PAGE FIW EIGHT PAGES iiiiiiiiismmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'-X DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1917. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S SID) El SID V CASH PRICES BUY YOUR BLUE STONE FROM CON ROY, PER POUND 14 Watermelons, New Stock, per pound lVtt Peaches, crate 0 Onions, 10 pounds for 25 Oranges, per dozen 25 Bulk Olives, pint 25 Bulk Sweet Pickles, pint 25 Bulk Sour Pickles, quart 25? Karo Corn Syrup, half gallon dark 45, crystal white 50 ; gallon dark 80 ; crya. white 85 Louisiana Molasses, gallon Sl.OO Corn and Peas, can - l5 Shrimp, 2 cans 25 Carnation Milk, 2 cans 25 Raisins, 2 packages 25 Church's Grape Juice.... pints 20, quarts 40 IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S Columbia ( Grafonolas You can own one of these splendid machines, they are i Sold On Term to Suit the Purchaser A BIG STOCK OF fa NEW RECORDS Come in and select the late hits. II Economy Drug Co. 1 Hotel St. George Building F Day Telephone 711 Night Telephone 718 -miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiiiiiHtiiiiiimiiirnttin 7illlltUllll!llllllinillllllHIIIHIIIIIIIl tlllllllllUIIHlllllllinilMIUIIUtlllllllllll- GAYNELL BALDWIN Violin Instructor 709 Thompson Street 1'none j-vy QUALITY DENTISTRY Dr. F. L DENTIST. Rooms 3 and 4, Belts Bldg. Telephone 623. illllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIUi' ( NOTICE! I 1DO I I YOU I I KNOW I That you can get your cabinet work done cheap- I er and better at Pendeton Woodworking Co., than you can some other place? Get our prices before 5 you have your work done. I We guarantee our work. 5 PENDLETON WOOD- I WORKING CO. Oscar Warnstrom, Prop. 617 West Webb St. Telephone 72. Grrmui Destroyer lilt. LONlON, Sept. 14. A larse Ger man destroyer was directly hit In a Zeebrugffe raid, the admiralty an nounce! prltlsh naval aircraft at tempted to bomb Bruges, but because of thick clouds the attackers' plans m-ere chunked and the aviators bomb ed zeebruKKo. It takos no archcoloRlst those days to dig up a sinister German IntrlKUe. Amow Collars a for 35 3 for 5C? CTtTrTrFAnorrrsooiNCMAKiiw TITB STOOPIN'O STT IKXT 18 1IANDIC!AP Pl'. ISOTII 1'IIYSI TAI.T.Y A. I) WENT A1J,Y. ThlB is true because the child with round shoulders Is having its kto w t h retarded through laclc of breathing capacity, and when the physical well being of a child Is in terrupted mental de velopment will also be retarded. The condi tions which cause stooping are also ag gravated by the Indoor life of the schoolroom. Shoulder nracm are Invaluablo to the child If your chil dren show the slightest tendency to stoop, equip them with shoul. der braces selected from our stock. We hare all of the beat and latest kinds. Prices 60c and Upward TTiompsons Drug Store Phone 620 Prompt Deliveries. LOCALS & Advertising Ii Bi iet RATBH. Per line first innertlon 10c J'er Hue. additional Uutertloo 5c ler line, per month $1.00 No locals taken for less than 2bt fount 6 ordinary words to line. Locals will not be taken over the telephone except from Bust Oregon Ian psid-op subscriber. Furnished apt.. Hamilton Court. C-20tf Wanted Good, clean rags, at The. Bast Oregonlan office. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 56 3M. 1403 W. Railroad street Furnished housekeeping rooms. 601 Clay. 1-Utt Go to the Uee Hive for your low priced millinery. - Good empty oak barrels for sale. Inquire this office. 8-6 tf Wanted Dish washer at the Palm for week of Kound-Up. 8-2 For sale Chevrolet ear In first class condition. Call 259M. -20 For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. (14 Cosbie. '21 Wanted Woman to do housework on ranch. Phone 223J. 9-14H For rent Furnished three room house. Inquire 824 Cedar street. 9-li Piano for sale; good as new, price reasonable. Inquire this office. -13tf Sandwiches, coffee and soft drinks at The Office Cigar Store. 711 Main street. -22tf Wanted Scrap Iron, brass and aluminum. Highest prices guaran teed. Blewett Harvester Co. Do you know that Bates A FMedley "Sell, rent or Insure Anything?" 1 Main street. Phone 604. We make up your combings Into switches or puffs at Pendleton Hair dressing Parlors. f-f For sale Harley-Davldson motor cycle. Inquire Independent Garage. s-17 Wanted Two or three room apart ment dose In. Phone 633. Inde pendent Garage. 9-8tf Rooming bouse for sal. Main ttreet. In center of business district. Doing good business. Inqulrs of Fti land Bros. Wanted Someone to stack straw. Will pay $1 26 per ton. See J. E. Bean at the HentU y Graham Ins. Co. 9-10 Lucile Christensen. retailer for Franco American Hygienic toilet re quisites. Phone 366J. 9-2 For sale cheap Bulck roadster, if taken at once. Apply 613 College street. Wanted Used auto. Will head of horses. Inquire "C' flee. 9-18 trade 8 this of- -17 house- Wanted Girl for general work. Mrs. E. L. Smith Phone 68. 9-5tf Wanted Waitress for Hotel Stan field. Address F. B Stuart, StanfielJ. Oregon. 8-Sltf For sale 200 acres good grain ranch Price, 10000. Unincumbered. By owner. Elmer SmIUi. R. F. D. Mldvale, Idaho 9-22' For sale New and eecond hand Sewing Machine. Singer, White. New Home and The Free Machine. McCHntock Simpson, 400 E- Court. Call Peoland Bros, van to move your household goods. Telephone 319. Also baggage transferrin! and heavy hauling. For Rent Sewing machine of all make 91.09 per week, 33.00 per month. McCllntock A Simpson. 400 E. Court. For rent Bight room house fur nished. Will lease to responsible party for six months or longer. 1 hone 3S6R. 9-Iltf Physician wanted at Weston. Ore. Fine office and equipment If desired. Inquire of Watts and Rogers. No competition 9-lHf For sale- Good paying restaurant cn Main street Bargain if taken at once Apply American Restaurant. South Main. 9-15' For sale Modern 8-room house and grxage (In Pendleton). Address Scott Batler, 1113 W. Indiana Ave., tspokune- -tf Notice) The Sloan Bonnet Shop la now located at 110 E. Court street. rear of First National Bank, corner Main and court streets, where all lat est styles are on display. 9-21 Ageatai Wanted For our non-irrigated, low priced trees. Unequalei proposition for right man. For full particular address Pacific Nursery Company, 122 12 Grand Ave.. Port land, Oregon. We are looking for agents Men or women. Have desirable territory open; the best stock grown; an at tract. ve contract. Write today. Al bany Nurseries, 1st National Bank Bldg.. Albany, Oregon. 9 23 For sale 24 room hotel In prosper ous new town. R. R terminal. Ho: and cold water. Everything new and In first class shape. For particulars Inquire P. U. Clay, Bowman Hotel Sert. 17 to 23. 9-21 iti en Pol latch, where crop fail ures are rnknowr. TVtween foo and aires as. lor cultivnt!-m seven mile from Peck, I aho, a It. R town. )eod improvements and abund ance of water and wood for mel. Cron can be raised every year en AKL of tae km, trammel f illow with corn benns. This sarin cnuU be rut op and snake three or tour good farms. Several half eect'one near LewlMon. well Improved, Sfl to $100 per sere. Fetton and Day. lwion. Idaho. I-2-Dtf Notice). I wish to announce to the public that I have returned and resumed practice at Room S. Schmidt Bldg. Pes'ilrton. DR i.YNN K. PI.AKFS1.EE. 10-5 Wanted at (meet. Iidy waitress at Hong Kong Cafe 9-17 IP, - mmvnmi Cosy Today. Joseph Glrard, famous screen vil lain, plays the most deeply dyed ras cal of his long career In the Butter fly picture, ''The Lair of the Wolf.'' at the Cosy theater today. "WKATIf OF I-rtVET KTAK NAMK8 GOWNS Virginia Pearson Has (Tirixtcnlnir Party Rvery Time tilie Adds to Her Wardrobe; Pastime Today. Virginia Pearson's gowns, which which she has never gone to the trou ble of counting, have been a great source of trouble as well as delight to her. The trouble has been great eat when the drift of events causes a change of maid. The famous William Fox star, now appearing in "Wrath of Ive." never knew how essential experience Is In a maid until she tried to get a new one to bring her a certain gown. Now that Miss Pearson's present maid has been with her for some time she Is personally acquainted with every one of the Innumerable gowns in tho star's wardrobe. Jack lli krord and IjouIhc llitrr In "What Money Can t Buy'' end G,od Vaudeville at Alta Friday mil Sat urday. Jack PIckford plays the part of Dick Hale and Ixiulse Huff that of Princess Irenla In R splendid story of love, romance and adventure, thnt reaches from New York to Martzla'' and from the running of a transconti nental railroad to the courtship of a princess with all the wrath of an an gry king to make good eorrcdv. The vaudeville Is of the hit-host HEAD CONSUL VISITS WOODMAN CAMP; LARGE CLASS IS INITIATED Pendleton Camp, Woodmen of the World last evening received an offi cial visit from I. I. Eoak, head con sul of the order, the first he has paid hero in threo years. His visit was ade the occasion of the Initiation of a cli'.ss of 33 candidates and there was larire attendance out. So pleased was tho head consul with the showing madi' In securing new members dur- ng the vacation season that he au thorized District Manager John Hoyt to continue his campaign here for an other two weeks. Head Consul Boak brought a mes sage of patriotism to the local camp. He declared it was the duty of the members of the order at home to bear the burden of maintaining members who have gone to the front. The or der Is already committed to this poli cy. An another evidence of the patri otism of the order, he cited the fact that the Woodmen of the World was the first order to subscribe to the lib erty Ixan Fund. The order now has a surplus of SR. 500.000, he said and constantly grow ing so that more than ever It deserves Its title of "Giant of the West." RANGE FEED NEAR BAKER PLAYED OUT Eagle Valley Flocks Brought to Pasture on Cut Hay Fields. BAKER, Sept. 14. Cattlemen in the Eagle valley district have already begun to bring their stock down from the ranges and are pasturing them on the cut hay fields. So long was the drouth that the ranges have giv en out early. Hope Is felt by some that a heavy rain that fell generally all over the county last night will revive tho parched grass, hut it Is generally be lieved that tho benefit will be negll ble The rainfall of last night was 29 of an Inch, whii h It is thought has put an efefctual stop to all forest fires. For sale. LArge wheat farms eastern Wash ington. In Adams and Franklin counties. Price S20 to SS6 Per acre. One crop pays for land. Large sheep ranges, and one large improved and equipped sheep ranch. Write or call for list. Inland Land Co.. Connell, Wash - Notice to the Public Having bought the interests of my former partner, Mr. Hale, I wish to announce that I wil Icontinue the business at the old stand where the business will be conducted as before. L J. McATKB. sw Notice of Ml f.r snrtnk.'or street Sweeper. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the City Re corder's office In Pendleton. Oregon, up to .September 19th.- 1917, at 6 o'clock p. m . for furnishing to the City of Pendleton. F. O. F.. Pendle ton. Oregon, one standard size Sprink. ler Street Sweeper, or standard make. The Common Counctl reserves the right to reject any and a l bids at Its pleasure. IVited at Pend eton. Oregon, this September 7th. A. I 1917. THO-4. FITZ OBUAI.D. Recorder of the City of Pendleton Kstrny NbtJce. There came to my place at River side Tuesday. 1 cream colored pony, branded J. P. rlsht shoulder; one bay gelding branded 4 right shoulder, white left hind leg. one hay geldlne. same brand, wire cut left foot Both bay horses shod. Owner can have same by proving property and paying costa DR. r. W. LASSEN. 9-15 Xotlrai Ths TTnworth l-caitua will hold a horns cooksd food sal at nrny Pro Orocsry stor Saturday mornins. Serf 15. 1917. -5 nonseholrt Inrnltnrr- for Sale. Library taMc. porch swine, roolccri anlt:iry couch, bedroom sets Inonlrrt 41! Garfield street. 9-14-tf class. The Lazwell sisters do a black face turn entitled ''Their Own Idea of the Gold Dust Twins" and C.illlns and Lee Introduce some closey singing and novelty dancing. Hart Kconomical With six Shooter In New Triangle Play "Wolf Jjowry." oomlng to pastime Sunday and Monday. William B. Hart la to be seen not as a gambler, a bad man, a gun flghcer or a killer, but. In strong contrast to his previous work, In a part that Is almost Idyllic in Its big hearted, rug ged honesty and devotion His fa mous six shooters are drawn only once, and then with chivalrous Intent. Hart plays the part of a ranchman a grim, silent man who Is a sort of king of his vast domains. The story circles around the one love adventure of a solitary man's life, a love which ends in self sacrifice and relinquish ment. Hard Colds People whose blood is pure are not nearly so likely to take hard colds as are others. Mooa i Sarsaparllla makes the blood pure; and this great medicine recovers the system after a cold as no other medi cine does. Take Hood's. May WILLIAMS. HART Is the big heart ed ranchman WOLF LOWRY X ,A grim, silent man, quick on the trigger, ter rible in his wratb until he meets the girl. Then the soft ening influence begins to affect his life. A thrilling story of red blooded men and women. SUNDAY MONDAY E ' Pi LTJUEi OVKlUaAND AND WTT.I.YS KN1G1IT AVTOMOB11J0S rvndleton Trices; lAsht Four 5-ruFPeiiKcr. .$ 840 Country Club Roadster... SS5 HiK Four 5-Passengcr 1010 Liht Six 5-FassenRtT 1210 Hi Six, "-Passenger 14L0 Willys-Knight Four 7-Pas. 1575 Overland ranks first among producers of cars above the $400 class second in the entire in dustry. Resulting economies amounting- to millions of dollars, reduce tho cost of every ear enable Overland to establish and main tain hiKher Quality standards at lower price. So in the Overland you pet maximum quality at minimum price plus stability, to assure permanence of value in your in vestment. You can select th little four, the biff four, the licht six. bi six. the luxurious Willys-Knight car and be assured ou are jret tins the best value in its class. James L. Elam OVKlilND m:I.F-K Imlrnrndrnt iare. Phono S8S IT"1 The Pleague of Jealousy Grips this woman's heart and soul until the green eyed monster has taken entire possession of her. YIRGINA PEARSON Wratii of Love It is Dave Blake's leaving to do service for his coun try in the hour of her need that results in one of the most timely and entertain ing pictures of the year. Comedy HARRY WATSON IN "WHILE YOU WAIT" PASTIP Thursday Friday .'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimin 1 Friday Saturday Jack PIckford -IN I "What Money Can't Buy Love, romance and adventure play very important part sr in this one best story of these two favorite stars. H EASTERN CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE I LAZWELL SISTERS Blackface. Introducing their own idea of "The Gold Dust ; Twins." COLLINS AND LEE ' I Classy Singing and Novelty Dancing. S 1 VAUDEVILLE AFTERNOON AND EVENING. 5 lllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli'T iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiQ The Simplex Carpet The Brush is instantly detachable by simply pushing it toward the drive wheels. No levers to work or adjust ments to make. We have only a limited quantity of these splendid sweepers. Money Refunded if Not Satisfactory. Special price 35.00 HEATING STOVES $2.50 to $35.00 No matter what your par ticular desires may be, we be lieve we can suit you, both as to price and style. TRADE IN YOUR OLD STOVE We will make a liberal alolwance on your uld tove vhen traded in on something new. H Use Our Exchange Department. ! KOCH'S Furniture Store I 117 W. WEBB ST. iiwiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiii.ii:iiiiiii::iiiiiiiiniiiiiiii;;iiiiiu THURSDAY-FRIDAY E Butterfly Pictures Present DONNA DREW In I "The Lair of I ! The Wolf" I I With I I JOE GIRARD and 1 GRETHEN LEDERER A lonely house in the S pines, a wolf of a man and a retribution long over- 5 due. S COMEDY The Love SlaKer ( iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii and Louise Huff I 99 Cleaner I The simplest cleaner ever built. Only twelve work ing parts. 6 .- -n-iY ia 3 riiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin