EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1917. PAGE SEVEN llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiillliiiiillllliliiiiiiiiillllllllllliiiilllliiiiiiillllllliu I HUPMOBILE 1 "The Mark of Superior , 1 Motor Construction" ! OAKLAND "The. Sensible Six" I N. P. McLEAN I Main Street opposite Hotel Pendleton. Phone 222 ailllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllinl: A MAN who usually buys wheat thinks his chances of profit better in growing it. Wants to buy a Big wheat farm. If you have one to sell See N. BERKELEY. 'Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliri: 1 Mrs Tlieo. H. Rembolt 1 VOICE INSTRUCTOR Fall term open. Oct. 1st. E Register now. j 5 ReclJciioo 118 Grunse St. s H Plioue 473 Rlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllillllll? ALL SIX FOOTERS AT BAYONET DRILL I ' .,47&hi 4)Mr ' rtJ&fw&l'Z 7 A Company M, One Hundred and Fourth Regiment, all six-footers from Adams, Mass., are hpre shown at bayonet drill at Camp Devens, Ayc-r, Mass. When those boys meet the Prussian Guard they'll have to stooj) to conquer. Blushing U a weakness In a dobu tante, an accomplishment In a widow and an asset In any woman. STOPS HEADACHE, Don't suffer! Get a dime pack of Dr. James' Headache Powders. Ymi can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. Thia old time headache relief acts almost magi cally. Send some one to the draff store now for a dime pack afro and a few mo menta after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neuralgia and pain. '"Stop suffer ing it's needless. Be sure you get what you aalc for. GOOD BLOOD "Blood will tell." Blotches and b'.cmi.shes, like murder, will out, unless the blood is kept pure. Its purity is restored r.nd protected by the faithful use cf BEES Is sa FILLS Lrct Sl of Anr Medicine ?n tS World. ioiJ trvrwhtrc. la box, 1 3c Lc ARMAND'S The only NEW face powder in the past SO years Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable. to I 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Ht IL DUTCH MINISTER TO U. S. RECALLED Van Rappard, Friend of von Berastorff. Says Matter Was Broached Long Ago. WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. The Xetherlnnd Minister to the United States, Chevalier W. L. F. C. Van Itappard, has been recalled by his povernment, nnd today he called upon Secretary Innln(r to announce the fact and to usk if Mr. Van Koyen. who has been named to aucced hfm. will be ac ceptable to the United States, Chevalier van Rappard, who has been minister hero fur four years, wf U be t ra nsf erred to a Euro penn post, possibly his own country. He said the matter of his transfer had been first broached last February, but no decision was reached until re cently. The new Minister. Mr. Van "Rnyen, was formerly Secretary of I-KTition here, and has had much experience in diplomacy. He married Miss Wln throp of Hostnn. Chevalier Van Ftappnrd said the failure of his endeavors to obtain a release nf foodstuffs fr shipment to Holland had nothing whatever to do with his recall, and that his success or, who will not arrive here for a month nr two, would take up the ne gotiations with the aid of tho Dutch mission now In this country. When Count Von Perntorff was. the f.ermnn Ambassador here, M. Van Ttnpnard wrs said to be extremely friendly with the Cdunt and was crit icised on thnt account. Now they are featuring a stream line watch and stranke to sny, !t Isn't a Water-bury. BE PRETTY! TURN . GRAY HAIR DARK THY fSHANDMOTIIER'S OLD FA VORITE IIET1PK OK N.;K TEA AND SlU'IlllC Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES -ch?: HOT TMJALES CHILLI CON CARNE SPANISH STTLa LUNCHES COFFEE B.rrthtnt clean d op-to-dat. FIRST CI-ASS SERVICE TEA 5e Packaxe Under State Hotel rvr WM and Cottonwood EJ. "Jione 67. Fandlaton, Or. Almost every one knows that Saro Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak ed or pray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home which Is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by asking; at any drug store for "Wyethj Sage and Sul phur Compound." you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe. Im proved by the addition of other In gredients, for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try It! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hulr, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponue or soft briiHh with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning tho gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, your hair becomes dark, glossy and attractive. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful appearance. It Is not In tended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. INFORMATION FOR VISITORS. The Round-Up program begins at 1 :30 p. m. and closes about 5. Gates open at 12 noon. $1.00 for grandstand, 7uc for bleachers. Seats on 6ale in mornings at ticket wagon on Alta just off Main. There will be a special show Friday morning at park for eli mination of contestants in bucking, bulldogging and other events. Admission 25c. Begins at 9 a. m. The Westward-Ho parade will be at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning. Happy Canyon opens at 7 each evening. Program begins at 7:45. Admission 50c. Kids, 25c. No reserve seats. Accommodation headquarters at 550 Main street in E. O. building. Open 7 a. m. until midnight. Double beds ?2.00, single beds $1.50, cots $1.00. Phone 677. Autos may be parked on school blocks; toilet facilities; in quire at accommodation headquarters. Postoffice located on West Alta and Garden. Open from 8 a. m. until 1 p. m. Banks open from 9 a. m. until 12 noon. Most business houses will be closed during show. City hall on east Alta and Cottonwood. Police phone 66, fire department phone 171. Public library on North Main just across river. Open from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and from 7 to 10 p. m. O-W. R. & N. phone 42. N. P. phone 549. Western Union in Main street near Hotel Pendleton. Open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. American Express office, 122 East Court, open 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Northern Express office at N. P. depot in E. O. bldg. There is a free rest room in the basement of the city hall. The Odd Fellows, Elks, Eagles, Masons and Moose will maintain open house. I. O. O. F. hall. Main and Alta; Elks, East Court and Cottonwood; Masonic, Main and Webb; Moose, 515 Main; Eagles, East Court St. Free rest rooms with attendants at following churches: Bap tist, Alta and Johnson Sts. ; Catholic, Alta and Market; Christi an, Main and Jackson; Episcopal, Alta and Johnson; Metho dist. Webb and Johnson; Presbyterian, Alta and College; Christian Science, Johnson and Webb. Meals will be served noon and evenings at Christian, Baptist and Methodist churches. Proshvtprian ladies will serve lunch and dinner at corner W. and Willow Sts. The Commercial Club is open to visitors; corner Mam ana Alta and Willow Sts. MEN, NOT WEAPONS, WIN, SAYS CRY AN General Delivers First Lecture to Plattsburg Officers at Spartanburg. SPARTANBURG, S. C, Sept. 20. The school for the officers sent here from the Plattsburg training camp opened today. Major Gen. John F. O'Ryan delivered the opening lec ture. He said In part: "Wars are not won with Inanimate things. They are won by men. They fre not won with U boats, aircraft, bombs, pas or other weapons, but by men capable of developing and Im proving such instruments for the ac complishment of their will and pos sessing trained dependability, disci plined initatlve and the Spartan spir it to 'will success,' no matter what the opposition. "Weapons of warfare, no matter how mechanically efficient they may be, serve, only as trophies to be cap tured unless they are possessed and used by men who understand -them, and understanding serve them with indomitable courage and tenacity of purpose. "Unless handicapped by extreme mechanical odds or inferior leader ship an army of real ficrhting men cannot he stopped except by an army of rn.ua! or better 'man character. "Tho soldier man is the dominating factor In the fight and he employs mechanical devices to serve his pur-rose." JlilllllllllllllllllllMlllllllilillll-Hllllilllllllllllll.lllllniiilllllllllllMlllllllllllij Attention Land Buyers ! CATTLE RECEIPTS ARE POHTIaAND, Sept. 21. With about 60 cars of cattle on the market Mon day and normal supplies for the re mainder of the week, all lines have moved quickly at prices steady with last week. Smith Urothers from New berg, topped the market Monday with three loads of their white-face cattle I at 3.7fi. Thus the Willamette valley again demonstrated its ability to pro duce Rood ca.ttle because these cattle were good and deserved all the atten tion and favorable comment they re ceived alongside the other cattle hero Monday. The sheep market Is out of line with the east, but at that packers are not very keen and cut out valley lambs are finding no outlet worth mentioning The quality will have to Improve If we get this market where It belongs on Willamette valley stock. Strictly good valley lambs are bring ing 13, light ewes ID.riO; yearlings. $10.50. Improvement In conditions and quality will be necessary to get them higher. Hov Market Hogs are still In great demand, and are coming In slowly. (Jeneral range of the hog market: Prime light 17.VB? 17.8S Prime heavy 1 7.60 fi 17.75 Pigs 14.00! 16.0(1 Hulk 17.76 ' Kheep Situation. The sheep market remains station ary, and the price holds good throughout the country. There has been much heavy buying in eastern Oregon the pa-st week General sheep and lamb range: Western lambs 13.00H3.50 Valley lambs 11. 75t 12.50 Yearlings . 10.0010.6U Ewes 8.00 8.50 Receipts of cattle do not meet the demands of the market. One good shipment brought a fancy price, but the average la ordinary. General range of cattle market: Pest beef steers 9.00 9.75 Good beef steers 7. SOW 8.55 Best beef cows 6.76 ? 7.50 Ordinary to good cows . 4.00 6 7'i Best heifers 7.001 8.00 Bulls 4.00(5? 6.75 Calves 7 OOtfH 9.S0 Stocker and feeder steers 4 00Q1 7.23 Thnrsdny ljvestock SlilPlVrs. Cattle and calves O. Delaney. Delano)-, Wash., 1 car; R. Z. Mozanell, Tillamook. Or., 1 ear. Mixed Stuff Marrlot and Parker, Jefferson, or., 3 cars cattle, sheep nnd hogs; W. M. Mclirtde, McP. Landing. Wash.. 97 sheep by boat; C. E. Lucky, Monitor, Or.. 1 car cattle, sheep and hogs. Awards St 15.000.000 Fstate. NEW YORK, Sept. il. Supreme Court Justice Tlerney Issued an order here today awarding tha $15. 000,000 estate of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Fair, who were killed In an automo bile accident In France In l.t02. to Mrs. Theresa Oelrichs. wife of Her man Ooelrichs, and Mrs. Virginia Vanderbilt, wife of William K. Van derbilt. Jr.. sisters of Mr Fair. The contest suits filed by Get-re Elmer Lefler, Thomas Lefler and Mabel E. Jowie, relatives of Mrs. Fair, were dismissed. No doubt you hTe heard of the Eight Mile territory near Heppner, Oregon, in Morrow county, which is conceded by all, to be the very best wheat producing districts in Morrow county. We have just listed a few of the very best wheat ranches in the Eight Mile district. 1120 acres, all tillable except 50 acres, ordi nary buildings, fenced and cross fenced, well watered, lays fine, all can be combined, church near by and school house on the ranch. Price, $30.00 per acre, half cash. 800 acres, about 700 acres tillable, good buildings, well watered, fenced and cross fenc ed ; all lays fine and can be combined, near church and school house, running water in house and barn lot, 200 acres in summerfallow, all goes. Price, $30.00 per acre, one half cash. This is just a part of our listings and will bear the closest kind of inspection. The prices are right and the soil is good and should interest any good wheat raiser. You know the climatic conditions in Eastern Oregon, and all we ask you to do is to go with us and take a look at the land. ESTES & FRIEDLY 614 Main Street. Phone 604 i? IIMll!IIIMIMI!t!IMIIIIItl!llllllIlll!;illlMI!l!ll''lll!llll!!!!'immimiim!lllliri. . Ther is more Ostarrh Id this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It was supposed to be Incurs Me. Pot-tors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failinn to cure with local treatment, pronounced It In curable. Catarrh is a local dlseuee, frreatlv Influenced by constitutional conditions and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine, mannfae tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, ally and acts thru the 1 flood on the Mn coub Surfaces of the System. One Hundred iKiJars reward Is offered for any case thai flali'K Catarrh Xlpdiolnn fnii tn i-nro for circulars and testimonials. r. J. C!JKky ft Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by DrtiKKlfitR. 7fc. Elall's Family rills for constipation. The United States Government Cooperates with the 7.600 member banks In maintaining' the Federal Reserve Hanking System for the protection of the business interests of the country. Through the Federal Reserve Board in Washington it super vises the twelve Federal reserve bani; it appoints one-third of their directors; it deposits its funds largely with them; it guarantees the currency they issue. Tha cooperation sreatly increases the value of the system to us and our community. Are you linked up with this new national system &- one of our depositors? If not, you should delay no longer. M FIRST NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON TFEDEIIAl. BESEHVe" rn yr- SECURITY Send fop Booklet. "How Does it Benefit Me?" 2 S JOEY'S KVVONG HONG LOW p - - ' no wen ruta M.. upit&irt. PhoM 433 Jl QUIT MEAT IF YOUR BACK HURTS, FLUSH YOUR KIDNEYS WITH SALTS MEAT FOH.M8 1HIC AC1!, WHICH t'lOfiS KIDSTKYS. IRRITATES lll.ADKKR OH rAVKKS UHKl'.MATISM. When you wake up with backache and dull misery In the kidney reftlon It Renerally means you have been ent In too much meat, nays a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overwork the kidneys In their effort to filter It from the blood and they become sort of paralysed and loKBy When your kidneys get sluir-rl:--h and do you munt relieve them, lllie you relieve your bowels; remov ing all the body's urinous waste, else too have backache, sick headache. dizzy spells; your stomach soure, ! tonnne Is coated. and when tho weather Is bad you have rheumatic I twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to eek relief two or three times dur ing the night. Klther consult a good, reliable phy slclnn at once or get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jail Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kldnej's will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Uthla, and hat been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so It no longer irritates, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular ment eaters. It Is Inexpensive, can not Injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent Ulhla-water drink. 2TEV VI"FA TO BK RETAINED. Australians Took It and Give It Vp. WiU Not NEW YORK. Sept. 21. Oermany has forfeited her rlsht to possession of northern New Guinea, which will remain part of the British Umpire at tho close of the war, declared W. A. Holman, premier of New South Wales In an address at a luncheon given In his honor here today by Lord N'orth cllffe, head of the Hrltlsh missions In this country. "Australia did not enter this war because of military ardor or In a splr. It of Jingoism." the premier said, "but because England's cause was the right cause. We were under no ob ligation and we had no Interest to serve. It is a fact thnt as a result of the war the territory of northern New Guinea has fallen Into our hands, and we Intend to keep It. But we did not enter the war for that purpose." CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY War has hit the booze business hard, but some doctors appear to be rendering splendid first aid service. '- I 'I ATTORA-ETS. 111.1.1- WASTED, MALE. IIE11' WANTED. FEMALE. dTTBaSEY." ATTORNEY " AT aTnTEIXJG5tPBRSON MAY AV INTEIJGENt' pVb mTt" Law. Rooms 7, 8. 9. Despaln Bids. earn 100 monthly corresponding PF-RSON UT , .... . ... earn J100 monthly corresponding GEORGE W. COVTTS. ATTORN E3 V J' TT X erTenU" uTn erT m''tbt' at law. Roon, 17, Schmidt block. sary: no .anvaMing; subject, sug- LJ'u""? CARTER KMYTHE. ATTORNEYS itrrJn.om tt But' ""-d 'r 1-articulara. Ns. at law. Office In rear of American , Itoom 28' BUI- "onl Press Burtau. Room National Bank building. " ' "' ' Buffalo, N. y. FEE FEE, ATORNEYS AT LAW. . Ofttce la Deapaln building. JOHN & BAKSR. TOfBRAL II- ,L . JOHN W.-HUFF, ATTORNEY-AT- "TLHi.ZZ ESTABLISH "cT IIATB TIRB Law. Room ..American National ,'",'"1"' ? Agencies. There should be on. Is. Bank BulKllnr oThL h,?. 7. 'aCh loca"ty g yjr-s-i, .pvirv AT " 'hV Fh"M 303 Non Skids Law. Room 14. Smith-Crawford MISCELLAXEOl'S. 1K,on Sk',a, VM" ggtljpg. , . - - - . Small capital require.!. Profits mr NEW, MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, large. For full particulars addrea a A. NEWBEH.RT. ATTORNHT AT best location, full basement, heater toriT.AK TIRR AND itl'UBER CO. Law. 8mith-Cawford Builalag. anj n conveniences, worth $9000. 26 5 3 Broadway. New York city. .. will sell for JS00O. at 101" Boyer "w'rJn!. Ave., Wanawalla. Wash PATENT ATTORNEY. Crtwfori handing. ARCHITECT. j RICHARD O. PARK. JR.. 80IJCIT- JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNHT AT RATtfOND T. HATCH. ARCHI- or of Patents. 1419 St, N. W Law. Otnm o.er Taylor Hard- mt Sespam ValMlng. Phone Washington. I. C. ware company. Tit. Pendleton. Or fir . RALEY A HALXT. ATTORNKYS A- AVUTIOXCEHS. FARM LAN DM. taw. Office In Anrican National . L ,L . , , , .. r -, , -, , amm Bank Pull.ilng. COL. W. F. TOWflvA, AUCTION THE GOVERNMENT NEKDS YIS.9.- rREBCmiCX jmaiWKR. ATTOR- a spMfattr of farmers' men as well as fichteis. Two nU- Bey st kw. aufie m Smltn-Cmw- steek an niachtnery anlea. "Th lion three hundred thousand acra. otf ford bunding. mm t r mowsy." Lear Oregon A calif.'rnla Railroad Co. ertlar. at Bast Oiwnhs aftlcn. Grant Lunds. T:tle rov.nt.l In Unlt- g. A. LOWSLU ATTORNEY AND ,i statea To be opened for horae- nunssllor at law. Offtcn tn De , steads and sale containing soma or snatn nulldlng VV -" - !? tne bw " "nite-l Htata. JZSZL STROBLK. DHAXBK IN NKW land by sections an I .le,. rlllon of BKNTLBT MONTGOMERY. RKAL ana secea.1 kasd gwds. Cah pal I sol!, climate, rainfall, el. v .Moii. t'fn- Mate. fire, life and arc-lent Issur , for seounl kasd co-'.s. Chsapet penturu. etc. by c i iml -. I'oMpald, anae acenu. 81 Main ntraet. Phone nlaca te b'ir kousehold goods !i -ne Dollar. i;r;ir.t i.:m-i. . , . Caart. Pkane T1W. - V . lu x tli, I'..rt n 1. Oregon.