendency Dut tne asi I that long period our manufac Oregonian has tio desire to in-jturers, our farmers and all dulge in such comments. - The 'other American interests en ; facts in the case are obvious ; ioyed a period of entirely un- and people may judge lorjexampled prosperity. Our in themselves. Pastime Thursday and Friday. I A riotoua younjT madcap who i fauces no end of trouble for her (ruar- OUS COnaillOn man any or an : rany. Is the chitracler n.meit l.y the other great nations whose I ix.rothy (;ih in th Trianirio-Fine participation antedated our,Arts fy. - Her official Fathers. own by nearly three years. In i . - 'e caroVXJ akina X. 1 are of V Stove Polii YOU Should Use TTS different 1 others becausa more nnl tlie materials i higher grade. Black Silk ! Stove Polish Mafces a brMlantfltllrr polish that does Dot rub oil or dut otJ, an. ltiienhiac lasts tour times as I'jnz us onlinury stove polish. U sed on sumyle stovos aod sold by hardware ai"l firrm-cry ticHlers. All we it-tit iaatrkJ. l'e it on yonr twk yyi .r pnrkir st-ive or yo-.rr ira r"nw. If jma i!"n't !iiJ it tbR bst Btavv poUsh yon ever tisrtl. yuor d'tilcr f ' untin riifrl lo rt fniul yuur B..i,-y. , In-iN .n btm-k fe .k Stovw I'oluh. Alt-tie in liquiii or pnate oe quulitj. Black Silk Stove Polish Works StrUnc lUinoia Black Silk AIr-Oryn iron CimimI on A Sim Metal lols.h f .r Bilwr. nrrfct b i niw, r T Dire BOt bl'Uuat. Liailijli "DAXXV BOY." the MIhs Roes through an unusual costume cycle duriiiK thin play. Ant- onsf the varied nttire which she dons j p ATltlOTISM HALTS KAIL STRIKE in a curious Chinese neKHsee. witn NASHVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 10. With tvnuserettes and a round Mandarin f both sides stipulatinB that their action hat. It isT htcaiis,.' of her love fori ..... nB .. i.,... dustrial plants were tuned up j such fine feathers that she has a ! clerks of tha Nashville, OhattanooBa tO tne nignest pitcn or eillCl- "' wun one or ner Buarc.iani : & st. Ix)llis rajway returned to work attained U,WCI" l" n,'r mmnuanra. ; today under an aKreement hy v. hich f:;, Me.., onA i tho hltrliPst. f!po-rpP nf KUiU in a ' " ,m! . i'"" company will pay all the Ftrlkers viuuc ui iia i cowu -' ; -v - -v - --- i iteiure geiiing: ner um approveu. nrpstiore is entitled to i tne various departments 01 It mav be timelv. however. to reiterate that Pendleton by j ency, our labor had "Oh, Itanny boy, the pipes, pipj are csaiUug'. It'a you, Jt'i you must go and I must bide, but come ye back m hen all the roses fal line: Over the valleys hushed and white vnow, I'll be there in nunshlne or In nhadow, oh, Danny boy, I love you so." But when ye come, and all the flowers are dylnn, "And I am dead & dead I may be, , "'Te'll come and find the place mhere I am lying, "And kneel and say an ave s v 'there for me, fr "And I shall hear, tho soft you tread above me (And all my grief will warm- er, sweeter be. f "For you will bend and tell me that you love me, "And. I shall sleep in peace until you come to me." LET THE SKY BE THE LIMIT the best school administration I manufacturing. Therefore, re in eastern Oregon and should s gardless ot the lurther ciura havp it Tn obtain these re-! tion of the war, we as a na- sults it should have and must; tion will enjoy the advantage J Wif(.' have the best superintendent. , or Having entered alter our ai- j for the time they have lost and the 1 differences will be settled later. ; Character, ability and experi , ence are required in a man fill- inr this nooition and needless t to say a man of the proper j handicap that they hardly may stamp cannot be secured unless a salary is offered that will at tract such a man. Good school men are scarce and they Alta Toillirlit. Itichard and Talliert attrnctionM present a capable company formers playlnsr "11 three act comedy drama. Picture program from 7 to 8:30 only. lies had eXOentled SO great a " urtaln for comedy drawn at :J0 part Of their physical and ft. Admission, adult.s. 35. children. ir,e. nancial strength, this is a be expected to overcome for some time alter peace snail have been arranged. In the com-! meantime our business men mand good salaries but' theyi will continue the keen compe-a week-of five are worth it. We can aiiora a trnod man : we cannot afford. wav during ine lore part 01 uie struggle. Our government has entered upon shipping plans that will mean that when the war ends we shall see the Am Afta I Tltlay mill Sat unlay. The Alta theater, home of vaude ville in Pendleton, announces a new policy In the future. "Having con tracted with the Hippodrome & Af filiated Kastern Vaudeville Circuits of Chicaso for vaudeville three times 1 FIVE HUfUTES! HO INDIGESTION, GAS OR SOUR, ACID STOMACH an incompetent, not if he would work for nothing. Let it be hoped the school board will use due delibera tion, as they doubtless willr f; each. These tition to retain the advantages, days will bo the same as at that have been thrown in their 'nforce. every Friday and Sat- uroay, every sunaay ana .Monnay ant: every Tuesday and Wednesday will see five acts of new vaudeville. Fri oav and Saturday, October 12 and 13 will see this new policy In force. 3 .' ... . ;i loviV-tin flao- in nil thp ana secure tne Dest man avan-j "" "" , " able no matter where he may Prts of the world and on the hail from. The people are seven seas. e have in recent tired of turmoil and' want a years entered many new mar strong, successful management, kets and have had the opportu- of school affairs. They nave i'" '"ul'"6 guotis. ijitsc auvmiiat-s shall in large measure retain. From the Clews Financial Review. pride in Pendleton and our rec- T ould be easy or this paper ord for vigorous, efficient com . to say something along.the j munity action and they would ' "1 told vou so" order in like to see the schools conduct- 8 WHY WE MUST HAVE the HORSE bv Forrest Crissev Several time we have almost said good-bye to the horse, but he is surviving the automo- bile, the tractor, the motor trucK and the war. We need him now and for the future . this article tells why. Other subjects in this weeK's issue are 1 Foods From the Freezer, An Agricultural Somersault Perfect Pig's No matter what other periodicals you may taKe at your office or your home this is the one of first importance to you.' It is as staple 1 as wheat. Invest a dollar and save a hundred or two. You can do it if you will profit by what you read in COUNTRY GENTLEMAN A MERITORIOUS PROPOSAL Thm CmrtLa VubtUhlng Company - Squirt OC Philadelphia a Cay $1.00 the rear IS ff HERE is genuine merit in 14 the Hermiston site for an army training camp. There is abundant unused land for all. purposes, transportati on facilities are excellent, there is abundant water avail able and best of all the climate is such that field work may be carried on with comfort and success practically the entire year. This latter feature alone in the view of the East Oregon ian gives the Hermiston locati on an advantage over the camp at American lake where the rainfall is heavy during fall, winter and spring months. Sol diers in a camp located west 01 Hermiston would be able to drill in the open during a peri od twice as long as would be possible in any camp west of the Cascade mountains in Ore eon or Washington. If new i camps are to be established the j Hermiston site will be entitled ! to snrious consideration and I the fact an officer has been de tailed to investigate the site I shows that the proposition is attracting favorable attention 'from the commanding officers of the'western division. Pilot Knck.Atito SHiwIttle. Commencing with October irth. auto slate will leave Pendleton and Pilot Rock as fallows: Ieave Pilot Rock S A. M. Leave Pilot Rock 1 P. M. Leave Pendleton 10:30 A. M. Leave Pendleton 4 p. m. Auto stai?e leaves Pendleton from French Restaurant daily. HIXDEIIMAX'8 .ffjUTO STAGE. 10-lt Relief from Eczema The .Moment laK''s DtjutcpKin" " Reaches the Stomach ull Il.stress ;oes. "Really does' put upset stomachs in order "really does overcome in dieatlon. dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness due to acid fermentation In five minutes that just that makes I'epe's Dlapepsin the largest rellln stomach antacid and regulator in the world. If what you eut fer ments and turns sour, you belch gas and eructate undigested food or water; head is dizzy and ac.heH; breath foul; tongue coated; your lnsldes fill ed with indigestible waste, remembet in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonish ing almost marvelous, and the joy t:t Its harmless. A lure fifty-cent case ni Pane's Diapepsln Is worth Its weiKht In ffold to men and women who can t set theli stomachos regulated. It belongs In your home should always be kept handy in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest antacid for '.he stomach In the world. , Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, 1 healthy skin by using a little zemo, 1 obtained at any drun store for 35c or extra large bottle at $1.00. I iemoRenerally removes pimples, black heads, blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and healthy, i LJ Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic ! f.j liquid, neither sticky nor creasy and stains i Eff nothing. It is easily applied and costs a ' mere trifle for each arjnlication. It is 1 always dependable. The . W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, 0. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-ray Eectro Therapeutics. (.John Schmidt) IlelU Rids. i I wish to take this opportunity to j remind those who- are contemplatins: i having their picture made to give as j Xmas tokens that the time is drawing j nearer each day, ana it would be weli to have the work done while the wea- j ther is fine and -days long and also can give them except your photograph ! the oniy exclusive gift you can make, ; aa Vimr frienda r-ru n I-niv nnvthiriff von ' woupld remind all that your portrait is ' Call iit the Whoeler Studio aiul f.l iimke an appointment. THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST . IN STYLE Beautiful New I Coats Large "comfy' col lars, graceful fabrics and dashing embelish ments augment the charm of the new coats, which in coloring and style development are distinctively smart as well as serviceable. Scores of new models to choose from $18.50, $25.00 and up. Jaunty Suits The new suits are jaunty, dignified and truly refreshingly new. Infinite taste in their design is evident and the ex cellence of materials and workmanship assures the thoughtful woman of full value for money spent. See them. Coat and Suit Shop. 725 Main St. WILLYS-KNIGHT Performance has proven the Knltfht sliding sleeve valve motor superior to- all other types. Superior In power, in flexiWl ity, in quietness. In simplicity, In freedom from carbon troubles. i And the only, motor that im proves, instead of deteriorates, with use. That is why It Is important that, you should know the ad vantages of the Knight Motor. James L. Elam OVKRI.AN I) DEAI.KH Stone Garage Phone 7-1 Pendleton, Ore. SEE THE ABY - GRAND CHEVROLET NOW HERE Specification! New Features 3 11-16x5 1-2 in. bore. - Valve-in-head motor with valves enclosed. 32x4 Goodyear tires "all four wheels. 20 gallon gasoline tank. Roomier, prettier lines, easy riding and world's oL. power. The car you have been waiting for. $1050 f. o. b. Pendleton Let us demonstrate it for ypu. SIMPSON AUTO COMPANY 3 Johnson and Water !ts. Phone 408 m IT i mi l I Hill II m 1 1 1 1 1 1 IM i III !! I i the big HUNDREDS 0. i 'j ' ' y.tiifiiiii Of CRAWFORD S HEDGES ire hi E W BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY 7 i ML RUGS, Etc. It opened this morning with a rush and thousands of bargains were snapped up by wise buyers. Everything to go and every reduction genuine. HAPPY CANYON PAVILION. 4 t t 13 i 3 11 El Is H - i.i : ill. si : s. 5 i '3 ' SI 11 i ii!: Hi; 11:1 : 3 M TAafPfl"t