East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 14, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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VSMbk4 Illy anil Sunt Wfwkljr St IVn-
1l-tim, Or.'gun. tY lle
Airr OKK1.0NIAN rriu.isuiNU cr,
Rvrrml at the p.wlstfflfH at leoditon.
aa a"rrod flaw niftll matter.
Holl New .stand. Portland.
ffowaaaJl taa Co , Portland, Oregon.
Oitrmm n,inW, gornrtty Huilrila.
WsKhtnjrt'tn, It. r... Harass 501 Four
natk sinvt, N. W.
city Official paper
County Official Faiw.
Member United
SllltsriillTION KATKS
tliy. one yiar. by mull
eily, six mnltiH by mall ..
faltj, three mntitlui by mall
fMrtty. n ra.Mth, by mail
rall. ne linr by mrrlr
ally, 4v months, by rrrlr .
fWlly, thtw mtmthM. by carrier
month, by airrier .tv
I Weekly, one year, by mall
l eely. six mtKitna, by mall .la
i-Weoklr. fi-ur nionlli, by mail .50
1 A little piece of your mantle,
kind Ood
' ... to cover me . . .
1 Out here in the open.
1 The winds of Time blow death.
i The world Is a fiery sun
Peatinp upon my head.
I faint-
A piece of your mantle ....
. . & scrap ... a single thread
Of the Eternal . . .
. . . will keep rre. . . .
Thank you, kind God.
From Poetry.
land and it is tryinjr to stir up
opposition to his confirmation.
In other words the effort is to
override the wish of President
Wilson who appointed Mr.
Moore to the office, and of
Senator Chamberlain who re
commended him for appoint
ment. The campaign by this
knocker's brijrade is not likely
to pet far but to the extent it
is heard of at Washington the
net result will be in the direc
tion of breaking down the in
fluence of Senator Chamber
lain who has rendered good
service to Oregon and very dis
tinguished service to the nation
in connection with war affairs,
therefore in accord with all the
rules of fairness should be en
titled to the usual prerogative
of a senator, to say the least. It
is hard to understand this
Portland fight on Chamber
lain. Why try to undermine a
man who is-and during the
present administration must
remain Oregon's main reliance
for action at Washington?
The efort to which the Tele
gram is lending its aid is in
poor political taste and can do
no good. ' ' 1
UCH of the mischief con
nected with the war
has grown out of Ger
man intrigue with royalty in
other countries, sometimes
with crowned heads. The
kaiser thought he had assur
ance from the king of England
that Great Britain would riot
enter the war and it may have
been a factor in causing Ger
many to start the struggle. Of
late it has come to light that
the kaiser had also dealt very
closely with Czar Nicholas and
now the influence of the Swe
dish queen along pro-German
lines is made known. The
Greeks could do nothing for
the cause of the allies and j
democracy until they got rid of
How will the warriors and
peoples of the allied countries
(fWHE Portland Telegram ;ieel toward their useless but
views with alarm the pos- j often menacing royalty when
sibility that a Pendleton j the smoke of battle lifts and
man. Will Moore, may become j peace comes to the world once
collector of customs at Port-1 more?
HE offense committed by
Germany in Argentina is
aggravated by the fact
that at the very moment of its
perfidity the government at
Berlin was asuring the govern
ment at Buenos Ayres of
friendship and good behavior.
Argentina has suffered from
the lawlessness of the German
submarines. Its protests had
been unheeded until it threat
ened war. To this the response
was a grudging apology for the
wrongs done and a dubious pro
mise not only of reparation but
that there should be no further
cause of complaint. While
this negotiation was in prog
ress the German representative
in Argentina was using the in
violate Swedish diplomatic
mail-pouches to notify Berlin of
the sailings and destinations of
Argentine ships and to recom
mend that they be sunk "with
out leaving any traces."
Such bad faith in the inter
est of the master outlaws of
Potsdam is well matched by
the apparent treachery of Swe
den. When the legation of that
&k 7' 7
The difficulties over the atitude of
Mayor Thompson of Chicago regard
ing the war came to an Issue when
he directed the police to permit the
people's council to hold a meeting in
Chicago. Governor Lowden sent
( Gov r o tnwnrM
troops to the city to prevent the
meeting. Hut a conflict was averted
becauso the meeting had met and
adjourned. Now there are threats of
action against the mayor, who replied
that the governor was "not running
man success has been scored
against weak peoples. As the
country in Argentina transmit-'Prussian propaganda has
ted the German agent's mes- broken down in every great
sages betraying the country to nation except Russia, so the
which it was accredited, it ad-1 Kaiser's military machine has
ded to nersonal. official and i been halted wherever, outside
national dishonor an act gross-1 that distracted country, it has
ly in violation of neutrality and i mei me iorces or a iirsiciass
amounting to war itself. power. Belgium, Serbia and
Germany is already sur- :Roumania have been overun,
rounded by a wall of steel rep-'but France, Great Britain and
resenting civilization's deter-; Italy have stood every test ap-
mination to nd the world of a plied to them. lime will re
system without conscience or veal the United States also as
scruple, and new infamies will invincible in arms as it was in
only contirm the determma- "is comoai wun iaisenuou aim
tion of that, system's foes. The conspiracy. New York
case of Sweden, however, pre- World.
sents an old problem in a new! .--.-. ---
aspect. Argentina's rights and ' The inmates at the county
interests having been directly hospital are not the only peo-
assailed, it is for that nation to pie these days who complain
determine its own course; but of food scarcity; it is pretty
aside from any action it may nearly a world wide epidemic
take, the countries at war with and there are some people who
Germany cannot ignore the get no butter at all.
evidence now at hand of Swe- j . . . . . --
den's secret relations with ; News from Petrograd makes
Germany. There must be a it appear that the Korniloff re
break between Stockholm and volt was but a flash in the pan.
Berlin or the pretense of Swe-
dish neutrality must come to a 1 The appeal for a little aid
sudden end. for the Pendleton boys in the
In diplomatic intrigue, as in Idaho guard is a worthy one;
war for three long years, it. is they are proud of Pendleton
noteworthy that nearly all Ger- and Pendleton should never
forget them, even if they are
under the standard of another
28 Years Ago Today
(From the Dally East Oregonlan,
September 14, 18SS.1
Louis Rleth has sold to J. B. Kay
his residence property or Lewis
street, consideration $2000. clear,
Born, to the
on Thursday, a
wife of A.
Rieth brothers have sold a mixed
band of 800 sheep, now ranging in
Wullowa county, to Heed & Weston
for $1.80 per head.
Mrs. A. M. Rnley and daughter.
Mins Cozzie, left today on a visit to
their sister, Mrs. Carden, of Athena
Amos Kugel, a brother of W. C.
Kugel. arrived yesterday from Storm
Lake, Iowa, and will remain perma
nently. Hay has dropped to $5 and $6 per
ton In Wallowa valley.
A pony belonging to Miss Flora
Waugh was Impaled on a fence rail
near Pilot Rock recently and died
Friday from the effects of the acci
Last night about 3:15 o'clock some
ask for
Llltle sister Is Junt as pleased with
her SNOW FLAKES as she looks.
Children thrive on SNOW FLAKES
because they ore perfectly baked
from the bent materials.
Sold in 3 sizes of Packages,
and in bulk.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.
Portland, Oregon.
"Alexanders" The Peoples Warehouse
Dean Tatom Co. Lynde Bros.
sneak thief or thieves broke one of
the large plate glass windows of
Fred Temple's saloon and stole some
to bottles of the choicest liquor.
A normal teachers' meeting was in
progress at the school house today.
Many an exempted man shoulj
boost for woman suffrage on the the.
ory: She kept me out of war!
The press of Germany seems to b
developing nowtlmes largely Into a
Succcstlons f.i.r co.'U BM-per this hot wenthr
Ate you rurkins you.- br ti ibr a nt;w conibinntiou of
coM thinsi iVr rujx-r.' Kcrj i. a menu thul's conlinK,
r. j:ri:io!.-: oril incT.K.-.'Jvc: t r.nrel: Hcrri ii:. Cottage
Ci:tuc, ilyj l-.;caj :uid & nice c'lU bottle cf Bcvo.
u : . : '. r i.'.:'.:.'.; v.u i-vt:;- tuitcJ. Choicest
Ho;:! sivs ji!r.t a touch cf biltcr to Z3evo tlmt is both
appctirin ;uu! ra'tsfyint; ov.d v.-hich mn'xes it n
ulterior tc.b!e bcveinc s wcil as a p!cc&inf; drink nt
Tcvo r'.ie s'l-rear-'rotin J soft drink.
Sod in T'nti'fm o.n!v W .S.f."ajrr;u.Vr.y by
AN'jciiTr.ocsca Or. Lov:s
- ;v.v .-
t j
From the Farms of Umatilla County
to Your Table
Thats the Short History of "Pemeco Meats1
When you buy the Pendleton Meat Go's. Meats, you do not buy meats where
the animals have been driven for miles or enclosed in cattle cars over a long stretch
of railroad. These are unnatural conditions, and are sure to detract from the
quality of the meat.
The Meat You Get From the Shops That Handle "Pemeco"
Brand was Reared and Fattened on the Farms of Umatilla County.
Just a few hours from the farm to your table. The, shops that retail "Pemeco
Products" are among the best in eastern Oregon Cool, clean and sanitary. When
you order "Pemeco" meats from any of these shops you are assured of meats that
are wholesome, nutritious and possess flavor that savors of the grain fields and
sweet pastures.
The Centr
108 East Alta Street
Robs E. Carney, Pres.
Telephone 455
J. H. Loeding, Sec.-Treas.
Pendleton CashMarket
303 East Court Street Telephone 101
L. B. Ramsdeli, Pres. H. P. Whitman, Mgr.
Harvey McPherson, V-Pres., Mrs. Nellie Horton, S.-Treas.
Hams, Bacon, Lard, Steaks, Chops. Cutlets, Sausage, Hamburger, Fish, Poultry, Etc.