DAILY EVENING EDITIO'I WEATP' FORECAST fair; continued VOL. 29 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, HIURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1917. BRITISH ADVANCE THAN ONE MILE INTO DAILY EVENING EDITION rfpsttwmvR e&wsmai&n t:,':: ... ....:...... U.SS.I,,.W-I.I..WS J-,-? ' 4 -0 " Us" L-r-iJ . """""" 1 "" ' 1 ' -.r,n-.,.. L COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER J"""- S0 """"" "" CITY OF1 PER MORE GERMAN LINES IN GREATEST BATTLE OF WAR MASSIVE FLANDERS YIELDS ENORMOUS !E STILL ADVANC OFFENSIVE SUCCESSES C0N1UIN G (W. P. SIMMS) . BRITISH HEADQUARTERS, Oct. 4. The British advanced over a mile into the German lines in a renewed Flanders offensive. The prisoners already have reached into four figures. Several village were captured. The British advance continues. Haig launched an attack this morning alter many days of unceasing, relentless artil lerying. Today's attack is among the biggest, if not the greatest, battle of the war. The magnitude of men, mu nitions, guns and territory involved is unprecedented. Forty five thousand Germans were ordered to counter attack the British at Zonnebeke this morning after the first British blow. The British barrage fire caught the Oermans and inflicted a terrific slaughter, Massed British guns have been pouring a concentrated fire of the greatest intensity the war has yet known on German positions in the Ypres sector. Desperate Ger man assaults interspersed" the bombardment. The enemy high command realized the tremendous gun fire presag ed another British drive, and sought in every manner to mass troops and guns to prevent it. It was suspected several days ago that Haig was preparing this great drive. ALL OBJECTIVES ON 16,000 YD. FRONT WON LONDON, Oct. 4. British captured all objectives on a front of 16,000 yards, reaching a maximum depth of 2500 yards, General Maurice declared this afternoon. Hruudslnde Is among the villa-gen taken. Maurice told the United Press In the luwt nine months the lirillBh hnve captured CI. 400 mcn. 3.12 heavy Runs and have lost 15,000 men and no guns Maurice's statement Indicates to day's drive In the greatest offensive blow atruok against the Uermana P-roodsinde ltt about half a mile be hind Zonnebeke, almost In the cen ter of the Ypres sector. THIRD QUOTA GOES TO AMERICAN LAKE FROM THIS COONTY Umatilla county's third increment of the first draft quota entrained early thla morning for Camp Lewis American (Lake, joining tho Incre ments from other eastern Oregon counties They left amid cheers and yells. Thirteen boarded tho tniln thl morning, two having gone before. Tho other two of the 17 reported at other places. Albert Bowlsby- -ut Spokane end James Allle Rowan in Missouri. The others Included In this increment are Hoy F. Alexander. Manuel V". Alves. Louis V. Kerry. Otto ISohnke. Arthur H. Chapman, Jesse A. Kcene, Manuel Moneso. Barry Mountain. Art James Mansfield, Louis H. Nelson. Ki ller Newtson. Earl B Osborn. Olen A. Vlckers. Charles O. Webb and James M Watklnsnn. The final Increment of 15 per rent will probably go about October 17. PLANS FOR PAVING LEWIS ST. ADOPTEO FlltST STKPS OX WHJiOV KTIiKI'TT lMI'KOV MMKXT II.I,AYi:i IIY SMALL I ltltOlt- CKX. l)iniMI1Jf "OOAT I'OU t'-HOWN I-IUXCE AMSTERDAM. Oct. 4. Lietlt. Oen. Bert hold von Deimllng. former military commander at Zabern, Atrnce. will be pension- ed. according to the Herlln Milltaer-Worhenhlatt. The ps- per adds that it Is believed he will be made responsible for the failure of the Herman troops before Verdun, where, in 19t. he commanded the Fifteenth German army corps. C.en von Pelmling was mlll- tnry eonimnnder st Zubern In 1913 when the historic outbreak hetween tho no ptilac and the military occurred. This trnu- ble resulted from nn attack with his sword by a Gorman of- fleer on a crippled shoemaker. which tho populnre resented and Which led to violent fighting between the townpeople and the military. The Oerman crown prlnro was In command of the army at Verdun. Dans and specifications for tho paving of Lewis street from Lee to Uurcnugard were adopted by tho ceuncll last evening after the first resolution was passed and similar j steps were taken on the Calvin street improvement. First steps on the Wilson street im provement were' delayed through a umall error but will probably be ta ken at- a special meeting to be held Fridny evening. The resolutions ad opted for the Willow street improve ment were rescinded In order to cor rect nn error. The College nnd Cos ble street contracts with the Warren Construction Co. were approved Inst evening. Woulil Move Paving Plant. A petition was presented last even ing ly residents In the vicinity of the Warren Const ruction Company's pav ing plant in the west end or the city nsklng that the company be rerpilrcd to move the plant at once on tho grounds that the smoke and soot from it constitute a nuisance. No action was taken. The council last evening' accepted the bid pf the Studebaker company to furnish, a street sprinkler with right foot broom attachment for $520. Damage Claim Kejected. The claim of A. Nelson of l-reewn-ter for damages alleged to have been caused to his fruit wagon by a wheel catching hetween the N. I". tracks mar College street .was rejected up on the advice of the city attorney. Nelson's claim was supported by af fidavits of a blacksmith and a neigh bor In Freewater. :l ' ' - " . T AltTDiP r- A r -" J t-rrn i irr r-ir- rirm ta n i tin nnrumminu il M IS LOCATED BOY IS INSTANTLY KILLED U WAGON Rudolf Buttke Falls From Load of Hay and is Crush ed by Wheels. Deutsche Bank York Discovered Source All Transactions. i.- . in. New to be MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SUPPLIED Falling from a load of hay under the wheels of the wagon, Kudolph is-enjamin- Herman Buttke, 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. August Buttke of Coombs Canyon, was run over ana Instantly killed yesterday afternoon. The accident happened on the farm of the hoy'a parents. The boy's elder brother had given him the lines to hold while he open ed a gate. The boy had been subject to heart attacks and It is suppsed thav one of these wa responsible for his fall from the top of the load. The wheels struck his head and his neck was broken. Dr. H. IL Hattery was summoned but death had been Instantaneous. Ralph Folsom wont out last night aft er the body and it Is at the morgue today. The funeral will be held to morrow afternoon at 2o'clock at the Presbyterian church with Rev. A. HIasbers 'f the Oerman-Laitheran church conducting the services. The boy was born In Wisconsin In May, 1904. Besides his parents he Is survived by seven brothers and sis ters. I of Cordon j French surgeons, bound in their tra ho Indented ; dition and convention, re fust-d ,to lfs- The remarkable story Fd wards, the American Nlhalgin an antithetic, which, has ten to Mr. Kd wards. Miss Anne Mor- suved the lives of thousands of . gan, daughter of the late J. P. Mor- Frenchmen, han just been published ! gan, gave him money to manufac In a magazine. When the British "and ture his drug. V-y her iiid Mr. Ed- ivU&s Anne morgan wards has finally compelled the sur gcuns to rccognixe him and use hia tolui'Mn in tl;o hospitala. Now the French wounded themselves demand the anesthetic from the surgeons. With its use wounds may be operated !n and cleansed without pain. WAR TAX LAW LUXURIES Ml FIRS T FORCE, 10 BE Hi! MA.VY SWKHIS1I SMIPS fcl'XK M ITllOl T TRACE ORANGE AND CASTEEL TO BE ON FRONT ROW Pilot liock Men to See World Series as Guests of I-iIkt, Wlio Is loiter to Visit During Winter In This County. Activities Offer ".'Unlimited Field for U. S. Authori ties to Trace Down. - Additional One Cent Tax on Letters Will be Effective ' on November First. OVER TWO MILLION EXPECTED ANNUALLY AUSTRIAN CRUISER WORSTED IN FIGHT WITH ITALIAN SHU Within Two Months Public Will be Paying Tax on Almost All TVansactions. WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. One Aus trian officer was killed. the nhh commander seriously wounded nnd the Imperial flnir shot dwn durtns nn pnimn'mpiit In the Adriatic wnn tho Ttatlnn dostrovcr Au"1ln. nccord rK to official cabins. The damned Austrian cr'itner was able to with draw. The Itnlfan torpedo flotilla nnd other units of the Iinltnn fleet pnr oed the retrentlntr Aitstrlan ships. The Amtlla. battered by shell- fire, made an- Itnllan port. WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. The wai tax law Is effective to, lay. Pi Us, pat ent medicines, chew in i? inim, nil binds of drinks, aut(.inoIsiIe. sporting Koods, motor bats. estates, inheri tances, lucumes, war profits and oth er luxuries are immediately taxal.de. Added tobueeu 1 axes are effective within 30 days. Taxes on teles rams. I'u 11 man tickets. frel:-,M and express package 4nd theater tickets are ef fect Ive November 1 . Stamp taxes on bonds, prnmlssnrv I notes, bills of fcale nnd playing onnb become effective December 1 . Par cel post pack n os cost In i? over 2 cents will be taxed one cent eh De cember 1. An additional one cent on Uters Is effective November 1. With in two months the public will be pay ing" a war tax on nlmot every Pam ela I transaction. The ;iw- Is expect ed to raise two billion five hundred thirty five million dollars nnmmlly. RANCH TO BE S01O IT SHERIFFS SM ? DISLOYALTY PRORK ADOPTED BY HOUSE WASHINGTON. Oct. fi. The hnnso miopted a res-fdnt hn order In ir n?i In vestigation of Ueprcsentiitlvc Ileflln's disloyalty charges. DIVER SINKS U. S. SCHOONER Klamath Falls' Property of Slayer Best Goes Un der Hammer Monday. A case of considerable local Inter est will reach Its climax Monday In Ivlamath Falls when the ranch of Mayor James A. Pest will bo sold at a sheriff's rale umbr foreclosure pro ceeding brought by F. K. Jud.l of thU city, assignee for t?te A me if.in Na tional Pan U. it is just possible that tlie war may pbiy a part ia tho finai sitt lenient as there Is some fpiesiioii v. lie! her the proceedings will hold airai:i:;t tb.e mayor. Inasmuch as ht U enlisted in tl.e medical reervo corps. Mr. Jud 1 rccentb fault judgment 1 a ; t t i s t . " a o r 1 1 s ! courts and a niirtt: V hb h consts of i land was erdetvd Pest has been I several davs nod was 4; ive a a r about In the. Klum ice on liis r;;r or Con nrr orecloseil. Mi n KianiPth l';l!s .1. U. Knley. a't.-r STOCKHOLM, Oct. 4. Head lined "tfpurios Verenkt," Swe den's biirsest newspaper, the LU'cral Tirnis. of Stockholm, has el talned and published an aTithorit alive catalogue of all Swedish ships that has disap- peared v. ithuut a trace during the war. "Lu-cburg's notorious tele- mm cuts, 'has cast i lipht upon German sea. For those who recall how many Swedish ships hnve go no down with man and mo;ise dnrincr the war, the hitherto unknown Oerman mill- tary term, 'spurlos versenkt. conj'ires up pictures of most brutal barbarism. It Is only reasonable to ask how many of tliese Swedish ships were pur- poseiy made to disappear with-. oupt a trace. "It is a very cons-idarable ni mi 1-or of Swedish ships that bavi? thus disappeared v.ith man When the White Sox and the Gi ants clash at Chicago Saturday two well known Pilot Rock Men will be en favored seats in" the grandstand and It is a safe bet they will be pull in fir strong for the Chicago team. They are E. P. Casteel and M. D. Or ange. Pilot Rock merchants, who left here September 22 so as to be on hand for the opening of the se- j ries. Orange Is a close personal friend of Faber. star pitcher on the White Sox and the two men will be ; his personal guests throughout the i series. When the teams go to New j Tork they will travel on the baseball special and In other words they will : be rieht in the swim at all times. j Following- the close of the baseball season Faber Is coming out to Pilot ; to spfim ine winter as ine guesi A i f Mr. Orange. Th two men were rais- j ed near Dubuque, Iowa, and have been fast friends since boyhood. Mrs. R. T. Bishop to Head Liberty Loan Committee V AMI KT rilAIUMAV OF PEXTOJB TOX WOMEN'S OIUiANIZA TlOX rXI RAISING and mouse. Th reach many of tee vevv probaMy were lost iis a rnsult of storms nnd other rafiv'l r.Ki-u's. there are many r.-ir's j!st iyiitr an inquiry as to the real canoes,' U is pointed out that hereto fore ir all cares pot cxplain ur.'o y the storm, the chamber i f c';'ir.MTro has assmv.ed that r.li.'s v ro tho cause of the dbvi pp.1;; ranees. ef rr pre.oni i !oin to be pre: The- pioci ed f'io the mayn !r. .lu.'d. left t!i! r.f:er nt ;it the sale. i:;s wero t r.- :: bt l"1 ha.l join- d the medi- E?,T,LAND TO rOEH SPECIAL MINISTRY TO CONDUCT RAIDS ml rosorvo corps. !Ol:l'. Til V limn 1I"M AM) MKMMi IN TitlilO Hi- i "pt 'V. nr ill If I m lir.Mi!. . All ; to 1.0XIK1X. "t. I. Siil'miirino cun flro sank ll AfiK-rl'iii si'l(Hinor An j nil" CVnlon tin n'lmlraltv hiuioiukinI. i 1 Iio wns InntitNl. Hip filtai-k .r- niiirtl off S llly Iskmds. r. l:. ;ar- j 1 lir rrcw nmiiU'itil clt'.lit moit. I TOKIO. ()r. 1. Ali'-w it flirts rn-in (itrlftx nutslilc nf Tf kl ?-1iyohI lljtt incr n tlioMiin.l I'rrtm-j nr. I'o.itl nntl nU-ln n-t n rt-viii!t tr ttnt;i-'. t''liiMn. lV:tri?:u iilov; P4';itl .tHJ i.n. t ll ai-nv Iff tw ll ltlll'(l nut to i'ii'Wt;.kr rrtu'f. IHs li'iy nil :iiiniunt ni rri:nt ifii' I aimoimrenit-nt rt prN.iN Is wlthhel.!. Tho vr(i;onniif s of n vigorous rciTin ;il rolioy dot'l.iro that Fonthrrn .or n::iii cIt!oi. most aioclolo for V.ill- riM nro iop. r.0,1 chaliiiiC t-u-r IVk .-' ini-'O. l! N fnir-.'-toil tlnl rnv;lU!i rai-Ti spoi. it ally aiinounco! i i. in ill i lm..ro (hat .lis- Mrs. Hoy T. Bishop has been nam ei'. chairman fur Pendleton of the wo men's liberty loan committee of the st-iie which will play an active pait fa Motrins to ra'se Oregon's Jl.fifiO. linn of The seconl loan. Oth-T chair men for Knvuilla county in-l.i.l Mrs !.'3'ie tiller of Athena. Mn. K. P. lortl of Hcri'iiston, Mrs. P. K. "W'ilcox of Milton. Mrs. TJohert X. Stanfield. f 'tanfielil ami Mrs. F I. Watta of Wf -ton. I "1'i'ntls for V.'omen: They Follow iiiir r-iya to Prance.' has heen aj opt.N as tho slogan for the campaign. il l t In I - will yoon appear on sticker, ill other literautr. that will earrv ivl(i; It nppouls to everyone to buy t-.'i ,1s. loroliaiits to P Oh(toi1. Tres-suro will he hr.iueht to hear ' ' ii morohants of the city anil stnto !o la' ol Tl'.. Ir p:io! -. with the vtirk- I 'r ml no to olsnlov hotul tiosters I i.'. ial mhils- !,.,- ,,.t ,Vork Tor the hono I conduct air 'snlP tn a-i.l out of hiisineiw hours. 1.1 looor.llii to a;,nno'l to noiat merchants white; will he to si h i.ini- as to what they ore doine to ! h.!p the lP'.rty loan. NEW TORK, Oct. 4. The Deutsche Bank, a branch of the Berlin Institu tion, waa found to be the financial head of German propaganda, authori ties told the United Press. Many mil lion dollars, expert accountants- found, passed through the banJc to German agents here and abroad. All financi al transactions were carefully handl ed, so its difficult to trace the various deals. Oorernment to Use Xew Powers. ' Officials indicated that the new government inquisitorial powers con ferred in the trading with the enemy act might be turned over ' for the . present exclusively toward running down leads already uncovered in the Deutsche Bank. Attorney General Lewis, of New York, said. Thorough, investigation of the books and deal ings of the Deutsche Bank, the activi ties of Hugo Schmidt offers unlimited field for the United States authorities which has not been exploited. Albert Decker, deputy attorney general toki the United Pre us, "We are leaving no stones unturned to uncover the whole matter and have found many crossing; trails." Witnesses Being Examined. -Lwis is examining mny witnesses, at the Murray Hill hotel. Some of this testimony is directly in line with ' the Bolo Pasha case, and Is being transmitted directly to the Trench, government for use against Pasha. Other witnesses are being; examined to get general information about the Deutsche Bank. Hugo Schmidt, president of the Deutsche bank testified before Attor ney General Lewis this afternoon and turned over copies of wireless mes sages the Berlin foreign office sent him. The messages showed Bern storff's code name was Charles filed- hill. Examination revealed that Ger man propagandists were supplied with money direct from- the Berlin foreign office. 1.S83.0U0 Sent In 10 Days. Wireless messages revealed that Peril ngave Gernstorff 1.C83.000 be tween March 13th and April first In 191. It is suspected some German gold was sent Villa, as the Mexican rebel was active and well supplied with money when Berlin sent the great sums here. Messages and Answers. Fred Hooman was the code for the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, where some German funds were deposited. William Foxley was de signated In the Berlin foreign office. The first message Schmidt sent, dated March 11th. 11, follows: "Communicate with William Foxley. telegraph whether he has placed money at disposal for Charles Geld hill.? The answer dated March 13th: "In reply to your cable, Geldhlll and Fred Hooman have received money on our account. You may dispose according ly." On the same date Schmidt sent the following to Berlin: "Your wireless received, paid to Charles Geldhill through Fred Hoo man $500,000. Geldhlll requires a fur ther ii. ion, ooo which we shall pay gradually." March 17th Perlln sent Schmidt... "You may dispose out of Fred Hoo man on behalf of Geldhlll 1. 700.000." I Then came a terles of cable re port - I It, 1 , .1 1 v-i ,1 ,i , 1 rf mnn.w to Gelilhill. The amounts ranged from fl0, 111)0 to tt-iJ.OlltJ. Closer I shop Only (Mxtat-itF. PORTLAND. Oct. 4. The publica tion of the minutes of the shipyard flrlke conferences this afternoon re vealed that only the closed shop de mands prevents an Immediate settle ment. Both sides are willing to com promise all other Issues To Jmevtlirato Strike ltenort. Wiinw-n's IkrCH 1,1 Kuhjt-ct SPHKAVK. Wash.. Oct. . A con ference will he held here, promptly within the next three weeks, to map a ranipuln against Immodesty In women's dress. George Hommer. I rfMlilent rtf the hoard of directors PAI.KM. Oct. 5 Uahor Commls ! f tne F,rPnce (ttentnn mission slon.-r lloff announced he would in- i hm nM of the men back of the pro-vestU-ato the report that ship con- j ,,,,,, ,(,.,., -uld today In ex tractor are Importing strike hreak-. plaining the purpose of the meeting, wrs from spo'-are under false hn-Pre- . .-ri,. ,.v.lllo .ivies of 1r. low nocks, short skirts, and sugiresttve at- II. sent tViilltv 1. al.-i 1 t.. Astoria this nft- ornc tlre-that Is are irklntr WHlal anil civil evils little understood.'